Pressing sunflower oil. Sunflower oil production is a profitable, waste-free production. Technology for the production of vegetable oils by pressing

Sunflower oil production: feasibility of this type of business + types of sunflower oil + step-by-step plan for implementing a business idea + production technologies + complete list of necessary equipment + detailed analysis of costs and income.

If you want to become a successful businessman in the field of production, but have not yet decided on the direction, we suggest considering a promising industry in this area of ​​​​business - the production of sunflower oil.

Despite the very high competition in this industry, such an enterprise is practically doomed to success. The thing is that sunflower oil is a product that is always popular, and the demand for it is constantly high.

In this article we will look at how profitable such a business can be and what is needed to implement it.

Sunflower oil production: business relevance

The fact that the popularity of the vegetable oil production business in Russia is increasing every year can be judged from the diagram, which clearly demonstrates that the volume of manufactured products is only increasing every year.

At the same time, pay attention to the level of sunflower oil consumption by Russians themselves. It remained at the same level. This suggests that sunflower oil production does not have the only distribution channel (in its homeland). Russian sunflower oil is also exported to foreign countries, and is in great demand there.

Bottled products are mainly exported to Uzbekistan, while liquid products are in great demand in Turkey:

Such a high demand for sunflower oil is due to the fact that it is widely used in a wide variety of industries:

  • Cooking.
  • Production of canned food.
  • Soap making.
  • Medicine.
  • Cosmetology.
  • Production of paints and varnishes.

But the demand for vegetable oil is far from the only reason why many businessmen begin their entrepreneurial activities in this area. The popularity of this business line is also due to the fact that sunflower oil production is a waste-free production.

Let's explain how this can be. The fact is that when processing sunflower seeds, in addition to the oil itself, we also get husks (a product of cleaning the seeds) and cake (a product of oil extraction), which can also be successfully sold for various needs.

And finally, let us note one more important advantage of organizing this business idea: the production of sunflower oil has many nuances that you will encounter as an organizer-entrepreneur, but launching such enterprises will not require special education and skills.

The business quickly pays for itself and, despite numerous competitors, finds markets in all regions of the Russian Federation. You can start such a business with minimal production capacity, gradually increasing the scale.

Having listed many pros and proven that such a business is indeed very feasible these days, let’s move on to the next question.

What are the types of sunflower oil produced?

All enterprises producing oil from sunflower seeds are aimed at producing two main types: refined And unrefined sunflower oils.

The main difference between them is the processing method. If unrefined oil can only be purified mechanically, then refined oil, before reaching the supermarket counter, settles and undergoes the processes of hydration, deodorization and bleaching.

Refined vegetable oil is more popular, since it does not have a pronounced smell or taste, and therefore can be used in any industry.

In addition, we should not forget about sunflower seed processing products, which are also in great demand. Husks, for example, are used as an additive to construction materials, and cake and meal are popular products in the production of pet food.

Having dealt with the main production products, let's talk about organizing an enterprise for the production of vegetable oil.

Step-by-step implementation of a business idea for the production of sunflower oil

Business in this industry, like any other, requires careful preparation before launching an enterprise. We will briefly analyze each of the stages of organizing your own production so that you have an idea of ​​how to build a business in this area.

The plan for organizing a business idea consists of 5 main stages.

Stage 1. Registration of an enterprise.

Before you begin to slowly establish the production process, you need it at a legal level.

Most often, to organize production, a limited liability company (LLC), that is, a legal entity, is registered. But this solution makes sense if you are planning large-scale production. When it comes to a small, “home-based” enterprise, you can also register as an individual entrepreneur (IP).

Detailed registration guidelines can be found on the Federal Tax Service website:

  • (for individual entrepreneurs);
  • (for LLC).

The production of vegetable oil does not require a large number of permits, which greatly simplifies its registration. But do not forget about the mandatory availability of permits from the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological station.

Stage 2. Rent and arrangement of production and warehouse premises.

In order to start manufacturing products, you will need to purchase or rent several premises:

  • First– production area, which is calculated at 40 sq.m. per 1 ton of products manufactured per day.
  • Second– this is a warehouse, the dimensions of which should be 2 times the size of the production part. This is justified by the fact that the storage of sunflower seeds must be treated scrupulously, without placing it in too close a layer.
  • Third- This is a small warehouse for storing husks. Its area is approximately ¾ of the area of ​​the production workshop.

As for the preparation of premises, they must comply with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station, as well as fire safety requirements.

Stage 3. Purchasing equipment and searching for suppliers.

As soon as you find premises, you can. We will analyze what kind of equipment will be needed a little later.

Choosing a supplier of seeds from which you will produce oil is a responsible matter. Finding the latter today is not difficult. If you live outside the city, then most likely you can purchase raw materials directly from local residents. If there are no such suppliers near you, then look for them on the Internet or in newspapers.

The main thing is that the supplied raw materials are of high quality, since the quality of your products will depend on it.

Stage 4. Hiring employees.

Depending on the size of your enterprise, the number of hired employees may vary.

But in any case, this type of business is good because you don’t need many specialists. It is enough to recruit 5-7 technologists and craftsmen who have specialized education. In addition to the latter, your team must include loaders, storekeepers, and an accountant.

Stage 5. Launch of production and sales of products.

When the entire production scheme is established, you can begin work.

