GTE automatic control system. Manual on the design of oil systems of gas turbine engines. Textbook design of aircraft engine oil systems. Tryanov a. E Gtd planning system

During the tests, the characteristics of the fuel system are determined and the operability of its units is confirmed for a given time, including in the absence of fuel purification in the fuel filter. For this, fuel is added a certain amount of contaminants. The operability of units on fuel saturated with water is also checked in the entire operating range of flow rates and pressures.

To check the possibility of cavitation erosion of parts during testing, the conditions that contribute to its occurrence must be reproduced, in particular, the fuel is saturated with air in accordance with the expected operating conditions. The determination of the cavitation characteristics of the units should be carried out on "fresh" fuel supplied from a separate tank so that the gas saturation of the fuel does not decrease during the tests.

Vibration tests of functioning ACS units (vibration resistance tests) are very effective for detecting defects. The impact of sinusoidal vibrations reveals up to 30% of defects, and random vibrations in a short time - more than 80% of defects. When tested with vibrations in one axis, approximately 60% is detected. .70% of defects, on two axes - 70%. .90%, and for three - up to 95%.

Semi-natural stands with feedback allow to study the characteristics of the ACS and its individual units when operating in a closed circuit. This is ensured by pairing the ACS equipment with a real-time mathematical model of the gas turbine engine. The stand is based on a frequency-controlled DC electric drive for pumps, regulators, sensors and other drive devices and a computer system with a mathematical model of the engine that allows you to reproduce its characteristics for all adjustable parameters and control elements. The operation of the stand is provided by a number of technological systems: fuel, air (for high pressure and vacuum), oil, water supply, ventilation, fire extinguishing.

Signals characterizing the change in the parameters measured in the ACS for regulation and control come from the engine model

tel on transducers-simulators of sensors, at the output of which the characteristics of the signals correspond to those received from the ACS sensors. These signals are fed to the inputs of the units of the control system (electronic, hydromechanical, pneumatic) and to the control unit of electric drives, which serve to simulate the rotation of the motor shafts. From the shaft of one of the electric motors, the rotation is transmitted to the motor drive box, and through it to the drive units of the ACS and the fuel system installed on the stand.

Engine regulators

The engine regulators on the stand, as well as when working on the engine, interact with all devices included in the ACS (converters, pumps, drives of the mechanization of the engine flow part), forming control actions on the engine. To enter the signals characterizing these effects into the mathematical model of the engine, the stand has converters that perform the necessary transformation and normalization of regulatory factors.

The loads on the engine regulators are simulated using the power loading system. Compensation of dynamic errors of the bench transducers is carried out by the program for providing the bench dynamics embedded in the bench computer. The complex of bench equipment includes devices for setting external influences on the ACS equipment (vibration stand, thermal vacuum chamber). Analysis of test results, including express analysis, provides automated system collection and processing of information.

The power of the power electric drives of the stand is 20..600 kW, the accuracy of maintaining the rotational speed in steady-state modes is 0.1%. .0.2%, stable speed maintenance range 10%. .110%, speed change time from 5% to 100% - 0.5. .0.8 s The physical speed of the output shafts of the drives corresponds to the speed of the rotors of the engine, the control system of which is tested on the stand.

In the hydraulic system for loading power controls, variable displacement plunger pumps (according to the number of loaded drives) are used, which can work each separately and in parallel for one consumer. The working fluid in this system is an aircraft slurry with a pressure pmax = 21 MPa and a fluid volumetric flow rate Q = 1.8 l/s.

The required accuracy of reproduction of engine characteristics using a bench mathematical model is 1%. .3% at steady state operation and 5%. .7% - on transitional.

The ACS units can be installed on the stand in two versions: by fully reproducing the layout of the units on the engine (for this, a simulator engine can be used, the shaft drive of which is carried out through a gearbox from the electric drives of the stand) or on a separately installed standard drive box.

Such stands make it possible to determine the characteristics of systems and units in steady and transient modes of operation in closed and open circuits, to analyze the available margins of control stability, to work out the interaction of individual circuits and units, to study the effect of disturbances and external factors, ACS performance in case of failures.

Hello dear friends!

