Recruitment and selection of personnel. Recruitment and hiring of personnel - step-by-step instructions on how to search and hire employees. The process of recruiting candidates is influenced by external and internal environmental factors

(The concept of recruitment, selection, admission of personnel. Principles and sources of recruitment. Stages of selection.. Hiring procedure)

Hiring- this is a set of sequential activities for the search, selection and selection of personnel. The task of recruiting personnel is to satisfy the future need for personnel through internal and external sources.

Basic principles of recruitment:

Among the basic principles of personnel selection, the following should be highlighted.

The principle of planning means that activities aimed at improving staffing, are carried out systematically, based on the planned need for employees and taking into account the prospects for the development of personnel and the organization as a whole.

The principle of alternativeness is implemented through attracting as many applicants to the organization as possible.

The principle of active selection consists of constant work with potential candidates for vacancies in organization, application of active methods of search and recruitment of personnel. This applies to both qualified employees of other companies and young professionals. Employers establish close, long-term relationships with educational institutions, including personal contacts between recruiters and students.

Sources of recruitment

Personnel selection

Personnel selection- this is a separate task, a whole process that begins with an analysis of activities and ends with hiring a specialist.

Selection of personnel for the organization

The selection of candidates is the basis for the next stage - the selection of future employees of the organization. The content of this stage largely depends on the traditions, characteristics (culture) of the organization accepting new employees, as well as the nature of the position for which the candidate is being selected. In Fig. Figure 4 shows one of the options for the personnel selection process.

Primary selection begins with an analysis of the list of candidates in terms of their compliance with the organization’s general requirements for a future employee (compliance with the working model). The main purpose of the primary selection is to screen out candidates who do not have the minimum set of characteristics required to fill a vacant position. Naturally, this minimum set is different for different specialties and organizations. If there is a well-prepared list of requirements and a workplace model, this stage can be implemented by ordinary employees of the department HR management, and in the case of using a questionnaire, it is also possible to use computer technology(scanning questionnaires and comparing them with a template stored in the computer).

Initial selection methods depend on budget, strategy, company culture and the relative importance of the position to the organization. Among the well-known methods of primary selection are the following:

1. Analysis of personal data suggests that a person’s biography is a fairly reliable indicator of his potential to successfully perform certain production functions. Using this method, the human resources department analyzes the information contained in the questionnaires filled out by candidates, comparing the actual data with the workplace model, taking into account the priority (ranking) of individual components of the model. The presence of such a model is a necessary condition conducting primary selection that is fair for candidates and effective for the organization. The lack of clear criteria significantly reduces the efficiency of selection, since the decision is made on

based on the subjective opinion of the employee processing the application form, who often does not have sufficient knowledge of the specifics of this type of activity and, accordingly, the requirements for the candidate.

Analysis of personal data reveals the following information:

1) compliance of the education of the applicant for the vacant position with the minimum qualification requirements;

2) compliance practical experience the nature of the activity;

3) the presence of restrictions of any kind on the performance of official duties;

4) readiness to accept additional workloads (overtime, business trips);

Personal data analysis is simple, cheap and sufficient effective method primary selection in the case when the organization has an extensive list of candidates and when it comes to specialized positions.

At the same time, this method is quite approximate in assessing the potential, since

is focused exclusively on facts from the candidate’s past, and not on his current state and ability for professional development. A person could have excellent math scores ten years ago but be unable to do basic math today. Therefore, questionnaires are recommended to be used only in combination with other selection methods.

One of the objectives of the survey is to take into account personal factors and circumstances that may interfere with the candidate’s work if hired

Often, instead of a questionnaire or as a supplement to a questionnaire, a resume (vita) is used.

It is possible to more accurately determine the candidate’s current state in terms of his compliance with the requirements for the vacant position, as well as his development potential, using special tests. Initially, “professional aptitude tests” were used to select representatives of professions associated with increased risk - astronauts, pilots, and the military. As testing methods have improved and companies have increased their focus on recruiting and especially developing executives, many of them have begun to use tests to determine the potential of managers and specialists. Today there are a sufficient number of companies specializing exclusively in the field of testing for diagnosing a wide variety of personality traits and characteristics - temperament, analytical abilities, communication skills, reaction speed, memory, leadership data, etc.

Execution tests individual works at the proposed workplace are used if during the selection the skills, knowledge and abilities that the applicant currently possesses are of greatest interest.

Examples of such tests:

computer programming tests – for programmers; standard driving test - for drivers; test for the ability to communicate with tools for working as an operator of various mechanisms; typing tests, etc. This type of test is aimed at identifying the real productivity and quality of work of applicants.

Therefore, such tests are considered the most reliable. Tests involving the artificial creation of an environment close to reality have much in common with tests of the performance of individual jobs at a proposed workplace. They also aim to assess the level of knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform the job for which the applicant is applying. The difference is that the tests take place in an artificially created environment that imitates the real one.

Tests for psychomotor abilities are aimed at analyzing reflexes and dexterity (decision-making time, speed of limb movement, finger dexterity). Mental ability tests assess: lexicon, memory, spatial orientation, logic and understanding.

Character tests attempt to identify and measure basic character traits personal qualities and human temperament.

Testing has recently gained increasing popularity among leading organizations. developed countries, it is used not only by corporations, but also government agencies, universities, public organizations.

The advantages of testing are the ability to assess the current state

candidate, taking into account the characteristics of the organization and future position. The disadvantages of this method of primary selection are high costs, often the need for third-party assistance, conventionality and limited tests that do not give a complete picture of the candidate.

3. Handwriting examination, which has become particularly widespread in France, is

a unique type of testing that requires significantly lower costs. This method is based on the theory that a person's handwriting is a fairly objective reflection of his personality and, therefore, with the help of handwriting analysis, various characteristics of a person can be assessed, including the ability to perform certain production functions. The attractiveness of handwriting analysis as a method of primary candidate selection lies in its low costs, but it is characterized by a one-sided approach and carries a high degree of risk of inadequate assessment of candidates' potential. Therefore, it can be used as one of the primary selection methods, which is not critical.

Analysis of handwriting and presentation style allows, according to experts, to determine the degree of intelligence, sociability and willpower of the candidate. According to graphologists, the method produces only 10% errors.

4. Morphology - determining the character traits of people based on the study of the structure of their faces (i.e. physiognomy).

Some companies that have adopted morphology use physiognomic tables containing up to 200 individual characteristics for analysis.

Highly qualified examination, and only this can be effective, is rarely used due to the high cost of services of specialists in the field of physiognomy. However, even the most general analysis of a person’s appearance, for example, his photograph, can give rise to certain conclusions, which can later be cross-checked using other methods.

The primary selection stage, regardless of the methods used, ends with the identification of a limited list of candidates who best meet the organization's requirements. The remaining candidates are informed of the decision to cease consideration of their candidacies for this position.

Among the selection methods, a special position is occupied by the interview (interview),

since it allows you to simultaneously solve a wide range of problems.

Interview is the central element and the most widely used selection method. Usually 20-30% of the total number of candidates remaining after the initial selection stage are allowed for an interview. It is carried out in order to assess the qualities necessary to work for the proposed vacancy: cultural level, value orientations and motivation of the candidate, business qualities, etc. Many organizations use highly qualified specialists - psychologists or other specialists - as interviewers personnel service who have undergone special training. This is important due to the fact that in last years Many manuals are published for individuals job seekers, With

recommendations on how to best cope with a job interview. A less experienced interviewer is not immune to mistakes when assessing “prepared” candidates who have carefully studied such manuals and rehearsed how to best present themselves during an interview.

When assessing candidates through interviews, clear guidelines should be applied.

criteria linked to the specifics of the activity for which people are selected.

The interview procedure itself and the criteria used must be worked out in such a way as to enable representatives of the organization who make decisions about hiring to obtain the most objective information on the candidates being assessed.

The structure and content of the interview depend both on the type of interview and on the tasks to be solved during it.

The interview may take place in one or several stages and include different types interviews.

For successful preparation and during the interview, it is important to use the information that the candidate provided about himself in his resume (questionnaire, autobiography). During the preparation and conduct of the interview, the interviewer seeks to verify or clarify information that is significant for making the final decision about hiring.

The interview with a candidate for a vacant position must be carefully planned so that the goals set for him are best achieved.

The interview plan should contain direct and indirect questions about previous work activity, professional experience, motivation and work values, education and qualifications, questions aimed at identifying the candidate’s qualities that contribute to success at work, etc. The purpose of planning is also to eliminate questions contained in the standard form and again not ask about what the candidate has already stated in his resume.

Some organizations use standard scheme conducting an interview, which is based on a standard form containing a fixed set of questions for the candidate. But it should be borne in mind that different job positions may require the development of new standard forms taking into account the requirements for the position.

For example, an interview when selecting a salesperson will be significantly different from an interview when selecting a store director or commercial director trading company. In addition, information about the set of questions used and the interpretation of the answers may become known to candidates.

The interview should not give the candidate the impression that he is being interviewed using a pre-prepared questionnaire. The candidate should be encouraged to talk more about himself, his experience, knowledge, ask questions and offer his ideas.

When preparing for an interview, you need to determine how the following information about the candidate will be obtained:

Strengths and weaknesses of the candidate;

Professional experience, skills and knowledge;

Willingness to learn, development orientation;

Willingness to cooperate;

Motivation, work values;

Initiative, willingness to take responsibility;

Achievement orientation;

Level of self-esteem, level of aspirations.

In practice, depending on the goals and objectives of selection, the following types of interviews can be used: !!!

Structured (based on a fixed set of questions);

Unstructured (conducted in free form);

Interview in an emotionally tense environment (in a specially simulated stressful situation);

Panel (conducted by a specially created commission);

Group (interview with a group of candidates);

One on one.

The panel interview is conducted by a specially created commission. The commission usually includes a representative of senior management, the head of the department for which the employee is selected, the immediate supervisor for the existing vacancy, a representative of the personnel service and 1-2 specialized specialists.

The advantage of a panel interview is that a number of people interested in the appointment can meet with the candidate at the same time, which ensures that the candidate's suitability for the proposed position is examined from different angles. This type of interview allows you to evaluate not only professional qualifications candidate, but also his compliance with the culture of the organization, its existing norms, traditions, etc.

Factors that may have a negative impact on the effectiveness of a panel interview include:

Lack of preparation of individual commission members to participate in interviews;

Significant differences of opinion and interests among different members


Overly formal approach of commission members to conducting interviews;

Socio-psychological factors (halo effect, last effect)

time of event, averaging effect, group pressure, conformism

individual members of the commission, etc.)

It is advisable to hold a preliminary meeting of the commission members to clarify the goals and objectives of the selection, the main selection criteria and the role that the commission members will play during the panel interview.

To obtain reliable and complete information about the candidate, the interviewer must master the technique of collecting information. This also includes the ability to ask questions correctly. During an interview, a combination of the following types of questions is usually used:



Straight or closed;



Open questions are questions that require detailed, meaningful answers that are not limited by any boundaries. Analyzing the answers to such questions allows you to get an idea of ​​the general development and culture of the candidate.

Examples of open questions:

What do you think about...?

