Calculation of personnel risks using an example. Personnel risks using the example of an oil company. Development of measures to minimize risks. HR risks of the organization

Currently, one of the most important conditions for the functioning of an organization with a focus on increasing its value, stable profit generation and effective work is personnel risk management, which is becoming one of the main competitive advantages organization, regardless of its organizational and legal form and type of activity.

Personnel risk is understood as the threat of losses arising from the ineffective functioning of the organization’s personnel management system, mistakes made by management and HR department organizations during development HR strategy or in the process of making operational decisions in the field of personnel management.

Personnel risk is a complex risk, therefore, a classification of types of personnel risks is necessary, which means their distribution into separate groups according to certain characteristics in order to achieve certain goals. Each risk has its own risk management technique.

The following groups of personnel risks can be distinguished:

  • 1. By nature of manifestation personnel risks can be divided into quantitative and qualitative. Personnel risks quantitative nature associated with a deficiency or excess human resources in a specific organization. They can manifest themselves in the form of various losses due to the discrepancy between the actual number of employees and the current needs of the organization and include:
    • - risks of untimely replacement of newly created or released jobs;
    • - risks of untimely reduction in the number of personnel not fully loaded structural divisions organizations;
    • - risks of imbalances in the number of personnel in various departments, characterized by excess personnel in some departments and the presence of vacant jobs in others;
    • - job risks, consisting in the inconsistency of the position itself with the types of activities, goals, tasks, functions and technologies. The reasons for their occurrence may be inadequate staffing table or a misrepresented job description.

Personnel risks qualitative nature due to the discrepancy between the actual characteristics of the personnel available to the organization and the requirements for it. They include:

  • - qualification and educational risk, the essence of which is the incompatibility of the employee with the position held;
  • - risks of insufficient qualification of personnel;
  • - the risks that specific employees do not have the necessary professional qualities(for example, experience in a given position, responsibility, diligence, creativity, business intuition, etc.);
  • - risks of personnel disloyalty;
  • - risks of specific employees lacking the necessary personal qualities (for example, intellectual potential, psychological stability, communication skills, etc.);
  • - the risk of abuse and dishonesty, depending on the level of work on the selection and hiring of personnel, the effectiveness of security services, the effectiveness of the control and audit apparatus, leadership style, corporate culture;
  • - the risk of employee rejection of innovations. Innovation management involves timely informing people, choosing clear goals and strategies, flexible planning and organization, stimulating staff and involving them in changes at all stages, training staff and targeted influence on their behavior.
  • 2. For reasons of occurrence HR risks are divided into individual and organizational.

Individual personnel risks include the following types:

  • - biological risks (age, health level, psychophysiological characteristics, performance);
  • - socio-psychological risks (motives, values, norms, culture, social roles, conflict, loyalty);
  • - intellectual risks (intelligence level, education);
  • - professional risks (creative potential, professional potential, competencies, qualifications, work experience);
  • - personal risks (shortsightedness, negligence, fear of blackmail, sudden deterioration or improvement of financial situation, social status, vanity, desire to maintain a position, easy suggestibility, gullibility, deceit, criminal record, greed, resentment, vindictiveness, meanness, instability to stress, loneliness , secrecy).

Organizational personnel risks are primarily due to ineffective work in the field of personnel management, namely ineffective systems for selection and selection of personnel, motivation and incentives of personnel, career management, etc.

  • 3. According to the form of possible damage personnel risks are divided into:
    • - property risks, the damage from which can be accurately determined in monetary terms;
    • - non-property (or intangible) risks associated with damage caused, for example, to the image of the enterprise as a business partner.
  • 4. According to the possible extent of damage personnel risks are most often classified as local; only in rare cases can an organization suffer significant losses, determined, as a rule, by erroneous decisions of the organization’s top management.
  • 5. According to the degree of regularity of manifestation personnel risks are divided into one-time or accidental, regular, and permanent risks.
  • 6. Depending on degree of sensitivity to risks of various stakeholder groups acceptable, acceptable and unacceptable personnel risks are identified.

