Application campaign. Search results for the keyword "application campaign" Application campaign

The application campaign for summer holidays for Moscow children in 2019 is planned to begin on November 2, 2018, General Director of the Mosgortur agency Vasily Ovchinnikov told reporters on Thursday.

“This year it is planned for November 2 on the portal, it will be additionally announced and clarified. We will increase the time period for submitting applications,” Ovchinnikov said.

As the head of the capital’s department of culture, Alexander Kibovsky, added, the goal is more early date submitting applications is to ensure that parents have the opportunity to decide on their vacation plans in 2019 by March.

“One of the main innovations is the postponement of the start date of the application campaign. Previously, it began in March, but at the request of parents, we began the first stage (of the 2018 application campaign - ed.) in November (2017 - ed.). This made it possible to increase the time for submitting documents from two to five weeks, and also to hold a competition among the bases after receiving all the wishes for organizing this vacation,” Kibovsky noted.

Vouchers paid for from the Moscow city budget will be available to children belonging to one of 13 preferential categories: children from low-income families, disabled children, etc. Large families are not a preferential category.

N. A. Pavlova, seniormanager CiG Business Consulting

A. A. Kotov, manager CiG Business Consulting

Application campaign and working capital indicators

One of the main disadvantages of the logistics system in almost any company is the formation of inventories. Moreover, not only suppliers are to blame for this: often stocks in central warehouses and workshops are formed because the ordered materials and spare parts are not selected within the current production programs and repairs.

Customers in production workshops form orders, unreasonably overestimating quantities, because subsequently they will report not for workshop inventories, but for the costs of the current period and the implementation of the production program.

However, this means a significant deterioration in performance working capital companies, which is often measured in millions of ineffectively spent rubles. And efficiency issues are especially acute in the current difficult economic situation.

Our experience in implementing projects in the field of optimization of logistics processes shows that transformation should begin with an application campaign. The correct construction of this process, a clear definition of responsibility for the formation and approval of applications, the connection of the application campaign with the processes of budgeting and cost control allows us to avoid many serious economic problems in the future.

What are spending limits?

Cost limits are benchmarks that limit the cost of material and technical resources ordered by applicants (persons who generate requests for support of departments) when generating requests for support.

Cost limits correspond to the company's budget items for which material and technical resources are spent, and are formed in the context of cost locations.

Thus, when creating an application for security, the type of cost limit under which this application passes is indicated and a check is made to see whether the total amount ordered is within this place occurrence of costs of material and technical resources, the established limit.

It is very important that we monitor compliance with the budget at the moment the need is formed, i.e. our applicants cannot order more than their specific budget. One of the most common explanations that one hears when analyzing the reasons for the formation of inventories at an enterprise is that the workshops ordered materials, but now they are not choosing them, since the budget does not allow them. Strict control of cost limits when generating collateral applications allows you to avoid this situation.

A common mistake when creating a system for monitoring purchasing activities at an enterprise is adjusting purchase volumes when creating a movement plan Money. At this stage it is almost impossible to adjust anything, because... The contract with the supplier has already been concluded and even the delivery, as a rule, has been completed. By monitoring the application for compliance with cost limits, we are able to adjust our needs in a timely manner.

How are cost limits formed to control collateral requests?

Cost items within which the expense occurs material resources, can be classified as both conditionally variable (raw materials and supplies for the production of main products) and conditionally constant (working clothes and personal protective equipment, auxiliary materials, spare parts and equipment for repairs various types equipment).

Material costs in part variable costs are clearly planned in accordance with standards depending on the approved production volumes, so it is not very difficult to control requests for collateral for these positions.

Cost limits for semi-fixed cost items should be formed on the basis of repair plans for fixed assets, standards related to labor protection, as well as established consumption standards.

We will talk about the distribution of responsibility for determining these standards below.

Price planning

One of the main problems when implementing control over the compliance of applications for provision with established cost limits is price planning. Indeed, in order to ensure this control, applications must be formed by applicants at prices pre-established for the planning period.

As a rule, there is no methodology for price planning at Russian enterprises. Very often, there is simply no division in the organizational structure whose responsibilities would include price planning and then control of deviations.

