What is Yandex Toloka! How much can you earn? Experiment. Yandex.Toloka: what is it and how to make money on it Forum, feedback and communication with customers

Since the beginning of the development of the Runet, a large number of different ways to make money on the Internet have appeared - from making money on your own website to a wide variety of books and services for paid tasks, which have been actively gaining popularity in recent years.

Yandex. Toloka - an honest review of the service.

Along with them, we can highlight new ideas for making money online, which are offered by the administration of the Yandex search engine. Just recently, a new project from this company became available to all users - the Yandex Toloka earnings service, which involves completing tasks from Yandex for a monetary reward. It is worth noting that the project turned out to be quite successful and allows absolutely anyone to earn money without investments, while it does not require any special skills to get started.

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What is Yandex Toloka?

The new earning platform from Yandex offers real income, as many performers have already seen. Payment is accrued for completing tasks that are in one way or another related to the search results of the system. This way, you not only get extra money in your pocket, but you also help improve the performance of one of the largest search engines in the world. The earnings on this service are not too high, but it does not take much time to complete the assigned tasks.

According to the forum of participants in the earnings program, we can say that the average income of a performer for three weeks is 35-40 dollars - quite a good result for working part-time in your free time!

But before purposefully switching to registration in the Yandex Toloka system, we would advise you to study the list of pros and cons of the system. Yes, yes, and this project has its drawbacks, because to this day the project is being tested and adjusted.

We will try to talk in detail about all the joys and inconveniences that an ordinary performer of tasks on this platform may experience.

Let's move on to the review of Yandex.Toloka.

Let's start with the positives

Innovation in earning money on tasks

The first positive factor that leaves a good impression is the opportunity to participate in the work of the search engine. Indeed, before Yandex, no one had provided similar tasks where the contractor could take part in improving systems. The usual tasks on social networks and on customer websites have become boring for a long time, and Yandex Toloka brings a unique interest to the work.

Real money

The second advantage of the project is the honesty and integrity of the administration of the site for making money. Yandex Toloka really pays out all its hard-earned money and values ​​user participation in the development of its system (Fig. 1). During the analysis of the project, not a single negative mention was found that would talk about blocking a participant’s account, but many services have the habit of blocking accounts that are inconvenient for them.

rice. 1

Work anywhere in the world

Perhaps an equally important advantage of the service is the ability to work absolutely anywhere in the world where there is Internet coverage. You can earn money in the project very quickly and simply by sitting at the computer, but even if you travel, you can always earn extra money, since Yandex Toloka has its own mobile application for Android and iOS with all the necessary functions (Fig. 2). In addition to this, you can increase your earnings even more, because using the mobile application you can perform highly paid tasks for photographing objects. To do this, you just need to come to the indicated point on the map and take a couple of pictures.

User-friendly interface

For anyone who values ​​their time, the fourth factor will be a significant advantage - the project task interface. To complete tasks, you do not need a large number of transitions to third-party resources, and, in most cases, all work on the task is carried out in one tab. The interface of the task completion page is well thought out and allows you to quickly and efficiently complete the task even without using a mouse. In addition, the service administration regularly makes changes and improvements to many functional components - from improving task descriptions to changing the execution page interface.


Small number of tasks

In contrast to the positive aspects of the service, its negative qualities are more pronounced and noticeable. And the main one is the insufficient number of tasks to complete. Tasks are not distributed very rationally. So, you can receive a large number of tasks one day, and the next day complete only a couple of dozen tasks. It would be much more convenient if tasks were divided according to the statistics of their number. This would allow you to use your time more efficiently, without looking for tasks on “empty” days. In addition, there is the fact that there are fewer tasks. On the one hand, it is logical that as the number of performers increases, the number of tasks per user decreases. However, it is also logical that such a system should take this fact into account and maintain the working interest of users, offering a number of tasks proportional to the increasing audience

Limited withdrawal options

The second and final disadvantage is the withdrawal limit. No, the restrictions do not at all impose a framework for the maximum possible withdrawal amount within a certain period of time - there are no problems with this. An unpleasant drawback of the platform can be considered limited withdrawal options, which make it possible to transfer money only to a Yandex Money wallet, PayPal account, as well as a PrivatBank card for residents of Ukraine (Fig. 3). Of course, such a number of possibilities cannot but upset the project participant, and the company does not make a transfer to its wallet if its status is not identified.

