The first on the list of billionaires is Vladimir Lisin. Vladimir Lisin is a very rich man who has gone from a simple locksmith to a shareholder in a metallurgical giant

IN Vladimir Sergeevich Lisin was born on May 7, 1956 in the city of Ivanovo. In 1973 he graduated from secondary school No. 41 in Novokuznetsk. As a child, he was closed and laconic, did not like to stick out his "I", trying to stay in the shadow of his classmates. He was not a bully and a bully. But he was not devoid of positive qualities: his concentration and attentiveness helped him get fours and fives in subjects. There were also twos and threes, but there were not many of them. From a young age, his parents instilled in him such qualities as perseverance and determination. That is why in the future he could bring to the end all the things he started.

After school, he went to work as an electrician at the mine. However, I quickly realized that higher education career will develop slowly, and entered the Siberian Metallurgical Institute for the specialty "Foundry of ferrous and non-ferrous metals." After defending his diploma in 1979, Vladimir Sergeevich was sent to NPO Tulachermet, where he studied labor path from an assistant steelworker to the deputy head of the shop.

V.S. Lisin prepared his Ph.D. thesis on the basis of the postgraduate study of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Metallurgy and successfully defended it in 1984.

Since 1986, Vladimir Sergeevich worked in Kazakhstan: he was deputy chief engineer, and since 1989 - deputy CEO Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, one of the four largest plants in the country.

In 1990 he graduated from the Higher Commercial School at the Academy foreign trade, in 1994 - the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics (REA) with a degree in Economics and Management. In 1994, he entered the doctoral program at MISiS, from which he graduated in 1996 with a doctoral dissertation.

Since 1993 V.S. Lisin was a member of the boards of directors of a number of leading Russian metallurgical enterprises: the Sayanogorsk aluminum plant, the Novokuznetsk and Bratsk aluminum plants, the Magnitogorsk and Novolipetsk metallurgical plants. Since 1998, Vladimir Sergeevich has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC NLMK. In 2011, he was elected as the head of the board of directors of OAO United Shipbuilding Corporation.
In 1998, Vladimir Sergeevich could head the administration of the Lipetsk region, but subsequently refused to participate in the elections in favor of Mikhail Neirolin.

Vladimir Sergeevich Lisin - Professor of the Department of Market Problems and the Economic Mechanism of the Academy National economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Is author of 17 monographs and more than 160 scientific papers.

V. S. Lisin - laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in the field of science and technology in 1990, honorary metallurgist of the Russian Federation, holder of the Order of Honor, master of sports, honorary citizen of Lipetsk (2009), laureate of the national business reputation award "Darin" Russian Academy business and entrepreneurship (2001).

Vladimir Sergeevich is considered the owner of one of the most complete private collections of pre-revolutionary Kasli castings (there are more than 200 exhibits, despite the fact that the entire pre-revolutionary assortment of the plant was a little over 300 types of products). These are small sculptures, household items, interior furniture.

From the age of 12 he has been engaged in sports shooting. Today he owns the Lisya Nora sports and shooting complex near Moscow. V. S. Lisin is the President of the Shooting Union of Russia. Since July 2009 he has been President of the European Shooting Confederation (ESC). Since December 2014 - Vice President of the International Sports Shooting Federation (ISSF).

The main asset of V. S. Lisin is a controlling stake in the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works. The entrepreneur also owns a 14.5% stake in Bank Zenit, the transport holding Universal Cargo Logistics, which includes such assets as OJSC Volga Shipping Company, OJSC Sea Port of St. Petersburg, Nevsky Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant, Okskaya Shipyard, OJSC "First Freight Company" (the largest rail freight operator in Russia). Lisin's media assets include the Business FM radio station.

In 2011, Vladimir Sergeevich Lisin took the first line in the list of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia (according to Forbes magazine), in 2012 - the second line in the same list.
At the end of 2017, Vladimir Lisin was in 57th place in the list of the richest people on the planet (according to Forbes magazine), while taking first place in the list of the wealthiest people in Russia.
Fluent in English.

V. Lisin is happily married, he has three children. Vladimir Lisin's wife is his classmate. She owns the chamber gallery "Seasons", which shows paintings by private artists. Lyudmila (that's her wife's name) collects the works of masters who worked in the 19th and 20th centuries. The pride of her collection is a painting by Petrov-Vodkin, which her husband gave her.

He does not compete with the rich in buying luxury villas, luxury yachts, he does not even have the habit of wearing expensive watches. His passion is the collection of Kasli iron castings. He loves to read scientific and fiction loves to smoke a quality cigar. The businessman is sure that rich people do not have much more joys than poor people. “Financial independence can provide more opportunities, and nothing more, but such things as the sky, the sun, the sea, are available to everyone,” he emphasizes.

Engaged charity: repaired the Novokuznetsk school No. 41 (2008), donated a melting plant to the foundry department of SibSIU (2010).
At the end of January 2018, Vladimir Lisin, as a private investor, signed an agreement with the Head of Novokuznetsk, S. N. Kuznetsov, on the construction of a sports building for school No. 41. “It will be a large sports facility connected by an overhead covered walkway to the building of the school itself. It will contain everything necessary equipment for a complete workout physical education and sports by students of this educational institution. Also, a modern shooting range will be located here, fully equipped places for the theoretical training of athletes are provided, ”Grigory Anatolyevich Verzhitsky spoke about the advantages of the future sports complex.

On December 14, 2018, Vladimir Lisin opened a new gym in Novokuznetsk at school No. 41. The gift to his native school cost more than 160 million, its construction took 9 months. The structure of the complex includes a game gym with spacious locker rooms, showers, hygiene rooms, toilets, including for visitors with limited mobility. On the second floor - Gym, a fitness room designed for choreography, gymnastics and physiotherapy exercises. There is also a shooting range where you can seriously learn bullet shooting. The structure also includes an office for basic military training. On the territory of the school there are volleyball, football and workout grounds, running and bicycle paths, covered with a special material for safe sports in any weather.
Mayor Sergey Kuznetsov handed over to Vladimir Lisin honorary gold badge "Novokuznetsk".

Vladimir graduated from the Metallurgical University and did not stop there. Further, he graduated from the Higher Commercial School, as well as the Academy of National Economy. At the end of his studies, Vladimir Lisin, of course, like an ordinary person, went to work, but did not work long: he realized that it was impossible to live like this all his life. This did not suit him, although he had a prestigious job in those days as deputy head of the shop.

