Melania Trump - biography, information, personal life. Melania Trump: biography, path to success and acquaintance with the future US President Trump's wife Melania

In addition to being the first non-Native American lady in 200 years, Melania is also the first ever presidential wife of Eastern European descent. Melania Trump has a rich past and a lot of secrets - we only remembered 15 of them. Read what the First Lady of the United States would gladly delete from her biography.

Melania said that if her husband wins the election, she will become for him “a very traditional companion, like Betty Ford or Jackie Kennedy,” and will support him in everything.” For the next four years, Melania will serve as the hostess of the White House in Washington, whose responsibilities will include taking care of all events and ceremonies at the presidential residence. Meanwhile, the scandalous reputation of the first lady does not allow journalists from all the tabloids in the world to sleep peacefully.

After all, she really isn't your typical first lady, for many reasons. In addition to being the first non-Native American in 200 years (the only exception being Englishwoman Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams, who served as the sixth president, from 1825-1829), she is also the first ever wife of a US president of Eastern European descent. Melania Trump seems to have a lot of things she'd like to hide. Or at least keep it a secret.

This is fine; everyone has the right to privacy. But when your husband is elected president, there's nothing left of your secrets, right? However, Melania is caught again and again hiding information about herself and banal lies. And she constantly does scandalous things. Some, of course, are simply hyped up by reporters.

Her maiden name was Knaus, Melania was born in 1970 in socialist Yugoslavia and grew up in the industrial factory town of Sevnica. Whether she graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the University of Ljubljana, or just entered there, it is not known for sure. At the age of 16 she began her modeling career and participated in shows of the best designers. While filming for a glossy magazine, she met Trump and married him. Now 46, she speaks five languages ​​(English, Slovenian, Serbian, French and German). However, the public doubts her high intelligence, and there are rumors that Trump prefers to keep her out of sight and out of earshot.

15. Indecent phone conversation with Howard Stern

The creepy interview with Donald and Melania took place in 1999. Radio host Howard Stern called them live on his talk show, and the conversation escalated into something completely strange and disrespectful towards women. It was about sex with Trump, which we really don't want to know about. Howard started like this: "Let's talk about what's going on in your bed." Then he asked her to put on the “hottest” outfit, then moaned... - We have amazing sex! – Melania said on air. And she added that she and Trump have sex “at least once a day.” -Are you naked now, baby? – asked Howard. “Almost,” Melania purred. - Wow! “I’m already unzipping my fly,” Stern concluded.
Later, the three of them discussed her breasts. Howard suggested that Donald have sex with her during the broadcast to increase his ratings. Wow. Sounds like a phone threesome. Somehow, we feel like an internationally recognized supermodel deserves more respect than this prurient endorsement from Howard Stern and Donald Trump.

14. Not seven spans in the forehead

It's probably no secret - she's not the smartest woman in the world. Be that as it may, Melania herself probably will not claim that she is a genius. But those who grew up with her in Yugoslavia know the truth about her smarts (or lack thereof). One of her old school friends, who wished to remain anonymous, reported the following: “They say she is smart, well educated, almost like Jackie Kennedy, but ... she is smart enough to be interested in jewelry. She is not a fool, not a prostitute , but she's not particularly smart." The Americans are probably rejoicing - their president is married to a woman who is “neither a fool nor a prostitute.” We breathe a sigh of relief, it's gone. But from her behavior (and the behavior of her husband), it is unclear whether one can suspect the presence of developed intelligence there. We can only hope for the best.

13. Age difference

Trump's first-born son is only seven years younger than his stepmother Melania. And the other children of the billionaire are not too far behind her in age. The difference between Trump himself and his wife is 24 years. Many believe that for Melania Donald is like a father. After all, they say that girls marry men who look like their fathers, and in her case there is even an external resemblance... One of Melania’s old friends from Ljubljana says: “She needs strength and protection. I think she needs a strong man, father."

12. Her home country is offended by her

In Slovenia they were offended by Melania because she managed to forget about her roots. They say that she does not even speak her native language (however, her son is known to communicate fluently in Slovenian with his grandparents). Some in Slovenia believe that Melania thinks too highly of herself. And Melania says that she loves her “wonderful childhood,” but now she has grown up and become a different person, and she lived in Slovenia for so long that it doesn’t matter at all (Melania is second from the right in the photo above). As we will see later, Melania does not always say what she thinks and often passes off what is imagined as real.

