I want to become a company representative in my city. Dealer activity: features of earnings and possible risks. Qualities required to work as a dealer

In this article we will talk about how to become a dealer (representative), what is the procedure for becoming an official dealership, how companies are selected, and how much money is required for this and whether it is possible to do without large investments.

What qualities should a future representative have?

The question of how to become a dealer, in addition to large businessmen, is asked by those who decided to take the path of entrepreneurial activity from this very step. After all, few people will refuse to try their hand at business, representing an experienced and reliable company.

Those who are still at the very beginning of a long journey would probably like to understand what qualities are expected of them when applying for a job. The key requirements of employers for applicants for the position of an intermediary who will officially represent the company include:

  • presence of practical experience in entrepreneurship. Without it, learning the basics of the profession will be quite difficult. Qualification is needed especially if the employer is a reputable company;
  • high activity and communication skills. In order to perform his duties efficiently, a dealer must have oratory skills. At the same time, in this profession there is no clear work schedule, and a person must be constantly energetic;
  • stress resistance. This quality is considered as one of the key ones when hiring, regardless of the position offered;
  • passion for work. Often, enthusiasm for work allows you to resolve a huge number of difficult situations.

Required documents

To officially represent the company's products, you will need a package of documents. Their presence is mandatory, as it must be conducted officially and can bring good profits.

To sign a cooperation agreement you must:

  • be or register as a legal entity;
  • have a mediation agreement in hand;
  • have your own office;
  • receive a certificate.

To sign contracts, you will need the following documents:

  • passport;
  • certificate of registration with the fiscal authorities;
  • documents on registration with government agencies;
  • bank account details;
  • founding agreement and articles of association.

Copies of all listed documents will need to be certified by a notary office.

How to become a manufacturer's dealer?

Before you start working together with one of the manufacturers, you should study existing offers on the market. One way to solve this issue is to visit the official websites of companies. In addition, it is necessary to analyze existing market sectors in the region, determine the products that are in greatest demand among consumers, as well as assess the occupancy of the market segment and identify potential buyers.

Often, companies looking for dealers in the regions have requirements such as:

  • registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, which will allow you to sign an official agreement with the dealer;
  • the future representative must be well aware of the company’s field of activity;
  • the official agent of the manufacturer must be financially stable;
  • passing a number of permitting procedures if the company’s activities are subject to licensing.

Enterprises offer their future representatives the following possible cooperation options:

  • by sales volume, when the dealer is obliged to fulfill the planned sales plan for a certain period of time;
  • cooperation in legal content, when a dealership agreement is signed between the manufacturer and the entrepreneur and this cooperation is supported by the presence of a certificate.

How to become a factory dealer?

As in the previous case, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities can obtain official status as a representative of a manufacturing plant. At the same time, from a sales point of view, it is the intermediary who takes on all possible risks. However, this form of cooperation also has its advantages. One of them is the lack of competition for a certain product in a particular region.

How to become a dealer without investment?

If for some reason the future entrepreneur was unable to raise start-up capital, then you can become a manufacturer’s agent without investment.

In these conditions, the following options for cooperation exist:

  • sale of goods to order. To do this, the manufacturer signs an agreement with the dealer to supply the goods at the dealer price. These products must be offered for sale in a dealer distribution network. In this case, the official representative must pay the manufacturer an advance payment under the contract. The remaining part of the debt will be paid after the goods are sold;
  • free testing, where free production samples are given to the dealer for demonstration to potential buyers.

How to become an official dealer?

To obtain the right to be called an official dealer of the manufacturer, in addition to state registration, you will need:

  • practical experience and knowledge of sales;
  • ability to research existing demand and market;
  • a dealer business plan should be developed;
  • be financially stable;
  • have correct financial statements;
  • ensure the presence of employees whose qualifications allow them to work with the manufacturer’s products;
  • Demonstrate interest and knowledge of the manufacturer's products.

Having taken all these steps, you can prepare a commercial proposal, attach your own business plan to it and send the entire package to the manufacturer.

How to become an auto parts dealer?

The algorithm of actions that allows you to become a dealer of auto parts is no different from the scheme of actions for formalizing a similar form of cooperation if we are talking about the production of other products.

How do firms select official representatives?