Vladimir quickly rose up the career ladder and joined the directors of leading Russian metallurgical enterprises. After 5 years, he became the director of the council.

Then he bought shares in Zenit Bank, and things took off.

A businessman who knows his business down to the smallest detail

Vladimir Lisin personifies a person whose life path led to great wealth thanks to hard work and thorough knowledge of all aspects of the business he controls. Lisin began his career as an ordinary electrician at the Yuzhkuzbassugol enterprise. The future entrepreneur loved his work and was very proud of it. The knowledge he gained during his work allowed him to use it in the future for business development, as it allowed him to understand all the intricacies technological processes at his enterprises. As the richest man in Russia and a constant defendant in the rating solvency of businessmen, he reached the heights of domestic entrepreneurship, his biography and information from his partners tells.

Vladimir Lisin is difficult to meet among the publications of the yellow press; his life, as well as family affairs, is practically unknown to the public, unlike his more public colleagues in the big business shop. Scandals and juicy details are not what the name of the entrepreneur is associated with. This fact is rather due not to the secrecy of the businessman, but to the fact that he prefers to do what he can, and not to scatter his abilities on things that do not bring dividends.

Despite this lifestyle, Vladimir Lisin knows how to relax and prefers to do it with taste. He owns an imposing castle in Scotland, a country where he spends a lot of time. In addition, Vladimir Lisin is an avid hunter and, thanks to his abilities, he created all the conditions for his hobby. For these purposes, the entrepreneur built a hunting ground in the Moscow region with the telling name "Fox Burrow", where you can enjoy hunting, relaxing and taking a break from a busy work schedule. Shooting is Lisin's special hobby, he does it regularly, as evidenced by his numerous photos in shooting equipment. It was in this picturesque place to meet guests that Vladimir Lisin erected a small copy of the Venetian quarter with gondolas and real canals. Vladimir Lisin did not skimp on holding his professional celebration - the day of the metallurgist. For one of these celebrations, a copy of the existing section of the metallurgical shop was specially created, where it was possible to observe the process of steel smelting.

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A characteristic feature of a businessman is that he is not fond of super-expensive purchases and acquisitions. He does not own yachts and breathtaking residential buildings, and the most expensive investment is a castle in the Scottish Highlands. According to him, such pleasures are available not only to him, but also to most wealthy people. Vladimir Lisin seems to be a person who really shares the belief that true values ​​cannot be purchased for money, and it is worth enjoying what is available to everyone.

Vladimir Lisin in his youth, the beginning of his career

Vladimir Sergeevich Lisin was born in Russia in Ivanovo, it happened in 1956. Information about his family and close relatives is rather scarce, some even put forward the opinion that this information was deliberately hidden by him. Nevertheless, the websites of the companies controlled by him contain a biography of the entrepreneur, which, however, is not replete with a lot of information.

In 1976, Vladimir Lisin embarked on the career path of a metallurgist, being hired as an electrician at the Yuzhkuzbassugol enterprise. Soon he stepped to the next level and transferred to the position of assistant steelworker of the Tulachermet trust in 1979. At this enterprise, thanks to his knowledge and diligence, he went from a steelworker to a deputy shift supervisor, and then he himself became a shift supervisor and deputy shop supervisor. The knowledge he gained in the course of his work allowed him to understand all the nuances of production, and he regularly used this knowledge in the future. Throughout his life, Vladimir Lisin was continuously associated with metallurgy. After graduating from the Siberian Metallurgical Institute in the city of Novokuznetsk, he began to work in his specialty and was able to achieve heights in business solely due to his irrepressible attraction to his favorite business.

This was followed by a move to Kazakhstan, where Vladimir Lisin worked at one of the largest metallurgical enterprises in the country - the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant. Thanks to his appointment as Deputy General Director of the enterprise, the businessman was able to get his first experience in doing business. During Lisin's work, the future minister was the head of the enterprise metallurgical industry Oleg Soskovets. Karaganda Iron and Steel Works, under his patronage, created a joint venture with Swiss partners, headed by Lisin, which was engaged in the sale of ferrous metal for export. The sales schemes were on the verge of complying with the law, since at that time the export of rolled products by non-state companies was prohibited. A way to solve the problem was found when it was discovered that substandard metal could be sold according to export schemes, which was used by the owners of the company.

In 1991, Vladimir Lisin's career at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant ended, and he, together with his boss Oleg Soskovets, left Kazakhstan and moved to Moscow. Around the same time, the active growth of Vladimir Lisin's business began, which introduced a tolling scheme at metallurgical enterprises. In return for the raw materials supplied to the factories, he and his partners received finished products and sold them abroad. It should be noted that no tax fees were charged for such transactions, so such transactions were incredibly beneficial for all their participants. At the same time, cooperation between Vladimir Lisin and an American businessman of Ukrainian origin, Sam Kislin, began. The American provided fuel for the then suffering domestic metallurgy in cash in exchange for export operations and participation in many joint ventures.

In 1992, Vladimir Lisin entered the Russian Academy of Economics, named after Plekhanov. In the same year, he became a full partner of the Trans World Group, which was created by the famous Ruben brothers. Vladimir Lisin, having previously been only an employee of this company, was able to demonstrate business acumen and entrepreneurial talent when, after some time, most of the country's large metallurgical enterprises began to belong to the company. It is noteworthy that although the company did not legally own any of the plants, it could control all of them thanks to the tolling scheme, which became the key to the development of the business of Lisin and partners. Thanks to well-established schemes for processing foreign raw materials, Trans World Group has become one of the largest suppliers of aluminum to the world market.

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Since 1993, Vladimir Lisin has held a number of positions in the main metallurgical companies of the country. After Oleg Soskovets was removed, the Trans World Group began to experience difficulties in doing business, and Lisin's partners in the company began to carry out the business redistribution procedure. Vladimir Lisin refused to sell his shares to the co-owners of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works and made a deal with another big businessman, Vladimir Potanin. Gradually, Vladimir Lisin begins to move away from the joint business with the Cherny brothers and organizes his own schemes for selling the products of plants controlled by him for export. Former partners even sued Lisin, but could not win a losing case.

In 1997, Vladimir Lisin, together with Oleg Deripaska, decided to create an ambitious project with a vertical structure in the domestic metallurgy. According to the project, the enterprises of the metallurgical industry included in it, such as Siberian Aluminum, Uralelectromed, the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant and a number of other enterprises, will be able to become a large conglomerate together with some financial companies. Such an association will allow to accumulate colossal financial and production capacity, which will undoubtedly affect the qualitative growth of the domestic metallurgy.