11. Is she a commie?

Her father Viktor was a member of the Yugoslav Communist Party. Victor once worked for the mayor of Khrastnik, and then became a sales consultant in a state company. Since Melania's father was an ardent atheist, the children were not baptized and were not taken to their first communion. According to one of the sources (there seem to be documents from the state archive of Slovenia), Melania’s father was a member of the Communist Party, so in 1984 they managed to avoid deprivation of state property. But what about Melania? Could she be a communist spy who lives in the White House? Both Donald's first and third wives, Ivana and Melania, were born and raised in communist countries, which is interesting. Some media outlets have gone so far as to suspect Melania of being a communist spy! So apparently they still believe in her intelligence.

10. Illegitimate Brother

Before marrying Melania's mother, Victor dated a girl named Marija Cigelnjak, who became pregnant with his child. Victor was in favor of abortion, however, she disobeyed and the child was born. Victor actively denies paternity and has never paid child support. Even despite the results of the DNA test, Victor still does not recognize his now 50-year-old son. Victor lost all the courts, and the case was brought to the highest court of appeal.
Melania's half-brother, named Denis Tsigelnik, lives in a small Slovenian town and works in a grocery store. He would like to meet his sister, but does not want anything from her rich family. He realizes that his sisters don't even know he exists, and Melania confirmed that she didn't know about him. Having received the documents sent from the Slovenian court, she retreated from this statement and said that due to the language barrier she simply did not understand their contents... and then stated that she had known about Denis' brother for many years. Hmm, this all seems a little suspicious. Melania either doesn't understand English, which is bad for a first lady who will have to perform government duties, or she's just lying, like her father, stupidly denying the presence of a family member who has not yet done anything wrong.

9. They say she worked on the street

Yes, this is too much. Lies and scandals are one thing, but this is a somewhat more serious accusation. After all, we are talking about honor here. Of course, she denies that she was a prostitute, and her lawyers are threatening to sue any publication that publishes such slander (Daily Mail, Inquisitor and others are especially warned). So we write - there is a rumor that this happened. The story goes like this: A Slovenian magazine reported that a New York modeling agency was using Melania as an escort. But no one knows for sure except Melania and the supposed VIP clients.

8. Fake and fake?

Despite all the efforts to hide it, and the constant denial of breast augmentation surgery and any other plastic surgery, frankly speaking, we have no doubt about this - Melania, of course, has gone under the knife more than once. Where such confidence? Well, if you can put two and two together, you'll agree with us. Just compare her photos from 10 years ago with today... Let's remember the interview with GQ, which she hates so much, in which Melania was described by those who remember from Sevnitsa. Her friends from Slovenia say that when her peers suffered from acne, she remained perfect and used powder, blush, and mascara. She always wanted to be better than everyone else and looked down on everyone. Even in the summer, she was always impeccable. Even in her 20s, she was afraid of growing old. Looking at her face, you can tell that she is one of those older women who are constantly trying to maintain their physical youth.

7. Pledged my soul

6. Surgery

5. Hypocrite

If you haven't realized it yet, do it now: an immigrant is married to an anti-immigrant anti-immigrant! Isn't this hypocrisy? On Twitter, Melania was confronted with her hypocrisy by Lady Gaga, and many other people from all over the world. Melania has repeatedly spoken out against online bullying, but that's exactly what her husband is doing. Donald Trump uses Twitter to make personal attacks on people, especially immigrants, even though he is married to an immigrant. His actions led to Twitter effectively depriving him of access to their site, punishing him like a child. It seems these two have found each other.

4. She is completely uneducated

Many people believe that a woman who lives in the White House and is the wife of the leader of their state must be decently educated. But it seems that Melania did not receive a higher education. She wants to appear educated, but in reality she is not. They say she studied at the University of Ljubljana and left after her first year, but there is no evidence of this. She has removed all links and references to studying at the University from her website. If she had an education, she would probably demonstrate it, but Melania carefully hides its absence.