The following groups of main factors influencing the occurrence of personnel risks in an organization are identified.

Internal factors - managed, i.e. depending on the management of the enterprise and (indirectly) on external factors, defining the conditions for the occurrence of risks:

  • inconsistency between the qualifications of employees and the requirements placed on them;
  • insufficient qualifications of employees;
  • weak organization of the personnel management system;
  • weak organization of the training system;
  • ineffective motivation system;
  • errors in personnel resource planning;
  • reduction in quantity rationalization proposals and initiatives;
  • care of qualified employees;
  • orientation of employees to the solution of internal tactical tasks;
  • orientation of employees to the observance of the interests of the unit;
  • lack or weak corporate policies;
  • poor quality checks of candidates when hiring, etc.

Without a doubt, HR managers can continue this list, which is what should be done after analyzing the state personnel work from the point of view of safety and break-even labor relations at the enterprise.

External factors - uncontrollable, i.e. independent of organizational management, but determining the personnel policy of the enterprise and the degree of risk:

  • Competitors have better motivation conditions;
  • setting up competitors to poach personnel;
  • external pressure on employees;
  • employees getting into different kinds addictions;
  • inflationary processes (it is impossible not to take into account when calculating wages and forecasting its dynamics). Risk cases are divided into random (unintentional) and non-random (targeted).

Random ones are mainly caused by the following reasons:

  • lack of awareness of the essence of what is happening and the consequences of their actions;
  • negligence, inattention, violation or lack of relevant rules and regulations;
  • inadequate in-house training;
  • own vision of the situation (good intentions);
  • the gap between true and declared organizational values.

Purposeful risk behavior is mainly due to:

  • own vision of the situation (good intentions);
  • personal gain;
  • individual values ​​that are different from those of the organization;
  • gap between true and declared organizational values;
  • low interest in the existence (development) of the organization;
  • intracorporate intrigues, intergroup conflicts;
  • disloyalty, demotivation, conflicts (sometimes with a specific individual);
  • atmosphere of dark mystery.


For most managers and managers, the security of any enterprise - large and small, commercial and non-profit, industrial and operating in the service sector, does not fall under the purview of human resource management services. The security of an organization is most often handled by the enterprise security service. In the understanding of the management of the enterprise, security is not protecting the organization from threats and risks from a legal point of view, but only protecting the enterprise from the physical aggression of criminals. The possibility of using one’s official position for personal purposes, for example, by an employee holding a key position in a company, is not taken into account. Risks that can bring a lot of financial and time costs, such as incomplete or poor performance of official duties, theft, dissemination of confidential official information, trade secrets, etc., are often not taken into account.

IN modern conditions, when the practice of unfair competition is widespread, such a negligent attitude of management towards protecting the enterprise from risks and threats emanating from the main resource and wealth of the organization - already working “assigned” personnel, results in millions in losses, and often bankruptcy.

In organizations, there is often a special service for this, which comes into contact with personnel, mainly when it is necessary to “break through the database” of key employees hired, or to suppress, for example, fights between employees during a corporate holiday, as well as to protect the building from penetration by strangers, etc. Basically, the tasks of “security” of a company lie not inside, but outside of it, starting with physical protection from undesirable persons and ending with clever measures to prevent threats from criminals or unscrupulous competitors. For this purpose, it is often not the internal division of the organization that is used, but an external, often completely third-party security company, which performs its duties only within the strictly limited framework of the contract for the provision of paid services. The performance of non-standard security functions against threats emanating from the company’s own personnel remains on the “conscience” of its management. And each time, in each new specific case, the enterprise is faced with the need to find means for a possible solution to the problem that has arisen and neutralize its consequences. Often such a "catching up" policy turns into the liquidation of the enterprise.

In reality, in addition to external threats to the company’s security, there are also internal threats arising from its main resource – its personnel. We are talking not only about someone’s negligence or incompetence, but also about completely conscious theft, sabotage, bribery, disclosure of trade secrets and other dishonest actions of employees. Such actions actually cause more damage and harm to enterprises than, for example, industrial espionage.

