Calculation of labor intensity of a production program example. Determination of the labor intensity of the production program. Description of conditionally permanent information


Note. The text of the problem was taken from the forum.

The technological labor intensity of products in the reporting year amounted to 153,000 man-hours. Annual fund the time of one worker is 366 days, the number of days off according to the shift schedule is 94 days, the duration of vacation is 24 days, daily absenteeism is 4 days, the duration of the work shift is 8 hours. The coefficient of fulfillment of production standards is 1.05. The calculation period provides for a reduction in labor intensity by 1310 man-hours.
Determine the number of workers who will be released.
The technological complexity of products during the current period amounted to 153,000 man-years. River fund per hour for one worker – 366 days, number of days off according to the shift schedule – 94 days, vacation time – 24 days, absenteeism from work – 4 days, work time change - 8 years. The coefficient of vibration norms is 1.05. In the degrowth period there is a reduction in labor intensity by 1310 person-years. Calculate the number of workers who will be eliminated.

A comment.
It is difficult to understand what the teacher meant, since the obvious confusion in terms indicates that there is no clear clarity in the mind of the compiler regarding planning the labor intensity of the production program.

First, I’ll “go over” my favorite recycling rate. The essence of the term is described in the article “standard processing coefficient”. Based on the essence of the term, production program planning, by definition, CANNOT take it into account! That is, planning taking into account the fact that the norms we apply are initially incorrect is complete nonsense! This is similar to scheduling truancy.

Now about the terminology. 366 days is a calendar fund of time, which cannot in any way be called the time fund of one worker (!). See working time calendar fund. The author of the problem apparently wanted us to calculate the effective working time fund based on the calendar (leap year). There is only one subtlety - the recycling rate of norms should not be taken into account (!).

Therefore, as always, I present two solutions to the problem. One is as the teacher wanted, the second is correct.

Another practical point. When we move from the calendar to the standard working time fund (366-94 = 272 days), we will find that the coefficient of efficiency of using the working time fund is (1 - (24 + 4) / 272 = 0.897). Somewhat “harsh” - a conditionally normal value of approximately 0.88. IN real life It’s worth checking the statistics for last year.

Let us determine the effective working time fund for one worker.
(366 - 94 - 24 - 4) * 8 = 1952 hours.

Thus, to fulfill the production program in the reporting year it is required:

(solution as the teacher wanted)
153,000 / 1952 / 1.05 = 74.65 ≈ 75 people

(153,000 - 1310) / 1952 / 1.05 = 74.009 ≈ 74 people

That is, 75 - 74 = 1 worker will be released

(the solution is correct)
153,000 / 1952 = 78.38 ≈ 78 people (I did not round up here, since the required processing is minimal. But you can safely take 79 if the technological process is deeply automated)

Taking into account the reduction in labor intensity
(153,000 - 1310) / 1952 = 77.71 ≈ 77 people

That is, 78 - 77 = 1 worker will be released

By and large, taking into account the labor intensity of a production program is needed only for the case when the initial labor intensity involves, for example, 78.51 people, and the final one, say, 76.4 people; then we could theoretically talk about the release of two workers by reducing labor intensity, for example , for a little over 1960 hours (slightly more than the effective time fund of one worker). That's why this method The solutions are given “for the purity of the experiment.” In fact, it was enough to compare 1952 hours (the effective time fund of one worker) with a decrease in labor intensity - 1310 hours and immediately tell the answer.

Answer: 1 person will be released.

The annual labor intensity of the production program includes the volume of work on maintenance, repair and restoration of units, assembly units, parts and machines in general, which are on the balance sheet of the enterprise, as well as work related to its maintenance (the annual volume of work on self-service of the enterprise).

Depending on the type of technical service enterprise, the production program (usually expressed in the form of physical maintenance and repair objects, or reduced to some form thereof), the design stage, the annual labor intensity of repair and maintenance (technical) impacts can be determined various methods:

– according to reduced or physical units of individual objects;

– in terms of labor intensity per unit mass;

– according to the standard (absolute) labor intensity of the corresponding types of repair and maintenance impacts;

– according to the specific labor intensity of the corresponding types of repair and maintenance activities, the planned annual operating time of vehicles or the planned annual mileage of the vehicle fleet.

When calculating by any method, the labor intensity T i must be adjusted, taking into account that it is a function of the production program N i of the enterprise (T i = f (N i)). As the program increases, labor intensity decreases, but the extent of its change varies depending on the program for different objects. Therefore, adjustments to labor intensity according to the production program must be performed for each type of serviced and repaired objects included in the program.

To calculate labor intensity, special (summary) statements can also be developed. Depending on the adopted calculation methodology, statements, as a rule, are compiled for each maintenance and repair facility separately, and when designing according to the above program, for representative facilities. IN summary statement labor intensity is indicated: name, brand and number of objects; labor intensity of one object and total; specific labor intensity accepted in the calculation and final for the project.

Calculation of work volumes for given or physical units of individual objects. This method of determining the labor intensity of work is mainly used for specialized service enterprises. With this calculation method, reduction coefficients are used that determine the ratio of the labor intensity of the object accepted as the design one and each one included in the program:

T g = N · K pr · T cr · K pk, (3.130)

where T g – annual labor intensity, man-hours;

N – production program of the enterprise (see paragraph or design assignment);

K pr – coefficient of reduction of the production program to a complete machine (accepted according to the data in Table 3.73);

T cr – labor intensity of overhaul of a complete machine, man-hour (see Table 3.73);

K pk – correction factor for labor intensity (Table 3.74).

Table 3.73 – Coefficients for reducing annual production

enterprise programs

Table 3.73 shows the labor intensity of major repairs T cr for enterprises with an annual production program: tractor chassis and their engines - 1000 units, cars and their engines - 5000 units. These labor costs are taken as one.

