How to make money from scratch selling flowers for the holidays. How to make money from scratch selling flowers for the holidays How to make money on mimosa by March 8

We associate spring, first of all, not only with the awakening of nature, but also with international women's day - March 8. If we recall history, this day has become a symbol of the independence and freedom of women. And where, if not in business, can a woman become independent and free? the site offers you to get acquainted with interesting business ideas for real and free women!

Our opinion is that a woman in business achieves great success, regardless of her occupation and field of activity. This is facilitated, in the good sense of these words, by female stubbornness and perseverance. Women always achieve their goals! And they achieve it much faster if they are not disturbed. Yes, even if you interfere, it turns out a little slower, but much brighter, to spite Yulka from the next door. To be honest, I would like to look at this “daredevil” who risked standing between a woman and her goal.

A woman shows her best qualities - determination, leadership, patience, prudence - not only in business, but also in everyday life. Think for yourself, for example, who would agree to endure a rather long and painful hair removal procedure? And, most importantly, for what?

But women can. They can do anything! Including starting a successful business. They would have interesting ones. And if they don’t have it, then they will definitely find it, for example, with us!


The beauty industry has become golden and very profitable thanks to women's desire to look better. Perhaps one of the most popular ideas for women’s business is hair extension.

A procedure that can be learned in a few days and does not require major equipment. And the demand generated in this niche is stable and capacious. There are enough clients for everyone - both salons and private masters.


This idea of ​​women's business is hundreds of years old. And we are confident in its future - demand will be constant. This means that offers of depilation services will find their clients.

One of the popular methods of depilation is sugaring. Removing hairs with sugar paste. In this area of ​​business, you can make money from depilation with sugaring, as well as from the production of this paste. No equipment required, ingredients available. A few hours of free time - and you are in a successful business.


Manicure is another pillar of female beauty. Shapes, colors and types of manicure are at the forefront of fashion trends and seasons. There are a huge variety of means and methods for enhancing the beauty of women’s nails. There are also many masters in this women's business. At the same time, demand does not decrease.

Manicure is an “endless” form of income for women, if you approach it with a rolling pin. Sorry - be smart! Everything should be beautiful. Entry into this business is also minimal in cost, like previous ideas. Every fashionista who takes care of herself visits a manicurist once every 2-3 weeks. That is, high-quality services quickly acquire regular customers. This is the main secret of this simple business.


Russia is one of the world's consumers of fresh cut flowers. Annual consumption is estimated at 1.77 billion pieces. And this is only for large suppliers, excluding small ones. In reality, this market is even more capacious, according to flower business experts.

It is in Russia that women are given a huge number of bouquets. Unfortunately, these statistics do not reflect the uniformity of coverage of all women, and there are unfortunate excesses - for some, all flowers, and for others, only ice cream...

In any case, on the main women's holiday, few women will escape this wonderful fate. In just one day - March 8 - flower shops are able to generate revenue comparable to seasonal earnings. Flower business is very profitable.


One of the popular areas of business is the marriage business. Many single women dream of making their own destiny. Disillusioned with their compatriots, they turn their attention to foreign suitors.

And here a huge field for earning money arises, for example, you can help them find foreign men and correspond with them. That is, to act as an intermediary-translator. Or organize your own marriage agency specializing in foreign dating. Without any sedition, of course.

Why is this a women's business? Think for yourself - would a woman trust her heartfelt secret to a man?

Read more:


The miracle of nature is the birth of new life. And women rightfully possess this miracle. Before the birth of a child, many women think about what to do on maternity leave? Earn money with minimal effort and little income.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with this type of women’s business. Or you can open a store for pregnant women - that’s also a stable business.

Read more:


Exactly everything that real geishas knew in the past is now in the trend of modern business. Teach a woman to be feminine and you will make money from it.

Congratulations to lovely women on March 8th!