In 1998, Vladimir Lisin became the Chairman of the Board of Directors of his current main asset, the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works. In the same year, he created the Rumelko company, which employed the best specialists and technologists. production processes ferrous metallurgy, as well as talented financiers. The head of the company was also Vladimir Lisin.

In 1999, small corporate conflicts between Vladimir Lisin and Vladimir Potanin began, which twisted around the Novolipetsk industrial giant. Potanin tried to get a controlling stake, but to no avail. Soon the conflict ran its course, and Potanin ceded his share in the plant to Lisin.

In 2000, after the authorities arrested Vladimir Gusinsky, Vladimir Lisin became one of many big businessmen who signed a letter asking for Gusinsky's speedy release. The main reason for such a request was that Gusinsky himself personifies independent means mass media, and his arrest may serve as evidence of the government's persecution of the media beyond its control. In addition to Lisin himself, the letter was signed by Khodorkovsky, Aven, Fridman, Chubais, Mordashov, Vekselberg and other prominent businessmen. In the same year, Lisin was elected a member of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

In 2003, the businessman sells his shares in Norilsk Nickel and gives himself entirely to his enterprise, the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works. Lisin invests his own funds in the rapid development of the plant's infrastructure, carries out the reconstruction of the plant's thermal power plant and carefully works on the plant's reputation in the market.

In addition, Vladimir Lisin seeks to provide the plant with an uninterrupted supply of resources and the possibility of marketing finished products. For these purposes, he buys a controlling stake in Stoilinsky GOK for a 15.5% stake in the Novolipetsk Combine, which will ensure the supply of ore to Lisin's enterprise. Also, the entrepreneur, using his contacts, buys several ports - in St. Petersburg and Tuapse, which will provide him with access to world markets. Lisin's purchase of licenses for the exploration of gas fields in the Kara Sea, which will also be able to provide him with resources in the future, looks very far-sighted and thoughtful.

Vladimir Lisin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works (NLMK), is the richest man in Russia. At the end of 2011, Lisin takes 14th place in the list of the richest people on the planet, second only to such rich people as Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett ..., Forbes magazine estimated his fortune at 24 billion dollars.

Vladimir Lisin is one of two "real" metallurgists among industry magnates. Where were his current colleagues 15 years ago? Anywhere, but not in metallurgy. Vladimir Potanin, co-owner of Norilsk Nickel, and Iskander Makhmudov, head of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, worked as clerks in state foreign trade organizations. The owner of Severstal, Alexei Mordashov, and the founder of Evrazholding, Alexander Abramov, were engaged in scientific work. The owner of Russian Aluminum, Oleg Deripaska, was just studying at Moscow State University - in physics.

The main shareholder of NLMK in the late 80s was already a deputy general director - at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, where he came as a young specialist. Well, first things first.

Success Story, Biography of Vladimir Lisin

Vladimir Sergeevich Lisin was born on May 7, 1956 in the city of Ivanovo. He began his career in 1975 as an electrical fitter at Yuzhkuzbassugol. In 1979 he graduated from the Siberian Metallurgical Institute with a degree in metallurgical engineering. In 1979-1985. - steelmaker, operator of a continuous casting plant, shift supervisor, section supervisor, deputy shop supervisor at Tulachermet Production Association. In 1984 he completed his postgraduate studies at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Metallurgy. In 1985-1989 - worked in Kazakhstan as a deputy chief engineer of the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, one of the 4 largest plants in the country.


By the beginning of the era of private capital, the director of the Karaganda plant was Oleg Soskovets, who became Lisin's patron in business. Under his leadership, Lisin gained his first commercial experience, which he still recalls with pleasure. Karaganda plant together with Swiss partners created subsidiary TSK-Steel, whose CEO was Lisin. The company took advantage of a loophole in the legislation: only state intermediaries had the right to export metals, but substandard metal (containing defects) was allowed to be exported freely. Abroad, such products were bought at a big discount, but TSK-Steel had its own $20-25 million in turnover per year.

In 1991, Soskovets became the Minister of Metallurgy - the last in the USSR, and in 1992 he entered the Russian government. Following him, Lisin moved to Moscow, where he met an American businessman of Soviet origin, the former head of the central grocery store in Odessa, Sam (Semyon) Kislin.

Kislin's Trans Commodities company supplied raw materials to metallurgical plants - partly Russian, partly imported. At some point, his business stalled - several factories at once, as if by agreement, told Kislin that they could not pay him with either money or metal. Kislin risked losing the $30 million invested in the case. It was then that Vladimir Lisin turned out to be next to the American, who promised to solve the problem.

It all ended with the fact that Lisin pulled out the money, although the story is silent about how exactly he managed to do this, he probably just used his acquaintances.

After the first successful experience, Kislin and Lisin spun joint business. They were the first to put the practice of tolling on a grand scale - in exchange for raw materials, they received finished products from factories (mainly ferrous metals) and sold them for export. Customs duties under this scheme were not paid. “I controlled alone, together with my secretary, 50% of the export of Russian pig iron, except for state foreign trade associations, I had no competitors,” recalls Lisin. Business turnover was already measured in hundreds of millions of dollars.

Despite successful work, Lisin remained only employee at Trans Commodities. The status of a partner, except for Kislin himself, had only one person - businessman Mikhail Chernoy, a native of Tashkent. And another "simple" hired employee of the company was Iskander Makhmudov, the current owner of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, a large copper producer.

The meteoric rise of Trans Commodities looks unbelievably easy. Lisin explains this by the fact that Kislin was the first person who brought a lot of money to the industry. " We specifically paid, - Lisin explains, meaning that the shipment of goods was paid for with "live" money. “At that time, no one was interested in metallurgy anymore, it was a complete ass.”

But already at the end of the same 1992, Lisin and his Russian colleagues found a more weighty money bag. Their new foreign investor was the British non-ferrous metal dealer David Reuben. He was brought to Russia by the younger brother of Mikhail Cherny Lev. The two brothers, as well as Ruben, created the Trans World Group (TWG), whose sphere of interest included not only ferrous, but also non-ferrous metals. Lisin and Makhmudov became members of the group. And the brothers somehow persuaded Sam Kislin to leave the business - he left for the USA.

Later, Oleg Deripaska, a novice stock trader, also joined this group. He managed to convince Chernykh that he could organize the purchase of a controlling stake in the Sayan aluminum plant, and received money for this operation. (Now Deripaska, with his Russian Aluminum company, owns a dozen aluminum and alumina smelters.) So Lisin had new temporary allies.


