Advertising slogans that conquered the world. Customer Acquisition Slogans - Tools, Strategies and Examples Most Creative Slogans

What it is

An advertising slogan is a short motto of a company or product that conveys the main idea of ​​the entire advertising campaign. The word "slogan" itself means "slogan", "call" or "slogan" in translation from English. This short phrase carries a huge meaning - with the help of it, the manufacturer expresses the main idea or the purpose of his entire slogan is also to increase brand awareness, its image and prevalence among consumers.

Problems of creating a slogan

As can be seen from practice, many manufacturers and sellers of goods face problems when creating their own recognizable motto. It often happens that an advertising call simply does not work, is not remembered by buyers and, therefore, does not make sense. In this regard, not all companies undertake to create a slogan, and in this case, advertising of a certain product or company is presented differently each time. Meanwhile, a properly developed slogan means quite a lot - it allows you to make the product easily recognizable, memorable, supports the image of the company and the brand that it represents.

Slogan for advertising: how to create

Experts in the field of advertising and PR say that there are several rules that should be followed when creating slogans. First of all, this phrase should be memorable. That is, an associative array is created when the buyer, hearing a specific set of words, imagines a brand or product in whose advertising this phrase is involved. In addition, the company's motto should be easy to pronounce - do not clutter it up with long phrases and words that are difficult to understand. Ideally, the slogan consists of 2-4 words (sometimes 6 can be used). This is convenient not so much for attracting attention, but for perception and memorization.

If the motto is too long, no one will read it to the end in printed form. The use of rhyme has an extremely favorable effect on perception - a rhymed text will firmly plant itself in the buyer's head, especially if you use it constantly and many times. Figurative phrases and turns of speech involve the imagination of people, and this is very beneficial for the manufacturer. For example, in an advertisement for one of the dental clinics, a guarantee of 10,000 candies was indicated. A kind of mountain and a lot of candy wrappers immediately appear in the imagination - such an image is easy to remember. Naturally, the more fully the created phrase meets all these requirements, the more success can be expected from it.

Which words are better not to use

Another of the main conditions that a slogan for advertising must meet is originality. This is very important, because there are a number of words that are already so beaten and used that they simply do not affect buyers in any way. These include several nouns: idea, choice, sight, taste, sensation, harmony, dream, decision, quality, color, fragrance, delight, secret, bliss. Adjectives that are also no longer effective are exclusive, correct, true, valid, unique, unique, special, impeccable, worthy, prestigious, faithful, genuine, real, unique, tested, perfect. They are so often used in advertising that they are no longer perceived by buyers as words with meaning, but simply look like a set of letters. If some of them are still used, then it is better to dilute them with original additions or unexpected meaning so that the slogan is not too banal.

The meaning of the slogan

When creating a slogan for advertising, authors can use several approaches to its meaning. For example, you can specify the functional subtleties and features of the product, declare it the best of its kind. You can emphasize the benefits for the consumer - what exactly he will receive when buying products. You can position your product as the most appropriate for a particular social, demographic or age group - using targeted advertising slogans. Examples: "Gilette - there is no better for a man", "The new generation chooses Pepsi", etc. It is good if one of the main activities of the company is indicated in the advertisement - "We connect people" for cellular communications, for example. An excellent result is given by a mention of the merits of the company or its high status - "20 years on the market", for example, or "We make sports accessible" by "Sportmaster". Some manufacturers create a certain feeling of closeness to their buyer, assuring that "You deserve it" or "Everyone is delighted with you." Be sure to take into account: the slogans of advertising companies in no case should have a dismissive or condescending tone, you can not use denial - as this will subconsciously cause rejection. The best option is to use only positive ones and which each buyer wants to attribute to himself.

Special techniques that effectively affect the consumer

In the advertising field, it is customary to subtly influence the perception of the buyer with the help of special techniques - these include a play on words. For example, when the so-called alliteration is used - all the words in the phrase consist of similar letters or each word begins with one letter - "Your pussy would buy Whiskas", "Clean - pure Tide", "Wella - you are great". goals, the technique of repeating positive words is used: "A solid bank for respectable people", "A fresh look at fresh fruits". At the same time, it is worth considering exactly where the advertisement will be used - in print media, the main load is given to the text, here the importance and meaning of each word or phrases can hardly be overestimated.In videos, you can perfectly complement the appeal with visuals and bright pictures.Advertising on the radio allows you to use intonation and voice - "RedBull inspiring".