Our dear ladies, always remain beautiful and cheerful, be a real decoration of our lives. Because... no one but you, believe us, can’t do without you!

Only a real woman makes a man real. Or, as the famous quote says - Behind the success of a great man there is always a real woman! And it is true!

Our beloved mothers, sisters, wives and, simply, girls! It is on this day that you will learn the whole truth about yourself. See how they treat you - with tenderness and love! Therefore, we wish you to experience such feelings every day!

Hi people! Have you asked me to tell you how to make millions? I am ripe for the transfer of experience. Understand what you need for a flower business and start taking action!

How the flower trading business developed

The hottest time in terms of trade in fresh flowers occurs at the beginning of spring. We prepared for this in advance: I borrowed 100 thousand rubles against the security of a car, and my partner invested about 200 thousand. To realize the idea of ​​selling tulips in bulk by March 8, we had to attract investors in the form of friends and relatives.

We sold some of the goods in large quantities, and kept the rest of the flowers for resale.

Why tulips and not roses? There were 2 factors that were decisive:

  1. Rose is a year-round flower, more expensive and capricious. Tulips are associated with spring.
  2. The partner has greenhouses near Novosibirsk, where his mother grows up to 100 thousand tulips.

Where to look for suppliers of fresh flowers

Finding suppliers can take a long time. Among hundreds of outbids on the Internet, you need to find those who will lead directly to greenhouses. It was easier for us because our partner’s mother had a greenhouse, but the number of flowers growing there was not enough. To make your flower business as profitable as possible by March 8, you need a lot of tulips.

Try to negotiate an installment plan with the supplier. We did it like this:

  1. We entered into an agreement with investors, and they gave us money to buy flowers.
  2. We agreed with the greenhouse owners on a minimum price and so that it would not suddenly increase before the final payment.
  3. We made a 50% advance payment.
  4. The remaining balance was paid after shipment and sale of part of the goods.

We have been working with our suppliers for several years, and there have been no problems since the beginning of cooperation.

How is the product sold?

We purchase the first batch every year on February 12th. Valentine's Day is also exciting. Take this into account, those deciding how to make money on flowers on February 14th.

We advertise on Avito, Yula and similar free message boards on the Internet. Ours works well. People see not no-names, but an active online community, so they are loyal and willingly order flowers.

I’ll also share a notable fail. We created a website, and incoming orders for tulips were sent to spam. We learned about this on the eve of International Women's Day. How much money is lost... Advice: trust the professionals to set up and launch your website.

As a result, ⅔ of clients came from ad platforms, and the rest came from a group on VK.

They sold retail from cars. We parked our own cars in a walk-through area where it was convenient to park. Usually they chose intersections. From a permanent point in a residential area, the partner managed to sell up to 2,500 tulips.

What varieties of tulips are best to buy for sale?

To reduce the risk of burning, we take 4-5 varieties of flower. The majority of our clients sell tulips from cars; there is not enough variety there. Therefore, we take what is in stock from the supplier. Here is the answer to the question of which flowers sell best on March 8th.

Over 50% of the lot was a red tulip, the rest of the flowers were of a different color. An extra-class variety measures 40-70 cm in length, and the bud is from 3 to 6 centimeters. In order not to be left with one variety of tulips, during resale they tried to give 500 red flowers for every 1000.

Possible risks for sellers when selling flowers

No business is risk-free, and selling flowers is no exception. What we had to face:

  • one client did not like the flowers he bought from us in the amount of 10 thousand pieces, and he returned them back. They gave the money, but didn’t end up with any money left, having resold it with a profit of 80 thousand rubles;
  • The supplier did not have white tulips. The flowers did not have time to ripen, but there were many people willing to buy them. I had to get it in a neighboring city.

Our friends, who also sell flowers wholesale, did not manage to sell out about 5,000 tulips during the holidays. They managed to sell some of the leftovers to flower shops, and the rest dispersed after the holiday. People bought it as a gift for their bosses or simply wanting to please their loved ones.

