Earn money for games by completing tasks. Completing tasks on the Internet for money: How and what tasks are best done? How to make money doing tasks

Paid microservices is a way of earning, in which, in order to receive payment, the user must perform certain actions specified in the instructions from the customer. How to make money on the Internet by completing tasks is a hot topic for those who seek to switch to remote work or find a part-time job in their free time. The essence of this scheme is to provide a microservice according to the instructions (on the customer's website, in the search engine, social networks, on review sites and other sites). The advertiser receives a certain response from the actions of the performer (for example, income when clicking on advertising banners, increasing the position of the site in search engines, distributing content, increasing the number of subscribers), which is why he is ready to pay real money for it.

How much can you earn doing jobs online?

An important point that interests every beginner is the amount of income. In the first couple you need to get comfortable, real income begins only after the user adapts to work. The level of earnings directly depends on the required effort, time and knowledge to complete the task. Some advanced users are able to perform more than a hundred actions per day. When paying from 1 to 10 p. the approximate income per day is from 100 to 1000 rubles.

How to make money online doing social media tasks

The essence of the work is the promotion and promotion of a certain page, group in social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, My World, Instagram, etc.). The fact is that account holders are ready to pay real money for getting additional likes, reposts, retweets, subscribers, etc. Performers perform such tasks quite simply, but the payment for them is not high. The contractor takes the order to work, performs everything according to the instructions and submits it for verification, then the funds are transferred to the user's account. There are many resources that allow you to make money on social networks, for example, turbotext, forumok, sarafanka, SOCPUBLIC.COM, etc. On average, likes pay 0.10-2 rubles, reposts and subscriptions - up to 5 rubles. Comments and reviews are the most highly paid tasks that can generate income up to 45 rubles.

Tasks on YouTube

YouTube is the largest and most popular video content hosting in the world. Not only the owners of their own channel, but also ordinary users can earn on it. Customers are ready to pay for watching videos, writing comments, getting likes, subscribing to a channel. Resources for work: work-zilla, advego, etc. Payment for 1 action ranges from 50 kopecks to 50 rubles.

Tasks for blogs and forums

Another way to earn income on the Internet that does not require much effort and knowledge is posting. The performer is required to place a review under a specific video, product, comment or publish a post. Websites for making money on forums, blogs wpcomment, qcomment, copywriting exchange advego, etxt. One comment is paid on average from 3 to 50 rubles. For a quality review for [email protected], Yandex. Market, applications in the App Store, Google Play are ready to pay you up to 150 rubles.

Earnings on ad clicks

The essence of the work is reduced to viewing ads and clicking on banners. Most beginners start with this type of earnings. The contractor needs to view and click on the ad that appears, go to the site. In practice, this is the easiest method of remote work, as it does not require any additional skills and knowledge. Resources for work: wmmail, wmzona. On average, clicks are paid from 1 kopeck to 1 ruble.

Part-time work on microservices exchanges

There are special exchanges for freelancers (kwork, fl.ru, weblancer, freelance.ru). They publish various tasks in many areas of activity - web design, graphics, site building, SEO promotion, marketing, active actions in social networks and others. This type of work may require specific knowledge from the performer - knowledge of foreign languages, programming, the ability to use Photoshop, knowledge of marketing and SEO

On microservice exchanges, you will also find simpler tasks - for example, getting likes, translating audio text into written form, writing articles, searching for products, processing Excel spreadsheets. Since the requirements for the performer here are much higher, then such work is paid an order of magnitude more.

The Kwork service offers a fixed payment for 1 order of 500 rubles. Freelance exchange Fl.ru is designed for professionals in a narrow field. Here you can find orders for creating websites (from 2000 rubles), programming, marketing, creating logos, creating videos, video voice acting, naming and much more. At such prices, remote work can bring from 15,000 to 200,000 rubles. monthly and become the main source of income.

Mobile earnings on applications

To earn money, the user must install, rate, comment on mobile applications, view embedded ads. It is necessary that the performer has a mobile device based on IOS or Android, on which you need to download the program. Proven services for earning, paying for one action from 1 to 30 rubles. - AdvertApp, AppCent, App Tools, etc. Earned money is withdrawn to the phone, bank cards, electronic wallets.

How to make money on the Internet by helping on the site?

The microservices exchange presents a large selection of tasks that require assistance in designing and setting up a site, filling in a convention, goods, creating a landing page, programming, etc. Payment for services can be really high, especially if knowledge of programming languages ​​is required. Exchanges where anyone can find a part-time job - work-zilla.com, cheerick, kwork.ru (all orders for 500 rubles).