Use of a neutral motto

All advertising slogans can be divided into those that speak about a specific product or activity, and those that simply represent some kind of positive call or thought: "You are always ahead of the competition", "Think positive", "We make your business prosperous" . Such phrases, on the one hand, are convenient from the point of view of re-profiling the company - they can be used in any activity, even if the company suddenly starts producing something else besides the main product, and on the other hand, they do not indicate anything and can be used by any other company. In addition, it is perceived as a set of words - such a slogan does not say anything specific about a product or service, which means that the client may simply not pay attention to it.

The best advertising slogans

The creation of advertising is a creative process, and here a lot depends not only on the implementation of the rules, but also on the talent of the creator. For example, many of the most famous advertising slogans "gone to the people" - this is a great success for the company and its product. Repeated repetition of the phrase by people at times increases the popularity of the brand. The best advertising slogans are remembered for many years, even when the product is no longer on the market. These phrases can serve as examples: "Peace, friendship, chewing gum - the Rotfront company", "Yandex - there is everything", "Sometimes it's better to chew than talk - Stimorol", "Russia is a generous soul", "Tanks are not afraid of dirt - KAMAZ "," Take a break - eat Twix ". A successful play on words is used in advertising for Volnoy - Volvo", "I have an idea - there is IKEA". In beer advertising, successful examples of slogans - "Who goes for Klinsky?", "Ovip Lokos" , "Time flies with the Fat Man" - all these phrases are well-established in the modern language and are often mentioned without reference to the brand.

Western companies usually form a new slogan for each country into which a product is imported, and on the Russian market, many products are also recognizable thanks to the slogan: "Rexona - never let you down", "Take care of yourself. Garnier", "Rondo - fresh breath makes it easier to understand ". All these advertising slogans and slogans are on everyone's lips. Due to the frequent repetition in the media, such advertising really works and motivates consumers to choose these particular products.

Errors in advertising

Unsuccessful advertising slogans, unfortunately, are quite common. For example, the slogan "If you eat dumplings, you will live forever like Lenin" or "We will put shoes on the whole country!" makes you think. from a shoe factory. Such calls sound rather strange, not every buyer will run to buy a product after such an advertisement. Sometimes errors are caused by mistranslation - for example, Pepsi launched a video in the Chinese market in which the call "Cheer up with Pepsi" was translated as "Pepsi will raise your ancestors from the grave", and one of the beer companies in America called for "Make yourself free", which translated into Spanish became "Suffer from diarrhea." Needless to say, the products were not a success. There are oddities in which a manufacturer is forced to rename a product in order to sell it on the territory of a country - for example, Visit condoms were renamed Vizit in Russia to avoid association with "hanging". Another example - when promoting the Gerber brand, Nestle did not take into account the fact that in African countries it is customary to draw only the products themselves on the packaging of products, and not people, since many in the country cannot read and are guided only by the pictures on the packaging. The company's products with the image of children and happy mothers were not in demand until the company changed its design.


Slogans in advertising have been used for a very long time. In the Soviet Union, many enterprises used this method of increasing demand. For example, Vladimir Mayakovsky was involved in the creation of legendary appeals - he wrote the mottos "Nowhere but in Mosselprom", "Comrade people! Be cultured! Don't spit on the floor, but spit in the bins!" suck until old age ... ".

In Western countries, slogans are used not only to attract buyers, but also parishioners to the church. For example, the phrases "Shock your mother. Go to church", "We guarantee salvation! Otherwise we will return your sins" are very popular.

In some cases, the slogan for advertising is left without translation in order to preserve the originality of the company and emphasize the main idea. Most often, this is permissible with very short phrases, the meaning of which can be guessed even without translation - for example, Volkswagen. Das Auto or Nike.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the creation of a slogan is real creativity and a whole science, which should not be forgotten by everyone who wants to promote their product or product to the market and sell it profitably more than once.

