Presentation, report production and use of electrical energy. Production and use of electricity Transmission and distribution of electricity presentation

summary other presentations

"Lesson Electromagnetic induction" - Type of lesson - a lesson in learning new material. Phenomenon electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule.

"Visible radiation" - Infrared radiation was discovered in 1800 by the English astronomer W. Herschel. MKOU SOSH p. Zarya. Application. Infrared radiation is emitted by excited atoms or ions. Visible radiation (light) is far from exhausting the possible types of radiation. Visible radiation is adjacent to infrared. Infrared radiation. The work was completed by: 11th grade student Natalia Bykova.

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"Production, transmission and use of electricity" - U \u003d Um sin (2? n t +? 0). 100 %. 1.5%. A) idle mode b) load mode. Fuel. Transformer. The action of the transformer is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Generator. Nuclear power plant. a. The use of electrical. Scheme of electricity losses on the way from the power plant to the consumer. Energy. Hydrostation. Electricity transmission.

"Radiolocation in physics" - Weak Signals amplified in the amplifier and fed to the indicator. Hypothesis: Theoretical part. Reflected impulses propagate in all directions. MOU "Gymnasium No. 1". Physics. In radar, they use electromagnetic waves microwave Systematize knowledge on the topic "Radar". Relevance: Radar 2008

"Light waves" - Polarization of light. Given: Find: -? -? Now the rays have to travel a longer and longer path in the atmosphere. Light is a transverse wave. Why the sky is blue? A. 0.8 cm. 4. Three diffraction gratings have 150, 2100, 3150 lines per 1 mm. Diffraction of light. Deviation from the rectilinear propagation of waves, the rounding of obstacles by waves is called diffraction. A. 2.7 * 107m. H. 0.5 * 10-6m. A1. (A) P. boucardi beetle; (b)-(f) beetle elytra at different magnifications. A. 600 nm, B. 800 nm.

Production, transmission and consumption of electricity

Types of power plants

  • Thermal (TPP) - 50%
  • Hydroelectric power plants (HPP) - 20-25%
  • Nuclear (NPP) - 15%
  • Alternative sources

energy - 2 - 5% (solar energy, fusion energy, tidal energy, wind energy)


Thermal power plants



(fuel energy)



TD (steam




hydroelectric power plants



(falling water)




Nuclear power plants

Atomic Energy

(when dividing

atomic nuclei)





Electric current generator

  • Generator converts mechanical energy into electrical
  • The generator action is based on phenomenon of electromagnetic induction

Frame with current - the main element of the generator

  • The rotating part is called the ROTOR (magnet).
  • The fixed part is called the STATOR (frame)

When the frame rotates, penetrating the frame, the magnetic flux changes in time, as a result of which a induction current

Electricity transmission

  • Power lines (TL) are used to transmit electricity to consumers.
  • When transmitting electricity over a distance, it is lost due to heating of the wires (the Joule-Lenz law).
  • Ways to reduce heat loss:

1) Reducing the resistance of the wires, but increasing their diameter (heavy - difficult to hang, and expensive - copper).

2) Reducing the current strength by increasing the voltage.


  • Consists of two coils of insulated wire wound around a common steel core.

The action of the transformer is based on

phenomenon electromagnetic induction

Transformer diagram

Primary winding - a coil to which an alternating current of one voltage is supplied

Secondary winding - a coil from which an alternating current of a different voltage is removed

A step-up transformer is a transformer that increases voltage.

A step-down transformer is a transformer that reduces voltage.

The impact of thermal power plants on the environment

The main stages of production, transmission and consumption of electricity

  • 1. Mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy using generators at power plants.
  • 2. Electric voltage is increased to transmit electricity over long distances.
  • 3. Electricity is transmitted at high voltage through high-voltage power lines.
  • 4. When distributing electricity to consumers, the voltage is reduced.
  • 5. When electricity is consumed, it is converted into other types of energy - mechanical, light or internal.

Electricity use The main consumer of electricity is industry, which accounts for about 70% of electricity produced. Transport is also a major consumer. An increasing number of railway lines are being converted to electric traction.

