Meat breed cattle: breeding tips and features. Cultivation of meat cattle as a business

How to build a cattle breeding business? How to avoid possible mistakes and lead your company to success? The presented farming business plan will help you overcome all the difficulties along the way.


This business plan for breeding cattle is a project to create a farm (hereinafter referred to as FH) for breeding cattle with a payback of 2 years.

Project goals:

The organization of the farm has 4 main goals:

  1. Implementation of an agricultural project.
  2. Getting high profits.
  3. Creation of additional jobs in a separate settlement.
  4. Filling the market of beef, milk and dairy products in a particular region.

Form of entrepreneurial activity: KFH (peasant farming)

Type of taxation: ESHN (Single agricultural tax)

Type of project financing: own funds or a commercial loan from a bank

The amount of investment in the project: 10,000,000 rubles

Expected average monthly income: 350 thousand rubles

Expected average monthly profit: 200 thousand rubles

Payback period of the project: 3.5 years

Included in the calculations interest rate: 20% per annum

Investor income: 7,000,000 rubles

Payment of borrowed funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of the project.

Conditional project life cycle: 3 years

Stages of project implementation

The start of the implementation of the business plan begins immediately after its acceptance by the customer and / or receipt of credit funds

The main stages of the project implementation and the timing of their implementation are presented in Table No. 1:

Stage nameCondition to fulfillDeadline
Conclusion of an investment agreement1 month
Obtaining credit fundsavailability of a package of necessary documents1 month
Business registration, registration of necessary documentsavailability of a package of necessary documents1 month
Premises selection 1 month
Building or finishinggetting a loan1 month
Procurement and installation of the necessary equipmentgetting a loan1 month
Recruitment 1 month
Carrying out a marketing policy 3 - 6 months + throughout the entire period of work

General characteristics of the project

Beef, and meat products, milk, and dairy products derived from it are the main food products included in the food basket of absolutely all segments of the population. That is why cattle breeding is one of the most profitable types of farming.

According to Rosstat, the number of cattle in Russia in 2015 compared to 2013 decreased from 20.32 million heads to 20.2 million heads. The observed decline was primarily due to a large number of beef supplies from abroad. However, in connection with the Russian "response" to the economic sanctions imposed on our country - a ban on the import of imported meat, in Russia, with the previous consumption of beef by the population, a "pre-deficit" state of the meat market began to appear. Which in turn gives ample opportunities and opens up prospects for breeding cattle.

Cattle are classified by sex and age into the following categories:

  • An ox is a male castrated while still a calf over the age of 3 years.
  • Cow - calving (giving birth) female
  • Bull - uncastrated male over 3 years of age
  • Goby - male aged 3 months to 3 years
  • Neutered bull - castrated male aged 3 months to 3 years
  • Dairy calf - males and females aged 2 weeks to 3 months, fed mainly on milk alone
  • A heifer is a non-calving (nil-parous) female
  • Heifer (pregnant heifer) - inseminated (pregnant) heifer

Raising cattle is a great option for starting a business in the agricultural sector. However, before you start this business, you need to delve into the details of breeding and keeping animals, for which this project description is intended.

Since there are several goals for keeping cattle in agriculture, one of the important points for a novice entrepreneur is to determine the direction in which he will work:

  • Breeding and maintenance of meat breeds of cattle
  • Breeding and maintenance of dairy breeds of cattle
  • Breeding and maintenance of meat and dairy breeds of cattle
  • Breeding and maintenance of young animals for the purpose of further sale by live weight

The most profitable option for a small farm is a meat and dairy business. As the practice of successfully existing farms shows, to start with, you can keep 20 cows and 2 bulls.

After defining the goals of PH, the entrepreneur faces two main tasks:

  1. Definition of local conditions
  2. Construction and organization of the farm

The best option for the organization of farming will be abandoned or bankrupt cattle farms left over from the times of the USSR, on collective farms and state farms. In the Central Federal District, such buildings are almost all dismantled for used building materials, but in other regions of the country you can find surviving buildings. If such premises are not found, then it is necessary to obtain permission to build a farm from the municipal authorities. Almost always, district administrations meet the needs of novice entrepreneurs, because the organization of any large-scale production, and especially the breeding of cattle, always has a positive effect on the performance of the district.

Not only the health of animals, but also their productivity, and, accordingly, profit will depend on the quality of the construction of the building. The construction of the farm can be divided into several stages:

  1. Create a construction plan
  2. Definition of a building site
  3. Writing a construction estimate
  4. In fact, the construction itself

The internal arrangement of the farm premises must comply with all the required sanitary standards: have the required dimensions, determined for the maintenance of 1 head of cattle; optimal temperature, lighting, and ventilation.

