How to make money from email newsletters step by step. How to make money on e-mail newsletter Earnings on the sale of advertising in email newsletter

Good day! Do you know what it is to earn money from mailing letters? Let's talk about this in more detail. Many entrepreneurs and website owners know that it takes a lot of effort and time to attract customers to their business. E-mail sending letters allows you to inform potential customers about your resource, new products, etc. In turn, you can earn good money on this. You don't need any special skills or knowledge. Let's first understand what an e-mail newsletter is.

Making money online sending emails

Email marketing is the delivery of specific information to potential customers via email. The employer gives you a task, the essence of which is that you send out letters to clients. Most often they have bases. Mailing letters are very popular today. Therefore, if you want to earn some money, you can try to learn how to earn money by sending letters.

Sending letters by e-mail to databases - why do site owners need mailing?

With the help of newsletters, you can collect a lot of users on the site. It is worth remembering that a person subscribes to the mailing list voluntarily. He does not just click on the button, but fills out the subscription form, i.e. enters his e-mail, name and more.

Create a mailing list - profitable mailing list topics

The subject matter of the letters may vary. But the most profitable topics are listed below:

  • Love. Relationship. Sex;
  • Money. Earnings on the Internet;
  • Beauty. Skin care;
  • Healthy food. Sport;
  • Motherhood. Pregnancy. Children.

You don't have to choose just one topic. You can first convey information extensively, and then gradually narrow it down. Users will be interested in reading high-quality and unique material, so try to satisfy these requests. Choose a topic that you like best, but do not forget that it was also interesting to other people.

Bulk email marketing - how much can you earn with email marketing?

The more customers in your subscription base, the better for your earnings. How many subscribers do you need to gain in order to get a decent income per month? On average, for a thousand people you can get 300 rubles. You can also earn interest from affiliate programs. Earnings can be different, it depends on many factors: the target audience, the theme of the site and other nuances.

Promo text №1


You're in luck... A proven method for beginners!

Good day friends!

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everyone, regardless of experience. Enough

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average person.

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Promo text #2


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Promo text #3


Stability in life! Need? open

Good day!

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Write exactly selling texts so that a potential client becomes interested and follows the link in the letter to your resource. Good text - more sales!

E-mail newsletter: a few reviews


I use the services of Sendpulse Good service, and most importantly, you can really earn good money there. I was engaged in mailing letters for six months and during this time I was able to earn more than 20,000 rubles. At the same time, I worked a couple of times a week.

For three years I have been successfully making money on mailing letters. I am looking for customers on the stock exchange. I collect the database of e-mail addresses myself. At first, the work brought me little income, but now I earn decent money.

Once I was looking for information on how to make money on mailing letters. In those days, this type of business was only gaining momentum. Now there is a lot of information on this topic. Many successful mailing list authors have already written that there are many ways to earn money from your subscription base. And they are right. I will mention all the ways to monetize a subscription list in this article. But the main theme of this publication in 2014 is how to generate income from mailing lists on autopilot. I decided to tell about this at the end of the publication.

Mailing Services You Shouldn't Use

Thinking about how to make money on mailing letters, I once tested a lot of services and came to the conclusion that the following are not suitable for mailing:
- (terrible functionality);
- (the service was unreliable and, in the end, it closed, because of its strange rules, I once lost my many thousands of subscriber bases);
- (its creator is a boor, with whom you should not cooperate, due to his imbalance; the service has also closed);
- (the service lured authors with its free of charge, and then its administration introduced a monthly subscription fee);
- (a terrible form of subscription, which will not respond to a Russian-speaking potential subscriber);
- (buggy service);
- (only 100 subscribers are free);
- (expensive);
- (very buggy service);
- (free only up to 200 subscribers);
- (only 250 subscribers for free).

Services that may be suitable for mailing

When working with mailings, I noted for myself that the best services are the following:
- (reliable and free; unlimited subscriber base);
- (base up to 2,000 people; you can send up to 12,000 letters per month for free).

By collecting subscriber bases in these services, you can earn good money. The main thing is that a lot of people do not unsubscribe from the mailing list. This behavior of subscribers is considered a response to spam. Therefore, you should send only useful letters to people.

Earnings on mailing letters

There are many ways to monetize a subscription list. However, the income from the mailing list depends on how interested people are in what the mailing list author offers them. Therefore, you should follow a few rules when trying to make money, in this way:
- you can not send non-thematic advertising, for example, you should not send an offer to buy auto parts on the base of the culinary mailing list;
- don't buy databases of email addresses, 90% of those whose addresses you upload to your database will unsubscribe, and the mailing service will ban you for spam;
- you should write something interesting in each issue so that people do not have the desire to unsubscribe;
- do not send more than one issue per week, but it is better to send only one - in fourteen days.