Managers think about external threats more, prepare for them more thoroughly, and ultimately experience their consequences more easily. They obviously perceive the environment as hostile; they do not expect mercy or handouts from it. The internal environment of the organization is our divisions, our people whom we hired and whom we trust. And accordingly, internal threats become more unexpected for us and cause greater moral and psychological damage.

Therefore, it is reasonable to create a management structure at the enterprise, which will be obliged to perform the functions of checking employees, protecting the enterprise from risks and threats emanating from personnel. Modern enterprises, faced with abuse of their legal rights, forgery of documents, disclosure of trade secrets of the enterprise and other intentional and unintentional “sabotage” on the part of their employees, create their own security service within the HR department or legal service, assign these functions to it and legally prescribe management procedures taking into account the specifics of the personnel. Practice shows that a preventive personnel policy in the field of protecting an organization from risks and threats associated with the actions or, conversely, inaction of personnel, turns out to be not only economically beneficial for an enterprise in the modern market, where information security is becoming increasingly important, but also often from it depends on the very existence of the organization in principle.

The presented work is devoted to the topic “Protecting the enterprise from risks and threats emanating from personnel.” Problem this study is relevant in today's environment. This is evidenced by the frequent study of the issues raised: personnel control, assessment of the level of staff loyalty, as well as the selection and hiring of reliable personnel. This topic is studied at the junction of several interrelated disciplines at once. These are psychology, management and sociology.

Many works are devoted to research questions. These include the works of such famous people as Shipilova O., in the field of personnel loyalty, Borodina I.A., in the field of corporate security, Chumarina I.G. – Director of the Fraud Research and Prevention Agency and Nezhdanov I.Yu. There are also many works by foreign authors: Michael Levy, Barton A. Waitz.

Further attention to the issue of “Protecting the enterprise from risks and threats emanating from personnel” is necessary in order to more deeply and substantively resolve particular current problems of the subject matter of this study. This is the selection of reliable personnel, personnel support and painless dismissal of personnel, both for the company and for the employee.

The relevance of this work is due, on the one hand, to the great interest in this topic in the modern world, and on the other hand, to its insufficient development. Consideration of issues related to the topic of protecting an enterprise from risks and threats has both theoretical and practical significance. The results can be used to develop methods for protecting an enterprise from risks and threats posed by personnel.

Personnel security is a dominant element of the economic security of an enterprise, due to the fact that employees are the primary element of any organization. Therefore, personnel are the object of this study.

At the same time, the subject of the study is the system of protecting the enterprise from risks and threats emanating from personnel. The purpose of the work is to study the topic “Protecting the enterprise from risks and threats emanating from personnel” from the point of view of the latest domestic and foreign research, as well as developing management methods for protecting the enterprise from risks and threats emanating from personnel.

As part of achieving this goal, I set the following tasks:

a) study theoretical aspects and identify the nature of risks and threats posed by personnel;

b) show that ensuring internal security must be a constant, purposeful and clearly understood component personnel policy enterprises;

c) outline possible measures to protect the enterprise from risks and threats posed by personnel.

The work has a traditional structure and includes an introduction, a main part consisting of 4 chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the choice of topic, sets the goal and objectives of the research, characterizes research methods and sources of information.

Chapter one covers general issues. It defines basic concepts, describes theoretical aspects and the nature of risks and threats posed by personnel.

Chapter two examines the consulting company NOU “Baikal Institute of Training”, gives its characteristics, organizational structure, and considers potential threats from personnel.

Chapter three is of a practical nature and, based on individual data, an adequate regulatory system is being developed that will allow the enterprise to experience fewer threats and suffer fewer losses from personnel actions.

The fourth chapter describes the safety and environmental friendliness of the project.