You must take care of the sales markets for your enterprise in advance, so that, having received the first batch of products, you immediately begin selling them and begin to cover your costs of creating a business. We will talk about them in detail at the end of this material.

Now that we have a clear plan for organizing our business, let's talk about production technology and the equipment that we will need.

Detailed sunflower oil production technology

Sunflower oil can be produced today in two main ways:

  1. Using screw presses (press method).
  2. By extraction (extraction method).

The difference between the methods is what kind of influence the seeds are subject to.

When processing seeds with screw presses, the oil is squeezed out, after which we get 2 products - oil and cake. Oil obtained in this way is usually called “raw”.

When the extraction method is used, organic solvents are used instead of presses, which help obtain the maximum amount of oil. To produce oil in this way, special equipment is used - an extractor.

In the process of obtaining oil using the second method, we also obtain 2 products: miscella (oil solution in a solvent) and the fat-free remainder of the mass - meal. Next, to obtain the oil, it is necessary to distill off the solvent in a distiller and filter the sunflower oil.

To better understand the entire process of processing seeds to produce sunflower oil, we use a diagram.

First, let's look at the first method of oil production - pressing:

As this simple diagram shows us, the technology for producing sunflower oil using the pressing method is as follows:

  • Sunflower seeds at the initial stage must be cleaned of various types of impurities. This happens with the help of magnetic and sieve separators.
  • Next, the seeds need to be dried thoroughly to reduce their moisture content as much as possible.
  • After this, the grains need to be rolled or, more simply put, crushed. In the process, we obtain a processed product called mint.
  • In order to be able to obtain oil in the future, the mint is subject to heat treatment - first it is doused with steam, and then fried in a roasting pan.
  • Thus, after these actions we get pulp. It is from this that sunflower oil will be pressed. As a result, we will have two products: oil and cake.

As for the extraction method, at the first stages of the technological process, sunflower seeds are amenable to the same types of processing. However, at the final stages of production, instead of using screw presses, extraction is used, that is, dissolving the oil with organic substances.

The first method of producing sunflower oil is undoubtedly more environmentally friendly, but the second option is superior in its efficiency.

That is why many manufacturers use, say, a combined method to obtain sunflower oil: first, the oil is squeezed out in presses, and then the cake is extracted to obtain its maximum volume.

Now, to obtain the final product, sunflower oil will be subject to refining. This process of processing sunflower oil consists of a number of stages that are aimed at maximizing its purification from foreign impurities, getting rid of the characteristic odor and color.

Having understood the production process, we will analyze what equipment will be needed and what its cost will be.

Equipment for the production of sunflower oil

We will analyze the equipment needed to complete the production line based on the production scheme, when the seeds are first pressed and then extracted.

So, the equipment for the production of sunflower oil includes 8 main devices:

Name of equipmentPurposePriceImage
SeparatorTo separate seeds from large impuritiesFrom 40 thousand rubles.
Tumbler-fan machineFrom 70 thousand rubles.
Roller machineFor grinding seeds (to obtain mint)From 400 thousand rubles.
brazierFor heat treatment of mint. There are fire and steam (depending on the type of treatment - heat or steam)Fire - from 75 thousand rubles.
Steam - from 300 thousand rubles.
Screw pressFor oil extractionFrom 600 thousand rubles.
FilterFor filtering pressed oilFrom 80 thousand rubles.
ExtractorTo extract residual oilFrom 500 thousand rubles.
Bottling lineFor pouring oil into containersFrom 700 thousand rubles.

Thus, all the equipment necessary to manufacture the product using the above method will cost approximately 2.5 million rubles. (taking into account that a fire rather than a steam roaster will be purchased).

Let us remind you that prices for equipment may differ depending on the selected manufacturing company and the region of Russia. Also, if you use the press method of seed processing, you can not take into account the cost of purchasing an extractor.

Ultimately, your production line will look like this:

Now is the time to find out what other expenses a novice entrepreneur in this area will incur, and how quickly the enterprise can pay for itself.

Calculating the costs of setting up a business and estimated income

When producing vegetable oil, the following costs must be provided:

  • For registration of business activities – up to 10 thousand rubles.
  • For renting premises - from 50 thousand rubles.
  • For transportation costs - up to 50 thousand rubles.
  • For utilities – up to 35 thousand rubles.
  • For the purchase of equipment - up to 25,000 thousand rubles.
  • To pay wages to employees - from 200 thousand rubles.
  • For advertising – up to 25 thousand rubles.
  • For the purchase of raw materials - from 300 thousand rubles.

The total amount of starting capital for launching your own enterprise in this industry will be from 3.2 million rubles.

This figure assumes that the enterprise will process 5 tons of sunflower seeds per day. You can organize a smaller-scale production, then the amount of material investments will decrease.

Now regarding the payback:

  • By processing 1 ton of raw materials, we obtain 350 liters of product and 650 kg of meal. By selling this product, you can earn approximately 44.5 thousand rubles, investing about 27 thousand rubles in the purchase of the raw materials themselves. In this case, the profit amount will be equal to 17 thousand rubles.
  • This calculation allows us to assume that the payback of the enterprise, depending on its scale, will vary within 1-2 years. Some small businesses manage to recoup their investments within six months.
  • The profitability of business in this area, as a rule, ranges from 7 to 20%.

Production of vegetable oil. What should it be
real tasty vegetable oil?

Crude oil production technology
cold pressed.

Sales markets for manufactured products

As already mentioned, sunflower oil is a product that can be sold in any region, and the demand for it is consistently high.