Directories of purchased material and technical resources for industrial enterprises are quite large - the total number of positions reaches 100-200 thousand, while several thousand positions are purchased monthly.

For group A (the most expensive items), price planning is carried out item by item. It should be noted that although this group makes up about 80% of the total consumption of material and technical resources in the company, the number of positions is small - no more than twenty, so for marketing specialists involved in specialized markets, planning prices for these positions is a completely solvable task .

Inside the middle price group(group B) nomenclature subgroups are determined for which planned values ​​of deflators are established. Accordingly, the planned price for the positions of a given group is determined by calculation, multiplying the price of the last receipt by the corresponding deflator established for the subgroup.

For the cheapest and most numerous items (group C), we recommend determining a general deflator (for example, equal to the official inflation rate of the Bank of Russia).

Which department of the company should be involved in price planning? Some companies, in order not to make changes to the existing organizational structure, enable this function in job responsibilities purchasing specialists. In our opinion, this is not entirely correct, since a purchasing specialist, as a rule, has information about the current state of the market and is not always interested in preparing a qualified forecast. In addition, he has many other responsibilities, so planning prices for collateral applications comes down to pricing applications at the last transaction price, which is not always correct.

We propose creating a specialized marketing unit for price planning, which is directly subordinate to the purchasing director. The job responsibilities of the employees of this division include not only price planning, but also researching the supplier market, adding new suppliers to the database, and at the end of the reporting period - analyzing the reasons for deviations of actual prices from planned ones and preparing appropriate reports for the company's management.

The independence of this department from direct purchasers is also of great importance to ensure subsequent objective analysis of deviations.

We recommend that production holdings create this division at the level management company- this allows you to centralize the management of this function and provide a uniform methodology for all business units, as well as reduce the costs of its organization.

Another option is to carry out price planning for strategically important resources (group A nomenclature) at the level of the management company, and leave price planning for other items in the supply system of business units.

Naturally, the price planning process must be automated in the information system. This procedure is quite labor-intensive and, as a rule, even if the enterprise has implemented large ERP systems s (SAP, Oracle) in terms of price planning requires refinement of the standard functionality and a detailed statement of the task from the logistics system.

Organization of control over compliance of applications for provision with cost limits

The introduction of control over applications for compliance with cost limits requires changes to the job responsibilities of not only employees of the logistics system.

The departments responsible for the economy, i.e. planning and monitoring the implementation of cost budgets; functions appear for planning cost limits, entering them into the information system and adjusting them.

These functions are performed by financial responsibility centers - these are the same financial responsibility centers that are responsible for planning and monitoring relevant budget items.

Depending on the management structure of the economic services of the enterprise, the role of centers of financial responsibility can be performed by the services of shop economists, directorates in functional areas (repairs, safety precautions, social sphere etc.).

As our practice shows, identifying centers of financial responsibility is not an easy task, which is closely related to the development of the company's budgeting system. Therefore, solving the problem of allocating responsibility for the types of costs for which collateral requests are generated often leads to the identification of problems that lie outside the scope of the logistics support system.

One of these problems is the adjustment of collateral requests due to adjustments to the company’s budget and production plans. Since the cost limits against which collateral requests are monitored are determined based on the budget, any budget adjustment requires the financial responsibility centers to adjust the corresponding cost limits. That is, the processes of formation, approval and adjustment of the budget must be clearly synchronized with the conduct of the application campaign, which is not always easy.

In addition, the correct formation of cost limits requires the introduction of an annual (or quarterly) procedure for protecting production needs, in which workshops, repair management services, production and economics, and suppliers take part.

Regulation of the process

The interaction of all participants in the process of generating and monitoring compliance of applications for provision with cost limits must be regulated. When implementing projects to optimize logistics processes, we describe this process in one of the sections of the regulations for conducting an application campaign.

To develop regulations in this part, a working group is being created, which includes representatives from the supply system, economics and finance, and various directorates in areas that may be centers of financial responsibility.

The regulations clearly define the timing and responsibility for carrying out the adjustment procedure. In addition, a separate procedure is being developed for processing applications generated in emergency situations in order, on the one hand, not to lose control over the budget, and, on the other hand, to ensure that such applications enter the logistics system as quickly as possible.