The sources of information for writing the work were basic educational literature, theoretical works of thinkers in the field under consideration, articles and reviews in specialized and periodicals devoted to the topic "Enterprise Security", reference literature, and other relevant sources of information.

1 Risks and threats associated with personnel

Own personnel, which are the primary component of any company, are often capable of causing harm hundreds of times greater than unscrupulous competitors or attackers. An unscrupulous employee, being in a team, ruins and destroys the company from the inside, and no one will ever suspect him of this. He does not have to be a person who wants the enterprise to go bankrupt or who harms the manager. He can simply act “according to the situation,” or even be confident in the correctness of his actions, absolutely not repenting of them.

A distinction should be made between the concepts of risks and threats. Let's fix the concepts: "risk" is the possibility of danger, failure. The company risks hiring an employee who does not perform his duties in good faith. "Threat" is a potential danger. Threats can be considered threats of theft of confidential information (material or financial resources), corporate fraud, customer loss, etc. The list of threats is quite varied. Intentional harm to employees creates a greater threat to the safety of the company than, for example, dishonest performance of duties.

      Description of the risks associated with the work of personnel

1.1.1 Unfair performance of duties due to the employee’s lack of adaptation

Unfair performance by an employee of his duties ranks high among personnel-related problems. After all, the work of the organization as a whole depends on how an individual employee works.

In conditions of fierce competition, it is very important that the service offered by the company is higher than that of other companies. Therefore, how the staff works is very important. Does he perform his duties correctly, does he know what his functions are. Otherwise, the risk of losing customers increases.

Incorrectly organized management procedures, first of all, are the reason for the employee’s dishonest performance of his professional duties. Adaptation of employees in a company is the first management procedure that we will consider.

The main reason for the employee’s failure to perform or incorrect performance of his duties is the following aspect: often no one is involved with the newcomer; at best, he is provided to colleagues and asked to familiarize himself with the job descriptions. Most companies don't even have basic onboarding programs. However, the impressions of the first days in a new place usually leave a deep mark and can have a negative impact on motivation and attitude towards the team, and most importantly, towards the employee’s responsibilities.

It is precisely because of the lack of an adaptation system that an employee may experience a feeling of alienation and take a negative attitude towards the company right from the first day of work.

A new employee, as a rule, lacks certain professional knowledge. It is precisely in order to replenish this knowledge and remove the difficulties of the initial period that technology is needed, a system for training a new employee, covering all areas of adaptation: organizational, professional and socio-psychological.

Organizational adaptation, in our opinion, is the acceptance by a new employee of his status in the company, understanding of its structure and existing management mechanisms.

For beginners, at best, local regulations, instructions, and structural diagrams are offered for study. However, practice shows that usually acquaintance with such documents is of a formal nature, since in a short time it is difficult to assimilate a large amount of information, apply it in practice and evaluate the importance of certain provisions.

The economic security of the company forms the basis for its development. According to experts, personnel-related risks account for 65 to 80% of all possible adverse events that threaten a business. Personnel risks are gradually but surely gaining importance in the minds of methodologists and management practitioners. The reasons for this lie in the historical systemic crisis experienced by civilization at the next cycle of its development. The consequence of this is not only the aggravation of contradictions in production relations, but also the growth of dangerous motivational imbalances.

Concept and classification of personnel risks

Business as a certain set of purposeful decisions and actions can well be presented as one very large task, the results of which are profit and a completed mission. Both the source and responsible resources for business tasks are people, therefore, the main problems of their solution are based on the element of management associated with personnel. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to assume that most of the reasons for the emergence of internal company risks depend on personnel.

Personnel risks are the likelihood of adverse events occurring in the implementation of threats emanating from people as a result of decision-making. Threats of this type are complex in nature and are also called anthropogenic. Adverse events are expressed in the loss of important confidential information, in the manifestation of commercial risks, in losses of profit, image and reputation of the company.

In the 21st century, information has become the most important factor competition, which is why the reasons for the risk of loss, theft and deliberate misrepresentation of information are directly related to personnel risks. These risks may be the source of the following information threats.