Yandex Toloka is an application designed for making money on the Internet. Log in to your personal account, select tasks, complete them at a convenient time and receive a reward. No special knowledge required!

Toloka Yandex - screenshots

Yandex Toloka - video

Main features of Yandex Toloka for Android

You can analyze the content of web pages or check the accuracy of the map - for example, on the way home or while walking.

The Toloka application allows you to log into your personal account and simultaneously perform several tasks. For example, you can take a couple of tasks to check the map, which are convenient to do along the way. The application has an offline mode: tasks and a city map can be saved for viewing without the Internet. The new option “Send tasks over WiFi” will also help save traffic.

As in the regular version of Yandex Toloka, it is easy to withdraw money through payment systems, PayPal or Skrill. Users from Ukraine can also transfer them to a PrivatBank card.

Version: 1.17.0
Developer: Yandex Services AG
Official site.

No... I didn’t hire myself to work for pennies. Indeed, it’s a lot of work for mere pennies and it’s not worth it. It reminded me of some kind of seosprint but from Yandex. I’m very disappointed in them, and considering that they are terrible as PS, it turns out to be some kind of horror. There are many tasks for which they pay less than a dollar, there are few tasks where the payment is substantial, and I have seen them a couple of times. Yes, this is bullshit, which was done quickly and nothing more, as I understand it. As for the structure as a whole - everything is piled up and you can choose for yourself, like in some second-hand store... The filters are weak, we definitely need to expand the screening of the proposed work because you don’t want to delve into this crap at all, and in general it’s kind of... it’s wretched and it’s not clear for whom it was made... Yes, even on a stupid seosprint, etc., it’s better to work than in this dull, incomprehensible place, where it’s not clear what’s going on. Oh yes, there is promotion of PF, but Yandex doesn’t allow you to move it like that and because of this, sites end up in the filter, that is, the customers themselves go online, it’s funny.

I was probably one of the first to register. It was interesting to find out what type of tasks will be in the system, how to evaluate, etc. Finally, become a Yandex assessor. As a result, I got so carried away that I got stuck on the bench for a couple of hours: D I earned as much as $10. In the first days there were quite interesting tasks with prices up to $2 each. The other day I looked in, the service is still alive, there are a lot of tasks, prices start from $0.1. A very real way for students and housewives to earn money. Important point! To withdraw funds, you must identify your Yandex.Money wallet. You can also add your PayPal.

I’ve been working at Toloka for two weeks now, I learned about the service a long time ago. But he began to work hard only recently. There are a lot of tasks, and as the rating increases from 300, you even come across interesting tasks from customers not from Yandex. As your rating and skill increase, there are more tasks and the payment increases accordingly. A service for those who are attentive and accept monotonous work normally. On average, you can withdraw $5 per day. On weekends there are very few tasks, especially in the evening. Recently I saw tasks with crowd testing, where the pay is already higher, but you also need to think with your brains, and not just poke the relevance automatically.

I didn’t use Toloka as a pedestrian agent because I was just lazy. However, I can tell you about the successful experience of completing tasks online. There is a comparison of sites, checking the relevance of search queries, identifying any shortcomings in the output of images according to the task. There are earnings here, although they are not high, but, friends, there are also quite a few people willing - after all, to complete the tasks you only need your head and an Internet connection. I was able to earn three hundred in a few days, but the faster you learn the instructions and get better at it, the higher your earnings will be. I recommend it for those who, for some reason, are homebound and capable of monotonous activities.