What made you decide to...?

Tell me about...?

How would you propose to implement...?


Leading questions are questions that suggest what type of response is expected. The purpose of using such questions is to relax the candidate, remove


Examples of leading questions:

This work requires careful attention. Are you an attentive person?

I think it suits you better...

As a rule, we work on the last Sunday of the month. How do you feel about

this mode of operation?

Direct (closed) questions require answers of “Yes” or “No” or

communication of specific information. They are used to clarify information

obtained during the analysis of the candidate’s documents or during the interview. Direct

questions that require clear, simple answers are also used to

relieving tension during the interview, relaxing the interlocutor.

Examples of direct or closed questions:

Are you married?

Who gave lectures on the subject?

How many people were under your direct subordination?

Reflective questions (comments) are necessary in order to avoid

misunderstandings or misunderstandings, to clarify the information received.

They also show the candidate that they are being listened to carefully.

Examples of reflective questions (comments):

So, do you like to play sports?

As I understand it, you prefer work related to the use of

information systems like...?

It seemed to me that you are not familiar with this technique?

Indirect questions suggest that the candidate is not directly asked about his or her

advantages or disadvantages. He is asked questions related to his

professional experience, behavior at work, etc. Correct

formulated indirect questions provide reliable information about significant

for the organization the qualities of the candidate.

  1. At the final selection stage, it is advisable to hold a meeting with the participation of all interviewers, specialists, internal experts to find out their opinions and draw up ranked lists of preferred candidates.

List of documents that an employee must present to the employer when applying for a job (Article 65 of the Labor Code):

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, or other identification document.
  • Employment history(except for those cases when the employee is registered for part-time work or if the contract is concluded for the first time).
  • Insurance certificate of state pension insurance.
  • Documentation military registration.
  • Documents on education (specialties, qualifications).

Additional documents:

1. Documents of preliminary medical examination in accordance with Art. 213 RF for:

  • workers engaged in heavy work or work with harmful conditions labor;
  • workers engaged in work related to traffic;
  • employees of organizations Food Industry, Catering, trade, water supply facilities, medical and preventive care and children's institutions.

2. Certificate about the nature and working conditions in case of employment with harmful working conditions for part-time workers.

3. Certificate of criminal record

4. Certificate of salary.


The strategy for the functioning and development of any enterprise (organization) is not possible without personnel. In order to ensure the effective functioning of an enterprise, a strong team must be formed that can maintain its high professional authority.

The main structural unit for personnel management in an organization is the personnel department, which is entrusted with the functions of recruiting, selecting, evaluating and dismissing personnel, as well as organizing training, advanced training and retraining of personnel. To perform the latter functions, personnel training departments or technical training departments are often created.

Human resource management services, as a rule, have a low organizational status and are weak professionally, which means that the management system in the process of recruitment, selection and evaluation of personnel in many enterprises in the production and service sectors is far from perfect and requires constant review and adjustments.

Purpose course work is a detailed study of technologies, principles and methods of professional recruitment and selection of personnel of an organization.

Job objectives:

1. Analyze the features of professional recruitment and selection of personnel of the organization;

2. Analyze the effectiveness of various methods of recruitment and selection of personnel

The object of research of the course work is the technology of recruitment and selection of personnel, and the subject, directly, is the personnel of the organization.

In order to build an effective system of recruitment and selection of personnel, first of all, it is important to understand its place in common system management of human resources of the organization. Effective recruitment and selection begins with an accurate job description, i.e. from an analysis of the work of a specific position. Next, a job description is drawn up, on the basis of which requirements for candidates are formulated. One of the important stages is advertising the work, i.e. attracting a candidate. The interview still retains its popularity as one of the most important elements of the recruitment and selection process. During the interview, you can get to know the candidate better, i.e. find out his personal qualities and behavior patterns. Based on the information collected, a decision is already being made to select a potential employee, but even the complete presence of recruitment and selection elements does not provide accurate information about the person being hired.

Due to its relevance, the topic of personnel selection is increasingly appearing in the headlines of various periodicals and educational publications, as well as the developments of researchers in this field have been published on Internet resources: Gary Dessler, V. Maleshin, Dominic Cooper, but despite the fact that this The topic has been studied quite deeply, new developments and additions to methods of recruitment and selection of personnel are appearing.


1.1. Methods for researching the recruitment system

Research methods are a way to achieve a goal. The choice of research method is related both to the complexity of the problem being solved and to the knowledge, experience, qualifications and intuition of the manager-researcher. Today, due to the development of computer information processing technologies, a manager has access to almost the entire arsenal of tools and methods developed in various fields of knowledge. It is quite natural that each stage of research (due to its specificity) may require the use of completely different methods of information processing and decision-making methods (or combinations thereof). Obtaining reliable and complete results of the study of problems that have arisen in the organization depends on the correct choice of research method.

The decomposition method allows you to break down complex phenomena into simpler ones. The simpler the elements, the more complete the penetration into the depth of the phenomenon and the determination of its essence. For example, a personnel management system can be divided into subsystems, subsystems into functions, functions into procedures, procedures into operations.

The method of structuring goals provides quantitative and qualitative justification for the goals of the organization as a whole and the goals of the personnel management system from the point of view of their compliance with the goals of the organization. When structuring, interconnection, completeness, and comparability of goals must be ensured different levels personnel management.

The balance sheet method allows for balance sheet comparisons and linkages. For example, the results of processing photographs of a working day and technological maps performing management operations and procedures with actual working time for their implementation.

Method of studying documents. Any management is associated with the movement of information, which is recorded in documents. In those companies where serious attention is paid to personnel management research, the system information support management focuses not only on solving current problems, but also on the study of personnel management.

In research practice, sociological research methods are widely used - observation, interviewing, questioning, if they are prepared and carried out correctly enough, they provide rich information for studying the personnel management system.

The method of expert assessments is very often used. Many control problems can only be investigated using these methods. For example, the quality of personnel management, threats and advantages of the personnel management system, and so on.

An accurate determination of personnel requirements (based on the determination of the optimal number of personnel) serves as a prerequisite for the fact that employees will be at the disposal of the organization in accordance with its quantitative, qualitative, time and territorial needs. In this way, conflicts that could arise due to imbalances in the above areas are eliminated. A particularly important role in determining personnel requirements is intended to play as an “early diagnostic system”: it allows threatening imbalances in personnel to be identified in advance and leaves sufficient time for the development and implementation of solutions designed to achieve a balance of interests. IN general view approaches to hiring personnel, methods of their selection and attraction are presented in Fig. 1

Figure 1 - Approaches to recruitment

The advantages of recruiting through internal sources are that the employee's capabilities are already known, he has a certain reputation, and he should value it. The costs of retraining or upgrading an employee's skills are usually lower than hiring. In addition, an employee's promotion becomes an example of realizing opportunities for his colleagues, and they strive to do better.

However, this source of recruitment also has its negative sides: interpersonal relationships between employees are complicated, the attitude towards the employee on the part of his former colleagues often worsens, and there is a threat of stagnation in the organization.

Hiring staff from external sources usually allows you to choose from a large number of candidates. New employees bring new ideas and ways of working to the organization. The threat of intergroup intrigue within the organization is prevented. But we must not forget about the disadvantages of this source:

1. The capabilities of new employees are not precisely known;

2. Managers who come from outside usually experience a long period of adaptation.

3. The arrival of an outside employee (especially a manager) worsens the moral climate among veterans;

4. Attracting external workers is an expensive source in many countries.

During the hiring process, personnel are assessed.

In fact, hiring assessment is one of the forms of preliminary quality control of an organization’s human resources

Business assessment personnel – a purposeful process of establishing compliance of a person’s qualitative characteristics with the requirements of a position or workplace

1.2. Recruitment Process

Personnel of a business organization - the composition of labor resources, determined by quantity and quality, necessary for the organization to achieve its goals

The purpose of recruiting personnel is to create a pool of candidates for all jobs, taking into account, among other things, future organizational and personnel changes, layoffs, relocations, retirements, expirations of contracts, changes in directions and the nature of production activities.

In short, the task of the personnel service is to monitor the compliance of the organization’s personnel with the production tasks facing it.

There is a distinction between the concepts of “recruitment” and “hiring of personnel”. Recruitment is the mass recruitment of personnel to any organization. Recruitment involves systems approach to the implementation of several stages carried out as part of the recruitment process:

  1. General analysis of the need (present and future) for personnel;
  2. Formulation of personnel requirements – precise definition who the organization needs, by analyzing the job (workplace, position), preparing a description of this job, as well as determining the terms and conditions of recruitment;
  3. Determination of the main sources of income of candidates;
  4. Selecting methods for assessing and selecting personnel

Recruitment is a series of activities aimed at attracting candidates who have the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization. This is a set of organizational activities, including all stages of recruitment, as well as assessment, selection and hiring of employees.

Some HR professionals consider this process before the end of the induction phase, i.e. until the moment when new employees organically fit into a specific labor collective and the organization as a whole.

Recruitment in organizations is carried out by personnel department employees (HR managers).

Scientific and methodological principles for hiring personnel are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Principles of recruitment


Comprehensive research and assessment of the candidate’s personality (study of biographical data, professional career, level professional knowledge and skills, business and personal qualities, health status, colleagues’ opinions about him)


Repeatability of the results of assessing the specified qualities of a candidate during repeated selections, as well as minimizing the influence of the subjective opinion of the consultant making the final decision


Full time job on recruitment and selection of the best specialists, formation of a personnel reserve for leadership positions


Using the latest scientific achievements and the latest technologies in the process of preparing and recruiting

Scientifically and methodologically based recruitment allows you to avoid the main and widespread mistake - the subjectivity of assessing a candidate, the strong influence of the first impression of a person on the subsequent decision to hire him.

A key element in the recruitment process is the determination of adequate requirements for candidates. A good basis for developing such requirements is a special psychological study - professiography, a technology for studying the requirements of a profession for personal and business qualities, professional knowledge and skills. The volume, depth and detail of their study depend on the order of the company’s management. The result is a professiogram (Appendix A)

IN modern conditions Such a direction of professionography as acmeography has been developed. The acmeographic approach, based on the productive foundations of professionography, covers, in addition to the role characteristics of personnel, the subjective aspects of their work: professional positions, individual characteristics of activity. A notable feature of the acmeographic approach is its focus on identifying and productive development of human creative potential.

The scheme for hiring an employee in an organization is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2 - Recruitment scheme

The composition of recruitment activities is presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Activities during recruitment


Preliminary conversation between the applicant and the head of the relevant department

Study and verification of objective data of applicants for work

Checking the documents of the person applying for work (passport, work book, education documents, VTEK recommendations for the disabled, medical report for those hired for heavy work, other documents)

Conversation with the head of the HR department to assess the possibility and legality of hiring (reasons for previous dismissal, motives for joining the job, health status, family composition, place of residence, living conditions, requirements of the person applying for the job,

Interview at the personnel commission of the Enterprise Council for applicants to management positions

Conversation with the head of the department

Instructing the incoming employee of the HR department about the internal rules, working hours, familiarization with the terms of the collective agreement and other working conditions in the organization

Preparation employment contract-statement or contract

Coordination of the terms of the agreement or contract in the divisions of the enterprise

Preparation and execution of an order for employment

Preparing information for a personal file

Formation of a personal file for a person applying for a job

Instruction on safety and fire safety, industrial sanitation

Special control over employees during the probationary period

Preparation of a report by the head of the department on the results of work during the probationary period

1.3. The concept and features of candidate selection when hiring

Personnel selection is the process of studying the psychological and professional qualities of an employee in order to establish his suitability for performing duties in a certain workplace or position and selecting the most suitable one from a pool of applicants, taking into account the compliance of his qualifications, specialty, personal qualities and abilities with the nature of the activity, the interests of the organization and himself. Personnel selection must be distinguished from personnel selection.