Despite the apparent simplicity, creating an advertising slogan is a hell of a job. Ideally, you need to fit everything in 3-4 words:

  • The benefit of the product to the consumer
  • Company philosophy
  • Stand out in the crowd of competitors
  • evoke the right emotions
  • Make the company's product memorable

The main thing is that the slogan should be firmly eaten into memory. Preferably in the subconscious. Cause a strong association at the right time. In fact, it combines the incompatible: creativity, simplicity and informativeness. Therefore, the simplest, at first glance, phrase is invented for days, weeks and even months. And then every few years they change to a more productive one.

A slogan is expensive. Some experts charge $100-200 or even more for it. Behind 3-4 words are weeks of studying the market niche and determining the positioning (USP) of the company.

Those who claim to ignore annoying ads are usually lying to themselves and others. There are very few truly fundamental ones. When we stand in front of a shop window and choose, for example, toothpaste, we first of all remember the reviews of our friends. If there are none, then advertising pops up in memory. And along with visual images, this very slogan appears in memory. Trust arises: these people at least spent money on advertising, or even some kind of noun.

The goal of a slogan is to create a strong first impression. Clothes of the company by which they meet. Nokia connectingpeople. (Nokia unites). McDonald's . Iloveit. Don't slow down - Sneakers.L'oreal. You deserve it. Rafaello . Instead of a thousand words. Yes, one worthy slogan may well replace a thousand words. I'm not kidding.

Of course, the ideal is the ideal, that no one can achieve it. Even the most successful and large corporations can rarely boast of a really high-quality slogan, reaching the pinnacle of success solely due to the quality of their product and successful advertising texts. In this article, I will give the most successful examples of advertising slogans for companies.

Examples of advertising slogans for Apple

Let's look at examples of a slogan for Apple. Its main motto is think differently". These two words have a special deep meaning. After all, there is a special layer of people who want to show others that they are different from them. By betting on a feature, Apple played on it, successfully taking 90% of the profits from the smartphone market. Now let's look at examples of a slogan for a company separately:

iPhone. Apple reinvents the phone.

iPhone 3G. The iPhone you've been waiting for.

iPhone X . Hello future.

I hope the iPhone needs no introduction. This is a stereotypical measure of success. The newer the iPhone, the more successful the person. If the first iPhone was indeed a role model for future smartphones, then the rest of the iPhones are simply exploiting their own popularity as expensive trinkets.

iPhone 5. The biggest thing to happen to the iPhone since the iPhone.

Along with its popularity favorably presents the size of the display.

iPhone SE . Small form at its best.

Mac mini . Giant mini.

Here, on the contrary, the small size is favorably presented.

iPhone 5s. Ahead of thinking.

IPhone 8. The radiance of the mind.

iPad Pro . Anything will get better.

The bet is made on the speed of work.

MacB ook Air . For a whole day of accomplishments.

A key indicator is a powerful battery.

iMac . The clearest view of things.

And here they praise the display.

Conclusion: All of the above advantages are mostly implemented in one model. What's more, manufacturers may well make the perfect phone with a powerful processor and battery, but they don't want to. Because they want to get the most out of development.

People justify the technical characteristics of the latest iPhone with the possibility of a plausible excuse to join the closed caste of successful people.

Examples of advertising slogans for clothing companies

As an example of advertising slogans for clothing companies, let's recall the Nike slogan Just do it, instantly recognizable in all countries of the world. "Just do it". These three words have everything: a call to action (including buying in a clothing store), and motivation to play sports, and the life philosophy of active people. The neutral and positive inscription turned Nike into a mass cult.

Also noteworthy are examples of advertising slogans for Adidas companies. The slogan "Impossible is nothing" is also great at motivating people to achieve their goals, and has made the brand's clothing an instantly recognizable cult. In some languages, the word Adidas has become a household word. For example, in Polish, the word "adidas" means "sneakers".

On the example of the slogan for the Xerox company " We taught the world to copy » you can see how much the slogan affects the image of the company. Having chosen a narrow niche in the slogan, they became the undisputed leader in sales of copiers, making the word "copier" a household word. This stick has two ends. When Xerox decided to start manufacturing computers, a resounding fiasco was guaranteed. Customers weren't ready to buy something from Xerox that couldn't copy information from one sheet of paper to another.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a car

New cars are mostly bought for image, even if they are workhorses. Therefore, examples of a slogan for a company are the most eloquent here.

Toyota . Manage dream.

Toyota . Strive for the best.

It seems to be simple slogans, but something catches them.

