Operational planning forms and methods. Essence of operational planning by production. Software products for production planning

  1. Industrial management (5)

    Abstract >> Management

    Self-realization of personality in production process. 4. Principles production management Listed methods... organization production processes. Industrial management must provide good results production- economic...

  2. Industrial management (2)

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    Reflection in such a scientific discipline as industrial management. Industrial management is a science that studies management... Institute of Informatics. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003. - 574 p. Industrial management: textbook for universities / S. D. Ilyenkova, A. V. ...

  3. Industrial management (4)

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    ... production structures (sufficient and limited composition production divisions); no duplicate production links; ensuring direct flow production... by objects of pronunciation management. Increasing usage...

  4. Industrial management (6)

    Abstract >> Management

    And etc.); stages of determination (design, production and operational); method of determination (calculated, ... physiological, psychophysiological properties of a person, manifested in production and household processes; aesthetic values...

  5. tactical planning- short-term economic behavior, a line of economic action that is designed for a relatively short period, based on the current situation. The development of medium and short-term plans refers to the tactical planning of any enterprise.

    Operational planning of the enterprise activity is the current production, financial and performance planning for a short period of time, focused on supplementing, detailing, making adjustments to previously planned plans and work schedules.

    difference tactical planning from the strategic fit into three aspects.

    The first is temporary: the more long-term consequences a plan has, the more difficult it is to abandon it, the more strategic it is. It means that strategic planning associated with decisions whose consequences will be felt over a long period of time and which are difficult to correct. Tactical plans correct and supplement it.

    The second is in the coverage of spheres of influence: strategic planning has a broader and deeper impact on the activities of the enterprise, while tactical planning is narrowly focused.

    The third one is essentially meaningful: if strategic plans outline the mission and the goals of the enterprise’s activities subordinate to it, as well as fundamentally important ways to achieve them, then tactical ones should determine the totality of practical methods necessary to achieve the goals set.

    The entire system of indicators of plans can be divided into groups according to certain criteria. The most significant of these features is the economic content, purpose and method of characterizing the subject.

    According to the economic content, the indicators are divided into natural and cost. In-kind indicators are necessary for the material and material expression and justification of the plan: the number of products produced, necessary materials by their types, equipment, etc. Cost indicators are used to characterize the total volume of production, the pace of its development, the amount of expenses, income, etc. There is a close relationship and interdependence between natural and cost indicators. Cost indicators are calculated on the basis of natural, but at the same time, with the help of a generalized cost estimate of costs and results, they stimulate the use of resources, the growth of production efficiency.

    By economic purpose indicators are divided into quantitative and qualitative. The former characterize the absolute volumes of production and resources consumed: the volume of products, materials, production assets, the number of employees, etc. The latter show the efficiency of the use of production resources and the entire production process. These are indicators such as labor productivity, material intensity, capital productivity, production cost, etc.

    Somewhat similar results of the classification of planned indicators are given by their distribution according to the method of characterizing the subject. On this basis, absolute and relative indicators are distinguished. The former characterize this or that phenomenon absolutely, without comparison with other indicators. Relative values ​​allow such a comparison. For example, the number of employees, as an absolute value, provides information on the amount of use of the factor of living labor, but if this indicator is correlated with the volume of production or the volume of production is compared with the number of employees, then we get a relative indicator of the labor intensity of a unit of output or the labor productivity of one worker.

    The choice of a system of planned indicators of an enterprise's activity is one of the main problems of the planning methodology. 1 this problem becomes even more important when the place, role and nature of planning in the economic mechanism changes during the transition to market principles.

    Operational planning is, on the one hand, the final link in the enterprise planning system, and on the other hand, it acts as a means of fulfilling long-, medium-, and short-term plans - one of the levers of current production management. The requirements for operational planning in the dynamic conditions of the market environment are increasing significantly.

    In the process of operational planning, a detailed development of plans for the enterprise and its divisions is carried out - individual industries, workshops, production sites, teams, even jobs, for short periods of time - a month, a decade, a production week, a day, a shift. At the same time, the development of plans is organically combined with the solution of issues related to the organization of their implementation and current regulation. Thus, operational planning is an important lever in the daily management of the production activities of the enterprise.

    Operational planning combines two areas of work. The first direction, within the framework of which operational plans and schedules for production and output are developed, is called scheduling. The second direction includes the work that is necessary for the indisputable operational accounting, control and regulation of the implementation of operational plans and the progress of production. This direction is called dispatching.

