Miracle-yudo fish-whale. How scientists discovered a monster that for many years was considered fiction. Miracle Yudo fish whale (as a ruff drove together) Reproductions depicting miracle Yudo fish whale

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The monster that was not believed in for 1000 years

“You often talk about all sorts of mysterious animals. It’s just a shame that none of them were ever found…” (From a letter)

How was it not discovered? They even discovered it! A real monster, in which scientists did not believe for a thousand years and considered fiction! And he is - and was discovered by science quite recently ...

There is such a beast!
Terrible stories about this monster were told by fishermen and sailors, pirates and travelers. However, there was no truly reliable information about him, so those who did not see him believed that these were fictions.

And imagine - quite recently, in 2009, we managed to capture this "mythical creature" on video! Let's not laugh at incredulous scientists. Strange as it may sound, we know more about the surface of the Moon than about the depths of our native oceans. Scientists have explored at best 5 percent of the ocean depths.

Fables and conjectures
Scandinavian sailors were the first to face the terrible sea monster. It happened more than a thousand years ago somewhere in the northern seas. From generation to generation, stories about encounters with a formidable and mysterious beast, which in Norwegian is called "kraken", that is, "curved", "twisted" (the Russian word "hook" comes from the same ancient Scandinavian root), were passed down from generation to generation. This terrible monster could sink and devour entire ships! Here is how the 13th century legends describe this animal:

"This beast is the largest of the sea monsters. By its nature, it devours people and ships, as well as whales and everything it can reach. It hides under water for long days, and then raises its head and nostrils from the depths and waits for the next tide. Our ship miraculously slipped between his jaws, and his teeth were like underwater rocks. The evil sorcerer summoned the monster with his magic to destroy us, but I knew that the monster only surfaced, and therefore managed to slip through the mouth of the monster ... "

And here is another passage:
"There is a fish whose name cannot be named, the size of which will seem unheard of to people. Few talk about it, because it does not appear near the coast, and only fishermen see it far out to sea. In our language, we call it "kraken". It is impossible to say how many cubits in length, for when you see it, it looks more like an island than a fish. No one has ever heard of this fish being caught or killed. It is so voracious and huge that there are only two such fish in the ocean, or maybe , and only one."

In the book "History northern peoples» Archbishop Olaf Magnus (16th century) also talks about a monstrous fish that lives off the coast of Norway. This fish is "at least a mile long", it has an ugly head covered with disgusting warts and evil eyes of incredible size. “This fish,” writes the author, “can sink a lot big ships with many strong sailors. It may seem to someone that we are talking about a whale - but the fact is that the Norwegians were absolutely convinced that this “fish” is not a whale at all! They were well acquainted with whales and successfully hunted them - they were known as the most courageous and skillful whalers in all of Europe. For a Norwegian sailor to be afraid of a whale? Yes, this can not be!

And outwardly, the kraken was not very similar to a whale. Here is a description from an 18th-century book: “The kraken, which is also called the crab fish, has a head and many tails, and is no longer than Yoland Island (16 kilometers). When the kraken rises to the surface, all ships should immediately sail from there, for it emerges with a huge splash, emits water from its terrible nostrils, and waves a whole mile high diverge from it in circles. Yes, a whale can emit a water “fountain” when it floats to the surface of the sea to breathe, but it’s somehow not very possible to imagine a whale with a “many tails” ...

Linnaeus was hunted down...
Natural scientists of that time did not know what to think. On the one hand, without exception, all the fishermen and sailors were convinced of the existence of the "northern monster". On the other hand, this monster could not be caught or killed, and scientists had to believe the sailors just by their word - and scientists do not like to take their word for it. After much debate, they came to the conclusion that the "kraken" is most likely a giant squid or octopus, but whether it really exists, they were absolutely not sure.

The famous Swedish zoologist Carl Linnaeus, in the first edition of his book "The System of Nature" in 1735, mentioned the kraken, classified it as a class of cephalopods (together with octopuses, squids and cuttlefish) and gave the Latin name Microcosmus marinus. However, scientific colleagues showered Linnaeus with ridicule, and he crossed out the kraken from all subsequent editions of the book. In another book of his, Animal world Sweden", he wrote: "They say that there is a unique monster that lives in the seas of Norway, but I have not seen this animal."

