Farm revenue products. “Get healthy!”: how a natural food store works. As an afterword

When you eat fresh vegetables, not to mention imported ones, available all year round, you think that something is wrong with them, something is missing. Older people remember the “real” taste of vegetables and fruits, that was the TASTE, not like it is now...

Believe me, the vast majority thinks so. Well, now the most important thing: how to make money from all this?

Stand upside down in the garden, and then sell the grown products at the market? No, this is not a business! You say.

In general, a business can be developed in several directions; we will consider two of them.

First way.

Organize the supply of vegetables and fruits directly from the village; naturally, the village should be located not far from the City, so that it would be possible to bring fresh products every day.

To open your own business you need trade area. Because we create completely new business, modern, then we will sell not in the market but in a modern supermarket, equipped with the latest technology. Well, of course you can do it more modestly... it all depends on the initial capital.

That is, the first type of business is a specialized fruit and vegetable store, the main difference from others is fresh and natural products every day.

How much can you earn? The earnings will be decent and the business will pay off in a couple of months to a year.

You need to understand that there is no need to chase the number of sales, thinking at the same time: the more I sell, the more profit I will make...

You will supply food from nearby villages, and there is a village there, not a vegetable warehouse!

You can grow ten times more vegetables than they currently grow there (in the village), you just need a couple of tons of biological additives and other chemicals, but then your store will be no different from thousands of others, and this is already a failure of business.

Therefore, less is better, but better quality. It is better to increase the price of products than to sell stuffed products. Another option is to supply food from different villages. And remember the motto of your company - Product quality is above all. Although it sounds banal, but still :)

Second way.

We looked at one option for a healthy food business, but the business doesn’t end there. I like the second version of the idea better, since it requires less costs and has little competition, which is very attractive these days.

The principle is the same as in the first case: an agreement is concluded with farms or individuals living in villages to grow organic vegetables and fruits. But then there’s something interesting: we’re not opening a store, but we’re opening... an office, and yes, an office. Which office will you tell us for?

And here everything is tricky...

The essence of the business is the exclusive supply of fresh products to individuals, that is, rich Pinocchio :)

There are quite a lot of rich people and people with average incomes in our country. Most of them care about their health and the health of their loved ones, buy filtered water, all kinds of air purifiers and other nonsense, forgetting about what they eat.

Well, actually, I think the idea is clear: we open a company, conclude contracts, rent a warehouse, hire staff, including couriers (and did you think the products will be delivered directly to your home), advertise, etc.

To summarize, I can say that both types of business can be very popular and profitable if approached wisely. So those who don’t know what to do, go ahead, there is little competition - the business is profitable, at relatively low costs.

Regarding point 2, I can say that this exists only in a few large cities in Russia. In the West, this business has been flourishing for several years.

If you have a desire to run your own business in trade, but are not attracted to working in conditions of too much competition, then you should pay attention to natural and organic food stores.

What products are called natural

Natural or environmentally friendly products are considered to be those that do not contain preservatives, dyes, artificial flavors and taste enhancers. These are products grown or produced without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and GMOs.

More and more people are beginning to understand simple truths: a person’s health directly depends on what he eats. Ecologically clean and natural products are not only healthy, but also very tasty. Anyone who has ever tried real, country milk or sour cream prepared in a natural way will never confuse these products with those bought in the supermarket. Being able to use more quality products, any reasonable person would prefer them to those that contain drugs that destroy his body.

Prospects for the Natural Products Trading Business

In Europe, vegetables grown the old fashioned way, without the use of pesticides, and meat produced without antibiotics and stimulants have long been in high demand. Of course, such products cannot be as cheap as mass-produced ones. As a rule, it will be 2-3 times more expensive. But, despite higher prices, interest in these products is constantly increasing. It is growing steadily in our country as well – compatriots are increasingly beginning to pay attention to their health.

We also have small farms producing natural products. But stores where you can buy them are very rare. Helping producers and consumers find each other is a task for those who want to make their own business trading natural products. This niche of our market is very poorly filled and, therefore, has great prospects.