Do I need a permit to trade from the city administration?

I will say right away that we did not apply for permission to sell flowers. To prevent the police from guessing, it is better not to mark cars with price tags. Our girls walked around with posters, and tulips stood in boxes on the roof. Only a test purchase can reveal such a scheme.

During the entire period of trading, we received a fine only once, and that was for parking in the wrong place. Why did this happen? If you fine for illegal trade, you need to confiscate the goods. Perishable flowers cannot be preserved, and they don’t want to deal with that. Although now they have taken entrepreneurs seriously. they can get to the bottom of it.

Additional channels for selling tulips

Until now, we have managed to get by with wholesale and direct sales. But considering flowers on March 8th as a business, it is better to try more channels. We did not have enough time to deliver tulips, but requests were received regularly. We'll decide something.

You can earn a hefty margin by calling companies where many women work - beauty salons, fitness clubs and the like.

They did not deliver to other cities. but clients came from there themselves and bought flowers from us.

Future plans based on sales results this year

We will look for more suppliers and attract additional investors. The purchased flowers ran out on the evening of March 7, and unprocessed requests were discovered in spam on the website at the same time. We could have earned 200-300 thousand more, but there was no time to search for new tulips.

Next year we are negotiating with suppliers from Moscow, the flowers there are of good quality and cheaper than everywhere else. I moved to the capital and am breaking into the local channels for buying and selling flowers. Then the tulips will travel in two directions - Yakutia and Novosibirsk.

One of my friends started with this mini. There is such a day in the year - March 8th. On this day, half the country buys flowers, alcohol and candy like crazy. And the other part of people thinks how to make money from this.

It is extremely difficult not to sell flowers on this day.

A few days before the holiday, you need to find flower shops on the Internet. Draw a rough map of the city. Determine where there are “empty” places. There will most likely be no empty places at all, you need to choose places where there are fewer flower shops, there will probably be queues there, and people really don’t like standing in queues... It’s also worth taking a closer look at places with high foot traffic: near large supermarkets, in the center city, near markets.

When the places are selected, you need to see them with your own eyes, try on where you can stand. In almost every city there are “illegal mini markets”, places where some people just regularly stand without any licenses or paying for a trading space. Most often these are grandmothers: they sell clothes, seeds, flowers, honey... Give preference to such places, people in this area have already developed the habit of “buying here”.

Determine how much money you are willing to spend on this business.

Select at least 10 flower shops, call them, and find out at what price they are willing to give you flowers if you immediately take a batch from them for the amount of money available to you. Here it’s worth being impudent and asking for even more money. Even if they refuse to discount more, they certainly won't change their mind about selling at the regular price. Remember, they are actually very interested in selling as much as possible.

Then you need to find a small table that will serve as your counter. On day X we go to the intended place. From lunch until sunset there will be practical sales training.

The average price of a bouquet of flowers at retail in Moscow is 500-1000 rubles. Let's say you manage to sell 10 bouquets with a markup of 100 rubles. Then your income per day will be 10,000 rubles. How much do you earn per day now?

You can share your plans with friends who are also interested in the topic of “own business.”

Together you can purchase more flowers, which means you can get a big discount from the supplier. The money earned can be used for other business projects.

The special beauty of this real business idea is that one person will definitely be happy on this day, it is a win-win. Either you will be contentedly counting your profits, or in the evening you will flood your other half with unsold goods!

Selling tulips on March 8 is a great way to earn decent money in just a few days. But in order for this business enterprise to meet your expectations, you need to be properly prepared. The most important thing is to buy quality flowers from a reliable supplier, but no less important is to organize their sale correctly.

Especially for beginners in this business, we have compiled a list of recommendations based on personal experience. And here you can buy tulips in bulk for your business at the most attractive price.

When to start selling and how much can you earn?