Attracting and selecting personnel is one of the central functions of management, since it is people who ensure the effective use of any types of resources (economists traditionally distinguish three types of resources: capital, labor and land, in the sense of resources) available to the organization, and it is from people that ultimately the score depends on her economic indicators and competitiveness.

Managers often focus on financial, production, logistics or sales issues finished products without paying enough attention to the people who make the organization work in all these areas. Mistakes in recruiting—especially when it comes to selecting candidates for leadership positions—are costly to organizations. The organization's losses from making erroneous decisions, accidents, injuries and defects are only part of the costs that have to be borne as a result of unsatisfactory work in selecting new employees.

Search and selection of personnel is traditionally considered as a function of personnel services. However, an effective selection process always requires the participation of the heads of those departments for which new employees are recruited. This requires knowledge of the basic principles and procedures used in personnel selection, and the possession of the necessary skills for this. This is especially true for small organizations where recruitment is carried out mainly by the first manager or heads of departments.

The quality of human resources, their contribution to achieving the goals of the organization and the quality of the products produced or services provided largely depend on how effectively the personnel selection work is carried out.

In order to build an effective personnel search and selection system, it is first of all important to understand its place in the organization’s overall human resource management system.

Search, selection and assessment of personnel, being a key element of personnel policy, should be closely linked with all main areas of work in the field of personnel management.

There are six stages in the process of personnel selection and assessment:

1. Determination of personnel needs, taking into account the main goals of the organization.

2. Obtaining accurate information about what requirements the vacant position imposes on the employee.

3. Establishing the qualification requirements necessary to successfully perform the job.

4. Determination of personal and business qualities necessary for effective performance of work. Searching for possible sources of staffing and selecting adequate methods for attracting suitable candidates.

5. Determining appropriate selection methods to best assess candidates' suitability for a given position.

6. Provision the best conditions to adapt new employees to work in the organization.

When selecting candidates for management, selects the most suitable for the vacant position from the reserve created during recruitment. In most cases, the person who is best qualified to do the actual work of the position should be selected rather than the candidate who appears best suited for promotion. An objective decision on selection, depending on the circumstances, may be based on the candidate’s education, level of professional skills, previous work experience, and personal qualities. If the position belongs to the category where technical knowledge is the determining factor (for example, a scientist), then the most important, apparently, will have education and previous scientific activity. For management positions, especially at a higher level, skills in establishing interregional relationships are of primary importance, as well as the candidate’s compatibility with superiors and subordinates. Effective personnel selection is one of the forms of preliminary control of the quality of human resources.

Who makes the selection decision? In small companies where there is no personnel department, the decision on personnel selection is made by a manager of the appropriate profile. In large and medium-sized companies, the future supervisor of the employee and the hiring manager are involved in making selection decisions, who evaluate the candidate according to a specific selection program.

1.4. Methods for determining selection criteria

For a selection program to be effective, the employee qualities required for the relevant type of activity must be clearly formulated. Assessment of compliance with these qualities will predetermine the choice in favor of one candidate or another. The criteria should be formed so that they comprehensively characterize the employee: education, experience, medical characteristics, personal qualities. “Reference” levels of requirements for each criterion are developed based on the characteristics of employees already working at the enterprise, who cope well with their duties, and who previously occupied a vacant position.

There are several main methods for determining selection criteria:

1. Conducting a survey of all applicants for work in this specialty (without preliminary selection) using a battery of medical and psychological methods. After a few months, based on a comparative analysis of the performance indicators of new employees, indicators are established that distinguish between successful and unsuccessful employees. These indicators are taken as the basis for establishing criteria that can predict professional success. Subsequently, these criteria are used during selection for relevant positions.

2. Selection among the organization’s employees working in a given specialty into a group of successful and a group of unsuccessful ones (for example, those who fulfill the established production norm and those who cannot cope with it). A medical and psychological examination allows us to establish indicators for which there are significant differences between the compared groups. These indicators subsequently serve as selection criteria.

3. The most important indicators necessary for successful work in a given position are identified based on an analysis of job descriptions and job requirements.

4. Expert assessment, when criteria are proposed based on the experience or intuition of a specialist (group of specialists) who are well familiar with both selection methods and the requirements for the position and work. This method is used most often today. In this case, the selection criteria are established by the manager himself (top management).

After the company has determined the criteria, candidates must go through several stages of selection.

1. 5 Stages of the personnel selection process

The decision to evaluate candidates usually consists of several steps that applicants must go through. At each stage, some applicants are eliminated or they themselves refuse the procedure. Naturally, most enterprises do not use all levels - it all depends on the nature of the vacancy.

Stage 1. Preliminary selection conversation.

Work at this stage can be organized in various ways. Most often, a HR specialist speaks with the candidate. At the same time, enterprises use some general rules conversations aimed at finding out, for example, the applicant’s education, assessing his appearance and defining personal qualities. They also pay attention to such items as address, purpose of applying for a job, length of stay at previous places of work, desired salary, career goal, health restrictions, general health, grades at the university, military service, membership in organizations, the nearest possible release date to work.

During the preliminary interview, which makes it possible to fill in information gaps and gain a personal understanding of the person applying for a job, candidates who clearly do not meet the requirements for the profession, qualifications, and education are eliminated.

Step 2. Filling out the application form and autobiographical questionnaire.

The number of questionnaire items should be kept to a minimum and they should ask for information that has the greatest impact on performance. future work applicant. To use a questionnaire as a selection method, the HR professional must compare each item on the questionnaire with established criteria for effective selection. The questionnaire must be compiled separately for each type of work and organization.

Stage 3. Hiring conversation.

The purpose of the hiring interview is to review the applicant for employment. Information is exchanged in the form of questions and answers. It is best to prepare a list of questions in advance; in the future, you can deviate from the list, or you can go strictly according to the list.

Stage 4. Hiring tests.

One of the methods used to facilitate selection decisions is recruitment tests. A test is a standardized task, the result of which allows you to measure psychophysiological and personal characteristics, as well as knowledge, skills and abilities. Testing is becoming increasingly popular as an aid to selecting the best candidate for a job. This interest is quite understandable if we take into account that the importance of making the right choice is constantly increasing and mistakes are becoming more and more expensive.

As a rule, during testing, the candidate completes tasks and answers questions in writing, after which the results are assessed and interpreted. Recently, the use of automated tests, mainly presented to candidates on a computer screen, has become increasingly popular. Upon completion, the computer processes the received information and produces everything necessary calculations and highlights the result.

Types of tests:

· tests for abilities and aptitudes (mathematical, logical, etc.)

· psychomotor tests (finger dexterity, etc.)

· tests for professional knowledge and experience

· graphological tests

· projective techniques

· personality questionnaires

Interest tests

From the extensive arsenal of tests, no more than two dozen are actively used. That's it now test methods can be roughly divided into two large groups: tests that have stood the test of time and are still used today, and tests that are rarely used. The first category includes tests for comprehensive assessment psychodiagnostic traits; assessment of individual personality traits, mental states and functions; socio-psychological assessment of the team. As a rule, these psychological tests are adapted and standardized for use in Russia.

The second category of tests, which have not stood the test of time and are therefore rarely used, include projective techniques (for example, drawing tests). According to psychologists, they are subjective; it is not the test result itself that is important, but how a person passes it, how he reasons. It is also important who interprets the results of projective tests. Proofreading tests are also rarely used to determine attention, concentration and switching among accountants and cashiers. Instead of these methods, professional tests are used for financiers, accountants, lawyers, economists, programmers, etc.

Separately, there are ability tests - methods that diagnose the level of development of general and special abilities that determine the success of training, professional activity and creativity. Such tests are not used in business due to their complexity and the lack of highly qualified professional psychologists capable of working with such methods. These tests are used (quite successfully) in various kinds of intelligence services of the leading countries of the world. Some companies use their own specially designed tests when working with personnel.

Advantages of testing: objectivity, efficiency, focus. Disadvantages: testing requires certain preparation of the applicant; Data obtained during testing can only be used for the moment.

In cases where the applicant receives feedback in person for transmission at the place of request, the objectivity of the assessment cannot be guaranteed, since many people do not want to write their true opinion about the person who may read it.

Therefore, recently special requests have become more common, in which the former employer is asked to evaluate the candidate according to a certain list of qualities. Even more common are telephone calls to the previous boss to exchange opinions and clarify any questions of interest. During such a check, the chronological order of places of work is analyzed, attention is paid to gaps and changes in jobs. It also takes into account the frequency of dismissals and the extent to which a change of job led to an ascent or descent along the career ladder. It is also taken into account that the change in profession serves to increase the practical experience of the candidate.

Stage 6. Medical checkup.

Some organizations require their most qualified applicants to complete medical questionnaires or undergo a physical examination.

The reasons for conducting a medical examination are as follows:

· in the event that employees file complaints regarding compensation, knowledge of the physical condition of the applicant at the time of hire is necessary;

· it is necessary to prevent the hiring of carriers of infectious diseases;

· it is necessary to determine whether the applicant is physically able to perform the proposed work.

7. Decision to hire a candidate

The decision to hire a candidate is the most important moment, the culmination of the selection process. It should be as objective as possible and everything should be accepted necessary measures to eliminate the possibility of error.

A well-developed scheme for analyzing the results obtained at all stages of selection, and clear principles underlying the final decision, helps to make the right decision.

1. 6 Methods for collecting information required to make selection decisions

1.6.1. Basic methods of personnel selection

There are several methods of collecting information to determine whether a candidate is suitable for a vacant position.

The three most widely used methods for collecting information required to make selection decisions include tests, interviews and assessment centers.

1. Tests. Behavioral sciences have developed many different types of tests that help predict how effectively a candidate will be able to perform a particular job. One type of selection test involves measuring the ability to perform tasks related to the proposed job. Examples include typing or shorthand, demonstrating machine skills, or demonstrating verbal ability through oral communication or written work. Another type of test involves assessing psychological characteristics, such as intelligence, interest, energy, candor, self-confidence, emotional stability and attention to detail. For such tests to be useful in selecting candidates, there must be a significant correlation between the high scores achieved on the test and actual performance. Management must evaluate whether people who perform well on tests are actually more successful. efficient workers than those who score fewer points.

2. Interviews. They are still the most widely used method of personnel selection. Even non-managerial employees are rarely hired without at least one interview. The selection of a high-ranking manager may require dozens of interviews, taking several months.