In the construction of a farm, it is best to use frame technology, which, in comparison with frameless, has several advantages:

  • Ease and speed of installation of the building (from 5 to 7 days)
  • Economic accessibility (from 3,500 rubles per 1 square meter on the floor of the farm)
  • Compliance with all necessary regulations
  • Possibility of building according to individual projects.

As an example, we can cite the buildings erected by the Altai-tent company.

A farm for 22 cattle should be divided into the following premises:

  • Stall area
  • Food preparation room
  • Manure pre-collection room
  • A small area for walking animals (arena) in winter
  • Maternity ward
  • Premises for the organization of a boiler room that serves to heat the farm
  • Storage room for equipment and inventory
  • Milk storage room

The equipment of the farm should consist of equipment according to the latest developments, designed to facilitate the work of hired personnel as much as possible and provide comfortable conditions for keeping animals. The main equipment required should consist of:

  • Stationary feeders (with the increase in profits, it is planned to switch to automatic feeding stations)
  • Automatic drinkers
  • Easy-mounted stalls
  • Milking machines and milk conveying systems
  • Automatic manure removal system
  • Lighting system
  • Ventilation system

All farm rooms and equipment arrangements must be optimally structured to ensure maximum farm efficiency. The choice of equipment and designs should be based on the maximum comfort for the animals, which should not cause discomfort to the animals in any way.

After preparing the premises, you can proceed to the purchase of livestock. For this purpose, it is necessary to invite an experienced livestock breeder, since the success of the entire project will depend on the correct choice of livestock.

When choosing meat and dairy, one should first of all pay attention to the weight and milk yield of certain breeds of cattle. Breeds of the meat and dairy direction widely used in business are:

  • Simmental breed. The weight of cows is 540-630 kg (maximum - up to 1 ton), bulls - 860-1000 kg (maximum - 1400 kg). Milk yield - from 4000 to 5600 kg (can reach up to 10000-12000 kg for champions)
  • Kostroma breed. The weight of cows is 580-650 kg, bulls - 950-1250 kg. Milk yield - from 5500 to 6100 kg.
  • Alatau breed. The weight of cows is 520-630 kg, bulls - 750-1000 kg. Milk yield - 4100-4600 kg.
  • Bestuzhev breed. The weight of cows is 500-580 kg, bulls - 790-910 kg. Milk yield - 4000-4500 kg.

One of the main points of this business is the definition of distribution channels for finished products. In milk production, this could be nearby dairies that buy milk in bulk. In the production of milk - nearby meat processing plants. With the release of high-quality products that have all the necessary certificates confirming their condition, it is possible to supply meat and milk to neighboring regions.

In any case, there will be no problem with the sale of products, which are the main component of the diet of citizens. The main thing in this is the competent determination of the selling price for the goods, so that, according to the results of the reporting period, to get a plus with a large percentage of income.

Another issue that requires careful consideration is providing animals with food. This can be either the purchase of feed from collective farms, or the independent cultivation and preparation of feed. The latter option is the most beneficial for this project, but it provides for the purchase of additional equipment and machinery for growing fodder (tractor, attachments, seeder, rakes) and the lease of additional land.

The implementation of this project requires diversified investments. Their structure suggests:

  • Acquisition of a land plot
  • Construction of a farm and other auxiliary structures
  • Purchase of cattle
  • Purchase of necessary equipment
  • Formation of working capital

The bulk of the population consumes domestic milk, which is why the demand for farm products will remain unchanged. The complexity of the implementation of the entire project is quite high, so the KRS business plan must be mandatory.

marketing plan

The revision of state trade relations, the course taken by the Russian government for import substitution and financial and preferential support for the sectors of small and medium-sized businesses, make it possible to build your business in agriculture according to slightly different rules than those that were in force in previous years. Take, for example, the priority national project "Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex", which received a "second wind" in 2015, or the state program for the development of agriculture, the main goal of which is to increase meat production in the country. Unfortunately, in practice it is not always possible to see the effect of these programs, often real assistance depends on local municipal authorities.

The dynamics of the reduction in the number of cattle is shown in graph No. 1:

With proper business management, cattle breeding can be turned into one of the most highly profitable businesses, which is second only to pig breeding and poultry farming. Huge land areas in our country (more than 100 million hectares of free territory suitable for cattle breeding), which can be used for pastures, meadows for haymaking and rented at a very reasonable price, the construction of cattle breeding farms, and a steady demand for meat and dairy products (in particular, beef) open up almost limitless prospects for the business of breeding and keeping cattle.

The training of personnel for the agricultural sector has now fallen somewhat compared to past decades. The profession of a livestock breeder is not very popular, primarily because of the prevailing prejudice of young people about working in the field of agriculture. However, you can also draw a plus from this by hiring people of the age who have the necessary experience and responsibility for their work inherent in their generation.