About a third of the electricity consumed by industry is used for technological purposes (electric welding, electric heating and melting of metals, electrolysis, etc.). Modern civilization is unthinkable without the widespread use of electricity. The disruption of the power supply of a large city in an accident paralyzes his life.

Electricity transmission Electricity consumers are everywhere. It is produced in relatively few places close to sources of fuel and water resources. Electricity cannot be conserved on a large scale. It must be consumed immediately upon receipt. Therefore, there is a need to transmit electricity over long distances.

Energy transfer is associated with noticeable losses. The fact is that electricity heats the wires of power lines. In accordance with the Joule-Lenz law, the energy spent on heating the line wires is determined by the formula where R is the line resistance.

Since the current power is proportional to the product of the current strength and voltage, in order to maintain the transmitted power, it is necessary to increase the voltage in the transmission line. The longer the transmission line, the more advantageous it is to use a higher voltage. So, in the high-voltage transmission line Volzhskaya HPP - Moscow and some others use a voltage of 500 kV. Meanwhile, alternating current generators are built for voltages not exceeding kV.

Higher voltage would require complex special measures to isolate the windings and other parts of the generators. Therefore, step-up transformers are installed at large power plants. For the direct use of electricity in the motors of the electric drive of machine tools, in the lighting network and for other purposes, the voltage at the ends of the line must be reduced. This is achieved using step-down transformers.

IN Lately, due to environmental problems, the scarcity of fossil fuels and its uneven geographical distribution, it becomes expedient to generate electricity using wind turbines, solar panels, small gas generators

slide 1

Physics lesson in grade 11b using the regional component. Author: S.V.Gavrilova - teacher of physics at the Moscow State Educational Institution, secondary school p. Vladimiro-Aleksandrovskoe 2012
Subject. Production, transfer and use electrical energy

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Type of lesson: a lesson of learning new material using regional material. The purpose of the lesson: the study of the use of electricity, starting with the process of generating it. Lesson objectives: Educational: to concretize the idea of ​​​​schoolchildren about the methods of transmitting electricity, about the mutual transitions of one type of energy to another. Developing: further development students have practical skills of a research nature, bringing the cognitive activity of children to a creative level of knowledge, developing analytical skills (when determining the location various kinds power plants in Primorsky Krai). Educational: development and consolidation of the concept of "energy system" on local history material, education of a careful attitude to the consumption of electricity. Equipment for the lesson: physics textbook for grade 11 G.Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, V.M. Charugin. Classic course. M., "Enlightenment", 2009; slide presentation for the lesson; projector; screen.

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What device is called a transformer? What is the principle behind the operation of a transformer? What is the primary winding of a transformer? Secondary? Define the transformation ratio. How is the efficiency of a transformer determined?

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How would our planet live, How would people live on it Without warmth, magnet, light And electric rays? A. Mitskevich

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Advanced development of the electric power industry; Increasing the capacity of power plants; Centralization of electricity production; Wide use of local fuel and energy resources; The gradual transition of the industry, Agriculture, transport on electricity.

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Electrification of Vladivostok
In February 1912, the first public power plant was put into operation in Vladivostok, which was named VGES No. 1. The station became the ancestor of "big" energy in the Primorsky Territory. Its power was 1350 kW.

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By June 20, 1912, the station provided energy to 1785 subscribers of Vladivostok, 1200 street lamps. Since the launch of the tram on October 27, 1912, the station has been working with overload.

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The rapid growth of Vladivostok, as well as the implementation of GOELRO plans, forced the expansion of the power plant. In 1927-28, and then in 1930-1932. work was carried out on the dismantling of the old and installation of new equipment. First of all, a major overhaul of all boilers and steam turbines was carried out, which guaranteed the continuous operation of the station with energy output up to 2775 kW per hour. In 1933, the station completed its reconstruction and reached a capacity of 11,000 kW.

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- Why was the development of the electric power industry put in the first place for the development of the state? What is the advantage of electricity over other forms of energy? - How is electricity transmitted? – What is the energy system of our region?