  1. Intentional harm software and databases.
  2. Unauthorized penetration into data arrays representing trade secrets.
  3. Violation of confidentiality of information and its theft.
  4. Unintentional harm information system companies.

Others modern types risks associated with personnel are the likelihood of theft of the company's material assets and the risk of loss of company funds as a result of unjustified investments in training personnel who then quit. Theft of company property, being literally the “scourge” of the modern Russian business environment, has the following sources of occurrence:

  • deformed social attitudes of employees;
  • low level of organization of control and accounting at the enterprise;
  • double standards of the tax and legal model of activity, which management is forced to implement in order to maintain business in a crisis.

The classification of the risks under consideration is, first of all, determined by the functions of personnel management implemented in the corresponding division of the company's management. In addition to this characteristic, such criteria for dividing risks as types of losses, the possibility of diversification, validity period, predictability and acceptability are also highlighted. Below is the maximum possible classification of risks for the company's personnel.

Classification of types of personnel risks

Personnel risk management methods

On the one hand, personnel risk management follows a typical methodology for dealing with the likelihood of adverse business events. Risk management in this category includes procedures for identifying, assessing and controlling risk factors from the standpoint of external and internal sources of occurrence. On the other hand, the regulation of potential personnel threats comes as close as possible to the personnel management strategy and the strategic concept of business security. This means that the personnel risk management process is dually related to the functional HR system and to the company's security system.

Diagram of interrelationships of personnel risk management and security systems

Risk management as a subsystem of HR management and a security component is carried out in a multidimensional manner and provides the following.

  1. Compliance with the concept of acceptable risk, which does not imply the absolute elimination of risks, but the minimization of threats to values ​​below critical.
  2. Implementation of a targeted sequence of actions: identification, assessment, development and implementation of a risk minimization program, application of compensation measures to level out the resulting damage from embodied threats.
  3. Regulatory interaction of subjects and objects of risk management. The subjects are the legislative and executive branch states, general management of the company, HR service. Management is aimed at a specific object - factors and sources of personnel risks of the company.
  4. Implementation special principles, functions, assessment and management methods that allow achieving the best effect in conditions of uncertainty and unpredictability of human behavior.

The assessment uses qualitative and quantitative indicators risk. This rather traditional methodological practice of riskology is actively used in personnel management. The following methods for assessing personnel risk are distinguished:

  • calculation and analytical methods based on the results and analytics of personnel audit;
  • probabilistic assessment methods used under conditions of partial uncertainty;
  • statistical methods using statistical and mathematical tools;
  • expert assessment methods most suitable for situations of complete risk uncertainty.

Concluding the review of personnel risks, I will assume that in the coming years this area will receive an impetus to the development of methodology and to functional consolidation in management practice. This understanding comes to many leaders. Rigid and fairly straightforward attempts to resolve the issue "with a swoop" do not give the desired result. The Machiavellian doctrine of “Divide and Conquer” is increasingly failing. There is only one way out - to painstakingly build a personnel risk management system, allocate appropriate budgets and continuously search for optimal level regulation and value motivation. It seems to me that in this matter, without public policy corporate-level success is indispensable.

Essence and features of personnel risks

Definition 1

Personnel risk is the danger of probable loss of company resources or shortfall in income compared to an option that is designed for the rational use of human resources, as a result of possible errors and miscalculations in management.

Human resource management activities are precisely an area characterized by exposure to a large number of difficult to assess and predictable risks. The reason for this is the fact that the business itself has changed significantly over Lately. Today, the experience and qualifications of personnel are the most valuable asset of most companies. All this has led to the emergence of an awareness of where the key risks come from: unlike other assets, these can simply slam the door and take their skills and knowledge to a competitor company.

The objectivity and adequacy of the assessment of personnel risks is important for a number of reasons:

  • In order to make the best decision, you should have information about the risks associated with its development or execution.
  • it is necessary to mitigate the impact of uncertainty and incomplete information, expanding the range of predictable manageable risks.
  • understanding risks and personnel threats allows us to identify the most effective methods risk management.