Process automation

The idea of ​​automating the process of monitoring applications for compliance with cost limits is extremely simple. Financial responsibility centers create limits in the system by types of costs, and then applicants generate collateral requests, which indicate the corresponding cost code, and the information system, when approving the application, checks whether the application at cost in planned prices fits into the established limit. If not, then the request cannot be approved and does not enter the supply system.

However, in practice, automating this process is not so simple, and not many examples can be given Russian companies, where this process is implemented in the information system.

The procedure for conducting an application campaign is not included in the standard functionality of ERP systems at all and is an improvement that is carried out according to internal procedures Russian enterprises. If the company has implemented the main modules of an integrated information system, then control over the compliance of the generated need with the budget can be carried out within the framework of these modules, and the need for material and technical resources will flow directly into the material and technical support system.

However, our businesses tend to operate differently. Applicants create requests for collateral manually in the information system, and it is these requests that are monitored for compliance with established cost limits. That is, to automate this process, a separate statement of the problem is required.

Here it is worth noting another problem that all our enterprises face when automating any logistics processes - this is the quality of the directory of material and technical resources.

Since different services are involved in the process of controlling cost limits, directory classifiers must take into account the needs of the following services:

§ economists to make it possible to monitor the compliance of ordered items with budget items;

§ planners to make it possible to formulate requests for support based on the production plan and established standards;

§ buyers, who must clearly identify the declared position and send proposals to make offers to various suppliers.

For example, the formation of requests for collateral within the framework of conditionally variable budget items should not seem to create great difficulties, since the need for collateral is clearly related to the production plan through standards. However, in most enterprises, production planning is carried out in special programs, and the formation of applications in the corporate information system is done manually. One of the reasons is the lack of correspondence between approved production standards and the nomenclature reference book. Taking into account that the specificity of Russian enterprises is numerous adjustments to the production plan, one can imagine the labor costs this leads to.


But despite all the difficulties described, we emphasize that it is necessary to implement a procedure for monitoring applications to ensure cost limits using an information system. Moreover, the results obtained will significantly exceed the efforts expended.

We recommend working as follows - first define the main goals and general approaches- i.e. the concept of transformation and coordinate it with management; further make proposals for changes to the organizational structure.

Then, involving specialists from interested services, develop detailed regulations (or make changes to the existing regulations of the application campaign). Based on the developed regulations, make changes to the job responsibilities of participants in the new process.

After the regulatory documents have been agreed upon by all interested services, prepare a statement of the task for automation and work together with the services information technologies over implementation.

You can first test the developed system at one of the workshops. We estimate that implementation of this process may take approximately 6-8 months.

Perhaps the introduction of monitoring the compliance of applications for provision with cost limits will identify other problems in related processes, for example, in production planning, and will push the company to carry out further transformations. However, even solving this local problem within the framework of an application campaign will allow achieving good results in improving the company’s performance indicators.

Managing the progress of the application campaign

Before the start of the annual logistics planning process, the main specialists of structural divisions and service enterprises responsible for the implementation of projects form a system of relevant measures, for each of which a cost limit is indicated. The latter should not exceed the funding limit established by the planning and budget department. After this, needs can be formed only for the activities for which they are specified, which allows you to clearly identify the performers and those responsible and subsequently monitor the implementation of the plan. An enlarged functional model of interaction between enterprises is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10 - Enlarged functional model of interaction between enterprises

Structural divisions and service enterprises form requests for primary needs (annual requests) for materials and equipment, linked to activities and detailed down to specific materials or equipment, broken down by month. The generated annual application is sent for approval to the chief specialist, then a consolidated need for all main specialists is generated and agreed upon, and further up the chain is the need of the entire company. Coordination of consolidated needs is carried out according to the register of applications.

In addition, when new applications are received, links to them are automatically sent via e-mail to all persons involved in the approval process. Control over the progress of approval is carried out through the status and tracking system (STS), which includes sending relevant notifications by email to all participants in the business process.