Here are examples of orders on Workzilla with prices (beginners get from 150 rubles per hour, pros - up to 500 rubles per hour).

If you have free time, you can sell it to people who do not have much of it, for this you need to become a performer.

This is the name of people who perform the simplest tasks and receive money for this on special sites for finding performers.

There are tasks to complete that require special education and experience, and there are tasks that anyone can complete. Choose what you like and start earning.

Here are some examples of such tasks:

  • Make short descriptions of projects
  • deliver flowers
  • Turn off the dangling faucet in the toilet
  • Assemble furniture
  • Reinstall operating system
  • Make a list of productions
  • Need a man to inflate balloons


At the moment, the largest player in this niche is the Youdo service. More than one million people visit it every month.

Unfortunately, YouDo only works in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in the Moscow and Leningrad regions. But if the order concerns work on the Internet, then of course there are no restrictions.

To become a performer, you need to go through the verification procedure, which includes:

  • verification of personal data;
  • verification of trusted persons;
  • online testing for knowledge of the rules of the service;
  • telephone interview.

Important tips for YouDo site performers

YouDo takes a commission from performers from 5 to 15% of the cost of each completed task. The commission is deducted automatically from the personal account of the performer.

The service has a lot of tasks, so you can easily find what you are interested in and profitable.


The site works for all major cities, but most of the orders are in the capitals.

To become a performer you need:

  • Fill out a verification form
  • Familiarize yourself with the rules of work on the service Throw a Kabanchik
  • Pass an online test on knowledge of the rules of the service
  • Verify passport details (via Skype video conference)


Porucheno.ru is a slightly different project. Here's what they say about themselves:

The Agency for Special Assignments is a specialized project, the main activity of which is the fulfillment of the Customer's instructions in regions remote from its actual location.

The project works all over the world. At the moment, 19008 agents work in the agency.

To become an Agent, you must register on the site by filling in all the fields in the registration form. The initial status after registration is “Candidate”.

After the Candidate successfully completes the test orders and gains a rating of 20 points, he becomes a full-fledged Agent. Successful execution of test orders is paid.

The list of instructions is limited only by the current legislation.

For example, here is a list of recently completed tasks:

  • Buy a SIM card with a direct Moscow number. Moscow
  • Pick up and deliver a box of baby food. Kostroma
  • Take a photo of the building and make a list of businesses. Tyumen region Nyagan
  • Find out if the store is open and get the manager's contacts. Portugal Lisbon

In general, the project is interesting and unusual. Its only drawback is the small number of tasks so far.

In any case, you can simply register, and new tasks for your region will come to your mail.

- another site to search for performers. Works all over Russia. There are orders, but as usual, mainly for big cities.

Unlike other sites, miriba.ru does not interfere in the process of communication between the customer and the contractor, so you do not need to undergo special verification as a contractor here.

The site is like a bulletin board. Go to the site, find a suitable job offer and contact the customer directly.

Orders here are mainly for skilled workers (builders, webmasters, various repairs), but there is also a simple part-time job:

  • It is necessary to transport three people from Anapa to Krasnodar
  • Need to mow the grass
  • housekeeper needed

Skilljob.ru Runbee.ru I added these 2 sites to the article in case they suddenly become popular (one left). So far, they have very little attendance and, accordingly, very few orders.

They work like a bulletin board. I recommend subscribing to receive new orders by mail. Perhaps some order will be of interest to you.

At the moment, these are all popular sites for finding performers. Register immediately in all, receive orders and earn.

A line of credit is the most sought after financing option for business owners. For what? The flexibility they provide is unparalleled.

While your typical loan term will give you a lump sum of cash to use - and pay off over time - a line of credit is more like a fixed amount reserve pool.
In addition to short-term and traditional lines of credit, small business owners can also look into lines of credit secured by certain types of collateral. In this case, we are talking about a credit line and a loan without guarantors secured by business equipment.

Here's how it works: Asset-based lenders care more about your future prospects than your past borrowing history (or at least they care about almost two). You get the equipment you need—a car, new exercise equipment, a printing press—and the line of credit secured by that equipment will give you a line of credit based on the value of your equipment.

The good news is that these lines of credit tend to come with more relaxed requirements, even if their highs and interest rates don't fall - but at the expense of collateral or ownership requirements in the event of a loan default, on this shiny new piece of equipment. They rely on the value of your equipment or inventory, rather than your borrowing history, to feel confident about your credit.