Ford . Get in and go (USA).

This example of a slogan for Ford is simply captivating in its simplicity. Indeed, I want to sit down and go.

Ford . Feeldifference (Feel the difference).

Each car model is different, but the American automaker has made it a slogan.

Let's look at the slogans of the German car industry:

Mercedes We are the best on land, water and air.

Mercedes. The best or nothing.

Mercedes. Like no one else.

bmw. All-wheel drive and everything under control.

MercedesGLE. Be the best on any road.

Mercedes new S-class. Experience intelligence in motion.

Mercedes C class. The best needs no alternative.

Mercedes E class. Masterpiece of intelligence.

Mercedes B class. For all the best in life.

Mercedes G class. The first on any roads.

MercedesAMGGT-roadster. Feel the adrenaline rush.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a hotel

An extremely successful example of a slogan for a company Hilton: « take me toHilton» (TakemetotheHilton) . Firstly, at least middle-class people go by taxi to the hotel. There is a selection of the target audience. Secondly, when a person arrives in an unfamiliar city, he is at a loss, feverishly thinking where to stay. And when a taxi driver asks where to take him, a ready-made answer pops up in his head. Therefore, a simple, at first glance, slogan helped this chain of hotels to become instantly recognizable in many countries of the world.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a pharmacy

A few seemingly most obvious phrases helped these pharmacy chains grab a decent piece of the pharmaceutical market.

Everything you need for health.

Pharmacy low prices.

Your healthy choice.

Pharmacy I trust.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a travel agency

And here the key task is to entertain. It is better to connect the emotional component.

Hello-op and you are in Egypt.

Let's taste the exotic.

New Year's holiday with taste.

Türkiye. Open to everyone.

Visit the best places in the world - affordable and convenient.

Even more sun.

An example of an advertising slogan for a construction company.

We build your order for you.

Urgent items are given priority.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a transport company

In most cases, people don't send packages very often. But if you really need to do it urgently, advertising slogans immediately come to mind.

FedEx. All over the world on time.

DHL. For great value, think of DHL.

Examples of slogans for an advertising agency

An advertising agency without a slogan is like a shoemaker without boots. The most successful examples of a slogan for a company that I took from the slogan database.

RA "Promotion". We make money for you

Mass Post . New height for your business

RA "Innovative Technologies" . New horizons for successful business

Order an advertising slogan from a copywriter

If you carefully read the successful examples of slogans for the company, you can see one pattern - they are all consonant with the problems of buyers. They eat into the subconscious and at the right moment of choosing a product answer the question posed.

But do not mindlessly copy from competitors. It's like picking up a passport with a photo of another person for your own needs. After all, you already have a USP, right? No matter how you fake an acorn, a mighty oak tree will never grow out of it. Keep this in mind when you come up with a slogan for the company yourself or decide to order an advertising slogan from a copywriter.

Best wishes,

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The brand has several components that form it. This is a slogan, corporate identity, trademark, etc. In order to create a truly serious brand, an entrepreneur most likely does not have enough strength, professional skills, and skill. In almost every city you can find creative agencies or advertising and marketing companies that can help with this problem. They can create a logo, come up with a slogan, visual and text designation, develop a corporate identity, create a model and type of packaging.

An entrepreneur must have a detailed understanding of the brand in order to correctly place an order, in order to understand what to talk about with advertisers, in order to control how well the work is done. Therefore, we offer you standard information, knowing which, you will get a good result of working on a brand.

Slogan - the motto of your company, passed through the image of the product

Almost any company has a slogan, just not everyone draws it up into a beautiful phrase. Are your salespeople preparing for an important meeting with a client creating phrase templates that reflect the most important advantages of the buyer? It is these phrases that serve as an excellent basis for slogans. If you don’t have such sellers, remember your phrases with which you convince partners to buy goods from you.

If you have a large company, and you have carefully worked out the mission of the company, then you can look for the future slogan there. So, the slogan of the company is a short and capacious phrase that expresses the very essence of the product, the company, and the entire brand. This phrase should contain such information that will allow buyers to remember the brand and easily recognize it in the mass of other products.

A slogan is a means of communication that works for a very long time, up to several years, with its competent development. The general slogan can be supplemented or transformed (but not more than 2-3 words) if the ongoing promotion or promotional event requires it, but the duration of such a change should be limited, and at the end of the promotion, the slogan returns to its previous form.