Classification of company personnel risks

Let's consider the classification of personnel risks depending on various parameters:

  1. As far as possible foresight and accuracy of assessment personnel risk It can be predictable, difficult to predict, or not predictable at all.
  2. According to the calculability parameter, personnel risk can be calculable (expressed in a numerical value) and non-calculable (expressed in a verbal description or value judgment).
  3. According to the degree of controllability, personnel risks are controlled, conditionally unregulated and uncontrollable.
  4. Depending on the nature of possible losses, personnel risk can be material (direct loss of property or equipment), labor (high turnover and low productivity), financial (direct monetary damage) and special (harm to the life and health of people).
  5. Based on the type of damage, personnel risk can be classified into risk causing direct or indirect damage. Indirect losses can result from the risk associated with a shortfall in profits or increased costs.
  6. Depending on the nature of its occurrence, personnel risk can be subjective (related to the personal characteristics of employees) or objective (caused by objective circumstances).
  7. Depending on the place of occurrence, personnel risk can be external (associated with unexpected changes in the economy, politics, etc.) or internal (due to the specifics of the organization’s activities),
  8. According to the degree of acceptability of losses, personnel risk can be:

    • minimal (with a maximum damage of 0-25%);
    • acceptable (with a maximum damage of 25-50%);
    • critical (with a maximum damage of 50-75%);
    • catastrophic (with maximum damage of 75-100% and possible losses comparable to the size of the organization’s own capital.

HR risk management methods

Definition 2

Human resource risk management is an activity consisting of developing tactical and strategic measures to study risks, developing and taking appropriate measures to optimize management at each stage of working with human resources.

For personnel risks, you can use the following management methods:

  1. Minimizing or avoiding risk is a conscious decision to refuse a risky project, partner, employee, manager, refusal to accept certain types of risk in general, or obtaining appropriate guarantees.
  2. Accepting risk and covering losses with own resources or special schemes(insurance reserves, precautionary savings implies risk compensation, self-insurance.
  3. Diversification - distribution, blurring of risk between various areas activities, countries, industries, customers, suppliers, employees, recruitment agencies, controllers.
  4. Risk insurance - relations in terms of protecting the property interests of legal and individuals upon the occurrence of a certain event (insured event) at the expense of monetary funds created from the contributions (premiums) paid by them.

deep and qualitative interaction of the content of the entire spectrum scientific research And academic disciplines management education.


1. Afanasyev V.Ya. Formation of a scientific school of management / Problems of management / V.Ya. Afanasyev, A.V. Raichenko. - M.: PTPU. - 2012. - No. 5.

2. Study of the development of the theory of management of socio-economic systems: monograph. / Ed. V.A. Kozbanenko. - M.: GUU, 2012.

3. Kozlova O.V. Scientific foundations of management / O.V. Kozlova, I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: Economics, 1968.

4. Raichenko A.V. On the relationship between management and management as scientific categories / Higher education Today. - 2011. - No. 2.

5. Management theory / Edited by V.Ya. Afanasyeva. - M.: Yurayt, 2013.

A.E. Mitrofanova


Keywords: personnel risks, personnel management, area of ​​risk occurrence, risk object.

When it comes to identifying personnel risks, practitioners often act haphazardly; the list of risks should be completely exhaustive and systematically presented, since the completeness of the understanding of an organization’s personnel risks is directly related to the reliability of its security.

Classification of risks, which involves dividing them into groups according to certain criteria, allows us to assess the place of each in common system and creates the potential for selecting the most effective appropriate risk management methods and techniques. Personnel risks by their nature are complex risks, which leads to a fairly diverse classification of personnel risks. The proposed classification of personnel risks is based on the principles of complexity, continuity, hierarchy, autonomy, and flexibility.

Taking into account where personnel risks are localized, they are divided into two large groups: external and internal. External personnel risks are negative impacts external environment, which influence both the processes within the company as a whole and its personnel security.