Sales of the main livestock products in all categories are presented in Table No. 2 (Rosstat data):

2011 2012 2013 2014
Livestock and poultry (thousand tons of live weight), including:8 932,1 9 687,4 10 435,8 10 618,3
Cattle (thousand tons)2 161,1 2 206,1 2 183,3 2 192,1
Milk (million tons)19,2 19,8 18,9 19,2

For the success of a business, it is very important to form a consumer opinion among the population about the quality and availability of the product. The following activities can help with this:

  • Organization of advertising in meat and dairy stores
  • Conclusion of contracts for the supply of products with meat processing enterprises and manufacturers of meat products
  • Creating your own Internet resource to increase audience coverage
  • Creation of the necessary infrastructure and comfortable working conditions

The main criteria for the emergence of product popularity are:

  • Quality
  • Freshness
  • Affordable price

Production plan

The main equipment and machinery for the implementation of the cattle breeding project:

  1. Farm
  2. Heating system
  3. Ventilation system
  4. Lighting system
  5. Animal feed and water equipment
  6. Equipment and transport for storage and transportation of milk
  7. Agricultural machinery for sowing and harvesting fodder
  8. Transport for other needs

All equipment, machinery, and inventory must meet safety requirements, increase productivity, be easy to use and repair, and justify their costs in the long-term investment perspective.

Financial plan

The expected production volumes and income from the sale of products during the implementation of the project are shown in Table No. 3:

PeriodType of productionVolume of production and sales in 1 monthAverage price in Russia (rubles per kg, l)Sales income (rub.)
1-21 monthsMilk production (milk yield)6 - 6.5 tons40 240 000 - 260 000
1-21 monthsMeat production1 ton320 320 000
1-21 monthsSale of calves2 - 4 calves12 000 24 000 - 48 000
21-42 monthsMilk production (milk yield)6.2 - 6.8 tons45 279 000 - 306 000
21-42 monthsMeat production2 tons360 720 000
21-42 monthsSale of calves3-6 calves15 000 45 000 - 90 000


The analysis carried out in this description showed that the organization of an agricultural enterprise for breeding cattle is a highly profitable and very promising project. The main success factors of which are the presence of extensive land, a functional farm premises, competent business management, and, of course, a cattle business plan.

P.S. Do you have any questions? Do you want to order a detailed business plan with full calculations? Write to me in the "Contacts" section!

At present, all over the world, including in our state, large and small businesses are developing at a rapid pace. Separately, it is necessary to single out such an industry as farming, namely animal husbandry. Since ancient times, our ancestors have been raising large and small livestock in order to provide their families with food. Currently, animal husbandry is not such a popular destination, as some farms are closed, and very few new ones are being built. But despite all this animal husbandry, namely cattle breeding, is a promising business.

This problem has become especially relevant right now in connection with the active introduction of genetically modified products into the food industry. Because of this, the demand for natural, home-made products has increased dramatically. The main representative of cattle is cows. They are the main source of such valuable products as beef, veal, milk, cottage cheese. It is difficult to imagine a daily diet without all this. Let's take a closer look at the KRS business plan.

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Main directions and necessary documents

Basically, in our country they are engaged in breeding cows. But cattle also include buffaloes, yaks, and so on. To start raising cattle, you first need to build a farm. You should not build it from scratch, it is better to rent a room and land. Currently, there are many abandoned farms where cattle were previously kept. In parallel with this, it is necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the local tax office. The first option is the most optimal, since in this case it will be possible to save money, and the list of required documents will be much smaller.

The KRS business plan includes the collection of the necessary documentation. You need to obtain permission from the fire, sanitary and epidemiological service and the territorial property management. If the premises are rented, then all this is assigned to the landlord. The livestock breeding business plan also includes the choice of territory. It is very important to decide how many you want to breed livestock. It can be a small subsidiary farm or a large farm with more than 100 livestock. Farms are also different according to their purpose: meat, dairy, and so on. If you do not collect the necessary documents and do not register, then such a business will be illegal. The choice of location must also be careful.

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Purchase of equipment

In order for livestock to exist in optimal conditions, equipment must be purchased. It all depends on the number of livestock. For a large farm, you will need: heaters or stoves, feeders, dispensers, breast pumps, manure collection machines. All this will take a lot of money. Equipment is best purchased at neighboring farms or in specialized stores. In order for all the equipment to work, first of all, you need to carry out all communications: hot and cold water supply, electricity, heating, sewerage system.

This is of great importance for cattle, since the optimal parameters of the indoor microclimate will contribute to the best breeding: temperature, humidity, air velocity.

Scientists have found that if animals are poorly maintained, their productivity and growth are reduced, which can directly affect future profits.