    During operational planning, the following main tasks should be solved:

    Ensuring the implementation of the plan production activities for the release of planned products on schedule with the uniform work of all departments of the enterprise;

    Establishing the mode of operation of the enterprise, contributes to the most efficient and complete use of equipment and workers;

    The maximum reduction in the duration of the production cycle and the volume of work in progress.

    Operational planning is carried out on the scale of the entire enterprise by workshops (inter-shop) and individual workshops - by sections and workplaces (intra-shop).

    Inter-shop operational planning aims to ensure coordinated activities and the necessary production proportions between the shops of the enterprise in accordance with the sequence of technological processes (procurement, turnaround, storage) and, taking into account their functions, the main, auxiliary, service and side shops. But main task inter-shop operational planning should be the coordination of the range of blanks, parts, assemblies and the timing of their movement between shops (productions).

    Intra-shop operational planning includes the development calendar plans production for sites and control over their implementation, distribution of work by sites, bringing to jobs, operational regulation of production processes.

    The main elements of operational planning are: planning and accounting units of measurement of products; planning and accounting periods for which operational plans are being developed; production advancement standards (start-up batches of parts, necessary inventories of work in progress and lead times).

    In the practice of management, there are three main systems of operational planning: detailed, complete and to order. The choice of application of each system of operational production planning is determined by the type of production, the composition and characteristics of products, and the like. At the same time, preference is given to the system that allows the most effective solution of the tasks of operational planning.

    The itemized system for the planning and accounting unit uses a part of a certain name. Depending on the characteristics of other elements and the organization of the operational regulation process itself, the most common types of detailed systems are:

    a) a warehouse system in which the level of loading and the uniformity of output are determined by the need to maintain warehouse stock certain sizes. This system makes sense in large numbers used in the manufacture of products of standard (unified) components and parts;

    b) a planning system according to the norms of technological reserves, which provides for the establishment of the saturation of all stages production process necessary stocks of semi-finished products (parts, assemblies) and strict observance of the calculated level of these stocks for each workshop. This system is used in serial and large-scale production;

    c) a scheduling system for filing deadlines, which is based on deadlines launch and production of batches of parts, taking into account their technological reserves and the timing of inter-shop deliveries. In the conditions of serial and large-scale production, the terms can be reviewed each time when developing operational plans.

    In mass production, standard lead times are set; the scheduling system by the flow tact is based on the synchronization of the activities of all production departments and the establishment of a single release tact finished products. Such a system is applied in mass production with wide use current methods organization of production processes.

    Complete system. In its essence, it differs from others in that in it a set of parts (assemblies) combined according to certain criteria is selected as a planning and accounting unit. Its most common subsystems are complete-assembly, complete-group, machine-complete.

    The complete-assembly subsystem for a planning and accounting unit has a node set, which includes the details of one assembly unit. This system is typical for the production of complex products with a long production cycle.

    A complete-group subsystem can be used in cases where parts (assemblies) are manufactured that have a common technological process, equal to the frequency of launch-release and the timing of submission to the next stage.

    The machine-set subsystem is the simplest, because its planning and accounting unit is the machine set, that is, a complete set of parts is produced by one or another workshop for a specific product.

    (cars). This system can be used in the production of simple products with a small number of parts.

    The system of operational planning to order is characterized by the establishment of specific terms for the launch and release of products for each order. The order is the planning and accounting unit for the enterprise as a whole, and for individual workshops - sets of parts, assemblies for certain orders. This system is used in single and small-scale production, where small and varied orders are practiced. its peculiarity lies in the fact that it covers the entire process of order fulfillment - from preparation of production to the release of the finished product.

    The development and implementation of the operational plan is carried out by the dispatching service (production and dispatching department) of the enterprise. She (him) is entrusted with the following tasks: ensuring the implementation of production schedules in all departments; control over the rhythmic and sufficient loading of all jobs; timely detection and rapid elimination, and, if possible, prevention of downtime, interruptions in work; use of technological and insurance stocks in case of interruptions in production.

    The problems of improving intra-company planning in the conditions of a market economic system are as follows:

    1. Many small and medium private enterprises in Ukraine do not have officially adopted plans. Their leaders claim that they have so far dispensed with formal planning and are therefore unwilling today to take the time to prepare a plan in writing. They emphasize that the market situation is changing too quickly, so the plan<с будет никакой пользы. Именно по этим и другим причинам большинство предприятий не применяют у себя формального планирования. К тому же подавляющее большинство малых и средних предприятий не имеет возможности осуществлять планирование самостоятельно. Их планы являются производными от планов крупных корпораций.

    2. In a market economy, intra-company planning is based only on the ability of a given company to predict events in a spontaneous market, resist it and impose its will on competitors, suppliers, buyers. Enterprises seek to optimize their activities, as a rule, at the expense of their competitors, creating imbalances and contradictions in the process of reproducing goods.