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Transfer by wire to any locality; Easy transformation into any kind of energy; Easy to get from other types of energy.
The advantage of electricity over other types of energy.

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Types of energy converted into electrical

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Wind (WPP) Thermal (TPP) Water (HPP) Nuclear (NPP) Geothermal Solar
Depending on the type of converted energy, power plants are:
Where is electricity produced?

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Vladivostok CHPP-1
Since 1959, the station began to work on a heat load, for which a number of measures were taken to transfer it to a heating mode. In 1975, the generation of electricity at VTETS-1 was discontinued, and the CHPP began to specialize exclusively in heat generation. Today it is still in service, successfully operating, supplying Vladivostok with heat. In 2008, two mobile gas turbine units with a total capacity of 45 MW were installed at the VCHPP-1 site.
On the construction of the station

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Vladivostok CHPP-2
- the youngest station in the Primorsky Territory and the most powerful in the structure of the Primorsky generation.
The huge thermal power plant-2 was erected for short time. On April 22, 1970, the first units of the station were launched and turned on: a turbine and two boilers.
Currently, 14 boilers of the same type with a steam capacity of 210 tons/hour of steam each and 6 turbine units are operated at Vladivostok CHPP-2. Vladivostok CHPP-2 is the main source for supplying production steam, heat and electricity to industry and the population of Vladivostok. The main type of fuel for thermal power plants is coal.

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Partizanskaya GRES
The Partizanskaya State District Power Plant (GRES) is the main source of electricity supply for the southeastern part of Primorsky Krai. The construction of a power plant in the immediate vicinity of the Suchansky coal region was planned as early as 1939-1940, but with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War work on the project has stopped.
From 01.02.2010 a turbine was put into operation at Partizanskaya GRES

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Artemovskaya CHPP
On November 6, 1936, a test run of the first turbine of the new station was made. This day is considered to be the birthday of the Artyomovskaya State District Power Plant. Already on December 18 of the same year, Artemovskaya GRES went into operation. operating enterprises Primorye. November 6, 2012 Artyomovskaya CHPP celebrated its 76th anniversary.
In 1984, the station was transferred to the category of combined heat and power plants.

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Primorskaya GRES
On January 15, 1974, the 1st power unit of the largest thermal power plant in the Far East, Primorskaya GRES, was launched. Putting it into operation milestone in the socio-economic development of the region, which experienced a large shortage of electricity in the 60-70s.
The launch of the 1st power unit, the subsequent construction and commissioning of the remaining eight power units of Primorskaya GRES helped the Unified Energy System of the Far East to radically solve the problem of meeting the growing demand for electricity in the region. Today, the plant generates half of the electricity consumed in Primorsky Krai and produces thermal energy for the village of Luchegorsk.

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Electricity transmission.

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The main consumers of electricity
Industry (almost 70%) Transport Agriculture Domestic needs of the population

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a device that allows you to convert alternating electric current in such a way that when the voltage increases, the current will decrease and vice versa.

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The UES of the Far East includes the power systems of the following regions: Amur Region; Khabarovsk Territory and Jewish Autonomous Region; Primorsky Territory; South Yakutsk energy district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The IPS of the East operates in isolation from the UES of Russia.

Slide 25

Electricity generation in the regions of the Far East in 1980-1998 (billion kWh)
Region 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Far East 30,000 38,100 47,349 48,090 44.2 41.4 38,658 36,600 35,907
Primorsky Krai 11.785 11.848 11.0 10.2 9.154 8.730 7.682
Khabarovsk Territory 9.678 10.125 9.7 9.4 7.974 7.566 7.642
Amur Region 4.415 7.059 7.783 7.528 7.0 7.0 7.074 6.798 6.100 5.600 5.200
Kamchatka region 1.223 1.526 1.864 1.954 1.9 1.8 1.576 1.600 1.504
Magadan Region 3.537 3.943 4.351 4.376 3.4 3.0 2.72 2.744 2.697
Sakhalin Region 2.595 3.009 3.41 3.505 2.8 2.7 2.712 2.390 2.410
Republic of Sakha 4.311 5.463 8.478 8.754 8.4 7.3 6.998 6.887 7.438
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - - - - n.a. n.a. 0.450 0.447 0.434 0.341 0.350