Like any business, a farm needs space. It can be a regular stall or a large barn. Its area is calculated based on the number of cattle. Since these are partially grazing animals, a large plot of land should be purchased or allocated to them so that they can graze and gain weight during the warm season. Hay and fodder should be prepared for the winter. A mandatory component of nutrition are supplements, including multivitamin complexes.

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Recruitment of the necessary personnel

Raising livestock is a rather lengthy occupation. It doesn't take a single person to do this. For a farm, it is best to have the following staff: manager, milkmaid (one or more), butcher, veterinarian, equipment specialist. The presence of a veterinarian on this list is mandatory, since cattle must be regularly vaccinated against various diseases. Subsequently, this will play a big role, since the sale of meat is possible only with the permission of the veterinary service. The meat must be of high quality and safe for the consumer. In addition, the veterinarian takes an active part in childbirth and treatment of sick animals. If this is not done, then the death of animals and losses are possible.

Milkmaids are also of great importance, especially if there is a dairy farm. In such a business, cows are not slaughtered, but are kept only to obtain milk and other dairy products, such as sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, which are very much appreciated in the grocery market. The presence of a butcher is not required, but it can be useful if the meat is sold in large quantities. For cutting carcasses, you need to equip a separate room. In addition to all this, it is advisable to purchase your own trucks for transporting meat.

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The quality of meat, the productivity of livestock largely depend on the conditions of its maintenance. First, the cattle room must be warm. The minimum allowable temperature should not be lower than 17 degrees. The room should not be drafty, it should be bright. Each place must be equipped with a container for feeding. Livestock need to be fed. It is advisable to use hay, liquid feed for this purpose. Water must always be clean and fresh, otherwise the animal may become infected with dangerous viral and bacterial diseases.

Garbage, including manure, must be removed from the barn daily. All this ensures compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime. Farm personnel must be vaccinated against diseases that can be transmitted from animals. Another very important rule is the observance by employees of the rules of personal hygiene. During pregnancy and calving, it is necessary to improve the nutrition of livestock and establish supervision over it. Cattle are rather unpretentious animals, but nevertheless, they require constant care.

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Sales of livestock products

After the animals have increased in numbers, you can do the most important part of the business - the sale of meat. There are several options here. Firstly, you can supply meat to the market, and secondly, to nearby restaurants or barbecues. In such establishments, raw materials are always needed, and this can be a very good deal. To sell meat, you must have permission from the veterinary service. It is given for each batch of beef or veal. In addition to meat, you can sell other products: liver, kidneys, heart. They are also in high demand. Growing cattle is also a great opportunity to make various canned food.

Cattle breeding has been feeding humanity for centuries in a row, giving us meat, milk and skins. Of course, in recent years, dairy cattle have played a particularly important role in many countries, but so far beef cattle form the basis of the welfare of many countries (Canada, Brazil, Argentina).

The latter circumstance is connected with the fact that all recent years have been marked by a constant increase in the cost of meat and meat products. Accordingly, the breeding of such animals is becoming an increasingly profitable occupation. Oddly enough, but meat breeds of cattle in Russia are still very rare, which is a pity.

Features of such cattle

It should be noted that in the world there are more than a thousand different breeds of cattle. But no more than a hundred of them belong to meat. These breeds are very unpretentious to climatic and natural conditions, have good resistance to various diseases. With the correct organization of the process, the breeding of meat varieties of livestock is extremely profitable, since it requires minimal human participation in the process. The fact is that such cows are not milked. Calves stay with their mothers for up to eight months, and they do not require any special care.

Production qualities of beef cattle

If we compare them with dairy breeds, they have much more impressive productive qualities: about 95 calves come out per 100 cows, bulls add 1050-1200 grams of pure meat in just a day. And this despite the fact that only 6.5-7 feed units are spent per kilogram of weight gain.

The Importance of Site Selection

It is important to note that the high results of beef cattle are shown only if you correctly select the optimal natural and climatic zone. If the breed is not adapted to your climatic zone, then the animals' resistance to diseases decreases sharply, problems with reproductive function are observed, and a long weight gain is noted.

Simply put, the genetic basis of an animal will give the highest productivity only if it is kept in the same conditions under which the breed was bred. For example: if you bring a bull of the Aberdeen-Angus breed from the same Brazil and decide to get offspring from him in Central Russia, then you are unlikely to come up with something worthwhile.

Are there breeds favorable for beef cattle breeding in Russia?

Particularly favorable for beef cattle are many areas of the North Caucasus. And also, oddly enough, some areas of Western and Eastern Siberia. What breeds of cattle give the best meat yield? The best results are given by the Kalmyk, as well as the Hereford breed.