If you regularly read my blog, then you probably remember that some time ago I published the results of my experiments on different ways to achieve goals - experiments with running. This story took an unexpected turn. You know, as in the proverb: one good undertaking leads another after it. So it happened to me - my philosophy, which consists in “detaching” from goals and concentrating on specific actions, was confirmed in the form of a system GTD - Getting Things Done(bringing things to completion). The author of the technique, David Allen, described it in detail in his book How to Get Things in Order. What kind of system this is, I will tell below, but for now, let's discuss why a person often does not achieve goals. All the problems on which we do not achieve what we want can be reduced to just two problems:

  • we do not know what to do to achieve the goal
  • We know what to do, but we do not bring things to completion.

How to solve the first problem? Need ideas. Where to get ideas and how to generate them? How to attract an idea? Well, firstly, in order to put something (in our case, an idea) somewhere (in our case, the head), there must be a place. That is, “RAM” must be periodically cleared so that it can enter new idea. In order to clear the “RAM”, information must be uploaded to external media. Then there is room for new ideas. Therefore, it is necessary to keep records of all the affairs, ideas and thoughts that come to mind.

Secondly, it is very important that while working on some kind of "action" in our head there are only thoughts about this "action". And we would not think that the child should be picked up from school, go to the parents in the evening, and in two hours we should be called by a business partner. But you can't forget about these things. This means that these cases should be in close proximity and we could turn to them at any time, but on the other hand, they should not be in our head, but should be submitted to an external “information custodian”. In classical GTD system such storage is the recycle bin and folders. In my case, this is an Evernote notebook and Doitim program. I will tell you more about the organization of the entire system in one of my next posts, or even most likely in a few posts.

So, the first problem can be solved by periodically emptying the “head” by “writing out” on paper or in doc. file of thoughts, ideas, deeds. Writing out, not in the sense of drawing letters, but in the sense of “pouring out”, cleansing. 🙂 And then the subsequent processing of information. Thus we create constant flow. Thoughts come, we write them down, new ones come - we write them down again, organize them according to a system, and so on. Sooner or later out a large number Random thoughts give rise to valuable ideas. Ideas are processed, transformed into specific actions, and then, by performing specific actions, we achieve goals. Blogging in this business, by the way, also plays an important role ...

By the way, I remember this joke:

Grandmother says to her fighter pilot grandson:

You, granddaughter, fly more quietly, but lower.

The old woman did not know that the pilots - the faster and higher, the more effective and safer.

It is the same in life: the larger your thinking, the more global your projects, the greater the chances of failure.

Of course, the whole philosophy of the system is difficult to fit into the size of the post, and it is not necessary. Anyone who wants to get to know her better and "taste" her can read David Allen's book "How to Get Things in Order."

And in the next article, tools for GTD, I will talk about how to use it and what services allow you to implement GTD in life.

Follow the blog news.

GTD (Getting Things Done) is a productivity system and book of the same name by business coach David Allen. The main goal is to have time to do what is necessary, but spend more time on what gives you pleasure.

Often, Getting Things Done is translated into Russian as “put things in order”, although it would be more accurate to “bring things to the end”. Agree, it is more important not to shove tasks on lists, but to complete them. Just for this you need to make lists, determine priorities and come up with a schedule.

And why is it needed?

Working on the principles of GTD, it will be easier for you to manage your affairs. After all, the main advantage of this technique is that information about all your tasks is concentrated in one place so that you can move from one thing to another without hesitation.

What is the difference between GTD and task list?

In the list, we usually fix only the most important things, and do not write down less significant, minor tasks. And in vain. They scroll in your head, distract from work, and your efficiency drops. One of the main principles of GTD is to capture absolutely everything. So you can unload your brain and use all its resources for work.

Is this system right for me?

GTD is relevant for people of different professions, age and social status. David Allen, who formulated the principles of the system, conducted courses for ISS astronauts, rock musicians, and leaders of large companies.

As David Allen in an interview with Lifehacker, the system can be equally effective or equally useless for both a teenager and a CEO. big company. You need to have a certain mindset, like to engage in systematization and planning.

Okay, so what exactly needs to be done?

There are no strict rules in the GTD system. But there is basic principles works:
  1. Gather information and record everything. Write down tasks, ideas, repetitive tasks in a notebook or application. At the same time, the list should always be at your fingertips so that you cannot say: "I will add this later." Even the smallest and most insignificant thing needs to be written down if you are not doing it right now.
  2. Write explanations. There shouldn't be tasks like "Prepare for vacation". Break down large cases into specific, feasible actions (submit such and such documents to the visa center, buy a towel and sunglasses, download maps to your phone). With a regular to-do list, we spend more time transcribing than doing it. And yes, if you can delegate, delegate.
  3. Set your priorities. For each item in the list, enter a specific date and time frame. Add reminders if necessary. In fact, this is work with both the list and the calendar. At this stage, you should have confidence that you will definitely not forget anything.
  4. Update lists. To-do lists quickly become outdated: something loses its relevance, something is transferred to the future. The system must work for you. So make sure that you always have a list of specific actions so that you can get to work without delay.
  5. Take action. When everything is organized, you can begin to carry out your plan. Select a case from the right category, see what specific actions are required of you, and work. So you can realize big projects.

