Selling clothes at home as a type of business. How to open a stock clothing store. Where do online stores purchase goods? How to open a discount center

The stock retail segment is a very profitable and promising business direction with profitability that can sometimes reach 500-600%.

The advantage of an entrepreneur who decides to open a stock store is that any store of this type promotes a fundamental idea - saving! That is why the store must be designed very simply, without any pathos. And this is more a necessary requirement for this kind of store than an attempt to save money.

A stock store can sell whatever comes into the head of the owner of the company, as well as into the bright collective consciousness of the marketing department.

These may be out-of-season goods, goods that are already out of fashion, containing minor defects. Or it could be surplus products remaining after the release of a large series, as well as various illiquid goods.

Today, although in the largest cities this business idea has already been appreciated, on the scale of our country as a whole, this market segment remains unoccupied.

Stock stores operate successfully based on such a broad category of buyers as the “middle class”. Young families, “advanced” elderly people, and students appreciated the quality offered by stock stores at a correspondingly very low price.

Choosing the location of a stock store is not a difficult task due to the fact that no matter where it is located, in a month or two everyone will know about its location. A very favorable combination of price and quality with the possibility of choice - the best advertising of all possible. The city center is ideal, but even on the outskirts of the most “sleeping” of areas, stock trading will bring a guaranteed profit.

The approximate starting area of ​​the rented premises is 100 square meters. A desirable factor is high-quality decoration and good lighting. The wider the range of goods offered in stock, the sooner its payback will be achieved. This also requires frequent updating of the offered range of goods - it is desirable that this replacement occurs at least 4 times within a month.

Since the stock created by the markup on stock goods, which is approximately 150%, is quite large, its regulation can seriously increase the intensity of sales.

It is best to purchase goods from well-known wholesale suppliers; the first batches of goods should be as seasonal as possible and number 300-400 units. At the initial stages, before determining the preferences of buyers in a given area, it would be very nice to have a mixed assortment of products offered in stock.

The store needs to recruit a minimum number of employees, and items should be hung by name and size, which will greatly facilitate the seller’s work. Advertising can be the most primitive - a catchy, tasteful sign and flyers designed to match it, periodically distributed in crowded places.

So, in order to clearly see the size of the potential profit, as well as compare them with possible expenses, and also become familiar with all the risks of this business, you should consider this business idea using the example of a small average stock store.

The largest cost for starting a business involves purchasing or renting premises. Of course, you will have to spend a little money on registering a company or opening a private enterprise.

The purchase of direct stock goods will also result in significant costs. That’s basically all, from this moment you can start calculating your profits, or rather, calculating how quickly the money you spent will be recouped. As a rule, this happens within six months, in extreme cases a year of hard work.

So, now a little about where the raw materials for stock stores come from. In order to return working capital, stores that sell clothing sell items at prices that are an order of magnitude lower than cost. The illiquid assets that accumulate in the store inevitably lead to the freezing of current assets and lead to the extinction of the business or ruin. That is why they are trying their best to find cooperation with stocks.

But what to do when the stock store itself has illicit stock? He overstocks warehouses because no one needs him, no one wants him. And what’s most interesting is that there’s nowhere to put it. In this case, as a rule, they organize total sales of stale goods at a price that is several times less than the original price - there is no other way out.

The main rule of stock should be this: stock is based on turnover, and not on trade margins. That is, the greater the sales volume, the higher the profit; price here plays a secondary role.

So, the wisdom of running a stock business lies in focusing on the turnover of goods; it is necessary to constantly monitor demand and reduce prices for those goods that threaten to become illiquid. And there is no other way, if you are greedy and “gouge” prices, your business, if not today, will come to an end very soon.

Many people think about how to start their own business without starting capital - they are afraid to take out a loan, and their own funds are not enough even to open a small store.

The solution to this situation may be to sell clothes at home. This type of business can be started by purchasing one bag of stock or collecting just one batch of clothes for a minimum amount in the showroom. In fact, some people start to like this type of business so much that they subsequently choose it over a traditional retail store.

It is also not uncommon for store owners, tired of the worries associated with supporting this type of trade, to start selling clothes at home. According to one of these entrepreneurs, Rosa, while she was purchasing goods remotely and there were a lot of rejects in the bags, trade in the store was not going very well. Tired of such “pig in a poke”, Rosa closed the store and began selling houses:

“I arrive on the day of delivery, take 3 bags at once and in 2-3 days I sell for almost nothing, I don’t hesitate to give away the rest to everyone. The profit is obvious and there are no headaches!” - says Rose.