Letter of credit line

The basic idea behind invoice financing (also called accounts receivable financing) is that sometimes it takes customers a long time to get your money back, but you might not be able to wait. Instead of relying on short-term loans to cover operating costs or dig into your savings, you can simply pay those bills right away - though you'll have to cover the cost of that speed and efficiency.

An invoice-based credit line follows the same logic. The value of your bills determines your maximum unsecured business loan, and you can raise capital as needed instead of relying on your clients to pay on time. And as your bills grow, you will generally have access to more cash from the line of credit.

If you're a small business owner looking to expand your options or reduce your cash flow problems, one of these lines of credit might be right for you. Whether it's a standalone product or an additional source of capital, a line of credit is great insurance for your business.

There are some defining moments in the life of any person. Graduating from high school, graduating from college, getting your first adult job are just some of the milestones you face in your early life. For many people, an online bank guarantee is the next few people to start a family, buy a car, or maybe buy their first home. When you compare buying a home with all the previous milestones, they can seem small and easy in comparison. Once you start the process, it's easy to quickly become overwhelmed with all the different questions you have and the criteria to consider. So to help you out, here are 10 things every first time home buyer should do before making an offer.

It all starts with a little research, so this is the very first thing you should do if you want to buy a house. However, if you don't have the right direction to take a business development loan for your research, it can be just as beneficial as no research at all. Start first by finding the area you want to go to. As you do this, look at local schools, the average housing prices in the area, proximity to important amenities (like shops, mechanics, doctors, etc.), and the crime rate in the area. You can even use a search engine to look for local news in the area to make sure nothing is too negative to stand out.

Once you find some homes you like, the research doesn't stop there. You will now need to determine certain information about the property before you can make an offer. Here are some of the main things you should consider:

  • Research the market, when is a good time to buy?
  • When you find a home, look for similar properties in the area and compare prices.
  • Check the square footage, and figure out the average cost based on that size.
  • Find out why the current owner is selling, this can give you clues as to how flexible they will be on price.
  • Try to find out how much the seller paid, especially if it was recent.
Look at trends in the ratio of list price to sale price. Ask for house history and DOM (days on market). You should not make an offer without a prior walkthrough. But even one step-by-step guide may not be enough.

Understanding the competitive banking landscape helps community banks set the right prices, respond effectively to competing marketing, and compete more effectively. Analyzing the competition for accepting payments online can also help a bank be realistic about what products it can sell and at what price. Unfortunately, banking is not an easy industry to analyze. Community bankers sometimes fall into the trap of believing that they compete exclusively with other community banks - nothing could be further from the truth. Many existing clients and potential clients of community banks are also clients of national banks. In this article, we highlight several important trends that all public bank managers need to understand in order to be successful and more competitive with national banks.

With the increasing use of the Internet to purchase banking services, banks no longer compete with local competitors. The banking industry online payment methods is nationwide and is becoming less industry specific. Also, the competition isn't just another bank that can take out a loan or deposit, but it could be a credit union, an insurance company, a retail store, or a fintech startup (like Robinhood, which announced a 3% savings account).

Below is a graph showing the number of branches owned by commercial banks from 1998 to the last reporting quarter. The graph also shows on the right axis the percentage of branches owned by the top four, ten, and top 100 banks. While the number of branches has been growing over the past 20 years, top competitors are shrinking their branch network as a percentage of the total market. This is important because while the largest banks maintain their share of the deposit and loan market, they do so without expanding the number of branches.

The chart above shows that the top four banks own 21% of all branches, compared to 24% in 1998. The top 100 banks own 59% of branches, up from 63% in 1998. These banks continue to look for ways to deliver goods and services, increase market share while reducing their presence in store windows. The graph below shows the volume of the domestic credit market of banks for the period from 1998 to the last reporting quarter.

The marginal cost savings of opening a checking account in the form of less labor/staff requires a very different deployment strategy than trying to reduce fixed costs in the form of shrinking the physical branch network. While most banks tend to use Mtms at their high traffic branches, the most efficient use is likely to be those high traffic branches that show the most variability. A steady stream of daily customers is good, but having bursts of customers at lunchtime and after work creates most of the hassle of opening an account for an entity with staff/customer service. It is these questions that can quickly prove their value.

The best strategic use of interactive cashiers (ITMs). After that, using ITMs to empower Loan Production Offices (LPOs) to become more complete services without the cost of a full branch office proved to be a viable use case, as customer traffic is already in place.