The slogan should significantly attract the attention of consumers, it should outline the benefits that the buyer will have, the slogan very clearly motivates to buy, increases loyalty to the company and product.

Types of slogans

The history of the word "slogan" is very interesting. It was coined by the ancient Gauls and denoted the battle cry of fellow tribesmen who went hunting or defended their territories. Subsequently, the slogan began to be used to intimidate the enemy and to raise their own morale, each tribe had its own slogan, which inspired victories and allowed them to be distinguished from foreign tribes. In Germany, the slogan was used as a password to identify belonging to a particular craft workshop.

The slogan can be corporate or branded. The corporate slogan is created to maintain loyalty to the entire company, and applies to all products, lines, types of products of this enterprise. If the slogan is created for a particular product of the company, then this is a brand slogan, and it will only apply to a specific brand, as soon as the company decides to stop releasing this product, the slogan is also never used again. Of course, if it was successful, then it can be transformed and used in relation to other brands.

The next division of slogans is an image slogan and a product slogan. Image is more like a corporate one, only it reflects both the values ​​of the company and the high position of the company in the market and in society. A product slogan advertises only a specific product. It is the product slogan that can increase sales and become a means of recognizing the product. Some companies create several slogans of different directions, they are used as needed, depending on which company is being held.

Signs and qualities of a slogan

The slogan is always created short, just a few words are selected in such a way that the phrase is both capacious and harmonious, quite often there is a rhyme in the slogan. If you are creating an advertising material, a television or radio spot, an article in a newspaper or magazine, a short flyer or a street banner, then the slogan is placed as an affirmative effective point at the end of the material. If the slogan requires musical accompaniment, then this music is selected in the most careful way, because it will accompany the slogan throughout its work.

The visual embodiment of the slogan has a constant font, color, images of various objects or a color background. Any slogan, designed in sound, on paper can be registered as intellectual property. This is a very long and not the cheapest process, but by filing a patent, you can be sure that no one will ever use your ideas for their advertising. If this happens, you can file a claim with the infringer and get compensation from him through the courts, and most importantly, convince him to never use your intellectual property again. The law will be solely on your side.

The slogan quite often ceases to be just an advertising phrase, very often slogans become much more famous than the product itself, that is, part of the life of society. Many people remember the advertising slogan "Now banana!", But few can name what product was advertised with this fun phrase. When telling this or that life story, people use the slogans “Just add water!”, “Don’t slow down, snickers!”, “Pause, eat Twix!” for a vivid illustration. And there are a great many such well-known slogans that have become truly popular.

How the slogan works

So, the slogan should be short, easy to read and pronounce, obey and look beautiful. It should be original, easy to remember, attention-grabbing, bright, truthful, interesting, cheerful, positive, optimistic, it should evoke only the most positive feelings from a wide audience.

Here is an example of a slogan about which there was a lot of debate at one time: “Radio for the rich!”. A huge audience, which is not such, perceived the slogan negatively and did not listen to this radio. Fortunately, the station management quickly realized this and changed the slogan. Therefore, when developing a slogan, try to make it so as not to hurt the feelings of various categories of people, on the contrary, give them a compliment, encourage them to buy.

Good slogans always contain elements of allegory, philosophy, aphorisms, works of art. Rhyme is a very successful technique when creating a slogan, since it is rhyme that is perfectly remembered by a person, this is a well-known fact. Synonyms, antonyms, and even phraseological units are used in slogans. When a person sees such a slogan for the first time, he does not quite understand what the owner of the brand, the manufacturer, decided to tell him. Then he focuses his attention on the meaning of the slogan, thinks it out and the moment of understanding comes. A person thinks that if it took him so much time to understand the “cunning” meaning, then it will take others even more, because it is he who is the smartest in the world. He sees the mysterious smiles of other people around, when they hear this slogan in advertising, they unite in their secret, so the advertised product becomes a sign of “their own” group of people, a sign of the elite. The person who solved the riddle of your slogan will never stop buying this product, rest assured. Of course, it is necessary to maintain the interest of buyers in the product, improve it, create new products and hold promotions.