And who will go there?

As with traditional trade, there are two possibilities to attract buyers: with very low prices, or by offering something that no one has offered them before. The first way is a dead end: people will constantly want lower and lower prices, and in the end they may go to someone who can offer it to them. The second way is more promising: you will not only be more competitive, but you will also be able to sell your product at a higher profit.

What is meant by the phrase “Offer something that is not available anywhere else”? No, we are not talking about some exclusive clothes, although this is partly true. What you can contrast with your competitors is your experience in advising on the choice of clothing; that is, you can become an image stylist for clients. When people see that their friends admire the clothes they bought from you, they will become your regular customers and begin to recommend you to everyone they know. Therefore, if you feel that you are ready to open your own “boutique at home,” this path is just for you.

There is no need to remind you that you will have to constantly improve your professional skills - be aware of fashion trends and at least know a little about the history of fashion; monitor media devoted to clothing and fashion. Moreover, to improve the quality of work with clients, you will also have to become a little psychologist, like a personal hairdresser. But believe me, it will pay off in spades.

Remember that the best assessment of your work is when your clients’ friends ask for your phone number.

What to sell?

When selling clothes at home, you can make the same mistakes as when selling stock in a retail store. But working independently from home, you have a serious advantage: you can quickly find out the needs of each of your clients. When purchasing goods for the first time, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Make a list of your prospective clients.
  2. Find out which of them is interested in what clothes they wear, what style they prefer, etc.
  3. If possible, try to find out if they are planning to purchase any wardrobe items right now - perhaps someone wants to buy jeans, and someone else needs a coat. Remember their needs always when purchasing goods.
  4. While trade turnover is low, it is better to buy clothes in showrooms and examine almost every item with your own hands - otherwise there will be a lot of leftovers. In addition, many wholesalers have the opportunity to return unsold goods, which is very convenient when trading at home. Later, as turnover increases, it becomes more profitable to purchase in bags, although it makes sense to look through bags at the initial stage, remembering your list of needed goods. In some cases, if you successfully sell 4-5 items, you can immediately pay for the entire purchased lot.
  5. It is necessary, as in store trading, to keep track of new arrivals in showrooms and quickly get there - this is one of the key points of a successful purchase.
  6. It is better not to inflate prices, especially at the beginning of your business - after all, now you can buy almost any thing very cheaply, if it is not some kind of super-exclusive. Over time, when people understand that you don’t just sell clothes, but also provide professional advice on creating your own image, they will be willing to pay a lot more for things.
  7. Don't throw away clothing packaging! When selling an item, place it in its original package.
  8. Ideally, you need to purchase goods not focusing on specific clients, but having backup options: for example, if you know that one possible client wants a cashmere coat in size 52, and you saw such a coat in the showroom, then first think carefully about whether to take it or no, if among your other regular customers there are no ladies with this size. If the client refuses, you need to understand whether you can sell this coat to someone else. As mentioned above, this is easier when purchasing in a showroom - the product can always be returned.

Where to hang it

Despite the fact that equipment costs when trading at home are significantly lower than in a store, they still exist.

According to the stockbiz portal, it is best to equip a home showroom consisting of one or two clothing racks, two good large full-length mirrors located at an angle to each other, and a bright lamp with soft natural light. It is better to take the same lamps as those used in branded clothing stores.

It is better to make the equipment mobile - this way it can be moved when you are not trading.

All clothing must hang on hangers. Buy the required number of hangers, preferably wooden ones - they do not bend under the weight of things and look “more solid” than plastic ones. Create a certain “boutique” feel - do not show or offer people wrinkled clothes; to bring things into a salable condition, purchase a steamer. All these techniques will allow you to sell clothes at a higher price.

Don't forget to buy covers for your clothes. This will protect both your clothes and you from excess dust. It is better to store the clothes themselves in a closed closet.

Bring your money

As with any trading, there are a lot of difficulties. And a significant part of them when trading at home is associated with personal relationships with buyers - they become those with whom you were recently on friendly terms. But if people come into the store of their own free will, then when working from home, at first you will have to actively invite people to your place, and not everyone will be ready for this. And those who come will expect some special treatment.

According to the story of one of the owners of a home-based business, all her friends are trying to buy an item at a maximum discount or even on credit.

“As a result, they don’t give it away for months. And my friends are generally afraid to come to me and buy - otherwise I’ll get rich. If you want to lose a friend, then lend him money...”