For technical service enterprises with a different production program, labor intensity is recalculated using correction factors K pk (see Table 3.74).

Often when designing service enterprises (central repair shops, workshops general purpose etc.) annual labor intensity is determined through conditional repairs. In this case, the annual labor intensity of work Tg, equal to 300 man-hours, is taken as a unit of conditional repair:

T g = N ur · 300 · K p, (3.131)

where N ur is the number of conditional repairs (the number of physical or reduced units of repair objects);

K p – conversion factor into conditional repairs (Table 3.75).

Table 3.74 – Correction factors to labor intensity standards

machine repairs, taking into account the annual production program


Table 3.75 – Conversion factors for conditional repairs

Calculation of work volumes based on labor intensity per unit mass. This method is mainly used for aggregated calculations, the essence of which is to determine labor intensity based on data from existing similar industries with high technical and economic indicators or from data scientific research. In this case, the initial data for the calculation are: the labor intensity of maintenance and repair of an object of a similar design; masses of objects; specific labor intensity of 1 ton of object mass.

The annual labor intensity of an object similar in design is determined by the following equations:

T g = Q and T beat, (3.133)

where T a is the known labor intensity of the representative object, person-hour;

Q and, Q a – masses, respectively, of the object for which the labor intensity is determined and the representative object, the labor intensity of which is known, t (accepted according to the data in Table 3.76);

Tsp – specific labor intensity, man-hours / t.

Table 3.76 – Masses of some objects (tractors and cars)

If the objects being compared have significant differences in design, then the specific labor intensity Tsp is adjusted according to the mass of the objects using the expression:

Then the required (corrected) specific labor intensity T of the calculated object will be:

Calculation of work volumes based on standard repair labor costs-servicing influences. The annual volume of work is determined for each i type of technical impact based on the production program N i and adjusted standard labor intensity t i separately for each group of machines n:

where i are the types of technical impacts, respectively EO, TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, SO, TR and KR.

When calculating, it must be borne in mind that usually for tractors the standard labor intensity of current repairs should include TO-3 work, since these types of work coincide in frequency, and therefore they are performed simultaneously.

At certain stages of design, in some cases, these labor costs should be divided. For tractors, it is generally accepted that the labor intensity of current repairs includes work to eliminate random failures, the labor intensity of which is up to 40%, the remaining 60% is carried out at planned times. At the same time, the labor intensity of unscheduled repairs is distributed evenly during the period between repairs.

For cars with a number of more than 300, labor intensity is reduced by 10%, and for enterprises with a fleet of 100...200 and 50...100 cars, labor intensity is increased by 10 and 30%, respectively.

The total annual labor intensity of the relevant maintenance work is determined by the following equations:

Or (3.141)

where N EO, N 1, N 2, N 3 and N co are the annual number of technical impacts of this type, respectively EO, TO-1, TO-2, TO-3 and SO (see Table 3.72);

t EO, t to-1, t to-2, t to-3 and t with - standard labor intensity, respectively EO, TO-1, TO-2, TO-3 and SO, man-hour (values ​​of labor intensity standards for tractors are taken according to Table 3.77, for cars - according to Table 3.78);

K co – coefficient of labor intensity of seasonal maintenance. The value of the coefficient is taken taking into account the natural and climatic conditions of machine operation (for very cold and very hot dry climatic regions - K co = 0.5; for cold and hot dry climatic regions - K co = 0.3; for other climatic regions of Russia – K co = 0.2).

Table 3.77 – Labor intensity standards for maintenance and

current repair of tractors (for repair shop conditions)

The total annual labor intensity of the corresponding work for current and major repairs is determined by the formulas:

where Ntr, Ncr – annual number of current and major repairs, respectively (see Table 3.72);

t tr – labor intensity of current repairs of machines of a certain brand, man-hours (see Table 3.77 and Table 3.78);

t cr – labor intensity of major repairs of machines of a certain brand and their units, man-hours (labor intensity values ​​for tractors and cars are taken according to the data in Table 3.79, for units – according to Table 3.80).

Table 3.78 – Labor intensity standards for maintenance and current repairs of rolling stock road transport

In addition, the total annual labor intensity of capital repairs of tractors and cars of a certain brand in the fleet can be found by the capital repair coverage ratio, taking into account zonal operating conditions:

where η cr is the average annual coverage rate for major repairs of machines and units (for machines η cr is taken based on the data in Table 3.79, for the most critical units - according to Table 3.81).

The coverage coefficient for major repairs depends on the brand and “age” of the machines, operating conditions, etc. In relation to the central zone, the aggregated values ​​of η cr can be taken equal: for tractors and machines based on them – η cr = 0.16; for cars and cars based on them – η cr = 0.12.

Table 3.79 – Labor intensity of major repairs and coefficients

its coverage for tractors and cars

Table 3.80 – Labor intensity of major repairs of machine units

Table 3.81 – Values ​​of capital coverage coefficients

repair of machine components

The standard labor intensity of technical impacts of vehicles is adjusted in relation to specific operating conditions using coefficients (see paragraph

The adjusted standard labor intensity of maintenance and technical repairs for cars of a certain brand are calculated using the formulas:

where t i, t tr are the estimated labor intensity of a certain type of maintenance, respectively (t EO, t then-1, t then-2) and TR per 1000 km, person-hour;

– standard labor intensity, respectively, of a unit of maintenance of a given type and TR per 1000 km of the base model of a car, person-hour (see Table 3.78);

K then is the resulting adjustment factor for the labor intensity of maintenance for the car (K then = K 3 · K 4). Here K 4 is a coefficient that takes into account the number of technologically compatible groups of road transport rolling stock (Table 3.82);

K tr is the resulting adjustment factor for the labor intensity of TR per 1000 km of run for a car (K tr = K 1 · K 2 · K 3 · K 4).

