Donat version. What is Donat and how to get it: on streams and on YouTube. What is donation on streams and on YouTube?

The term is most often used in the gaming industry. Derived from the English “donate”, which means “to give”, “to donate”. Involves the voluntary purchase of in-game assets for real money. It is also used to denote financial incentives by users for various streamers, musicians, programmers and many other free Internet activists.

Principles of organizing games that affect donations

There are three areas of financial support for games:
Buy to play (b2p) - payment is required once, when purchasing gaming software. Classic variation.
Pay to play (p2p) – monthly fixed subscription fee. As a rule, no additional investments are needed. Perhaps, buy some additional pixel decor, like stylish pants with a national ornament, a T-shirt trimmed with silver fox, or a holographic sticker on board your virtual destroyer.
Free to play (f2p) is an officially free format that allows the purchase of game attributes. In practice, games using this system are divided into those where the possibility of donation is implied and those where it is constantly necessary.

Where do “donations” go to MMORPGs?

Developers and localizers are involved not only in releasing the game into the world, but also in its further operation/development. This includes:

  • server support;
  • troubleshooting;
  • connection support;
  • promotion and promotion.

For localizers, this means adaptation of the game, its testing and subsequent supervision in the territory under their control. Unfortunately, it is during the process of adapting the game that publishers (in particular domestic ones) often make it impossible for players to progress without significant investments. There are many examples when a game that was accessible in every sense abroad became colossally expensive for players in our country. Moreover, the ability of our users to play on European servers was suppressed as a result of an initiative on the part of localizers.

Donation in games is an evil or a fair guarantee of a comfortable game.

If people in real life can afford to travel in the upper class with exaggerated conditions of luxury, they do not in any way infringe on the rights of other categories of people, because there are practically no points of intersection. These are simply different segments of the consumer market. In the case of donations, the situation is completely different. To preserve the possibility of realizing the characters of all players, wealthy and not so wealthy, ready to invest in the game and those who refuse to do so, competent organization of the game is necessary. It is necessary to try very, very hard to comply with such investment mechanisms so that they do not affect the global priority achievements in the game. And this is too problematic and not beneficial for all developers. Therefore, there are two paths of least resistance: donate or select games where there is no donation, or where it is present in a reasonable amount. That is, everyone chooses for themselves what it means for them to pour money into the game: an appropriate opportunity to spend their savings on a gaming advantage over other players or the irritating factor of unacceptable organization of the game.

Donation in favor of streamers

Rewarding streamers and video bloggers in gratitude for their activities is a purely voluntary, public action. With the help of third-party resources, such as , and StreamTip, donation is configured for a stream or video channel. Twitch or YouTube allow you to integrate the donation system into the current broadcast and set up numerous effects for financial receipts: animation, sound notification, rating of incoming amounts, results per day, etc.
You can transfer money by subscribing to the channel you are interested in. In this case, the blogger will receive half of the transferred money monthly. Also, money can be transferred directly to his wallet. Details are usually indicated in the information accompanying the channel or in an explanatory video.
People have an ambiguous attitude towards donations in favor of broadcast people. Someone indignantly wonders why he should pay people who show their entertainment in the public domain. Some people understand that even such an easy activity requires certain costs and needs additional incentives. And for some, it’s simply nice to show financial gratitude to those who brightened up the evening or were helpful in learning the game.

07/09/2018 at 13:32

6445 0

Donat, what a mysterious word for many users on the Internet, what does the word donat mean?

Translation from English "donate" means > or >. As a rule, they give money, for example, on YouTube streams.

The word donation was invented on the Internet; as a rule, donations are sent to streamers on Twitch or YouTube. You've probably seen streamers of online games on YouTube, they broadcast live how they play online games and people who like these games watch them and communicate via chat.

Almost every streamer has a special link to donate; anyone can follow the link and send him money by writing a message:

Your message and donation amount will be displayed live on the streamer’s screen:

This is one of the ways streamers make money. In this way, viewers can express gratitude for the game or simply help the streamer develop the channel. It’s also not uncommon for a rich person to come onto a stream and donate large sums, just for the sake of the streamers’ reaction.

How to set up a donation on your stream

If you decide to start streaming on YouTube or another platform, you need to install donation. There is nothing difficult about it, but you will be pleased to receive money from viewers.

First, you need to choose the service through which you will accept donations, the two most popular services: Donationalerts and Donatepay.

Let's take the example of Donationalerts, after going to the site you need to log in using your channel on YouTube or Twitch:

How to get a donation on stream

Many people think that in order to get something you have to ask, but in our case this does not work. In order for viewers to want to donate to you, you need to think through all the technical aspects:

Donation withdrawal

You need to take the choice of GIF and music for donation seriously, these two things should hook the audience; they should want to see this GIF again.


This word was invented by streamers, thereby they hint at donation, this is a replacement for the word “ask”. But you need to byte carefully and with meaning, so that people understand the hint and start donating. But you shouldn’t do this for long, if donations don’t come in, you’ll just look like a beggar.

Action for donation

In the stream description, you can make a list of actions that you are willing to do for a certain amount. The actions will depend on what you are streaming. It can be the craziest things: breaking furniture, drinking alcohol, writing the donor's name on your body and much more.

These actions will help you receive donations more often, but you should not rely on donations as the main way to earn money. This is just an additional pleasant way of earning money, which does not require anything complicated from you, you just need to gather your audience around you.

Why do you need a donation?

Donation is a very useful thing that helps streamers develop their channels and create quality content for viewers. And the viewer, in turn, can thus express sympathy and gratitude to the streamers.

Also, with the help of donations, donations are often collected for good causes, for example, for operations for young children. As a rule, such donations are arranged by famous streamers who have a large audience and very often such actions save the lives of children.