Most often, the distribution channels for such products include:

  1. Supermarkets.
  2. Small grocery stores.
  3. Food markets.
  4. Restaurants and cafes.

In addition, such goods are also needed in other catering establishments, for example, in canteens, schools, kindergartens, factories and factories. Vegetable oil can also be sold abroad.

The main thing is not to forget about advertising promotion of your brand. You can print advertisements in newspapers, on billboards, and broadcast videos on TV. For large-scale production, it is advisable to involve specialists in promotion.

We analyzed in detail the production of sunflower oil in Russia and considered the most important issues: how the product is produced, what equipment is required for this, and what capital is needed at the start.

As a summary, we note that such a business requires considerable investment + is not the easiest to organize, but it is very popular and profitable. Therefore, if your financial capabilities allow you to think about implementing such an idea, do not put it aside.

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Entrepreneurial activity, the main essence of which is the production of sunflower oil, is today highly popular among many businessmen, regardless of their experience and status.

This is due to the high demand for vegetable oil, which can be classified as an essential product. It is widely used in cooking for dressing salads, frying, and preserving certain foods. In addition, the oil is widely used in other industries: in the production of paint, soap, cosmetics and medicines.

Do you need licenses to open such a business?

Sunflower oil production in its simplest form involves pressing the seeds. This activity is not considered any kind of “super business”. Therefore, in order to start your activity in this area, you will not need various licenses and all kinds of permits. It is possible to start working as an individual by paying certain taxes.

Do not forget about the requirements imposed by sanitary and epidemiological services, fire organizations, water utilities, gas and electricity services. All these numerous organizations verify that the company opened by the entrepreneur is not harmful to health. In addition, it is necessary to follow all technical conditions so that the production of sunflower oil does not lead to less than pleasant consequences.

Waste-free vegetable oil

Vegetable, namely sunflower, oils are non-waste. That is, by-products, the appearance of which entails the release of oil from sunflower and other raw materials in the production process (husks, pulp, and scales), are sold in other production areas.

For example, the husks are used in the production of pellets, a popular pet food, which are pre-pressed into briquettes and supplied to consumers in this form.

One fact should be noted: the production of sunflower oil and its sale is the sphere of activity of small and medium-sized enterprises. This is due to the relatively low initial investment required to start a business. In addition, this type of production is characterized by instant payback.

The Importance of Creating a Business Plan

The technology for producing sunflower oil must be done correctly. A well-written business plan can help with this. It will need to identify all the main points that will be characteristic of this field of activity. It is also important to have a strategy.

And it is desirable that it be step-by-step. The strategy includes the following aspects: volumes of products produced, position of the enterprise, suppliers of raw materials, promising market, as well as the production process, degree of mechanization of the process, advice on hiring and employment requirements. A business plan, in which the production of sunflower oil will be considered in more detail, will allow you to correctly place the initial investment and organize profitable production of products.

Not only oil producers, but also those people who supply oil can make money in this area. They usually get raw materials for free, so for them this business is the most profitable. Despite the fact that there is currently a fairly large number of different oil mills, many novice entrepreneurs can quite easily make a profit from such production.

According to experts, it is possible to recoup all the funds spent on opening an oil production enterprise in about six months. And in some situations this can be done in a shorter time. The main thing is to ensure a stable supply of all necessary raw materials, as well as to establish constant sales of manufactured products. And for this you need to know very well what the sunflower oil production technology includes.

Necessity for renting premises

Creating an enterprise for the production of vegetable oil is quite a labor-intensive task, since you will need to provide for a variety of little things. And one of the important problems that you will have to face in any case is the rental of industrial premises. They are necessary for processing raw materials and for bottling sunflower oil to occur without any problems. The area of ​​such premises will depend on the volume of products produced.

You will also need a workshop in which oil extraction and filtration will take place simultaneously. Naturally, you can rent two premises at once for these processes. However, it will cost much more.

You will need a room in which the cake will be stored. It is worth considering that it is prone to spontaneous combustion. This factor is quite important and must always be taken into account. To check the temperature of this product, a wooden stick is inserted into the cake. The moment it heats up, the products will need to be taken out to the cattle.

Key questions that will arise when starting your own business

The sunflower oil production line, namely its organization, requires finding an answer to two very important questions: where to get the raw materials from and how to sell the resulting products. It should be understood that finding a regular customer is an important component of this business activity. Only with its help can you sell all the products that will be created.

This business will be simpler if the entrepreneur is familiar with the field of trade. Selling oil in such a situation will simply fit into ready-made schemes. It is worth noting that it is not so difficult to find a client for the cake itself, since the demand for it is very high.

Before you open a business to create oil, you will need to find a supplier of seeds. It is best to do this in the autumn. Moreover, the closer the supplier is located to the location of the oil mill, the better.

You should not abandon your own policy if you decide to open an oil mill, for example, in a village. Every effort should be made to create a correct and positive reputation. To do this, you can allocate money to support educational institutions. Then the efficiency of entrepreneurship will double, if not more.

Description of vegetable oil production technology

Sunflower oil is produced in two forms: refined and unrefined. It varies in the degree of purification from impurities. For unrefined oil, only mechanical filtration is provided. Moreover, this type of oil has more valuable and beneficial properties.

Refined oil requires additional purification, including methods such as sedimentation, centrifugation, filtration, sulfate refining, bleaching, hydration, deodorization and freezing. After this treatment, the oil acquires a light shade and its odor is eliminated.