What do you need to open a natural food store?

There are no special differences between opening a store selling natural products and a regular grocery store. Must have:

1) initial capital;

2) reliable suppliers;

3) good staff.

The size of the required starting capital depends on the scale of the intended trade. It could be $10,000 if you are starting a business in small town, in which rent is cheap, and at the same time does not pretend to be large. The payback period of such a store depends on both the investment and local conditions.

In addition to the processing fee necessary documents, the main costs are for the acquisition commercial equipment. You will need:

Refrigeration chambers;

Refrigerated display cases;



Cash registers.

The most important thing is to find permanent and reliable suppliers of quality products. Go to the markets, study the goods, make acquaintances with farmers, study offers on the Internet.

Professionalism and competence of sellers is one of the components successful work store. A random person, without skills and education, can scare away buyers, despite his youth and spectacular external data.

How to attract buyers

As a rule, organic food stores do not suffer from a lack of customers. And the point is not only that the fashion for raw food and natural nutrition is increasingly spreading. Substantial part regular customers– the most ordinary people who prefer tasty and healthy food.

Don't forget about the possibility of promoting your business via the Internet. It is best to have your own website or even create your own online store. Messages on various forums and in social networks. According to the owners of natural food stores, a significant part of orders comes from there.

Since the bulk of clients are solvent and fairly busy business people, it is very important to organize home delivery of pre-ordered goods for those who wish. To do this you need to have your own vehicle with a forwarding driver and efficient operation of the order acceptance service.

If you can provide a sufficiently large selection of natures

Trade in farm products uses all the main consumer trends: buy Russian, buy healthy, save time on purchases. Shops selling farm produce are opening all over the country, and the quality of the goods varies everywhere. What kind of business based on Russian eco-products has a future?

The fashion for natural products without additives is sweeping major Russian cities. Some people look for healthy meat, milk and vegetables in online stores, others organize food appropriations in the surrounding villages several times a month. The first city stores of farm products appeared in Moscow about 10 years ago, but we can only talk about any successful development of the segment in relation to Moscow and St. Petersburg. What is this business, what consumer sentiment is it based on, what are the prospects. He'll try to figure it out.

Fashion or trend: boom for healthy

Is the demand for natural things so great? According to Nielsen data, Russians are primarily inclined to buy at home: meat (81%), milk (80%), vegetables (75%) and fruits (67%). Patriotism is explained only by the favorable price, but also by the desire to purchase a natural product with a short shelf life.

As a factor motivating them to buy domestic rather than global production, Russians indicate:

  • 56% - favorable price;
  • 43% - “already took it, liked it”;
  • 32% - safer ingredients and manufacturing process.

According to the Romir research holding, despite the crisis, Russians pay attention to the composition and shelf life of products, preferring environmentally friendly and fresh goods without GMOs. According to a 2015 TNS study, 67% of Russians agree to buy more expensive food products, provided that they are environmentally friendly.

Concerns about health in general and healthy eating in particular force people to look for locally produced products on store shelves: many are under the illusion that Russian food production technologies lag behind world ones, so preservatives and nitrates are not used.

Yandex statistics also prove the increasing interest of Russians in high-quality healthy food. Over the 10 months of 2015, compared to the same period in 2014, the number of requests increased:

  • “natural products” - by 78%;
  • “fresh products” - 3 times.

There is a demand for healthy and natural products of domestic production and it is growing. Traditional chains and stores practically leave it unanswered.

Organic food market: in Russia and the world

The prospects for farmers and their products are significant. However, today consumers and producers exist in parallel universes: it is difficult for farm products to reach the shelves retail chains due to the requirements for volumes, selling prices, packaging, and the majority of buyers come here to shop.

In general, Russians are not alone in their desire to embrace natural food. Organic products without chemicals and artificial additives are a global trend. To date, 84 countries around the world have adopted laws on organic farming. The EU biofood market is growing by 15-20% annually.