And there are a lot of such situations. According to another entrepreneur -

“When selling at home, as I know, taking on debt is a regularity. And with money, as they say, we’ll buy it in the store...”

Here everyone must decide for themselves how to behave in such situations. But if you decide to start selling clothes at home, you need to be prepared for this. Anna advises:

“Apparently, it is realistic to sell to those people with whom it is possible to keep a distance. Or, as an option, to say that you yourself took the goods for sale and at your own price, out of the kindness of your heart and friendship. This, however, is for those who knows how to honestly lie))))"

Allergies have no place here

People susceptible to household allergies should not engage in clothing sales at home. At all.

Invisible dust always flies from any clothing. Most entrepreneurs who deal with clothes will confirm that after working with clothes for a long time, unpleasant sensations often arise: itchy nose, frequent sneezing. Therefore, unfortunately, for those who have allergies, especially to dust, the path to this business is closed. Because health is more important.

In order to minimize the amount of dust at home, we recommend using covers for clothes and, if possible, storing them in a separate closet.

But the source of problems in home trading is not only clothing. As Polina, one of the entrepreneurs, notes:

“You must be prepared that people will come sick and bring children with snot. And buyers who have already been and know your address can come without calling.”

Rose disagrees with her:

“No one has ever come to me without a call or warning. I think you shouldn’t be afraid of this. And snotty children don’t scare me)) sick people can walk on the playground or in the sandbox. ... In extreme cases, the father can look after the child watch while you're busy)".

IP or not IP? Is it worth registering with the tax office?

According to some, there is no point in registering: it’s a stretch, but home trading can be called the sale of personal belongings by a private person.

But this is all for the time being. But in order not to feel like a deceiver, it is still worth registering as an entrepreneur: at least in order to replenish your pension savings as an individual entrepreneur. Again, we should not forget about promises to reduce the tax burden for self-employed citizens.

Well, it’s trivial - it’s calmer.

High technologies in everyday life

The further you go, the more and more often you can see successful examples of home trading using the Internet. Having even minimal computer skills and a digital camera, you can take photographs of the clothes you sell and post them on photo hosting sites or in a group on social networks. Having a smartphone will also help you - the Yula and Instagram applications provide a lot of opportunities for doing business: photographed - posted - sold.

Those who are very familiar with the Internet can even create a separate website - if time and skills allow. Here it’s more convenient for anyone.


Selling clothes from home is a good way to try your hand at trading, gain entrepreneurial skills and, if done correctly, accumulate initial capital to open something bigger. If you are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to learn from your own experience, go for it!

"We also started with the same mix" at home". We just called all our friends, and then we went to friends of friends. ;-) As a result, after a month we collected funds for a store. We did not use the Internet for these purposes, we probably had enough friends... who are now our grateful clients in store.

Anna, entrepreneur.

How to provide yourself with a constant income from your own business without having a lot of capital to invest? Open a stock store and sell branded clothing and shoes at a discount. Even with a 70% discount on a product, your markup can be up to 200%. Stock is an opportunity to realize yourself in trading and make decent money. Moreover, you will have to invest a little in starting a business – from $4 thousand.

Stock stores differ from consignment stores and regular brand stores in that they sell new clothes at discounted prices. Products are purchased from the manufacturer, in wholesale warehouses, and unsold remains from collections are also purchased in clothing and shoe stores. Naturally, the largest suppliers of goods are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. You can also get the biggest discounts on clothes and shoes from them. Therefore, it is often cheaper to purchase goods in the capital and spend money on delivering them to your region than to look for a closer supplier.

In Russia, as in other countries of the world, stock stores are extremely popular, because you can buy fashionable and high-quality items there at 30-70% cheaper than in brand stores. But even with such discounts, the stock owner actually sets a 150-700% markup. Therefore, such a business is quite profitable.

Today, many brand stores are willing to cooperate with stockists, since due to high competition they have to increasingly update their assortment (for many stores it is unacceptable to display goods from last year’s collection, so they all go on sales and stockpiles). This benefits both stock stores and consumers. This is why the stock market is developing so actively.

Organizational aspects

In order for your stock store to bring a decent profit and not close after a few months of operation, you need to take into account the main nuances of such a business when planning and in the process of managing the store. In particular, before opening a stock, monitor the market - find out if there are similar stores in the area where you are planning to open. Pay attention to the residents of this area: it is most profitable to open a drain near campuses, in densely populated areas, in new areas of the city, preferably in residential areas than in the center (rent will be cheaper and competition will be lower). Naturally, you shouldn’t open a stock store next to a regular brand store, since competitors’ sales and seasonal discounts will negatively affect the number of your customers. Thus, you need to be especially careful when choosing the location where you set up your store.