    3. The chaotic nature of the market economy, the development of which is periodically interrupted by a shortage of certain types of goods and working capital, crises of non-payments and overproduction, chronic stagnant trends in certain leading industries - all this reduces the effectiveness of planning, leaves an imprint of limitation and inconsistency on it.

    To eliminate these problems of intra-company planning, let us consider the methods and principles of state regulation of the country's economy in market conditions.

    The Essence of Operational Marketing Planning

    Operational planning involves the development of a program of marketing activities of the company, the formation of budgets, taking into account profit plans. It is the operational plans that are used by the company's divisions in their current activities, in contrast to the strategic plans, which are intended mainly for the management of the organization. Programs developed as a result of operational planning are guidelines for operational units in their current work. Correspondence of the real actions of the company's employees with operational plans ensures the profitability of the company's current operations.

    Operational planning must include:

    • development of benchmarks;
    • presentation of the current market situation;
    • drawing up a list of possible risks;
    • compiling a list of organizational tasks and problems;
    • description of marketing strategies and action programs;
    • budgets and ways to control them.

    The principle of adaptability in operational planning

    Operational planning, unlike strategic planning, should be carried out by those who will further implement this plan. At the same time, operational planning is much more flexible and adaptive than strategic planning, since it is precisely this that ensures the organization's compliance with changes in the external and internal environment.

    Remark 1

    The flexibility of the operational plan is especially important for Russian enterprises, many of whose managers are accustomed to considering any plan unchanged and mandatory, regardless of changing conditions.

    The principle of adaptability used in the operational planning of marketing activities is as follows: the organization needs to take into account the dynamics of demand for the product, which determines the need and volume of its release, as well as the corresponding set of marketing activities.

    The Importance of an Operational Marketing Plan

    An operational marketing plan is developed based on the results of strategic marketing planning. Typically, operational planning is carried out on an annual basis, that is, an annual operational marketing plan is drawn up.

    Remark 2

    It is the marketing plan that plays a decisive role in the overall process of organizational planning. This is because the targets of the operational marketing plan have a direct impact on the performance of other sections of the overall plan, and also contains decisions that determine the products sold, its volume, price and promotion methods.

    Another important purpose of an operational marketing plan is its guiding nature. The operational marketing plan is a "route sheet" for personnel who are engaged in the company's marketing activities. At the same time, with the help of an operational marketing plan, company employees can determine the direction in which the company should develop and propose appropriate adjustments, if necessary, returning the organization to the planned course.

    If the company does not have an operational plan for marketing activities, the occurrence of related problems is inevitable. Without planning, an organization develops spontaneously, and every new crisis or problem that arises threatens its existence. The absence of a plan leads to conflicts between possible options for the development of the organization, which, in turn, leads to an incorrect distribution of the efforts of employees and the loss of resources, and can also contribute to the development of a conflict situation within the company.

    Current, or operational, planning is what the manager does on a daily basis at the enterprise. It includes planning the work of the enterprise for a short period of time. It can be either a day or a month, a quarter, half a year or even a year. It depends on the strategic and tactical goals of the enterprise.

    Ongoing planning is usually driven by the need to respond to many factors. For example, there should be an instant reaction of the manager to the fact of the occurrence of force majeure circumstances that can cause loss of life. These include natural disasters (flood, fire, earthquake, etc.). Force majeure also includes strikes. The manager must quickly respond to emergencies that have arisen, to changes in the external or internal environment of the enterprise in order to prevent undesirable consequences or derive maximum benefit for the enterprise. This includes the resolution of current problems and tasks, such as conflicts.

    In current (operational) planning, in contrast to strategic and tactical, there is no significant time gap between the fixation at the level of consciousness of an action in real mode. The manager must be aware that the reactions of operational planning and operational action can have very important strategic implications. He must be able to prolong (prolong) the consequences of an operational decision, current planning, operational action for a future time period. Otherwise, phenomena and situations that are very dangerous for the enterprise may arise.

    The process of current, or operational, planning consists of several stages:

    identification of the problem;

    identification of possible actions;

    pre-selection of one of certain possible actions;

    analysis of possible consequences;

    the final choice of action.

    Moreover, the manager must be able to see not only the current moment, but also to anticipate the impact of the decision on the future time period.