In 1992, Lisin joined the board of directors of Sayan Aluminum Plant JSC, in 1992-1993 he was chairman, then left this post, but remained a member of the board until 1997 inclusive.

Already in 1993 Vladimir Lisin received partner status in TWG. Soon, most of the country's largest metallurgical plants were under the control of the group. TWG became the third largest supplier of aluminum to the world market - annual sales in 1993 amounted to, according to various estimates, $ 4-5 billion, and the group at that time did not yet own a single plant. The tolling scheme made it possible to control enterprises without buying shares. And the main defender of tolling in the government was considered the same Oleg Soskovets, who had already taken the chair of Deputy Prime Minister.

Lisin, as a representative of TWG, was a member of the boards of directors of five plants: three aluminum and two steel - Magnitogorsk and Novolipetsk plants. Legally, the TWG group was not formalized as a single company. It was a conglomerate of Russian firms and offshore companies, typical for that time, formally independent of each other.

In 1995, a wave of contract killings swept through the industry. In April, an attempt was made (failed) on the commercial director of the Sayan aluminum plant Valery Tokarev - Lisin at that time was a member of the board of directors there. In the same year, the heads of firms that had interests in aluminum smelters were killed - the head of Yugorsky Bank Oleg Kantor, his deputy Vadim Yafyasov and the manager Russian business another major exporter metals, companies AYuS Felix Lvov. After these murders, the image of TWG in the business community became demonic.

However, TWG's meteoric rise was followed by an equally meteoric decline. Already in 1996, the group began to disintegrate. This happened a few months after the scandalous resignation of Oleg Soskovets from a government post. The most influential people at that time in the corridors of federal power - the head of the presidential administration, Anatoly Chubais and Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, did not favor TWG. The positions of the Blacks in Russia have become shaky, and their non-transparent business has become too vulnerable to the security forces. And then the brothers quarreled with each other and began to divide the business.

Vladimir Lisin did not miss out on dividing his own. While working at TWG, he took a closer look at one of the controlled plants - NLMK. In parallel with the Cherny brothers, he gradually bought up shares. By the time of the collapse of TWG, the brothers had accumulated 34% of the plant's securities, Lisin - 13%.

The plant was unprofitable, like many others. The tolling scheme allowed the structures that control exports to earn billions, but did not help the factories themselves much. The Cherny brothers, winding down the TWG business, decided to bankrupt the plant and sell its assets to someone. Vladimir Lisin was offered compensation for his work and 13% of the shares.

If Lisin had agreed, he would have become a multimillionaire, but he would never have made billions. However, he went against the former partners and began to implement his own plan. He decided to seize control of NLMK.

« I had to concentrate on one thing, and in Lipetsk I already had a large package“, - so Lisin explained his choice in an interview. In addition, the plant had modern equipment by Russian standards.

In a word, everything led him to part with his partners. Without sentiment, but with litigation - “ with lawyers, lawyers, with all personal belongings“, - as Lisin himself says. To win this fight, he entered into a temporary alliance - with Vladimir Potanin (managing part of NLMK shares), with whom he reached an agreement on how he would buy out the rest of the shares. Lisin created his own offshore company to sell metal for export and transferred all of NLMK's financial flows to his own company, Worslade Trading, registered in Ireland.

In 1998, Lisin was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works and has since been repeatedly re-elected to this post. According to Forbes magazine, it was in 1998 that Lisin agreed with foreign companies who owned NLMK shares. After buying securities from them, Lisin's stake grew to 63 percent.


Lisin planned to take the next big step in 2000. The June meeting of shareholders was offered a restructuring program for $ 1.1 billion. They were ready to provide money to the plant to Lisin's own companies in exchange for an additional issue of shares. After their release, TWG's share would have halved.

Judging by the fact that the issue of new shares was included in the agenda of the meeting of shareholders, Lisin had reason to believe that former colleagues from TWG would not or could not object.

But on the eve of the shareholders' meeting, just before the closing of the register, Lisin was in for an unpleasant surprise: 34% of the shares owned by TWG changed hands. Vladimir Potanin's company Interros became the new owner.

For the first time in biographies of Vladimir Lisin the strategic partner himself broke off relations with him. Yes, and began hostilities. At the shareholders' meeting, Potanin's representatives voted against the issue of new shares. After that, Interros struck blow after blow. In October 2000, NLMK announced the sale for $119.3 million of a 100% stake in the Stinol refrigerator plant to the Italian Merloni Elettrodomestici. Potanin's lawyers immediately began to challenge (without success) this deal. And a little later, auditors from the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation raided the plant and calculated the damage in the amount of more than $160 million, which NLMK allegedly inflicted on the state. However, this was even before Lisin - the Accounts Chamber found that in authorized capital the company did not take into account the funds that the state once invested in the construction of Stinol, and besides, educational institutions were illegally (according to the Accounts Chamber) included in the NLMK property.

The actions of state auditors had no consequences, but it all looked like an attempt to create maximum problems for Lisin.

Vladimir Potanin at that time felt quite confident. He was not afraid to wage war on two fronts: in addition to the Novolipetsk Combine, he fought for control of the Sidanko oil company against the Tyumen oil company(TNK).

Lisin accepted the challenge and even launched a counterattack. He preferred not to overpay Potanin for NLMK shares, but to use the money to buy securities of Norilsk Nickel, Potanin's main asset. Then 8% of the shares of Norilsk Nickel, bought by Lisin, cost almost half as much as 34% of NLMK.

And in 2001, Vladimir Potanin seemed to have been replaced. The co-owner of Interros stopped all corporate conflicts. He sold the disputed Sidanco shares to TNK for $1.1 billion. And he offered NLMK shares to Lisin for the same amount that he paid for them in 2000. (Analysts of the United Financial Group estimated this deal at about $180 million.) Lisin also sold his shares in Norilsk Nickel in 2003 - for open market through the Swiss bank UBS.

Since then, both metallurgical magnates have been interested only in their factories. And earn a new reputation. Increase business transparency and management efficiency.

Lisin succeeded in this matter. Having invested about $30 million in the reconstruction of his own thermal power plant, which provides almost half of the plant's energy needs, he reduced production costs. Energy now costs him 15% less.