Money from affiliate programs

There are many affiliate programs aggregators in Runet that allow you to earn money by sending letters. The most serious and most reliable is and select those programs whose creators allow you to earn on the mailing list. You can see what traffic is allowed in the settings of a specific affiliate program. First you need to connect affiliate programs to your site, and then in the "My programs" section you need to click on the "Promotional materials" button. There you should already select "Types of traffic". You will see a list with green checkmarks meaning "allowed" and red crosses that mean "forbidden". Opposite the item "Email-mailing" should be a green checkmark.

Monetizing mailings through affiliate programs is not the best strategy, however, in some cases it is very profitable. In order not to scare people with bright banners, it is better to write reviews of rare and unique goods or very cheap ones. Each issue should be interesting to readers. If you doubt that your subscribers will withstand so much advertising, then write issues thematic to your niche and embed links to products on the sale of which you would like to earn. As a rule, hidden advertising brings in more money than explicit advertising, so do not overdo it with advertising reviews so as not to lose the opportunity to earn money from sending emails.

Money from advertisers

Earnings on mailing letters can be very profitable if you publish third-party advertising in issues. However, finding advertisers is not entirely easy, because there are no services in Runet where mailing list authors and advertisers could meet. Therefore, email marketing entrepreneurs recommend:
- create a special page on the site, with a description of the mailing list and prices for advertising;
- go through the forums and leave offers there to advertise in your mailing list;
- create a directory in which there is a directory, through the latter advertisers are themselves;
- to advertise.
Following these recommendations, you will be able to earn for sure using your subscription base.

Where and how to recruit subscribers?

Earnings on the mailing list is possible only if the number with three zeros flaunts on your subscription list. Mailings with a base of up to a thousand people, as a rule, are not of great interest to advertisers, and a rather weak response from a couple of hundred subscribers. Therefore, before you try to make money from mailing lists, you need to collect a lot of email addresses. How it's done, I think you know. The first and most important condition is to place the subscription form on your website. If you have the opportunity to implement this on someone else's resource, then do not miss this chance. I do not recommend you place pop-ups on the site. Now search engines are punished for this by driving resources.

The second condition is to write interestingly so that your subscribers are waiting for letters from you. Then the percentage of unsubscribes will be minimal. A mailing list that makes money is usually interesting for its content. If you write well, then chat on the Runet forums. Write interesting messages there to arouse people's interest in your person and what you do. If you become an authority, then a lot of people will go to your page with personal data. By specifying the address of your site or subscription page in your profile on the forum, you can collect hundreds of subscribers to your mailing list. But first, think about how you want to make money from sending letters, what topics you are interested in and what you are going to promote in each issue. Interest in the topic of the author himself and his readers is one of the most important components that help to receive a large income from the mailing list.

Great way to collect for free is registration in this service. Its functionality is designed for mutual PR of authors of email newsletters. In the account settings, you need to describe your mailing list, add a gift for subscribers, for example, your . However, do not use my editions or the creations of other authors. Do not violate copyright! It's punishable. For example, I forbid the use of my free books to recruit a third-party subscriber base. All my publications are protected from copying and the author is indicated in them. Do the same when creating your e-books. If you want to collect a large database and earn a lot of money from mailing letters, but you don’t know how to write books, then as a gift for a subscription, create a video in which you reveal interesting tricks. After that, participate in free or paid mutual PR promotions and gain new readers.

How to make money from newsletters on autopilot?

This part of the article is the main one. After all, acquaintance with the service, which I will describe here, prompted me to create this publication. Recently, I came across a mailing service, the creators of which promise to collect a subscriber base and send mailings on a full automatic basis. All the webmaster needs to do is register with . I recommend registering first. After all, the funds earned by the author of the newsletter will be transferred to his account in the Admitad system. When you create your account in the named system, you can log in to the Mailguner resource. The profile will be filled in automatically. In this case, the data that you specified in the account settings in Admitad will be taken. But in order to make money on the mailing of letters on a full machine, you will have to carry out a number of additional actions.

First you need to find the "Home" section in your account in Mailguner. There is a code at the very end of the page. It must be copied and embedded in the footer of the site before the closing tag. Then you need to go to Admitad and find Mailguner in the "All Programs" list there. Use the search bar for this. Add this affiliate program to your list using the "Connect" button. Then go to the Mailguner site and set up your site. You can do this by following the "Settings" link. There you need to set the parameters of the pop-up when the reader enters the site and before he leaves it. But it's better to turn off pop-ups in general, so as not to ruin your site, trying to make big money.

To make money from sending emails, I recommend that you install the subscription form from Mailguner, which you can find in the "Settings" section by clicking on the name of your site. The tab you need is called “Setting up subscription forms”. Don't forget to check the box next to "I use Mailganer subscription forms on my site" and click on the "Save" button. Then copy the code and embed it on your site either under the article or in the sidebar. This can be done using the Ad Injection or Quick Adsense plugin.

If you don't like the design of the original subscription form, you can change it. For example, I changed the design of the subscription forms so that they fit into the templates of my sites. As a result, I got what you can see in the image below.

To create such a subscription form, download the file with the code in which you can set your own subscription form shade, round corners or, conversely, make them straight. The file gives hints about what can be changed and where, so you can quickly understand the code. I give this file for the announcement of this post, shared on your wall in a social network. Click on the social button network in which you have a page, and repost the announcement of this article. Immediately after that, you will see a link to download the Mailganer subscription form code, which you can change to your liking. By the way, due to a successful design, you can collect thousands of subscribers in a short time, and thanks to this, earn tens of thousands of dollars on mailing letters.

When hosting a subscription form from Mailganer, you may encounter difficulties. For example, to see that the button on the subscription form is not clicked. There may be several reasons for this. For the button to work, you must:
- check the box next to the inscription “I use Mailganer subscription forms on my website” in the account in the Mailganer service and click on the “Save” button;
- set up a newsletter in the "Message Settings" section of your Mailganer account; there you need to select the subject of the mailing list or several and, having indicated the region, click on the "Save" button;
- check the code of the subscription form and fix the error if you made it while editing.
If after all this the button is still not pressed, then wait a day. Sometimes it happens that the site does not immediately connect to this mailing service. I hope you understand the technical part. Otherwise, contact Mailganer support.

Now we should explain how to make money on email newsletters in Mailganer. The creators of this service understand that not a single, even the largest subscription base will remain full-fledged if you constantly send ads through it. Therefore, they decided to earn money together with the site owners. Webmasters need to install pop-ups or opt-in forms or both on their sites and wait for the funds to be credited to their accounts. Sending coupons and discounts for goods and services of the subject that the site owner indicates is carried out by Mailganer service specialists.

Thus, you can earn fully automatically without thinking about what else to write to your readers. After each sale, the webmaster, from whose site the buyer moved, receives accruals, the amount of which is 90% (!) Of the service's income. That is, the administration of Mailganer takes only 10% for all the work. However, it is necessary to indicate in the subscription form that coupons and discounts are sent to readers. It is better if people voluntarily subscribe to the advertising mailing list, then there will be no unsubscribes, and the conversion will be high. Now you know how to make money from sending emails, on full autopilot. Start acting!

How to earn on email newsletters

In this article I would like to talk about such a method of making money on the Internet as sending emails. This type of method attracts with its simplicity and accessibility. You do not need to have your own website, or any knowledge in website building, SEO optimization, etc. All that is required of you in this type of earnings is free time and skills in using a computer and the Internet.

What is Email Sending

Let's first understand what is Email distributions and why they are needed.

Email mailing list- is the delivery of any information to specific recipients by sending letters by e-mail.

Via Email mailing lists, advertising and informational information is delivered to specific users. Basically, customer databases are used to send mailing lists.

Customer base for Email mailing lists- a list of email addresses that are sorted by a certain parameter. For example, having a database of customers who own cars, it would be advisable to send them information about automotive products, as well as news from the automotive industry, changes in traffic rules, etc.

How to build a customer base Email newsletters

The first question about earning Email mailing lists is the selection of a database of customers who need to send these letters. There are several ways to get the coveted addresses:

- Subscribers from the site. If you have your own Internet resource, then you can collect a database of addresses of registered users. For example, you have a website about raising children, respectively Email The addresses of registered users can be used to send offers for the purchase of children's products.

- Search on bulletin boards. Many announcements that are given on various boards imply that the user has an e-mail address. Here you can collect a good customer base for the desired parameter.

- Thematic forums. In many thematic forums, you can find user addresses by looking at their profile.

- Using automatic search programs Emailaddresses. There are now a large number of programs on the Internet created exclusively for finding e-mail addresses.

- Buying a customer base. You can also just buy a base Email addresses.

Mailing Sites

There are also specialized sites that allow you to send mailings without additional resources. Here you can open your mailing list and manage your subscriber base.

2) Subscribe - another service for managing Email mailings. Here you can create your own group, where you will announce your entries. If your group is interesting, then the number of its subscribers will certainly grow.

How to earn on Email newsletters

Well, it's time to answer the main question - how to make money on Email

At the dawn of the development of the Internet, e-mail newsletters were an advanced way of quickly delivering information to users. You drive your email into the subscription form and you regularly receive the necessary letters from sites and services straight to your soap: updates, exclusive articles for subscribers, promotions and discounts ...

This is not to say that now e-mail newsletters are not in demand. However, people have become less willing to “trust” their e-mail, and RSS and other methods of “real-time notification” have also gained a good position. But all this is not so important, because you can still make money from email marketing! On normal e-mail newsletters, of course ...

Hearing the phrase “earnings on mailing lists”, many readers imagine SPAM. These are such annoying letters, the receipt of which is not authorized by you. As a rule, for such mailings, mailing addresses are collected from open sources using special programs, and then the same letter is sent throughout the database. The effectiveness of such mailings is very low, plus it is illegal.

  • users themselves leave their postal addresses and data, entering them into the subscription form;
  • the description of the mailing list corresponds to the real one, that is, if a person subscribes to “News about discounts and promotions of the XXX store”, then the letters coming to him from the store should be devoted to this particular topic, otherwise mass unsubscribes cannot be avoided;
  • mailing list contains original, interesting to subscribers.

In addition, there are personalized mailings, when some user data, for example, a name, is used in the body of the letter using macros. A letter that begins with “Hello, Nikolai” (assuming your name is Nikolai) will at least be opened and viewed.

How to earn on the mailing list?

  • Ad block under the content of the issue = 700 rubles
  • Advertising article (first mailing point) = 1200 rubles
  • Separate letter = 2000 rubles

2. Affiliate programs.

How to quickly collect subscribers and earn good money?

Let's take a look at the 2 most important points.

1. Most important = interesting content. Only he is able to quickly collect a good loyal subscription base that can be monetized. A fairly popular mailing topic, author's articles, all kinds of goodies and bonuses for subscribers - all this contributes to achieving the goal and getting feedback from people who are interested in your materials.

2. Subscription channels. You need to use the maximum number of possible subscription channels and constantly experiment with them. Generating a subscription form and hanging it at the very bottom of the sidebar is enough to attract 1-2 subscribers per week, but you don’t need it, do you? Here are some tips:

  • create a separate page with a detailed description of the newsletter;
  • place a subscription form at the end of each article with a short, effective description;
  • use pop-over windows that will pop up on the first visit to the site and offer a subscription to the newsletter.

These are just two points and a few basic tips that are enough for an experienced webmaster to get started. But for the majority of talented people who have the potential to run an interesting mailing list and make money from it, this is not enough.

Having such an additional source of income is nice. It is all the more pleasant that all the time and effort that I spent over the course of several years preparing articles for mailing on my own and not getting a penny for it are now paying off.

I learned how to write a mailing list by learning from other mailing list writers. The personal experience of other people who have been successfully conducting mailing lists for a long time and earning money with the help of them is the most valuable storehouse of information. Unfortunately, when I started, there were no manuals and courses, the topic was in its infancy.

Now everyone has the opportunity to learn from the personal experience of professionals in this field.

Where to send a newsletter?


Old reliable personalized mailing service. Suitable for professional mailing and offers a full range of options: from substituting user data in letters to conducting and monitoring advertising campaigns. Tracking the effectiveness of various subscription channels, creating automatic series of letters (so-called e-mail courses), detailed video training for beginners - all this is also available.

I have been conducting my newsletters exclusively with the help of smart for 7 years and during this time it has proven its reliability, so I recommend creating your newsletter there. To get started, you can register a free FREE account and try the service in action.

Shareware e-mail mailing service. “Conditionally”, because each issue is stuffed with a huge amount of advertising for the mailing service. To remove ads, you need to pay money. The functionality and interface are much inferior to the same Smart, moreover, access to e-mail addresses of users is closed to you. However, there is also an advantage here - the mailing list is able to regularly bring a large number of subscriptions.


Using the services of services, we store all the data on their server, we consume their power and functionality, for which we pay. However, it is possible to pay once and purchase a special mailing script that you can install on your server and send letters to the user base without any problems. An example of such a script is Postal Desman.

This information is quite enough for you to understand whether you can earn on mailing lists or not. Take action!

Remote work on the mailing list is one of the types of work in which you do not need to leave your home. Such Kind of activity very popular among freelancers. But in this case there are several nuances and features, which we will tell you about further.

    • What is a mailing list?
    • Responsibilities for remote mailing
    • Types of mailings
    • What are mailing lists for?
    • Secrets and tips for successful promotion
    • How to determine the effectiveness of remote mailing

What is a mailing list?

7 secrets of teaser advertising

First of all, you should know that mailing is not just spam. This is any information or messages, its placement, to which people subscribe voluntarily and can unsubscribe at any time. This method of disseminating information is used by many companies. And it's more convenient for people to keep track of news or receive urgent materials. After all, it's easier than visiting the site every time, looking for the right section, etc. Company owners, in turn, provide an audience and growth in the number of people.

Responsibilities for remote mailing

Not everything is as simple as you might think. The duties of the mailing list manager, including freelancing, include:

  1. Material selection;
  2. Decor;
  3. Photo selection;
  4. Advertising;
  5. Internet promotion.

For such a job, you must have certain skills in online marketing and PR promotion. Because, most likely, the author or customer will throw off the entire development of the material, ads and their placement on you. And the success and growth of the audience will depend on you. If you have experience working as a freelance copywriter or journalist, then this business will be easy for you.

In this freelancing industry, you will be working more on promotion than on content writing. It is very important to promise the customer the real numbers of subscribers that you can achieve in a certain period of time.. Immediately specify what specific actions are included in your responsibilities, and what results you need to achieve.

Types of mailings

There are two types of advertisements. The first of these can be called commercial. That is, this is information that should be the same for all people, and sent to a large number of users. Such mailings are made by e-mail by one person. Or there are special programs thanks to which this process can be automated. The disadvantage of such a distribution is that for freelance worker there is no interest. And most often, this type of work is performed by one of the company's full-time employees, because the information that is sent out there concerns the company itself and does not require promotion and improvement.

The second type is mailing, which is carried out through special sites. For example, or and others. These services allow you to track and manage ads and mailings more comfortably than you had to do manually, but still in freelance mode. Moreover, such services offer some services and assistance to promote the material and improve it.

What are mailing lists for?

As already mentioned above, newsletters are needed to promote a product or any information. But, in addition, various services help to retain and increase the audience.. People can subscribe without thinking about the content, and then, having received another email, be interested in your idea. This can happen if you are working through a service site.

It is worth knowing that if a person, a potential subscriber, fills out a participation form, then he is already interested in something. Maybe this person needs to receive your specific information, or something caught his attention, and he decided to subscribe. These actions also need to be analyzed, as well as the audience.

So you will understand what needs to be worked on, what to improve, and what to remove. Thus, you will be able to achieve great success in freelancing and make a good profit.

In order to satisfy the wishes of the customer and achieve the goals set in the work, you need to follow some rules or tips in promotion. First of all, you need develop a concept. And for this you need to analyze the target audience, design immediate plans and ideas that you will implement in the future. Formulate specific goals that you must achieve. That is, the exact numbers of the number of people, terms, announcements and mailing format. All this can be discussed with the customer, but basically all such decisions are yours. In this and plus freelance work.

  • First you need to choose a topic and heading in which you will develop the material;
  • Determine the content, design and frequency of announcements and mailings;
  • Decide on promotion methods, techniques and additional services.

It is better to take into account all the nuances in advance so that in the process of freelancing work you do not have any force majeure or unresolved issues. Because the success of the company you work with depends on you, in this case.

Watch the video - How to bulk send ads on bulletin boards

How to determine the effectiveness of remote mailing

Oddly enough, but the effectiveness and "usefulness" of remote mailing is evaluated not only by the customer. You must independently analyze the work done, refine the flaws and correct errors. There are several criteria by which you can determine the effectiveness.

First option - the number and dynamics of audience growth. Your responsibilities, as mentioned above, include promoting and increasing subscribers, and announcing the results to superiors. So the work you have done will be measured by the number of people who have subscribed since the time you started work remotely. The customer in this case can pay either for the reached number of people, or for a certain number after each mailing. You will discuss this among yourselves.

The second option is exact payment according to the number of placements and ads, regardless of the subscribers gained or other bonuses. This option is more profitable for you than for the customer. Because there are days when part of the mailing list for some reason turned out to be unsuccessful and few people ended up signing up. And you still get paid.

Your duties will include remote design, placement and promotion of material or ideas. Therefore, if you do not have any knowledge in the field of marketing, then it may be difficult for you.

It is better to immediately warn the customer about this, because there are times when it is difficult to “untwist” something without skills. But there are customers who are ready to train you and tell you everything you need to show good results.