A point of sale selling sweets. Pros and cons of business. How to open a candy store: business plan

Are you thinking about the idea of ​​how to open a candy store? All the nuances of running this type of business are described in detail in the article.

♦ Capital investments – 400,000 rubles.
♦ Payback – 4–8 months.

According to most experts, a business based on the sale of food products is one of the most profitable and promising.

The sale of candy, cookies and other sweets is no exception.

If you want to launch a startup related to the sale of food products, then you should definitely understand how to open a candy store from scratch.

The implementation of such a business project cannot be called too complicated or expensive, however, this type of business has its own nuances that entrepreneurs need to know about in order to avoid common mistakes.

How to open a candy store: features of this business

Like any other type entrepreneurial activity, a startup related to the sale of sweet products, has its own characteristics.

Let's try to name the most interesting ones:

  1. A confectionery store is a retail outlet that distributes sweets, cookies, pastries, cakes and other high-calorie products with a high sugar content.
  2. There is always a steady demand for sweet products among the population, which is why it is profitable to open a confectionery store.
    Even the relatively high cost of sweets does not deter potential buyers.
  3. Owners of confectionery shops must take care not only of the product range and pricing policy of their establishment, but also of the impeccable cleanliness of the premises.
  4. Your main problems will be:
    • the need to sell goods with a short shelf life (this does not apply to sweets, but to cakes and cream pies);
    • insects (wasps, midges) in summer;
    • high level of competition;
    • regular inspections of the Sanitary Service and others government organizations.
  5. If you decide to open a candy store from scratch, then you definitely need to analyze your target audience in order to understand what products you need to focus on selling: inexpensive mass-produced ones, or more exclusive ones, even if they cost a lot.
  6. Try to name your store in an original way so that with the help of a sign you can attract the attention of a potential client.
  7. Don't be greedy when installing pricing policy, but don’t work at a loss.
    Remember that it is better to organize a promotion to sell leftover candies, biscuits, cookies and other sweets that are past their expiration dates, rather than throwing them in the trash later.

Types of candy stores that can be opened from scratch

There are 4 common types of candy stores that you can open in your hometown:


    You are selling products that someone else makes for you.
    This is the most suitable option for people who, starting a business from scratch, do not have a large starting capital.

    Confectionery shop + cafe.

    You not only sell candies, cakes, cookies and other sweets, but also give customers the opportunity to eat them right in your store by setting up several tables.

    A confectionery store selling products of its own production.

    If you are a confectioner by education and vocation and want to make sweets rather than sell them, then you can open a production workshop and, attached to it, a store to sell the products you make.

    Confectionery shop + cafe + production workshop.

    The most complex and costly option to implement, which requires renting a large premises, lengthy registration procedures and considerable capital investments.
    Although, with the right approach, it can bring good profits to its founder.

If you decide to open a candy store, do not forget to advertise it

Interesting fact from history:
The word "candy" comes from 16th-century European apothecary jargon. This word, derived from the Latin confectum (“made”), was the name of candied fruits, which at that time were considered a type of medicine.

If you want to save on advertising campaign, then locate your candy store in a place with high traffic: in the center, near bus stops public transport, close to entertainment centers, children's parks, educational institutions, etc.

Invest in a bright sign that can be seen from a distance and window stickers to make your store stand out from others.

Also, make sure to name your establishment beautifully and briefly.

  • local newspapers and radio stations;
  • city ​​forums;
  • specially printed business cards and advertising booklets;
  • social media.

How to open a candy store: calendar plan

How long it will take you to launch a startup depends on the type of business you decide to open.

If you want to not only sell, but also make sweets, you will need at least six months.

If you want to open a standard confectionery store to sell products that someone else makes, you can easily manage it in 4 months.

Rental and renovation
Purchase of the first batch
Advertising campaign

How to open a candy store: business plan

So that aspiring entrepreneurs understand the stages of launching a startup and how much money they need to have to open a confectionery store.

Let's imagine that we decided to open a small confectionery store (30 sq. m) in one of the densely populated residential areas of a provincial town to sell sweets, cookies, pastries, cakes and baked goods from domestic producers.