So far this is the best income, I am looking for others. I won’t la-la, everything is visible on the screenshot. I am personally especially interested in field assignments, photos of the building, store facade, work schedule. In my city, I looked at the map, 237 tasks from 10 to 15 cents. I closed my area, and new ones appeared on it. Walk - I don’t want to. What don't newbies like? Upon entry, the skill level is given 150. Almost all tasks are done through training 1-3 pieces and an exam, they cost 0 cents. And the level of skill immediately drops if performed ineptly; mine dropped to 40. Now I have 270. I earned 38 bucks since mid-December without straining. I made a Yandex card and paid 300 rubles for it from the money I earned. It's for three years. At a Sberovsk ATM you can withdraw up to 10,000 per month without commission. In stores they accept it, apply it, pay. I didn’t spend a penny from my pension on beer and coins.

This is a service where you won’t make much money, but you can lose time. Constant technical problems and extremely low assessments of assignments are not at all conducive.
All these tasks quickly make your eyes tired, monotony and boredom, and all this for mere pennies.
After two weeks I gave it all up and I don’t regret it at all. The only regret was that I spent three to four hours a day and didn’t even earn one dollar. As it turned out, some tasks do not pay at all.
At first it seems that Yandex. Toloka can make good money, and in a short period of time, but in this case, first impressions are deceptive.

I work as a Yandex assessor under a contract (not in Toloka), so I know the whole kitchen, as they say, from the inside. What can I say specifically about Toloka?
The project is worthy. No match for penny axle boxes. Even taking into account that I only worked in Toloka itself for a couple of weeks, and the prices for tasks there are much lower than those of full-time assessors, I managed to withdraw more than fifty bucks. For a project of this level, I think it’s quite worthy. Moreover, with an increase in rating, access to more expensive tasks opens. And what’s most important is that from there you can directly get a job as a Yandex assessor, where a very, very good salary is paid.

I fell for the positive reviews and screenshots of payments. Registered.
The conclusion is not mine.
Firstly, the pay is too low. Starts at 0.01 cents. The tasks are, of course, easy. And the lighter they are, the lower the payment. There are very few worthy in terms of payment and interesting ones.
Secondly, the tasks are simple and have no intellectual background. Just boring.
This work may be suitable only for schoolchildren and housewives.
This site disappointed me. I expected more. I don’t know where people get such income. In my experience, you can earn too little money there and spend a lot of time.

Although there are not many negative reviews about Toloka from Yandex (I think it blocks most of them), I don’t like it. I think that this is an activity for those who are bored without work and do not have any professional skills that can be used to make money on the Internet. As for Toloka, you won’t get very rich here, as well as on other Yandex projects. Moreover, both the working conditions and the payment are very different in reality from those stated. Most of the tasks are extremely simple - you need to analyze and evaluate the presented content through comparison, but the pay for this is mere pennies.

While searching for new sites for work, I came across this one. Of course, I was immediately attracted by the reviews, which said that you can make good money here. People posted photos of their earnings, and I believed it. I went for “big money” and easy work. Somehow it didn’t work out with this resource, but I withdrew my pennies. There is not much work on the site; probably, a lot depends on the rating. The rating itself is a mystery here. I still don't understand how it's decreasing. You’re just sitting there doing tasks, and suddenly your rating has dropped. Payment for tasks here is from 0.01 cents and above. Field assignments pay the most, that is, you need to walk around and perform various actions. This is suitable for people who live in big cities. And so, there are even interesting tasks, and not so much. This includes annotating audio recordings, flipping photographs, and appraising cars. Withdrawals are made to YandexMoney, PayPal, and for residents of Ukraine to a PrivatBank card. During my work, which was about 5 days, I withdrew only 11 hryvnia, very little.

Yandex Toloka earnings are not the best, since it is not clear how to withdraw money there, and it is very difficult to earn money there. Thank you for at least no investment.
I have 131 rubles in my account. I don't know how to get them out. I'm planning to abandon this site.
I understand that this income is from Yandex, but it’s somehow unclear.
I found a better and more pleasant income than this. There I earn much more and more easily. Of course, I admire this income, but it will not help fulfill my dreams. I give this site an average rating.