Manufacturing companies, especially when it comes to large manufacturers, select official intermediaries through tenders. This is due to the fact that there may be many entrepreneurs who want to get this tidbit of the pie.

When making a final decision regarding a candidate, preference will be given to the one who best meets the criteria.

How much money is needed?

It is quite natural to ask how much money you will have to invest to engage in such a business.

As noted above, in some cases this can be done without incurring any costs by agreeing with the manufacturer, for example, on receiving goods for sale.

If it was decided to pay immediately for the purchased goods, then the volume of required investments will depend on the volume of the purchased batch and the type of product.


In conclusion, I would like to add that everyone will be able to try themselves as a dealer, having gone through all the necessary permitting procedures. Here it is important to demonstrate a strong desire, have the appropriate knowledge and be ready to devote yourself to the task to the fullest.

Do you want to work under a well-known brand, but don’t know how to become an official dealer? Below we will describe in detail what is needed for this and what criteria must be met. We will provide a list of documents and show you how to get started in a dealership without investment.

Dealer is...

A dealer is an official sales representative of a large company (vendor). He is issued a certificate allowing him to work under a specific mark or brand. He can purchase goods at wholesale prices directly from the manufacturer and sell them at retail.

The dealer's responsibilities include:

  • Promotion of goods in the selected region.
  • Fulfillment of sales plans set by the vendor.
  • Providing clients or customers with detailed information about products and the manufacturing company.
  • Convincing the target audience to choose products from a specific brand.
  • Stay up to date with the latest vendor innovations.
  • Establishing relationships with interested representatives from different fields of activity.

The responsibilities and benefits of a dealership will be discussed in detail below. But first you need to understand the main types of such activities.

What schemes do vendors use?

There are 3 main schemes.

  1. Collaboration with one partner. The vendor relies on one major market player and relieves himself of a number of tasks that the dealer solves for him: promotion, retail sale of goods and attracting wholesale buyers.
  2. Working with a network of partners. The vendor is building a partner network in several regions, creating healthy competition in the market for its members. But often it is precisely because of this that companies have to look for new dealers, since the old ones lose interest in them due to the lack of a clear policy or the inability to meet the target sales volumes.
  3. Mixed work scheme. The vendor operates in a selected region with a large number of clients. And dealers work where the target audience is smaller. That is, for example, a company and its dealer do not operate in one city, unless the agreement provides otherwise.

Using such schemes, you can work in the securities market, retail trade, or cooperate with large companies: for example, automobile concerns or computer equipment manufacturers.

How to become a dealer: personal qualities of the candidate and selection criteria

Dealership is an attractive business, but with serious selection criteria. You need to clearly understand whether you meet them.

Personal qualities of the candidate

A person who decides to become a dealer must have at least a minimum set of personal qualities.

  • Stress resistance. You need to be resistant to all irritants that may occur in your work: communicating with clients, resolving conflict situations, fulfilling vendor requirements and sales plans.
  • Activity. Only through active actions can you earn good money. This concerns attracting the attention of the target audience to goods or services, business promotion, etc.
  • Initiative. Vendors prefer to work with dealers who are ready to take the initiative into their own hands for the benefit of the common cause.
  • Competitiveness. Ideally, a future dealer should understand how to competently differentiate from competitors in order to gain a larger share of the market.
  • Determination. Without it, it is impossible to build a successful business.

If an entrepreneur has this set of qualities, then his chances of becoming a dealer are great. But that’s not all, as there are still criteria that must be met.

Criterias of choice

A candidate for the role of dealer must be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. An individual will not be able to become part of a large company or a world-famous brand.

Even before the interview, companies take a closer look at the candidates: whether they can withstand competition from other applicants, whether they have experience in the required field, in which region they are going to work, etc.

Attention is also paid to the candidate’s business plan and whether he has an established client base.

They also look at the company’s reputation, number of employees, number of years on the market, etc.

That is, you cannot simply register an individual entrepreneur and, without experience, come to a large or small company with an offer to become their dealer. You need to seriously prepare for this.

“Vendors give preference to those candidates who can represent them in a free region, show a competitive business plan and already have experience in the desired niche.”