External personnel risks include:

Political - imperfection legislative framework, activity public organizations, movements, parties, etc.,

Economic - inflationary processes, a difficult situation in the job market

© Mitrofanova A.E., 2013

Socio-demographic - employees getting into various types of addiction (alcohol, drugs, etc.), activities of the criminal environment, etc.;

Natural and climatic - floods, landslides, etc.; technogenic factors;

Market (competitive) - competitors having more attractive working conditions, luring away employees, exerting external pressure on employees (bribery, blackmail), etc.

Internal risks include personnel risks whose sources are located within the organization. They can be no less destructive than external ones. We should not forget that there is a close connection between external and internal personnel risks. It may consist in the fact that a source of external danger, for example, a competitor, purposefully strengthens painful tendencies within the rival’s organization in order to weaken or destroy it entirely.

Internal personnel risks, in turn, according to risk sources, are divided into personal risks and risks of the personnel management system. Personal risks arise as a result of manifestations of professional, business and personal qualities of the enterprise’s personnel. In turn, personal risks include the following types:

Biological risks (age, health level, psychophysiological characteristics, abilities);

Social and psychological risks (demotivation, loyalty, fulfilled social roles, interpersonal conflicts);

Moral hazards (beliefs, beliefs, values, culture);

Intellectual risks (intelligence level, education);

Economic risks (creative and professional potential, qualifications, work experience);

Risks of unreliability (shortsightedness, negligence, sudden change in financial situation, gullibility, deceit, criminal record, etc.).

The risks of the personnel management system are differentiated by subsystems of the personnel management system:

1) risks associated with personnel planning and marketing, including:

Lack of allocation of positions from which the most dangerous security threats may come;

Ineffective determination of the required number of personnel (or lack thereof);

Suboptimal quantitative composition;

Imbalance of gender, age and educational groups personnel;

Low qualification level, etc.;

2) risks associated with labor relations, including:

The presence of conflicts of interest between employees and the employer;

Unfavorable socio-psychological climate in the team;

Lack of a policy of honesty towards clients, employees and the employer;

Lack of measures to identify, prevent and suppress undesirable actions on the part of employees that could result in harm to the interests of the organization, etc.;

3) risks of working conditions and labor protection, including:

Lack of measures to preserve and maintain the physical and psychological health of personnel;

Ineffective socio-economic working conditions;

Unfavorable psychophysiological and sanitary-hygienic working conditions;

Inefficient organization of personnel work;

Irrational modes of work and rest, etc.;

4) personnel motivation risks, including:

Lack of a staff motivation program;

Lack of system financial liability;

Lack of motivation among employees to make proactive proposals to improve the safety of the organization;

Lack of incentives to retain staff;

Lack of mechanisms to identify the motives and reasons for the dismissal of valuable employees and the place of their subsequent employment, etc.;

5) risks of personnel training and development, including:

Lack of connection between learning and evaluation of results;

The structure and culture of the organization are not conducive to the implementation of acquired knowledge;

Lack of relationship between training and certification procedure;

Poor quality of education, etc.;

6) risks business assessment personnel, including:

Lack of assessment of various forms of manifestation of disloyalty and unreliability of employees of the organization;

Different standards for workers doing the same job;

Similarity of beliefs and views as a factor influencing business evaluation;

Subjectivity of methods of business assessment of personnel;

Evaluation of an employee not by performance, but by personal qualities;

Change of standards in the course of business evaluation;

Use of a narrow range of estimates;

Comparing workers with each other, and not with performance standards;

Lack of business assessment conclusions, management decisions, etc.;

7) risks social development personnel, including:

Lack of conditions aimed at increasing employee loyalty;

Lack of additional social guarantees downsizing staff and assistance in finding employment;

Lack of a social package taking into account safety requirements on the part of the organization and the employee, etc.;

8) risks of ineffective organizational structure, including:

Unreasonable number of personnel taking into account the organization's development strategy;