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Power system of the Far East
In the Far East, generating capacities and transmission networks are combined into six power systems. The largest of them cover Primorsky Krai (installed capacity 2692 thousand kW) and the Republic of Sakha (2036 thousand kW). The remaining power systems have a capacity of less than 2 million kW. In order to ensure sustainable and cost-effective energy supply to hard-to-reach areas in the Primorsky Territory, it is planned to continue the construction of small hydropower plants.

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Test Yourself (Test Work)
Option 1 I. What is the source of energy at TPP? 1. Oil, coal, gas 2. Wind power 3. Water power II. In what field National economy expended the largest number produced electricity? 1. In industry 2. In transport 3. In agriculture III. How will the amount of heat released by the wires change if the area is increased cross section S wires? 1. Will not change 2. Will decrease 3. Will increase 1. Step-down 2. Step-up 3. No transformer is needed V. The power system is 1. The electrical system of a power plant 2. The electrical system of a separate city 3. The electrical system of the regions of the country, connected by high-voltage power lines
Option 2 I. What is the source of energy for hydroelectric power plants? 1. Oil, coal, gas 2. Wind power 3. Water power II. The transformer is designed 1. To increase the service life of the wires 2. To convert energy 3. To reduce the amount of heat released by the wires III. The energy system is 1. The electrical system of a power plant 2. The electrical system of an individual city 3. The electrical system of the regions of the country, connected by high-voltage power lines IV. How will the amount of heat released by the wires change if the length of the wire is reduced? 1. Will not change 2. Will decrease 3. Will increase V. What transformer should be put on the line at the city entrance? 1. Step-down 2. Step-up 3. No transformer needed

Slide 28

How would our planet live, How would people live on it Without warmth, magnet, light And electric rays?
A. Mitskevich

Slide 29

Thanks for the lesson!
D.Z. § 39-41 "The use of solar energy for heat supply in the Primorsky Territory". "On the feasibility of using wind energy in the Primorsky Territory". "New Technologies in the World Energy of the 21st Century"

Electricity use The main consumer of electricity is industry, which accounts for about 70% of electricity produced. Transport is also a major consumer. An increasing number of railway lines are being converted to electric traction.

About a third of the electricity consumed by industry is used for technological purposes (electric welding, electric heating and melting of metals, electrolysis, etc.). Modern civilization is unthinkable without the widespread use of electricity. The disruption of the power supply of a large city in an accident paralyzes his life.

Electricity transmission Electricity consumers are everywhere. It is produced in relatively few places close to sources of fuel and water resources. Electricity cannot be conserved on a large scale. It must be consumed immediately upon receipt. Therefore, there is a need to transmit electricity over long distances.

Energy transfer is associated with noticeable losses. The fact is that electric current heats the wires of power lines. In accordance with the Joule-Lenz law, the energy spent on heating the line wires is determined by the formula where R is the line resistance.

Since the current power is proportional to the product of the current strength and voltage, in order to maintain the transmitted power, it is necessary to increase the voltage in the transmission line. The longer the transmission line, the more advantageous it is to use a higher voltage. So, in the high-voltage transmission line Volzhskaya HPP - Moscow and some others use a voltage of 500 kV. Meanwhile, alternating current generators are built for voltages not exceeding kV.

Higher voltage would require complex special measures to isolate the windings and other parts of the generators. Therefore, step-up transformers are installed at large power plants. For the direct use of electricity in the motors of the electric drive of machine tools, in the lighting network and for other purposes, the voltage at the ends of the line must be reduced. This is achieved using step-down transformers.

Recently, due to environmental problems, the scarcity of fossil fuels and their uneven geographical distribution, it becomes expedient to generate electricity using wind turbines, solar panels, small gas generators.