Minimum drainage area should be at least 35 sq.m., and preferably closer to 100 sq.m. It is important that the room is bright, clean, spacious (unlike a “thrift store”, you cannot save on this). Take care of the design of the sales area and facade; it can be decorated in some interesting, unusual style - this will attract buyers. The main thing for you is that people want to come in, even just for fun, someday they will still buy something. The stores that suffer the most are not those stores where little people buy, but those where no one goes.

Don't forget to use different marketing methods for product distribution in the hall. Try to keep clothes hanging on hangers, and the most popular goods on mannequins - this way they look more presentable than when they just lie on tables and counters. Clearly separate products from different categories: sportswear, women's, men's, underwear, shoes, accessories, etc. The product range should be wide enough so that the buyer can compare several acceptable options and choose one of them. For example, if there are only one style of trousers in stock, then there are unlikely to be many people who want to buy them. Usually visitors, especially women, like to try on and compare different options - give them this opportunity.

In general, there are some basic tips regarding assortment. First of all, the basis of the assortment should consist of seasonal clothing, since most customers come to the store for specific clothes or shoes that are needed today. Few people buy things for the next season, unless something interesting comes along at a low price. In addition to seasonal clothing, the stock store should constantly stock jeans, knitwear, men's T-shirts and similar products that find buyers all year round. If you work with sports goods, then try to always have thermal underwear, socks, swimsuits/swimming trunks, pool caps and other useful little things in stock. Moreover, the price of the latter may not be stock at all.

The main thing in stock stores is frequent assortment changes. On average, a product needs to be updated 4 times a month. At the same time, customers will never get tired of your store, because there will always be something new to look at. At the same time, constant updating of the assortment does not really put a dent in your pocket, since stock goods are sold out quickly.

If speak about markups on goods, then it is better that the markup is 100-150%, and the remainder can already be sold at a lower price. Of course, you can set the markup at 30%, but this will significantly reduce the profitability of the store. By the way, there is one more nuance here, characteristic specifically for stocks: different markups are set for different products, some things can be sold at cost or even more expensive, for other products the markup can reach 700%. Calculate your profit not by one product or one day, but by the end of the month. Don’t be afraid to play with prices, reduce the cost of some goods and increase others.

Price issue

Now let's calculate the investments in opening a stock store and the income from its operation. This is the first and most important thing that needs to be considered before opening any business.

Basic costs for opening a drain:

  • rental of premises - depending on the city, can range from $500 to $5 thousand (it is no longer profitable to rent premises for a store at a higher price);
  • sometimes the cost of repairs or refurbishment of the premises is also added to the rental cost, which is individual for each store and can amount to up to $2 thousand;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - you will have to spend around $1-1.5 thousand;
  • purchase of an initial assortment of goods - $2-5 thousand. For this amount you can purchase about 300-400 copies, which is enough to open a full-fledged stock;
  • salespersons' wages can range from $150 (in the regions) to $400 (in Moscow and other large cities).

Thus, You need to invest $3.5-14 thousand to open a stock store.

But the income from a stock store can be very, very “appetizing”, since such stores are extremely popular in Russia. A stock store can bring in monthly income from $1.5 thousand to $5 thousand. Thus, investments in the opening will pay off in 3-4 months, and for the Russian Federation this is a fairly good payback period.

A stock store brings in $18-60 thousand a year.


First, decide what you want to buy in a stock store. There are a large number of sites on the Internet that offer stock and retail. If you want to buy clothes for further sale, you should pay attention to the stock clothing site Here you can buy clothes in batches and individually, which is important for small wholesalers and retailers. In addition, then you can exchange at least 50% of the purchased product for a new one, which is very profitable for the stock seller.

Go to There you will learn about the latest stock clothing arrivals from famous world brands. The range of clothes is very large. In addition to adult clothing, you can buy a variety of children's clothing, shoes, perfumes and more. You can look at photos of stock clothing and shoes and choose what suits you.

Visit a stock clothing site There you will be offered more than a thousand models, not only men's, but also a large list in bulk. In addition, this stock sells stock and confiscated items from reliable retail chains and factories. If desired, the company can obtain hygiene certificates for the goods. The prices will pleasantly surprise you, because the company works directly, without intermediaries. It is also important that the company will provide you with free delivery not only in Moscow, but also in other regions of Russia.