To own a confectionery shop, you can register both as an individual entrepreneur and as an LLC. If you are just starting a business, it is better to register as individual entrepreneur and pay tax according to a unified system.

Be sure to find out what requirements of the Sanitary Service, Rospotrebnadzor, Fire Service and other government organizations must be met in order to open a candy store.

You will also have to conclude a number of contracts (for garbage removal, for disinfection and disinfestation, etc.), take care of the fire alarm, and issue sanitary certificates for your sellers.


The area of ​​the premises you choose should be optimal in all respects: not be too large so that you don’t go broke on rent, but not so small as to create inconvenience for the client.

Some confectionery shops can hardly even be called shops.

These are rather stalls where a lot of confectionery products are crammed, which buyers do not even have the opportunity to properly examine.

The optimal area is 30–40 square meters. m.

We have already said that you need to open such a business in a place with high traffic in order to increase the number of casual customers.

You don't need to spend a lot of money on renovations.

It is enough to paint the walls a neutral color, make the floors from a material that is easiest to clean, and have normal lighting so that customers can look at the sweets even in the dark.


In order to present your products to customers in the most favorable light, you need to purchase the following equipment for a candy store:
Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:100,000 rub.
Shelves and racks for sweets stored in boxes
30 000
Refrigerator display for sweets that need to be stored at low temperatures
30 000
Cash machine
10 000
Other30 000


To earn as much as possible, confectionery stores must work seven days a week according to a schedule, for example, from 8.00 to 20.00, which means two shifts of sellers are needed.

At first, for a small establishment, 1 seller per shift is enough, but after promotion, think about hiring additional sellers so that the shift consists of two people.

You'll also need at least one cleaner, because it's very difficult for salespeople to balance customer service with cleaning the store.

The services of an accountant and manager can be performed by the owner.

Product range

It’s not enough just to open a candy store; you need to make sure that the range of sweets sold in it satisfies the tastes of all customers.

To begin with, it is enough to offer customers 50–70 options of sweets, among which must be:

  • bakery products (donuts, croissants, buns, sweet croutons, etc.) – 10 options;
  • cookies and waffles – 15 options;
  • cakes and pastries – 10 options;
  • candies (chocolate and caramel) – 20 options;
  • other – 10–15 options.

Constantly research the tastes of your customers in order to formulate a range of products according to their wishes.

Without regret, remove from sale those sweets that are not selling well and add something new.

How much does it cost to open a candy store?

A confectionery store is one of those startups that does not require large capital investments to launch.

To open a shop, for which we are drawing up a business plan, it is enough to have 400,000 rubles.

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:400,000 rub.
Registration20 000
Renovating the premises where you want to open a store100 000
Purchase of equipment100 000
Purchase of the first batch of goods100 000
Advertising20 000
Additional expenses60 000

In addition to one-time financial injections, you will have monthly expenses, without which the operation of a candy store is impossible:

We invite you to watch a video,

about how a confectionery shop works and what is needed to open it:

Possible profit of a candy store

So, we calculated that the starting investment in our conventional confectionery store will be about 400,000 rubles, and monthly expenses will be about 150,000 rubles.

But how quickly can we get our money back?

Experts say that the payback period for a candy store can be either 3 months or 1 year.

It all depends on whether you can:

  • find a good place to open your shop;
  • competently formulate a product range;
  • find low-cost suppliers;
  • reduce the amount of capital investment, etc.

Let’s say you purchased goods for 100,000 rubles and put an average markup on it (we’re talking about averages, because the markup is different groups goods differs and can range from 30% to 80%) to 60%.

The amount of earnings is 160,000 rubles.

If you can sell the purchased goods in a month, you will earn only 10,000 rubles, because about 150,000 thousand will go to cover mandatory expenses.

This means that you need to strive to increase sales figures and do everything to sell the purchased goods in 2 weeks or less.

If we take average data, the owners of confectionery stores earn from 20,000 to 60,000 net rubles per month.

These are quite good indicators to interest businessmen in the topic “ How to open a candy store?».