In order to earn more or less normally, I select the proposed tasks very meticulously. For the most part, I try to take it with immediate verification. Money is deposited into your account after completion and can be withdrawn immediately. But for some reason the minimum withdrawal amount is dynamic. Either $1 minimum, then for some reason $2. I did not catch the connection with the completion of certain tasks or the time of stay at the service. I only take tasks with deferred review if the pay is good, otherwise there’s no point in fooling around. Through experience, I found reliable customers who write clear assignments and quickly check the work. A convenient function is to filter out tasks 18+. They pay the bare minimum for this, but you can see all sorts of nasty things. Often the service does not work with the Mozilla browser, but with others everything is fine. I regularly visit the forum and have learned a lot of useful information for my work there. Withdrawal of money is possible only to a wallet identified according to all the rules. In a month he earns up to 3,000 rubles, which is enough to pay for the phone and the Internet. The biggest advantage is that you do not need to have any special skills to work.

What is Yandex.Toloka?

Yandex.Toloka is a service from the Yandex company, which provides a real opportunity to earn money for any representative of the Russian-speaking Internet community. The job consists, in short, of performing simple tasks to review and evaluate content.

In simple terms, Toloka is designed to allow people to be tasked with performing certain tasks related to analyzing content that a machine (program, artificial intelligence) cannot handle.

For example, a search engine is not always able to correctly understand what a person wanted to find for a specific search query and may produce a completely different search result than the user expected.

The machine can also make mistakes in assessing the category of content that Internet resources contain. Including content that falls under the “18+” category.

Artificial intelligence is simply physically unable to cope with some tasks.

Let's look at an example. There is such a useful thing as Yandex.Maps. Information in Yandex.Maps is constantly kept up to date. But the question is: who helps keep this information up to date? Human! A living person who goes to a specified area and checks the presence of a particular organization at the address specified in the task of the Yandex.Toloka service.

Without human participation, maintaining the Yandex.Maps information base would be simply impossible, so Toloka always has tasks on this topic, and users always have another opportunity to replenish their wallet.

In general, if additional 50 – 100 dollars per month, then I suggest you read this article to the end!

How to register on the Yandex.Toloka website?

In Toloka you can register only one account for the entire time you use the site.

To register on the Yandex.Toloka page, click the “Join” button.

Enter your E-mail from Yandex mail. If you do not yet have a Yandex account, register one.

How much can you earn in Yandex.Toloka?

There are many areas of work in Yandex.Toloka. During working hours of the day, a user can earn either one cent or ten bucks. Success in work depends on several factors: how many tasks are available for a particular user, with what level of efficiency the employee works, and, of course, how much time a respected service worker is willing to spend on working in the service.

In order for this article to be as useful as possible for you, dear readers, I myself started working in Toloka. It was necessary to find out how much money a new user of this service could earn.

As a result, after working for two weeks, devoting about 2 – 4 hours a day, I managed earn 35 dollars with more.

Basically, for 2 - 3 hours of work you can earn 2 - 4 dollars. The amount of earnings largely depends on the speed of work, the complexity of the task and the payment for its completion. For example, there is a task in which earnings largely depend on typing speed. On such a task, some people who have a high typing speed manage to earn $1.50 - $2 per hour. When I manage to earn no more than 1 dollar on the same task for the same time.

Based on the results given above, we can draw the following conclusion: a couple of useful hours over the course of a month in Yandex.Toloka and forty or even eighty dollars of income will fall into the pocket of an honest worker.

Also in Toloka there is a task “Updating data on organizations”.

The essence of this task is that you need to come to the address specified in the task, check the relevance of information about the organization and take the necessary photographs of this organization. So to speak, a “pedestrian” task.

Payment for completing one such task ranges from 0.20 cents to several dollars. Also, customers of this task give bonuses to performers for active and high-quality completion of the task.

There are people who make very good money from this task.