Leaders in organic markets in the world:

  • USA - $29 billion;
  • France - $9.2 billion;
  • Germany - $5.2 billion.

What is in Russia? We have a trade in natural products at the stage of inception, therefore, in the field of view official statistics She hasn't gotten there yet. According to the Union of Organic Farming (POPs), in 2013 the volume of the domestic market of certified bioproducts amounted to 148 million dollars - less than 0.2% of the total food market. At the same time, 90% of eco-products are imported.

With the concept of "farm product" in Russia today there is uncertainty: the legal framework for organic agriculture is just beginning to take shape.

Table 1. Documents regulating the sphere of organic agricultural production in the Russian Federation


At the discussion or development stage

  1. GOST R 56104-2014 “Organic food products. Terms and definitions" approved. by order of Rosstandart No. 1068-st dated 09.10.14.
  2. GOST R 56508-2015 “Organic products. Rules for production, storage, transportation" approved. by order of Rosstandart No. 844-st dated June 30, 2015.
  1. National standard “Production of organic products. Rules for voluntary certification."
  2. National standard “Guidelines for the production, processing, labeling and marking of organic food products (except for sections related to livestock products). CAC/GL 32-1999".
  3. Draft law “On the production of organic products”.

Currently in Russia an organic food product is called:

  • grown in conditions that improve the ecosystem, preserve soil fertility, and protect human health;
  • processed by methods biological/physical/mechanical in nature;
  • obtained without the use of pesticides, chemicals. fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics, hormonal/veterinary drugs, GMOs, not exposed to ionizing radiation.

The formation of a full-fledged regulatory environment in the field of production, determination of composition, labeling and certification of organics will help clear the market of pseudo-farm traders and identify real natural products. In addition, as a result of the regulation of the legal field, POP experts expect the market to increase to $300 million.

Farmer trade models

Today in Russia, both farmers themselves and intermediaries are involved in the sale of natural products. Farmers use several ways: they open specialized stores during production or online stores, sell to neighbors and by word of mouth, and arrange supplies to health food stores and restaurants.

There are three models of farm stores:

  • Internet projects;
  • traditional offline stores;
  • projects using both sales channels: online and offline.

Features of traditional farm shops:

  • Format.“At home” is most often used - a modest assortment is placed in a small area. Sometimes a store concentrates on only one type of product, such as dairy or meat products. It is easier to monitor quality for a small number of product items.
  • Assortment and its structure. Wide or narrow, large proportion of perishable products, up to 70%. For comparison: in large supermarkets the share of products with a short shelf life is 7-15%. Outlets that sell exclusively local farm products usually offer a seasonal selection.
  • Markup and prices. Prices are higher than in supermarkets. Abroad, products labeled “organic” are 20-30% more expensive than their analogues. In Russia, the range in prices is greater: the markup on healthy products can be 50, 100 and 200%. The market is not developed, the culture of healthy food consumption is in its infancy - this is how a creative attitude to prices is born. In some cases, high margins are set deliberately high in order to support farm production.
  • Selection of manufacturers, product examination. Real farm stores set high standards for product quality and strictly select suppliers. This is done by technologists or specialists from the internal examination department, and at the stage of concluding a contract they check raw materials and production processes, then the product undergoes monthly laboratory examination.
  • Service. Individual ordering of products and other features is possible.

A few words about network projects. Today in Russia there is physically little farms, so they simply cannot cope with large volumes of supplies. Some networks are forced, in addition to farmers, to cooperate with small industrial producers. Calling such projects farm projects is hardly true. But if, before being placed on the shelf, products are checked for quality and naturalness, then we are talking about “health food” stores.

Regarding services for the delivery of fresh and organic products. The intensity of Internet use is heterogeneous across Russian regions. The share of active users is growing, but so far only residents of large cities are ready to place online grocery orders. However, the future lies with specialized online stores of organic products, which will satisfy the need for healthy food and allow consumers to save time on shopping trips.