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Opening a store selling candy is a pretty promising business idea. Firstly, this type of product is in stable demand, and secondly, such a store can pay for itself very quickly. In order for a retail outlet to operate smoothly and make a profit, the main thing is to properly organize the business at the initial stages and provide for all the nuances.

Registration and organization of business

To register a business that runs a candy store, one of two forms of ownership is suitable:

To register a store, you must contact the local Federal Tax Service inspectorate and provide the appropriate application for in the prescribed form. To register as an individual entrepreneur, it is enough to submit:

  • passport;
  • a receipt with a stamp indicating payment of the state duty.

If an LLC is registered, then it is necessary to provide constituent documentation, including a decision on the formation of the authorized capital ( required condition). Also, before starting work, you must register your organization with extrabudgetary funds.

Required Documentation

To operate a candy store, you must have the following list of documents:

  • certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • trade permit from Rospotrebnadzor and SES;
  • conclusion from the fire service on compliance of the conditions with all safety standards;
  • forms of concluded agreements with organizations for the removal of solid waste and carrying out disinfection and deratization;
  • health records for personnel.

No special licenses are required for this type of activity; the main thing is to equip the premises and organize trade in accordance with SanPiN standards. The list of documents required for trading may vary depending on the region where the store is opened, so it is better to check it in advance with local authorized bodies.

The premises and its location

The premises for a candy store can be purchased as property or issued for a long-term lease. The second option is more suitable for beginning businessmen, since not everyone has large amounts of funds for a one-time purchase. When choosing a room for organization retail with sweets, it is important to consider the following conditions:

  1. The store area should allow for display windows, shelving and a counter, as well as a hall for customers.

    The best option An area of ​​at least 50 square meters is considered. m.

  2. The premises must comply with sanitary and fire safety standards, but at the same time, you should not chase an expensive and complex interior, which will not contribute in any way to the growth of sales volumes.
  3. The main thing is that the room is clean, bright and free of foreign odors, which will allow customers to feel comfortable in the store.

As for the location of the future candy store, it is recommended to place the point in areas with high traffic, but with the condition that there are no grocery supermarkets and hypermarkets nearby. They trade similar products, but at a higher price low prices, which a small retail store cannot afford. Places along the road to kindergarten or a school, near public transport stops, as well as on the territory of a shopping center.


In addition to finding premises for the smooth operation of the store, you need to take care of high-quality equipment, the mandatory list of which includes:

  • racks;
  • shelves;
  • showcases;
  • refrigerator that maintains a certain temperature;
  • counter;
  • scales;
  • chairs for sellers;

Assortment and purchasing

The store’s assortment must be selected depending on its location and based on the status of potential buyers. Over time, it is recommended to change it, removing rarely purchased types of candy, and adding new items. Sample list Product varieties of a small candy store may consist of the following items:

  1. About 100 species chocolates.
  2. About 30 types of caramels.
  3. About 30 types of chocolates in boxes.
  4. Several types of chocolate.
  5. Several types of loose and packaged marmalade and marshmallows.

The modern market for the sale of sweets is ready to offer a huge selection of wholesale suppliers of products.

The main thing is to select trusted companies that have reviews and a positive reputation.

As a rule, these are regional representative offices of large and reliable candy production companies. After selecting suitable suppliers, contracts are concluded with them, which stipulate the terms and conditions for delivery of products to the store.


To organize a small candy store you will need to hire the following employees:

As for the duties of the manager, at first the entrepreneur himself will be able to perform them. It is not necessary to hire an accountant, you can contact similar services to special companies. But sellers need to be employed under a formal contract; it is best if they are women who have experience selling similar products.


Any business activity opened from scratch needs promotion, even if the issue concerns a store selling food products. To save a little on advertising for a candy store, it is recommended to place it in places with large crowds of people, but you will still have to decorate your establishment with colorful posters, stickers and signs. They will communicate the type of products sold in the store, highlight it from other stores and attract customers with their brightness.

  1. Placing advertisements in local press and radio.
  2. Distribution of special booklets and business cards.
  3. Dissemination of information on city Internet forums.
  4. Placing advertisements and banners on social networks.