The French zoologist Denis de Montfort was absolutely convinced of the existence of the kraken. In 1802, he published The Natural History of Mollusks, in which he called the kraken a "colossal pulp". It was a gigantic aggressive monster with incredible strength. For example, once such a “colossal pulp” emerged from the depths and dragged a three-masted ship to the bottom. In another story, described by de Montfort, a sea monster sank as many as ten warships in one night ... However, few believed the author. Scientists-zoologists laughed and mocked de Montfort's book, by the way, in many respects rightly - de Montfort made a lot of conjectures, inaccuracies and fantastic conjectures.

"Colossal pulp" from the book by Denis de Montfort

In general, by the beginning of the 19th century, all the stories about the giant "kraken", "polypus" and "colossal pulp" were unanimously recorded in the section "grandmother's tales" and "children's horror stories".

A bolt from the blue
In 1861, the steam corvette Alekton returned to the coast of France from a long voyage. Captain Buge delivered to the Academy of Sciences a 20-kilogram piece of meat and a detailed report on how his ship met a kraken near the island of Tenerife.

According to the captain, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the sailor saw a huge creature swimming close to the surface of the sea. On the head of the creature, like a ball of snakes, a dozen long tentacles writhed. The captain decided that the animal was of great value for science, and therefore ordered to attack and harpoon the kraken.

Several shots were fired from the cannons, but none hit the mark. Finally, one of the sailors managed to pierce the body of the monster with a harpoon and put on a rope loop - but when trying to get the kraken out of the water, he twitched violently and left only a small piece of his tail for the sailors.

However, the ship's artist managed to make a wonderful drawing - finally, the scientists had the first "real" proof of the existence of the kraken. Over the past century, several dead krakens have been washed ashore and examined by scientists; and, as we have already said, this monster was captured “live” on a video camera only in 2009.

Meeting of the corvette "Alecton" with a giant squid

Nightmare relative of the snail
So, what kind of animal is the kraken? Kraken is a giant squid, a cephalopod. Yes, yes, as strange as it sounds, but the giant kraken is a distant relative of ordinary snails, shells and slugs!

Modern scientists distinguish between two types of giant squid: the actual giant squid architeuthis (in Latin Architeuthis dux) and the Antarctic giant squid (Mesonychoteutis hamiltoni).

Ordinary (not giant) squids have long been known to man - the meat of this animal is eaten in many countries of the world, for example, in Greece, Portugal, Spain. Squid is very popular in Japanese cuisine, and we in Russia sometimes like to feast on squid "rings". However, ordinary squids are small creatures, with a size of half a meter and a weight of about one and a half kilograms. Another thing is the giant squid. The dimensions of his body are about five meters, and he weighs almost half a ton; however, the size of the body seems small in comparison with the length of the tentacles (tentacles) - they can be more than 20 meters long! Lying on the ground, this monster can reach up to the windows of the seventh floor with its tentacles!

In total, the giant squid has 10 tentacles: 8 ordinary and 2 trapping, longer ones. These tentacles are dotted with rows of powerful suckers, and each sucker is also “armed” with sharp curved teeth, similar to cat claws. In the mouth of the squid there is a curved beak, curved like a parrot's, very sharp and strong. Behind the beak is a radula, a kind of tongue studded with sharp teeth. With this tongue, the squid quickly moves back and forth, preparing a “mashed potatoes” for itself from the caught prey.

On the head of the architeuthis are two monstrous eyes - these are the largest eyes in the world! The eye of a giant squid is up to 40 centimeters in diameter - that is, it is the size of a large school globe! Even to a modern person, this beast will seem creepy - and it's easy to guess how he frightened the superstitious medieval fishermen!

Ka-a-ak shandarakhnet! ..
Is the giant squid dangerous for boats and ships? Are the legends about ships sunk by krakens false, or is there some truth in these stories?

Yes, these legends are based on real grounds. For example, in 1946, a giant squid attacked the Norwegian tanker Brunsvik (length 150 meters, displacement 15 thousand tons). The report of the captain of the ship indicated that the squid was more than 20 meters long, and it swam at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. At first, the squid swam along the side of the tanker, then overtook it, made a semicircle and suddenly attacked the ship. Strong blows could not penetrate the steel plating of the vessel, and after some time the squid swam away.

giant squid eye

However, it was a modern tanker, steel, almost the size of a stadium. Imagine what would happen if a medieval fishing schooner made of wood was in place of the tanker? The "beak" of the squid is a terrible weapon, no less terrible are its suckers, armed with razor-sharp claws.