3. Dead inside

Take a closer look at Melania's face: you will agree that her eyes are dull and cold, and her face (which, she swears, has not been touched by a surgeon's knife) looks fit, but stern. To many, she seems like a person who is dead inside. Beautiful and cold, her inner essence remains a mystery. A photographer named Stan Jerko thought she could make a great model because of her looks, but after a couple of photo shoots he changed his mind about Melania: “Her looks were very good, but she lacked energy, a certain charm. If a girl has charm, she will show it through her eyes, it should come from the heart.” Energy and charm? Obviously, the first lady does not need to have all this.

2. Trump is husband No. 2

Melania Trump received United States citizenship in 2006, and before that, a green card, which she was given when she married a US citizen. This became known from the words of Michael Wilds, an immigration lawyer who worked for the Trump Organization. The lawyer said that Melania received a green card back in 2001, but under what circumstances is unknown. Walds could not comment further because he is restricted by US privacy regulations. The agent who obtained the visa for Melania, named Paulo Zampolli, refused to comment on this information. "I do not know anything!" - that's all the information from him. So there remains wide scope for rumors.

1. I didn’t disdain nude filming

Of course, this doesn’t happen often: a nude photo shoot of the first lady. And without a doubt, in the election race, Donald's opponents made a photo of his naked wife part of their campaign. The photos are great, by the way. In 2000, Melania posed for British GQ in a nude photo shoot in Donald's Boeing 727, wearing handcuffs, diamonds and... nothing else. At that time, she was just the girlfriend of a billionaire; they got married in 2005.
Melania also posed naked in the French magazine Max in 1997. The photographs showed Melania, 25, lying naked in bed, hugging a Scandinavian model named Emma Eriksson. When asked about his wife's photo shoots, Donald said: "In Europe, this kind of photography is very fashionable and quite common." While this may be true, we highly doubt that such photo ops are completely common among presidential wives.

Melania Trump is the wife of the 45th US President Donald Trump, a fashion model from the outback of Yugoslavia, who made her way to the White House through the catwalks and pages of glossy magazines.

Biography of Melania Trump

Childhood. Melania, then Knavs, was raised in a poor family that lived in Sevnica, a tiny town in Yugoslavia (now Slovenia). Her mother Amalia comes from the village. She worked as a fashion designer in a children's clothing factory. Father Victor Knavs sold spare parts for cars.

All photos 6

Melania has a younger sister, Inez. Later she found out that her father had a son, Denis, from his first relationship. But Melania never saw her half-brother. For a long time, the Knavs lived in a small apartment in an ordinary low-rise building. Later, as a teenager, Melania and her family moved to the outskirts of the city, to a two-story house near the Sava River.

Already as a child, Melania knew that she would live in the fashion world.

“I have always loved taking care of myself. I think a sense of style is something that is given from birth,” Melania admitted in an interview. - My mother was involved in the modeling business. Therefore, at the age of five I already had my first fashion show.”

Classmates say: Melania never wore things from the store. Her mother sewed clothes for her and her sister in the evenings. Melania came up with the design of her future outfits herself.

“I’ve always been very tall and skinny,” she said in an interview. - Sometimes other children teased me, but I was never embarrassed, I didn’t care. I knew what I wanted to do in this life. I found my passion at such an early age and it helped me gain confidence.”

Childhood friend Maya Cosmeri recalls:

“Like all teenagers, we loved listening to Western pop music. One day while dancing to Boy George, Melania said: "I'll get out of this place as soon as I can."

“Even in her early years, it was felt that Melania was a very creative person,” says Mirjana Gelancis, who lived next door. “Sevnitsa was too small for her.”

In high school, Melania moved to the capital - the city of Ljubljana. The girl studied at a high school of design and photography. At the age of 16, she met the photographer Stan Zherko, one of the most sought after in those years in Yugoslavia:

“I met her at a fashion show. She stood on the stairs of the House of Pioneers, waiting for a friend. A cute girl with thin, long legs. I said to myself, “She will be a good model.” We exchanged phone numbers, and a few days later she called and said she would come after school.” This is how Melania got her first serious portfolio.

At that time, Melania was completely immersed in her studies. I didn’t go to parties, didn’t drink alcohol, didn’t smoke.

“Guys at this age love party girls, we weren’t like that,” says Melania’s classmate Petra. “Instead, we gathered at home, drank juice and talked.”

At the same time, she always went to classes with impeccable hairstyle and makeup. At one time in college, Melania dated a model guy. However, they soon broke up.

“She was very sensitive. “I wanted more from this relationship,” said one of her friends from those years. “She was much more mature than us.”

Despite her diligent studies, Melania drops out of the university after completing only her first year.

Carier start. Melania preferred the podium to the student bench in Ljubljana. She went to Milan, where her modeling career began. The girl changed the Slovenian form of her surname Knavs to the German version - Knauss.

At the age of 18, Melania signed a contract with a modeling agency in Milan and worked in Paris. However, she was far from becoming a supermodel.

In 1996 she moved to New York. A wealthy Italian businessman Paolo Zampolli helps her get a work visa and a contract with a modeling agency.

She was already 26 years old - not the best age for a model in those years. Melania was perplexed why photographers choose other models, younger girls.

Colleagues said: she went to castings every day, but did not have much success. In Europe she was a star, in America one of many. She had to be content with advertising alcohol and tobacco, where her young competitors certainly would not have been accepted.

The roommate said that in order to become a successful lingerie model, Melania had her breasts enlarged. But Mrs. Trump still insists that the plastic surgeon’s scalpel did not touch her.

To keep up with her competitors, Melania worked hard and went on a strict diet. Her diet was only seven pieces of fruit a day. She didn’t go to parties and went to bed early so that she would be fresh and young at the casting in the morning.

Melania's career took off after meeting Donald Trump in 1998. Over the years of her work as a model, the future First Lady of the United States has appeared on the covers of such publications as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Ocean Drive, In Style, New York Magazine, Avenue, Allure, Vanity Fair. She starred in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, which is considered a major achievement in her modeling career.

In January 2000, Melania posed nude for GQ. The candid shot was also featured on the cover. Later, these images will be remembered in the election campaign against Trump.

In 2006, already being Trump's wife, Melania became a US citizen.

In February 2010, she announced the launch of a collection of jewelry and watches of her own design.

On January 20, 2017, Mrs. Trump became the First Lady of the United States. She is the second foreigner to hold this position.

Melania is the only one in her status who knows six languages: English, French, Italian, German, Serbo-Croatian and her native Slovenian. She is also the tallest First Lady of the United States. Her height is 1.8 meters.

In her new role, Mrs. Trump promised to help women and children. She also said that she would fight against mental abuse and bullying of children on social media.

Scandals. In August 2016, Melania filed a lawsuit against American blogger Webster Tarpley and the British tabloid Daily Mail, which wrote that she worked as an escort in the 1990s. They later published a retraction and apologized for the publication.

In 2016, Trump was accused of matching two paragraphs of her speech at the Republican National Convention almost word for word with Michelle Obama's 2008 speech. At the same time, Melania assured that she wrote the text herself, with only a little help. However, two days later, writer Meredith McIver, who worked for Trump, took full responsibility, apologizing for the “confusion.”

Personal life

Melania met Trump in the fall of 1998 at a party on the occasion of Fashion Week in New York.

She was 28 years old, he was 52. She was a shy brunette, he was cocky, self-confident and fabulously rich, a New York legend with two marriages behind him. Trump came to the party with his companion, and soon he was trying to find out Melania’s phone number.

The girl refused to give her number. She knew about Donald's reputation. Instead, she asked for Trump's contacts.

“If I had given him my number, I would have been just one of those he called,” Melania later said. - I wanted to know his intentions. It says a lot about a person what contacts he gives you. He gave me all his numbers.”

She called only a week later.

“Yes, we were very attracted to each other, there was chemistry between us, but I didn’t idolize him. Perhaps he noticed this,” Melania told the secret of her success.

Soon they started dating. But the relationship did not last long. Melania didn't trust Trump. However, six months later they got back together. Either Trump swore eternal fidelity to her, or Melania came to terms with Donald’s character. After all, she found what she had been looking for for a long time - a strong, powerful man who could protect her.

They became engaged in 2004 and married on January 22, 2005. It was the most expensive wedding of the year. A 12-carat diamond engagement ring worth $1.5 million. A wedding dress personally made by John Galliano, who then worked at Dior. 100 meters of white satin, hand embroidery, 1500 crystals. The creation of this beauty took 550 hours of work, and, according to various estimates, from 100 to 200 thousand dollars from Trump’s pocket. Later, a photo of Melania in a luxurious dress will appear on the cover of Vogue.

After the formal part, Mrs. Trump wore a more laconic outfit from designer Vera Wang, made of silk with hand embroidery.

The wedding took place at Viezda-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Palm Beach. The reception was held at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate. Champagne "Crystal" flowed like a river. And for dessert, the guests were prepared with a cake one and a half meters high and weighing about one hundred kilograms. The filling was elite French cognac liqueur Grand Marnier. And the cake was decorated with three thousand roses on top.

Among those invited to the celebration are Hillary and Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, TV presenter and producer Simon Cowell, model Heidi Klum and other celebrities.

Children. On March 20, 2006, Melania gave birth to a son, who was named Barron William. He became Trump's fifth child.

Deciding to completely dissolve in the role of a mother, Melania refused the services of a nanny. However, she is helped in the household by a chef and a personal assistant.

“Each of us knows our roles,” says Melania. “I don’t want my husband to change the baby’s diapers after work or put Barron to bed.”

Mrs. Trump calls her son Mini Donald.

“He says he will be a businessman and golfer one day. Mini Donald almost always wears suits. Sweatpants are not about him,” says the First Lady of the United States, not without pride.

What is the secret of the Trumps' happy marriage? Melania turned out to be a very reasonable wife who does not create headaches for her husband, does not grumble, is not demanding and leaves enough personal space.

“I work very hard from early morning until late at night,” Donald admitted in an interview. “And I don’t want to come home and work on the relationship.”

Melania herself once said that the secret of their relationship is in separate bathrooms. This way she can always remain flawless for her husband, not allowing everyday trifles to cool their feelings.

Today, few people know Melania Knavs, but the woman named Melania Trump is known to everyone. The wife of the 45th President of America Donald Trump and the First Lady of the United States became a celebrity not only thanks to her husband. Her colorful life and successful career began long before she met Donald.

The First Lady successfully worked as a fashion model for a long time, posed for glossy magazines and men's publications; moreover, she managed to try herself as an actress, starring in the comedy film Zoolander along with Ben Stiller.


The wife of a world-famous billionaire was born in Sevnica in 1970, at that time the city was part of Yugoslavia. Today it is located in Slovenia. Melania's mother worked in a textile factory, and her father made a living repairing used cars. The family lived poorly in a house that was surrounded on all sides by chimneys from nearby factories.

However, Knavs grew up to be a polite and well-mannered girl. In her youth, Melania Trump was always determined, persevering, and always a good student. After graduating from school, she managed to enter the capital’s university at the Faculty of Architecture.

Melania did not manage to finish it, because it was during this period of her life that she was noticed by professional photographer Stane Erko. He persuaded the young beauty to start a modeling career. Knavs decided to change her surname into a Western style. Under the new name Melania Knauss, the girl moved first to Milan and then to Paris.

Modeling career

To successfully advance in her career, Melania Trump decides to undergo plastic surgery: she enlarged her breasts and also decided to change the shape of her lips and nose. The girl gained wide popularity from her candid photo shoots for such well-known publications as Max and GQ. Later, the sultry beauty was awarded the covers of such magazines as Elle, Vogue, Glamor, etc.

In the late 90s, photos of Melania began to appear in America, and she moved to New York. In the USA, she continued her successful modeling career and even starred in the comedy film Zoolander, but her last name was not listed in the credits.

2010 was marked by the release of her own collection of jewelry, which gradually conquered the world. In addition to her personal brand, Melania worked on creating designs for watches, as well as a line of cosmetics for women.

Personal life

In 1999, at one of the events, the successful model met billionaire Trump. This fateful meeting changed both of their lives forever. A romance began, which the public learned about from the couple’s joint appearance on the radio, where Donald said that the girl was the love of his life.

The lovers got married in 2005 in Florida. The press widely covered the wedding ceremony, which attracted the public with its luxury. By the way, Melania Trump’s dress from the talented couturier Christian Dior was estimated at about 200 thousand dollars. The wedding cake, whose height was about 1.5 meters, could not help but surprise with its luxury; it was decorated with 3 thousand confectionery roses.

A year later, their son was born, he was named Barron William. This was Melania’s first child, while Donald already had four children from previous marriages.

Melania is passionate about fitness, preferring Pilates, cardio exercises and tennis. With all this, the first lady of the United States does not follow strict diets and can often indulge in sweet, fried, and favorite ice cream.

Interesting facts from the biography of Melania Trump

The wife of the current US president is the only first lady whom the public has seen naked. In 1996 (3 years before meeting Donald Trump), a nude photo shoot took place, in which Melania Trump starred. The photos show a completely naked beauty lying on the bed. In this photo shoot, she was accompanied by Scandinavian model Emma Erickson.

The American public must be given its due, because the president’s wife was not accused of frivolous behavior. The comments to the publications said that candid photos from the past are not a reason to condemn a person. And Trump himself reacted more than calmly to this publication.

Melania Trump speaks 5 languages, although she does not have a higher education. She was born in Slovenia and speaks her native Slovenian language fluently. She has also known German and Serbian since childhood. After Melania dropped out of university, she moved to Paris to work as a model, where she learned French. And having exchanged Paris for New York in 1996, she easily learned English.

Election scandal

In 2016, Melania Trump supported her husband as a presidential candidate at the Republican National Convention. Her speech created a huge sensation. But later, journalists compared the speeches of Melania and Michelle Obama, which she delivered 8 years ago, and discovered enormous similarities, many sentences coincided word for word. This accusation was denied by representatives of the Trump family. This speech could not prevent Melania from becoming the first lady of the United States; the voting results were announced in November 2016.

The US presidential election on November 8, 2016, which shocked not only America but the whole world, focused attention on the new head of America, his wife and children. His biography causes a lot of gossip, as a result of which more and more people want to study the facts from the businessman’s personal life.

Everyone is interested in the details of Trump’s family life, because now he is the main person of his country, its official representative, which means that attention to his person is completely justified.

Who is Donald Trump?

Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. In 2016, he celebrated his 70th anniversary. Today he owns a large construction, restaurant, jewelry and mortgage business, and besides this, the world-famous Miss Universe beauty contest. According to the popular Forbes magazine, Donald Trump's net worth is 4 billion.

Being a real careerist and workaholic, he always gets what he wants, this makes him a successful person. Trump's friends and all those who know him well describe this man as responsible and purposeful, ready to go straight to his goal.

Donald Trump's wives

Friends of Donald Trump and his family speak only positively about them. In total, the billionaire had 3 wives. Currently, the wife of the new president is the famous fashion model Melania Trump.

Melania was born on April 26, 1970 in Slovenia, where she spent her childhood. She tried herself at the age of 16 in the modeling business, then received an education and became a designer.

Donald proposed to his beloved back in 2005. It was then that they had a wedding, which was attended by a huge number of famous guests, including the Clinton family. In 2017, his wife turned 47 years old, and the 24-year difference does not at all interfere with family happiness. At the moment, the main values ​​in Melania’s life, according to her, are family, children and her adored husband.

As for the billionaire's previous wives, they were Ivana Zelnichkova and Marla Maples. Ivana, Trump's first wife, was born on February 20, 1949 in Europe (Czechoslovakia). She married Donald in 1977 at the age of 28. This marriage lasted 15 long years - until 1992, and two boys and one girl were born.

As soon as his first marriage broke up, Donald in 1993 chose 29-year-old actress Marla Maples as his wife, with whom they lived for 6 years. They had a daughter together named Tiffany.

Trump considers the main reason for the separation from his first two wives to be the fact that they were strong personalities who competed with him and his business.

Children of a billionaire

The businessman has three children from his first marriage, a daughter from his second, and a son from his third. All of his older children hold leadership positions in the Trump Organization.

The billionaire's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., who was born on December 31, 1977, holds the vice-presidential position in his father's company. His wife is Vanessa Haydon, a famous model and designer.

Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter, born October 30, 1981, received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania, as did her brother Donald. She not only develops her modeling business, but also develops designs for jewelry. Together with her husband, Jared Kushner, who owns a construction business, she has three children.

Another executive at Donald's company is his son Eric Trump, who was born on January 6, 1984. He graduated from Georgetown University. Today he owns his own wine factory and is a well-known philanthropist.

Donald and Marla's joint daughter, Tiffany, born in 1993, turned 23 on October 13, 2016. She is studying at the University of Pennsylvania and plans to continue her singing career in the future.

On March 20, 2006, Donald’s youngest son, Barron Trump, was born, who is the only common child of the billionaire with his current wife Melania.

The 45th American president not only has many children, but also already has 8 grandchildren: 5 from Donald Trump Jr. and his wife Vanessa, 3 from his eldest daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared.

Melania Trump is a simple girl from a provincial town in Eastern Europe who achieved career heights, becoming the wife of first a billionaire and then the president of the most powerful state in the world. A star of the modeling business, a jewelry designer, a polyglot, in 2017 she began her duties as hostess of the White House.

Childhood. Modeling career

Melania Knavs was born in the small town of Sevnica (Yugoslavia) with a population of 5 thousand people. The girl's father made a living by selling used cars, and her mother worked in a garment factory. The family lived in an ordinary panel high-rise building on the outskirts of the city. Now Melania’s parents live in the USA, but former neighbors still remember them with warmth and kindness.

As a child, the thin, lanky girl was embarrassed by her appearance, but by the age of sixteen she blossomed and became a real beauty. At school she was an exemplary, polite and disciplined student, and was fond of photography.

After graduating from high school, Melania decided to continue her education at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the University of Ljubljana. A fateful meeting for her was with photographer Stane Erko, who immediately appreciated the girl’s external characteristics and persuaded her to work as a fashion model.

After finishing her first year, Melania changed her last name to the more euphonious “Knaus” and went to Milan, where a string of filming for magazines and fashion designer shows began. The beauty never returned to university.

To achieve success faster, the young model had rhinoplasty and adjusted the shape and size of her breasts. After that, she began to be invited for erotic photo shoots by the famous “men’s” publications “GQ” and “Max”.

When the name of Melania Knaus became known outside Europe, she decided to move to the USA. In 1996, the girl went to New York, where she continued her successful modeling career.

Meet Donald Trump

The meeting between the billionaire and the Slovenian beauty took place at one of the high-society parties in the New York club KitKat. It was 1998, Melania was 28 years old at that time, Donald was almost twice that age, and in addition, he was married to actress Marla Maples. The model was aware of the businessman’s marital status and love of love (especially since he came to the party with his companion), so at first she rejected his attentions. But Trump became seriously interested in her and eventually won her favor.

From that moment on, Melania's career took off sharply. Her photographs began to be printed on the covers of the most popular glossies: Harper's Bazaar, Ocean Drive, In StyleWeddings, New York Magazine, Avenue, Allure, Vogue. It was then that she starred in the ill-fated nude photo shoot, which many years later Trump's enemies used against him in election race

In 2001, she tried her hand at filmmaking, appearing opposite Donald in Ben Stiller's Zoolander. However, the attempt was unsuccessful - Melania’s name was not even included in the credits.

Melania and Donald Trump in Zoolander

Family life of Melania and Donald Trump

It was the sixth year of Melania and Donald Trump's romance when the woman decided for herself: “Either he will marry me now, or I will leave him forever.” The billionaire realized that he did not want to lose his life partner, and proposed to her.

The wedding of Donald Trump and Melania Knaus, which took place in January 2005, amazed both the press and high-ranking guests. The businessman spent about $45 million on the ceremony, making it one of the most expensive weddings in history. Trump decorated his lady's finger with a 12-carat diamond ring worth one and a half million dollars. Melania's wedding dress from the fashion house Dior cost 200 thousand dollars and took its rightful place on the cover of Vogue. Among the distinguished guests was Trump's future rival in the presidential race, Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill.

A year later, the couple had a son, Barron, Donald's fifth child and Melania's first child. The woman had to part with the modeling business. She devoted herself to family and community work, and in 2010 she founded her own business making and selling jewelry.

Melania Trump now. First Lady of the USA

During Trump's election campaign, the future mistress of the White House provided every possible support to her husband, courageously fighting off the endless stream of dirty accusations pouring on his head.