Before starting the interview, a program should be drawn up, which depends mainly on the number of candidates and on what types of interviews (individually or in combination) will be used. The program also depends on the location of the interview. If a large number of employees are being searched throughout the country, the manager can conduct interviews at the company's regional office or in a hotel, and also entrust preliminary interviews to regional managers. If the interview is conducted centrally, then the office of the company or its division should be used for these purposes, which will have a significant effect on creating a favorable image of the company.

Once the program has been drawn up, personal references and references from previous employers have been received, and candidates have been invited, the interview process can begin.

However, research has identified a number of problems that reduce the effectiveness of interviews as a personnel selection tool. The basis of these problems is emotional and psychological in nature. For example, there is a tendency to make decisions about a candidate based on first impressions, without taking into account what is said in the rest of the interview.

3. Assessment centers. Assessment centers were first established in America during World War II to select and evaluate agents for the Secret Service, the forerunner of the CIA. "IT&TI" was the first private company, which used the center to select management and commercial employees.

The first and most important step to begin the assessment is the “competency model” - the criteria by which employees or candidates will be assessed. According to experts in this field, almost all Russian companies When ordering a personnel assessment, they do not have developed criteria and models of competencies necessary for an objective assessment of specialists. In this case, their creation is undertaken by consultants. Depending on the number of items processed, such a service can cost up to $1.5 thousand.

1. Drawing up custom-made and conducting professional and psychological tests on a computer or in writing. Aimed more at assessment:

A) professional quality;

b) level of theoretical training, work experience, ability to find solutions in difficult situations related to the direction of the enterprise’s activities;

c) psychological qualities;

d) assessment of intellectual abilities - assessment of the ability to perceive information, analyze and find ways to solve problems;

e) efficiency - the ability to work quickly, accurately and consistently;

f) assessment of thoroughness, attentiveness - a tendency to think deeply and perform tasks, taking into account all the details and nuances, the ability to act independently, without instructions or prompts;

g) technical or humanitarian thinking, stability of attention, memory, speed of reaction, general level of development.

2. Development and implementation of assessment. Includes:

Participation in role-playing games - modeling situations;

Tests of “gradations of preferences” - making a decision during a discussion;

This procedure is the basis and without it it is impossible to determine such qualities as:

· management and leadership qualities;

· balance, goodwill, responsibility;

· loyalty to the company;

· a penchant for learning, a desire to make a career;

· material interest, hard work, etc.

3. Individual interviews.

Conducted on the basis of the competencies provided by the customer and the completed employee questionnaire. The questionnaire is usually modeled for each customer and contains exactly the questions that the employer wants answers to.

The result of the assessment is a report in which the consultants of the personnel assessment center rate the test taker on a scale from 1 to 9 points and explain for all the given competencies how well he meets them. His negative and positive qualities, whether this person is capable of learning, his ethical principles, motivation, etc.

Personnel assessment centers do not issue verdicts “Do not accept” or “Dismiss” (except in cases of identifying mental disorders, drug addiction, and other unacceptable deviations), but give expert opinion with recommendations, leaving the decision to the discretion of the employer. After all, each company evaluates certain qualities of employees differently.

1.6.2. The effectiveness of personnel selection methods

Personnel selection methods are varied, their effectiveness (as assessed by specialists in the field of personnel management) is presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Selection methods used in recruitment and promotion

Selection method

Procedures for candidates from outside

Procedures for candidates for promotion

Selection without conversation

Performance and Skills Test

Medical checkup

Schematic conversation

Research of candidates by an agency outside the enterprise

Job specific knowledge test

Mental ability test

Filling out the application form

Personality test

Study of candidates at the employee assessment center

Physical ability test

Lie detector test (or written honesty test)

One way to determine whether an applicant will meet all the requirements and to select the most suitable from a group of candidates is to test applicants in conditions that are as close to the workplace as possible. For these selection methods to be effective, they must be sufficiently reliable and reliable. If an applicant scores 70 on a hiring test on Monday, 40 on a hiring test on Thursday, and 95 on Friday, it is impossible to determine which score most accurately reflects that applicant's ability: this test cannot be considered reliable. The reliability of a selection method is characterized by its immunity to systematic errors in measurements, that is, its consistency under various conditions.

In addition to the reliability of the assessments, it is necessary to take into account the validity of the adopted selection criteria. Validity here refers to the degree to which a given result, method, or criterion “predicts” the future performance of the person being tested. Validity of methods refers to the conclusions drawn from a particular procedure, not to the procedure itself. That is, the selection method itself may be reliable, but may not correspond to a specific task: it may not measure what is required in this case.

Based on the above, to solve personnel issues A company often has only one option left - independent search and selection of specialists. As the director of the Tallinn School of Managers V. Tarasov notes, “it’s a very long job to select personnel from very bad ones, and not because people are stupid, but because they can do the job well, or they can do it poorly, if there is no time or with no time.” hands. So, now it’s not those workers who “in principle” can work well that are valued, but those who “can’t” work poorly. Good - or not at all

1.7 Interview as the main method of personnel selection

Screening interview at personnel work- a method of selecting candidates with the abilities and goals necessary to occupy a particular position. A screening interview consists of a face-to-face meeting between the employer and the candidate and represents contact between the applicant and a direct representative of the company.

During the interview, the degree of interest of the candidate in a particular job and his potential for working in a vacant position are clarified.

1.7.1. Types of conversation.

The interview may include several stages and continue with certain breaks. Therefore, preliminary and main types of conversations are distinguished.

1. Preliminary interviews are conducted to get to know applicants in order to separate unsuitable candidates from suitable ones. The main task of the preliminary interview is to identify the candidate’s compliance or non-compliance with the basic job conditions and requirements. At this stage, it is necessary to prepare a number of “closed” questions, the answers to which are known in advance.

2. The main conversation is held at the last stage according to a certain scheme, when the choice in favor of one candidate or another has already been practically decided. Using sample list basic questions, the interview can be schematically conducted in the following direction:

· physical data,

· inclinations,

general interest, culture,

· interests,

special abilities

· character,

· personal circumstances specific to a particular person.

This block of the questionnaire is aimed at revealing the general level of development of the applicant. Another block of the questionnaire should include questions that will allow the manager to conclude:

What is the candidate's potential influence on others?

What are his qualifications?

What are his innate abilities?

· what is the motivation for coming to you.

1.7.2 Screening interview methods

In the world practice of personnel work, there are the following methods of selection interviews:

British method, based on a personal conversation with the candidate members of the personnel commission;

The German method, based on the preliminary preparation by candidates of a significant number of documents with mandatory written recommendations;
- American method based on testing intellectual abilities, psychological testing and observation of candidates in an informal setting;

Chinese method based on written examinations.

Preparing for a screening interview is an organizational event as part of the hiring process. When preparing for a screening interview, there are three areas of need:

1- what does the interviewer need?

2- what do candidates need?

3- what is required to conduct the selection interview itself?

1.5.3 Basic principles of interview construction :

1. Interview criteria. The questions are constructed in accordance with the criteria obtained during the professional research, i.e. During the interview, those qualities of the employee that are of paramount importance in his future or present activities are diagnosed.

2. Assessment of the zone of proximal development. It is necessary to evaluate not only what a person can do at the moment, what qualities he possesses today, but also whether he is able to master new things, whether he is trainable and flexible in his behavior.

3. Focus on assessing motivation . The third of the main goals of the interview is to assess the employee’s motivation, primarily his long-term ones. ultimate goals, since they determine human behavior. If we evaluate a person only according to the criteria that were obtained during professional development, then we will only know whether he has the qualities necessary for this activity, but we will not know whether he will use them in his activity and, if so, how way.

4. Ethical aspects - avoiding frustration or demonstration of a negative attitude towards the employee in interviews. Failure to comply with this principle can lead to the formation of a negative image of both a specific HR manager and the entire HR service among employees. It is very likely that the HR manager will subsequently have to repeatedly interact both with this employee and with his colleagues and friends. A negative attitude can significantly complicate such interactions.

5. Feedback principle . At the request of the employee, and in many cases without a request (if the evaluator sees some characteristics of the person that he needs to report), it is necessary to provide him with feedback on the results of the study, and the reporting of false information is unacceptable

The ability to form a judgment about a candidate - in personnel work - is a necessary quality of an interviewer for a successful selection interview, including the ability to choose one of the candidates based on the information collected.

The difficulty in selecting a candidate based on an interview assessment is that this selection is made among workers who are often, from a formal point of view, equally qualified. The complexity of the task lies in the search for such signs by which one can judge not only the results that the employee achieved in the past, but also how he will behave in a new job, what results can be expected from him in the future. Most companies use highly qualified psychologists as interviewers. However, managers themselves attend special short-term courses designed to develop interviewing skills.

Interview questions are programmed in such a way that they sufficiently fully identify a predetermined range of problems. Thus, in some “assessment centers”, based on a number of questions, they try to identify deep characteristics, according to which a diagram of the applicant’s future labor behavior can be drawn up with sufficient validity.

1.7.4 Hiring interview

Key points to prepare for a hiring interview:

1. The manager must read the application, questionnaire and other documents in advance and think about questions for the applicant;

2. During the interview, it is useful to use a prepared plan for the manager’s participation in the interview; it is advisable to minimize it: listen more, talk less;

3. Doubts that arise during an interview should be resolved during the conversation, and not kept to yourself;

4. It is useful to use open, direct questions that would stimulate the partner to respond;

5. Having the form at hand, it is necessary to make written notes,

A job interview boils down to eight basic questions and their corresponding answers:

The first question comes down to figuring out “what kind of person are you?” By asking this question, the interviewing manager wants to know as much as possible about the candidate and, in essence, asks him to tell him about himself. At the same time, the interview leader notes for himself whether the candidate is late, whether he is dressed properly, etc. The candidate’s answers should be listened to carefully and, most importantly, critically, since he will strive to make a favorable impression on him from the first words. interviewer.

There is no need to look for inaccuracies in the applicant’s answers, since the main rule of those applying for a serious job is not to distort the facts.

The second question concerns the reason "why are you looking for a job?" When listening to the answers to this question, the leader must be alert. It is important to note the directness of the answer and the speed of thinking about the questions posed, as well as the logical justification of the reasons for the search new job. It is advisable that new employee explained the essence of his complaints to the previous management and, most importantly, to the nature of the work.

Question to the candidate: “How can you be useful?” - it is a question of how up to date the applicant is with the affairs of the organization in which he wants to work. It is important to know what additional information the interlocutor received and how he uses it when answering.

The applicant's lack of awareness of the company indicates that he is a random person. A negative answer is a serious reason for refusal to hire for a vacant position.

The important question is: “what are your strengths"Of course, the applicant-interlocutor will try to show himself as an energetic, decisive, assertive, resourceful, mature, enthusiastic candidate. The manager should not interrupt the interlocutor in describing his business qualities. There is no need to question them. In this case, it is important to force the applicant to work confirm the presence of the qualities listed by him with specific examples from life or during study or work.

The manager should not admire the applicant’s willingness to carry out any assignments or assignments. Phrases like “I can do whatever it takes” say virtually nothing.

