Earning money with SendSey using Skype. How to make money on Skype? Only proven methods How much money is needed at the start and what costs are ahead

Almost all Internet users communicate via Skype, and some have many people added to their contacts.

If you have added a lot of contacts, you can make good money on this, using a special program from SendSey. It will automatically send out advertisements and bring you profit.

Do you have Skype? Make money on it!

The program is designed in such a way that messages are sent to all contacts on your behalf every hour. SendSey receives positive reviews, so we decided to tell readers about it.

And so that you can start earning passively today, see the detailed instructions:

  1. Complete the usual registration on the site by filling out several fields:

  1. Log in to your personal account and download a special program:

  1. Install and run the utility, and then turn on Skype. A notification about granting access will appear there, you need to allow it:

  1. The program immediately starts working, and you can open its window (minimizes to tray) to monitor how much money has already been earned:

  1. When the amount in your account exceeds 10 rubles, order a payment via Perfect Money or Payeer:

  1. Money comes to your wallet instantly:

How much this program will bring you depends only on the number of added contacts in your Skype. The more there are, the better. Also, the activity of sending messages depends on the number of advertisers. Over the past few days, I have already ordered payments several times:

The income is not big, but there are not many contacts on my Skype either. There is one clever way to increase income. You can add many users, then many more messages will be sent. Do this using the Takefriend.ru service, there are many people who want to make contacts:

Recruit the maximum number of contacts and immediately notice how your income from the SendSey program has increased.

SendSey Affiliate Program

For each message sent, they pay only 8 kopecks, so it is better to use an affiliate program and invite as many referrals as possible. You will also receive profit from their mailings. Now attention! The affiliate program supports 10 referral levels:

This table shows the rewards from each referral message. If you invite just a few active referrals, your income will quickly increase. And when you have a developed network at all 10 levels, passive income will become even greater.

At the same time, you can invite people to the system by any means, even through social networks.

Earning money on SendSey is not only a great opportunity to receive money automatically, but also an ideal service for collecting referrals. Start using it today, don’t miss such a profitable opportunity.

How to make money on Skype? A question that many people have been asking lately. Two types of earnings: earnings from consultations and using the sendsey program

Hello, dear readers, friends of the blog site.

Skype is a program used by millions of people. What could be better than free calls all over the world? But not everyone knows that in addition to communication, you can still earn good money here. How to make money on Skype?- a question that many users of the program have been asking themselves lately. And for good reason! Indeed, the program gives us a good chance to earn a little extra money.

So, in what ways can you make money on skype?

  1. Conduct paid consultations.
  2. Download a special program that will earn you money by sending advertising messages to your contacts.

Let's first learn about paid consultations in detail.

Earn money on Skype using online consultations

As you understand, consultations can be carried out in different ways: on studies, SEO, and the like. Choose a niche in which you specialize best. If you plan to seriously engage in this kind of income, then I advise:

  • Work on your speech so that the consultations seem to be at a higher level.
  • Buy yourself a high-quality microphone (camera) to get rid of noise and unclear footage.
  • Set your prices for consultations at low prices at first.
  • Consult initially with prepayment. To accept payments, I recommend using wallets or .

I also want to talk about Skype Prime. For those who haven’t heard of this service, I’ll say that with its help you can create a service that will pay you for your knowledge.

Before writing this article, I studied this service in detail. The project is good, but not for us. What are the problems?

  1. To start using the service, you need to have a system wallet. It is not suitable for Russian citizens. It is impossible to withdraw money from there. The maximum you can afford is to pay for your purchase online.
  2. There is no Russian language. You can provide online consultations only in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Japanese.

I decided for myself that I would not use the service. Do you think differently? Download the latest version Skype with Prime and start using it right now. Having problems registering? Subscribe in the comments, I will be glad to help.

Earning money on Skype using the program " Sendsey»

So the question is? How to make money with this program. The answer is quite simple. The program will send advertising mailings to all your contacts. The more contacts you have, the more you will earn. The cost of one message is: $0.0014

Sendsey - how to use?

See the steps to get passive income:

Step 1. Registration.

Step 2. Install the program on your computer.

Step 3. Connect the program to your Skype account.

After installing the program, run it. An authorization window will appear in front of you:

Log in, then go to your personal Skype account and click the “Give access” button. See the example on the screenshot:

All. The program is installed. Congratulations!

This, of course, infuriates some people. In the program settings, you can exclude your closest people from the mailing list. But! I repeat: the program’s earnings depend on the number of contacts (1 message = $0.0014).

How to increase your earnings with the Sendsey program?

Friends, there is one cunning way (more precisely, a project) that makes it possible to increase the number of Skype contacts significantly. The name of the project is “TakeFriend.ru”. Even without registering, select “Skype” in the upper (left) corner and click “Add as friend” opposite the user. Then go to Skype and send your request.

View in pictures

I will add on my own behalf that I have not used the program. I don't like spam in my contacts. But! If you create a new account (only to earn money), then this method may well be suitable.