Successful farming projects

There are many players in the natural food trade today. Entrepreneurial activity in this area is mainly concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the capital, for example, the number of stores selling farm products amounts to hundreds (including online trading). How is business organized in three famous Russian projects?

“Izbenka” and “VkusVill”: a chain of eco-food stores

Andrey Krivenko’s chain of traditional healthy food stores is developing simultaneously in two directions:

  • “Izbenki” are small establishments (15-20 sq. m) with farm dairy products with short term suitability. Assortment - up to 70 items.
  • “VkusVills” - stores with an area of ​​60-120 sq. m with an assortment of 700-800 product items: meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, bread, juices, sweets, etc.

Is all food truly from farms? No, but the network doesn’t hide it. Of the 200 suppliers that VkusVill works with, 10-15% are large industrial farms, the remaining 85-90% are small industrial producers and farmers.

How the business is organized:

  • the mission of the network is to think about the buyer first;
  • cooperation with trusted suppliers, 3-4 for each type of product;
  • a small assortment (600 items per 100 sq. m), 70% of which are “perishable”;
  • absence own production;
  • strict quality control (collection of customer reviews, laboratory examinations, production audit);
  • sale of goods under private label (own trademarks);
  • low markup level for the segment - 55-56%;
  • average bill - 500 rub.

The network’s indicators prove its effectiveness: the number of “Izbenok” opened in Moscow is 300, “VkusVillov” is 130, the network’s revenue in 2015 increased by 40% compared to the previous year.

Moscowfresh: online store of market and farm products

Moscowfresh positions itself as an express delivery service for fresh produce. The founder of the company is Lev Volozh. The assortment includes farm dairy and meat products, poultry, quality goods Moscow markets, imported chilled fish, vegetables/fruits, as well as baked goods, tea, coffee, and sweets.

How the business is organized:

  • prices are higher than in supermarkets, but lower than those of competitors;
  • minimum order - 1,900 rubles;
  • Delivery within the Moscow Ring Road costs 290 rubles. and takes 2 hours (urgent - 90 minutes);
  • assortment - premium quality products from trusted suppliers (Moscowfresh confirms the quality with certificates from city markets, and also guarantees its own control);
  • Products you don't like can be returned or replaced.

LavkaLavka: both for the buyer and for the farmer

The most recognizable farming brand in Russia is LavkaLavka. The project arose in 2009 in the form of an account on LiveJournal, when not a single farm online store existed yet. In the first year of operation, Lavka’s turnover amounted to 900 thousand rubles, in 2014 - 250 million. The company was founded by Boris Akimov, a former artist and programmer, now a real farmer and ideologist of a return to organic farming.

Today LavkaLavka is:

  • 5 Moscow offline farm stores and an online store with a developed network of pick-up points;
  • restaurant "Mark and Lev";
  • farmers market in Mega Khimki;
  • a farming cooperative whose goal is nothing less than the revival Agriculture and lost gastronomic Russian traditions.

LavkaLavka is a farmers' association and a powerful communication channel between small agricultural producers and city residents. Suppliers of "Lavka" - members of the cooperative - small and medium-sized farms that have been certified according to Internal standard LavkaLavka.Expertise. Large agricultural enterprises are closed to the “Lavka”.

Prices for organic products here are high even by Moscow standards. However, the cooperative does not pay dividends, investing all profits in the development of the project. Therefore, purchasing goods at premium prices is a conscious choice of Lavka customers, and a kind of investment in responsible Russian agricultural producers. LavkaLavka regularly launches crowdinvesting (also known as crowdfunding), the money collected goes to the development of farms.

Project idea:

  • the consumer is 100% confident in the quality of Lavka products;
  • farmer, certified, does not compete with the reseller, receiving a stable distribution channel and payment adequate for the labor invested.

Unlike Moscowfresh, “Lavka” considers only those products that are produced in compliance with all organic farming standards to be farm products (healthy and useful) and does not take the word of suppliers.