After these three main use cases that can be used to reduce costs while potentially increasing customer satisfaction, there are two risk mitigation strategies where ITMs make a compelling case. One push into new regions before committing to a full affiliate. This allows the bank to test a space-constrained location, perhaps in a location that is shared with another company, such as a cafe-style branch.

Similarly, a bank may use an MTM as a substitute for a branch if it seeks to reduce its footprint. As you update your strategic path, figuring out where ITM fits into your affiliate transformation plan is the first step. If you believe that the physical branch will survive the next ten years, then ITMs will most likely be required.

Then create a tactical plan for where and when to deploy the ITM at a sufficient scale so it makes sense to justify the effort. Choosing high-traffic areas that contain a volatile flow of shoppers should be your first stop to extend your time and choosing high-traffic areas that have an advantage on a metro hub or other location that can benefit from banking in the morning is most likely your next stop.

It is to educate the group in a culture where everyone is equal for certain efforts, such as picking ideas or debriefing to improve quality. Proving You're Innovating Right - The Innovation Bell Curve.

To test if you're generating bold enough ideas, after completing the process, look at your results and rate them for boldness. What you should see is a portfolio of ideas spread across a risk spectrum. You should see a bell curve of ideas where the bulk of the ideas of checking account rates are grouped in the middle of your risk tolerance (f.e. opening an online account or digital lending). They need to be a little risky, but within your comfort zone and workmanship.

According to the Institute of Community Associations, approximately 21% of Americans live in communities of common interest. For banks, especially those in FL, CA, TX, IL, NC, NY, MA and GA (okay) on a customer acquisition basis from cost to cumulative cost of living, they are one of the best customers. The reason for this is that they are numerous (over 342k of them in the US), they have high deposit balances, and they generate high fees with their safe deposit activity. However, while homeowners associations are one of the bank's most profitable clients, they are not in the top 10. In this article, we'll take a look at ten industries that are more profitable in a head-to-head comparison.

In one of the most popular articles of the year (here), we reviewed the TOP 15 industries for which we had data on deposit balances. As we are big fans of segmenting a bank's customer base for customer experience and marketing effectiveness purposes, our goal was to highlight those industries that had larger than average deposit balances to help banks grow deposits as efficiently as possible. As many readers have pointed out, we didn't tell the whole story, which was true. For starters, many thought that our deposit balance data was too low.

Good day! From this article, you will learn what it is to earn money by completing tasks on the Internet. Using examples, we will show how to complete paid tasks and get real money for work. Let's make an overview of sites where you can earn money on tasks. About everything in order.

What is Job Completion Earnings?

I want to note right away that completing tasks for money on the Internet is the best option for generating income for beginners. Paid tasks generate higher income than paid surveys. For example, 2-7 kopecks are paid for viewing a site in surfing. It takes 10-30 seconds to view one site. At the same time, for completing a task in several actions, they charge from 1 ruble.

Of course, there are also penny tasks where you need to do a lot of actions. Over time, you will learn to quickly find well-paid paid jobs on the Internet and earn more with less effort.

What do you need to know to make money on the Internet by completing tasks? It all depends on the category it's in. We will now consider them in detail.

  • "Just registration without activity" - the advertiser pays for the registration through his link on the specified site. There should be no more requirements for further activity.

Here is an example of such a simple task:

For filling out the registration form pay 1 ruble. In time, all actions take a few minutes.

Tip: to complete any registration tasks, start a separate box. This will save you the problem of spam in the future. I recommend universal email from gmail, here is a link to registration instructions

  • "Registration with further activity"

In addition to filling out the registration form and confirming the account, the advertiser indicates what other activity needs to be shown on the site in order to receive payment. Please note that if all the conditions of the task are not met, you will not receive payment.

Quite often, such tasks are not completed in 1 day. For example, it may take several days to reach the level required to receive payment. Write down the number and nickname of the advertiser in order to earn money by completing such tasks, and not waste time without finding it later to send the report for verification.

  • Social media activity

Requirement: not empty accounts in popular social networks Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +, YouTube. To earn money on the Internet on tasks, create additional new pages from popular social networks.