Perhaps we will focus on the last variety. In just a year and a half, Herefords already reach their maximum weight, and bulls add 1500 grams per day. On average, at least 5.5 kilograms of meat pulp comes out per kilogram of bones. Animals of this breed are extremely efficient in using all types of feed that are used in their cultivation. So, from birth to slaughter, no more than 11.3 feed units are spent per kilogram of weight gain. This is a very flattering characteristic of beef cattle (almost all, not just Herefords).

It is worth mentioning the Aberdeen Angus breed, which we have already written about above. Oddly enough, but these animals are not bad for Russia, but it is required to acquire only those of its representatives who have already been acclimatized in our country. In just 21 days, you can get a calf weighing up to 200 kilograms, and the average daily gain is at least 800 grams.

In principle, the list of meat breeds of cattle can be continued. The one voiced by us cannot be called complete, but we have included in it only those varieties of livestock that can really be bred in our climatic conditions.

Growing technology

If you want a meat breed, then you have to remember two main production steps:

    It is necessary to organize the correct reproduction of the herd and the maintenance of the resulting calves with their mothers for at least six to eight months.

    Intensive subsequent fattening of young animals, including super-repair.

Recipe for success

As you might guess, it is impossible to receive income from the breeding of meat animals without having a farm with a powerful fodder base. Let's take a simple example. Suppose that from one hectare of your land you can get at least 20-30 centners of oats (a kilogram of oats corresponds to one feed unit). In this case, you can count on keeping about 110-120 animals. If you get about 40-45 centners of products per hectare, then you can keep about one and a half hundred cows.

And this is not all the features of breeding cattle of meat breeds. Let's talk about other nuances.

On what basis to create a meat farm?

There are several paths here. Firstly, you can buy purebred animals or purebred young animals. Today there is also the technology of transplantation of embryos of beef breeds of animals, as a result of which a variety of beef cattle is created adapted to local conditions. Finally, you can buy semen from meat breeds and inseminate the most developed cows of the black-and-white variety (local cattle) with it.

Please note that all meat breeds of cattle are large animals. Select cattle for crossbreeding so that cows do not have injuries during childbirth.

Organization of herd reproduction

The essence of the event is the annual receipt of a healthy calf from each cow that has reached physiological age. This is extremely important, since it is calves that are the source of the only beef cattle products as an industry. In general, the breeding of meat breeds depends on several factors. This:

    The state of the forage base, the number of replacement young animals in your farm.

    Timing of insemination of heifers. It should be noted that in this area it is necessary to act as carefully as possible: small animals are covered at about 15-16 months, and large ones at 17-18. They are brought into the general herd no earlier than at 24-25 and 26-27 months. These terms should vary, taking into account the general physical condition of the animals.

    Method of insemination. Relatively recently, it was believed that in commercial herds, direct mounting of bulls is acceptable (especially if breeding of beef cattle breeds is practiced). Now this method is practically abandoned. Firstly, its use significantly increases the risk of leukemia in the herd. Secondly, it is very difficult to control the percentage of inseminated animals and to schedule calving.

It should be noted that in any case, you need to strive for winter-spring calving. The fact is that in this case, cows are fed fresh during the most important period of pregnancy, and calves, after a period of milk nutrition, immediately switch to full-fledged green fodder. All this contributes to obtaining the most healthy and productive animals, and the breeding of meat breeds becomes really profitable.

Checking the efficiency of insemination

In various literature, one can often find the statement that heifers must be checked for pregnancy without fail two months after insemination or natural mating. I would like to note that two months is too short a period.

In principle, an experienced veterinarian or livestock specialist will be able to determine pregnancy with a high degree of probability, but here there is a considerable probability of early abortion: the fetus is especially tender during this period, so the slightest carelessness during rectal examination can lead to the cow having an early miscarriage . So experts advise conducting studies for the presence of pregnancy at three months.

Number of rejected animals

Note that this moment is also very important for the proper organization of the reproductive process. It is believed that at least 20 first-calf heifers should be introduced per 100 heads of adult animals annually. Thus, during the same period, it is necessary to remove the same number of adult cows from the herd, sending them for additional fattening before slaughter.

In principle, all animal husbandry (cattle) is characterized by this. Meat breeds of cattle must be cleaned of unsatisfactory animals especially carefully.

Violence warning

Here, once again, the duality of the use of natural mating is manifested. On the one hand, the constant presence of a bull in the herd will almost completely eliminate the possibility that a heifer in a state of hunting will not be inseminated. On the other hand, in the case of free maintenance and insemination, it can lead to large financial losses due to lost profits.

    All new batches of sperm are checked without fail. If there are any violations, it is better not to use this batch of seed material in principle.

    Create a journal to control cases of heat detection, a separate journal for registration of insemination.

    Constantly carry out visual inspection of the herd. In case of detection of animals with damage to the external genital organs, it is important to promptly report this to the veterinary specialist.