Some users completing this task shared their achievements by posting screenshots of the results of their earnings on the Yandex.Toloka forum. The amounts in these screenshots reached 400 hundred dollars in two to three weeks. Therefore, it is not surprising that some of them chose this task as their main job.

Based on the above, I think that for those who have a couple of free hours a day, this type of income can be considered as a part-time job. Those who have a lot of free time can make this service their main place of work.

How to receive earned money in Yandex.Toloka?

Funds earned in Yandex.Toloka can be withdrawn to:

  • PrivatBank card (Ukraine)
  • PayPal
  • Yandex money
  • Skrill
  • Mobile phone account (only for Russian numbers) served by operators: Beeline, Megafon, MTS and Tele2.

I strongly advise against withdrawing money to Skrill; there is a high commission when transferring from Skrill to other payment systems.

Payments in Toloka can be ordered at any time.

If you order a payment once a week or less, the minimum amount for withdrawal will be only 2 cents.

If you order a payment more often than once a week (every day or several times a day), then the minimum amount for withdrawal will be - 1 dollar.

The payment is processed from the moment the application is submitted until the funds are received in the account specified by the user (for example, an account in the YandexMoney system). According to the rules of the system, this stage can take up to 30 days. But in fact, money usually arrives in your wallet instantly or within 24 hours.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that in the case of Yandex.Money, the account you specified for withdrawing money must be identified in advance. If this is not done, the withdrawal operation is canceled by the payment system and the ordered payment is returned to the balance of the toloker.

How to identify an account in Yandex.Money?

In order to identify your account, you must log in to the Yandex.Money system. Next, you should move to the “Identification” section at: https://money.yandex.ru/security/identification/

Click “Get status”. Choose the identification method that is most convenient for you.

Read more about account identification.

The first time I applied for a payment of $26.53.

Literally the same day my income, which amounted to 1765.54 kopecks. ($26.53) was successfully converted into domestic currency and credited to my account in the Yandex.Money system. As for subsequent payments, they came much faster, and recent payments generally surprised me with their instantaneousness.

How to make money in Yandex.Toloka?

You should know that there are two payment options in Yandex.Toloka. The first option is automatic payment, i.e. money for a completed task is credited to your account instantly upon completion of the task. The second option is the so-called deferred payment. In this case, funds for the completed task will be credited to the contractor’s account only after the customer has verified the work.

Paid tasks are indicated on the balance sheet with green numbers (this money can already be withdrawn). Tasks that are still being reviewed are displayed on the balance sheet as gray numbers. These funds will be credited as soon as the customer checks and approves the quality of the completed task.

The number of tasks being checked can be viewed in the “My Profile” ⇒ “History” section.

In order to figure out which task is paid instantly and which one is paid deferred, you just need to look at the details of the task. In tasks with deferred acceptance, the verification period is indicated. If the verification time is not specified, then payment is made instantly.

Basically, tasks with deferred payment are checked from 3 to 14 days. By the way, this does not mean that the task will be under review for the entire specified period. There is a possibility that the customer will review the assignment before the specified deadline. Also in tasks with deferred acceptance, the percentage of tasks that the customer paid for is shown. Also in the task details you can see the instructions for completing the task and the time allotted for its completion.

For convenience and quick search, you can filter tasks by category:

“With training”

“Delayed acceptance”


For those performers who want to complete tasks from their mobile devices, there is a special Yandex.Toloka application, which is easy, simple, and most importantly, free of charge, can be downloaded on Google Play.

Now let's look at such an important point when working with the service as the rating and user skills. If a performer completes a large number of tasks with excellent quality of work, then his rating and skills increase.

The “My Profile” section of the service displays data on the user’s rating and skills. The user's own success on the project is reflected by the absolute rating. As for the relative rating, it is made so that you can compare your personal achievements with the achievements of other users. Actually, the absolute rating shows how much better you work compared to other performers.

Skills appear after the tasks are checked by the customer. Moreover, for each individual task a separate skill is assigned. In this case, 100 points is the best result, and 0 points is the worst.