In 2004, Lisin received an influential partner, Boris Ivanishvili. In February of this year, NLMK bought the Stoilensky Mining and Processing Plant (GOK). For a controlling stake in GOK, Lisin gave it former owner, the founder of the Russian Credit Bank, Boris Ivanishvili, 15.5% of his 97% stake in NLMK. However, later, for some unknown reason, the deal was modified. For Stoilensky GOK, Boris Ivanishvili earned $510 million. The purchase of Stoilensky GOK provided NLMK with its own ore for many years - the main raw material for metallurgical production.

Finally, in October, Lisin bought a package of licenses for the exploration of gas condensate fields on the shelf of the Kara Sea. In the same month, the Northern Oil and Gas Company was bought from Kakha Bandukidze, the main asset of which is a 62% stake in the small Samara oil company Volganeft. In a press release, NLMK stated that the purpose of this transaction is to create new site for future energy investments. It was also said that NLMK considers investment projects promising in the energy sector, meeting the objectives of supplying energy resources to the entire production complex of NLMK Group.

In December 2005 Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works completed the initial public offering of its shares on the London Stock Exchange. 609 million dollars were received for a 7% stake in the steel plant.

As a result of the IPO, the company's capitalization amounted to 8.7 billion dollars. According to some reports, shares for placement were provided by one of the offshore companies of Vladimir Lisin, the main owner of NLMK. The latter, according to the investment memorandum of the steel plant, owned 89.85% of NLMK shares before the public offering.


In July 2005, it became known about biggest deal on the Moscow real estate market - the sale of 38% of the shares of OAO City. The value of the signed contract is $130 million. The Guta group acted as the seller, while the buyers were structures close to businessman Vladimir Lisin, who controls NLMK.

OJSC "City" is the managing company of the project of the Government of Moscow, the Moscow International Business Center (MIBC) "Moscow-City". Within the framework of the project, a grandiose construction is being carried out on the Krasnopresnenskaya embankment; it is expected that this area will become the largest business center of the capital of Russia. The total investment is estimated at 11-12 billion US dollars.

And this is not the first time Lisin has shown interest in real estate investment capital Cities. In October 2000, he acquired control over the Moscow plant "Rubin" and DK im. Gorbunov with the territory adjacent to it, the so-called "hump", About 60% of the shares of OJSC MTZ Rubin, the entrepreneur bought for $ 10 million from Alexander Milyavsky, who collected this package in the mid-90s.

Over time, Rubin sold its television production, but retains the ownership of the Gorbushkin Dvor shopping center.


In June, the Novolipetsk plant bought two seaports to "protect its export channels." A 69.4% stake in OAO Tuapse Commercial Sea Port was purchased for $190 million from Severstaltrans. In addition, subsidiaries such as OAO Tuapse Shiprepair Plant, OAO Tuapsegrazhdanstroy and other assets came under NLMK's control. This transaction made it possible to ensure the unimpeded transportation of NLMK products to Asia and Africa, as well as to reduce the costs associated with port operations.

Again, in June 2004, the structures of Vladimir Lisin came to the port of St. Petersburg. The Danish company Jysk Staalindustri Aps, friendly to Mr. Lisin, acquired a 50.01% stake in Morport SPb OJSC from the offshore company Nasdor, which, according to unofficial data, is controlled by State Duma deputy Vitaly Yuzhilin and his partner Andrei Kobzar. Market participants valued the deal at least $100 million. And in November 2005, Chupit Limited, an offshore company close to Mr. Lisin, bought another 49% of the port's shares at a privatization auction from the state for $30 million. This purchase guaranteed an export channel to Europe and America.

In July 2006 Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works completed the acquisition of a 30% stake in OOO Nezavisimaya Transport company"(LLC "NTK"). After completion of this transaction, NLMK's share in the charter capital of LLC NTK amounted to 100%. The seller of the stake was Eurasian Transport Company LLC.

LLC NTK is NLMK's key logistics asset, ensuring the timely supply of raw materials for metallurgical production and the delivery of finished products to consumers both in Russia and abroad. LLC "NTK" coordinates interaction with JSC "Russian Railways» and port administrations in the field of export deliveries.


Now, without losing control over his main asset, Mr. Lisin received more than $600 million in his hands. In addition, investment analysts in 2005 indicated that the company's bank accounts at that time had about $2 billion more, which together gave Mr. - Well, Lisin has excellent opportunities to finance his new projects.

Part of the funds was invested in the beginning of the construction of 5 new container terminals in the St. Petersburg Seaport, about which in February 2005 an investment program was approved until 2010 with the government of the "northern capital".

In January 2006, NLMK sold an 11.96% stake in Lebedinsky GOK to the structures of its main shareholder (Alisher Usmanov) for $400 million.

In the same month, NLMK acquired a 100% stake in the Danish steelmaker DanSteel A/S (Dunsteel) for $104 million.

In February 2006, Lisin acquired 90% of the shares of two large coal assets: Prokopyevskugol and Altai-koks, which will increase NLMK's mobility and independence. For them, he paid about $800 million to structures close to Iskandar Mahmudov. Previously, he acquired a license for the Zhernovskoye coal deposit in Kuzbass, the development of which will fully cover all of NLMK's needs for coking coal (this project is scheduled to be completed by 2009) .

In August 2006, NLMK acquired a new asset - the Ekaterinburg company VIZ-Stal. For 100% of the shares of the Ural enterprise, Lisin paid $ 550 million to the international concern Duferco.

In September 2006, OJSC NLMK completed the sale of a stake in the amount of 92.04% of the ordinary shares of OJSC Kombinat KMAruda to OJSC Koks for $302.5 million. OJSC Koks is part of the management company Industrial and Metallurgical Holding , which belongs to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Boris Zubitsky. This transaction was carried out as part of the previously announced plan for the Company's internal restructuring, one of the key aspects of which is the optimization of the asset structure. Currently, the company's strategy is focused on the development of NLMK's key iron ore asset - Stoilensky GOK.

On November 27, 2006, the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works and the Swiss steel company Duferco announced a partnership. On this day, documents were signed on the creation of a joint venture Steel Invest & Finance S.A., registered in Luxembourg. Each of the parties received 50% in this joint venture. NLMK paid $805 million for its half own funds, and Duferco contributed production assets to the JV's capital: a steel plant in Belgium and five steel rolling plants in France, Belgium, Italy and the United States. The new structure also began to own affiliated undertaking Duferco Transformation Europe (DTE), which operates nine metal service centers in France, Belgium and the Czech Republic. In addition, the parties signed an agreement on the implementation of a $401 million expansion and technical development program for the enterprises included in the joint venture. NLMK will raise these funds, while Duferco will manage them. In this way, NLMK is entering the consumer markets of Europe and the US and is increasing the production of high value-added products. At the same time, analysts believe that the owner of NLMK, Vladimir Lisin, managed to gain access to Western assets at a certain discount.