Do you need to put everything on one list?

No, it's better to make several, but keep them in one place. For example, keep multiple lists for each work project, household to-do lists, study lists, lists of ideas and possible future projects - just let your imagination run wild.

Are there any special tools?

From applications and web services, Wunderlist, Trello,, MyLifeOrganized, any notepad or a regular file in Google Docs will do. If you are used to taking notes on paper, you can use it.

There are fans of the file system. One common folder is created on the desktop, it contains several thematic ones, and each contains the corresponding lists and necessary materials.

In general, choose what is convenient for you.

The main requirement: the tool should always be at your fingertips so that you can transfer the task from your head to paper or to the application. For example, when your boss comes up to you and instructs you new task while you are working on something else.

How to get more value from GTD?

Any productivity system will not work if applied blindly. To get the most out of it, customize it for yourself, and then everything will work out.

And yes, no system can do everything for you, so don't get too carried away with making lists, remember to act. GTD is a tool that helps you get rid of stress and never forget anything. But how you manage your time is up to you.


for laboratory work

"The composition and principle of operation of systems,

servicing gas turbine engines VK-1 and gas turbine engines 3F"

By academic discipline

"Ship power plants,

main and auxiliary

for students of direction 6.0922 - Electromechanics

all forms of education


UDC 629.12.03

Guidelines to perform laboratory work No. 2 "Composition and principle of operation of systems serving GTE VK-1 and GTE 3F" in the discipline "Ship power plants, main and auxiliary" for students of direction 6.0922 "Electromechanics" specialty 7.0922.01 "Electrical systems and complexes Vehicle» all forms of education / Comp. G.V. Gorobets - Sevastopol: SevNTU Publishing House, 2012. - 14 p.

The purpose of the guidelines is to assist students in preparing for laboratory work on the study of the device, design and operation of turbine generators on ship power plants.

The guidelines were approved at a meeting of the Department of Power Plants of Sea Vessels and Structures, Protocol No. 6 dated 01.25.11.


Kharchenko A.A., Ph.D. tech.sci., Assoc. cafe EMSS

Approved by the educational and methodological center of SevNTU as methodological guidelines.


1. General information…..…………………………………………………….
1.1. SEU fuel systems…………………………………………….
1.2. Oil systems of SPP…………………………………….…………..
1.3. SPP cooling systems………………………………..………….
1.4. Gas turbine engine prompting system………………………………………….
1.5. GTE launch and control system.………………………………….
2. Laboratory work“Composition and principle of operation of systems serving GTE VK-1, GTE-3F”………........................................... ......
2.1. Goal of the work……………………………………………………………
2.2. Short description engine VK-1, its elements………………….
2.3. The composition of systems that ensure the operation of GTE VK-1………………...
2.4. Description of engine systems GTD 3-F……………………………….
2.5. Preparation of the report…………………………………………………..
2.6. Control questions………………………………………………..


The SPP system is a set of specialized pipelines with mechanisms, devices, devices and devices designed to perform certain functions that ensure the normal operation of the SPP. Sometimes it is called a mechanical system (as opposed to a general ship one).

In the general case, the system includes pipelines (pipes, fittings, fittings, connections, compensators), devices (cleaning, heat exchange, various purposes), devices, containers (tanks, tanks, cylinders, boxes) and devices (pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, thermometers, flow meters).

Cleaning devices include coarse and fine filters, filtration plants, centrifugal and static separators, separators. Heat exchangers according to their purpose are divided into heaters, coolers, evaporators and condensers.

Devices for various purposes include silencers at the inlet to and outlet of engines and mechanisms, spark arresters of exhaust gases of marine engines and homogenizers.

Only a part of the listed equipment may be included in a particular system.