An example of work for which they will pay 2 rubles:

  • Posting - registration on forums in order to create new topics, comment on existing ones. This also includes comments on various blogs. For a simple comment, they usually pay from 1 ruble. A separate article is devoted to the topic of how to make money on the Internet by completing commenting tasks, read the link.
  • Reviews - in this category, advertisers order to write reviews about products or websites.
  • Articles - of course you can try yourself, but the payment for most sites for completing tasks for money, namely on mailers, is low. If you decide to seriously start making money writing articles, register for specialized ones. On these exchanges, you can both sell finished articles and cooperate with customers by completing individual orders.
  • Voting is the easiest category. To complete these tasks, you also need accounts in social networks. Sometimes you need to register. At a cost of 20 kopecks to 2 rubles.
  • Play games - often in this category of tasks there are those in which you need to not only register, but also spend time getting a certain level in the game. You can't make money quickly.
  • Applications - the essence is simple: downloading and installing on a mobile application, which is indicated by the advertiser. The remuneration for this work reaches 7 rubles.
  • Investing is the category where you need to be extremely careful so that it does not turn out that the investment is higher than the payment for the performance.
  • Downloading files is also not the best paid job on the Internet. Suitable only for owners of unlimited and high-speed Internet. In addition, there is a risk of downloading a virus to your computer.

Recommendations on how to complete tasks for money for more income

The desire to earn more immediately and more can make you immediately take on expensive tasks. But do not forget, the more expensive the payment, the more difficult the implementation process. Not all assignment conditions will be clear to you right away. It is necessary to properly train on simple tasks, and only then take on more complex and highly paid ones. Although, it often happens that it is easier to complete 5 simple ones and earn as much as for 1 difficult one.

Carefully read the description of the work, and only if you understand everything, proceed with the implementation. Negative reviews, as well as tasks rejected by the advertiser, lower your rating.

Job Search Tips:

  1. We sort tasks not by price, but by the number of confirmed reports. Usually this number is highlighted in green. Rejected applications are shown in red. The number of paid assignments must exceed the number of rejected ones. This shows that the task is good and willingly completed.
  2. The second thing to look at is the rating and reputation of the advertiser. The presence of negative reviews indicates that the customer is either not decent and can deceive with payment.
  3. Filtering and viewing new tasks. Often there are light and well-paid ones, but they are quickly snapped up.
  4. If the task is easy and reusable, add it to your favorites list and do it every day. It is much easier to repeat the same steps that have already been done than to deal with new task conditions.
  5. Choose tasks where the description is smaller. Reading the sheets of conditions takes a lot of time, and then it may turn out to be a lot of effort.
  6. For work, it is better to create a new mail and accounts on social networks.

I recommend registering on more than one site or job exchange for money. To simplify our lives, we choose 10-30 tasks for each project with normal conditions and payment. And first we do these easy and slightly higher paid tasks on several projects. And then, if there is time and energy left, we are looking for more.

This approach will allow you to receive an average of 1 ruble per execution. For 2 hours of work, it is realistic to earn over 100 rubles, spending up to 2 minutes of time on one paid task.

How to make money on the Internet by completing tasks, we analyzed in detail. I hope these tips will help you in your work. It's time to pick up a good site with tasks for money, and better not one. As mentioned above, this will significantly increase your income.

Sites where you can earn money by completing tasks

There are dozens of projects on which you can complete tasks on the Internet for money. Not all of them are promoted and have a sufficient number of advertisers, which means a variety of orders, both in terms of complexity and price. There is no point in describing them all. I will give only the best sites with tasks for earning money, which are always full of work. So the leaders:

SEOsprint- despite the fact that this site provides many sites for making money on surfing, there are also plenty of tasks on it for every taste. The cheapest from 20 kopecks. Often there are easy orders for likes and subscriptions costing from 1 ruble.

The minimum payout is only 2 rubles, it supports 4 payment systems: WebMoney, Payeer, Yandex Money, PerfectMoney. Money is instantly transferred to your wallet after sending the application.

Profitcentr(Profitcenter) - you can earn on it in addition to low-paid types - reading letters, surfing sites, passing tests, and also completing assignments. And there are also special sections of YouTube and Vkontakte, where you can’t do without an account on YouTube and VK.

The site pays in the following ways: WebMoney - from 2 kopecks, Yandex.Money, Phone, PerfectMoney - from 5 rubles; QIWI 50 rub.

Socpublic(Sotspublik) is another good site where you can complete tasks on the Internet for money. Here you will find jobs in all the categories discussed above. Payment is made in rubles.

The following payment systems are supported: WebMoney and Yandex.Money - from 2 kopecks, Payeer - from 1 ruble, PerfectMoney - from 0.05 USD, QIWI - from 10 rubles. Money is received instantly after the application for withdrawal is submitted.

Seo Fast- another site where many sites are available daily for surfing, reading letters and tests, as well as a large number of various tasks.
Instant payments to WebMoney, YandexMoney, PerfectMoney, Payeer. There is no minimum amount.