Conditions to be met

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  • Have financial stability and successful business experience.
  • Have an impeccable reputation.
  • Clearly understand the specifics of the chosen company’s niche.
  • Have a unique business plan and ideas for effectively promoting products or goods.
  • Possess the personal qualities listed above.
  • Be ready to invest and have the means to do so.
  • Be open to continuous growth, development and learning.
  • Have the necessary technical base and premises for conducting activities: office, retail facility, warehouse, etc.

In some cases, for example, if you have a company, you will need a strong team: experienced and qualified employees.

Having met these nine conditions, the vendor is unlikely to refuse you the position of a dealer.

What documents need to be collected

  1. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC and registration with the tax service.
  2. Charter (if LLC).
  3. Memorandum of association (if any).
  4. A lease, sublease agreement or a document confirming the ownership of commercial real estate: office, warehouse, retail outlet, etc.
  5. Passport and its copy.
  6. Bank details.

If you plan to become a dealer of an automobile concern, you will need to obtain a permit to sell vehicles from the traffic police.

When collaborating with a sub-dealer, you will need a valid agreement with him.

All listed documents must be notarized if the vendor does not have an in-house lawyer.

Finding a vendor: where to look for him

There are two ways to find a suitable company.

Job search sites

There are many resources on the Internet for free resume posting. They are often monitored by companies looking for new dealers to expand their network or replace departed ones.

In your resume you need to describe in detail your experience in business, niche, mention the presence of a business plan and ideas for promoting goods and products. Be sure to indicate who you are: individual entrepreneur or LLC. Remember that if you are an individual you will still have to register as a legal entity. But you shouldn’t do this in advance, because there is no guarantee that someone will pay attention to you and offer to become a dealer.

Independent search

This is the most effective way. It consists of finding a suitable company and sending out a resume.

If you are engaged in trade, then you should choose a company that supplies one of the goods and invite management to become its official dealer.

How to become a dealer without investment

Dealership does not always require money. You can enter such a business without large investments. There are 3 work schemes for this.

  1. Product for sale. First, the manufacturing company sends its products to the dealer, who sells them and only then gives the money to the vendor. This is the most profitable and popular scheme.
  2. Product to order. The buyer orders the product, makes an advance payment, and the dealer sends the order to the vendor. The goods delivered from the vendor are transferred to the buyer, who makes the remaining payment. After this, the dealer sends the money to the manufacturing company and keeps his share of the markup.
  3. Official representative. The vendor hires a dealer who offers the target audience price lists and product samples. Income depends on the established remuneration.

The most profitable work schemes are the first and second. The third is more like hired work.

Advantages of dealership

Being a dealer has more advantages than starting your own business.

  • You will start selling under a well-promoted brand, around which a loyal target audience has formed.
  • There is no need to spend money on expensive advertising campaigns.
  • You yourself choose the product or products that you will sell.
  • There is no need to pay for training, because vendors regularly conduct free trainings and master classes for dealers. You will gain valuable knowledge that you can later implement in your own implementation.
  • It becomes possible to offer products cheaper than analogues on the market.

7 secrets of successful dealership

In conclusion, we suggest you study and remember 7 main secrets that will help you become a successful dealer.

  1. Always check the vendor before sending them your resume. The future success of the business depends on how well the company is chosen.
  2. Choose an inexpensive, but high-quality product that is in demand among your target audience.
  3. Collect and constantly expand your customer base. Use different marketing techniques.
  4. Train and, if possible, attend events organized by the vendor.
  5. Always win people over: look personable, be friendly, smile and don’t lead things to conflicts.
  6. Appreciate regular customers and look for new ones. Offer them discounts and bonuses for their loyalty.
  7. Be confident, assertive and clear in your interviews with new clients or partners. This also applies to the moment of first communication with the vendor.

Becoming an official dealer is not easy. You need to carefully prepare for this: study the company, come up with several original ideas for promoting the product. You need to be confident, purposeful, punctual and responsible. This is the only way to become a successful dealer who will be valued by the vendor.

Modern people increasingly want to become independent from the state and strive to work for themselves. Opening your own business is not an easy task; in addition to collecting the necessary information and documentation, you must have initial capital. However, not everyone has the opportunity to collect the required amount of money; in this case, you can become an official dealer. Many people do not know this concept, but it is a common phenomenon abroad. Let's try to figure out what the word "dealer" means and why it is more preferable to work in this direction than to open your own business?