    1 Meaning and purpose of current planning

    The manager, as an executive, is obliged to develop specific guidelines that would become the basis for the implementation of plans and control over this process. These guidelines, or current plans, are developed so that all subordinates responsible for the implementation of the long-term strategy have a clear idea of ​​​​what, how and when they must do in order for their goals to be achieved. In addition, current plans provide a mechanism by which top managers can monitor how the production process is in line with the points of the strategic plan. Current planning mediates the process of strategy implementation, while the organizational structure, reward system, and control play an equally important role. Curiously, there is very limited research on the impact of current plans on the process of strategy implementation. However, from the results of these few studies, it is fashionable to say that the current plans have a positive effect on the production process. For example, one study cites numbers showing how far one firm outperforms its competitors by using functional plans in marketing, finance, technology, and human resources. In addition, these figures show that the use of only a strategic plan brings less results than its combination with functional ones.

    The current plans have a number of distinctive features. For example, drafting is the exclusive function of the heads of departments and divisions (functional managers). This ensures the involvement in the process of developing strategic plans of those managers who are directly involved in their implementation in production. The final version of the current plans is formed on the basis of the production strategy and the overall goals of the company, and it is also the basis for doing business according to the set goals. The development of current plans is the initial stage of the implementation phase of the strategic planning process. Another important characteristic of the current plans is its compliance with all balance sheet performance of the firm. Indeed, the balance sheet is the only document whose data accurately reflects the state of affairs in production. Therefore, the balance sheet and other forms of statistical reporting perform two important functions in relation to current planning:

    1) reflect the distribution of resources in accordance with plans (including financial, labor, material) for specific areas of activity;

    2) perform the function of monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategy.

    Three Types of Current Plans

    Every organization's lower-level managers must develop three different types of plans to monitor the day-to-day production process and its alignment with the overall strategy of the corporation.

    Functional plans are necessary for the implementation of management decisions in various functional areas of production that are subject to rapid changes.

    One-time plans are usually created in connection with the implementation of a project or program that plays a supporting role in the implementation of the overall strategy. So, for example, a corporation may develop a one-time plan to organize job search assistance for those who were fired in accordance with the reduction program.

    Stable plans usually contain the development of specific guidelines for regularly repeated operations of typical production processes that are not subject to change in the long term. A summary of these three types of ongoing plans is given in Chart 1, and their details are given in the next three sections.

    Diagram 1 Three types of current plans

    2 Functional plans

    When drawing up functional plans, it is necessary to answer the following question: what should each firm do to implement the overall strategy of the corporation? Thus, the functional plan describes the actions that should be taken in the near future in a particular area of ​​​​production, it usually contains a list of immediate goals and a time frame for achieving them. Consider the preparation of functional plans in various areas.

    2.1 Marketing

    Marketing department managers are responsible for creating ongoing marketing plans. They provide for who will sell, what, where, when, to whom, in what quantity and how. The current marketing plan usually contains information about what products each department receives, how they are priced, whether advertising is needed, and what types of services should be provided to buyers of these types of products. Chart 2 contains a list of the main questions that a marketing plan should include.

    2.2 Finance (accounting)

    Heads of finance departments are usually responsible for the preparation of current financial plans, which itemize the allocation of resources with a description of the control system for this process. Separately, the plan includes calculations for attracting the required amount of borrowed funds, the volume of capital investments and an analysis of the required amount of liquid funds. Chart 3 contains the main types of issues considered in the financial plan.

    2.3 Production (operational activities)

    Production management is one of the key functions in most businesses.

    The production manager plans and analyzes the process of receipt of raw materials, materials, new technologies, labor resources and equipment to a greater extent corresponds to industrial firms, but is also present to one degree or another in other organizations. The current production management plan should include the main issues related to the elements of the production process: the efficiency of operations for processing raw materials, semi-finished products, work in progress, the economic location of equipment and machines on the territory of the production complex, etc. Diagram 4 is a typical production control plan.

    Scheme 2 Main aspects of a functional marketing plan

    Operational planning is the final stage of planning in the enterprise. It concretizes and details the production program for a decade (10 days), a week, a day and a shift, ensures timely delivery of planned targets to the departments, and also performs a coordinating function, ensuring the coordinated work of all departments of the enterprise.

    The main goal of operational planning is to ensure uniform, uninterrupted production of products in specified quantities and on time, with the compliance of manufactured products with product quality standards and with optimal use of production capacities.

    The main functions of operational and production planning can be identified as follows:

    • development of calendar and planning standards for production (duration of the production cycle, the amount of backlog, batch size, etc.);
    • volumetric calculations of equipment and space loading;
    • drawing up operational programs for the main production and procurement workshops;
    • operational management accounting and control over the implementation of operational programs;
    • operational regulation of the production process, timely detection of deviations from the plan, development and implementation of measures to eliminate them.
    Depending on the content and duration of action, operational planning is divided into two types: calendar and current. These two types of operational planning are carried out by economists - managers and specialists of the planning and production departments and workshops of the enterprise.

    scheduling includes the distribution of monthly targets by production units and deadlines, as well as bringing the established indicators to specific work performers. With its help, shift-daily tasks are developed and the sequence of work performed by individual performers is coordinated.