Squid tentacle with suckers

Why does a person very rarely encounter giant squids? The fact is that these creatures usually live at a very great depth, much more than a kilometer, and float to the surface only in exceptional cases. Zoologists say that only a very hungry or sick architeuthis can rise to the surface.

The main enemies of giant squids are not people at all, but sperm whales - toothed whales. For sperm whales, squid is the main food; however, the giant architeuthis can prove to be a highly problematic "breakfast". Boris Zenkovich, author of the book “Around the World for Whales”, describes the dramatic fight between a sperm whale and a giant squid: “The whale, as if in its death throes, either jumped out of the water, or spun at the surface. The sailors noticed that his entire body was entangled in the tentacles of a giant squid. The sperm whale grabbed the squid in its mouth and tried to swallow it, but the tentacles that stuck to the head of the whale interfered. Finally, the sperm whale managed to free itself from the tentacles, it tore apart the squid and swallowed it.”

There is a lot of evidence that giant squids over 30 meters long are found at great depths - and now they may well “eat whales”, as described in medieval chronicles.

For a snack
Someone will say: “It would be great to catch such a huge squid - this is how many delicious rings you could cook from it!”. I hasten to upset: the body of a giant architeuthis contains a lot of ammonium chloride, or, simply, ammonia. Therefore, the meat of such a squid is disgusting, smelly and completely inedible.

Another thing is the second species of the giant squid mesonichitevtis, which is found in the southern seas, off the coast of Antarctica. In length, it is somewhat smaller than its northern counterpart, but heavier and thicker. This giant squid has quite edible and very tasty meat, and from one carcass you can get up to 350 kilograms of those “rings”! However, catching such a “fish” will be oh so difficult - not only does it weigh half a ton, but also the beak is so strong that it can easily bite through steel wire, not like fishing line ...

Petr Pavlovich Ershov - Russian prose writer, playwright, poet. One of his most famous works is The Little Humpbacked Horse. Those who read this tale in verse will surely remember that one of the most striking characters is the Whale Fish. If you have not yet had the pleasure of reading this work, you can do it right now.

Background to writing a masterpiece

Ershov Petr Pavlovich was born on February 22, 1815 in the town of Bezrukovo, Tobolsk province. His father often moved on duty, so Peter had the opportunity to communicate with different people.

The boy listened to the folk tales that formed the basis of his famous work The Humpbacked Horse. As the author himself said, he only slightly modified them, gave the words a poetic form. Opinions about the work were conflicting. So, Belinsky said that there is no Russian spirit in a fairy tale, despite the fact that it is written in Russian words. However, there were many positive reviews. So, A. S. Pushkin, having familiarized himself with the work, said: “Now this kind of composition can be left to me.” With these words, he put the beginning poet on the same level with himself. And it was under the influence of Pushkin's fairy tales that the 19-year-old P. P. Ershov created The Little Humpbacked Horse.

One peasant had three sons. The elder's name was Danilo, he was smart. The middle Gavrilo was "this way and that", and the younger Ivan was a fool at all.

The family grew wheat and sold it. But someone began to trample the crops at night and thereby cause great damage. Then it was decided that all the brothers would take turns on duty. The elder, when he was on duty, was attacked by fear. The young man dug into the hay and lay there all night, so he did not learn anything. The middle brother froze and left his post. Only Ivan managed to understand what was the matter. He saw a beautiful white horse, managed to saddle it and bring it to the shepherd's booth.

As the mare promised him, she gave birth to three horses. Danilo and Gavrilo saw two handsome stallions and secretly took them away for sale. The humpbacked horse consoled the saddened Ivan. He ordered him to sit on his back and rushed after his brothers. From this begins the fairy tale of Ershov, in which the Whale Fish will soon appear.

Trials for a Peasant's Son

The horses were so good that the king bought them in the capital. When the animals were taken to the stable, they ran to Ivan. Then the king appointed him a groom. But the envious sleeping bag could not survive this, he threw the Firebird feather to Ivan and told the king that the guy promised to bring the owner of the feather.

With the help of the humpbacked horse, the young man fulfilled this order of the king. Then a faithful friend helped the guy bring the Tsar Maiden. At the suggestion of the sovereign to become his wife, the girl said that she would not agree until the ring was taken from the ocean floor. It is this event that will bring the reader closer to the next character, who should help get the ring out of the watery depths.

Finding themselves by the ocean, Ivan and the horse saw that Miracle-Yudo Fish-Whale lies across it.

First Encounter with a Giant Island Fish

The whale was extraordinary. It turns out that it has been ten years since he turned into a living island. Further, Ershov describes what the Miracle-Yudo Fish-Whale looks like.

A village stood on its back, there were real houses here. Palisades were driven into the ribs of the poor animal. Men plowed on his lip, mushrooms grew between his mustaches, which the girls were looking for.

Horse and Ivan jumped on a strange creature. The whale fish asked where they came from and where they were going?

They replied that they were leaving the capital on behalf of the Tsar Maiden, heading towards the Sun, which would help them fulfill the girl's task. Having heard, he asked the travelers to ask the Sun how long he would still be in this form and for what sins this punishment. Ivan promised to fulfill the request, and the travelers went on.

Description of the hero of a fairy tale

They will help you find out what a Whale Fish looks like, pictures. It can be seen that a forest grows on its tail. It begins with a birch grove, becoming denser. Dark firs, oaks and other trees are already located there.

Standing on the body of the sufferer Near each of them is a vegetable garden. They plow the land and carry the weight of the horse, which can also be seen in the illustration. On one side of the giant fish is a church where peasants go to pray. On the other - a mill, here they turn grain into flour.

The growth is also covered with his face. It can be seen how the Whale Fish is suffering. Pictures convey the bleak existence of the animal. Although only one of his eyes is drawn, and the other is hidden under the vegetation, it is clear what longing and prayer to travelers he is filled with. Will Ivanushka and the skate be able to help him? You will find out about this very soon.

In a palace

The young man climbed up with an assistant to heaven and ended up in the palace of the Tsar Maiden. However, the sun rested here only at night, and during the day they found a month there, but they were glad about this. The night luminary was also happy, having received through messengers the news of his missing daughter, the Tsar Maiden. To celebrate, Month Mesyatsovich told the guests why the Whale Fish suffers. The tale moves on to the next episode, which lifts the veil of secrecy. It turns out that the giant fish swallowed 30 ships. As soon as she releases them back, she will be forgiven and again able to swim freely in the ocean.


Ivan and the humpbacked man said goodbye to the Moon and set off on their way back. As they approached the ocean, a whale fish saw them. The tale continues, and now there are only joyful moments in it.

The hunchback galloped to the peasants to tell them to quickly pack up and leave this living island, otherwise they would drown. They obeyed, and at noon there was not a single living soul here.

Then only the travelers told the whale how to earn forgiveness. He opened his mouth and all the ships jumped out of it with noise, cannon shots. The rowers sang cheerful songs.

The search for the ring

For those who are interested, a whale is a fish or an animal should be explained. Previously, people thought that this was a giant fish, because the whale lives in the water and is similar in shape to it. But then it turned out that this mammal that breathes air is viviparous, which means it is an animal. But back to the tale.

The whale fish asks his saviors how he can thank them. They said they only wanted the ring. He dived into the abyss of water, called the sturgeon and told them to find the decoration. They searched for a long time, but returned with nothing. They said that only a ruff could find it.

After that, two dolphins went in search of a ruff. He was a reveler and a bully, so finding him was not so easy.

They searched for him in the seas, rivers, lakes, but all in vain. Then the dolphins heard the exclamations and realized that the ruff was in the pond. There he intended to fight with crucians. Here is a story that P. P. Ershov came up with in verse. The whale fish that the sea reveler was brought to tells him to find the chest that contained the ring.

Yorsh said he knew where it all was. He dived into the pool and dug up the coveted chest there, then called the sturgeons, told them to take the find to the whale, and he went about his business.

Happy end of the fairy tale

At this time, Ivan was sitting on the ocean shore and waiting for the Whale Fish to appear. It was already evening, but the surface of the water did not sway. The young man was worried, as the term for the execution of the royal mandate was nearing its end, and he still did not have a ring. Suddenly the sea began to seethe, and a whale appeared. He gave the chest to the young man, saying that he had fulfilled the request.

Ivan tried to lift the chest, but could not. Then the Humpbacked Bunok easily threw his luggage around his neck, ordered the young man to sit on his back and went to the royal palace. The travelers gave the sovereign a ring, he handed it to the Tsar Maiden and told her to marry him quickly. The girl replied that she was 15 years old and she would not marry an old man. The king-maiden advised him to bathe in cold water, then in hot water and in milk, so that he would turn into a young one.

He decided to first test on Ivan. The young man cringed. The humpbacked man told him that he would help. Indeed, when Ivan jumped into a cauldron of boiling liquid, the skate cooled it down with magical movements. As a result, the young man became handsome and handsome. And the evil king, having jumped into the cauldron, boiled there.

The girl married Ivan, and this is where the fairy tale ends. After reading it, the children can draw a picture. The whale fish will look like a book illustration or will be different from it.

Petr Pavlovich Ershov - Russian prose writer, playwright, poet. One of his most famous works is The Little Humpbacked Horse. Those who read this tale in verse will surely remember that one of the most striking characters is the Whale Fish. If you have not yet had the pleasure of reading this work, you can do it right now.

Background to writing a masterpiece

Ershov Petr Pavlovich was born on February 22, 1815 in the town of Bezrukovo, Tobolsk province. His father often moved on duty, so Peter had the opportunity to communicate with different people.

The boy listened to the folk tales that formed the basis of his famous work The Humpbacked Horse. As the author himself said, he only slightly modified them, gave the words a poetic form. Opinions about the work were conflicting. So, Belinsky said that there is no Russian spirit in a fairy tale, despite the fact that it is written in Russian words. However, there were many positive reviews. So, A. S. Pushkin, having familiarized himself with the work, said: “Now this kind of composition can be left to me.” With these words, he put the beginning poet on the same level with himself. And it was under the influence of Pushkin's fairy tales that the 19-year-old P. P. Ershov created The Little Humpbacked Horse.

One peasant had three sons. The elder's name was Danilo, he was smart. The middle Gavrilo was "this way and that", and the younger Ivan was a fool at all.

The family grew wheat and sold it. But someone began to trample the crops at night and thereby cause great damage. Then it was decided that all the brothers would take turns on duty. The elder, when he was on duty, was attacked by fear. The young man dug into the hay and lay there all night, so he did not learn anything. The middle brother froze and left his post. Only Ivan managed to understand what was the matter. He saw a beautiful white horse, managed to saddle it and bring it to the shepherd's booth.

As the mare promised him, she gave birth to three horses. Danilo and Gavrilo saw two handsome stallions and secretly took them away for sale. The humpbacked horse consoled the saddened Ivan. He ordered him to sit on his back and rushed after his brothers. From this begins the fairy tale of Ershov, in which the Whale Fish will soon appear.

Trials for a Peasant's Son

The horses were so good that the king bought them in the capital. When the animals were taken to the stable, they ran to Ivan. Then the king appointed him a groom. But the envious sleeping bag could not survive this, he threw the Firebird feather to Ivan and told the king that the guy promised to bring the owner of the feather.

With the help of the humpbacked horse, the young man fulfilled this order of the king. Then a faithful friend helped the guy bring the Tsar Maiden. At the suggestion of the sovereign to become his wife, the girl said that she would not agree until the ring was taken from the ocean floor. It is this event that will bring the reader closer to the next character, who should help get the ring out of the watery depths.

Finding themselves by the ocean, Ivan and the horse saw that Miracle-Yudo Fish-Whale lies across it.

First Encounter with a Giant Island Fish

The whale was extraordinary. It turns out that it has been ten years since he turned into a living island. Further, Ershov describes what the Miracle-Yudo Fish-Whale looks like.

A village stood on its back, there were real houses here. Palisades were driven into the ribs of the poor animal. Men plowed on his lip, mushrooms grew between his mustaches, which the girls were looking for.

Horse and Ivan jumped on a strange creature. The whale fish asked where they came from and where they were going?

They replied that they were leaving the capital on behalf of the Tsar Maiden, heading towards the Sun, which would help them fulfill the girl's task. Hearing this is a whale asked the travelers to ask the Sun how long he would still be in this form and for what sins this punishment. Ivan promised to fulfill the request, and the travelers went on.

Description of the hero of a fairy tale

They will help you find out what a Whale Fish looks like, pictures. It can be seen that a forest grows on its tail. It begins with a birch grove, becoming denser. Dark firs, oaks and other trees are already located there.

On the body of the sufferer stand village houses. Each of them has a vegetable garden. They plow the land and carry the weight of the horse, which can also be seen in the illustration. On one side of the giant fish is a church where peasants go to pray. On the other - a mill, here they turn grain into flour.

The growth is also covered with his face. It can be seen how the Whale Fish is suffering. Pictures convey the bleak existence of the animal. Although only one of his eyes is drawn, and the other is hidden under the vegetation, it is clear what longing and prayer to travelers he is filled with. Will Ivanushka and the skate be able to help him? You will find out about this very soon.

In a palace

The young man climbed up with an assistant to heaven and ended up in the palace of the Tsar Maiden. However, the sun rested here only at night, and during the day they found a month there, but they were glad about this. The night luminary was also happy, having received through messengers the news of his missing daughter, the Tsar Maiden. To celebrate, Month Mesyatsovich told the guests why the Whale Fish suffers. The tale moves on to the next episode, which lifts the veil of secrecy. It turns out that the giant fish swallowed 30 ships. As soon as she releases them back, she will be forgiven and again able to swim freely in the ocean.


Ivan and the humpbacked man said goodbye to the Moon and set off on their way back. As they approached the ocean, a whale fish saw them. The tale continues, and now there are only joyful moments in it.

The hunchback galloped to the peasants to tell them to quickly pack up and leave this living island, otherwise they would drown. They obeyed, and at noon there was not a single living soul here.

Then only the travelers told the whale how to earn forgiveness. He opened his mouth and all the ships jumped out of it with noise, cannon shots. The rowers sang cheerful songs.

The search for the ring

For those who are interested, a whale is a fish or an animal should be explained. Previously, people thought that this was a giant fish, because the whale lives in the water and is similar in shape to it. But then it turned out that this mammal that breathes air is viviparous, which means it is an animal. But back to the tale.

The whale fish asks his saviors how he can thank them. They said they only wanted the ring. He dived into the abyss of water, called the sturgeon and told them to find the decoration. They searched for a long time, but returned with nothing. They said that only a ruff could find it.

After that, two dolphins went in search of a ruff. He was a reveler and a bully, so finding him was not so easy.

They searched for him in the seas, rivers, lakes, but all in vain. Then the dolphins heard the exclamations and realized that the ruff was in the pond. There he intended to fight with crucians. Here is a story that P. P. Ershov came up with in verse. The whale fish that the sea reveler was brought to tells him to find the chest that contained the ring.

Yorsh said he knew where it all was. He dived into the pool and dug up the coveted chest there, then called the sturgeons, told them to take the find to the whale, and he went about his business.

Happy end of the fairy tale

At this time, Ivan was sitting on the ocean shore and waiting for the Whale Fish to appear. It was already evening, but the surface of the water did not sway. The young man was worried, as the term for the execution of the royal mandate was nearing its end, and he still did not have a ring. Suddenly the sea began to seethe, and a whale appeared. He gave the chest to the young man, saying that he had fulfilled the request.

Ivan tried to lift the chest, but could not. Then the Humpbacked Bunok easily threw his luggage around his neck, ordered the young man to sit on his back and went to the royal palace. The travelers gave the sovereign a ring, he handed it to the Tsar Maiden and told her to marry him quickly. The girl replied that she was 15 years old and she would not marry an old man. The king-maiden advised him to bathe in cold water, then in hot water and in milk, so that he would turn into a young one.

He decided to first test on Ivan. The young man cringed. The humpbacked man told him that he would help. Indeed, when Ivan jumped into a cauldron of boiling liquid, the skate cooled it down with magical movements. As a result, the young man became handsome and handsome. And the evil king, having jumped into the cauldron, boiled there.

The girl married Ivan, and this is where the fairy tale ends. After reading it, the children can draw a picture. The whale fish will look like a book illustration or will be different from it.