As an afterword

Behind the scenes are dozens of regional and metropolitan farming projects, responsible producers and/or sellers who provide citizens with safe and healthy food. A natural food store is both a popular business and socially significant project. Russia’s turn towards organic farming, and the population towards natural food, is a matter of the near future. Therefore, farming, production and sale of healthy products is a long-term trend. Join us.

Interest in environmentally friendly products is growing year by year, and although their prices are by no means low, more and more people want to buy healthy food. Interest in such products can be observed at specialized exhibitions and food fairs, where they are sold out in a matter of hours.

Profits from selling organic food can be high if your clients include many wealthy buyers. For a business to flourish, an extensive network of manufacturers and suppliers of such products should be created. The investment costs for opening a store will not be particularly large.

Setting up and promoting a health food store is not easy. The company must have a stable network of manufacturers, and establishing it takes some time. Profit depends on the location of the store, so try to open it in an attractive location, for example, in the central part of the city.

Healthy foods (without additives or preservatives), such as meat, bread, vegetables, honey, cereals, vegetable oil, dairy products typically cost 50 and even 100 percent more than mass-produced food products.

Selling organic food is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. Your main suppliers will be local farmers who are ready to supply their products for sale in your store.

Further increase in the popularity of the new business depends on public awareness of the importance of good and healthy nutrition and can be a very powerful impetus for the development of organic production, which will result in the expansion of the network of stores selling natural products. People are becoming increasingly aware of how harmful the chemicals found in foods produced in large factories are to their health.

Investment costs

A health food store needs to have the right ambiance and ambience and the product properly packaged to stimulate as much interest as possible among customers. At the initial stage, to open a store you will need 600 - 800 thousand rubles. However, if you open a grocery store from scratch, as is usually the case, these costs will be much higher. For the normal functioning of the store, you will need at least 60 square meters of total area. The reconstruction and improvement will cost about 800 - 1,000 thousand rubles. If you are going to work in rented premises, then in addition to rent you will have to pay for electricity, gas and water supply, which will be approximately 20 thousand rubles.

In this business, it is very important that your store fully meets the ever-growing sanitary requirements and fire safety.

To open an organic food store, like any other, you must buy cash machine, the cost of which ranges from 70 to 100 thousand rubles.

Then you need to find a trusted supplier of furniture and equipment for grocery stores and purchase everything necessary for normal operation:

  • Shelving
  • Industrial refrigerators
  • Refrigerated counters

The cost of equipment ranges from 200 to 800 thousand rubles.

Also, to work in a store, you will have to hire at least two employees with a salary of 30 - 40 thousand rubles (40 x 2 = 80 thousand rubles for two employees).

How to make money from an eco-shop?

Although organic products are expensive, the demand for them is constantly growing, especially in large cities with a population of more than 100 thousand inhabitants. At first it is possible big profits it won’t, but income will gradually increase. This is a promising business.

You can earn from 100 to 600 thousand rubles per month. Creation of a store selling organic products - a good option for people who count on a solid, although not very high, income. The store is created with the expectation of regular customers who care about their health and want to buy good, environmentally friendly products.

An entrepreneur who plans to sell such products may also consider selling online. In this case, you can count on quite impressive profits, sometimes even more than from traditional sales.

If you decide to expand your business with electronic sales, you first need to create your own website, regularly promote it, be constantly in touch with interested customers, and enter into an agreement with a reliable courier service that will deliver products to customers. Mailing many food products is simply not feasible.

What to sell?

An organic and healthy food store can offer:

  • Meat products without added preservatives and stabilizers
  • Organic bread with added wheat germ
  • Gluten-free products
  • Jams and preserves without sugar or sweeteners
  • Fruit and herbal tea
  • Cereals
  • Dairy product
  • Pasta
  • Vegetable and olive oil
  • Dried fruits
  • Muesli
  • Bran
  • Dairy
  • Soy products
  • Juices, syrups, drinks
  • Vegetarian products
  • Cereals
  • Seeds
  • Herbs
  • Natural cosmetic
  • Natural detergents

It is worth remembering that all products must be free of any chemical additives. The eco-products market, like any other, has its own tastes, fashion and changing popularity of certain products. It is worth keeping this in mind, monitoring the market and responding to its volatility accordingly.