The authority system limits access to applications. Structural divisions do not have access to information on other structural divisions, and the chief specialist does not have access to information on other chief specialists. A superior employee additionally has access to the information of subordinates. Based on the approved annual requests, the planning and budget division creates a materials write-off plan and sends it to the logistics division, where a financing plan for the acquisition of materials and equipment is automatically created, taking into account the planned balances at the beginning of the year, the seasonality of imports and payment terms.

Organization of purchases and inventory accounting

All company purchases can be divided into two groups: centralized purchases, which are carried out through the parent company, and decentralized, or in-house, purchases of logistics departments. The centralized procurement process is fully implemented in the system, while the decentralized one is in the process of trial operation.

In centralized purchasing, once the inventory plan is approved, unprocessed items grouped by purchasing group and delivery basis are sent to the central purchasing unit of the parent company for processing. After receiving the register of unfulfilled orders, the trader processes the positions to determine their availability on the market and the possibility of purchasing. The budget is also checked here (the supplier’s price should not differ significantly from the planned price).

For materials not available on the market, the company's central purchasing department suggests replacements and sends them to the subsidiary for approval. After new positions are approved by specialists of the subsidiary company (adjustment of the logistics plan), they are returned to the center for processing. Having selected the necessary positions, the trader holds a tender for them. In this case, information is automatically exchanged with the electronic trading platform (ETP): using universal protocols, the system integrates with any external trading platforms. An analysis of supplier proposals for tenders is carried out, and an analytical report is created on selected items (reflecting all important delivery conditions). A supplier is selected, an agreement is drawn up with him and the subsidiary company that ordered the product. To optimize the process of working with suppliers, the latter are provided with remote access to the Gazprom Neft portal (Fig. 3). Notification of the supplier about the appearance of a purchase order in the system is carried out automatically by e-mail, followed by placing the completed payment request form in the document repository.

Figure 11 - Working with suppliers

Having sent the goods to the customer, the supplier enters an invoice into the system in in electronic format, which is registered as preliminary. When a document arrives at subsidiary company it is registered with a link to the appendix to the relevant contract; after confirmation of delivery of the goods, the status is automatically updated in both the subsidiary and parent companies. Next, the accounting department posts the supplier document and issues a sales invoice to the subsidiary.

To control the process of delivery of goods to a subsidiary company, invoice numbers and details are entered into the system Vehicle. After this, the goods are considered shipped and sent to the place of acceptance. When materials and equipment arrive at a subsidiary, they are registered and the invoice status is updated in the parent company. The storekeeper creates an initial receipt report (PRA), where he indicates the actual quantity of goods received (in this case, the system creates a document “Dispatching Advice”) with reference to a preliminary invoice or purchase order and confirms that the goods have been received. On this basis, the receipt of materials into the warehouse and their write-off for response storage are registered. At the same time, the change in status is also seen by the accounting department, which receives grounds to demand the originals of the closing documents. The supplier, in turn, can control shipment using reports.

Information about the receipt of goods triggers accounting entries in the system to debit the inventory account and credit the clearing account, thus quantitatively increasing the material inventory. Together with the receipt of materials, an incoming batch of material is created with a classification of batch characteristics (date of receipt, area of ​​activity, chief specialist, etc.). Moving processes in structural units, write-offs and sales of materials to subsidiaries and third parties, as well as collection of actual costs are also recorded in the system.

The basis for making payments is the supplier's invoice (the latter, in turn, is created on the basis of a purchase order). Payment orders are generated for unpaid invoices. The system implements the function of electronic approval of payment orders. As a result, the entire selected block of approved invoices is printed (for example, for a specific date), and only invoices already pre-approved by him are brought to the manager for signature. The approved payment is transferred to the accounting department for payment. After completing the payment documents, the accountant confirms the payment.

Using paper versions of the preliminary invoice, storekeeper's PPA, and receipt order, invoices are checked in the system, necessary adjustments are made, and accounting is carried out. At the same time, the system makes accounting entries for the debit of the clearing account and the credit of the supplier's account, as well as entries for input VAT, and accounts payable are formed. These mechanisms make it possible to organize a unified cost and quantitative accounting of materials inventories in real time.