Shalom, brothers. Who is writing to you? writes, together with . So, gentlemen, we have gathered you here... no, we have not gathered you here, you have come here yourself, so open your eyes wider and read! So what do you know about donate? Are we paying money? Right. What else? No, don't be smart, please! I will create the illusion that I am the coolest and smartest here. Let's go, in general.

After a certain level, you simply stop noticing how the experience bar moves - you have to either play until you’re blue in the face, or pay for a Premium account. Moreover, a long time ago there was a bug that allowed you to buy “VIP” several times in a row, as a result of which additional percentages of earnings added up. It’s not hard to guess that many players bought several “VIPs” at a time.

But there is no need to scold the developers for this - the localizers are to blame, and in Mother Russia they are very greedy. Don't believe me? There is no donation at all in Chinese Warface. At least it wasn't. The guns, however, were given only for a while, but not a single gun or thing for a donation. You can read about fate in an old article on our website.

There are worse things, and their name is DLC.

E.A. inflates the price of games, cuts games into add-ons, forces you to buy DLC, because without them the game is greatly reduced. So it is in , and in , and in Sims 4. Games without DLC are not complete, but stripped down as much as possible, it feels like you are playing a demo. But let's leave out the games from EA. They are not the most terrible, not the most greedy thing in the world.

And this happens with almost every game. Believe me, it’s very unpleasant to see three-digit numbers in the in-game store; all desire to play disappears. And now the developers have gone even bolder: in a paid game for a thousand wooden ones, you can imagine, they sell premium currencies. Yes, I'm talking about Ubisoft. It started, in my opinion, back in , but now in . This is very sad, and these games are almost not replayable, the servers are empty, there is no one to play with, you feel like the main character of a movie "I'm a legend".

All my dissatisfaction, on the other hand, is killed by one phrase: “If you have money, why not donate it to your favorite game?”

Share your opinion in the comments.

Demsh and Cyanide were with you, good luck.

This question is being asked more and more often by Internet users. The word itself exists, but there are no intelligible answers to that, donat. Let's try to figure it out.

Donatus is, first of all, brought to us by the chronicles of the Middle Ages. This name was borne by a Russian bishop (1828-1896); Count Bigorro, who became the founder of the Bigorro house; the Bishop of Arezzo, a Catholic hermit from Jura and even an actor (Robert Donat).

About three hundred people from Switzerland can proudly tell you what donation is. For them, this is the name of the commune they created.

But the most frequent mention of the word comes from the lips of gamers. What is a donation for those who spend part of their free time (or even all day long) sitting at the computer, denying themselves not only food, but sometimes even sleep?

First, let's look into the translator by entering the word in English: "donate". What does this word mean in translation? "Victim" or "transfer".

In the modern world, free programmers who decide to create a certain product and allow others to use it for free, hope that those who take their creation for use will stimulate the author financially for further activities. Or, in other words, they will transfer a certain amount (at the user’s discretion) as a token of gratitude. This is common donationware.

We have decided what donation is for programmers. Now let's find out what meaning this term has for players. By the way, there is another version of the word: “donate”, which, according to the rules of pronunciation, is more correct. But most are accustomed to the first one. That's why we stopped there.

So the term “donation” is used mainly in “Free to play” games. In all forums of these games, topics periodically appear about the need to use donation. Most often, newcomers ask about what donation is.

For gamers, this means paying with real money for in-game purchases. Funds are always deposited either through WebMoney, or by message (SMS), or another payment system. But the first two options are especially common.

You receive this amount in your virtual wallet. Keep in mind: courses in the game and in reality may differ. The game has its own rules, its own currency. For example, one donation can cost 27 rubles. Having such a “currency” can bring you some kind of in-game (virtual) bonus. This could be relic armor, tickets for access to certain locations, increased experience, etc. Sometimes this can be purchased separately. Let’s make a reservation right away: donating here is clearly not a cheap pleasure. And if the player decides to spend money on it once, then investments will be required in the future. This is a kind of drug: having rented (for a donation) the necessary thing (for example, for a week), you will lose this thing after some time without a trace. The player will want to return this item again (especially if it makes the character stronger and provides some benefit). And this goes on ad infinitum...

Clear prices will not be indicated in the article, since they are naturally different in different games. And the purpose of this material is only to explain what donation is. Although, using the example of one player, you can try to paint a picture, presenting the essence more clearly.

We will talk about Runes of Magic, an online game similar to World of Warcraft, which has a donation, but does not require a subscription fee. The player decided to try. Hoping that having “leveled up” to the maximum level, you will be able to exchange in-game gold for crystals purchased for donations. But at the maximum level, the myths were dispelled: the players did not want to exchange crystals, and if they agreed, then again for an “inflated” donation. Fortunately, the player turned out to be adequate and abandoned the game after finding out the cost of the donation in real money: “upgrading” one solid staff in the game costs about 100 euros, and for decent clothes for a character you will need from 1000 euros.

A person who is already involved in the game and participating in so-called PvP battles (one-on-one, or person-on-person) will probably decide to use a donation. Otherwise, he will be doomed to constant defeat.

The question arises: is donation necessary at all? It's up to the player to decide. The creators do not force you to purchase virtual (or game) currency. This is a kind of gratitude from the participants to the creators of the game, which means it is voluntary. But when starting to play, keep in mind: those who do not have a donation will lose. There seems to be no infringement of rights, but the balance, you see, is broken. By the way, a clear expression of this imbalance is in the sale of powerful things for “real money”, and nothing more. Injustice? Yes. In theory, decorations, potions, scrolls, etc. should be free.

If you decide to play and are thinking about donating, don’t lose your head: the game will always remain a game. Maybe it’s better to buy something for yourself for a hundred euros (at a minimum), in reality?