    If you are interested in the complete eradication of barrenness as a phenomenon, all bare heifers (after three months no pregnancy was detected) should be culled, regardless of their breeding value.

    In order to synchronize the cycles of hunting and insemination, it is recommended to use hormonal stimulation. It is especially useful in cases where it is required to cover animals that have exceeded physiological maturity.

    Features of reproduction in meat breeds

    As we have already said, meat breeds (cattle) are characterized by a long stay of a calf with its mother. This approach contributes to the high growth rate of the animal. But it also poses some problems.

    The fact is that due to the constant mechanical stimulation of the udder, the hormonal system of the cow is somewhat rebuilt, as a result of which the frequency of “silent” hunting increases, which is not detected by general visual methods. In this case, more detailed inspection methods should be applied. In addition, you should also focus on the log of identified hunts.

    In addition, meat breeds of cattle have other striking features. For example, they have a very pronounced seasonality of sexual cycles. In principle, there is no problem in this: it is more convenient to focus on those same winter-spring calvings that we wrote about above.

    How to keep the maximum number of calves?

    As we have already said, calves are the only products of beef cattle breeding, and therefore special attention should be paid to their safety. We recommend reading the following:

      It is necessary to draw up a plan for regularly performed veterinary and zootechnical activities. This includes vaccinations, medical examinations of animals, quality control of feed and permanent recording of the dates and results of their insemination.

      Farms that keep livestock must be subjected to mandatory disinfection, disinfestation and deratization.

      It is important to note that not only unauthorized persons, but also wild and feral animals, which are natural reservoirs of infectious and parasitic diseases, should not have access to the territory of the farm.

    Here is how to organize the cultivation of meat breeds of cattle.

    Organization of loose content

    In recent years, this method has again begun to occupy a dominant position in all countries where there is a more or less developed animal husbandry. Its advantages are obvious. Animals are less stressed, they are much more time in motion. In addition, the procedure for feeding and cleaning manure is simplified, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of production by reducing the number of personnel and the time of their work.

    There are two ways of walking content: in completely open areas and in spacious rooms. Often these methods are combined to achieve optimal results. What about the calves? After all, if you keep them in the same room with adult animals, it will be difficult to feed them!?

    Proceed as follows. The corral in the room is made in such a way that calves can pass freely between the bars of the fence. In the center there will be a platform where workers will additionally feed the calves. Along the perimeter of the barn, it would be advisable to organize "dens" for cows, in which there will be enough dry straw. Here the animals will rest.

    In the south of our country, completely open walking areas are most often arranged. In the middle of the site, a covered paddock is made, in which at least half a meter of dry straw is laid. Even in the conditions of the southern winter (which can be quite cold), the animals will still be warm. The fact is that their urine and excrement, which will quickly be moistened with straw, contribute to biochemical reactions, during which a rather significant amount of heat is released.

    Of course, for calving, animals must be driven away ahead of time to separate rooms adapted for this purpose. This will prevent the death of animals from dyspepsia, and in cows it will significantly reduce the likelihood of mastitis.

    Throughout the cold period, bedding is gradually added, but the pen is not completely cleaned. In the spring, when the animals are transferred to a pasture-walking way of keeping, a bulldozer is simply driven there and all the accumulated manure is raked out.

    About free mating

    And further. If you still decide to use a bull for insemination, then you should remember about the optimal load on it. It is believed that one producer should have no more than 35-40 cows. In principle, the load can be increased, but the bull must be in good physical shape. In addition, it is highly desirable to organize its feeding with protein feeds (including those of animal origin).

    Here's what you need to pay attention to if you are going to breed beef cattle.

  • Project description
  • Description of the enterprise
  • Description of products and services
  • marketing plan
  • Calendar plan
  • What equipment to choose
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention a typical business plan (feasibility study) for organizing a farm for the maintenance of cattle. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment. On the example of a farm in the Ulyanovsk region.

Business plan for organizing a farm for keeping cattle in a small village. On the example of a farm in the Ulyanovsk region.

Project description

The purpose of this project is to open a farm in the village. Ryazanovo. Our main areas of activity:

  • rearing of young cattle with subsequent sale of meat to the population;
  • production and sale of milk;
  • production and sale of straw and hay.

To implement the project, it is planned to receive a subsidy in the amount of 1.5 million rubles as part of the state support program for beginning farmers, conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ulyanovsk region. It is also planned to allocate own funds in the amount of 509 thousand rubles for the implementation of the project. The total cost of the project is 2,009,000 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year \u003d 1,850,806 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 83%;
  • Payback of the project = 13 months.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new business entity in the Melekessky district;
  2. Creation of new jobs;
  3. Receipt of additional tax payments to the budget of the Melekessky district.