Irrationality of the organizational structure of the organization;

Lack of personnel management service;

Ineffective functional distribution of responsibilities and duties for personnel management, etc.;

9) risks legal support, including:

Lack of control over the employee’s compliance with current labor and civil legislation when performing labor responsibilities;

Lack of measures to minimize the financial liability of the employee and employer in labor disputes;

Lack of local regulations regarding personnel security, etc.;

10) risks information support, including:

Lack of information and explanatory work with employees of the organization about the rules for conducting confidential business negotiations, communicating with clients, tactics of conduct during attempts at recruitment and blackmail, ensuring the information security of the employer during working and non-working hours;

Untimely and high-quality provision of complete and reliable information necessary to perform job duties, etc.

As shown above, according to the risk object, personnel risks are divided into personnel risks, organizational risks, and state risks. In turn, among the personnel risks one can name the risk of violation of individual rights and freedoms, physical and mental violence at work, humiliation of honor and dignity, the risk of damage to health, the risk of job loss, and the risks of reduced income. The personnel risks of an organization include the risk of reducing material assets, the risk of loss information resources, the risk of forming a negative image of the company, the risk of bankruptcy. Government personnel risks include the risk of default, the risk of social instability and tension in society, the risk of public protests, labor strikes, the risk of public distrust and government resignation.

According to the systematicity of manifestation, systematic personnel risks associated with the prevailing conditions in the organization differ, for example: risks of personnel policy, communication risks, etc.; and unsystematic personnel risks caused by the implementation of specific decisions and projects, for example, risks of delays in completing work due to errors or personnel violations.

Based on the results of operations, pure personnel risks are distinguished, which are caused only by the possibility of losses due to the fault of personnel, for example: risks of loss of ability to work; risks of fraud and theft, etc.; and speculative personnel risks associated with the possibility of both losses and increases in income, for example, risks of personnel selection, risks organizational culture and so on.

Based on the criterion of potential damage, personnel risks are divided into local, medium, significant and global (strategic) personnel risks.

Based on the degree of regularity of the potential manifestation of risk, one-time or accidental, regular and permanent personnel risks can be distinguished.

According to the degree of sensitivity to personnel risks of various groups of stakeholders, acceptable, acceptable and unacceptable personnel risks should be distinguished.

According to the degree of legality, justified (legitimate) and unjustified (illegal) personnel risks can be distinguished.

In addition, depending on the causes of occurrence, personnel risks can be divided into random (not intentional) and non-random (purposeful).

The manifestation of any of the personnel risks poses a certain threat to the organization.


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Yu.A. Sokolova


Key words: modernization, corporate governance, corporate strategies, management decisions, Board of Directors.

At present, the task of breaking the vicious circle "backward corporate governance - backward economy" is becoming urgent, without which the orientation Russian economy for modernization and innovative development. The urgency of this problem for a particular enterprise is expressed in the need for reforms that will allow not only to overcome the negative and achieve positive results, but also to achieve, through a system of measures of institutional, economic, organizational and managerial nature, strengthening and effective use capacity corporate governance, which is a technology for developing key decisions and monitoring their implementation, as well as adjustments at the highest level - strategic management and control exercised by company owners and their representatives.

However, the classical corporate governance system in modern conditions fails to cope with its perhaps most important function - the creation and implementation of effective corporate strategies. Of course, the basic mechanisms and principles of the classical corporate governance system should be considered as a necessary, and not a sufficient condition for building a company with highly effective corporate strategies. To achieve high efficiency in the execution of corporate strategies, the issue of the process of formation of corporate strategies is fundamental. In the concept of the classical corporate governance system, the strategic function of the board of directors is interpreted as limited. In accordance with it, this function is considered as the formation by directors of a broad strategic direction of activity and the establishment of a framework for management. In practice, this means that management is fully responsible for developing the strategy, and the board of directors only accepts or does not accept it. This state of affairs has a negative impact on the time it takes to correct strategic decisions. Like-

© Sokolova Yu.A., 2013