WMmail is one of the projects where tasks are paid in dollars. The cost starts from 1 cent. Recently introduced quick tasks costing 0.5 cents, where you need to do only 1 action. Every hour there are dozens of new, and sometimes well-paid orders.

The minimum payout is only 25 cents to WebMoney, Payeer, Yandex Money or phone. Conversion into rubles is carried out at the rate of the Central Bank and is indicated after the payment system. Payments are not made to anonymous Yandex wallets. Auto payout is available every 24 hours. In manual mode, money is transferred within 3 business days.

A separate category includes sites for making money on comments. Above was a link to an article where you can read about this earnings on the Internet by completing tasks for commenting on sites. Scroll up the page and follow it.

You can endlessly continue the list of sites where you can complete the task for money. But these are enough. The main thing is to get used to each of them and create a list of easy and reusable tasks for yourself. And then just complete the tasks and get paid for the right job done.

I wish you success and good earnings!

Beginners who decide to earn extra money on the Internet for the first time are one of the first to come across earnings on tasks. Have you heard of this? Let's take a closer look at what kind of work it is, and whether it is worth spending time on it.

The relevance of this method of earning is due to its simplicity and accessibility for everyone. If you are looking for where you can get the first money today, without any special knowledge, then this is just the right option. But in most cases, it's a small amount of money.

If you want to reach a decent income, you will have to constantly look for new and more paid options, learn and improve. In order to start earning normally, you will have to spend time and find your own “money” way. But first things first!

From this article you will learn:

The principle of earning on assignments

What are paid assignments and who pays for them?

There are many exchanges on the Internet where experienced and inexperienced users can earn money by completing various simple tasks. Such work is required by webmasters, website owners, entrepreneurs, mainly to promote and monetize their projects.

EXAMPLE: But there are also different schemes, for example, a person for inviting a friend to a project receives 10 rubles, so it places a registration task for 5 rubles, you log in and get money for doing it, and he gets a reward for your registration.

As for the withdrawal of earned money, each of the exchanges cooperates with different online settlement systems, mainly Webmoney, Yandex money, LiqPay. So you can withdraw the earned funds without any problems, it is enough to create wallets in the systems with which the exchange of your choice works.

What are the tasks?

Earnings on the Internet without investments, based on the completion of tasks, includes a large number of options. They can be divided into two categories.

Basically, the user is required to:

  • Register on the portals, with or without activity.
  • Write comments under articles, videos, movies, games and more.
  • Create a topic on the forums.
  • Download and test the game or application.
  • Join a group, community, add friends, share posts, etc.
  • Like or subscribe to anything.
  • Write reviews about a product, service, person, movie, game, application, institution, etc.

This is the most elementary work, but it is paid accordingly inexpensively. As the main source of income is not suitable, but as an additional - quite! It is also a great option for a start, in order to generally understand and feel that you can make a profit from the network.

On freelance exchanges, you can find many remote tasks, including for professional performers:

  • designers;
  • programmers;
  • musicians;
  • writers;
  • copywriters, etc.

After their completion, the performer sends a report on the result and, after verification, receives a reward.

This is already a job that requires certain knowledge and skills, and it is paid more favorably.

TOP 10 sites to complete tasks for money

Basically, the task portals have minimum withdrawal amounts, which are withdrawn instantly or within a few days. Thus, the user will be able to receive money in the shortest possible time, which is withdrawn to electronic wallets, and then to a bank card.

Below we will consider some sites that offer to earn money by completing tasks, the rules for registering on them, as well as the conditions and options for earning money on each.


On this resource, a registered user can choose tasks based on evaluating and analyzing content, taking photos of establishments, and much more.

You can complete tasks on Yandex Toloka from Android, iOS, and Windows devices. They are placed on the project by customers with detailed instructions. To perform some of them, the performer is recommended to undergo short training.

NOTE! Sometimes there may be hints in the tasks, so the user can check if he understood the instructions correctly.

After completion, the work is checked, the skills of the performer are evaluated. The availability of more paid jobs depends on the user's rating. The contractor can discuss the details of the order with the customer on the forum, after verification and payment, you can withdraw money in a way accessible to the country.

IMPORTANT: Performing tasks on the Internet on this project is only allowed manually, if any devices that help in the work are found to be involved, the account in Yandex Toloka will be blocked.

The Kwork portal is quite young, it is based on the sale of its services, for this you need to register on the site as a seller.

Quork on the site means a package of services that you are ready to sell for 500 rubles, of which 100 rubles is the commission of the site. From your account, you can create an unlimited number of kworks, various topics that have the following categories:

  • design;
  • work with texts;
  • development and IT;
  • SEO and traffic;
  • audio and video;
  • business;
  • life style.