What stages can the technology for creating sunflower oil be divided into?

The entire sunflower oil production technology consists of the following steps:

  1. Sunflower oil production.
  2. Cleaning sunflower seeds from husks by separating them in a special apparatus.
  3. Speleotourism and cleaning of kernels from husks in crusher-winter machines.
  4. Passing sunflower seeds through a roller device and obtaining mint.
  5. The mint goes into a roasting pan, which can be either steam or fire. In addition, fryers may differ from each other in terms of performance and cost.
  6. The processed mint passes to screw presses. The oil obtained after pressing is sent for settling and subsequently mechanical filtration.
  7. The pulp that remains after pressing is sent for extraction into a special machine. Using a solvent, the residual oil extractor is driven through.
  8. The finished product is packaged in a variety of containers, often plastic bottles of varying sizes. This process is carried out on complex lines for bottling vegetable oil.

The quality of manufactured products plays a very high role

Small businesses are characterized by so-called march production, which can occur even if there is only one bag of seeds available. This type of production is also called preliminary oil removal. This scheme is common for those entrepreneurs who have just started their activities.

The processing of mint has the greatest impact on the quality of products, because in the modern world people are concerned not only with the taste of the product, but also with its quality. Many have long understood that light oils are of better quality, and dark oils are harmful, since they contain high levels of carcinogens.

If the temperature in the frying pan is more than one hundred and twenty degrees, essential nutrients including vitamin E will be completely destroyed. Therefore, a sunflower oil filter plays a very important role. Much will depend on his choice.

Use of specialized equipment in production

Screw devices are especially popular in the production of sunflower oil. They provide a sufficiently high temperature through friction. However, it does not rise above 120 degrees. Based on this, we can say that such equipment for the production of sunflower oil does not require any additional fryer.

In addition, the presses available in screw systems are capable of pressing the seeds directly with the husk. Before processing, the seeds will need to be winnowed and passed through a special device called a calibrator. With its help, all unnecessary and large debris will be removed.

Equipment for the production of sunflower oil, such as extruder presses, which operate on the principle of meat grinders, consists of a large number of parts. Among them, the following should be highlighted:

  1. feeding part;
  2. grinding part;
  3. final spin.

What needs to be done with the oil before selling it?

It is recommended to pre-cool the oil obtained by pressing to approximately sixty degrees. If this is not done, it will begin to absorb moisture and oxygen. Accordingly, the quality will deteriorate.

After pressing, the oil is processed. The first two stages of its processing are refining. The oil is refined using various impurities and wax. There are two purification options: the first is sedimentation, the second is filtration. The first method, according to some experts, is the best. The oil settles at an ambient temperature of twenty degrees for seven days.

What are the available filtration methods?

To speed up this process and not fill the room area with a variety of containers, you can simply filter the oil. Pre-filtration is carried out after the oil is cooled to sixty degrees. And when cooled to twenty degrees, filtration occurs at a more thorough level. This process is called fine filtration.

Filters that are used in food production are also suitable for pumping oil. The most popular are the so-called frame filters. They consist of several layers of cotton fabric. Such material, of course, is quickly consumed. You can purchase it from suppliers of similar equipment or in various other places - it is not in short supply.

There is another filtration method called vacuum. In this situation, the oil will be drawn through those layers of material that are filtered by vacuum force. In this case, all garbage will be removed. This filtration causes the oil to become lighter in color. In addition, it has a long shelf life.

What should you remember if you want to start producing oil?

How much can it cost to set up a sunflower oil production line? Creating such an activity costs a considerable investment. And if you have a desire to gain a foothold in this area, then it is best to register as an agricultural producer. In such a situation, business activities will be subsidized by numerous benefits related to the payment of taxes.

As practice has shown, you should process either your own grown or purchased seeds. The cost of sunflower oil, namely its production, in this case can be reduced.

However, in some situations problems may arise due to an oversupply of such raw materials in specialized markets. Therefore, there is no need to turn away from the opportunity to provide other companies with services related to the processing of existing raw materials.

X characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products. Vegetable oils are complex mixtures of organic substances - lipids, isolated from plant tissues (sunflower, cotton, flax, castor oil, rapeseed, peanuts, olives, etc.) The following types of vegetable oils are produced in Russia: refined (deodorized and non-deodorized), hydrated (highest , I and II grades), unrefined (highest, I and II grades). According to the standard, the following indicators are determined organoleptically in the finished oil: transparency, smell and taste, color and acid number, moisture, presence of phosphorus-containing substances, iodine number and flash point of the extraction oil.

The composition of vegetable oils obtained from seeds includes 95...98% triglycerides, 1...2% free fatty acids, 1...2% phospholipids, 0.3...0.1% sterols, as well as carotenoids and vitamins. Of the unsaturated fatty acids in the composition of oils, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids predominate, which account for 80...90% of the total fatty acid content. Thus, sunflower oil contains 55...71% linoleic and 20...40% oleic acids.

The raw materials for the production of vegetable oils are mainly the seeds of oilseeds, as well as the pulp of the fruits of some plants. Based on oil content, seeds are divided into three groups: high-oil (over 30% - sunflower, peanuts, rapeseed), medium-oil (20...30% - cotton, flax) and low-oil (up to 20% - soybean).