So let's get back to the Sendsey program...

Withdrawing money

As for payments, everything is simple here. The service works with two payment systems: and Payeer. Minimum withdrawal is only $1. You can earn this amount in a day, or even faster.

affiliate program

If you have your own website (blog) or any other advertising platforms, then, of course, you can use the affiliate program. Moreover, here it has 10 levels.

See table:

Level 1 0.00016$
Level 2 0.00016$
Level 3 0.00016$
Level 4 0.00016$
Level 5 0.00016$
Level 6 0.00012$
Level 7 0.00012$
Level 8 0.00012$
Level 9 0.00012$
Level 10 0.00012$

Calculations in tables are shown in one message. Of course, the more referrals you have, the higher your earnings will be.

Let's summarize

As you can see, making money on Skype is possible. You just need to prepare a little for it.

Finally, I want to say a few more words about consultations...

Be prepared for the fact that at first there will be a meager number of clients. Advertise yourself! No matter where! Even contextual advertising is suitable. And don’t spare money on PR. Very often, users write that they will spend money on advertising, but there will be no clients, and the like. Don't repeat the mistakes of others, and everything will work out for you.

If you have questions about consultations or the program does not work. We will be happy to help you! Just write to us through the "Contact" section or leave a message in the comments (at the bottom of this article).

That's all for me. Thank you for reading us. If you liked the article, . No spam! Don't miss new and interesting articles about making money online and SEO promotion.

Thank you for your attention!

Sincerely, . See you! Bye bye!

Regular programs that are installed on the computer of every modern user can be not only a convenient tool, but also a source of income.

An excellent example of this is the Skype messenger, for which a new service was recently created that pays money for sending advertising to contacts.

Earning money on Skype with Sendsey is an interesting opportunity to make money automatically.

There is already an article about, but it talks about a complex method - freelancing. To do it, you have to spend a lot of time, but the money they pay is good.

Earning money on Skype without investment

The unique project Sendsey (project closed!!!) was created for sending advertising messages on Skype.

Advertisers come here to order mailings for little money, and performers get the opportunity to get money without doing anything. You just need to provide your Skype for mailing, and messages will be sent to everyone who has been added.

To automatically receive money from your Skype, you first need to register. Go to Sendsey and fill out the form:

After this, when you log into your personal account, you will see a large button to download the program:

It needs to be installed, all this is easy to do. Then, launch the utility and enter your login and password for your personal account:

When you log into your account through the program, a notification and a couple of new buttons will appear in Skype:

You need to give SendSey access by clicking on the appropriate button. The program is minimized to the tray and it automatically sends messages.

At any time, you can open it to see how much is currently in your balance, how many referrals you have accumulated and check the status (it should be “Working”):

That’s it, you don’t need to do anything else, the program works, and you mind your own business and passively make a profit.

Messages are sent to the same contact once every 24 hours, and for each of them you will receive 8 kopecks.

Naturally, the more contacts you have, the higher your profit. If you don’t have many people added to Skype, use the website, it presents a simple table of those users who also want to collect a lot of contacts:

Recruit as many people as possible to your contact list so that the SendSey program brings in good money. Already on the second day after installation, passive income can exceed 25 rubles and the funds are already available for withdrawal:

Minimum for withdrawal 10 rubles, and the money is transferred to Perfect Money or Payeer. No delays, everything is stable.

Earnings from referrals with SendSey

You will be surprised, but this site has 10 levels of referrals, so it is very profitable. From each level you receive a fixed reward for each message sent on Skype.

Over the past few years, the Swedish Skype program has gained enormous and undeniable popularity in all countries of the world. It can be installed by almost anyone with access to the World Wide Web. This is not surprising, because it allows you to communicate with friends and relatives for free, no matter how far away they are. But few people know that this program can serve not only as a means of reliable communication between people from different countries. It can also be used as a tool for earning money. Read on to find out how to do this.

First of all, you need to register on the site SendSey. At the time of writing this article, the resource is relatively young, however, its relevance and popularity is growing at a rapid pace. Payments occur without annoying delays and all earned funds are withdrawn. Minimum withdrawal is $5. Payments are available on payeer and Perfect Money.

You will then be transferred to your newly registered account. Where you need to download the file by clicking on “install program” and start the installation. Before these procedures, Skype itself must already be installed and running. Afterwards the following window should appear:

Click on “Give access” and that’s it. The program began its work. During installation of the program, you can make sure that it starts simultaneously with turning on the computer. The same option can be used when installing Skype. After this, you don’t have to open the program. The funds will be deposited into the account by themselves. Payment is made for sending various advertisements with advertising content on his behalf.

The amount of financial dividends that the user will receive directly depends on the number of contacts in his Skype; calculations must be made based on this parameter. It is clear that becoming fabulously rich will definitely not work. But a few easy dollars that came into your pocket without any effort certainly didn’t hurt anyone. So, while the service is working and payments are being made regularly, you need to, as they say, “have time to take your due.”