IMPORTANT: The success of a performer lies not only in the ability to do his job well, but also in the correct description of himself. The choice of you among colleagues depends on how good your resume and description of your services will be.

After the kwork has passed moderation, which takes about a day, the performer can expect applications from buyers on his mail and website, who, accepting the work, can leave positive feedback, they are added to the artist's portfolio and increase his authority in the future.

I also recommend watching a short video review of the site.

This resource is really worthy of attention, so do not bypass it, be sure to try working on it.

The etht.ru project allows you to make money on the Internet by doing the following:

  • rewriting;
  • copywriting;
  • SEO copywriting;
  • text translations;
  • sale of photographs;
  • provision of their Internet sites, etc.

The exchange does not impose high requirements on texts, anyone can work here.

As you gain a rating, pass a literacy test and submit a job for qualification assessment, the performer gets the opportunity to apply for more paid jobs. After checking the texts, the performer receives money from his account in 3 hours, after which he will be able to withdraw them to an electronic wallet within 5 working days or days, for a certain percentage.

NOTE: The site has many low-paid jobs, for example, for writing 1000 characters 3 and 5 rubles. For such work, it is recommended to immediately put a filter at least 10-15 rubles. After completing several works, you can apply for more expensive texts.

This project is considered one of the highest paid in the network. You can earn money on the Internet on the Qcomment exchange:

  • putting likes;
  • making reposts in social networks;
  • subscribing to YouTube channels;
  • leaving comments.

IMPORTANT: The conditions for working on the site is to pass the exam, after which the tasks will become available to the performer.

In order to make money on this resource, the performer will need:

  1. Register on the site e-mail.
  2. Create "live" accounts in all social networks.
  3. Register on YouTube.
  4. Get an online wallet on webmoney or Yandex money.

On this portal, as well as on other projects, the price of available tasks will depend on your rating.

Another site for making money. Registration on the portal takes place in a standard way - the performer requires an e-mail, last name, first name and password. For further work, the user will need to fill out a questionnaire.

IMPORTANT: It should be borne in mind that accurate and detailed answers to questions increase the chances of receiving more surveys in the future.

After filling out the questionnaire, each person receives a welcome bonus in the amount of 10 rubles on account. Applications for passing surveys can come by email and to the portal itself. I already wrote an article about, where this particular method of making a profit is discussed in detail, I advise you to read it.

ADVICE! Questionnaires may not arrive for a long time, the user is recommended to check notifications in Platnijopros himself.

The next resource where you can earn money is forumok. The advantages of the service are:

  • user-friendly interface;
  • a large selection of tasks;
  • the opportunity to earn with the help of referrals;
  • fast payouts.

Income on the site can be received for completing tasks in social networks, on forums and blogs. Most often these are comments, likes, reviews, video views.

To complete each task, as in other services, the performer is given a certain time.

NOTE! To be able to receive more tasks, the user will need to create accounts in all social networks.

Approximate cost:

  • one like 2 rubles;
  • commentary 10 rubles;
  • recall 30 rubles .

With such rates, it is not difficult to collect the minimum amount for withdrawal.

You can earn money on tasks on the Internet on the seosprint website, here the user can choose:

  • surfing;
  • reading letters;
  • passing tests;
  • completing tasks.

Performers are encouraged to add their favorite, reusable tasks to favorites, for the convenience of completing them every day. Among other things, the user can find regular customers with an increase in payment. With the growth of the rating, the performer will have access to more paid jobs.

Withdrawal begins from 2 rubles, which allows you to pay for mobile communications on the first day of work. Seosprint works with almost all payment systems, the earned funds are credited to the account in a few minutes.


Before making money on VkTarget, as well as on other projects, you need to create accounts in all social networks. After registration, the user will be able to start the available tasks. Earnings on the portal depends on:

  • the number of accounts;
  • characteristics of accounts (age, city of residence, number of friends, interests);
  • number of advertisers.

Due to the established conditions for completing tasks, the earnings of performers differ. To increase the number of tasks and attract advertisers, it is recommended to increase the number of friends on social networks, clear your feed from advertising posts, indicate more interests.

👉 It is noticed that after 20:00 pm Moscow time, a large number of tasks appear on the site.

Before you make money on the Internet on the advego exchange, it is recommended to start dollar and ruble electronic wallets on webmoney.