Browse the site, if you are interested in stock clothes straight from Europe. You will be offered high-quality equipment, children's stock, shoes and clothing from famous world brands. You can get full advice on any issue you are interested in by telephone.

Select site, if you want to buy the stock item you need through an online store. You will be asked to look through the clothing catalog and choose what you like. Without leaving your home, you can choose and buy a specific model of your choice at an attractive price.


Please clarify all conditions for purchasing the product in advance.

Helpful advice

Choose a company with good reviews.

Despite the fact that the clothing market today is quite oversaturated, this area is very attractive for beginning businessmen. By getting into clothing sales, you will get an interesting and promising business.

You will need

  • - start-up capital;
  • - market research.


Conduct detailed marketing research and draw up a plan based on it. You can do this yourself without turning to professionals. Walk along nearby streets and shopping malls, take note of those brands and groups of goods that are already presented. The purpose of your research is your own market niche and positioning. Try to choose a direction that is not in your chosen area.

Create a pleasant atmosphere in your store. Work with the lighting, turn on unobtrusive music, place a water cooler and a sofa for clients. Actively use the basic rules of merchandising. Try to combine matching items on shelves, brackets and mannequins. Next to small collections, place accessories that match your style.

Hire responsible, friendly salespeople. Arrange regular trainings and sales master classes for them. A clothing store salesperson must have good taste and be able to advise the client. The qualifications and professionalism of the sales staff can attract regular customers.

Video on the topic


Unfortunately, cases of theft in clothing stores are not uncommon. To prevent them, install a system of alarms that are attached to items and removed at the checkout.

Helpful advice

Introduce a system of personal discount cards, for which clients will fill out questionnaires. This way you will get an idea of ​​your customers and will also be able to inform them about sales and new collections.

Competition in the market clothes huge. It would seem that all the niches have been occupied for a long time. However, new stores are opening every day. In order not to go broke in this difficult business, you need not only to offer the buyer competitive prices, but also to stand out among other stores.

You will need

  • - a budget sufficient to organize your own business
  • - clear business plan
  • - branding and advertising specialist


The next step will be the transition from plans to action: finding a suitable premises, renovating it and equipping it to meet the needs of the store. Also, correctly correlate the price category of branded clothing with the size of the store itself and its future location: clothes of expensive brands at appropriate prices will be difficult to sell in a tiny store located in a residential area. For you, location will play a decisive role; it is best to find a room in a central area, close to other stores in the same price category. It is important that the store is easily accessible by car; there should be parking nearby, because your potential clients are wealthy people who most likely have their own car.

Store renovation and design, a well-designed display window is your business card. In most cases, buyers decide whether or not to enter a certain store based on the display window. At the same time, search for a clothing supplier, and do not forget that the supplier must provide you with all the necessary documents and certificates of conformity. Of course, purchasing in bulk will be cheaper than purchasing in small quantities from different suppliers.

While work on opening a store is in full swing, you need to officially register your business. To do this, you need to choose the right type of activity: individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option will be more profitable and simpler to begin with: - you can switch to a simplified taxation system;
- fewer requirements for financial reporting;
- you will not be property for your activities. But when the business starts to gain momentum, you can switch to another type of activity. There are many organizations that will not only explain everything to you in detail, but for a fee will help you prepare all the necessary documents.

The final touch before opening a store will be the search for employees, preferably with solid work experience. You will need at least one cashier, one sales consultant, and most likely an accountant. It is best to set employee salaries as a minimum fixed + percentage of sales. This way, your employees will have a vested interest in the store's success. Buyers of expensive branded clothing are people with high demands, accustomed to good service and experienced staff.

Video on the topic


Be prepared for the fact that your business will not start making real profits any time soon. Most likely, you will also invest the first profits in the further development of the store.

Helpful advice

It is worth considering a system for rewarding regular customers. After all, it is not enough to lure a client with a one-day promotion; you need to keep him. Loyal customers will serve as your main source of profit, as well as word of mouth.

“Burning Clothes” provides a good opportunity to make money. A small store of stock items of different brands can become quite a profitable business. To open such a retail outlet, $4–10 thousand is enough. The project should pay off within a year.


The stock store should be located in areas with good traffic or in a densely populated residential area. Opened in the campus area, the store can also become a . Such outlets usually offer clothing for young people, and the well-being of modern students is quite high. Do not open drains on main streets. There are a large number of branded companies selling their own leftovers. The area must be at least 50 square meters. A room with an area of ​​150 square meters would be optimal.