In the diploma project, when determining the labor intensity of TO-1 and TO-2 with accompanying ongoing repairs for cars in accordance with the Regulations, it is necessary to take into account additional labor intensity in the amount of 5...7 man-min per repair operation for TO-1 and up to 20...30 people min – at TO-2. In this case, the total labor intensity of several operations of accompanying technical maintenance should not exceed 20% of the labor intensity of the corresponding type of maintenance. The labor intensity of technical work for the enterprise when performed at the posts of technical work zones should not take into account the volume of work that will be performed in conjunction with operations TO-1 and TO-2.

Table 3.82 – Standards adjustment coefficient depending on

on the size of the enterprise and the number of technologically compatible

groups of rolling stock of road transport - K 4

The annual labor intensity of TO-1 and TO-2 with accompanying technical requirements for road transport can be determined by the following dependencies:

T = T 1.g + T 1.g · C tr = T 1.g · (1 + C tr); (3.147)

T = T 2.g + T 2.g · C tr = T 2.g · (1 + C tr), (3.148)

The initial standards for the labor intensity of maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport, the coefficients and results of adjusting the standards are given in the form of Table 3.83.

Table 3.83 – Labor intensity standards for maintenance and repairs per 1000 km

for cars

The determination of labor intensity standards for general D-1 and element-by-element diagnostics D-2, the organization of which is provided for by the Regulations and the Guidelines, is carried out according to the following scheme.

With general diagnostics performed at individual posts (sections), the labor intensity of T d-1 is about 25...30% of the standard labor intensity (10% is diagnostic work, 15...20% is adjustment work performed at posts D-1 after faults are detected as a result of diagnosis D-1). In the case of combining D-1 with the TO-1 process, the total labor intensity of this work increases by 10...15% due to the inclusion of additional diagnostic operations in the technology (for example, checking the brake system, ignition and power systems on stands, etc.).

With element-by-element diagnostics D-2, performed at separate specialized posts (sites), the labor intensity of T d-2, depending on the type of machine, will be 10...20% of the standard labor intensity

T d-1 = t d-1 · (1.1 · N 1 + N 2) = N d-1 · t d-1; (3.149)

T d-2 = 1.2 N 2 t d-2 = N d-2 t d-2, (3.150)

where N 1, N 2 are the annual number of services for TO-1 and TO-2, respectively;

t d-1, t d-2 – respectively, the labor intensity of one diagnosis in the scope of general and element-by-element diagnostics, person-hour

t d-1 = t then-1 · to 1; (3.151)

t d-2 = t then-2 · to 2; (3.152)

[here k 1, k 2 – respectively, the share of labor intensity of diagnostic work for TO-1 and TO-2].

Calculation of the volume of work based on the specific labor intensity of technical impacts and the planned annual operating time of the machine fleet. According to this method, the annual volume of technical impacts is determined without calculating their number on the basis of specific labor intensity standards, the planned (expected) annual operating time of the tractor fleet or the planned annual mileage of the automobile fleet.

The total annual labor intensity of all numbered technical maintenance T then.g and current T tr.g repairs for the fleet of tractors and cars is determined by the formulas:

where tpl.g is the planned (expected) annual operating time of machines of a certain brand, motor-hours;

Lpl.g – planned annual mileage of cars of a certain brand, km;

q then, q tr – the total specific labor intensity, respectively, of maintenance and repair of tractors and cars of a certain brand, man-hours / 1000 motor-hours or man-hours / 1000 km (Table 3.84).

Total annual labor intensity for major repairs of machines of a certain brand

q cr – total specific labor intensity of major repairs of machines of a certain brand, man-hours / 1000 engine-hours (see Table 3.84).

Table 3.84 – Specific labor intensity of maintenance and

tractor and car repair

– VAZ 2.6 4.3 – –

When calculating the annual volume of work on technical impacts, it is necessary to take into account that work on EO, TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, as well as 40% of work on current repairs, as a rule, is carried out in the maintenance area, about 60% of work on current repair and 25% of work on the CD in the repair area of ​​the service enterprise. Based on this organization of work, it is possible to calculate the annual labor intensity of technical impacts necessary to ensure the operability of one group of machines:

Then the total amount of work for the enterprise’s fleet of machines is found by summing the labor intensity for all groups:

Т ∑ = ∑ Т then,р = ∑∑ Т i .г (3.157)

T ∑ = ∑ T EO. G + ∑ T TO-1.G + ∑ T TO-2.G + ∑ T TO-3.G +

+ ∑ T SO.G + K TO ∑ T TR.G + K TR ∑ T TR.G + K KR ∑ T KR.G + ∑ T ADD.G,

where ∑ T EO. G, ∑ T TO-1.G, ∑ T TO-2.G, ∑ T TO-3.G, ∑ T SO.G – the total annual labor intensity of EO, TO-1, TO-2, TO-3 and CO, person-hour;

∑ T TR.G, ∑ T KR.G – total annual labor intensity of current and major repairs, respectively, man-hours;

K TO, K TR, K KR - coefficients taking into account the volume of work, respectively, for maintenance, current and major repairs (K TO = 0.4; K TR = 0.6; K KR = 0.25);

∑ T ADD.G – total annual labor intensity of the additional program, person-hours.

The complexity of the work associated with the maintenance and repair of machines constitutes the main production program of the service enterprise. At the same time, in addition to planning work related to the maintenance and repair of machines, enterprises are developing an additional program.

Annual labor intensity additional work consists of the labor intensity of repairing technological equipment, manufacturing fixtures and tools (T roi), the labor intensity of restoring and manufacturing parts (T type), as well as the labor intensity of other (other) work (T pr).

