Social work today. Specialty "Social work": who to work with? Choice of profession. Concept and status of social work


E. A. Beloborodova

FFiMK, Birsk branch of Bashkir State University, Birsk, Russian Federation A.R. Boduleva Candidate of Philological Sciences, Faculty of Philology and MK, Birsk branch of Bashkir State University, Birsk, Russian Federation



This article is about machine translation. Here we analyze the text obtained by various machine translation systems. The main advantages and disadvantages of these systems are also identified and assumptions are made about possible ways of their development.

Keywords Translation, machine translation, machine translation systems, advantages and disadvantages of machine translation.

This article is dedicated to machine translation. The text analysis is carried out with the help of different machine translation systems. The main advantages and disadvantages of these systems are also identified. Assumptions are made about the possible ways of their development.

Translation, machine translation, machine translation systems, advantages and disadvantages of machine translation.

Among the huge number of problems studied in linguistics, an important role is played by the study of linguistic aspects of interlingual speech activity, which is called translation.

From the very beginning of its appearance, translation is considered one of the most complex species human activity. And, although linguists most often talk about translation “from one language to another,” in fact, everything does not happen quite like that. After all, different eras, as well as diverse cultures and traditions, collide in it.

Translation activities, which are carried out by translators, take place in different conditions: the texts being translated differ both in subject matter and in language and method of translation. And this leads to the creation different types translations, each of which has its own characteristics. Nowadays, machine translation has attracted the attention of scientists.

It is known that machine translation involves the process of translating both oral and written texts from one natural language to another using special computer programs.

The idea of ​​using a computer for translation arose back in 1946. The first public demonstration of machine translation took place in 1954. Despite the fact that that system was quite primitive, the experiment attracted the interest of many countries.

According to the current classification of machine translation systems, there are:

Fully automated translation;

Machine translation, which is carried out with human participation;

Translation that is performed by a person using a computer.


To better understand the principle of operation of machine translation systems, how grammatical and lexical features of a language are analyzed, and various structures in the target language, we decided to translate an excerpt from Roald Dahl’s work “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” using the Google and PROMT machine translation systems .

Thus, the translation made by PROMT was word by word. The program was unable to change the order of words in sentences, and this resulted in some sentences becoming less pleasant to read. For example, the phrase “how a certain special thing was made,” which was translated “how exactly a certain special thing was made,” we would translate “how a certain sweet was made,” that is, we would replace the passive voice with the active voice and change “special thing "for sweetness, since the book is about a chocolate factory.

Our attention was also drawn to the translation of the phrase “You see” - “You see.” We agree that the main meaning of the verb “see” is to see, but in our case the appropriate translation is “You understand, you see.” This also includes the case of “had to ask”, which was translated as “had to ask”, but here one should use “had to ask”, “was forced to ask”.

In addition, when translating the attributive phrase “chocolate makers” it was necessary to translate not an adjective and a noun (chocolate makers), but a noun and a noun (chocolate manufacturers, factories producing chocolate).

After analyzing the passage translated by Google, you can understand that the part “there used to be thousands of people working in Mr Willy Wonka's factory” was not translated correctly. This happened because of the word there, which did not need to be translated, since it was already the place was designated - the factory of Mr. Willy Fonka. As a result, we should have gotten “thousands of workers worked in the factory.”

It is worth noting that, unlike the PROMT translation, the phrases “You see”, “had to ask” and “chocolate makers” were correctly translated into Google.

The difficulty was represented by verbs with infinitives translated literally began to grow jealous “began to grow jealous”, took jobs “took a job”, instead of “started to envy” and “got (a job)”.

So, in the course of our work, we realized that the translation carried out using these systems is quite understandable. But, each of them has advantages and disadvantages that are characteristic of all such translation systems.

So, the advantages of using machine translation are:

1) speed: for short term you can get a translation of a large text;

2) access to the service: the translator program is always at hand;

3) confidentiality: the information entered will not be shared.

The disadvantages of this type of translation include the following:

1) it does not take into account the rules of grammar and language techniques;

2) the number of errors has increased and translation options are incorrect;

3) the chosen meaning of the word may not be appropriate in the context;

4) if a word is missing from the dictionary database, it is not translated.

It can be concluded that machine translation is a complex task that has yet to be solved. If the human translator carrying out the translation proceeds from what idea needs to be conveyed to the reader, then teaching the program this is very problematic. However, progress does not stand still; new programs are being created that simplify the translation process, and you need to know their disadvantages and advantages.

List of used literature:

1. Deeva L. R. Features of machine translation // Science in young people’s research: materials of the VI Scientific Forum of students, undergraduates, graduate students (Novosibirsk, November 2014). - Novosibirsk: TsSRNI LLC, 2014. - pp. 19-27.

2. Komissarov V.N. Modern translation studies. Tutorial. - M.: ETS, 2002. - 413 p. - ISBN 593386-030-1.


3. Nozhov I.M. Parsing. // Computerra. - 2002. - No. 21. - P. 19-21.

4. Sdobnikov V.V., Petrova O.V. Translation theory. - M.: AST East-West, 2006. - 425 p. - ISBN 5-47800306-9.

© Beloborodova E. A., Boduleva A. R., 2016

UDC 801.316.4:62


Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy, Omsk, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to the study of the frame concept of the German terminology of agricultural engineering. The article highlights structural organization corpus of terms in the studied terminology.


Frame, subframe, slot, German terminology of agricultural engineering.

Currently, researchers of various terminology systems are showing growing interest in the cognitive approach to considering the professional picture of the world. According to the cognitive approach, fundamental in the definition of language is the cognitive process carried out in communicative activity and ensured by special cognitive structures and mechanisms in the human brain.

Productive cognitive activity gives an interpretation a large number linguistic problems in the light of the principle of universality of conceptual integration processes. The main structure of cognitive science is the frame. A frame represents structured lexical units and, on the other hand, they themselves are a means of such organization of knowledge, a tool that allows one to extract from memory the necessary extralinguistic information important for understanding a linguistic message.

A frame is considered a universal mental formation that combines diverse human knowledge and is characterized by maximum formalization and encyclopedicity. Frames include fundamental, typical and potential information that is structured by these knowledge representation units.

The terminology frame structures its system and fixes it in subframes and slots, each of which is an increasingly detailed representation of the basic concept of the corresponding fragment of the general logical-conceptual system.

As a result of the analysis of the corpus of German terms of agricultural engineering (3541 terms in total), a mental space was identified, the structure of which can be represented in the form of a frame “Agricultural engineering”. Mental space is understood as an idea formed in the human mind about a fragment of real reality. The content invariant of the frame is a three-dimensional and multidimensional fragment of objective reality, which includes stereotypical knowledge from the following areas