Financial component of business

The sale of confectionery products is a fairly developed area of ​​trade in the modern market. But despite the intense competition, any interested entrepreneur with a certain amount of funds can enter this market niche.

In order to make a stable profit from a candy store in the future, it is important to take into account not only organizational issues at the stage of its design, but also to carry out calculations of the main economic indicators: the cost of opening and maintaining, the amount of future income and the payback period.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The cost of opening a candy store will depend on several indicators. First of all, it depends on how the premises will be acquired (purchase or rent), its area, as well as the planned range of products. To open small store area 50 sq. m., provided that it is leased, the amount of initial investment will be about 500 thousand rubles. It will include costs:

When compiling financial plan it is also necessary to take into account that during the work point of sale Regular mandatory payments will appear, including:

  1. Rent and wages.
  2. Contributions to extra-budgetary funds.
  3. Communal payments.
  4. Purchase of the next batch of goods, etc.

The amount of current expenses of the candy store will be approximately 150 thousand rubles per month.

Amount of future income

As a rule, the markup on candy products sold through small Retail Stores, can vary between 30 – 80% depending on its type. Let's assume that the store has set an average markup of 50% of the wholesale price, and in one month of operation it manages to sell up to 80% of the purchased batch of goods. Then the amount of his monthly revenue will reach 180 thousand rubles.

Payback period

As a result minimum amount the profit of a small candy store will be about 30 thousand rubles per month or about 360 thousand rubles per year. Even with such indicators, it can be determined that the initial investment in such a business will pay off within 16-17 months of the store’s operation. But given that the store will develop, the number of customers will gradually increase, the amount of its revenue will increase, and, therefore, the payback period will decrease.

Opening a store selling candy is a promising business that can bring its owner a good profit. Of course, to start such a business activity, you will need significant start-up capital. In addition, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on registering and organizing a business. But, if you find a good location, then all this will quickly pay off due to constant flow customers and stable revenue.

We have already touched on business ideas in the field of confectionery several times, and today we will talk about another one. Why are they so popular? Almost everyone loves sweets, and tea without candy or gingerbread isn’t the same. It is the high demand that allows entrepreneurs to make decent money selling sweet products. In today's article we will talk about how to open a business selling candy in your city and look at the main pitfalls of this niche.

Business format

Candy retailing can be done in three main ways. Which one to choose is up to you to decide; we will give our recommendations, but you will act at your own discretion, especially if your budget allows.

1. This is a trade in sweets in a market with a wide selection of goods. The most promising topic for beginners, and investments in business will be recouped much faster, plus the initial capital may be significantly lower, since you will not need to pay huge sums for renting premises. At the market, you rent a kiosk, tent or counter in a pavilion and pay for the rent of this place for a small amount.

2. This is the rental of a full-fledged store in which you can arrange the entire assortment and create the stylistic design you need. This business option is already more expensive and there are already certain requirements for the store in which you trade. Firstly, these are permits, we will talk about them below, and secondly, this is the size of the room, preferably from 15 sq.m. Since you will have to place them on racks great amount boxes of candy, then it will be inconvenient for you to work in a smaller room. Another unspoken requirement is the favorable location of the outlet. This should be a passable place, or a large one shopping mall or a room near the market. It is this factor that will determine whether your trade will work or not.

3. Street trading sweets. This is a kiosk format in shopping arcades near the metro or other public transport stops. Shop windows and signs are placed on the street. The location should be passable, this is especially true near universities in big cities.

All formats of this business work successfully, you can choose one of them and start your own business.

Trade equipment

Selling candy is quite convenient, since the equipment you will need is shelving, often wooden or glass. Next are several counters with glass display cases, cash machine, and, of course, scales. This is the main thing you need to open a store.

Additional accessories: bags (paper and plastic), gift wrap, disposable gloves.

Also, do not forget about organizing a workplace for the seller.

Candy trading rules

To open a store selling candy from scratch, you will need to obtain all permits and documents.

Required documents:

  • you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • indicate OKVED for trade in sweets. For Russia - 52.24.2 -Retail trade of confectionery products and 52.24.22 -Retail trade in sugary confectionery products, including chocolate. For Ukraine - 46.36 Wholesale sugar, chocolate and confectionery.
  • obtain permission from the SES and fire inspectorate.
  • have in hand all the certificates for the quality of the products sold in your store.
  • decorate the buyer's corner.