In December 2006, Immenso Enterprises Limited, controlled by Vladimir Lisin, bought out the minority stakes previously owned by NLMK in OAO Lipetskenergo (14.11%), OAO Lipetsk Energy Retail Company (14.11%), OAO Lipetsk Trunk Grids (14 11%), OJSC Lipetskoblgaz (19.39%), OJSC Territorial Generating Company No. 4 (2.7%), as well as a controlling stake in LLC Lipetsk City Energy Company (51%). All blocks of shares are valued at $78.56 million. Most likely, then these shares will be resold to an outside investor. Back in February 2006, NLMK's Board of Directors decided that minority stakes in energy companies are non-core assets and do not provide an impact on the Company's activities.

In March 2008, Lisin's fortune was estimated by the Russian version of Forbes magazine at $ 20.3 billion, but the global crisis that began in the fall of 2008 dealt a serious blow to him. In April 2009, Forbes estimated his fortune at $5.2 billion (fifth among Russian billionaires), and in February 2010, Finance named Lisin the richest person in Russia with a fortune of $18.8 billion. In April of the same year, Lisin topped the list of the richest businessmen in Russia according to the Russian Forbes, which estimated his fortune at $15.8 billion. And according to the results of March 2011, Forbes magazine estimated his fortune at 24 billion dollars. Vladimir Sergeevich LisinThe richest man in Russia!

Today, he does not see attractive companies for investment in the face of falling markets and the outflow of capital from the country. " Now everything will fall, but the question is how long it will fall, and how long it will go out. I don't think there's a "gold chip" right nowwhere can you invest money ", Lisin shared with reporters.


Lisin - Doctor of Technical and Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Market Problems and the Economic Mechanism of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in the field of science and technology, Vice-President of the International Union of Metallurgists and Honorary Metallurgist of Russia, holder of the Order of Honor and holder of the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

In early 2001, Lisin became vice president of the National Federation of Sporting (shooting at plastic plates), and in 2002, president of the Russian Shooting Union. Even in his youth, he was addicted to shooting, and now he actually supports the national team, heading the Shooting Union of Russia. He even built in the suburbs - for himself and professional athletes - the shooting complex "Fox Hole".

Another personal project businessman, which he himself calls "social", is the issue of the daily newspaper "Gazeta". It has been out since 2001, but still does not make a profit. Lisin says that he was glad to create an "independent mass media" and that he doesn't need anything else from Gazeta.

In business and sports circles, Lisin is well known, but keeps his personal life a secret from the media. It is only known that he is married and has three children.

Lisin is a collector. He collects furniture, household items, small sculptures of Kasli cast iron (he is considered the owner of one of the most complete private collections of pre-revolutionary Kasli castings, which has more than 200 exhibits, despite the fact that the entire pre-revolutionary assortment of the plant was a little more than 300 types of various products. The most rare the exhibits of the Lisin collection are estimated at 3-5 thousand dollars).

Statements by Vladimir Lisin

I understand for sure that I was right when I did not go down this path - take, take, take.

I am always surprised when people who appear out of nowhere suddenly start talking about purely professional problems. Without getting an education and reading only a couple of books, it is impossible to talk about how to manage an enterprise.

Real professionals should work in key positions, not people who understand a little bit of everything. It is important not only to have experience, education and pass additional vocational education , but just the same desired self-criticism and the ability to change and adapt. In sum, this is professionalism.

Strategy is not a set of immutable rules. It depends on the situation.

We carefully watch our words. There is such a principle in the company: it is better not to say anything, and if you have said, then do it. Many of our colleagues will ring out there, then they will chime in, and then what? Nothing.

Let's say I take the path of downsizing and raising the salaries of the remaining workers. Where will the rest go? I think they will stand behind the fence to rob their more fortunate colleagues of what they have earned.

The economic strength of a company depends on more than just its size.

The acquisition must have some pragmatic purpose. Either this is the pumping up of assets, which means it is a speculative factor, or it is the development of the market: presence or control. And the choice is not always easy.

I think that supermonsters are harmful - what a monopoly is and what it leads to is clear to everyone.

One of my colleagues joked: you will polish your assets endlessly. This was said with irony, of course, but it turned out that it was the polishing of assets that had the effect.

The optimization depth is infinite. The market never stops, and if you stop pedaling, then your path is in a losing zone.

You need to understand that the world has become different, you can’t hide information, you can’t hide it. But I am not a guru to predict what will happen next. Let's leave this matter to the analysts.

Many mistakes in business stem from an unwillingness to give up personal ambition. It is always very difficult to change a decision, be it technical, economic or political. But for any leader, personal ambitions should not obscure the ultimate goal of the business.

Economic laws are immutable, any manager must know them.

All my work is aimed at improving the performance of the company.

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Life Lisin Vladimir Sergeevich- a mysterious and powerful man, like the Count of Monte Cristo himself, is divided between, where he has his own castle, and Russia, where, in addition to the metallurgical giant in his possession, he still has a special place with the ironic and somewhat unusual name "Fox Nora". It is here, in the "Fox Hole", tired of numbers, calculations, faces, names and smiles, that the famous puts on soundproof headphones over an ordinary baseball cap, loads a rifle with a firm hand and, as if challenging the sky, accurately shoots at its serene heights...

Childhood of Lisin Vladimir

Vladimir Sergeevich Lisin was born on May 7, 1956. in Ivanovo. Somewhat later the family moved to Novokuznetsk. From an early age, the boy was laconic, concentrated and somewhat closed - a child and an old man in one person. Childhood was calm, which cannot but upset those who like to delve into other people's crypts. For people who are very imaginative, it always seems that it is in Lisin's childhood that the most secret secrets are hidden. However, it is foolish to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there.

At school, Vladimir studied well, and those things that he himself chose as a child later became his companions for life. So, at the age of 12, Lisin picked up a weapon for the first time - a rifle from a school shooting range. Since then, he has never changed his passion - sports shooting. Today Lisin considers shooting the most the best remedy, which can make a person concentrate, but, at the same time, not think about anything, because it is impossible to shoot accurately if you do not free your head from unnecessary thoughts.

One of the journalists once said that if Lisin had been born in a different era, and not in our country, but in Japan, he would have become an ideal samurai - devoid of emotions, calm and striving to achieve perfection in everything.