Who is a dealer?

Types of dealers

  • a dealer who is a participant in the securities market;
  • a dealer who purchases wholesale and sells products at retail;
  • a dealer who is a representative of the company, finds customers and receives a profit for this.

Working conditions as a dealer

To become a dealer , As a rule, it is necessary to have a stable financial position. If the candidate meets the following requirements, then he has the opportunity to be accepted into the team:

  1. Preference is given to candidates with experience in the company's field of activity.
  2. The dealer must have a business plan.
  3. The representative must be interested in the company's services/products and be results-oriented.
  4. The dealer must have the necessary equipment.
  5. The dealer must have the ability to invest in procurement/construction.

The company is interested in promoting its products in different regions, therefore, if a dealer network is already developed in the city of your choice, you may receive a refusal. The solution is to look for a new manufacturing company or move to a region that is not occupied for activities.

Documents required to work as a dealer

You can become a manufacturer's dealer if you have certain documents. For a legal entity this is:

  • Charter
  • If available, the memorandum of association.
  • Certificate of state and tax registration.
  • A document certifying the authority of the manager.
  • Premises rental agreement, if necessary.
  • If there is an agreement with a sub-dealer.
  • Manager's passport.
  • Bank details.

If the dealer is registered as an individual entrepreneur, then you only need to have an individual entrepreneur certificate and tax identification number.

Benefits of working as a dealer

Working as a dealer has many advantages compared to starting a business on your own, the main one being receiving an already advertised product. This means that there is no need to spend money and time on promoting a brand and promoting a new product to the masses; this has already been done by a higher-level partner company.

Another important reason to become a sales dealer is the ability to choose the product you work with. If you have an affinity for sports products, you will have no desire to deal with food products and vice versa. The main component of business success is the desire to do it, and not the need to earn money.

To become a dealer, you do not need to spend money on training; the company offers it for free. This is an excellent chance to learn from a company that has proven itself in the market. The manufacturer, as a rule, trains its dealers in the basics of successful sales, marketing, after-sales service - in a word, it helps to establish all the processes that are necessary to sell the product. This is a significant plus, since achieving the results of a large company on your own is very problematic, and it can take years. Various seminars, trainings, trips to other regions to learn new working methods and other events often take place, because the manufacturer is interested in the quality of the work of its dealers.

Also, the advantages of dealership include the possibility of selling goods at selling prices, which will be supplied by a higher-level company. Thanks to this, there is no need to search for points of purchase of the necessary goods.

Becoming a factory dealer means gaining company experience that has been acquired over the years. This may help in the future to open your own company, a new brand.

Many companies specifically resort to cooperation with dealers, since in this way they can promote goods to completely different regions of the country without spending a budget.

Where to find companies for cooperation?

The desire to become a dealer is not enough; for this you also need to find a company to cooperate with. There are two options here.

You can register on job search sites, publish your resume with an offer of cooperation and wait for a response from companies or send responses to their vacancies.

Another option, the most productive, is to look for companies yourself. First, you need to decide in which area you want to become a dealer, study all the pros and cons of the chosen direction, find the manufacturer and go to its website. 90% of success is the choice of the supplier company, so you need to pay close attention to the choice.

Many people think that becoming a dealer is very easy. Take the product of someone else's labor and sell it for your health. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

Basic provisions

The word “dealer” itself is translated from English as “trader”. Indeed, people in this profession have to deal with the purchase and sale of certain products. There are two categories of dealers:

  • some participate in the circulation of securities, and do so on a contractual basis at their own expense;
  • others purchase products from large manufacturers in bulk and then sell them at retail or in small quantities.

Even after such definitions, it is clear that becoming a dealer is not at all easy. First you need to officially register your activity. To do this you need to obtain the appropriate license. For the first category of dealers, it is divided into transactions with corporate or government securities. But to register it, you must have your own initial capital, the amount of which is established in accordance with the law. Further, his responsibilities will include drawing up quotations and concluding sales and purchase agreements. Therefore, to become a dealer you must have the appropriate economic education and certain practical skills. After all, in the future he will have to represent the interests of the issuer and this must be done, focusing on the maximum benefit in the interests of each of their parties.