In Russia, the main oilseed crop is sunflower. It belongs to the Asteraceae family. The sunflower genus has 28 species, most of which are perennials. Oil sunflower is an annual crop. The sunflower fruit is an elongated wedge-shaped achene, consisting of a peel (husk) and a white seed (kernel), covered with a seed coat. The husk accounts for 22...56% of the total mass of the achene. The oil content in sunflower seeds exceeds 50% and in the pure kernel is 70%.

The husk separated from the sunflower kernel is used as a raw material for the production of furfural. Sunflower cake (the remainder of the kernel after pressing the oil) is one of the most valuable types of feed for farm animals. Sunflower baskets are used to produce pectin and other products.

Features of production and consumption of finished products. In the practice of producing vegetable oils, there are two fundamentally different methods for extracting oil from vegetable oil-containing raw materials: mechanical extraction of oil - pressing and dissolving the oil in highly volatile organic solvents - extraction. These two methods of producing vegetable oils are used either independently or in combination with one another.

Currently, to extract oil, they first use the pressing method, in which 3/4 of the total oil is obtained, and then the extraction method, which extracts the rest of the oil.

The oil is pressed using continuously operating screw-type presses (forepresses and expellers). As the pressure increases, the pulp particles come closer together, the oil is squeezed out, and the pressed material is compacted into a monolithic mass of cake (shell). In this case, 5...8% of oil (by weight of the cake) remains in the cake.

During the extraction process, no more than 0.8...1.2% of oil remains in the residue, which is called meal. Extraction gasoline, hexane, acetone, dichloroethane, etc. are used as solvents. It is best to use gasoline with a boiling point range of 70...85 °C, which allows it to be distilled from the oil under milder conditions.

The oil that is on the surface of the opened cells easily dissolves in it when washed with gasoline. A significant amount of oil is found inside unopened cells or inside closed cavities (capsules).

Extracting this oil requires the penetration of solvent into the cells and capsules and release of the solvent into the environment. This process occurs due to molecular and convective diffusion.

As a result of extraction, a solution of oil in a solvent, called miscella, and a fat-free material, meal, are obtained. The oil concentration in the miscella is 12...20%.

From the extractor (screw or belt), the miscella is sent for filtration to remove mechanical impurities from it. The filtered miscella and meal are sent for distillation of solvents from them. This operation is called distillation, which takes place in two stages. First, the main part of the solvent is distilled off at 80...90 °C until the oil concentration in the miscella is 75...80%. Then distillation is carried out in vacuum at 110... 120 °C with hot steam blowing.

The process of purifying oil from unwanted lipid groups and impurities is called refining. Mechanical refining includes various physical methods: sedimentation, filtration and centrifugation. Hydration of oil - treatment with water to precipitate mucous and protein substances. Alkaline refining is the treatment of oils with alkali. Adsorption refining (bleaching) - removal and clarification of oil with powdered substances (adsorbents - clay, siliceous compounds, silica gel, coals, etc.). Deodorization is the elimination of the unpleasant odor of oil by fractional distillation based on differences in the boiling points of triglycerides and flavoring substances.

Stages of the technological process. Vegetable oil production consists of the following stages:

Cleaning and drying of seeds;

Separation of the pure kernel and its grinding;

Steaming and frying the pulp;

Oil extraction (pressing and extraction);

Oil purification (refining);

Packaging and storage.

Characteristics of equipment complexes. The line begins with a set of equipment for cleaning and drying seeds, consisting of scales, silos, separators, magnetic catchers, supply bins and dryers.

Next comes a set of equipment for separating the clean kernel and grinding it (disc mill, aspiration winnower and five-roller machine).

The main one is a set of equipment for steaming and frying pulp, consisting of screw or vat roasters.

The leading equipment of the line is a screw press and an extraction apparatus.

The final stage is a set of finishing equipment for the line, consisting of scales, packaging machines and for placing packs of packaged butter into boxes.

The machine and hardware diagram of the production line for vegetable oil from sunflower seeds is shown in Fig.

Rice. Machinery diagram of the sunflower oil production line

Design and operating principle of the line. Sunflower seeds arriving for short-term storage in silo 2 are pre-weighed on scales 1. The seeds may contain a large amount of impurities, so before processing they are cleaned twice on two- and three-sieve separators 3 and 4, as well as on a magnetic catcher 5. Impurities of plant origin, separated in separators, collected and used in feed production.

Seeds cleared of impurities are weighed on scales 6 and fed into a supply hopper 7, from where they are transported to a shaft dryer 8, consisting of several zones. The seeds are first dried and then cooled. During heat treatment, their humidity decreases from 9... 15 to 2...7%. The temperature of the seeds during drying is about 50 °C, after cooling 35 °C. Dried seeds are controlled on scales 9, and then sent to silos 2 for long-term storage or to an intermediate bin 10 for further processing.

Further processing of seeds involves maximum separation of the shell from the kernel. This process involves two independent operations: peeling (hulling) the seeds and the actual separation of the shell from the kernel (winnowing, separation). The seeds are shelled in a disk mill 11, where they come from an intermediate hopper 10. Rushanka, obtained from seeds after the mill, is a mixture consisting of particles of different weight, shape, windage and size. Rushanka contains whole kernels, their fragments, a number of shell particles of various sizes and shapes, and, finally, whole seeds - nedorush. Therefore, to separate the shell from the core, aspiration winnowers - air-sieve sorting machines - are mainly used. From such a machine 12, the kernel is fed into the intermediate hopper 13, and all other parts of the mixture are processed to separate whole kernels and fragments of sunflower seeds, which, together with the whole kernels, are sent for further processing.