In such stores you can organize stands with various environmentally friendly products, for example, herbs or juices.

Investment costs:

  • Repair and arrangement of premises - from 800 to 1,000 thousand rubles
  • Cash register and scales - from 70 to 100 thousand rubles
  • Purchase of equipment - from 200 to 800 thousand rubles
  • Employee salary - 80 thousand rubles
  • Utility bills (monthly) - 20 thousand rubles

Expected earnings:

Income before tax ranges from approximately 100 to 600 thousand rubles. With optimistic forecasts, the payback of the business will occur in a year and a half.


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Natural - so-called village and farm - products are becoming increasingly popular in large cities. Yes, they cost more than standard products in supermarkets, but many people switch to them for reasons of healthfulness and naturalness. Entrepreneur Alexander Sidorov from Novosibirsk opened a small chain of stores “To your health!” four years ago. During this time he has made the business profitable, but he is driven not only by commercial considerations - he wants to make country food accessible to everyone. Alexander spoke for the site about why he started trading natural products and when his business will become truly profitable.

“I don’t want to eat food!”

The idea of ​​selling natural products began when, on business with my advertising company, I once met people who produce such products. I made labels, websites, etc. for them. The guys from the village of Sosnovka let me try some cheese, I liked it, and we started talking. They buy raw milk, and they make cheese from it using the correct technology, namely from whole milk. Cheese is quite expensive, they explained to me why - it simply takes 8-10 liters of milk per kilogram of cheese or cottage cheese. 250 rubles turns out to be the base cost of cheese, but you still need sourdough, and also work, and plus get a profit.

The second thing that motivated me was, to be honest, I was tired of looking for good products in supermarkets. Shopping at the supermarket turns into hours of reading labels - you take a product from the shelf, read it, put it back, and so on dozens of times to find something normal.

For example, I really don’t want to drink tea with flavors, I want to drink tea with real bergamot oil. Therefore, I choose tea where the composition says - without flavoring. Or so that there is no monosodium glutamate, for example, in spices. A set of spices, seasonings for chicken - glutamate is everywhere. Well, how can you buy this, why would I shove it into myself with my own hands?

So I'm tired of it, to be honest. Then I realized how meat sausage differs from other types. Some kind of phosphates... What phosphates?! Well, I personally don’t want to eat this sausage. I don’t want to eat food at all, I want to buy normal food!

Therefore, it has grown so well, these two interests of mine are to help good manufacturers promote their goods, and for myself ordinary people make these products available. Accessibility is achieved in two ways. The first is simply that they exist somewhere. Secondly, the price is more or less adequate. In principle, they are not all that expensive, if you look at them. There is nothing that is two or three times more expensive than in the supermarket.

“We select goods honestly”

I sell only natural products, I take them from those who do not use preservatives, flavor enhancers, substitutes, etc. We opened one small point in a shopping center and started trading little by little. This was four years ago, it started out quite hard, and it’s still not easy. You can make serious money on this only when there are some large volumes and high turnover. For now, we should be glad that it exists, and at least it’s profitable.

First we started selling milk from the villages of Sosnovka and Maslyanino. People noticed us and started asking - why don’t you sell sausage? Is there real sausage? Yes, I have! We went to Altai, bought it, brought it, tried it. Yes, natural.

Producers show up at fairs. I think that farmers have just started making normal products. When a person comes to me, I say - I need a label, I need ends, I need a guarantee, not even a certificate, certification is voluntary, no one requires it. But simply, if I brought it "from Aunt Vali" - I will not trade.

I have to see how to store the product, how to sell it, deadlines - everything should be there. Write that you are Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, your phone number, where you are, indicate the composition of the product, write the date of production. I don’t want people who buy from me to even suspect that we’ve changed anything there.