The equipment must ensure safety and free access to. Safety will be ensured by magnets attached to the product and control posts at the entrance. A small juice store can be fully equipped for $1 thousand. Do not forget that a stock store is, first of all, a cheap clothing store. Therefore, the equipment should indicate the minimum markup of the item.

In a store with an area of ​​50-150 square meters, as a rule, about 400 units of various stock items are presented. Such a stock of goods will cost $2-4 thousand. Women's and youth items usually account for 80 percent. The remaining 20 percent is divided between children's and men's clothing. The main product is seasonal clothing. Knitwear, jeans, and men's T-shirts are popular off-season. In addition to clothing, you can offer shoes, interior accessories, underwear, hats, etc.

One of the main conditions for success is competent pricing of stock clothing. Wholesale companies sell goods in batches. As a rule, items are offered selectively. But you must select at least one hundred units. The price for each unit is the same, although the product is unequal. You can pay 15 euros for both jeans and a summer top. By displaying the product in the store, you will redistribute the cost of the entire shipment. Some items will be sold at a markup of 800 percent, while others will be sold at cost or at a loss. The basic rule is that the sale of the entire batch must compensate for the costs and bring in income, which can be about 400 percent.

A small stock store can employ two or three people or more. For the first time, you can take on the duties of a cashier-salesperson, this will allow you to save a little on your salary. For hired employees, several payment options are possible. The salary can be fixed, salary plus bonuses or a percentage of sales. There is also usually a discount for purchasing goods in the store.

You can make a lot of money on inexpensive goods, as a business like a stock clothing store proves this. The initial investment for opening a stock store is not too large, since things are cheap and bought by weight. Decorating a retail space also does not require serious investments.


As a rule, stock stores are divided into two types: huge (about 1000 square meters) or small (about 60 square meters), medium-sized ones are much less common. The store premises should be located in a place convenient for visitors. If the drainage is large, parking should be provided; a store with a small area should be located in areas with high traffic.

Decorate your stock clothing store in an extremely democratic style. Follow two basic rules - customer convenience and the internal cleanliness of the store; you can save on other things.

To open a clothing store you will need approximately from 400 thousand rubles to 3 million rubles, the initial costs depend on the area of ​​the store. It will take approximately 200 thousand rubles to buy things for a store with an area of ​​about 50 square meters.

The goods of stock stores are clothes that, for various reasons, are not in demand in brand stores. This could be last year's collection, or the remnants of a new one, or maybe even a model altogether. To sell such outdated clothes, the most common marketing method is most suitable - low prices. A stock clothing store, first of all, makes money on the number of sales, and not on the markup on the product. Although sometimes some stock owners manage to set a high markup of several hundred percent on some goods, this is very rare.

Update your stock store assortment as often as possible. Remember the two magic words for a stock clothing store - "new" and "discount". They attract buyers very strongly.

Even Hollywood stars sometimes shop at stocks. After all, in such stores you can find designer items from past collections at ridiculous prices. However, regular stock, designed for mass buyers, can bring in good income.


Find a suitable premises. It may not be located in the most accessible place, but within the accessibility of public transport. First of all, you must ensure that the rental cost is minimal, since your main competitive advantage is low prices.

Pay minimal attention to the decor of the room. In a stock store, the emphasis should be on the products themselves. At the same time, an interesting atmosphere can be created, even if there is only plaster on the walls. Use mirrors, bright posters and think through lighting solutions.

Find several ways to build your store's assortment. First of all, choose large ones that sell stock. Such companies will be able to provide you with stable quantities of goods and offer the lowest possible prices. In addition, you can pick up remnants of last season's collections at local mono-brand stores.

Make the most of your store space. Since you are focusing on sales volume, the maximum amount of product should be present in the sales area. At the same time, hang things that match each other nearby. With a low price, the buyer will probably want to buy them together.


Be attentive to the quality and appearance of the product. As a rule, items that end up in stock have withstood a lot of fittings, so they may have certain defects.

The clothing trade attracts many budding entrepreneurs with its apparent simplicity. Indeed, this business is not the hardest. However, there are also many difficulties in it. First of all, there is a lot of competition, especially in large cities, as well as a strong dependence on fashion.


If you are going to organize the sale of clothing, then experience as a salesperson or manager in a store will play into your hands. After all, you already know the work of the store from the inside and imagine the requests of customers. If you don’t have such experience, then analyze the work of several stores, at least from the buyer’s point of view, take note of convenient stores, interior features, etc.