After weighing on scales 14, the sunflower kernels are crushed on a five-roller machine 15. The grinding process can be carried out at one time or in two times - preliminary and final. During grinding, the cellular structure of sunflower kernels is destroyed, which is necessary to create optimal conditions for the most complete and rapid extraction of oil during further pressing or extraction.

The grinding product - pulp - from machine 15 enters fryer 16, in which, due to moisture-heat treatment, optimal plasticity of the product is achieved and conditions are created to facilitate oil extraction on presses. When frying, the moisture content of the pulp decreases to 5...7%, and the temperature rises to 105...115 °C.

From the screw press 17, into which the pulp is fed after the fryer, two products come out: oil containing a significant amount of kernel particles and therefore purified in the filter press 18, and cake containing 6.0... 6.5% of the oil that is needed extract from it. Therefore, in the future, the cake granules are crushed in a hammer crusher 19 and a roller machine 20, and the grinding product is extracted in an extraction apparatus 21. The device has two columns connected by a jumper, in which screws are located that transport cake particles from the right column to the left. The extracting substance, gasoline, which is a volatile solvent, moves countercurrent to the movement of the cake. Due to the fact that gasoline mixed with air ignites at a temperature of about 250 °C, in extraction plants the overheating temperature of process steam should not exceed 220 °C.

Through diffusion, the oil is extracted from the broken cells of the cake, dissolving in gasoline. A mixture of oil, gasoline and a certain amount of particles flows from the right column of the extractor 21 and is sent to the sump or cartridge filter 22.

A low-fat product called meal is removed from the left extraction column of apparatus 21. After extracting the remaining gasoline from it, the meal is sent to feed mills.

A solution of oil in gasoline, cleared of solid particles - miscella - is fed for distillation. In the pre-distiller 23, the miscella is heated to 105...115 °C, and gasoline vapors are partially distilled out of it at atmospheric pressure. In the final distiller 24, operating under vacuum, residual gasoline is removed from the miscella, and the purified oil is supplied to the scales 25. After weight control, the oil is supplied to the packaging machine 26, and in the machine 27, packs of packaged oil are placed in boxes.

Description of the stages of vegetable oil production.

Very often the question arises - what is the difference between unrefined cold-pressed oil and the refined oil that many are accustomed to, sold on store shelves. To answer this question, Let us consider in detail the production process and its varieties.

Seed processing. The quality of sunflower oil depends on the quality of sunflower seeds supplied for processing, the timing and conditions of storing the seeds before pressing. The main qualitative characteristics of sunflower seeds are oil content, moisture content, and ripening period. Oil content depends on the sunflower variety and how warm and sunny the summer was. The higher the oil content of the seeds, the greater the oil yield. The optimal percentage of moisture content for sunflower seeds supplied for processing is 6%. Seeds that are too wet are stored poorly and are heavier. The ripening period in our climatic conditions is a very important factor that indirectly affects the price of sunflower oil. Peak production and supply of finished vegetable oil is October – December. And the peak of demand is the end of summer - beginning of autumn. Accordingly, the earlier the raw materials are received, the faster the finished product will reach the consumer. In addition, the seeds must be well cleaned, the debris content should not exceed 1%, and broken grain - 3%. Before processing, additional cleaning, drying, collapsing (destruction) of the seed skin and separating it from the kernel are carried out. Then the seeds are crushed to form mint or pulp.

Extraction (production) of sunflower oil. Vegetable oil from sunflower seed mint is obtained by 2 methods - pressing or extraction. Oil extraction is a more environmentally friendly way. Although the oil yield, of course, is much less and does not exceed 30%. As a rule, before squeezing, the mint is heated at 100-110 °C in a roasting pan, while simultaneously stirring and moistening. Then the fried mint is squeezed out in screw presses. The completeness of the extraction of vegetable oil depends on the pressure, viscosity and density of the oil, the thickness of the mint layer, the duration of the extraction and other factors. The characteristic taste of the oil after hot pressing is reminiscent of toasted sunflower seeds. Oils obtained by hot pressing are more intensely colored and flavored due to the decomposition products that are formed during heating. A cold pressed sunflower oil obtained from mint without heating. The advantage of this oil is that it retains most of the beneficial substances: antioxidants, vitamins, lecithin. The negative point is that such a product cannot be stored for a long time, it quickly becomes cloudy and goes rancid. The cake remaining after oil extraction can be extracted or used in animal husbandry. Sunflower oil obtained by pressing is called raw, because after pressing it is only settled and filtered. This product has high taste and nutritional properties.

Extraction of sunflower oil. The production of sunflower oil by extraction involves the use of organic solvents (most often extraction gasolines) and is carried out in special apparatus - extractors. During extraction, miscella is obtained - a solution of oil in a solvent and a fat-free solid residue - meal. The solvent is distilled from the miscella and meal in distillers and screw evaporators. The finished oil is settled, filtered and further processed. The extraction method of extracting oils is more economical, as it allows you to extract fat from raw materials as much as possible - up to 99%.