Fifth question: “What are your weaknesses?” Answering these kinds of questions is a test of frankness, sincerity and psychological balance. You can directly ask to tell about your failures in life or at your last job.

The question can be quite sensitive: “What kind of boss should a boss be in your opinion?” The answer to this is of great importance.

It is advisable to receive information in the applicant's answers about the desire to test his strength in any area of ​​work, under any, even harsh conditions, about the opportunity to grow and improve his skills under any supervision.

The question is also necessary: ​​“what are your greatest achievements?” This question must certainly come up during the interview and it simply cannot be avoided. It should be borne in mind that a person who is not able to name at least one of his significant successes is practically not ready for serious and responsible work. Even if a person worked as a simple fitter or driver, he still had to use his professional training, ingenuity, and skills that did not go unnoticed among colleagues or superiors.

You also need to ask the following question: “what salary can you expect?” “Of course, this question is not asked at the beginning of the conversation. It is advisable that it be posed when management has made a final decision regarding a particular candidate.

It is difficult not to notice that the approximate range of questions practically does not affect the content of future work. Therein lies a certain secret. It is advisable that before the end of the interview, when your partner is somewhat perplexed about the lack of questions about his vision of the future workplace, the interviewer asks something like: “Is there anything you would like to discuss that we did not mention in conversation?" Short answer like: " Yes, it seems, that's all" or "No, we discussed everything" signals that the future employee is practically not interested in the specifics of his activity, what awaits him in the future and what his superiors expect from him. A serious candidate cannot help but inquire about the content of his work , about what is expected of him specifically in this particular area of ​​work and what is expected in general from a candidate for this position.

You can prepare a list of grades given to the candidate. This document is especially useful in cases where the interview is conducted jointly with work colleagues. The composition of the assessments varies. As evidenced foreign practice, depending on the specifics of the activity, assessments may include up to 25% of indicators

1.8 Candidate evaluation system

In order to correctly evaluate a candidate for a vacant position, an enterprise must develop a system for evaluating applicants.

The candidate evaluation system must have the following characteristics:

· it must be based on objective information and provide objective assessments of candidates;

· it should stimulate those who make the selection to justify their choice, focusing on an agreed system of criteria;

· it should help the organization’s employees participating in the selection process to more easily achieve mutual understanding when assessing candidates and facilitate the adoption of a balanced, informed decision;

· it should be a continuation of the organization’s existing personnel management policy

Thus, it is important for an enterprise to take these characteristics into account in order to avoid mistakes when assessing candidates

1.9 Mistakes when assessing candidates and ways to avoid them

An interview is a process of interpersonal interaction, so one must keep in mind the possibility of distortions and errors inherent in interpersonal perception:

· The error of central tendency occurs when the majority of candidates are rated by the average score (although one can expect that some of the candidates are better and some are worse);

· Leniency bias - most candidates are rated highly, which can lead to the hiring of unsuitable workers;

· The fallacy of high demands - most candidates receive low grades. This error leads to the elimination of potentially suitable candidates for the job;

· The halo effect occurs when the interviewer evaluates a candidate as good or bad, focusing on one characteristic, which, in his eyes, outweighs all others;

· Contrast bias occurs when the average candidate is rated highly if he comes after several weak candidates, or low if he comes after several strong candidates;

· Stereotyping is the tendency to compare a candidate to a stereotype of the “ideal candidate.” This stereotype can vary greatly between interviewers and may have little relation to the actual demands of the job.

To avoid mistakes or reduce them to a minimum, when preparing and conducting a conversation, you can adhere to some socio-psychological requirements:

firstly, it is advisable to have a pre-prepared conversation plan, for example, in the form of a standard questionnaire for job applicants, compiled on the basis of data from practical personnel activities, as well as sufficient knowledge about professional requirements to a specific workplace (use of a professionogram) and available data about the candidate (personal personnel record sheet, autobiography, characteristics, work book, research results, etc.);

secondly, it is necessary to try at the beginning of the conversation to relieve the employee’s initial tension, to dispose him to a frank, confidential conversation;

thirdly, try not to take into account the first impression, give the incoming employee the opportunity to speak;

fourthly, it is necessary to speak with the employee in a language that is understandable to him, avoid direct questions, and use more leading questions;

fifthly, try not to allow the conversation to deviate from the main direction;

sixth, evaluate the employee and your impressions of him only after the end of the conversation, taking into account your possible prejudices.

1.10 Final decision procedures

Depending on the size of the organization, the staffing of the personnel department with qualified specialists and the specifics of the vacancy, the organization of the selection process and the procedure for making the final decision may vary significantly.

There are three most common strategies for making the final decision on hiring an employee into an organization.

The same organization may use all three types of procedures for organizing selection and making the final hiring decision. It should be taken into account that procedures 1 and 2 are more suitable for selecting ordinary employees and specialists, and procedure 3 is more suitable for selecting managers at different levels.

Procedure 1.

The personnel department (HR department) carries out the preliminary selection of candidates. The final interview is conducted by the head of the department in which there is a vacancy (or the head of the organization, if we are talking about a small company). He also makes the final decision on hiring.

Procedure 2.

The personnel department (HR department) carries out all stages of selection until the final decision regarding the suitability of candidates to occupy available vacancies. The head of the department (or organization) is provided with a list of 3-5 candidates. The final decision on hiring is made by the manager without conducting a final interview, only on the basis of information provided by the personnel department.

Procedure 3.

The HR department pre-selects candidates. Selected candidates undergo an interview with a specially created commission. The final decision is made collectively based on the agreed opinion of all members of the commission.

The final assessment of the employee includes: a detailed listing of the business and personal qualities of the person being assessed, demonstrated abilities, degree of readiness to occupy a specific position, prospects for subsequent promotion, etc. The employee’s initiative (based on previous work experience) and interest in the work of this particular company are also assessed , compliance of practical experience with the theoretical training of the employee, the nature of the proposed work, knowledge of the functional scope of activity, etc. In other words, firms require specialists to clearly systematize their conclusions about the suitability of the applicant.


2.1. a brief description of enterprises

The company "Magazin No. 17" LLC was founded in 1999. Currently, two brand stores of this brand are open.

"Store No. 17" is a commercial trading enterprise specializing in wholesale trade food products.

The company operates in accordance with legislative and other regulations Russian Federation. the enterprise has the right legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, current and other accounts in banking institutions, a seal with its name, forms, and a trademark.

“Store No. 17” carries out trade and purchasing activities, incl. wholesale and retail trade, organizes catering; carries out operations related to the investment of funds received from profits in securities, deposits, the use of debt obligations and others in economic circulation valuable papers, issued by the state and other organizations.

The number of employees in stores remains at approximately the same level - 30 - 32 full-time positions - when workers move, vacancies are filled by specialists of lower levels or external competitive recruitment is carried out.

The enterprise personnel are divided into the following categories: administrative and management personnel, specialists, support personnel.

· Administrative and management personnel: director, deputy, administrators.

· Specialists: accounting, sales managers, cashiers.

· Support staff: drivers, cleaners, security.

2.2 The recruitment and selection process in the organization LLC “Magazin No. 17”

The HR service at Magazin No. 17 LLC determines vacant jobs that need to be filled based on a comparison of the human resources plan with the number of personnel already working in the organization. If such positions exist, the hiring process begins, consisting of several stages: detailing the requirements for the vacant job and the candidate for its occupation, selecting candidates, selecting candidates and hiring.

Once the future quality needs for personnel have been determined, it is necessary to determine the requirements (qualifications, knowledge, abilities, behavior, etc.) that employees must meet in order for them to perform their tasks. This process is also referred to as defining the requirements profile of the jobs to be replaced.

Hiring begins with a detailed definition of who the organization needs. At the heart of this process at the “Store No. 17” company is preparation job description, i.e. document describing the main functions of the employee occupying this position workplace. The job description is prepared by the personnel management service together with the head of the department in which the vacant position exists: the head of the personnel management service contributes his knowledge of the process of creating a job description, and the head of the department contributes the requirements for a specific workplace.

To facilitate the selection and assessment of candidates, a qualification card has been created that describes the main characteristics that an employee must have to successfully work in this position. The card is prepared by the head of the unit and employees of the personnel management service based on the job description and is a set qualification characteristics (general education, special education, special skills - knowledge foreign languages, computer skills, drawing skills, etc.), which an “ideal” employee holding this position should have. An example is given in Appendix 1.

The use of a qualification card makes it possible to structured assessment of candidates (for each characteristic) and compare candidates with each other. Currently, the selection of personnel is carried out by the deputy director together with the heads of departments that need new employees.

Having determined the requirements for the candidate, HR employees begin to attract candidates using several methods:

1. Search within the organization. Before entering the labor market, they first try to search among their employees, contacting department heads with a request to nominate candidates and analyzing personal files in order to select employees with the required characteristics.

2. Ads in media mass media. To attract candidates, places advertisements in specialized newspapers and columns. The advantage of this method is wide coverage of the population at relatively low initial costs. But the disadvantage is the other side of the advantage: a huge influx of candidates, most of whom do not have the required characteristics.

But there is no universal method for selecting candidates, so HR employees use various methods depending on the vacant position.

Thus, the totality of personnel selection sources at Magazin No. 17 LLC is presented in Table 6.

Table 4 - Sources of attracting personnel to LLC “Magazin No. 17”

External sources

Internal sources

Educational institutions of various stages and levels of training

Release of personnel due to changes in product range and production volumes

Commercial training centers

Release of personnel due to mechanization and automation of technological processes

Intermediary recruitment companies

Release of personnel due to discontinuation of products

Employment centers (labor exchanges);

Personnel retraining

Professional associations and associations

Relocation of personnel from work areas

Related organizations

Free labor market

The selection of candidates is the basis for the next stage - the selection of future employees of the organization, which begins with an analysis of the list of candidates in terms of their compliance with the organization's requirements for future employees.

The purpose of initial selection and assessment is to identify a limited number of candidates with whom the organization can work individually. At this stage, HR personnel conduct individual interviews with selected candidates. The purpose of these interviews is to assess the degree to which the candidate matches the portrait of the “ideal” employee, his ability to fulfill the requirements of the job description, his ability to adapt to the organization, etc.

Based on interviews (with the HR employee and then with the head of the department), the candidate who is most suitable for this position is selected.

After this, the selected employee is hired for a probationary period (from 1 to 3 months), giving management the opportunity to evaluate the candidate directly in the workplace without assuming obligations for his permanent employment. If, after the probationary period, management has no complaints against the new employee, he is accepted for permanent employment.

At the moment, personnel selection for LLC “Store No. 17” is relevant, as the company is expanding, new directions are opening, for which new employees are required, also due to the constant turnover of personnel in the store. The most common vacancies are managers, since specialists in this profile form the basis of the store staff.

The search for managers and other company personnel is carried out mainly through the media. When selecting and evaluating candidates to work in a store, only one stage of interview is carried out with the deputy director, who, as noted above, partially performs the functions of a personnel manager. The interview is informal and lasts approximately 15 minutes. During the interview, the candidate’s personal data, his work experience, and the reason for leaving his last job are clarified. Special attention is given appearance applicant and the ability to communicate competently and friendly. No surveys or testing are carried out. There is also no analysis of the applicant's questions. Recommendations from previous employment are not required. Occasionally, the deputy director calls the applicant's previous place of work to find out his characteristics. Based on the results of the administrator’s personal impression of the interview, a decision is made on whether the employee will return to work or not.

If the candidate satisfies the company's requirements for the vacant position, the job is registered - the hiring process is carried out.

2.3 Disadvantages in the current recruitment system.

As a result of the analysis of the current personnel recruitment system at Magazin No. 17 LLC, I noted the following shortcomings that impede the development of the company:

1. The company does not have a recruitment manager; currently the deputy director is recruiting personnel together with the heads of departments that need a new employee.

2. The basis of the system for selecting applicants for a vacant position is a one-stage interview.

3. The company does not conduct surveys or testing.

4. The practice of working with recommendations from previous places of work and the absence of security checks of applicants are not used as a selection criterion.

Thus, current system personnel selection at Magazin No. 17 LLC requires the adoption of corrective measures, the adoption of which will significantly improve the efficiency of hiring workers.

When selecting candidates to work in a company, it is necessary to conduct two stages of interviews. At the first stage, it is necessary to assess the level of stress resistance - the most important quality necessary for working in the service sector.

The second stage of the interview should be conducted by the head of the service in which you are applying new employee, and his future immediate supervisor. They evaluate professional skills

Along with this, it is advisable for the management of Magazin No. 17 LLC to introduce new methods of effective personnel selection:

It is also necessary to introduce testing. They can be different - on abilities and inclinations, personality questionnaires, interest tests, projective techniques. Undoubtedly, each specialty should have its own set of techniques to identify various problems candidate, his abilities, skills and knowledge.

When selecting candidates, it is advisable to prepare and conduct a group interview. This option for selecting candidates is very convenient if there are a lot of applicants for vacancies. In a group, it is easier to determine the advantages of some candidates over others, especially when assessing communication skills.


The personnel of a business organization is a composition of labor resources determined in quantity and quality necessary for the organization to achieve its goals. Personnel management means planning, organizing, motivating and controlling the formation, distribution, redistribution and use of the organization's personnel. The main goal of personnel management is to use its potential with the greatest efficiency to achieve the goals of the organization.

Recruiting personnel is an important stage in working with personnel, including calculating needs, constructing job models, professional selection of personnel and the formation of a reserve. For rate professional suitability employees use various methods: studying personal documents, conversation, questioning, testing, probation. The method of professionograms is gaining increasing recognition.

Professional personnel selection contains the main stages of studying the employee’s potential and the work of the personnel commission. The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out through internal and external sources based on a scientific approach to the study of a person’s potential and his career.

In order to provide the organization with the necessary human resources, it is important to develop a situation adequate to the tasks external environment and operating technologies, company structure, calculate personnel requirements.


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2. Dyatlov V.A. Kibanov A.Ya., Pikhalo V.T. Personnel Management: Tutorial for students of economic universities and faculties / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. – M., PRIOR, 2007. – 568 p.

3. Egorshin A.P. Personnel management: Textbook for universities. 3rd ed. N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2006. – 468 p.

4. Organizational personnel management: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. 2nd ed. Add. And reworked. – M., INFRA-M, 2006. – 542 p.

5. Organizational Management / Ed. Gunina V.N., - M., Infra-M, 2007. – 652 p.

6. Magura M.I., Kurbatova M.B. Modern personnel technologies. - M., LLC “Journal “Personnel Management”, 2006. – 268 p.

7. Saakyan A. M., Zaitsev A. P., Lashmanova O. N. Personnel management in an organization. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001

8. Morgunov E. Personnel management: research, assessment, training. - M., 2005


Example of a professional profile for a sales representative


Searching for clients, concluding contracts for the supply of products. Further monitoring of timely deliveries and payment for shipped products, carrying out collections with customers. Contacts with persons responsible for supplying products to retail outlets. Preparation of supporting documentation, weekly reporting on work done.

Conditions and nature of work

The work is based on a territorial basis, individual work within a designated area of ​​Moscow, a flexible work schedule, the working day is not regulated. The work involves constant communication, establishing business contacts, and advertising products.

Performance criteria:

1. Sales volume

2. No customer complaints

3. Minimizing debtor clients

4. Maximum coverage of everyone retail outlets available in the area

Knowledge of the rules for drawing up contractual documentation, methods of attracting clients, the culture of negotiations at various levels, work culture, work ethics and behavioral psychology. Thoroughly know the product being sold, the market for this product, as well as information about the company’s products and services.

Skills and abilities

The ability to find clients, come into contact with any type of clients both directly and by telephone, the ability to analyze and systematize the information received, and plan your work. Use gestures and voice competently, creating a trusting atmosphere, maintaining the prestige of the company. Ability to generate interest in products.

Interests and inclinations

Broad-minded, erudition, passion, sociability, a sufficient level of active behavior, a penchant for persuasion and leadership.

Professionally important qualities

Sociability, resistance to stress, non-conflict, activity, politeness, perseverance in achieving goals, observation, excellent memory, endurance (physical and moral), leadership qualities. Neatness in clothing. Pleasant voice and good diction. The ability to perceive and process large amounts of information.

Eysenck test, test for the level of aspirations, Thomas, CBS, etc.

Medical contraindications

Polyarthritis, rheumatism, hearing, vision, speech impairment, neurotic disorders, atherosclerosis, severe external defects.


Example of a qualification card for an HR manager

Table 5 - HR manager qualification card (education requirements)

Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Enterprise personnel management: Educational and practical work. Benefit. 3rd ed. – M., Delo, 2007. –124 p.

Dyatlov V.A. Kibanov A.Ya., Pikhalo V.T. Personnel management: A textbook for students of economic universities and faculties / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. – M., PRIOR, 2007. – 568 p.

Morgunov E. Personnel management: research, assessment, training. - M., 2005. - 407 p.

Magura M.I., Kurbatova M.B. Modern personnel technologies. - M., LLC “Journal “Personnel Management”, 2006. – 155 p.

Egorshin A.P. Personnel management: Textbook for universities. 3rd ed. N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2006. – 468 p.

Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Enterprise personnel management: Educational and practical work. Benefit. 3rd ed. – M., Delo, 2007. – 648 p.

Recruitment, selection and hiring of personnel

One of the most pressing problems of any company is the problem of personnel selection: where to find adequate candidates with the necessary qualifications, experience and responsible attitude to work? HR staff and the manager jointly search for candidates for the vacant position. Recruitment and search of personnel, as a rule, is always on the agenda of any manager. Proper organization The process of selecting candidates will not only provide your business with the necessary personnel, but also increase productivity and reduce personnel costs. After all, you should always remember a simple truth - mistakes in the selection of employees are ultimately costly for both the company and the candidate.

Free Directory of Policies and Procedures for Recruiting, Recruiting, and Hiring

Recruitment of personnel in the organization

Professional personnel are the main resource of a company, necessary for its prosperity. No matter how strange it may sound, everything is decided not by money, not by technology, not by resources, but by people. From your quality human capital The prosperity of your business depends on it. Modern recruitment methods are the foundation of your HR system. Who you hire and where you hire will determine your corporate culture, level of productivity, and degree of creativity. Companies don't have great ideas, the people who work in the company have great ideas.

What is the difference between recruitment and personnel selection?

When a company has a vacant position, it can be filled by both internal and external candidates. This process is called personnel selection. Personnel selection is aimed at creating a reserve of personnel for specific positions, on the basis of which selection is made in favor of a person suitable for performing professional tasks.

Recruiting personnel from external sources is called recruitment. In other words, hiring personnel is all the actions of the manager and the management department aimed at finding and attracting specialists in the labor market who have the necessary experience, knowledge and qualifications, as well as preparing all documentation related to labor relations.

Both external and internal applicants undergo a personnel selection procedure. Personnel selection is the process of studying and assessing the compliance of a candidate's professional and psychological characteristics with job responsibilities in the workplace. As a result of the selection, one employee is selected from the set and an offer is made to fill the vacant position.

In large companies, the responsibility for recruiting may be divided between the recruiting department, which is responsible for recruiting, and the development and career development department, which deals with issues.

Recruitment and selection methods

The purpose of personnel selection is to assess candidates' compliance with job requirements. Additionally, many companies also evaluate the personal and behavioral qualities of candidates, their compliance with the characteristics of the workplace, the dynamics of team life and corporate culture companies. Here various methods of personnel selection and assessment are used:

  • Chronological interview - when a future employee is asked to tell the story of his professional activities in chronological order and describe his main responsibilities and achievements at previous places of work;
  • Structured interview - when all applicants are asked standard, pre-approved questions, asking them to provide examples of situations that would best illustrate their most important competencies. And then they compare the answers of each candidate and select the strongest applicant for the vacant position;
  • Business cases are a personnel selection technique where the applicant is asked to familiarize himself with a specific business situation and offer options for solving it. Thus, the employer simulates business reality and watches how the candidate will behave in this or that case;
  • Various psychological and sociometric tests;
  • Gamification in recruitment - a method of selection HR personnel using games;
  • Group interview - allows you to implement mass methods of personnel selection in an organization. In this situation, several candidates are invited to a panel interview and assigned team tasks. In this active recruitment method, the human resources department watches and evaluates the behavior of applicants while performing group tasks.

Some managers organize the personnel selection process within the company. Advantages of the internal method of recruiting employees for a job - the person knows the corporate specifics, has the qualifications, education and skills to perform job requirements. In addition, it gives employees the opportunity to grow and move up the career ladder within the company.

Risks of the employee hiring process

Procedures for selection, search and selection of personnel are associated with a number of risks. Managers and HR staff should consider the following:

  1. As they say, “we are all people, we are all human,” and therefore we tend to perceive reality through the prism of our beliefs and prejudices. Our biases can be especially pronounced during the candidate selection process. We all tend to project our understanding and previous experiences onto those around us and jump to conclusions. For example, if we previously had an employee who smoked and spent a lot of time on cigarette breaks, this does not mean that all smoking applicants suffer from laziness and low productivity. The threat of bias and stereotyping during the selection process can be significantly reduced by involving more interviewers in the assessment process and by making collective hiring decisions.
  2. The company's reputation plays an important role in the success of recruitment. If your company is highly rated in the labor market and has a reputation as a good employer with decent pay, it will not be difficult to attract the candidates you need, and you will have plenty to choose from.
  3. Recruitment timing will dictate which personnel selection methods you can use. If you are pressed for time and the vacant position needs to be filled urgently, most likely you will have to spend a larger budget on recruiting workers or offer a higher salary level.

You can get rid of the risks of personnel selection by attracting an experienced HR specialist, developing a personnel reserve and long-term personnel planning.

Personnel selection system in the organization

Modern personnel selection technology consists of coherent staffing planning processes, the use of modern recruitment methods, effective system adaptation, reasonable policies for the development and promotion of the personnel reserve and an adequate system of payment and motivation. An integrated approach is important here: one will not work without the other. Every time you evaluate applicants, you should think about:

  • what are the long-term prospects for the demand for the candidate’s experience and knowledge in the company;
  • what growth potential does this candidate have;
  • what is his level of competence and how salary expectations correlate with the level of knowledge and experience of already recruited employees, as well as the company’s motivation and remuneration system;
  • what will be the level of adaptation of the new employee during the probationary period;
  • whether this person is ours, based on his values, way of thinking and behavior.

Only an integrated approach to personnel management and personnel selection criteria according to professional, business and personal characteristics will ensure high efficiency and sustainability of your company’s human capital.

Principles of personnel selection

There are two fundamental principles for recruiting and selecting personnel from a legal point of view:

  • objectivity;
  • absence of any forms of discrimination.

Everything else is determined in the company by its strategic and tactical priorities, personnel management system and type of activity. As a rule, a business seeks to select employees based on the following principles:

  • employee motivation and its compatibility with corporate philosophy;
  • level of professional knowledge and experience;
  • leadership skills;
  • assessment of hidden reserves, strengths of the applicant and forecasts for his future growth;
  • level - how quickly an employee can get up to speed and begin to establish connections with suppliers, colleagues, clients, and supervisor;
  • taking into account legislative standards and equal approach to applicants for vacant positions.

Recruitment stages

Best practices for the hiring process include a step-by-step selection process. The purpose of the procedure is to evaluate applicants and identify an employee who meets the requirements of the position. The practical implementation of the selection method is carried out as follows:

  1. Resume scanning or pre-sampling. This takes place in the mode of viewing all applicants’ applications for a vacancy and filtering according to basic criteria or over the telephone using a pre-prepared interview form. For mass vacancies, some companies use call center employees or an automatic calling service.
  2. Telephone interview. At this stage, HR employees seek to obtain information about the candidate’s experience and education, learn in more detail about his achievements and motives for searching for a new job.
  3. Personal interview. The purpose of this stage is to assess the candidate’s suitability for the vacant position, to better understand his personal qualities and motivation.
  4. Carrying out additional testing. This stage gives the head and employee of the HR department additional information or about the professional skills and intelligence, or the personal or leadership qualities of the applicant.
  5. Reference checking process. The HR department employee checks with the previous employer or former colleagues about the accuracy of the information provided by the applicant, and asks who and how could characterize the candidate.
  6. If necessary, a medical examination procedure. Catering workers, production workers, civil servants and a number of persons specified in Article 213 are required to undergo inspection. Labor Code RF.
  7. Hiring decision.
  8. Concluding an employment contract with the applicant and clarifying the period and conditions for the probationary period.

Basics of personnel selection in an organization

Analysis of the organization of recruitment and selection of personnel at an enterprise allows us to identify the level of efficiency of personnel processes and establish the reasons for turnover. Here are some examples of key performance indicators for recruitment, selection and staffing that companies use:

All this data allows you to constantly optimize the recruitment process, reduce the cost of searching for candidates and improve the company’s reputation in the labor market.

Improving the personnel selection system

The labor market does not stand still. The expectations of applicants are changing, new methods of assessing candidates are emerging, and businesses are changing their search priorities. Among the current trends in the field of recruitment and personnel assessment are the following:

  • Active involvement social networks into the recruitment process. Some studies claim that nowadays up to 80% of job seekers use social media to find a job. And these numbers will only grow.
  • Personal recommendations continue to play a huge role. On the one hand, candidates try to find a job with the help of their circle of acquaintances, using the entire networking resource. On the other hand, many companies promote recruitment programs based on employee recommendations (referrals).
  • Gamification of recruitment methods. Many companies, especially in the technology industry, invite applicants to play games during the hiring process and, as a result, find a job based on their skills, qualities and leadership ability.

Techniques that allow the use of artificial intelligence to improve the quality of selection are becoming increasingly popular. For example, there are already programs on the market using AI (Arificial Intelligence), which with enviable accuracy not only evaluate the candidate’s profile, but also the behavioral model in social networks and predict the likelihood of the candidate being fired during the probationary period. And this is only a special case among the revolutionary changes awaiting the labor market with the advent of “Big Data”.

That which will remain unchanged even in the age of universal transparency, artificial intelligence and robotization, it is a fact that the quality of human capital will determine the viability and success of any business strategy. Therefore, the issue of effective recruitment, selection and selection of personnel will continue to be relevant in the list of leadership and management tasks of managers and human resource management departments.

The process of direct formation of human resources of an organization consists of several interconnected stages:

1) detailing the requirements for the workplace and for the candidate for the vacancy;

2) selection of candidates;

3) selection of candidates;

4) hiring.

Personnel selection, or recruiting, is the attraction of potential candidates to fill existing or predicted vacancies to meet the organization's personnel needs. The personnel selection stage includes creating a database of employees with the required qualifications, informing candidates about the characteristics of the vacancy, working conditions in the organization and the requirements for them.

Recruitment work involves the following activities:

· development of a personnel requirement plan;

· labor market monitoring;

· Application from a line manager to the HR department;

· clarification of requirements for the candidate;

· internal search;

· external search;

· assessing the effectiveness of the process.

The purpose of the employee selection process is to create the necessary pool of candidates for positions, from which the enterprise selects the most suitable employees for it. An organization can perform this function independently or resort to the help of specialized (consulting) firms.

The selection of candidates is possible using the resources of the internal (“make personnel” policy) and external (“buy personnel” policy) labor markets. Satisfying the need for personnel at the expense of the organization's resources can occur without moving personnel (for example, by increasing the volume of work) and through intra-organizational rotation of personnel. On foreign market an organization can carry out passive (for example, processing job applications) and active (advertising, HR consultants, recruiting agencies) recruitment (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2

Recruitment methods

Meeting needs within the organization Meeting needs outside the organization
No frame movement With frame movement Passive dialing Active set
Increased workload In-production purpose Personal visit to candidates Bulletin board
Extension of working hours at the enterprise Professional education Card file for candidates Recruitment with the help of enterprise employees and recruitment agencies
Postponement of vacation dates Retraining Processing of job applications Advertisements in newspapers and magazines
Overtime Change of place of work Management assistance to line managers Advertising in the media
Internal part-time job Reorganization of a structural unit Temporary job In-house HR consultant

External and internal hiring have their advantages and disadvantages. Thus, recruiting personnel on the external market is expensive, but it expands the possibilities of attracting highly qualified specialists with work experience and professional outlook (Table 2.3).

Selecting candidates for vacancies within the organization allows you to reduce adaptation costs and stimulate career employees, increase the level of group cohesion and improve the climate in the organization. At the same time, the financial costs of the hiring procedure are insignificant, and vacancies are filled quickly. Managers have a better idea of ​​the capabilities and shortcomings of employees attracted from the internal reserve.

In order for the personnel selection process to be more successful and more objective, employers develop qualification requirements (competency profile). The competency profile contains information about the required skills, knowledge and personal qualities of the candidate for the vacancy. Qualification requirements are a written document on the basis of which the employer makes selection decisions. Qualification requirements may be included in the package of documents sent to candidates to inform them about the selection procedure.

Table 2.3

Recruitment from outside the organization

Benefits of external hiring Disadvantages of external hiring
Great choice High recruitment costs
New impulses for the enterprise High quotas for external hires contribute to staff turnover
The applicant brings knowledge from another company and gains recognition more easily Negative impact on the team climate
Hiring directly satisfies staffing demand A lot of time is spent on the probationary period due to the lack of knowledge and skills of the new employee
Leads to a strong collegial connection, resolving any issue “together” No production knowledge (general introduction required - costs and time)
Fast position filling Filling a position requires a lot of time
Free places for young people New person assigned by the boss should reduce close attention - for the enterprise this means a loss of strength

Personnel selection is the natural conclusion of the process of selecting employees in accordance with the human resource needs of the organization. If personnel selection should provide the maximum number of candidates, then selection solves qualitative problems and allows you to select the most qualified of them.

The personnel selection process includes the following stages:

1. development of criteria for assessing the candidate’s behavior and professional skills;

2. development of expert assessment tools (tests, tasks and exercises to identify the level of development professional competencies);

3. observation (at this stage applicants are invited, interviews are conducted);

4. assessment (at this stage, previously developed criteria for assessing candidates are used and the results obtained are described);

5. Feedback(at this stage they make decisions about the candidate’s fate and conduct a final conversation with him).

Selection and recruitment of personnel involves a series of sequential steps. An important step is to determine the criteria on the basis of which decisions will be made about the advantages of applicants. Then the sources of human resource search are determined (universities, recruitment agencies, media, etc.). The next step is the direct selection and hiring procedures, which include:

· preliminary interview;

· study of candidates' application documents (applications, questionnaires, autobiographies, resumes, letters of recommendation, medical reports, certificates and other documents);

· testing of candidates;

· an introductory interview (interview), during which the applicant and a representative of the personnel service exchange information of interest to them.

After these procedures are completed, the final decision on hiring the candidate is made.

Requirements for candidates are classified as follows:

1) impact on others (physical characteristics, appearance, speech and manners);

2) acquired qualifications (education, professional training, work experience);

3) natural abilities and learning abilities;

4) motivation (goals that one sets for oneself, consistency, determination and success in achieving them);

5) adaptability (emotional stability, ability to withstand stress, ability to get along with people).

Sources of information about a potential employee are different: application for employment, photograph, autobiography, questionnaire, educational documents, work record book, recommendations, interviews, tests, trial work and much more (Table 2.4).

Selection of employees in large companies operating in competitive environment, is a complex multi-stage system. Thus, in the United States, applicants for a position are first asked to fill out a questionnaire by hand consisting of 14 blocks of 10 questions each and write an application accompanied by a photograph. Documents undergo a graphological examination based on 238 parameters, photographs undergo a physiognomic examination based on 198 parameters. Psychologists determine the specific personality of a candidate for a position and predisposition to this type of work. Based on the analysis and expert opinions, the circle of applicants is narrowed for further selection. To diagnose professional competencies, testing, interviews, and interviews are widely used.

There are many forms of job interviews:

· interview of the candidate with a personnel service employee;

· with the line manager of the company;

· with the head of the company;

· repeated conversation with the head of the company by phone (demonstrates the ability to convince people in absentia and express one’s thoughts);

· conversation of the candidate with a representative of the personnel service in the presence of family members;

· an interview in the presence of several competitors applying for this position;

· conversation between the candidate and a top-class specialist in the proposed field of activity;

· communication with the candidate in an informal setting;

· conversation with a psychologist.

Table 2.4

Sources of information about the employee

A source of information Contents of information and its meaning
Application for admission Communicates the first general impression of the candidate
Photo Gives an idea of ​​appearance
Biography Visually shows the process of formation, allows you to find out the “details” of the personality
Personal profile Contains, collects and systematizes the most important information about the incoming person, allows you not to forget information
Certificate of maturity, diploma Provides information about school performance, specialty, professional qualifications
Employment history Confirms previous places of work, shows mastered areas of activity.
Recommendations Covers all aspects of professional suitability
Conversation with the applicant Provides an opportunity to fill gaps in information, gives a personal idea of ​​what is coming
Trial work Demonstrates the ability to perform a specific job and mastery of special skills
Medical checkup Offers vocational suitability characteristics
Graphological conclusion Provides information about the character and particular aspects of professional suitability (the information content of the procedure is debatable, it is permissible only with the consent of the applicant)

The trend in the Belarusian labor market under the influence of the global economic recession has been an increase in requirements for employees. The crisis led to a reduction in vacancies and an increase in the number of active job seekers in 2009, creating an “employer market”. Organizations used the strengthening of their positions in the labor market by increasing the requirements for potential employees. However, candidates were unable to fully meet the new requirements, lacking the required competencies.

The way candidates search for a new job has also undergone changes. There is a more cautious and thoughtful approach to changing jobs, a willingness to negotiate with the employer regarding the conditions and wages, awareness of the value of a good job (the actual absence of unemployment in the country before the crisis on world markets devalued the importance of a good job).

In 2010-2011, there was an upward trend in vacancies, which was due to the expansion of companies' staff. The demand for specialists in the capital's personnel market turned out to be 30% higher than the supply of labor. According to experts, this trend may lead to the transformation of the “employer market” into the “candidate market”, characteristic of the pre-crisis period, and the loss of positive changes, from the employer’s point of view.

During the crisis, among the first to be laid off were representatives of such specialties as logistics specialists, marketers and HR managers related to employees of auxiliary departments. However, already in the second half of 2009, the demand for these specialists began to recover, and currently this segment of the labor market is transforming into a deficit one.

The surplus specialties in Belarus include lawyers, economists, office staff and accounting. There is enough on the market a large number of applicants in this category with a similar level of competencies. For surplus employees, employers organize large competitions without trying to offer when hiring high salary. However, the demand for highly qualified specialists in these areas, although not significant at the moment, is stable. The best specialists still claim fairly high salaries and an impressive benefits package.

For any enterprise in the course of its activities, the issue of recruiting and selecting personnel for vacant positions, planning the development of the enterprise, taking into account the need for new specialists, remains relevant.

The purpose of recruitment is to create a pool of candidates for all jobs, taking into account, among other things, future organizational and personnel changes, layoffs, relocations, retirements, expirations of contracts, changes in directions and the nature of production activities.

When recruiting, the personnel service must proceed from determining the optimal number of personnel. There should not be a shortage of workers, the consequences of which could be disruptions production programs, industrial injuries, conflict situations in the team, as well as excess, which can lead to an increase in cash costs for the wage fund, a decrease in interest in high-quality and highly qualified labor, and an outflow of qualified workers.

Having information about the organization’s strategy, its structure, main activities and acceptable organizational culture, the personnel service can begin searching and selecting the necessary workers.

The main task when hiring personnel is to meet the demand for workers in qualitative and quantitative terms.

There is a distinction between the concepts of “selection” and “recruitment”. Personnel selection is the process by which an organization selects, from a pool of applicants, one or more who best fit the selection criteria for a vacant position.

Personnel selection involves a systematic approach to the implementation of several stages carried out as part of the recruitment process. This process includes:

general analysis of the need (present and future) for personnel;

formulating personnel requirements - accurately determining who the organization needs by analyzing the job (workplace, position), preparing a description of this job, as well as determining the terms and conditions of recruitment;

identification of the main sources of income for candidates;

selection of personnel assessment and selection methods.

Recruitment is a series of activities aimed at attracting candidates who have the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization. This is a set of organizational measures, including all stages of recruitment, as well as assessment, selection and hiring of employees. An alternative to hiring new workers is to work overtime when the organization needs to increase its output. At the same time, there is no need for additional costs for hiring and hiring new employees. And overtime work itself can provide existing workers with additional income, although this raises problems of fatigue and increased occupational injuries. Long or frequent overtime work leads to increased personnel costs and decreased productivity.

Personnel selection is part of the recruitment process associated with the selection of one or more candidates for a vacant position among the total number of people applying for a given position (the generally accepted interpretation of the term). Personnel selection, as already noted, is carried out not only in the hiring of employees, and therefore in general it should be considered as the process of selecting someone according to established criteria using certain methods from the total number of employees meeting these criteria.

The main purpose of recruitment and selection of personnel is to obtain employees who best meet the quality standards of the work performed by the organization. Added to this is the need to ensure employee satisfaction and the full development and use of their potential.

Line managers and functional services participate in the selection process. These services should be staffed by professional psychologists in order to make use of the most modern methods. The immediate manager, and sometimes a wider circle of managers, participate in the selection at the initial and final stages. They have the decisive say in establishing the requirements for the position and selecting a specific employee from among those selected by the personnel service.

The hiring of an employee is preceded by a clear understanding of the functions that he will perform, tasks and job responsibilities, rights and interactions in the organization. Based on pre-formulated requirements, suitable people are selected for a specific position, and great importance is attached to their compliance with these requirements.

Before hiring personnel, the psychological and professional qualities of an employee should be studied in order to establish his suitability for performing duties in a specific workplace or position and select the most suitable one from the pool of applicants, taking into account the compliance of his qualifications, specialty, personal qualities and abilities with the nature of the activity and the interests of the organization and himself. Personnel selection must be distinguished from personnel selection:

During the selection process, people are searched for certain positions, taking into account established requirements. social institution, types of activities. During selection, a search is carried out, identifying the requirements of various positions, types of activities for the known capabilities of a person, his accumulated professional experience, length of service and abilities.

HR department employees analyze the effectiveness of selection using a calculated coefficient, the so-called selection coefficient, which is determined as follows:

Selection coefficient= (1.1)

For different professions, the selection coefficient is different: professional and technical workers - 1/1, skilled workers - 1/1, unskilled workers - almost 1/2. If the selection ratio is close to 1/1, then the selection process is short and simple. At a value of 1/2, selection becomes difficult, but, on the other hand, the lower it is, the more selective the organization can behave. A lower coefficient means that the organization will hire workers who meet its criteria [22, p. 180].

Recruitment consists of creating the necessary reserve of candidates for all positions and specialties, from which the organization subsequently selects the most suitable employees for it. This work is carried out in literally all specialties - office, production, technical, administrative. The amount of recruiting work required is largely determined by the difference between available labor force and future need for it. This takes into account factors such as retirement, turnover, dismissals due to the expiration of the employment contract, and expansion of the organization’s scope of activity.

Before hiring and selecting personnel, it is necessary to carry out economic analysis personnel, first of all, assess the personnel structure according to the following criteria:

Age and length of service in the organization;

The level of education;

Qualification level;

Belonging to the owners of the organization.

Enterprise security labor resources -- most important factor timely completion of production volume targets, compliance with deadlines stipulated by contractual obligations. The provision of the necessary personnel is determined by comparing the actual number of workers by category and profession with the indicators of the labor resources budget.

The supply of personnel, especially workers, depends on their movement during the analyzed period. The dynamics of personnel and the intensity of their movement processes are characterized by the following indicators:

Turnover ratio for hiring workers

Disposal turnover ratio:

Total turnover ratio:

Staff turnover rate:

Personnel movement rates are not planned, so their analysis is carried out by comparing the indicators of the reporting year with the indicators of the previous year or (more informatively) for a number of years.

To assess social results, the coefficients of permanence and stability of personnel are studied.

Staff retention rate:

Replacement rate:

When recruiting and selecting personnel, it is customary to be guided by the following principles:

1) focusing on a person’s strengths and searching for the most suitable candidates for a given position. The selection stops if several people do not meet the requirements, since most likely these requirements are too high and need to be reconsidered;

2) ensuring that the applicant’s individual qualities meet the requirements of the content of the job (education, length of service, experience);

3) focus on the most qualified personnel, but no more highly qualified than the workplace requires.

The main criteria for recruitment and selection are: education, experience, business qualities, professionalism, physical characteristics, personality type of the candidate, his potential capabilities.(2)

There are six main sources for hiring staff:

* in the company itself, from its own employees;

* through recruitment agencies;

* through educational establishments;

* from competitors;

* from other industries;

* among the unemployed.

When recruiting and selecting personnel, various sources are used. All sources of attracting personnel are divided into:

External (from people who were previously in no way connected with the organization);

Internal (from employees of the organization).

Methods of recruiting personnel from an internal source are varied: Internal competition. The personnel service can send out information about open vacancies to all departments, notify all employees about this, and ask them to recommend their friends and acquaintances for the job.

Combination of professions. In these cases, it is advisable to use a combination of positions by the company’s employees themselves (if the performer is required for a short time, to perform a small amount of work).

Rotation. For some organizations, especially those in the stage of intensive growth, the use of internal sources of management personnel, such as the transfer of managers, is considered very effective.

Most organizations choose to recruit primarily within their organization. It costs less to promote your employees. In addition, it increases their interest, improves morale and strengthens employees' attachment to the company. According to the expectancy theory of motivation, it can be assumed that if employees believe that their career growth depends on the degree of their performance, then they will be interested in more productive work. A possible disadvantage of approaching a problem exclusively through internal reserves is that new people with fresh views do not come into the organization, which can lead to stagnation.

External sources of personnel selection include the entire set of people who are capable of working in the organization, but are not currently working in it. Human resource management specialists work closely with the employment service and recruiting companies that provide recruitment services, personnel training, consulting services, organizing business training, etc.

Table 1.1 - Some advantages and disadvantages of various sources of staffing an organization





1. Opportunities for self-realization within the organization, perceived as encouragement for successful work;

2. The organization continues to work with employees who are already known, reducing the financial costs of recruiting personnel.

There may be a risk of complications in personal relationships between employees, and “nepotism” may arise.

1. Possibility of choosing from a large number of candidates; 2. New people - new ideas and methods of work.

Adaptation of a new employee, possible deterioration of the moral and psychological climate among long-term employees

Sources of attracting personnel vary in degree of effectiveness; as practice shows, the most effective source of attracting personnel are recommendations from friends and relatives, as well as recommendations from recruitment agencies.

Efficiency of sources of personnel attraction. Steps to take to attract potential candidates:

1) analyze the level of wages in the labor market;

2) decide what level of payment your organization can offer;

3) decide what additional benefits your organization can offer to attract highly qualified specialists;

4) selection of the most suitable channel for distributing advertising in the media, special stands;

Name of the vacant position;

Requirements for potential candidates (selection criteria);

Information designed to interest and attract potential candidates (salary level, benefits, working conditions, information about the organization).

Any organization almost always has a need for personnel. The need to attract personnel involves: developing an attraction strategy that would ensure the consistency of relevant activities with the overall organizational strategy; choosing an attraction option; determining the list of requirements for candidates; establishing the level of remuneration, methods of motivation and prospects for career growth; implementation of practical actions to attract personnel. In the process of recruiting and creating a reserve of workers for employment vacant positions The organization satisfies its need for personnel.

IN this section the concepts of “selection” and “hiring” of personnel were studied, the calculated coefficients with the help of which personnel department employees analyze the effectiveness of selection. These coefficients are: selection coefficient, turnover coefficient for hiring workers, turnover for retirement, total turnover, staff turnover. Constancy of personnel, replacement of personnel. I examined two main sources of recruiting personnel: internal and external, the advantages and disadvantages of these sources, and recruitment methods that are most often used by modern organizations.