Now I have about 30 suppliers, completely different. Farm goat's milk - they also make ours Novosibirsk region, and Altai. The website helps a lot, they find me well on it.

Manufacturers are interested in sales, it is, of course, difficult for them to sell their products. A good product, firstly, it is also more expensive than what is in the supermarket, secondly, it has a certain deadline, and thirdly, it will not be sold everywhere. If you just put regular products and farm products in the supermarket, they will get lost there, they will never even find them, no one knows them. Stores like mine are convenient, people come, they trust us, they know that we select the goods honestly.

“Our products cannot be received tomorrow”

Our website was created Natprod at first as an advertising one, because it was necessary to promote somehow, and the cheapest advertising is on the Internet. And we had to show the assortment; we didn’t even think that it would be possible to sell through the website. We made a catalog, posted it on the website, and described the products. Since we have few competitors, naturally the site has advanced well on its own. Our product is unique in many ways, it is well indexed and well located. The main thing is that they look for him, and whoever looks for him finds me. Now the site is selling well.

We already have three stores, they are separate. IN shopping centers You can, of course, open it, the flow is large, but it’s on the left, people just come to have a look. I rent premises, open small outlets. Rustic type stores, from 8 to 15 "squares".

My opinion is that you cannot have an online store where you can order products and delivery without a warehouse. There must be a warehouse store. That is, an online store and a real store, so that there is where to deliver goods. Our goods cannot be received tomorrow, there will still be deadlines - three days, five days, a week.

“No exorbitant prices”

We have a doctor's sausage, for example, - 500 rubles. And in the store it’s 300-350 rubles. Dairy sausages 450-500 rubles. They only contain meat. The difference is also in another thing - in the grade of meat. When you read the composition, let’s say, beef of the first category, or for example trimmed, the sinews have been removed. Or lean pork, bold pork - this is a grade. People strictly adhere to their concept. There is good meat that can be used for this sausage. If there is no this meat, I beg your pardon, this sausage simply does not exist.

I choose cost-effectiveness. Naturally, I do not have any exorbitant prices. My profitability is somewhere around 35-40%. My goal is to make this food accessible. The usual things are included - transportation costs and extra charges. In principle, sausage, there is a 50% markup on it. The average markup for all goods is no more than 42%, somewhere - 50%, somewhere - 33% - for milk, for example. We try to keep the price of milk lower.

In total, we have more than 200 items in our assortment, only sausages different types 20 pieces. Everything is simple here, profit depends on turnover, turnover depends on customers. When this mass finally shoots, in principle, everything will work out. The point here is fame, advertising. People have already developed a demand for such goods, but not everyone knows where to look for us. At least we are already breaking even.

“You bought it from yourself and you eat it”

I have a small business, of course, I plan, I look at my sales, sales records are kept, where I see how much is sold per week, how much on average per month. I can imagine how much I can sell now. Naturally, we order a little more, in case there is greater demand. We could be wrong, we were wrong - we ordered less next week. We receive milk every day, so we plan sales for a day or two. We plan to sell sausages for a week, and we plan to sell poultry for two weeks.

I realized that anyone can buy this. For example, a pensioner comes and buys sausage - and yet it is almost one and a half times more expensive than in a supermarket. If you need to convince someone, I say, you just buy another sausage and compare the taste and quality.

The site shows exactly who our buyer is, who comes in, there is a metric there. I can say for sure that the main audience who are at least interested in the site and find us on the Internet are young people 25-35 years old, this is the main audience - 40%. Of these, women predominate in the proportion of 2/3. At the same time, we have a good percentage of both 35-44 years old and 18-25 years old. They're just miscellaneous goods buy. More yoghurts, snacks - this is young people.

I eat from my own stores, I don’t worry about it anymore. You bought it from yourself and you eat it. My mission is to make natural products accessible to the majority of citizens, not to the rich. It’s not the richest people who buy it, they just understand that it’s useful.