Application campaign V modern Russia- the brainchild of the Soviet planned economy. However, this concept is known all over the world, because it is associated not so much with state capitalism (active state intervention in the economy), but rather with regulatory management generally. This approach has long been known far beyond the borders of the former socialist camp; certain elements of a planned economy very successfully accompany a market economy, and the application campaign is used by many large enterprises abroad. The task of such a campaign is to plan the production resource base. Any enterprise may require special documentation that calculates the necessary costs of raw materials for a certain period (usually a year), optimal for the goals and objectives that the enterprise sets for itself.

Typically, such a campaign precedes the procurement stage. Having in hand necessary documentation, supplies can be properly rationed and a certain frequency set for them.

Specifics of the application campaign

It should be understood that the same approach can bring profit and loss, depending on whether it is suitable for a particular enterprise here and now. The application campaign puts many processes “on track”, and if done correctly, will significantly relieve the time and energy of the enterprise; however, in a different situation, this may cause unnecessary risks.

High automation of the process makes it clumsy and independent of other processes. This can lead to the collapse of the entire production if automatic processes lose harmony with production itself, sales, and so on.

Benefits of the application campaign

  • The application campaign is a fairly simple and inexpensive process; even small enterprises that do not have special management departments can afford it;
  • It is possible to ration only part of the raw materials/products, and not the entire production. If the enterprise has a stable production history with low risks of emergency situations, then the introduction of application campaigns will only make the work easier;
  • The application campaign can be used not only for further purchases, but also to calculate the general needs of the enterprise. In other words, there is no need to ration purchases if it is enough to just calculate the average production needs.

Disadvantages of the application campaign

  • Although the results of an application campaign can relieve employees, running a campaign is much more expensive. Creating a product range, restructuring production - all this requires resources;
  • Isolation from others production processes, and therefore – low maneuverability and the inability to change rationing “on the fly”. If it is necessary to make changes, there will be additional costs associated with changing items.

Search results by Keyword "Application Campaign"

The auction for the distribution of investment quotas based on the results of the third stage of the application campaign will be held on June 20 Publication date: 21 May 2019

On June 20, 2019, Rosrybolovstvo will hold an auction to reduce the share of quotas of aquatic biological resources allocated for investment purposes for projects selected based on the results of the third stage of the application campaign. The corresponding decision was made by order of the Federal Fisheries Agency dated May 20, 2019 No. 239. The auction...

In the next 5-6 years, it is planned to build new fishing vessels in Russia for a total amount of about 200 billion rubles. Publication date: 28 February 2018

On March 1, 2018, a new application campaign will start as part of the program for providing investment quotas “under the keel”, focused on the construction of small and medium-tonnage fleets. As a PortNews IAA correspondent reported, this was announced by Deputy Head of Rosrybolovstvo Petr Savchuk during a meeting on the development of shipbuilding in Moscow. In his words...

The first results of the application campaign were discussed in Pskov

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A question and answer session was held at Rosrybolovstvo on the eve of the application campaign to conclude... Publication date: 28 March 2018

During the conference call, fish farmers received clarification on approximately 90% of the questions. Answers to all remaining questions, as well as those already voiced at the meeting, will be posted on the website of Rosrybolovstvo Moscow, March 28, 2018. - In the Federal Agency for Fishery, via videoconferencing, they gave clarifications on ...

Rosrybolovstvo received more than 3.8 thousand applications to reassign quota shares for a new 15-year period Publication date: 28 April 2018

At a meeting with the head of Rosrybolovstvo, the interim results of the application campaign “Quots 2018”, which runs from April 1 to May 10, 2018, were summed up. Moscow, April 28, 2018. – As of April 26, 2018, Rosrybolovstvo received 3,825 applications for concluding agreements on fixing quota shares for a new historical period. The progress of the 2018 bid campaign was discussed...

During the auction, shares of investment quotas for the construction of 8 fish processing plants in S... Publication date: June 27, 2018

At an auction in Rosrybolovstvo, shares of investment quotas for catching cod and haddock for the construction of eight coastal fish processing plants for the Northern Basin were determined. Bidding to reduce the share of quotas for each investment project were carried out due to the fact that the number of applications that passed ...

Attention to users: the fifth stage of the application campaign for investment quotas ends on February 29 Publication date: 28 January 2020

From October 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020, the Federal Fisheries Agency accepts applications for securing a share of the quota for production (catch) of bottom-food fish species provided for investment purposes for industrial fishing and coastal fishing. During the fifth stage of the campaign, applications are accepted for medium- and light-tonnage vessels...