Description of the enterprise

The organizational and legal form of our organization will be peasant farming(KFH). Ivanov I.I. will be the head of the KFH.

What taxation system to choose for a farm

As tax systems the single agricultural tax (UAT) will be applied. The tax rate is 6% of profit.

Location of the enterprise: Ulyanovsk region, Melekessky district, with. Ryazanovo.

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. The registration of a peasant farm with the Federal Tax Service was carried out;
  2. There is an agreement with a large farm for the purchase of 50 heads of young cattle;
  3. The KFH owns a building that contains 24 cattle, including 14 bulls and 10 dairy cows. It is also planned to build an additional facility with an area of ​​1400m2 to keep another 50 heads of cattle.

The management of the organization will consist of 1 person - the head of the KFH. The organization also plans to attract hired labor in the amount of 5 people.

Description of products and services

The planned sources of income of the enterprise are:

  1. Sale of cattle meat to the population and processing enterprises;
  2. Sale of milk to the population and processing enterprises;
  3. Realization of hay and straw in bales to the population.

More than 52% of the farm's revenue will come from the sale of cattle meat.

Simmental calves will be purchased to grow beef cattle. This breed is distinguished by good meat productivity, by the age of 18 months the bull is gaining weight from 800 to 1000 kg.

Calves will be purchased at the age of 3 months at an average price of 15,000 rubles per head. It is better to acquire calves older and stronger. In this case, the risk of disease is reduced and, with proper feeding, calves gain weight very quickly.

In addition, the farm has 10 dairy cows, from which it is planned to receive and sell from 4500 liters per month. milk. It is also planned to receive an annual offspring of young cattle from adult cows, which will reduce the cost of acquiring calves from third-party organizations.

For efficient use of production areas, the farm will simultaneously contain about 70 heads of cattle.

The diet of young cattle and adult cows will include green fodder, root crops, corn, mixed fodder, barley, oats, straw, hay, etc. For the cultivation of one bull-calf per year, feed will be spent in the amount of about 20,000 rubles, for the maintenance of a dairy cow - about 10,000 rubles a year.

Straw and hay will be collected using a KUN 10 universal front loader with a load capacity of up to 500 kg. During the season (per year) it is planned to sell hay and straw for a total amount of 725 thousand rubles.

Download farming business plan

marketing plan

The main competitors will be similar agricultural producers. products of the Melekes region, personal subsidiary plots and larger agricultural production complexes.

It should be noted that today the demand for high-quality agricultural products remains at a high level. This suggests that there should be no problems with the sale of our products by our farm.

Sales of manufactured products are planned to be carried out in the following areas:

  1. Sale of meat and milk to enterprises - processors of agriculture. products;
  2. Sales of hay and straw to the population and other farms of the Melekessky district;
  3. Sale of meat and milk to wholesale organizations;
  4. Realization of meat and milk in the form of traveling trade, at fairs and retail markets.

How much can you earn from this business

Let's move on to calculating the potential annual income of the enterprise.

On average, one cow produces 20 liters of milk per day. The first 2 months, 10 liters of milk goes to feed the calves.

In the future, all milk goes to the sale. Considering that 2 months are allotted for calving, the planned volume of milk sales per year will be 5400 liters per cow:

  1. 30 days*20 liters/day*8 months=4800 liters
  2. 30 days*10 liters/day*2 months=600 liters

Accordingly, from 10 heads per year, you can get up to 54,000 liters of milk.

The wholesale price of milk is 24 rubles/l.


Bulls purchased at the age of 6 months, with proper nutrition and care for 1 year, will gain up to 450 kg of live weight. With a meat yield of 70%, about 315 kg of marketable meat is obtained from each bull.

The farm will sell about 13,000 kg of marketable meat per year. The wholesale price of beef meat is 170 rubles/kg.

hay and straw

During the season, the farm will produce and sell up to 10,000 bales of straw and 5,000 bales of hay. The selling price of 1 bale of straw is 35 rubles, a bale of hay is 75 rubles.

The total amount of proceeds from the sale of products for 12 months of work will be 4,231,200 rubles.

The main share in the company's revenue is the sale of cattle meat (52%).

Technology of growing feed and breeding livestock

The room for keeping cows and calves will be convenient for livestock maintenance, storage of feed and manure. A walking area will be located next to the premises. Based on the sanitary standards for keeping livestock of cattle, the height of the ceilings in the room will be at least 2.4 m. The floor will be built from well-fitted wooden boards. This floor is easy to use and creates good zoohygienic conditions.

Feeding troughs made of boards 600 mm high and up to 700 mm wide will be installed indoors to feed livestock, the length of the troughs is about one meter.