How Lisin became an oligarch

In total, there was some predestination in the fate of Lisin Vladimir Sergeevich. His childhood and youth were spent in the city of metallurgists - Novokuznetsk, in which, in principle, there was nothing to choose a sphere of self-realization and interests. Therefore, the future entered the Siberian Metallurgical Institute, after which he acquired the specialty "metallurgical engineer". Interestingly, Lisin earned his first big money (almost 1000 rubles) while still a student, honestly working in a construction team at BAM. After graduating from the institute, Lisin was assigned to Tula, where he began working at NPO Tulachermet, and went through a difficult path from an ordinary steelmaker to deputy shop manager.

A new turn in the life of Lisin Vladimir coincided with the beginning of perestroika, when he, no longer seeing prospects in NPO Tulachermet, moved to Kazakhstan and began working at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, where the director at that time was the future Minister of Metallurgy Oleg Soskovets. It was under his leadership that Lisin gained his first commercial experience, which he still recalls with considerable pleasure. Soon Lisin became Soskovets' deputy.

Not much time passed before Soskovets's career rapidly went up, and he moved to Moscow, Lisin followed him. However, as he himself claims, this is a mere coincidence, according to him, Soskovets never invited him to the capital. But, one way or another, Soskovets and Lisin still managed to turn out a successful deal with the American company Trans Commodities, after which they began a joint business. They were the first who put the so-called "tolling" on a grand scale, the essence of which is the virtuoso bypass of the customs regime and taxes.

In 1992, a new metallurgical empire “TWG” (“Trans World Qroup”) was born in Russia, where Vladimir Lisin went to work and literally a year later received partner status there. Soon the company took control of most of the country's large metallurgical plants and took third place in the supply of aluminum to.

In 1995 after a series of contract killings, the collapse of TWG began, and while the competitors were fighting, the cautious Lisin looked after the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant for himself and began to slowly buy up its shares. Having acquired 63% of the shares, and becoming practically the owner of the plant, Lisin managed the almost impossible: the unprofitable enterprise not only survived the crisis years of 1998-1999, but already in 2000 turned into a profitable production. And in 2003, Vladimir Lisin first appeared in the notorious Forbes magazine rating, where he took sixth place among Russian billionaires. Today, Lisin's fortune is estimated at about 15-16 billion dollars.

The life of the quiet oligarch Lisin

Lisin Vladimir Sergeevich leads the life of a quiet and even, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, modest. He prefers business to wars and shooting cymbals (by the way, produced by his own metallurgical enterprise) in his own shooting club. The Lisin plant annually produces more than 1.5 million shooting plates, which go to the needs of the owner himself. By the way, in sports shooting Lisin fulfilled the standard of a master of sports.

Lisin can hardly be called a “new Russian”, in fact he is a great worker, a doctor of technical sciences, who created 10 books, 47 publications, almost 50 copyright certificates and patents for inventions.

Unlike many, Lisin does not compete in buying luxury real estate, does not collect yachts, he does not even wear expensive watches. His real passions are books, the collection of Kasli cast iron, which the oligarch has been collecting for many years, and sports shooting. But Lisin considers his own family to be his most important asset: his wife Lyudmila and three sons - Alexander, Dmitry and Vyacheslav.

As for material wealth, Lisin's only truly expensive purchase is only an estate in Scotland, surrounded by quiet, virgin nature. But this acquisition can only be associated with the desire to hide from prying eyes and fully enjoy solitude, because in Scotland it is enough for Vladimir to go beyond the threshold, as you can already start hunting or just take a walk in blessed silence. However, Lisin is sure that such simple joys of life are available not only to the rich, but also to the poor. “Big money can give more opportunities, but everything else: the sun, the sky, the air, the sea are the same for everyone, regardless of the amount of money,” he argues, and it’s hard to argue with him.

The name of this person is not so often flashed in the media. Vladimir Lisin, a billionaire with many years of experience, tries once again not to shine and very carefully guards his personal life from prying eyes. In addition, the person is calm and phlegmatic, he does not interfere in high-profile scandals, and he tries to resolve conflicts quietly and peacefully. Meanwhile, there is something to tell about Lisin's life ... In 2010-2011, he was the richest man in the Russian Federation, and today he is in the top ten. The size of his "empire" is simply immense. Lisin Vladimir lives in an expensive castle in Scotland, and in Russia he has a haven - "Fox Hole", where he does what he loves. However, first things first.

How did the citizen former USSR, where everyone was known to be equal, to become a powerful figure, today owning a fortune of more than nine billion dollars? Maybe Vladimir's parents were secret millionaires? Or big nomenclature "bumps"? Or maybe Lisin received an inheritance from an overseas uncle? Neither one, nor the other, nor the third.

The childhood of Vladimir Lisin

In fact, almost nothing is known about the parents of the billionaire. But, judging by the way the life of the tycoon developed after school, mom and dad were fairly simple people.

From official biographies it follows that the birthday of Lisin Vladimir Sergeevich fell on May 7, 1956, and this significant event happened in the city of weavers - Ivanovo.

Journalists have repeatedly tried to shed light on the first years of the rich man's life, but they managed to find out little. When they showed the yellowed card to Lisin's former classmates and teachers, they only shrugged their shoulders, hardly remembering this boy and not knowing what to say about him.

Vova was very quiet, withdrawn, serious. He studied well, although sometimes, like everyone else, he had bad grades. In general, nothing remarkable was different. Not tall, not beauties, not a hooligan, but not a sucker either ... It seemed that the same inconspicuous path awaited him ...

Study and start of work

At some point, the family of Vladimir Lisin moved from the city of Ivanovo to Novokuznetsk, and after graduating from school, the guy enters the Siberian Metallurgical Institute. Actually, he had no other alternative, so fate helped with the choice of a life path. Studying for a metallurgical engineer is going smoothly. In parallel with classes, Lisin also manages to earn extra money. So, for example, it is known that in 1975 he went with classmates to the BAM, where his construction team was engaged in clearing the flooded area around the Zeya hydroelectric power station. In the same 75th, Vladimir began his official career, getting a job as an electrician at Yuzhkuzbassugol.

The diploma of a specialist was received in 1979, and the graduate is sent for distribution to Tula, where he works at the local enterprise NPO Tulachermet. The first rung of the career ladder was the position of a steelmaker, then Lisin was appointed operator of a steel casting plant; soon he rose to the rank of shift supervisor, then to the section, and eventually became the head of the shop. And all this in a fairly short period of time thanks to perseverance, diligent work and the desire to perform any work with high quality.