How a slogan is created

If you have ever gone through the process of naming, then developing a slogan will not be something unusual for you. Before starting to develop a slogan, it is necessary to set clear tasks for the creators. What exactly should your slogan display, what should it encourage, what values ​​should be promoted. Be sure to tell the developers about your company, its values, structure. In the same way, it is necessary to tell in detail about the product, about its history of creation, about its analogues, about competitors, about the main differences from other similar products.

After a detailed analysis, it will be much easier to determine the set of words that should be contained in the slogan. After compiling such a list, each word is tested on a focus group, after identifying the most beautiful, bright, positive and selling words, word forms and whole phrases are compiled. The latter, in turn, are again tested in focus groups. Those slogans that received the highest marks in discussions and tests pass the final test. These are surveys of a large number of current and potential buyers. But even in the case when one slogan is defined, it goes through a trial period of 2-6 months. There are cases when, after this period, the slogan must be replaced if the increase in sales does not meet expectations.

When creating a slogan, move away from abstract concepts and phrases, operate with specific facts, figures, conclusions that the buyer can easily try on "for himself", which will be understandable and valuable. It is best if your slogan will promise the buyer specific benefits in order to motivate him to buy.
If your product has already acquired such an advantage as a brand, start developing a slogan. This guarantees excellent recognition of your brand, gives it weight, and increases sales.


How to create and register a slogan:

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For example: "Don't let yourself dry up!" or "Sometimes it's better to chew than to talk." It happens that the slogan starts up on its own when no one remembers the subject of advertising. Do not confuse the title with the advertising slogan, these text units have different tasks. The headline is designed to interest the consumer and encourage him to read the text. The function of the slogan is to convey the main idea of ​​the advertising campaign and maintain its integrity.

There are different requirements for the slogan and heading: The slogan cannot be changed during the advertising campaign, it is the motto that must sound from the beginning to the end of the action. The title is a variable element, it can be changed. Thus, advertisements placed on a billboard and in a magazine may well have different headings. The slogan is the slogan of the advertising campaign, it must be easy to remember. This requirement has nothing to do with the title.

The main features of an effective slogan:

  • brevity and memorability;
  • originality;
  • compliance with brand positioning;
  • The slogan must contain the name of the brand.

Light, short, elegant and aphoristic slogans are well remembered. The slogan should not be long - no more than ten words, preferably up to six. Don't use hard-to-pronounce words. Avoid hackneyed phrases and platitudes, then you can interest the audience and make the desired impression. In the ideal case, you will be able to see the unusual in the ordinary and you will create a masterpiece.

Unfortunately, slogans are often repeated almost verbatim. Some words are used so often that they have already become hackneyed and cause soreness. Experts have compiled a whole list of similar elements that are not recommended for use:

Nouns to avoid: choice, decision, idea, bliss, quality, harmony, dream, color, taste, aroma, feeling, sight, enjoyment, secret.

Adjectives: real, correct, exclusive, authentic, prestigious, true, true, valid, unique, unique, original, inimitable, special, tested, perfect, worthy, impeccable. It may seem that the ban on these words makes it impossible to draw up an advertising slogan.

Believe me, the Russian language is much richer and more flexible than the lexical constructions that are usually used in advertising. An unconditional taboo should be the combination of stamped nouns with the same adjectives. If you still cannot do without worn out words, they must be justified by a very original “makeweight”.

How successful slogans are constructed

In the slogan, you can draw the attention of potential consumers to:

  • Features of functioning - "You press the button, we do the rest" (Kodak advertisement).
  • Benefit for the buyer - "Let go of your anxiety!" ("Afobazol", a sedative).
  • Orientation to consumers from a specific group: “The new generation chooses Pepsi” “Gillette. There is nothing better for a man."
  • High professionalism and quality: «Indesit. It will last a long time."

The main motive may be the company's philosophy: "It's good where we are" (Samsung). In corporate slogans, it is appropriate to focus on the authority of the company: "HP-Laser Jet - 20 years of confident victories." One of the topical solutions is the illusion of proximity to the consumer, contact with him. “We care about you and your health” (Johnson & Johnson), “Wella. You are awesome". In this case, the slogan can be built as a statement on behalf of the consumer: “Tefal. You always think about us”, “McDonald's. Here is what I like". The slogan can also convey the features of emotional positioning: “Joy of movement” (BMW slogan).