T additional = T swarms + T species + T pr. (3.159)

The annual labor intensity of additional work is determined as a percentage of the total labor intensity of technical maintenance and repairs of the vehicle fleet according to the following dependencies:

T swarms = (0.12…0.14) · (T cr + T tr + T then); (3.160)

T view = (0.05…0.07) · (T cr + T tr + T then); (3.161)

T pr = (0.08…0.09) · (T cr + T tr + T then). (3.162)

Thus, the volume of the additional program is within 25...30% of the total labor intensity of work on maintenance and repair of machines:

T add = (0.25…0.30) · (T cr + T tr + T then). (3.163)

Currently, most of the maintenance and repair work is usually carried out in the workshops of service companies. At the same time, it is advisable to carry out the volume of work on major repairs of energy-saturated tractors and cars at specialized enterprises.

The volume of this work depends on the composition and equipment of the repair and maintenance base, the proximity of specialized enterprises, the production and economic relations that have developed between them, and can be determined as the average annual actual value (over the last three years) according to the data of a specific enterprise.

If they are absent, we can assume that specialized service enterprises carry out up to 80% of major repairs of tractors such as T-150K, T-100M, T-130, up to 50% of major repairs of other tractors, up to 30% of technical repairs of tractors T-150K, T -100M, T-130, up to 50% of TO-2 and current vehicle repairs.

The results of all calculations are summarized in the form of Table 3.85, which finally establishes the annual volume of all maintenance and repair work performed directly by the service company.

Table 3.85 – Total annual volume of technical work


Types of machines Annual volume of work, man-hours Major repairs Current repairs Maintenance Additional program T cr.g T tr.g T EO.G T to-1.g T to-2.g T to-3.g T so.g T extra.g Crawler tractors Wheeled tractors Cars of all types Total T ∑

At the end of this section, based on the data in Table 3.85, the total annual volumes of maintenance and repair work are given: in general, for the fleet of vehicles of a technical service enterprise ∑ T g, including those performed in the areas of maintenance ∑ T t.g and repair ∑ T r.g , as well as at specialized enterprises ∑ T sp.g.

Calculation of the volume of work to restore worn parts. Restoration of worn parts is a set of technological operations to eliminate their main defects, ensuring the restoration of functionality and parameters established in the regulatory and technical documentation.

Restoring worn parts is one of the most important reserves for increasing the efficiency of using machinery and equipment in the agricultural sector. This is achieved by saving material, fuel, energy and labor resources as a result of repeated and sometimes repeated use of exhausted units, assembly units and parts.

Research shows that for most machines entering major repairs, on average, only up to 20% of parts are subject to rejection, 25...40% are considered suitable for further operation, and the rest can be restored.

To date, a general scheme for the development of production for the restoration of worn parts has been developed, which is based on four main links.

The first link is posts and parts restoration areas in repair shops of large farms. Here they restore a fairly wide range of parts that do not require complex technological equipment for restoration operations. The scope of work to restore parts for such workshops is accepted according to the standards (Table 3.86).

Table 3.86 – Average standard labor intensity of restoration

parts (assembly units) by type of work in workshops

Types of work Labor intensity, man-hours, in workshops with the number of machines in the fleet Mechanical: turning, milling, drilling, grinding, metalworking, welding and surfacing, thermal forging, restoration polymer materials Total

The second link is the areas and workshops for the restoration of a wide range of parts at specialized agricultural enterprises, equipped with universal and specialized equipment. Parts are restored according to a wide range.

The third link is large workshops at specialized repair plants, equipped with flow-mechanized lines for restoring parts of a narrow range and meeting the needs of several regions. For example, one workshop specializes in restoring engine parts, another – in restoring shaft-type parts, etc.

The fourth link unites large enterprises created on the principle of interregional specialization, equipped with highly productive technological equipment and flow-mechanized lines, which are economically feasible only for large production programs.

Scope of work to restore parts for two to four links production base determined based on the number of major repairs of machines, their units and constituent parts and recovery rates of individual parts.

The annual volume of work to restore individual parts for specific conditions is determined by the formula:

where Ncr is the number of major repairs of a machine of a certain brand or its components in which this part is installed;

n – number of parts of a certain name on one machine (unit);

K in – coefficient of restoration of parts of a given name (Table 3.87).

Table 3.87 - Recovery factors for some parts

tractors and cars

Part name Recovery factors for machine parts T-130, T-4A, DT-75M MTZ-80, MTZ-82 GAZ-53A, GAZ-53B ZIL-130, ZIL-131 Cylinder block 0.45…0.55 0.35 …0.43 0.53…0.65 0.40…0.50 Cylinder head 0.36…0.60 0.54…0.90 0.54…0.90 0.54…0.89 Crankshaft 0.50…0.62 0.18…0.22 0.50…0.62 0.58…0.70 Connecting rod 0.30…0.40 0.30…0.33 0.34…0.42 0.31…0.39 Camshaft 0.25…0.31 0.30…0.36 0.46…0.55 0.45…0.50 Cylinder liner 0.36…0.42 0.27… 0.33 0.48…0.58 0.48…0.59 Flywheel assembly 0.33…0.41 0.41…0.49 – – Piston pin 0.40…0.49 0.30…0 .33 – – Clutch housing 0.23…0.29 0.31…0.37 0.30…0.50 0.25…0.31 Gearbox housing – 0.50…0.62 – – Rear axle housing 0.43…0.53 0.47…0.57 – – Rear axle axle shaft – 0.47…0.78 0.47…0.79 0.47…0.79

For each name of restored parts (see Table 3.87), the lower value of the coefficient is taken when calculating the volumes for the needs of only major repairs of machines and their components, and the upper one additionally takes into account the needs of current repairs.

In the absence of data, the recovery factor of parts can be determined by the expression:

K in = N in / N d, (3.165)

where N in is the number of parts of a certain name that are subject to restoration from among those that are defective;

N d – the total number of defective parts of a given item.