Sunflower oil refining. Refined oil has virtually no color, taste or smell. This oil is also called impersonal. Its nutritional value is determined only by the minimal presence of essential fatty acids (mainly linoleic and linolenic), which are also called vitamin F. This vitamin is responsible for the synthesis of hormones and maintaining immunity. It gives stability and elasticity to blood vessels, reduces the body's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays and radioactive radiation, regulates the contraction of smooth muscles, and performs many other vital functions. In the production of vegetable oil, there are several stages of refining.

First stage of refining. Getting rid of mechanical impurities is by settling, filtration and centrifugation, after which the vegetable oil goes on sale as a commercial unrefined oil.

Second stage of refining. Removal of phosphatides or hydration - treatment with a small amount of hot water - up to 70 ° C. As a result, protein and mucous substances, which can lead to rapid spoilage of the oil, swell, precipitate and are removed. Neutralization is the action of a base (lye) on the heated oil. This step removes free fatty acids, which catalyze oxidation and cause smoke during frying. The neutralization stage also removes heavy metals and pesticides. Unrefined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw oil, since some phosphatides are removed during hydration, but it can be stored longer. This treatment makes the vegetable oil transparent, after which it is called commercial hydrated.

Third stage of refining. Removal of free fatty acids. If the content of these acids is excessive, vegetable oil develops an unpleasant taste. Vegetable oil that has gone through these three stages is called refined, non-deodorized.

Fourth stage of refining. Bleaching is the treatment of oil with adsorbents of organic origin (most often special clays) that absorb coloring components, after which the fat is clarified. Pigments pass into the oil from the seeds and also threaten oxidation of the finished product. After bleaching, there are no pigments left in the oil, including carotenoids, and it becomes light straw-colored.

Fifth stage of refining. Deodorization is the removal of aromatic substances by exposing sunflower oil to hot dry steam at a temperature of 170-230°C under vacuum conditions. During this process, odorous substances that lead to oxidation are destroyed. Removing the above undesirable impurities leads to the possibility of increasing the shelf life of the oil.

Sixth stage of refining. Freezing – removing waxes. All seeds are covered with wax, this is a kind of protection against natural factors. Waxes make the oil cloudy, especially when sold on the street during the cold season, and thereby spoil its presentation. During the freezing process, the oil turns colorless. Having gone through all the stages, the vegetable oil becomes impersonal. Margarine, mayonnaise, cooking fats are made from this product, and used for canning. Therefore, it should not have a specific taste or smell, so as not to disturb the overall taste of the product.

Sunflower oil reaches the shelves as the following products: Refined, non-deodorized oil - outwardly transparent, but with a characteristic odor and color. Refined deodorized oil is transparent, light yellow, odorless and tasteless. Unrefined oil- darker than bleached, maybe with sediment or suspension, but nevertheless it went through filtration and, of course, retained the smell that we all know from childhood.

Vegetable oil is an indispensable product in the kitchen of every housewife. Essentially, it is a vegetable fat extracted from the fruits or seeds of plants, such as corn, soybeans, and sunflowers. The oil is used to dress salads, it is added to confectionery products, it is fried with it - there are many options for using it.

Sunflower oil accounts for a significant share of the vegetable oil market in Russia. About 2 million tons of this product are consumed annually in our country. Its production is mainly carried out by small and medium-sized enterprises. The high popularity of the product, as well as the absence of territorial restrictions for its sale, make the idea of ​​​​producing sunflower oil interesting for business. Let's try to figure out how to organize such production and how profitable it can be.

Sunflower oil production technology

As you know, sunflower oil comes in two types: refined and unrefined. Their fundamental difference is the degree of purification. Unrefined sunflower oil is dark in color because it contains more impurities. It has a pleasant, distinct aroma. This oil is considered more useful. However, it also has disadvantages: a bitter taste and a short shelf life.

Refined oil is distinguished by the fact that it contains practically no foreign impurities in its composition. Therefore, it is almost transparent in appearance, has a neutral taste and smell. But the main advantage of refined sunflower oil is its long shelf life: from 4 to 12 months versus 2 months, during which unrefined oil can be suitable. The production technology for these two types of sunflower oil is different.

Small producers usually use a cold pressing system. This technology does not produce high volumes: in 1 hour, 38 liters of high quality oil can be obtained from 100 kg of sunflower seeds. The seeds are crushed and the oil is squeezed out of them using a screw press. The oil is then passed through special cloth filters several times. This method is perfect for producing sunflower oil at home. The oil obtained as a result of cold pressing is highly valued by consumers, since it retains all the trace elements that make up the original product.

In the process of making oil, larger manufacturers use special fryers that heat the seeds to a high temperature, as well as powerful high-speed presses, as a result of which the oil darkens, losing its aroma and beneficial properties.

The technological process at a typical oil extraction plant consists of the following steps:

  • seed processing using a vibrating sieve (or a special separator), during which the raw materials are cleaned of large debris and various impurities;
  • peeling seeds from the peel in crushing machines (crushing the seeds followed by blowing out the husks with a stream of air);
  • processing the resulting mass using a press with a screw (impacting crushed seeds with a force of 2,500 tons at a temperature of more than 100 degrees);
  • refining using various filters (usually bleaching clay or diatomaceous earth - algae powder);
  • pouring the finished oil into containers.

Good equipment allows you to get 20,000 bottles of sunflower oil with a volume of 1 liter each from 50 tons of seeds in 1 hour. That is, from 2.5 kg of sunflower seeds you can produce 1 liter of oil.