The window area of ​​the cattle housing will be one tenth of the floor area. The distance from the windows to the floor is 1.3 meters. This arrangement contributes to better penetration of sunlight into the premises for keeping livestock of cattle.

A cemented manure trench with a flat and smooth bottom, 10-12 cm deep and up to 30 cm wide, will be made into the room to drain urine. The cattle stall will be spacious, with an area of ​​about 2.5 meters square meters. A cow produces about 10 tons of manure per year. Manure in the barn will be removed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

The planned staffing of the farm will include 5 people:

The duties of laborers will include feeding livestock, cleaning manure and other household tasks.

Also, some work processes will be performed by third parties under contracts for the provision of services for a fee:

  1. Slaughter of livestock. For these purposes, an experienced miner will be involved;
  2. Accounting services;
  3. Supply of feed from agricultural producers.

The cost of these services will be about 100 thousand rubles a year.

Calendar plan

The list of events and their cost for starting a business are presented in the form of a calendar plan.

In total, it will take 136 days to open a farm and 2.0 million rubles will be spent.

How much money do you need to start this business

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the economy.

The fixed costs of the organization are presented in the following table:

Total fixed costs of the enterprise per month will amount to 185,330 rubles.

The structure of the annual costs of the farm is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main costs of the farm are the cost of purchasing feed - 40% of the total costs per year. Next come the cost of paying wages to employees - 30% of total costs.

Net profit based on the results of annual sales of products will amount to 1,850,806 rubles. The profitability of the farm is 83.0%. With such business plan indicators, the farm project will pay off in 13 months.

Our organization will make tax deductions to various levels of the budget of the Ulyanovsk region up to 206,234 rubles a year.

Recommended download farming business plan, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

It is worth noting that serious investments are required to start a business. Nevertheless, a competent construction of activities will make it possible to recoup the invested costs in a relatively short time and reach a stable plus. To begin with, it is necessary to draw up an organizational plan and determine the main areas of activity, among which may be:

  • Growing grain crops, vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits.
  • Breeding pigs, cows, rabbits, bees, birds or fish.

In addition, additional activities are possible, for example, the production of frozen fruits, stew, flour, etc. After determining the main directions and calculating the preliminary costs, it is worthwhile to deal with the execution of a contract for the lease of the territory, the improvement of premises / reservoirs, as well as the purchase of the necessary equipment. At the same stage, you can begin the selection of personnel who will serve the farm. You will definitely need to register your farm and obtain all the necessary permits to conduct activities. The final stage will be the adjustment of work with the sales market.

What equipment to choose

Any farm can not do without machinery and auxiliary equipment. His choice depends specifically on the type of farm and what you are going to breed or grow on it. For beekeeping, hives, refrigerators, rooms for wintering bees, as well as overalls will be mandatory. A cattle farm will require breast pumps, as well as tractors, combines and other agricultural equipment, along with attachments for mowing grass, etc. In the case of growing vegetables or cereals, you will need equipment for watering and harvesting. The fish business will require filters, compressors and pumps.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

When registering a business, you must specify OKVED codes, according to the type of your farm. For example, if you have a cattle breeding farm, then OKVED code 01.21 - Breeding of cattle is suitable. For a fish farm - OKVED 2.03. Fishing and fish farming, and for beekeeping - OKVED - 01.25.1.

What documents are needed to open

The implementation of a business and the sale of products is possible only after the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC (Find out What documents are needed to register an LLC). In the second case, you will be able to implement partnership agreements with legal entities. To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need: a copy of your passport, IND code, an application indicating OKVED codes and a receipt for payment of the state fee.

Do I need permission to open

To open your farm, you may need permission from the fire department and the epidemiological station, as well as the territorial property management. In the case of concluding an agreement on the lease of a territory for the placement of a farm, the permission of the fire inspection is not required, and all obligations are automatically assigned to the landlord. Do you want to earn without leaving home? If yes, then see the offer 50 ways to make money online.

The purpose of this project is to open a farm in the village. Ryazanovo. Our main areas of activity:

  • rearing of young cattle with subsequent sale of meat to the population;
  • production and sale of milk;
  • production and sale of straw and hay.

To implement the project, it is planned to receive a subsidy in the amount of 1.5 million rubles as part of the state support program for beginning farmers, conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ulyanovsk region. It is also planned to allocate own funds in the amount of 509 thousand rubles for the implementation of the project. The total cost of the project is 2,009,000 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year \u003d 1,850,806 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 83%;
  • Payback of the project = 13 months.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new business entity in the Melekessky district;
  2. Creation of new jobs;
  3. Receipt of additional tax payments to the budget of the Melekessky district.

The start-up cost estimate according to the business plan calculations is presented in the following table:

Description of the enterprise

The organizational and legal form of our organization will be a peasant farm (KFH). Ivanov I.I. will be the head of the KFH.