There are quite a few niches in the clothing trade, but try to choose one rather than spread yourself thin. For a small store, the narrower the focus and fewer competitors, the better. When drawing up a store concept, think over the name; it should be memorable, stylish and consistent.

Once you decide on the direction of trade, find suppliers of goods and quality goods that meet the requirements of your concept. Suppliers can be found at fairs, exhibitions, and on the Internet. If you are interested in a specific product, find its manufacturers on the Internet and contact the supplier. Select several similar companies, study the terms of work with each, and then enter into contracts with 2-3 of them.

As for the retail space, it is better to rent a premises that will be located in a shopping center or separately on the so-called “shopping street”, where there are already shoes next door. Having chosen a room, decide on the interior. If finances allow, then it is better to contact a designer to make the store cozy and interesting.

Engage in personnel selection. If you are planning to open a large sales department, then there should be two salespeople in the hall working in shifts, which means the staff should consist of four people. An administrator will also be required, but at first his duties can be performed by one of the shift sellers. To motivate store employees to do good work, their salary should consist of a salary and a bonus, calculated based on the volume of revenue.

The easiest way to start your own clothing retail business is to open a franchise outlet. Using the experience of your already successful colleagues in your work, you can better learn all the nuances of this market and prepare to then open a business that is already “one hundred percent” independent.

You will need

  • -an agreement with one of the retail companies selling clothing on cooperation in the form of franchising;
  • - a room for equipment in it for a retail clothing sales point;
  • - sales staff and accountant on staff.


Choose the brand you want to use for your clothing store - there are a lot of potential franchisors in the fashion clothing industry, so you need to choose the most suitable option for yourself. It’s not just a matter of taste preferences, but also the conditions under which manufacturing companies or clothing suppliers offer a franchise. The difference primarily lies in the price you will have to pay for the right to use one or another brand - some franchisors may ask for more than you can generally invest in opening a store, others are interested in “promotion” and set the minimum price.

Send an application to the company you are interested in with an offer to buy from it the right to use its trademark in its activities. Find out the terms of cooperation again in all details and conclude an agreement. Your further steps aimed at organizing a clothing sales point will be determined by the extent to which the franchisor company considers it necessary to regulate your activities.

Find the premises in which to locate your store, following the instructions of the franchisor or having previously agreed with him on the location of the future store. Most likely, the franchisor will provide a full set of retail equipment, as well as all the necessary elements for designing a point of sale for your use. If you rent space in a shopping center, then the number of organizational issues will generally be significantly reduced - it will only be enough to come to an agreement with the administration of this center, without having anything to do with the inspection authorities.

Find sales consultants who will serve customers at your outlet. In any case, the selection of personnel will remain on your conscience; the senior partner can only help you with their training (some chain stores have a system of specialized training). You will most likely act as the store administrator yourself (otherwise it will be difficult to obtain the necessary experience), but it is better to hire an accountant from among the professionals - it will be too risky to take on solving his problems yourself.


  • How to open a clothing store
  • business selling clothes

For anyone who has decided to engage in retail trade in men's and women's clothing, there will definitely be a place in the market - this market is divided into many segments, many of which are practically “rubber”, that is, allowing more and more new players to create successful trading enterprises.

First, you need to decide how your store will operate. The two most common options are an independent multi-brand point of sale and a store opened on a franchise basis, that is, using the experience and reputation of an already established chain. The second is much simpler and is especially well suited for a novice entrepreneur; in this case, the franchisor company will do a lot for you, in return receiving a portion of the income and your agreement to adhere to its rules and standards in work.

From a strategic point of view, one of the most important steps before opening a store is choosing a location in which it will be located. Finding a suitable place with good traffic and renting a room that suits your goals is what you will need to do first. A currently popular solution to this problem is an agreement with the administration of one of the shopping or shopping and entertainment centers, which allows you to get rid of many of the problems that licensing organizations usually cause the owner of a separate store.

If you open according to the franchising system, your senior partner will most likely take over its design, since compliance with the corporate style is a mandatory requirement of almost all franchising companies. The same applies to commercial equipment, which will most likely be placed at your disposal. If you decide to open an independent multi-brand store, you will have to decide on design and design issues, so in this case you will not be able to do without a professional designer.

Finally, sales personnel serving store visitors are of great importance in the retail sale of clothing. There is no shortage of sales consultants with experience in the job market, however, finding the kind of salesperson you want will likely be very difficult. Therefore, if you really care about the reputation of your future store, do not just hire people who once sold clothes somewhere, but organize training for them and personally make sure that they are sufficiently qualified to work for you.