An advantageous feature of maintaining an oil extraction plant is that such production is practically waste-free. The meal left over from seed processing is purchased by farms and fish farms, and the husks are purchased by brick factories.

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How to organize a sunflower oil production business

So, the first thing to do is to choose the activity format that is most suitable for you. It is necessary to start primarily from the budget and existing experience.

Options for organizing your own production

An oil extraction plant is an expensive project with capital investments at the start of at least 12 million rubles. and a payback period of about three years. This is not the best option for a new entrepreneur. It is more suitable for those who have “decent” experience in business and understand all the intricacies of the production process.

Opening a small workshop with a productivity of 5 to 10 tons of oil per day does not require too high input costs. You can meet the amount of about 3 million rubles, and over time, having gained a foothold in the market, expand production, purchase additional equipment and increase volumes.

Home production of sunflower oil is a budget project that will not bring much profit, but will nevertheless allow you to earn a stable income and meet the needs of the whole family (see,). Household oil extraction machines have low productivity (about 5 l/hour); their cost, accordingly, is significantly lower than the price of professional equipment. Thus, a small screw oil press for cold pressing can be purchased for only 150,000 rubles.

The following video explains how to make oil using a wooden oil press at home and which varieties of sunflowers are best to use:

Another option that can be considered as an additional activity is growing sunflowers as a business. The average yield of this crop is 12-15 centners per hectare. According to approximate data, if you use an area of ​​100 hectares, then the costs for each hectare grown will be about 3,500 rubles, and the possible income will be from 6,000 rubles. Growing sunflower for further processing allows you to obtain a full production cycle and increase its efficiency several times.

Legal basis

Activities for the production of vegetable oil from sunflower seeds must be registered with the Federal Tax Service (FTS). You can independently choose the most convenient form of business: obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur (IP) or register a legal entity.

Such activities do not require obtaining a license. But you will still need some additional documents in order to work calmly and compete with other manufacturers on the market.

First of all, you need to select a suitable production facility and prepare it in accordance with SanPiN 1197-74. "Sanitary rules for enterprises producing vegetable oils." This regulatory document contains all the information about what requirements apply to the design, lighting, ventilation, heating of production, storage and service premises of such enterprises.

The local representative office of the Rospotrebnadzor service will be able to confirm the compliance of your workshop with all established requirements, as well as help with the development of a production control program, which is also a mandatory document. In addition to this authority, you will need to contact the territorial department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and obtain a conclusion on compliance with fire safety standards in the premises.

The next important document is a declaration of compliance of your product with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU) 021/2011 “On food safety”. Such a declaration can be completed at any accredited certification center. It is issued for a period of 1 to 5 years. The average cost of declaration services is 7,000 rubles.

This concludes the list of basic documents required to start an oil production activity. And we move on to the issue of material and technical equipment.

Workshop premises and production equipment

To accommodate even a small production facility, you will need a fairly spacious room. The ceiling height in the workshop must be at least 3.5 m. The room must be divided into several zones:

  • for cleaning, crushing and squeezing seeds;
  • for refining;
  • for bottling and packaging of products;
  • for storing raw materials;
  • for storing the finished product;
  • for storage and processing of waste;
  • for administrative and household purposes.

The total area of ​​the workshop must be at least 300 square meters. m, while most of it will be in the raw material warehouse.

Important! The power supply system in the workshop must be three-phase with a voltage of 380 V. This is necessary to ensure uninterrupted operation of production equipment.

Oil making equipment and personnel

List of necessary equipment for the production of sunflower oil with approximate prices:

  • separator for primary cleaning of seeds – 50,000 rubles;
  • automatic peeling machine for peeling – 70,000 rubles;
  • roller machine for grinding seeds – 500,000 rubles;
  • roaster – 350,000 rubles;
  • squeezing press – 600,000 rubles;
  • equipment for refining – 700,000 rubles;
  • bottling line – RUB 300,000.

The total cost of equipment will be about 2,570,000 rubles.

To maintain such a production line, you will need about 10-12 people, including a technologist. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of candidates for the position of production technologist. Such a specialist must be well versed in GOSTs and other regulatory documents, understand the strategy and development prospects of the enterprise, and know methods for assessing production efficiency. His responsibilities will include control of incoming raw materials, participation in the development of a product quality system, and technological support for the entire production cycle.

The requirements for other employees are minimal: they must be careful and responsible. All employees of the enterprise must have personal medical records with up-to-date medical examination notes.

Current expenses of the enterprise and expected profit

Monthly costs for maintaining the workshop consist of rent, wages, utilities and transport services, taxes, costs of purchasing raw materials and consumables (containers).

The wholesale price of oil sunflower is about 15,000 rubles. for 1 ton. The capabilities of the equipment in our case allow us to process about 5 tons of raw materials per shift, that is, 150 tons per month. The cost of purchasing sunflower will be approximately 2,250,000 rubles. The purchase of consumables will cost 200,000 rubles.

About 250,000 rubles should be budgeted for wages and insurance premiums for employees. For transportation costs, utilities and advertising - about another 100,000 rubles. The rent will be about 100,000 rubles. Total monthly expenses will be at the level of 2,900,000 rubles.

Now let's try to calculate the possible income. The average wholesale price of refined sunflower oil is 50 rubles. for 1 l. From 150 tons of sunflower seeds you can get 60,000 liters of oil. Revenue from the sale of oil alone will be 3,000,000 rubles, and if you also sell your products through your own retail outlets, your income will increase.