Product range and suppliers

Before opening a candy and cookie store, you will need to analyze the assortment and create a complete price list of the products you plan to sell, after which you can search for suppliers. Here is a basic list of products sold at such outlets.

  • caramel, lollipops;
  • dragee, iris;
  • candies, glazed and unglazed;
  • grilled food;
  • jelly;
  • souffle;
  • with fruits and nuts;
  • bars;
  • waffle;
  • marmalade;
  • waffles, gingerbreads, cookies, puff pastries, muffins, straws and more.

In fact, the assortment of the candy store is very extensive and, if desired, it can be constantly expanded with additional product items, including various baked goods.

Now let's talk about where it is profitable to buy sweets for trading. Firstly, this wholesale markets. There, as a rule, you will find a wide range of products from different manufacturers. If you work with wholesalers, you can get good discounts on goods. Secondly, this sales representatives confectionery companies that deliver products directly to your store. They often also offer good prices, but the point is that they represent one manufacturer company. You can combine these two methods and develop the ideal format for your business.

How much money do you need to invest at the start?

You need to start with small volumes and then expand your business. To answer the question: is it expensive to open a small store + with candies? We can say that even with minimal capital you can start. Below we will describe approximate investments for this type of store. Of course, if you have a solid starting capital, you can immediately invest a large amount.

  • Room rental – $250 – $300
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods – $4000 – $5000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$1000 – $1800
  • Sign, price tags and other advertising paraphernalia - $150
  • Transport costs - $60.

How much income can you expect?

You can calculate your approximate income in more detail when drawing up a business plan for a store selling sweets and cookies, but we will only show you the basic markup on the product. Since this is a business idea, and not a ready-made implementation solution, this figure will be enough to assess the prospects.

The average markup on sweets is 20% - 40%.

Conclusions. This candy trading business is perfect for both big cities and small towns. This product is in constant demand and can be an excellent niche for a budding businessman. We advise opening either a retail outlet on the market, or a small store or department with its subsequent development.

What do you think about this? We are waiting for your thoughts in the comments.

How to open a candy store? What are the key nuances that a new entrepreneur needs to keep in mind? What determines the profitability of a retail outlet and business prospects?

Sweets shop: nuances

How to open a retail outlet selling sweet products? By and large, this procedure is no different from the process of launching any other type of business in the food retail sector. The only one important nuance– storage conditions of the goods.

Some types of sweets (chocolate or, for example, jam) may require purchase special types refrigerators. Therefore, in some cases, a business plan for a candy store should include an expense item for the purchase of special types of equipment for storing food.

People buy sweets, cakes and cookies to treat themselves or to create a positive atmosphere at the table at home. Therefore, a store that sells sweets must correspond to the spirit of positive emotions.

The effect can be achieved, for example, through a bright, positive interior with original drawings. Buyers purchasing goodies at a retail outlet that knows how to inspire good mood, they remember such places well and return here with joy.

Location factor

It is very important to position the candy store correctly. The business plan for this establishment should include a short analytical report on the area where the outlet will be located. Some marketers believe that it is best to open a sweets store near markets, recreation parks, shopping or entertainment centers. An alternative is accommodation in an area built up with high-rise residential buildings. In general, you need to open a store where there is a lot of customer traffic.

However, in addition to this rule, which is typical for most types of business, there is one more factor that stands apart, and it is specific specifically for the sale of sweets: in the area where the outlet is located, there must be a resident the target audience buyers. It is unlikely that high sales of cookies and sweets will be observed in the industrial areas of the city. In turn, areas where there are many schools, nightclubs, and kindergartens are optimal for such a business.

Scale factor

The business plan for a candy store will include such a parameter as the area of ​​the store. There are a few marketing strategies regarding him. Firstly, you can open a small retail outlet and incur minimal costs for its maintenance.

The profit will be relatively small due to low sales volumes. Secondly, you can open a store with large resources in terms of space, with a varied assortment, and extract large revenues, however, the costs of maintaining such a retail outlet will be high.