The scope of work to restore the working parts of agricultural machines is determined by:

where N m is the number of machines used;

n – number of working parts on one machine;

tpl.g – planned annual operating time of the machine, h;

t r – average service life of the part, hours.

The volume of work on the restoration of machine parts is accepted in the amount of up to 20% of the total volume of parts restoration.

The annual volume of tire retreading work can be determined from the ratio:

where N i is the expected number of pneumatic vehicles and trailers with i-th bus;

– labor intensity repair i-th tires in hours of working time (accepted according to the data in Table 3.88);

– average annual repair coverage ratio i-tires(see Table 3.88);

number i's tires on one car (see Table 3.88);

– simultaneity factor use of i-x tires in cars and trailers (assumed equal to = 0.8).

Table 3.88 – Average annual repair coverage rates and

labor intensity of tire repair

Product production plan – manufacturing program- this is the main leading section of the current and long-term plan of the enterprise, determined on the basis of sales, nomenclature and range of products, its quality, mass of profit, level of profitability, size of the enterprise’s market share, etc.

In a centralized economy (in the USSR), the production program was defined as being established as a whole by national economy and for each enterprise, tasks for the production of products in the appropriate range, of a certain quality, in physical and monetary terms.

Naturally, the production program can only be carried out if there is a certain production capacity.

Production capacity of the enterprise, workshop, area- this is the ability of the means of labor assigned to them (a technological set of machines, equipment and production facilities) to produce maximum output per year (day, shift) in accordance with the established specialization, cooperation of production and operating mode.

The difference between production capacity and production program (production volume) represents the enterprise's reserves, i.e. The production program shows the degree of utilization of production capacity.

An example of calculating the labor intensity of an enterprise's production program is given in Table. 3.

To justify the number of workers, in addition to data on the analysis of the implementation of the labor plan for the previous period and reasonable calculations for the working time fund, it is necessary to have additional data on the structure and volume of work performed, expressed either in terms of labor costs, or in comprehensive production standards, or in number of jobs, or service standards.

Justification for the number of workers required to complete the planned volume of work is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of the labor intensity of the production program.

Table 3

Labor intensity of the enterprise's production program



Quantity according to plan

Labor intensity of one product, standard hours

Labor intensity of the entire program according to plan, thousand standard hours

Comparable Products

Total for comparable products

Incomparable Products

Total presses and hammers

Spare parts for presses and hammers

Other products

Major repairs and capital construction services

Total commercial products

Changes in work in progress balances at the end and beginning of the year

Changing the remains of special tools and devices own production at the end and beginning of the year

Inter-shop services (2 percent)

Total for the enterprise

Output– an indicator of the quantity of products in physical terms (in tons, kg, meters, pcs) produced by one employee of appropriate qualifications or team (site, workshop) per unit of time (per hour, work shift) under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Production B is calculated using the formulas:

B = OP/H,

where OP is the volume of products produced;

T – the cost of working time for the production of these products;

H – average number workers (workers).

From those given in table. 3 data it follows that the planned labor intensity of the production program is determined by the product of the planned standard of labor costs per unit of production and the planned output. For example, for press B the planned labor intensity will be:

540 × 330 – (540 – 500) × 330 = 165,000 standard hours.

The planned technological labor intensity Тт is determined by the formula:

Tt = (to × Q – Et) / Q,

where to is the technological complexity of the product at the beginning of the planning period, standard hour;

Q – production volume;

This is a reduction in labor intensity as a result of organizational and technical measures.

In this case, the planned number of workers is determined by the formula:

Rpl = tpl / (Fpl × Kvn),

where Rpl is the planned labor intensity of piece workers;

Fpl – planned labor intensity of the production program, hour;

KVN. – planned rate of compliance with standards.

Calculation of the planned labor intensity of manufacturing a product (unit, product release) is carried out in three stages:

  • analysis of the level and structure of the actual labor intensity of products in the base and reporting periods in order to identify reserves for its reduction;
  • definition possible reduction the labor intensity of manufacturing products in the planning period, taking into account the factors and sources of labor cost savings identified during the analysis process;
  • calculation of the planned level and structure of labor intensity for manufacturing a unit of product (work) and the planned commodity output.

I. The first stage of labor intensity planning is analysis of its level and structure in the base and reporting periods. In the process of such analysis, it is necessary to identify all the main factors that influenced the level and structure of labor costs in the base period.

The analysis is carried out in the following areas.

1. Study of the organization and maintenance of workplaces in all structural divisions companies. Organization and maintenance of workplaces includes: provision of workplaces with energy, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, tools and devices; adjustment, readjustment and repair of equipment; product quality control; sanitary and hygienic conditions of workers, etc. To assess the level of service, it is used job service ratio(K 0), calculated by the formula

where RM U is the number of jobs for key workers with satisfactory service; RM 0 - total number of jobs for main workers.

2. Division and cooperation of labor. This direction involves analyzing the effectiveness of constructing labor processes according to functional, professional and qualification criteria. The criterion for the effectiveness of such division is the reduction of total labor costs. In the process of analysis, it is necessary to identify the possibility of combining professions, functions and specialties, and multi-machine service. The degree of efficiency of the division of labor can be assessed division of labor coefficient(K RT), which is calculated by the formula

Where T n - duration fulfillment Mr. workers not required to perform work during a shift, min; T s- duration of the work shift, min; H - number of workers at the site, production line.

The efficiency of multi-machine service can be assessed by maximum number of machines(machines) per worker, which he can service at the most rational use your working time and equipment operating time. This calculation can be made using the following formulas: a) in the manufacture of various products under mass production conditions

b) when servicing machines with continuous delivery of finished products

where is the sum of machine-free time and, accordingly, the sum of the worker’s employment time on all machines, machines, min (/ ms - machine-free time - the time during which the worker is free from servicing the machine); g op - operating time of each machine, machine (defined as the sum t MC +t 3); K d- coefficient used to take into account micropauses and possible deviations of actual busy time from average values; K NW- the coefficient of coincidence of the time a worker is busy on one of the machines (machine) with the stop of other machines, machines ( K NW >1).