The exchange offers the following ways on which you can earn:

  • writing comments, reviews and articles;
  • communication and creation of topics on forums;
  • sale of articles;
  • translation of texts;
  • creation of advertising slogans;
  • implementation of cartoons of ready-made texts and tasks in social networks.

To receive an order, the contractor leaves a request, the chances of its confirmation depend on the user's rating. To increase the rating, you will have to initially take on low-paid options, some tasks can be immediately taken to work.

ATTENTION! If you want to make money on the stock exchange, it is recommended to register now, soon it is planned to register performers on the site after providing scans of documents.

After registering on the portal, you must put green checkmarks next to the tasks that you want to complete and leave comments on the application. Workzile can work with:

  • texts;
  • advertising and social networks;
  • simple tasks (help in something);
  • help on the site;
  • design and more.

In order to earn money by completing tasks on the site, the performer will need to pass a test, indicate the specifics of their work, pay for a subscription and confirm their mobile number.

IMPORTANT! It is forbidden to have multiple accounts on the site, post job search ads, provide customers with personal data, demand higher pay, be rude, agree to tasks that require account hacking, forgery of documents, over-the-counter payments, and others that are contrary to the agreement with the job site.

How to complete paid tasks - a specific example

Consider, using the example of one of the sites - vktarget.ru - how the process of performing paid tasks takes place. On different sites it may be slightly different, but the essence is the same, and it is not difficult to figure it out.

So, step 1- after you have registered, click the "Earn" button.

A window with available tasks opens.

IMPORTANT: The better the profile is filled out, the more accounts from different social networks are connected, the more often you go there, the more tasks there will be.

Here you can immediately see what needs to be done and how much you will be paid for it.

Step 2- follow the link next to the task.

Step 3- a page will immediately open in the social network where you need to complete the task. In this case, join the group.

Step 4- after completion, open the tab with vktarget.ru again and click the "Check" button.

And everything is ready. The money is credited to your account. If you refresh the page, you will see that the number of completed tasks has increased.

Working on the Internet attracts many, thanks to the existing flirting exchanges, even a schoolboy can earn money online. Simple orders do not require skills; over time, the performer will learn to perform more complex options if he sets a goal and is interested in it.

Experienced freelancers online are happy to share their tips for working on stock exchanges with beginners.

  1. All exchanges with tasks require accounts in social networks, while one registration is not enough, it is necessary that a person has as many friends as possible. Accordingly, add people as friends, no matter who, the main number!
  2. If an application with a comment is required for the execution of the work, do not write the banal phrases “Ready to work!”, Write a text that will distinguish you from competitors. You can first look at the customer's profile in order to “catch on” to something. In the application, it is recommended to greet the person by name.
  3. Start doing tasks for money with what you are good at or at least arouses more interest.

    EXAMPLE: Fans of drawing should try their hand at web design, those who have studied Russian well - in writing texts, those who know foreign languages ​​- in translating articles, etc.

    Choosing a direction according to skills or taste, you can achieve good results and not quit the business you started if something didn’t work out the first time. If there are no skills in any of the directions, there are very simple orders, completing them, you can gradually learn something more paid.

  4. Fill out a portfolio, do not hesitate to ask customers to leave you positive feedback if they have not done so themselves. So you will increase the credibility in the eyes of the following customers.
  5. To avoid being sent for revision or canceling orders, take on work with a clear and well-defined terms of reference or clarify it before you receive an order for work.
  6. If there are many payment systems on the exchange, register wallets for all, if there are interruptions with one system, you can withdraw the money earned to another.
  7. When you gain experience, by this time, most likely, you will have already analyzed the prices of colleagues. Appreciate your work and set adequate prices!

    NOTE: On some exchanges, customers can place individual orders for you with low pay, on the one hand, you don’t have to look for a job yourself, on the other hand, you spend your time, for which you can earn more. Experienced freelancers are advised to refuse such assignments.

  8. Do not choose a sofa as a workplace, you always want to sleep there, laziness appears, your back and neck get tired. Organize your workspace with a desk and computer chair.
  9. Do not work for "wear and tear", be able to distribute the regime of work and rest, even if you really need money. Otherwise, you will simply "burn out" and may abandon your work.
  10. To have a good income on the Internet by completing tasks, do not stop there, constantly learn. At the moment when you think that you have mastered a lot, colleagues will get ahead of you and achieve more.
  11. Always take all sorts of tests and improve your skills, so you will get better paid options, get regular customers, maybe over time you can give up your regular job!

Share your feedback about the network in the comments. Do you manage to make money on tasks or have you found a better method for yourself?