Attention to users: The second stage of the application campaign for investment quotas ends on June 30 Publication date: 06 June 2018

On March 1, 2018, the second stage of the “Investment Quotas 2018” application campaign began; applications will be accepted until June 30. Preliminary results were summed up at operational meeting, which was held via videoconference by the Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Fishery, Petr Savchuk. During the second stage of the campaign...

ATTENTION! Fishing producers must correct errors in quota applications within 10 days. Publication date: May 25, 2018

The comments identified by the commissions are published in special section on the official website of Rosrybolovstvo In connection with the posting on the website of the Federal Fisheries Agency of information about comments generated during the consideration of applications to submitted applications during the “Application Campaign 2018”, which, if not eliminated, will become the basis for a decision to refuse consolidation.. .

Attention to users: please read the information for submitting applications for reassignment of quota shares Publication date: March 05, 2018

Moscow, March 5, 2018. – On April 1, 2018, an application campaign will begin to conclude agreements on fixing shares of production (catch) quotas for aquatic biological resources for the period 2019-2033. We invite you to familiarize yourself with information and documents on organizing and conducting an application campaign...

The catch of aquatic biological resources exceeded 3 million tons Publication date: 08 August 2018

By August 8, Russian fisheries caught more than 3 million tons of aquatic biological resources, which is 0.1% more than the same date last year. The catch level has stabilized due to the beginning of active approaches of Pacific salmon to the shores of Kamchatka. Issues of the organization of fishing and...

The fixation of shares of quotas for catching biological resources for the period 2019-2033 is planned to be completed before the 8th... Publication date: June 22, 2018

The fixation of shares of biological resource catch quotas for the period 2019-2033 is planned to be completed by September 8, 2018. As a PortNews IAA correspondent reported, this was discussed at the meeting Public Council Deputy head of Rosrybolovstvo Petr Savchuk reported to the department. According to him, in the near future Rosrybolovstvo will publish lists of applicants admitted to concluding an agreement...

Ilya Shestakov: Overall we are satisfied with the application campaign Publication date: 09 June 2018

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Investment quotas for pollock and Pacific herring for the construction of vessels have already been allocated - Shestakov Publication date: March 14, 2018

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Quotas accepted, gentlemen! Publication date: 07 June 2018

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The commission identified applicants for Far East quotas Publication date: 25 June 2018

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The Ministry of Agriculture has established application forms for securing quota shares Publication date: 16 March 2018

On April 1, applications for securing quota shares for the new period will begin. Ministry Agriculture issued an order containing forms of appeals. Application forms for securing shares of quotas for the extraction of aquatic biological resources are established by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated February 20, 2018 No. 72. Legal act will enter into force on April 1 - at the same time, the Federal Agency for Fisheries will begin accepting applications ...

Investment quotas for the construction of ships for the Northern Basin and factories in... Publication date: 04 April 2018

The shares distributed at the auction will be used to implement projects for the construction of 24 ships different types and 9 fish processing enterprises of various capacities Moscow, April 4, 2018. – On April 2-3, 2018, Rosrybolovstvo held an auction to reduce the share of quotas for aquatic biological resources...

On the eve of the application campaign for the renegotiation of contracts for the use of quota shares, a session will be held... Publication date: 21 March 2018

Rosrybolovstvo intends to carry out a campaign to re-register agreements on fixing quota shares as efficiently and transparently as possible, which will start on April 1, 2018 Moscow, March 21, 2018. – Before the start of the application campaign for the re-issuance of agreements on securing shares of quotas for a new historical...

Acceptance of applications has begun for the renegotiation of agreements on fixing quota shares for a 15-year period Publication date: April 02, 2018

Moscow, April 2, 2018. – Today, April 2, 2018, the application campaign for concluding agreements on fixing shares of quotas for the production (catch) of aquatic biological resources for the period 2019-2033 began. Applications will be accepted until May 10, 2018. Detailed information on organizing and conducting an application campaign is posted on the Rosrybolovstvo website in the “Industry Activities” section...