Where tn- time of interruptions in the operation of the machine caused by the performance of auxiliary work on other serviced machines, min.

3. Efficiency of work techniques and methods. This direction involves analyzing the effectiveness of dismemberment production process on operations, techniques, movements and micro-movements, which is the object of labor regulation.

A quantitative indicator of the progressiveness of the applied techniques and methods of work can be scope of implementation of technically sound standards(D xn):

where / n is the technically justified standard of time for manufacturing a unit of the i-th type of product (work) for a given period, h, min; OP, - the quantity of the i-th type of product produced during a given period, in appropriate units; T n - the total standard labor intensity of products produced over a given period of time, calculated for all types of standards, h.

The status of this problem can be judged by level fulfillment of production standards (K internal):

where Ff is the actual cost of working time to produce a given quantity of products, hours.

  • 4. Work motivation. Analyzing the effectiveness of the system of material and moral incentives in a company is a relatively independent problem. At this stage, it is important to identify how exceeding production and service standards is stimulated, the introduction of technically sound standards, and the impact of exceeding standards on the quality of products and work. Improving the incentive system is an important reserve for reducing labor intensity. Indicators that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the incentive system are the staff turnover rate, average wages, specific gravity payments from the consumption fund on average wages employee, number of absenteeism, amount of lost working time, etc.
  • 5. Personnel qualifications. Personnel qualifications are characterized by many parameters: average level of workers, length of service this enterprise, the share of personnel with higher and secondary specialized education in the number of teaching staff, the amount of costs for training and advanced training of personnel in the costs of the enterprise, etc.

Comparison of the average category of workers with the average category of work performed, for example, gives grounds to judge how qualified the workers are to perform work of this complexity and whether there are reserves for reducing labor intensity by improving the qualifications of personnel.

Use of worker qualifications can be estimated by the corresponding coefficient (K ik):

where Pp is the average category of workers by division of the company; R s is the average level of work they perform.

6. Working conditions. Working conditions, which determine the level of labor costs, are characterized by the production environment: sanitary and hygienic, psychophysiological and socio-psychological factors. Their influence on the possibility of reducing the labor intensity of manufacturing products in the planning period can be assessed using expert assessments. General quantitative characteristics of working conditions (K y t) is calculated as the geometric mean value of partial indicators characterizing working conditions for individual factors:

Where - index of compliance with actual working conditions

normative for a given factor (lighting, temperature, gas pollution, etc.); P - number of factors.

7. Labor discipline. The level of labor discipline can be assessed based on the state of its individual components: technological, production and labor discipline. Technological discipline reflects the accuracy of compliance with the regimes, sequence and methods of conducting technological processes for manufacturing products. Its level is determined by the amount of defects and the number of identified cases of deviations from the established technology. Production discipline provides for the accurate implementation of all activities of the tactical and operational calendar plans, compliance with labor protection and safety regulations, etc. Its level is determined by the number of planned tasks that were not completed or completed on time. Labor discipline presupposes strict adherence to internal rules labor regulations. Its level can be assessed by the loss of working time due to the fault of performers. Analysis of losses due to violations of labor discipline allows us to identify reserves for reducing the labor intensity of products and work.

At the analysis stage, the structure of the labor intensity of products and work is established: the ratio of its individual types.

In planning, it is customary to distinguish the following types of labor intensity.

Total labor intensity of products(T p). The total labor intensity of manufacturing products includes the sum of all living labor costs of all categories of employees of the company’s industrial production personnel:

where T c is the labor costs of the main transaction workers (part of the technological labor intensity); T pv - labor costs of the main time workers (the second part of the technological labor intensity); T 0 b - labor intensity of production maintenance; T y - labor intensity of production management; T x - technological labor intensity of production; T pr - production labor intensity (the sum of technological labor intensity and maintenance labor intensity).

When planning, indicators of complete workshop And factory labor intensity of products.

(T pr) includes labor costs of all main and auxiliary workers. Technological complexity(T x) is determined by products, technological stages and types of work as the sum of the labor costs of the main deal workers (T c) and the labor costs of the main temporary workers (T pv):

The technological complexity of manufacturing products should not include labor costs for performing work that is not core for a given company.

Labor intensity of production maintenance (T 0b) includes the sum of the labor costs of auxiliary workers in the main workshops and all workers in auxiliary workshops and services involved in servicing production. Maintenance labor intensity includes the amount of labor costs associated with performing the following production maintenance functions:

  • organizational and technological (T o6i);
  • auxiliary technological (T ob2);
  • maintaining equipment, mechanisms, equipment in working condition (T obz);
  • production and maintenance of technological equipment (T ob4);
  • maintaining buildings and structures in working order
  • (t„b5);
  • production control (T obb);
  • transport and loading and unloading functions (T about?);
  • supply of energy, fuel (T b);
  • ensuring occupational health, safety and industrial sanitation (T 0 b 9);
  • acceptance, storage and issuance of valuables (T o6iq);

Preparation and improvement of future production (You;,):

Labor intensity of management(T y) is defined as the sum of labor costs in the field of production management, carried out by all categories of industrial production personnel (except for main and auxiliary workers, whose labor costs are included in the technological labor intensity and labor intensity of production maintenance).

The labor intensity of production management includes the labor costs of administrative and managerial personnel, all categories of engineering and technical workers and employees, junior service personnel, fire protection workers. This also includes the labor costs of these categories of workers associated with the preparation and improvement of production for the future.