The result of the dealer's work

Representatives of the second category of this complex profession are most often encountered in life. Sometimes they are mistaken for speculators who sell someone else's goods, arbitrarily raising their prices. This statement is not entirely true, since the specialist carries out all his actions on completely legal grounds. The dealer in this case acts as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the consumer. He takes goods from the manufacturer at one price and sells them at another. It is called the selling price and is slightly higher than the original price. This is the whole secret. The difference between these two values ​​will represent the income of a regular dealer. His main task is to interest the buyer in the products he is selling. Essentially, a dealer's job is to make direct sales. It is for this that he receives his reward. The higher the sales volume, the greater his income. But in order to become a dealer of a specific product manufacturer, you need to conclude an appropriate agreement with him, where all aspects of their cooperation will be clearly spelled out.

Interest in an intermediary

Manufacturing enterprises, in the course of their development, sometimes reach a level where they already require the help of third parties in the matter of selling an increased volume of products. At this moment, individuals and legal entities have the opportunity to become a dealer of the manufacturer. To do this, they need to take certain steps. Firstly, in order to represent the interests of the enterprise, the intermediary must have the necessary knowledge in the field of trade and possess certain qualities, such as activity, determination, competitiveness and stress resistance. Only then will his candidacy be of interest to management. Secondly, in order to become a manufacturer’s dealer, you need to draw up the appropriate documents, namely an intermediary cooperation agreement. To do this, the other party must:

1) Be a legal entity.

2) Have the appropriate certificate.

3) Own an office for work.

Another important factor is finances. But here everything depends on mutual agreement. You can either buy the product or take it for sale, making a payment after its sale. But in the second case, the price of the product will be slightly higher.

Question of territory

Many enterprises invite companies to cooperate that want to become a dealer in the region and represent the interests of the manufacturer in this territory. This is done to improve the efficiency of interaction with potential clients, which entails:

  • reduction of delivery times;
  • expanding the range of products and services offered.

It is beneficial for a particular enterprise to have its representatives in different regions. This gives him the opportunity not only to be closer to the consumer, but also to ensure the presence of his products on the market in different territorial areas. The more people know about a product, the more likely it is that someone will want to purchase it. By increasing the number of such regions, the manufacturer has the opportunity to expand the geography of its sales. The management of the enterprise is especially careful when choosing a regional representative. He must have certain qualities:

  • have at least one year of trading skills;
  • own your own office for work and warehouse space for storing incoming goods;
  • have a group of specialists ready to work on the development of a specific area.

Other issues are usually resolved by the parties during the cooperation process.

The path of the official representative

When embarking on the path of independent activity, not everyone has the opportunity to immediately open their own business or establish their own production. There are people who cope with sales faster than with production. They know how to solve issues related to sales, and this is exactly what a good dealer needs. But the work of an intermediary has its own characteristics and it is necessary to clearly know, for example, how to become an official dealer of a company. First you need to study different directions and choose a specific field of activity for yourself. Then, from a large list of manufacturers, select the one whose products you would like to promote. After this, you need to carefully consider the issues of supply and demand, identifying potential clients for yourself. Next, you need to contact the manufacturer with an offer of your services and, if the response is positive, formalize the contractual relationship. This way you can build a good business of your own. In addition, being an official dealer has its own advantages:

1) He receives products at special (dealer) prices, which are usually lower than for other buyers.

2) Such a seller may become the only one who will have a specific product in stock.

3) The dealer can always reserve goods for himself at the manufacturer’s warehouse or make a pre-order.

4) All orders from buyers in this region are sent to him.

And the most important thing is the opportunity to work under a well-known brand, which provides it with a decent reputation in the market.

If you are toying with the idea of ​​starting your own business, then this article is for you. The idea presented in this article will be especially interesting to those who want to start their own business, but do not have the financial means to do so. We will tell you how to become an official dealer.

A little theory

Most, even fairly large manufacturers, do not have their own sales offices in most regions. They prefer to sell their goods through an extensive network of dealers. For the manufacturer, this form of cooperation is quite profitable - there are no costs for opening their own retail outlets. Thus, with a minimum of costs, the manufacturer receives its representative offices in the regions.