One very important thing to remember is that a high skill score on a task can be a prerequisite for new tasks from the customer. That is, if the customer sees that the performer performs one of his tasks well, then over time he begins to give this user more and more tasks. Thus, a conscientious contractor will always have a job in the service. Moreover, if the performer successfully copes with the customer’s tasks, then the customer begins to give this performer tasks with a large reward.

At the same time, poor quality of work on the part of the performer leads to the denial of access for the performer to a certain task.

Getting started with the service is easy. Go to the “Tasks” section, select a task from the list and click “Start task”. By the way, you should always review the instructions for the task before getting started. Even if this is not the first time you have done it, you should at least take a quick look to see if there are any changes or additions to the instructions. This will protect the performer from unpleasant “surprises”. If the task accepted for work has automatic payment, then your balance will change towards positive after you complete the first task.

To begin with, you should work only on those tasks that are simpler. As you gain experience working in the service, you can move on to more complex tasks.

Here is an example of tasks that are very simple to complete.

“Is there porn in the picture?”

Payment for this type of task ranges from 2 to 5 cents. The amount of payment depends on the level of skill; the higher it is, the higher the payment. The skill increases with high-quality completion of tasks. I manage to do such tasks literally one per minute. Accordingly, after an hour of my work with short breaks, my account is replenished by one dollar. You simply cannot find an easier job for this money! Here you just need to choose one of the answer options that are located under the picture. How to do this correctly is described in detail and clearly in the instructions for this task.

It is worth remembering that the user can perform each task only for a certain time, i.e. Time to work in all service tasks is limited. In order to complete this or that task on time, you should always look at the timer. It can be seen at the top of the page.

“Is there porn in the screenshot?”

Almost the same as the previous task. The only difference is that in the first case we worked with pictures, and in the second case we worked with the classification of screenshots. This task may be a little more difficult, but if you get used to it, the work will go quickly and easily. For one such completed task they pay four to six cents.

“Marking unplayable videos”

This task contains several videos. The worker needs to check each video for working condition, i.e. Separate videos that are playing from those that are not. Depending on the results of checking the video data, the user clicks on one of the options presented under the video and, upon completion of work on the task, receives one cent to his account. In forty (maximum seventy) seconds it is quite possible to complete one task of this type.

"Speed ​​Limit"

The work lasts forty seconds maximum, the task does not tire you, and sometimes even entertains you. The task contains photos that should contain a speed limit sign. Depending on what number is indicated on the sign, we select the appropriate option from the answers provided and upon completion of work on the task, our account in the service increases by one cent. By the way, it happens that some of the pictures presented do not have a speed limit sign. In this case, select the appropriate one from the options below. It's simple!

“Recording phrases on a voice recorder”

Only those performers who work in the service from a mobile phone can begin the task. As you already understood from the title, in the task you need to record your speech, pronouncing the phrases the customer needs. You can actually earn one cent, indicated in the price of the task, in just half a minute (maximum forty seconds).

This task refers to tasks with deferred payment; checking the quality of execution by the customer may take a maximum of 10 days. From my own experience I will say that all the tasks completed by me and sent for review were accepted and paid for. Moreover, there were a lot of them. In general, this task is worth completing.

“Annotating audio recordings”

The task requires you to listen to an audio recording and type what you heard on the recording. What you should not write down and exactly how to write it down are described in great detail in the instructions. To work on this task, you must literally memorize the instructions provided, and then tasks of this type will be constantly given to you. It is worth paying attention to each point of the instructions separately, including the fact that punctuation marks are not included in the annotation. It may be unusual for a beginner to write without periods, commas and dashes at first. But in order to regularly receive the specified task, you will still need to get used to doing it as stated in the instructions.

The fee per task is 0.08 cents. The task is completed in approximately 5 - 8 minutes, there are craftsmen who manage to complete this task in 2 - 3 minutes.