From the point of view of the functions performed, the composition of the elements of labor costs included in the labor intensity of management can be presented in the following form:

where T y] is technical management (scientific and technical development, technical preparation of production, instrumental, repair and energy management); T y2 - control economic activity(consolidated forecasting and planning, economic analysis, accounting and control economic activity); Tuz - management material resources(material technical support, sales, transport and warehousing, commercial activity, marketing); T u4 - personnel management and social development(provision of personnel, housing and communal services and other social infrastructure facilities, personnel development); T u5 - Information Support; T - security (protection of trade secrets, patent science, fire protection, law, labor protection, safety precautions and industrial sanitation); That? - linear and operational production management; T y ^ - other functions not included in the above groups.

The structure of the total labor intensity of products is shown in Figure 10.5.

In planning calculations there are the complexity of manufacturing one product(type of work, service) and labor intensity of commodity production.

Depending on the basis on which the indicator is calculated, there are regulatory, planned And actual labor intensity.

Standard labor intensity It happens calculated(technically sound) and payment Payment labor intensity, as a rule, is greater than the calculated one; current piece rates are calculated on its basis. Discrepancies between the calculated and payment labor intensity are reflected in the coefficient of development of production capacity and the coefficient of development (implementation) of technically sound standards. Actual labor intensity differs from payment in that it includes various unaccounted downtime and loss of working time. These differences are reflected in the production rate. At this stage, a comparative analysis is carried out various types labor intensity (Table 10.2), reserves for its reduction in the planning period are identified.

Rice. 10.5. Structure of total labor intensity of products

A special problem in pre-planning analysis is the determination of the actual total labor intensity (actual labor costs) of a unit of production (T Pf). If appropriate accounting is available, the actual total labor intensity can be determined through the actual technological complexity(T Tf).

Table 10.2

Analysis of technological labor intensity in 20 .....year

product name

Type of labor intensity, standard hours




labor costs


to the calculated

to the calculated

Gearbox A

Gearbox B

by gearbox group

T Tf can be defined in the most general view according to the formula

where Ff is the fund of actual time worked by the main workers (piece workers and time workers) in a given period, person-hours; OPf- the actual volume of production for a given period in physical terms.

In multi-product production, the fund of hours worked for each type of product is distributed in proportion to the labor costs of transactional workers (according to time standards) or in proportion to the number of workers employed in the manufacture of various products.

If the enterprise does not have data on the actual time worked for individual products, the actual technological labor intensity of a unit of production can be determined in aggregate using the following formula:

Where t H- standard technological labor intensity of products (including labor costs of all main workers), standard hours; K nv - the average coefficient of fulfillment of time standards (production) by the main deal workers and shift assignments by the main time workers for a given product (or the average for a group of products, operations).

Production labor intensity(T prf) with this method of calculating the total labor intensity is determined by the formula

where K in is the coefficient determined by the ratio of the actual number of auxiliary workers (N in) to the number of main workers (Cho).

Full labor intensity accordingly calculated by the formula

where K U r is the coefficient determined by the ratio of the number of employees of the management apparatus (N y) to the number of workers (H r).

I. At the second stage of labor intensity planning, its possible reduction in the planning period is determined. Special attention should be allocated to that part of the reserves that can be realized without major investments, for example, by reducing downtime and waste of working time, due to improved planning and coordination of business processes. Such reserves are included first in the labor intensity reduction plan. Then all the activities of the technical and organizational development. For each event from the calculations economic efficiency Factors and sources of labor cost savings are identified. Taking into account the time of implementation of measures, a possible reduction in labor intensity in the planning period is determined. Moreover, planned calculations are carried out separately for settlement and payment complexity. The calculation results are summarized in table 10.3.

The basis for planning to reduce labor intensity is technological complexity, since the main types of labor intensity are usually calculated relative to its value. The calculation of a possible reduction in technological labor intensity is carried out in the context of the main technical and economic factors adopted when calculating labor productivity (see paragraph 10.3).

The total amount of reserves for reducing technological labor intensity for a product due to a revision of time standards (AT Ti) is calculated using the formula

Where fa t n- standard time for completion j th operation in the base and planned periods, respectively, norm-h, min; P- number of operations technological process manufacturing of products for which it is planned to revise time standards.

In various types of production, the time standard, in addition to an operation, can also be set for a product, part of a product (part, assembly unit), work, service, etc. If the standard technological labor intensity is set for a part or assembly unit, then when calculating the technological labor intensity, the time standard must be multiplied by the applicability of the part (assembly unit) in the product ( q). Applicability is understood as the number of parts, assembly units, structurally included in the product. The reserve for reducing labor intensity per product is calculated similarly:

Reduced labor costs as a result increasing service standards() is calculated by the formula

where N b, N p - the standard of service for the workplace, respectively, in the base and planning periods; F p - planned fund of time for one worker, h; K d - coefficient taking into account the duration of the event.

The change in the share of cooperative supplies to technological labor intensity is estimated using formula 10.85. At the same time, a decrease in cooperative supplies in the planning period necessitates the manufacture of components on our own and, accordingly, an increase in standard technological labor intensity (C n).

In the aggregated calculations, the reduction in technological labor intensity due to changes in the share of cooperative supplies(AT Xs) is calculated using the formula

where DK P, DK b - the share of cooperative supplies in the gross (commodity) output of the company, respectively, in the planning and base periods, %; T Tg - technological labor intensity of a product or commodity output in the base period, standard hours.

Calculation of changes in technological labor intensity due to changes in the share of cooperative supplies must be carried out in planned calculations only for those products, works, services, technological stages, parts, assembly units, semi-finished products for which it is planned to change the terms of cooperation.

For work for which there are no technological labor intensity standards, a reduction in labor costs as a result reduction in the number of workers from carrying out innovative activities can be determined by the formula

where Ch b and Ch p are the normalized number of workers in the base and planning periods, respectively.