Now let's figure out who the dealer is. The word “dealer” has a definition - it is an intermediary between the manufacturer and the final buyer, acting in the interests of the manufacturer.

Depending on the area in which the dealer operates, they are divided into several categories:

  • participants in the stock securities market;
  • participants in wholesale purchases for subsequent sale of goods in small wholesale or retail;
  • car dealers who receive interest from cars sold.

Becoming an official representative of a manufacturer in the region means not only getting the opportunity to sell products at the best prices, but also being, so to speak, an official representative of this manufacturer in your region.

In general, the dealer’s work can be divided into several stages:

  • negotiation part - discussion of prices, working conditions, etc.;
  • signing a contract;
  • sale of the manufacturer's main product;
  • sale of additional services and related products - warranty and post-warranty service, transport services, sale of spare parts, etc.

Being an exclusive dealer in your region is a very profitable business. Not only will you be able to represent the manufacturer individually in your region, but you will also be able to attract many buyers by offering the best prices. It will be much easier for you to deal with your competitors, since your terms will be more profitable for buyers.

What is needed to start

Before becoming a company dealer, you need to clearly define what you want to sell and how profitable it is. In addition, there are criteria that a potential dealer must have and to cooperate with the manufacturer directly, you must strictly meet these criteria.

In practice, situations quite often occur when someone who wants to become a dealer does not meet a number of criteria set by the manufacturer. To assess your chances of becoming a representative, you need to know these criteria. These are the criteria:

  • communication skills are a must, as you will have to communicate a lot with people;
  • activity – you need to work hard to be a successful representative;
  • good negotiation skills and the ability to convince oneself that one is right;
  • do not be afraid to show your own initiative;
  • the ability to maintain calm and sober thoughts in situations other than standard;
  • the ability to present yourself better than competitors.

Read also: What kind of business to open in a small town is profitable and promising?

If you think that you have all these qualities, or at least most of them, then you are quite suitable for work in such an area as representing the interests of a manufacturer in the regions.

Of course, the main skill of a representative is the ability to sell the product he represents on the market. The dealer must be able to convince the potential buyer that the product he offers is the best on the market and at the best price. In order to do this, you must be able to convince your interlocutor that you are right, and have a certain talent and charisma.

A very important character trait of a representative as a person should be the ability to accept refusal and, accordingly, failure of the transaction. It is important to be able to analyze mistakes made and not focus on failure.


In order to become a manufacturer's dealer, you need to collect a number of documents. This is due to the fact that in some cases the goods are given for sale and, accordingly, the manufacturer wants to make sure who he is dealing with in order to know that he will receive money for the goods provided.

The standard package of documents that the manufacturer wants to see consists of:

  • certificate of state registration of a legal entity;
  • availability of documents on renting office space;
  • agreement on the provision of intermediary services.

Once the manufacturer has reviewed the basic documents and determines that you are suitable, you will be asked to provide additional documents, which consist of:

  • identification document;
  • statutory documents of your legal entity;
  • agreement on the establishment of a legal entity;
  • document on registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • valid account details at a banking institution.

Of course, each manufacturer has the right to require some additional documents from you. This will depend on what is produced at a given enterprise. For example, if these are alcoholic or tobacco products, then licenses will be needed to trade in these types of goods.

In order to attract the interest of a large and well-known manufacturer, you must stand out from other applicants for the role of representative in your region.

Perhaps the most important thing will be experience in this field. If you have experience working with products similar to those sold by the manufacturer, then you will gain a huge advantage over your competitors.

Having a ready-made customer base is also beneficial for you. In addition, the manufacturer will be impressed by factors such as:

  • your business reputation;
  • your ability to gather a team of professionals around you;
  • whether you have a decent office and technical capabilities to sell the product;
  • ability to organize warranty service.

How does a representative work?

When a cooperation contract is signed, the dealer decides how the policy will be structured to promote the manufacturer’s products in a given region. To do this, first of all, an analysis of the state of the market in the entrusted territory is carried out.

Demand for the products presented is analyzed and options for increasing demand are considered, if necessary. Ways to promote products are being developed. At the same time, we should not forget that analysis of competitors’ offers and pricing policies is the basis of market analysis.