    The initial data for the development of calendar plans are the annual volumes of output, the complexity of the work performed, the timing of the delivery of goods to the market and other indicators of the socio-economic plans of the enterprise. Dispatching of production provides for the operational control and regulation of the course of production processes, as well as accounting for the release of products and the expenditure of various resources. At most machine-building enterprises, operational planning is divided, depending on the scope, into intershop and intrashop planning.

    Intershop planning ensures the development, regulation and control of the implementation of plans for the production and sale of products by all departments of the enterprise, and also coordinates the work of the main and auxiliary shops, design and technological, planning and economic and other functional services. At machine-building enterprises, as a rule, production programs are developed and issued to workshops by planned services for the next year with a quarterly and monthly breakdown. The content of intra-shop planning is the development of operational plans and the preparation of current work schedules for production sites, production lines and individual jobs based on annual plans for the production and sale of products of the main workshops of the enterprise.

    Operational planning systems

    In modern production, various operational planning systems are widespread, determined both by internal factors and by external market conditions. Under the system of operational planning of production in the economic literature, it is customary to understand a set of various methods and technologies of planned work, characterized by the degree of centralization, the object of regulation, the composition of calendar and planned indicators, the procedure for accounting and movement of products and registration of accounting documentation.

    While generally agreeing with this definition, we consider it necessary to clarify the concept of an operational planning system in accordance with the new market relations of enterprises. This system is a set of methods and methods for calculating the main planning and organizational indicators necessary to regulate the course of the process of production and consumption of goods and services in order to achieve planned market results with minimal expenditure of economic resources and working time.

    The main characteristics of any operational planning system include: methods for compiling calendar tasks for departments of the enterprise, the procedure for coordinating and linking the work of workshops and sections, the selected planning and accounting unit, the duration of the planning period, methods and techniques for calculating planned indicators, the composition of accompanying documentation, etc.

    The choice of one or another operational planning system in market conditions is determined mainly by the volume of demand for products and services, the costs and results of planning, the scale and type of production, the organizational structure of the enterprise and other factors. The most famous at present are the detailed, custom and complete systems of operational planning and their varieties used in many large enterprises and firms, as well as in small and medium-sized businesses.

    Detailed planning system

    The detailed planning system is designed for a highly organized and stable production environment. According to this system, the progress of work, technological operations and production processes for each part is planned and regulated for a certain planning period - an hour, a shift, a day, a week, etc.

    At the heart of the detailed system lies in the precise planning of the tact and rhythm of the work of production lines and production sites, the correct determination of normal technological, transport, insurance, inter-operational and cycle reserves and their constant maintenance in the production process at a strict calculated level.

    The use of this system requires the development of complex calendar-operational plans containing output volume indicators and the route of movement of parts of each item through all production stages and technological operations. Therefore, it is advisable to use detailed planning with a limited and stable range of products, which takes place in conditions of large-scale and mass production.

    Order planning system

    The order-by-order system of operational planning is mainly used in single-piece and small-scale production with its diverse range of products and a small volume of products and production services. In this case, the object of planning, or the main planning and accounting unit, is a separate production order, which includes several jobs of the same type of a particular consumer-customer. This planning system is based on calculations of the duration of production cycles and lead times, with the help of which the deadlines required by the customer or the market for the completion of both individual processes or work, and the entire order as a whole are established.

    Complete planning system

    The complete system is used mainly in serial machine-building production. As the main planning and accounting unit, various parts are used that are included in an assembly unit or a common set of goods, grouped according to certain characteristics. Calendar tasks for production units are developed not according to the details of a separate name, but according to enlarged groups or sets of parts for a unit, machine, order, or a certain amount of work and services. This system helps to reduce the labor intensity of both planning and calculation work, as well as the organizational and managerial activities of the personnel of the linear and functional services of the enterprise.

    With this system, the flexibility of operational planning, current control and regulation of the production process is significantly increased, which, in conditions of market uncertainty, serves as an important means for enterprises to stabilize production. In addition to the three systems of operational planning considered, domestic enterprises use such subsystems as planning by the production cycle, by backlog, ahead of schedule, to the warehouse, etc.

    Tact planning system

    Planning by the cycle of product release provides for the alignment of the duration of technological operations at all stages of the overall production process in accordance with a single estimated time for the completion of interrelated work.