Later, Lisin received several more educations, graduating from the graduate school of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Metallurgy in 1984, becoming a graduate of the Higher Commercial School at the Academy of Foreign Trade in 1990, and in 1992 from the Academy of Narxoz.

First patron - Soskovets

In 1985, fate brought Lisin to Kazakhstan, where he got a job at a metallurgical plant in Karaganda as a deputy chief engineer. The head of this enterprise was Oleg Soskovets, and very soon Vladimir Lisin became his deputy.

The role of Soskovets in the fate of the future billionaire is difficult to overestimate. With him, Lisin got his commercial experience when he headed the "daughter" of the Karaganda plant "TSK-Steel". The company, in partnership with the Swiss, sold metals for export very profitably. The 90s were on the way, and the state loosened its grip, and enterprising people skillfully used holes in the legislation.

It was during that period that Lisin earned his first big money. And although he denies friendship with Soskovets, it is known that this person helped him well at the start.

Moscow and Kislin

In 1991 Oleg Soskovets moved to Moscow and headed the Ministry of Metallurgy of the Soviet Union. Lisin Vladimir also changes Karaganda to the capital, subsequently explaining this event as a mere coincidence.

In the 1990s, Moscow was flooded with foreigners who saw great prospects for their business here. Came from America to the capital of the Russian Federation and the former inhabitant of Odessa Sam Kislin, who worked as the head of the grocery store before emigrating. And at the time of his arrival, he already owned a solid metallurgical company Trans Commodities, which was engaged in the supply of raw materials.

The paths of Kislin and Lisin crossed. The latter helped the American "resolve" an almost stalemate financial situation, where 30 million dollars were at stake. This is how the collaboration began. The business was based on "tolling" - a mechanism that made it possible to transport raw materials abroad almost without duties. Vladimir Sergeevich worked for "Uncle Sam" in Trans Commodities, in fact, as a hired worker, and this status did not suit him very much.

Trans World Group

The situation changed in 1992, when Lisin Vladimir Sergeevich crossed paths with another foreigner - David Ruben from the UK. He was engaged in the trade of non-ferrous metals and, together with Russian partners, created the company Trans World Group, which included Lisin, being a member of the board of directors. Businessmen very quickly took control of most of the largest metallurgical enterprises in Russia. Among them was the Novolipetsk Combine, which today is the main asset of the billionaire. But before owning this plant, Lisin still had to go and go ...

Fight for NLMK

1995 was marked by a series of massacres against leaders Russian enterprises associated with the field of metallurgy. The murders were distinguished by sophisticated cruelty and unceremoniousness. It was rumored that TWG was behind all this, which was almost the only one who felt good at that time.

But the period of prosperity did not last long. The group, which consisted of foreigners and Russian partners, began to strife. The founders could not share power in any way, besides, the company was not favored by the new government of Chernomyrdin, who replaced Lisin's patron, Oleg Soskovets, as prime minister.

TWG was falling apart before our eyes, and Lisin Vladimir Sergeevich tried to make the most of this situation. He swung at the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, slowly buying up its shares. When the founders of TWG decided to sell this unprofitable enterprise, Lisin already had a 13% stake. He refused the offer to receive compensation for them, although he could have become a multimillionaire.

In the fight for NLMK, its current owner had to face Vladimir Potanin (Russia's richest man in 2015). At first he played on the same field with Lisin, and then suddenly found himself on the other side of the front. Potanin already had 50% of the shares in his hands, and he tried to throw the applicant out of the game.

After several bold attacks by Lisin, his namesake finally gave up and sold his package to Vladimir Sergeevich.

Full control

In 2001, the goal was achieved. As planned by Vladimir Lisin, NLMK was under his complete control. At that time, he had already done a lot for the plant, which he actually led. After the crisis of 1998, growth began, and by the beginning of the 2000s, NLMK was already making a profit of 9 billion rubles a year.

Lisin no longer participated in business wars and came to grips with the development of the plant. Today, NLMK is not just a plant, but a whole vertical of enterprises covering all stages of metal production. There are no similar examples in the world.

Vladimir Sergeevich acquired his “own” ore, built a thermal power plant, bought several ports in the south and north of the country to improve logistics, and made many more effective steps and acquisitions that today allow both NMLK and its owner to prosper.

Political activity

Lisin Vladimir is a whole and consistent person, he follows the path chosen in his youth, without turning anywhere. For example, he does not claim to be the president of the country or a deputy of the State Duma, as many do successful businessmen Russia. But Lisin nevertheless made some attempts to succeed in politics.

So, for example, he wanted to take the post of governor of the Lipetsk region and head of its administration. But, having not met with support from the president, he abandoned his intentions. Lisin never went into conflicts with the authorities.


Vladimir Lisin, whose biography began in a simple family of residents of the city of Ivanovo, became interested in sports shooting as a child. This hobby has only grown over the years.

Today, the businessman heads the Shooting Union of Russia and sponsors the national national team this species sports.

Lisin likes to shoot himself. For these needs, he even acquired the "Fox Hole" in the suburbs, which is a whole complex for recreation, entertainment and training.

It is noteworthy that, when shooting at skeet, the billionaire does not spend money on their purchase, having adjusted own production targets. And this fact is another confirmation that rich people can count money.

Other Interests

In addition to financing shooting sports, Lisin is also involved in other types of charity. His company acts as a philanthropist in the construction of churches, and Vladimir Sergeevich himself from 2001 to 2010. sponsored the print media outlet Gazeta, which never became profitable. Lisin stated that he sought to give the society an independent publication, but the employees of Gazeta denied the fact that the owner did not interfere in editorial policy.

For some time, Lisin owned the Rubin TV channel, today he owns the Business-FM radio station.

The billionaire also collects furniture, household items, works of art (in particular, Kasli castings), etc. He speaks fluent English and loves to smoke cigars.

Lisin's personal life

At the disposal of the Lisin family is a chic castle in Scotland, bought for 6.8 million British pounds in 2005. The ancient building is surrounded by virgin nature, and the place resembles a corner of paradise.

It is difficult to find a person more permanent than Vladimir Lisin. His wife Lyudmila is the first and only one in his entire life. Peace and tranquility reign in the family. The couple has three children, all boys. The first son of Vladimir Lisin Alexander. The second is Vyacheslav, and the third is Dmitry. Today they are rich heirs. And once it was because of the children that Lisin began to strive upward. Seeing the appetite with which his sons pounce on ordinary food, he vowed that they would never live in poverty. And he does everything possible for this!