It is worth understanding that bouquets for the holiday are bought not only for other halves and relatives, but also for colleagues or partners. This creates 2 waves of demand.

The first of them falls on March 5-6, when flowers are bought mainly by organizations to congratulate their employees.

The second wave – March 6-8 – these days account for the main peak of sales. It would be more correct to start selling flowers in advance on the 5th or 6th. We also recommend contacting various offices and organizations in advance and offering them to buy flowers for the holiday.

Approximate sales volumes by day for one car:

  • 6.03. – the average cost of a flower is 60 rubles, it is realistic to sell about 350 tulips.
  • 7.03. – the price increases to 70 rubles, and the number of tulips sold to 500-700 pcs.
  • 8.03 is the peak of sales, at which the price rises to 80 rubles per piece, and up to 800 tulips can be sold per day.

In general, selling tulips from a car makes it possible to earn up to 80 thousand rubles in 3-4 days. These figures will depend not only on the quality of the purchased tulips, but also on the place of sale. Let us consider in detail all the stages of preparation for selling flowers.

Choosing a place of sale

You need to be especially responsible when choosing a location for your point. Choose crowded areas with high traffic. This could be areas near a metro station, crowded streets or intersections.

Important! Do not sell flowers on private property, such as shopping center parking lots or store areas.

On the pre-holiday days, there is a lot of competition for the sale of flowers, so you need to take a place as early as possible - already at 5-6 in the morning.

How to properly store flowers

For your sales to be successful, flowers must have a presentable appearance. Here are some tips to help ensure it and maintain it for a long time:

  • Our company "SibTulpan" stores tulips in special thermal boxes with thickened walls. And we recommend that you buy flowers only in this packaging. It will protect fragile plants from the cold and will retain warm air inside for a long time.
  • If you pick up a batch of flowers on the eve of sales, leave them overnight on the balcony or in any other room with moderate temperature (from 0 to +15 degrees Celsius). In this case, the box should not be left in a draft or near heating devices.
  • During the sales process, try to maintain a temperature in the car of about +25 degrees. Even taking into account cold air entering the cabin, this will be the best option for preserving the plants.

Preparing flowers for sale

  • Before you start trading, flowers need to be put away for 5 hours. To do this, simply place their stems in water. Important! They must be in the dark. As a result of watering off, the stems should grow a few centimeters and become elastic, and the buds should take on a more saturated color.
  • If a tulip stands in water in a lit room, it will quickly begin to open, and then also reach for the light source. This will cause the stem to begin to bend, and the tulip itself will lose its attractiveness to potential buyers. People usually choose elastic, unopened tulips.
  • Try to attract as much attention to the car as possible. Decorate it with festive banners or balloons. This way you will be seen from afar, and you will also stand out better from your competitors.
  • If possible, sell flowers with a partner. This will make your life much easier. The flow of customers can be very large, and you simply won’t have time to wrap flowers or arrange bouquets alone. Be sure to bring thermoses with warm tea and warm clothes. Don't forget the tools for wrapping flowers: newspapers, scissors, stapler, tape, possibly brightly colored wrapping paper and ribbons.

Now you know how to sell tulips from a car correctly and how to organize this business at all stages!

Despite the fact that the holiday of March 8 - International Women's Day - was invented in the Soviet Union, it is firmly established in many countries today. On this day, many people not only manage to congratulate their women, but also earn good money.

It's no secret that all entrepreneurs look forward to any holidays, as they can make good money. On this day, the demand for services and goods is higher than ever. Those who have had their own business for a long time can predict from past years what people will need on March 8th. Beginners will have to remember what they saw in stores, what they bought as a gift, what was given to them, and figure out which of their goods or services will be in demand on the market before the holiday. So who makes money on International Women's Day and how?

Flower profit

On March 8, the biggest increase can be observed among flower sellers. There are much more sales on this day than on a regular day. People buy both cut flowers and potted flowers.