  • How to open a clothing store

The clothing market today is not only divided between large retailers, but also oversaturated with many small retail outlets. However, its potential is still great. Clear positioning, development of a regular clientele, excellent assortment: if a number of conditions are met, even a small store will generate good income.

Based on the work done, try to choose the least developed direction. Clear positioning will help you formulate your own development strategy and stand out from your competitors. Do not try to reach as many potential clients as possible: it is much better if a narrow but stable circle of buyers constantly comes to you.

Choose a room for work. The more successful the location, the less money you will spend on its promotion. This could be a small boutique in a shopping center, or a separate room on a busy street.

Develop a memorable store design. A bright style can be created with the help of thoughtful lighting solutions, the right color combinations and interesting accessories. Try to make the atmosphere in the store cozy. Ottomans, mirrors, drinks, fashion magazines, toys for customers’ children: there are many ways to make a customer’s stay in a store as comfortable as possible.


To successfully open a children's second-hand store and not go broke, you need to learn a few recommendations and not be lazy, because any successful business requires complete dedication. First, you must decide on suppliers and the availability of good goods. With the development of Internet technologies, this will be very simple, but it will take some time.

Search the Internet for second-hand clothing suppliers and start comparing price lists. After a short analysis, call and clarify the information. Then go to the wholesale center to evaluate the quality of the product. Although many act differently. Considering the fact that you can end up with unscrupulous suppliers and get only 50% of the contents in good condition out of 100%, novice owners of mini-shops independently go to second-hand stores, where clothes are sold by weight. There they select high-quality goods in perfect condition, wash, iron them and after that independently evaluate them. There is also a win-win option to establish contacts with England, Germany and Scotland.

After that, place a bright sign, hand out leaflets and wait for the first grateful customers who will spread the news about the new children's second-hand store in a few hours, through everyone's favorite word of mouth.

The question of how to open a clothing store arises for many entrepreneurs. Firstly, high-quality, branded items are sold at discounted prices. Secondly, the format of a “discount” establishment does not require any complex finishing and design work or special layout of things. Thirdly, the store can and even should be located in a residential area, away from the center and fashion boutiques.

The advantages of creating such a project can be many, but only professional development of business processes, in particular, interactions with suppliers and development of assortment policy, will help a startuper organize a profitable business.

How to open a stock clothing store: interaction with suppliers

There are three formats for interaction with suppliers.

  • Firstly, you can purchase large wholesale quantities of discount clothing. It won't cost much. However, such volumes can be afforded by mature companies with large retail spaces.
  • Secondly, the purchase of lots or MIXes. Such orders can include a wide variety of clothes, for any season, from last year’s or older collections, slow-moving sizes, etc.
  • Thirdly, the purchase of small wholesale quantities of items of the businessman’s choice: independent selection of assortment, assessment of the pre-sale condition of each item, checking tags, etc.

How to open a stock store: assortment policy

Discount or stock clothing is made by reputable manufacturers, has brand-appropriate tags, is of high quality and is popular in the market. Due to the fact that the models were released in previous seasons, have a small defect or a slow-selling size, the cost of the stock assortment is reduced.

To ensure that goods do not linger on shelves, you should select the most popular models during the off-season. If there are leftovers, you should reduce the price and prevent storage: the appearance of things is lost, and the retail space is spent irrationally.

The most popular models should be posted in a prominent place. Children's products are extremely rare among the stock assortment. But discount clothing for children allows you to increase the flow of customers by 10-15%.

How to open a discount store and avoid common mistakes

An error in the process of operating a discount store can be considered a discrepancy between the format of the sales floor and this type of trade. The main category of consumers are people of average income. If a startup creates the semblance of a prestigious boutique with bright windows, mannequins and a whole team of sales consultants, then the buyer may feel awkward.

And further. Items that have not been sold for a long time become stale: there may be an unpleasant smell in the room, some models look unmarketable. It is necessary to ensure the responsible storage of residues, and also enter into an agreement with the atelier and dry cleaners to carry out work on the care of clothes.

These are just the main points that may arise in the process of stock trading. In addition, an entrepreneur may encounter seasonal fluctuations in demand, theft, or sales of popular goods by store employees “outsourced.” All these problems must be resolved as quickly and competently as possible, since the competitive environment does not tolerate delays.

The Business Youth project team gives newcomers the knowledge of how to organize productive work in a competitive environment.