SPP systems are classified according to their purpose (and, therefore, according to the working environment): fuel, oil, water-cooled (outboard and fresh water), air-gas (air supply for fuel combustion, compressed air, gas outlet, chimneys of ship boilers), condensate nutritional and steam. A steam system, for example, includes a number of pipelines: main, exhaust and auxiliary steam, boiler blowdown, steam sealing and suction, etc. Systems of the same name may differ in composition if they are designed to serve different engines.

Fuel systems SEU

Fuel systems are designed for receiving, storing, pumping, cleaning, heating and supplying fuel to engines and boilers, as well as for transferring fuel to shore or to other ships.

Due to the vastness of the functions performed, the fuel system is divided into a number of independent systems (pipelines). In addition, several types of fuel are often used in SPPs, and in this case, independent pipelines are provided for each type of fuel, for example, diesel, heavy, boiler. All this complicates the system.

Fuel system GTE designed to perform the following functions:

Fuel supply to the combustion chamber injectors in all operating modes of the gas turbine engine;

Providing automatic start;

Maintaining the specified fuel consumption in the mode;

Changes in fuel supply in accordance with the specified mode of operation;

Ensuring normal, emergency and emergency engine shutdown.

Many gas turbine engines have two parallel fuel systems: starting and main.

Oil systems SEU

Lubrication systems are designed to receive, store, pump, purify and supply oil to places of cooling and lubrication of rubbing parts of mechanisms, as well as to transfer it to other ships and to the shore. Depending on the main purpose, oil pipelines are distinguished for receiving and pumping, circulating lubrication system, oil separation, drainage, oil heating. Circulation lubrication systems are subdivided, in turn, into pressure, gravity and pressure-gravity.

In addition to closed circulation systems, systems are used linear type, in which oil is supplied only to lubrication objects and is not returned to the system (lubrication of the surfaces of internal combustion engine cylinders and compressors).

GTE oil system serves to lubricate the bearings of turbomachines and gears and remove heat from them. Technical requirements GOSTs are established for oil for marine gas turbine engines. For engine rolling bearings, low-viscosity, thermally stable oil is used, and for gears and gearbox bearings, oil with a kinematic viscosity (at 50 0 C) of 20 ... 48 cSt is used. Oil consumption during GTE operation is (0.1…0.2)10 -3 kg/(kW×h).

SPP cooling systems

Designed to remove heat from various mechanisms, devices, devices and working media in heat exchangers.

Cooling objects in SDU are:

Cylinder bushings and covers, exhaust manifolds and valves of main engines (MG) and diesel generators (DG), pistons and nozzles of the main engine, and sometimes diesel generator;

Working cylinders of air compressors;

Ship shafting bearings;

Circulating oil of the main engine and diesel engine, main gear reducers;

Fresh water used as an intermediate heat carrier in GD and DG;

Charge air of the main engine and diesel engine;

Air at the outlet of the low-pressure cylinder of air compressors with two-stage compression.

In the case of using the main electric transmissions, the windings of the propulsion electric motors and the main diesel generators should be added to the cooling objects listed above.

The working media in the SDU are: outboard and fresh water, oil, fuel and air.

GTE breather system

With a decrease in air pressure in the seal booster system (which is possible at low GTE capacities), oil will penetrate into the flow path and burn out there. This can be detected by an increase in oil consumption. With an increase in air pressure in the sub-oil system, the passage of air into the oil cavities increases, which leads to the abundant formation of an oil-air mixture. The oil supplied to the air-separating centrifuges of the venting system contains 30…60% of air. This leads to foaming of the oil and deterioration of the oil system. The ingress of foamed oil on bearings (especially plain bearings) creates unfavorable conditions for the formation of the necessary oil wedge and worsens the heat transfer of the cooled surfaces.

The venting system is designed to take the oil-air mixture from the oil cavities, separate the oil from the air and then return the oil to the system, and the air to the atmosphere.

The system includes:

Pipelines connecting the oil cavities of the bearings with the settling tank;

Settling tank (tank), where oil droplets are separated from the mixture and deposited on the walls. As a settling tank, a drain tank of the oil system and internal cavities of the input devices of the gas turbine engine compressor are used;

Oil separators (centrifuges or breathers) of a centrifugal or rotary principle of operation, which complete the process of separating the oil-air mixture into its constituent parts. The breathers are driven from the turbocharger shaft through a gearbox and have an impeller that creates a suction vacuum. Due to this, the oil-air mixture enters the centrifuge housing, where oil drops are thrown to the periphery and flow down the walls of the housing to the drain pipe. The air along the centrifuge axis is discharged into the atmosphere.