The entrepreneur, therefore, will have to look for the “golden mean”: either he has a large profit at considerable costs, or he has a modest profit at minimal costs. You need to look at what the net “profit” will be in both cases and, based on this, select the optimal strategy. Some marketers believe that when choosing a format for doing business on a large scale, that is, choosing option number two, there is a better chance of withstanding the competition.

According to recipes from the East

In some cases, a candy store may contain own production goods sold. In this case, one of the premises houses a full-fledged confectionery shop. IN last years Sweets of oriental origin are becoming popular in Russia. Take, for example, Turkish delight: this Turkic dish does not require scarce ingredients, and at the same time it is liked by many gourmets.

The production of most types of oriental sweets is a fairly simple process, since in the countries of origin of these dishes, recipes have existed for several centuries and have not changed with the advent of any technology.

Accordingly, you can prepare them almost at home (and this is especially good for those entrepreneurs who have chosen strategy number one - working at a modest scale of the outlet). To prepare the same Turkish delight, all you need is water, starch, sugar, as well as something for taste (jam, syrup or freshly squeezed juice), as an addition - nuts.

Starting a business

Having drawn up a business plan for a sweets store, the entrepreneur moves on to the stage of its practical implementation. There are several key points here. Firstly, these are relationships with product suppliers. It is necessary to analyze how rational the choice of a certain candy or confectionery factory will be for business.

Secondly, there is an inflationary component in relation to expenses. We need to make sure that, say, an increase in rental prices either does not happen at all or goes at a predictable pace. The same goes for staff salaries. In Russia, the level of remuneration for employees in the retail segment (just like in the bakery and confectionery industry) has not yet reached its ceiling, and it will inevitably increase over the course of several years.

Thirdly, it is necessary to optimize the reporting process to tax authorities and other government agencies so that paperwork does not interfere with the main business and does not take up time. A candy store business plan often does not include these three factors, and the entrepreneur has to learn the nuances of the work through practice.

Sweets have long been identified as a separate niche in the food market segment. This happened primarily due to the number of manufacturers, the products themselves in the range and the ability to supply such products from Europe, America or eastern countries. You've probably noticed that now sweet products are presented in a separate segment of the store, and often a seller is assigned to this area.

In this article, we will look at how to open a candy store in your city and what basic steps you will need to go through to do this.

Pros and cons of business

Let's highlight both the positive and negative aspects of this business.

The advantages include:

  • high demand for products.
  • a wide selection of products from different manufacturers.
  • the ability to start in almost any locality.
  • relatively small initial investment.
  • high competition, not only among private stores, but also large grocery chains.
  • low markup on goods.
  • shelf life of products. If we talk about baked goods or cakes, then you need to sell these products in just a few days.

These are the main points and if they suit you, then you can try to start working in this direction.


In order to conduct a legal business selling sweets, you need to obtain all documents and permits from inspection services.

Here's what you'll need:

  • open IP.
  • indicate OKVED for the activity. For Russia this is code 52.11, 52.2. For Ukraine – 47.
  • recruit staff.
  • Employees must have medical records.
  • obtain quality certificates for products from suppliers.
  • enter into a lease agreement for the premises.
  • obtain permission from the SES and fire service.
  • decorate the buyer's corner.

This is the main package of documents. To approach this issue competently, we recommend seeking help from an experienced lawyer; he will help draw up all the documents and advise where any questions arise.

Location and premises

Firstly, the main and probably the most important fact when starting a sweets business is trading place. An excellent option would be a bunch grocery store with a “delicious products” department. This is the mode in which many entrepreneurs operate.

Among the options for finding places to rent, you can consider: shopping malls with grocery departments, children's entertainment centers, amusement parks, grocery stores.

You should look for a room with an area of ​​about 10 – 25 sq.m. This is quite enough to place small showcases and display products. Plus, preferably, the presence of a small storage space. The rent will be $300 - $1000, it all depends on the region in which you plan to work.


The second point is the selection of equipment for a business selling sweets. Here it is important to combine counters and glass containers to give a presentable look for display cases.