The overall reduction in technological labor intensity is calculated as the sum of:

Table 10.3

Technical and organizational development plan _by 20 G.

(not named organization)

Chapter _“Reducing the labor intensity of product manufacturing”


This year

Plan 200_g.


labor intensity

Product reduction plan



Name of measures for the introduction of advanced technology, mechanization and automation of production processes

Reduced labor intensity per product

piece rate, rub.



piece rate, rub.

piece rate, r

III. At the third stage, the planned labor intensity of manufacturing one product and commercial output is determined. The calculation is carried out in the following sequence.

1. The planned technological complexity of the product (T Tp) is calculated using the formula

where T Tg is the basic technological complexity of manufacturing a product (expected or reported for the current year), standard hours.

Data on the technological complexity of products are entered in table 10.4.

Technological complexity of the main products according to _pa 20 _year

(name of company)

Table 10.4

Indicator name

Name of product


1. Planned volume of commercial output in physical terms

2. Actual technological labor intensity of a unit of production in the base period

  • 3. The same, taking into account changes in cooperation in the planning period
  • 4. Technological complexity of the planned production of commercial products:

4.1. by basic labor intensity (page 1 x page 2)

4.2. according to basic labor intensity, adjusted taking into account changes in cooperation in the planning period (line 1 x line 3)

End of table 10.4

5. Change in the labor intensity of commodity output due to changes in cooperation: decrease (-), increase (+), (p. 4.2 - p. 4.1)

6. Reducing labor intensity through the implementation of innovation plan activities, total:


6.1. directly attributable to individual products

6.2. indirectly distributed

7. Saving labor costs per unit of product (page 6: page 1)

8. Planned technological labor intensity:

8.1. product units

  • (page 3 - page 7)
  • 8.2. commercial release (page 1 page 8.1)

9. Planned reduction in labor intensity (line 4.1 - line 8.2): line 4.1 100

2. Planned labor intensity of maintenance(T 0 b), production labor intensity(T 11Рп) as the sum of technological complexity and maintenance complexity, management complexity(T y) and total labor intensity of the product(Т„) as the sum of production labor intensity and management complexity.

If a company has a standard labor intensity for maintenance and management of a product, the planned labor intensity for maintenance and the planned labor intensity for management are determined similarly to the technological labor intensity using formula (10.88). Then, using the direct counting method, the planned production complexity and the total planned complexity of manufacturing the product are calculated.

All considered planned calculations are carried out, as a rule, in a sequence corresponding to the course of the technological process of manufacturing a product, in the context of workshops, buildings, production facilities, and then for the company as a whole.

If there is no standard labor intensity for the specified types of work, then the planned production and total labor intensity are determined using formulas (10.78)-(10.81). At the same time, instead of the actual number of main, auxiliary workers and management personnel, the formulas indicate their planned values, calculated on the basis of current norms and standards for the number.

In multi-item production, the total labor intensity is calculated for representative products, and then, using special coefficients (showing, for example, the ratio of the normalized technological labor intensity of a specific type of product and the labor intensity of a conventional representative product), the labor intensity of this product is determined. Labor costs for managing an enterprise or workshop are distributed in proportion to the amount of production labor intensity. This ratio is determined as a percentage of production labor intensity.

For example, the total planned labor intensity of manufacturing a specific product (T p), determined from the data of a representative product, can be calculated using the formula

where T t is the technological complexity of manufacturing a representative product, standard hours; K p is a conversion factor showing the ratio of the normalized technological complexity of the product for which it is planned and the representative product; T t - the technological complexity of manufacturing the product obtained by calculation, equal to T t K p, standard hours; T ob, T y - respectively, the labor intensity of production maintenance and the labor intensity of management for a representative product as a percentage of the technological complexity of the same representative product; T at - the estimated production complexity of manufacturing the product for which the full planned complexity is calculated, standard hours.

When calculating the total planned labor intensity of products, a special problem is methodology for allocating production maintenance costs and costs to manage the company for specific types of products. If the enterprise has a standard labor intensity for maintenance and management of the product, which can occur with a high level of labor standardization, then such a problem does not arise. If there are no time standards, then the planned labor intensity of production and management maintenance is determined for the entire planned volume of production, and then - for individual species products.

Let's consider maintenance labor intensity planning methodology production. The labor intensity of maintenance (T ob) consists of two parts: the labor intensity of servicing the main technological process (T ob) and the labor intensity of production maintenance (T ob). T about p includes the time spent on servicing production in the main workshops, and T about p - in auxiliary workshops. Accordingly, labor intensity is planned separately in the main and auxiliary workshops. IN main workshops Planned labor costs for production maintenance are calculated for all commercially produced products. In auxiliary workshops this indicator is calculated per unit of production (work, services) of a given workshop, for which costs are taken into account and written off to the main production. Costs are planned for each production service function. Calculation of planned labor costs is carried out on the basis of standards: the number of auxiliary workers; labor intensity of a unit of work for each service function; service areas, etc.

Planned calculations must take into account changes in labor in the planning period compared to the base period, caused by: changes in production volumes, the share of cooperative supplies, the number of employees in auxiliary production; as well as the introduction of innovative activities in the field of production services.

Planned labor costs for servicing the production of individual products in main production workshops are determined indirectly, by the method of distributing planned labor costs for servicing the entire production between individual types of products in proportion to their technological labor intensity. Planned labor costs of workers auxiliary workshops first distributed among the main shops in proportion to the volume of services provided to these shops, and then on individual types of products in the same way as the distribution of labor costs for auxiliary workers in the main shops.

Planned management complexity the company distributes it into individual types of products in the same way as the labor intensity of production maintenance. However, for most management functions, labor costs depend little on changes in production volumes. The main factors aimed at reducing the labor intensity of management are the measures of the technical and organizational development plan of production, on the basis of which the number and labor intensity of management are calculated. