Psychological tests on the topic of owl and lark. Are you a dove, a lark or an owl? Tests. rules on how to choose vitamins - which ones are best for women

This test will show you whether you are a “night owl”, “early person” or “arrhythmic”. And they will give you explanations for the text useful information about how to rebuild your life rhythm to a more optimal one for you.

For each test question, choose one answer option.

1. Do you find it difficult to get up early in the morning?

a) Yes, almost always;

b) Sometimes;

d) Extremely rare.

2. If you had a choice, what time would you go to bed?

a) After 1 am;

b) From 23:30 to 1:00;

c) From 22:00 to 23:30;

d) Until 22 o'clock.

3. What kind of breakfast do you prefer during the first hour after waking up?

a) Dense;

b) Less dense;

c) You can limit yourself to a boiled egg or a sandwich;

d) A cup of tea or coffee is enough.

4. If you remember your last disagreements at work and at home, at what time did they occur?

a) In the first half of the day;

b) In the afternoon.

5. What could you give up more easily?

a) From morning tea or coffee;

b) From evening tea.

6. How easily are your eating habits disrupted during vacations or holidays?

a) Very easy;

b) Quite easy;

c) Difficult;

d) Remains unchanged.

7. If you have important things to do early in the morning, how much earlier do you go to bed compared to your usual routine?

a) More than 2 hours;

b) For 1–2 hours;

c) Less than 1 hour;

d) As usual.

8. How accurately can you estimate a period of time equal to a minute (ask someone to help you with this test)?

a) Less than a minute;

b) More than a minute.


Calculate your total points.

If you typed

0–7 points, you are a “lark”,

8–13 points– arrhythmic,

14–20 points- "owl".


Do you go to bed on time? Many will answer this question in the negative, and some will also add: “I am an owl.” And, they say, there is no need to explain to the owl that it is harmful to go to bed after midnight: after all, deviation from the generally accepted regime is predetermined by nature itself.

But this is by no means true. Scientists have long refuted the once existing theory about “hunters” and “watchmen” into whom humanity was supposedly divided in ancient times. It is well known that the tendency towards one type or another (morning or evening) is not transmitted genetically, but is formed under the influence of specific life conditions. Whether a person will be a “night owl”, a “lark” or an arrhythmic person largely depends on his behavior and lifestyle. However, the “lark” mode is more natural for any person. It is to this regime that our basic physiological functions, such as body temperature, are adapted. At night, even in a hard working person it decreases, just like in a sleeping person. But the constant disruption of sleep and wakefulness ultimately leads to the fact that some less stable physiological processes begin to be restructured. Thus, the pulse rate, which is usually higher in the morning, gradually begins to increase in the evening for those who work in the evenings, and sometimes becomes even higher than the morning one.

Thus, in a person who is regularly awake in the late evening and at night, flexible physiological functions and more stable ones begin to act out of coordination. By violating the regime, we artificially disrupt the body’s activities and create very difficult conditions for its normal functioning.

According to available data, the average daily release of hormones in night owls is 1.5 times higher than in early risers. This is the doping that ensures evening and night activity of a person that is not provided for by nature. And like any doping, it does not leave its mark on the body. An increased release of adrenaline and norepinephrine contributes to metabolic disorders, the accumulation of metabolic products in the blood, and their deposition on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, the risk of developing atherosclerosis, hypertension, and coronary heart disease increases. Research by scientists shows that human activity in the evening and at night comes at a high price. Judge for yourself.

Myocardial infarctions occur one and a half times more often in night owls than in early risers. But the opinion of night owls that they work better in the evening than in the morning is not substantiated in any way. Experiments have shown that, for example, the level of sensorimotor reactions in the evening in night owls is the same as in the morning, i.e. in the morning they can cope with any work no less successfully than in the evening.

Therefore, if you consider yourself to be a “night owl” (the test published below will help you determine this accurately), try to gradually rearrange your daily routine towards the morning type.

This is not as difficult to implement as it seems. It is enough to transfer the most responsible and intense work from the evening to the morning, do not read immediately before bed, be sure to walk in the evening, physically work or exercise during the day, try to go to bed and get up always at the same time. This will help maintain health and significantly increase performance.

Quite a well-known test, what touches me most is the affectionate name of the category of arrhythmics - pigeons)))

So gentle and funny)))

Only 8 questions:

1. If you were given a choice (regardless of school activities and all that jazz), what time would you go to bed?

a) after one in the morning;

b) up to ten;

c) most likely somewhere around twelve.

2. What to eat in the morning is a matter of taste. What breakfast do you prefer in the first hour after waking up?

a) something significant, and more;

b) a glass of juice or tea;

c) you can have a boiled egg or a sandwich.

3. If you try to remember all sorts of tensions and showdowns with friends, then at what time do they most often occur?

a) of course, in the morning, when I’m still slow to think!

b) in the late afternoon;

c) I can’t remember exactly.

4. Think about what you could give up more easily, so as not to feel discomfort?

a) from morning tea or coffee;

b) from evening tea drinking;

c) in general, I don’t care when to drink tea...

5. If you know that you definitely need to get up early the next day, will you try to fall asleep earlier than usual?

a) necessarily - an hour and a half to two;

b) in my opinion, this is not necessary...

6. Try to figure out whether it is difficult for you to wake up with an alarm clock? How do you feel when he rings early in the morning?

a) I am sometimes ready to break it;

b) in principle no;

c) it just depends on what time I go to bed the night before.

7. Think about it, during the holidays (vacation) do you get up as early as usual when you get ready to go to school (work)?

a) I sleep as much as I want;

b) yes, it just so happens: I do it as if out of habit;

c) difficult to say.

8. Try to determine a period of time equal to one minute without a clock (with someone’s help). How exactly did you manage to do this?

a) it turned out to be less than a minute;

b) it took more than a minute;

c) hit (a) almost to the point.

Test results evaluation:






0-18 points. You are a “lark, and a pronounced one at that!” We can congratulate you, because this is a rare category of people. And oddly enough, good luck accompanies them throughout life. Maybe according to the saying “He who gets up early, God gives him?” While others are stretching in bed, you have time to do a lot of things!

21-33 points. You probably yourself feel that you are a typical night owl... It’s easier to shoot you than to make you jump up early in the morning. Do you know that people of your type are much less susceptible than others to, for example, panic in critical situations? Therefore, they make excellent pilots and even astronauts...

34-48 points. You belong to a rare category of people - “arrhythmics”. (Don’t be afraid of the clever word, your type is also affectionately called “pigeons”). You don’t have clear instructions, just get up early, on the contrary, always wake up closer to lunch. You can easily adapt to circumstances, and this is your huge plus!

It is common knowledge that “night owls” and “larks” are something that many people do not pay due attention to. As a result, health suffers, which is often attributed to poor ecology, stress, poor nutrition and other reasons.

But, as neurophysiologists say, and doctors agree with them, for good health and maintaining full activity on long years, you should, first of all, listen to your own biorhythms and follow them.

  • "Larks" get up early and go to bed early,
  • Night owls get up late in the morning and go to bed after midnight.

However, in the busy rhythm of modern life everything is much more complicated. The vast majority of people are forced to live in accordance with a standard schedule, aimed more at early risers. This explains the difficulty of understanding personal biorhythms.

Are you a dove, a lark or an owl? Tests

According to one of the many theories,

biologicallyskiesbehindare released in the human body at the moment of birth and only in exceptional cases undergo changes.

Belonging to one type or another is determined by the time of birth:

  • "Larks"- from 4:00 to 11:00,
  • "Owls"- from 16:00 to 24:00, it is during these hours that they experience an increase in performance,
  • "Pigeons"- from 11:00 to 16:00 and from 00:00 to 4:00, these people easily adapt to any rhythm and lifestyle.

However, this theory “works” to a greater extent for determining biorhythms. In the adult population, under pressure from social, public, personal and other conditions, the natural clock is disrupted.

If you live for a long period of time according to a schedule that is not suitable for your type, then the natural biorhythms are transformed into those formed by the environment.

Determining your type Thus, you should practice in a calm and measured environment, for example, on vacation. During the first week, the body comes to its senses, and then develops its own sleep and wakefulness pattern. A few days after the start of your vacation, you will notice that you eat, fall asleep and wake up, and experience bursts of vigor and laziness at approximately the same time. This rhythm is your natural one.

Hildelbrandt index

The test is based on the quantitative ratio of pulse rate to respiration - the Hildelbrandt index. The indicators should be measured immediately after waking up and their ratio should be determined.

If this ratio is less than 3:1, then you are a “night owl” and have not yet fully woken up, this is evidenced by a rare pulse.

Index above 5:1 have " ", they wake up with a rapid pulse, ready for active action.

Index 4:1 speaks of the attitude of its owner towards “pigeons”.

For the correct result, it is very important to conduct the experiment correctly:

  • Do it on a weekday
  • The time to wake up should be normal,
  • Wake up to soft, calm music. The sharp sound of an alarm clock can cause a faster heart rate, which will distort the Hildelbrandt index.
  • For greater accuracy, repeat the experiment ent daily for three days.

Temperature test

The conditions for this test are similar to those described above (Hildelbrandt index). The point of this experiment is to measure the temperature in the armpit every morning immediately after waking up. Do this in bed without getting up. Then you can do your usual activities for an hour, and then take your readings again.


  • The temperature has not changed - the person is a “lark”,
  • Increased by more than 0.8 degrees Celsius - to the “owls”,
  • It increased by only 0.4 degrees Celsius - this is a “dove”.

Ostberg Psychological Test (short)

1. It’s difficult for you to wake up in the morning:

A) yes, almost constantly (3),

B) sometimes (2),

B) rarely (1),

D) very rarely (0).

2. What time would you prefer to go to bed given the opportunity to choose:

A) at night, after 01:00 (3),

B) 23:00 - 01:00 (2),

B) at 22:00 - 23:00 (1),

D) until 22:00 (0).

3. Breakfast you prefer in the first hour after getting up:

A) dense (0),

B) not very dense (1),

C) I can limit myself to one boiled egg (2),

D) a cup of coffee or tea is enough for me (3).

4. At what time do you most often have possible disagreements and conflicts at home and at work?

A) in the first half of the day (1),

B) in the afternoon (o).

5. You will easily refuse:

A) from morning coffee or tea (2),

B) from tea or coffee in the evening (0).

6. Timing accuracy for 1 minute:

A) I get it in less than a minute (0),

B) I am counting down more than a minute (2).

7. When traveling and on vacation, do you easily change your eating habits?

A) very easy (0),

B) without any problems (1),

B) with difficulty (2),

D) I never change (3).

8. You have important events ahead of you in the morning, how much earlier will you go to bed:

A) more than 2 hours (3),

B) I’ll go to bed 1-2 hours earlier (2),

B) less than an hour (1),

D) I’ll go to bed as usual (0).

RESULT: The scores are summed up across all questions.

  • 0-7 points- the subject is a morning person,
  • 8-13 points- "pigeon",
  • 14-20 points- "owl".

Psychological test “What kind of bird am I”

1. Your attitude towards waking up early:

A) Normal

B) It's a necessity

B) Necessary evil.

2. Helps you wake up:

A) light breakfast

B) a cup of strong tea or coffee (sometimes more than one);

C) I can’t get out of bed until the last minute.

3. At what time of day do you prefer to perform unpleasant duties?

A) I prefer in the morning,

B) I do it when necessary,

B) late at night.

4. Sleepless nights and holiday parties deprive you of:

A) physical and emotional strength, completely devastate,

B) emotional forces,

B) physical strength.

5. A glass of wine affects you:

A) drowsy effect,

B) gives slight relaxation,

C) a surge of strength and vigor.

6. The guests got ready to go home. Your feelings:

A) You are happy

B) you’ve been waiting for their departure for a long time,

C) you are sincerely upset about their early departure.

7. Preferred time for sex:

A) only in the morning,

B) doesn't matter

B) late in the evening.


· 7 - 16 points: You are an early riser. Your activity reaches its maximum in the first half of the day, around 11 o'clock, then decreases and gradually fades away. The best recharge for you is a short nap during the day; even a nap will give you a boost of energy.

· 16 -25 points: You belong to the “pigeons”. Sleepless nights or early rises do not cause you any special problems; any schedule is convenient for you. And yet, you shouldn’t change your lifestyle suddenly and often; you should give your body a break and live according to stable biorhythms.

· More than 25 points: You are a night owl. Your worst enemy is your alarm clock. A forced early rise can throw you off balance for a long time. Doping is strong tea or coffee. “Owls” are advised to plan all important events for the second half of the day.

Well-being largely depends on understanding yourself. Owls, larks, and pigeons, due to their biorhythms, can face a variety of problems during the day. By understanding which chronotype you belong to, you can easily optimize your workday.

Sleep is a very important aspect of our life. After all, it is by resting that we gain strength and energy. You can also learn something about a person’s character by their sleeping position. But a productive sleep and working day depend on a person’s personal biorhythms. To accurately determine your body’s propensity for one or another biorhythm, observe yourself during those periods when you get enough sleep and are not in a hurry, and compare them with your daily behavior.

Or take a short test that we have compiled for you, choosing one letter of the answer.

1 What time do you tend to wake up?

A: 7-8 is a good time for me.
IN: around 10 am.
WITH: between these two intervals.

2 What time is your peak activity?

A: I usually solve all my problems before lunch time.
IN: lunch period, period around 18-19 hours and at night.
WITH: I don’t have any special changes in activity throughout the day.

3 What do you usually eat in the morning?

A: I need a full breakfast, I eat a lot in the morning.
IN: I can’t eat, especially a lot. Most often I drink stronger tea or coffee, maybe with a sandwich.
WITH: I eat so that I don’t feel hungry.

4 When can you do physical exercise, including heavy exercise?

A: gymnastics in the morning.
IN: I can clean up in the evening after work.
WITH: always ready.

5 If you had to work the night shift, what would you do?

A: I'll definitely get some sleep before this.
IN: I’ll get up later, I won’t go to bed before duty, but I’ll sleep after it.
WITH: I can take an afternoon nap.

6 If you didn’t have to go anywhere tomorrow, what would you do?

A: I’ll still go to bed around 10-11 p.m.
IN: You can stay up until 3-4 am!
WITH: I'll go to bed around midnight or a little later.

7 How do you feel when you have to get up early?

A: I quickly realize awakening, ready for work and defense
IN: well, maybe in half an hour or an hour I’ll swing. Thanks coffee.
WITH: It could be later, but I’ll get up, no problem.

8 How do you react to changes in your daily routine?

A: A couple of sleepless nights will kill me.
IN: I can handle it well when I have to work late.
WITH: I will hardly feel a shift of 2-3 hours in any direction.

9 Do you find it difficult to sleep at night?

A: I calmly go into the world of dreams, going to bed before midnight.
IN: I fall asleep by 1-2 am, there may be problems.
WITH: sleep like that, sleep longer.

10 What type do you consider yourself to be?

A: morning.
B: evening-night or nocturnal.
S: both.

The more A answers you have, the more pronounced your morning biorhythm is, which means you are a morning person. Answers B indicate that you are more of a night owl. The predominance of answers C indicates the third, most adaptive type of person - the pigeon.

Having determined your type based on biorhythms, you can work on your daily schedule and diet. If you happen to be one of the lucky pigeons, you are unlikely to have any serious problems during the day. For example, you don't try to quietly fall asleep during a lecture or an important meeting. And don't leave with friendly party at 9 pm because your eyes are drooping. But if this happens, then it's time to take action. We have collected

Our lives are controlled by internal biological rhythms. They determine a person’s activity at different times of the day. And it is very important to know what clock our body works in order to live in harmony with ourselves.

Depending on their chronotype, all people can be divided into three categories: “owls”, “larks” and “pigeons”. Moreover, every fifth of us is considered to be a night owl. In the morning hours, their psychophysiological functions are inhibited, then during the day their activity gradually increases, and their peak performance occurs in the evening and night. As a rule, such people are distinguished by inertia, prudence, validity of conclusions, and a tendency to logical thinking and abstract generalizations.

About 30% of people are early risers. They work better in the morning with a “fresh mind”, but by the end of the day they become less energetic, and they endure evening and night shifts with great difficulty. Early risers are often enthusiasts, idea generators, or daring creators. The remaining half of all people are classified as “pigeons,” or arrhythmics. They easily adapt to any work schedule, that is, they are alert at any time of the day.

Who is who?

Determining which “pack” you belong to is not always easy. It often happens that living conditions force us to adapt to a daily routine that is not typical for our nature. But if a person breaks his biorhythms, for example, struggles with insomnia or, conversely, with sleep, this can lead to bad consequences.

  • "Owls" are richer than "larks". V them better memory, thinking, better health. These results were obtained by English researchers based on a survey of 3,000 people over 50 years of age.
  • It is clear that “owls” appeared after the electric light bulb was invented; before that, all people lived “according to the sun”: they went to bed early and got up early.
  • According to research by American scientists, the number of early risers is currently decreasing.
  • It is curious that among people 18-30 years old, almost half are night owls. At the age of 30-50 years such people are already about 30%. And after 50 years, only a few continue to be night owls.
  • Among the "owls" there are many representatives creative professions. They, as a rule, have imaginative thinking - these are people with the leading right hemisphere of the brain. "Larks" are different analytical warehouse mind, what is responsible for left hemisphere. They often become mathematicians and physicists.

Horn-Ostberg Questionnaire (short version)

Do you find it difficult to get up early in the morning?

  • yes, almost always - 3 points;
  • sometimes - 2 points;
  • rarely - 1 point;
  • extremely rarely - 0 points.

If you had the choice, what time would you go to bed in the evening?

  • after 1 am - 3 points;
  • from 23 to 1 o'clock - 2 points;
  • from 22 to 23 hours - 1 point;
  • until 22:00 - 0 points.

What kind of breakfast do you prefer during the first hour after waking up?

  • dense - 0 points;
  • less dense - 1 point;
  • you can limit yourself to a boiled egg - 2 points;
  • a cup of tea or coffee is enough - 3 points.

If you remember all your recent disagreements with family members and colleagues, at what time of day do they mostly occur?

  • in the morning - 1 point;
  • in the afternoon - 0 points.

What would be easier for you to give up?

  • from morning tea or coffee - 2 points;
  • from evening tea - 0 points.
  • less than a minute - 0 points;
  • more than a minute - 2 points.

How easily do you change your eating habits while on vacation or traveling?

  • very easy - 0 points;
  • easy - 1 point;
  • difficult - 2 points;
  • don't change - 3 points.

If you have important things to do early in the morning, how early do you go to bed?

  • more than 2 hours - 3 points;
  • for an hour or two - 2 points;
  • less than an hour - 1 point;
  • as usual - 0 points.

Count the points for all questions.

  • Sum from 0 to 7 indicates belonging to the “larks”;
  • from 8 to 13– to the “pigeons”;
  • from 14 to 20– to the “owls”.

To better understand yourself and then draw appropriate conclusions, pay attention to the advice of experts. Firstly, there is an opinion that a person’s internal biorhythms determines the time of birth. Those born between 4 and 11 a.m. are “larks,” and those born between 4 p.m. and midnight are “night owls.” The rest are “pigeons”. If you do not know the hour of your birth, use the following method - physiological. This test was invented by German professor Gunther Hildebrandt. In the morning, immediately after waking up, measure your heart rate and the number of breaths per minute. If their ratio is somewhere around 4:1, then you are a “dove”; if it is 5:1 or 6:1, then you are a “lark”. An increase in the frequency of inhalations and a ratio of 3:1 or less are typical for typical night owls. To check which type you belong to, you can also use the questionnaire of Swedish scientists Horn and Ostberg.

Where to lay the straws?

“Larks” are more prone to diabetes, obesity, circulatory diseases, migraines, asthma, and are more sensitive to weather changes.

“Owls” are more likely to suffer from stomach ulcers, hypertension, myocardial infarction, and angina pectoris. There is a scientific explanation for this. Back in the 1950s, British geneticist and microbiologist Francis Rick found that the daily release of hormones in “owls” is 1.5 times higher than in “larks,” which is why they are so active in the evening and at night.