“We are looking forward to March 8th. We have already begun to prepare little by little, bringing small soft toys, postcards, boxes of chocolates, since clients willingly buy them along with bouquets,” says Olgi M., the owner of a flower shop.

Despite the fact that the competition in this business is enormous, the likelihood of being left without income is extremely low. The fastest and most profitable option would be to purchase several plastic buckets and find students and young people who need to earn money. They gladly agree to temporary part-time jobs, and for little money. Such sellers need to be placed in places where there is a lot of traffic. This could be a business center, stops, shopping centers, metro.

You can buy flowers from wholesalers, but if you approach the flower business quite seriously and in advance, you can grow tulips in your basement or greenhouse. The most popular assortment is all types of roses, chrysanthemums, carnations and tulips. Roses are in greatest demand, chrysanthemums and carnations are easy to care for. The price of one rose wholesale is from 3–5 UAH, retail sales start from 10–15 UAH. a piece. The price of one tulip in retail starts from 5 UAH.

You can sell not only fresh flower bouquets, but also sweet ones. A sweet bouquet is, first of all, originality and exclusivity, which combines both flowers and sweets.

Before you decide to start your own candy and bouquet business, you must understand that your main task will be to bring joy with your bouquets, and for this it is important to make them original, beautiful and always of high quality. Starting price of a sweet bouquet from 150 UAH.

Gift Baskets

In addition to flowers, women's products are in high demand on the eve of women's holiday. And these are perfumes, cosmetics, personal hygiene products, jewelry and costume jewelry. Buying goods and selling is not an option. This requires a creative approach to interest the buyer.

You can make such kits yourself at home. Take and put together several options for gift sets in different price categories. So that the buyer has a choice, since not everyone can afford to buy an expensive gift. To wrap gifts, you can use paper bags or transparent film. Just keep in mind that all this must be done in advance.

You are allowed to add a postcard to the gift set; you can make it yourself. The success of such an idea will depend on your hard work, business and public speaking abilities.

There is always a demand for handmade goods; they are very popular on the eve of the holidays. You can sell your crafts yourself or negotiate with retail outlets and provide the goods for sale, it all depends on your desire.

Making money with balloons

On March 8, you can make good money on balloons. Congratulating a woman with a bouquet of balloons is unusual, sweet, and most importantly, impressive.

On holidays, people are willing to pay a lot of money for balloon arrangements. You can earn about 500 UAH per day.

“I haven't completed any courses. I learned how to twist different shapes out of balloons in one day. First I twisted a dog, then I started making flowers. Now I spend only 25 seconds on one flower. I come up with many compositions myself,” says the balloon seller Vladimir.

You can sell “airy” bouquets in underground passages near the metro, at bus stops, and can also be sold via the Internet. One flower made of oblong balls costs 10 UAH. A composition of balloons in the shape of a bear is valued at 200 UAH.

Earnings from services

Temporary job offers appear between 5 and 9 March. Jobs as a florist assistant, sales assistant in a gift, flower or cosmetics store, as well as couriers are in great demand. On average, the earnings of temporary workers are about 200 UAH. per day, and the working day is about 10 hours.

People who provide services make good money. These are taxi drivers, promoters, waiters, cosmetologists and manicure-pedicure specialists.

If you have a car and a desire to earn extra money, then you will not be left without money. On March 8, it is not prohibited to be on duty near restaurants and clubs. It is on this day that the most people gather there. Young people will be willing to pay a lot of money to get home. You can earn a couple of hundred hryvnia in an evening.

Also on International Women's Day, cafes, bars and restaurants need additional staff, namely waiters. A waiter receives from 120 UAH per shift. plus a generous tip.

Manicure-pedicure and makeup specialists are also not left out on this day. Many masters have long scheduled their entire day by the hour. On this day, women want to be beautiful and irresistible. Therefore, if you know how to cut hair, do makeup and manicure, offer services at home.

Yulia Korniychuk