So, the slogan should be memorable, original, concise, relevant to brand positioning and creative advertising strategy. In addition, it is important to remember that the tone of the slogan should not be condescending, dismissive, arrogant. The slogan should not be unethical and vulgar, contain negations. The positive effect is better. It is desirable that the slogan has a benevolent emotional coloring. These are the general rules for creating a good slogan. The more such recommendations are taken into account, the more effectively it will work.

Categories of slogans

Depending on the purpose, slogans are divided into:

  • Advertising - for goods.
  • Company slogans.
  • Supporting the image of the company.
  • Missions.

Brief instructions for creating an effective slogan

Highlight and display the main advantage of the company. You are certainly familiar with the slogan "M&M's melts in your mouth, not in your hands." The main advantage of colored sweets is that the icing covering the chocolate does not melt when heated in the hands, and does not stain them.

Note that products belonging to the same group are often presented with similar slogans. So, all expensive cars:

  • Symbolize your superiority.
  • Indicate the desire for the ideal.
  • Call to control the dream.
  • They promise pleasure without delay.

Study the slogans of your competitors and try not to copy them. Analyze the phonosemantics of your slogan. In other words, listen to how it sounds. Sounds are rounded and soft, strict and hard. Which of them prevail in your motto will depend on its perception.

Slogan generators

There are times when nothing good comes to mind. In such cases, we recommend using the random slogan generator as a tool for finding new ideas:

Rhyme the slogan, and even better, give it rhythm. It’s very good if you manage to compose a slogan song. This ad is very memorable. Remember Always Coca-Cola? Tell us about the purposefulness of the company, about its steady development. Declare customer loyalty. Be honest. Self-praise with endless “number one” and “we are the best” does not deceive or attract anyone.

You can create your own slogan, or maybe the motto of your company will appear as a result of the joint work of creative employees. If you are not confident in your abilities, turn to professional copywriters whose services are not so expensive: 10 variants of a slogan usually cost 100 to 300 dollars.

Tagline- a short, simple and easy-to-pronounce expression that contains both a mention of the subject of marketing, as the main logical element (product, brand name, service or place of sale), and an advertising idea.

Purpose of the slogan- sum up the benefits of the marketing subject to create a concise message that would be easy to perceive and remember.

The main types of slogans:

  1. For the company as a whole - the corporate slogan used in advertising of the company and divisions;
  2. Commodity slogan;
  3. Service Slogan – A non-branded, differential slogan belonging to a product.
  4. The slogan of a time-limited advertising campaign, action.

The slogan in print advertising does not have the same emotional connotation as, for example, in television and radio advertising, but it can carry a defining meaning. At the same time, it can act as the heading of an advertising message. It is much easier to illustrate under the slogan than vice versa. This approach allows you to restore the loss in emotionality.

How to create a slogan?

  1. Define the tasks, that is, what you would like to tell and emphasize to the consumer in the first place. You can have a lot of advantages and a huge number of interesting ideas, but you need to choose only one;
  2. Build the basis of the slogan, determine its foundation;
  3. Check the slogan for the possibility of doubles or the presence of slogans that cause certain associations;
  4. Write several options;
  5. Apply them one by one in different promotional messages.

Criteria for a slogan:

  1. The slogan either stands at the end and sums up, or initially defines your position or proposal;
  2. The slogan is usually accompanied by the brand of the advertiser;
  3. The slogan must have objectivity and truthfulness;
  4. The slogan should be normally perceived;
  5. The slogan must be memorable.

The situation with slogans is obvious - companies either do not have them or do not function for a number of subjective-objective reasons, and what to talk about, if not all the slogans of transnational or even large Russian companies that real specialists worked on are decided by the tasks assigned to them. tasks. It is believed that the main advantage of the slogan is its memorability and associative method of influence, but in practice this is extremely rare. Many slogans, due to a number of inaccuracies, overcome a lot of obstacles and barriers for the perceiving audience.

The presentation of the structure of the slogan, its detailed study and a consistent description and arrangement of all possible associations with the client or his product is the necessary sequence for creating an effective slogan.

The concept of "slogan" (sluagh-ghairm) goes back to the Gaulish language and means "battle cry". The original meaning of the word - "battle cry" - very accurately and very figuratively reflects the essence of this advertising constant. In 1880, the concept of "slogan" was first used in its modern sense.