Centrifugal breathers have a number of disadvantages: the speed of oil passing through the rotor is too high to ensure the settling of fine particles; the need for an additional drive and some others. Their insufficient efficiency causes environmental pollution and leads to irretrievable oil losses, and oil consumption (irrecoverable losses) is one of the important performance characteristics of gas turbine engines.

To reduce irretrievable oil losses by separating and returning it to the oil system, which is dictated by both environmental and resource-saving aspects, in the GTE latest generations began to use static (non-driven) jet prompters. The principle of operation of such prompters is based on a physical process: the enlargement of oil droplets in the breathed air and their separation from the air. In this case, oil losses are reduced by more than two times; increased engine reliability; reduced oil aerosol emissions in environment. The degree of purification in static prompters is 99.99%.

Advantages: high cleaning efficiency, high reliability, simple design.

GTE launch and control system

Starting systems are electric, with a turbocompressor starter, air turbo starter, etc. More often, electric is used as the easiest to manage, with a high degree of automation, reliable and easy to maintain. The electrical starting system includes:

Source electrical energy(batteries or ship generators);

Software mechanism;

Actuators of automatic start systems;

Electric motor (starter);

Unit for supplying and igniting fuel in the combustion chamber (the units can be combined into an autonomous launch system or be part of a combined gas turbine engine fuel system);

Devices for automatic control of parameters and protection of gas turbine engines at start-up (ensuring stable operation of compressors and preventing emergency situations by affecting the anti-surge devices of the compressor and the fuel supply to the combustion chamber);

Devices to ensure stable operation of gas turbine engines during startup;

Bullet control and launch.

2. Laboratory work
“Composition and OPERATING PRINCIPLE of systems,

serving GTE VK-1 and GTE-3F"

Goal of the work

Acquisition of practical knowledge in the study of systems serving the operation of gas turbine engines. The work is carried out on gas turbine engines VK-1 and gas turbine engines -3F.

Our reader Oleg Bondarenko shares his proven GTD system for organizing affairs and life. It's no secret that we know almost everything about GTD and similar mechanics, but are rarely able to use them for a long time. We are sure that you will be interested in the success story in this field.

Incoming tasks, ideas, thoughts are divided as follows:

  • What can be shove immediately to another artist, I immediately shove it. I add a reminder task "Check execution".
  • What can be done right now in 5-15 minutes. I sit down and do it.
  • What takes more time or cannot be done right now. This also includes reminder tasks like "Check the status of project XXX". I immediately drive it into the list of tasks on the phone or Google Tasks - everything is synchronized.
  • What is interesting and may be promising. I throw off a bunch in Evernote. About once a week I review, sort into notebooks. Something grows into tasks.

More on point 3.

To successfully maintain a list of tasks, strict formalization is required, minimizing the costs of managing and obtaining data. This is achieved in the following way.

Each task has a structured name like: Project | Object | Action

Project- this is a large grouping of tasks, an abbreviated code like HOUSE, OFFICE, CLIENT1, ... Each Project should have an average of 1-10 tasks. If there are consistently more tasks for the Project, I allocate a part to an additional Project. Thus, task grouping is always single-level. As practice has shown, a more visual grouping of tasks in the form of a multi-level tree is actually unnecessarily laborious and reduces the motivation to use the system effectively.

Searching for tasks in a Project is performed by basic functions: search or sorting is my favorite way.

An object- This is the object or person on which you want to perform an action. Everything is simple here.

Action– an elementary action that must be performed on the Object.

Another most important point: each task contains execution date. If you are not sure about the due date of the task, set the current one. If you set the current date and do nothing else, tomorrow the task will be on the overdue list and you will have to make a decision on it. For example, put it in notes about life.

Sometimes, for a certain Project, a list of tasks emerges, the timing and sequence of execution of which are not clear at the moment. In this case, I start a general task of the form: Project Tasks. In the comments I list the list of tasks. Over time, the situation becomes clearer, something is crossed out, something is fulfilled, something grows into a separate task. In any case, even from such a group record, I determine the date when it is necessary to refer to it and conduct an audit.

And the last. In my practice, approx. 50% of tasks are not completed(or cannot be executed) on the selected date. Much depends not on me. Tasks like "Project status check" are generally lengthy and require periodic attention. Some things are updated and added. Such tasks are constantly postponed to later dates. This is normal (this, by the way, is a huge plus of electronic organizers). Manual labor rescheduling is also useful in the sense that it sometimes leads to important thoughts.