The main equipment includes:

  • stands for product display;
  • counter with compartments for products;
  • stands and equipment for selling milk and oxygen cocktails;
  • juicer;
  • refrigerator for ice cream and yoghurt;
  • electronic balance;
  • cash machine.

The total cost of equipment for a retail outlet with an area of ​​15 - 25 sq.m. will be about $4600 - $7500.

Pay special attention to the lighting of display cases and shelves with sweets. Proper lighting can significantly improve appearance your store and increase sales.


When compiling an assortment, you will need to conduct a whole research in order not only to carry the most popular goods, but also to present something unique in order to distinguish yourself from competitors. For example, when opening a store, many allocate shelf segments for products from Europe, America or oriental sweets. People often come to you for such products and, in addition, they always take related products. In addition, using this method on you, word of mouth will work well, since you will be recommended to acquaintances and friends. Another example is the department of healthy sweets made from natural products no chemicals. Such an assortment can be offered in a large city, since the price tag for the products is quite high. But the topic is relevant due to the growing popularization of a healthy lifestyle.

From the classic assortment we can highlight:

  • candies (chocolate, caramel, jelly, etc.);
  • chocolates and chocolate bars;
  • candies in boxes (various price segments);
  • products by weight (wafers, cookies, cakes, dragees, etc.);
  • gelatin products;
  • ice cream and yoghurts;
  • from drinks: juices, fresh drinks, oxygen cocktails, sweet water.

Today, there are a huge number of different manufacturers of sweet products, so finding suitable ones is not difficult. Pay special attention to the quality of the product; it should always be at its best.

Also, monitor the freshness of all products daily - this is the key to the success of this business idea. Your target customers will often be children, so by selling stale goods, parents will provide you with bad publicity and it will be very difficult to restore your reputation.

Product suppliers

If you have your own vehicle, then you can easily go to wholesale markets and purchase products yourself. Otherwise, if there is no such opportunity, or you are far from regional centers, where wholesale food markets are located, you need to think about cooperation with sales representatives.

In the future, if sales volumes of sweet products grow, you can go directly to manufacturers and buy products at an even better price, increasing your earnings from the business. The same pastries or cakes can be purchased from local entrepreneurs who are engaged in this line of business.


For the normal functioning of your store, you will need sellers. At least two of them are needed, with a shift work schedule. Salary should be set in the form of a small salary and a percentage of the profit received.

Sellers will need to register and pay a monthly tax for them.

Since most products in this segment are sold by weight, in this case, look at the speed of customer service, as we know, no one likes to wait. A slow seller can bring you losses, so constantly monitor the process itself and, if necessary, look for new personnel.


Marketing promotions can be divided into two main types: classic and original. The first type includes: a bright sign, leaflets with discounts, an advertising stand near the store, etc. Original approaches include: tasting of sweets, free juice with a purchase of a certain amount, etc. This works well and will help attract more customers to your store.

How much is this business worth?

Already at the stage of drawing up a business plan for a candy store, you will be able to calculate investments in the business and predict profits. We will try to help you with this.

Starting investments:

  • purchase of equipment - $4600
  • documentation – $300
  • corporate identity – $250
  • initial purchase of products – $6000

Monthly expenses:

  • room rental – $400
  • utilities – $40
  • taxes – $120
  • salary – from $200 per employee.
  • Product replenishment – ​​$3500 – $3900
  • advertising – $20
  • transportation costs – $60

To save on start-up capital, you can buy used equipment, or at the beginning of the business, work as a salesperson yourself, and when the store is up and running, hire staff.

How much can you earn?

From one small candy store you can have a net income of about $1000 - $1200. Of course, these numbers are not as impressive as we would like, but still they are stable business on long years, since the popularity of sweets is unlikely to ever fall.

Business payback is 9 – 12 months.

Conclusions. We showed you an approximate path to opening your own sweets store, and provided some calculations on whether it is profitable for you to start or not, based on the level of competition and the availability of suitable premises for this business. The demand for these products is high and if you do everything correctly, you can make good money.

Do you have experience in this niche? We look forward to your feedback and recommendations below.