“Updating data about organizations”

If you live in a big city, constantly move around it and you have the opportunity to take photographs, then this task is for you. The purpose of the task is to photograph the buildings of organizations at the addresses specified in the task.

For example, the task contains the name of the store “Plumber” and the address Bolshoy Prospekt, 21. The task executor is sent to the required address and if the organization specified in the conditions exists, then a photograph of several important objects for the customer is taken. Objects important to the customer include: address, entrance, work schedule and sign.

The price of such tasks varies from a few cents to several dollars. There is also a bonus program (reward system).

There are, in my opinion, enough examples given.

In the Yandex.Toloka service there are actually just a lot of tasks. You can verify this by looking at the service forum. There is the entire list of customers and a list of the tasks that these customers propose to perform. By the way, it is worth visiting the forum in order to improve the quality of work on a specific task, because the instructions are not always comprehensive and additional information is required. A forum topic that corresponds to the task will greatly help you complete any task efficiently. Questions that arise during the work can also be asked in the appropriate forum topic. Questions can be answered both by the customer himself and by ordinary users with experience in the service in general and experience working specifically on this task.

If you want to discover an additional way to earn money, then you can register with the Yandex.Toloka service without delay and earn your first cents right now.

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The brainchild of Yandex to improve search results, improve the quality of navigation maps, and separate adult content from regular content. According to the developers, the robot cannot do all this; for this, ordinary users or, simply put, tolokers are involved. In this article we will focus only on the mobile application; there will be a separate article for computers.

The Yandex Toloka application for mobile phones is available in Russian. The fact that this is a beta version does not in any way affect the usability and performance of the application. Only Android phone users have access to the application; you can download it from Google Play.

To register in the system, you will need an account in Yandex Mail. For those who don’t have it, I recommend making it – 5 minutes and you’re done. Next, you need to fill in your information and click the join button.

Program menu and how much you can earn

The Yandex Toloka menu is constantly being improved and changed by the developers. At the moment it looks like this:

Here are all the tasks that you can take and start completing. There are from 5 to 15 available options, but this is less than in the computer version of the program. There are 70-80% of tasks here that require you to go outside.

Types of tasks in Yandex Toloka:

The descriptions for some tasks are quite difficult to understand: but after completing a couple of them, everything becomes clear. The Yandex Cleanup service also has a forum where you can ask questions and sort out unclear points in the service’s operation.

Training is also available for each task.

Reserved and completed

Reserved are those in the process of execution. Different tasks have different amounts of time to complete.

Completed – a report on tasks and payment amounts for them. Unfulfilled and rejected ones are also displayed here.

Withdrawal methods

The status of your account, payments made and methods for withdrawing earned money are displayed.

Withdrawal methods: , YaD, Papara and PrivatBank.

Withdrawal processing is stated to take up to 30 days. But from experience I will say that the money arrives in no more than 3-5 days. Withdrawal is available from $0.02.

Ratings and skills

One of the most important menu items. As the rating increases, the cost and number of tasks increases. Your income grows accordingly. When the rating decreases, tasks cost a minimum. And if the rating falls below the red line (the percentage of tasks completed correctly is less than 60-70%), then sanctions are applied and it is necessary to undergo training programs again.

After passing the test, access is restored. If you drop your rating five times below the red line, then this task will no longer be available. Attempts to contact technical support will lead to nothing; access to your account will be permanently blocked.


You can edit your profile, configure the display of adult content, upload photos only via WI-FI, notifications and download offline maps to save your smartphone’s traffic.

Conclusion and review of the Yandex Toloka application

The fact that the developer of the Yandex program already inspires trust. Income depends on your desire and availability of free time (not a bad income in the application). My maximum income per month was $17 - 1000 rubles, but the time spent was minimal. So an income of up to 3000-4000 rubles per month is quite possible, but you will have to work hard.

Conclusion - I definitely recommend it for a small part-time job! In the latest update, the service has added bonuses for friends, so if anyone is interested, register using the link and you and I will be pleased. The updated application has added a large number of new buildings - go for it!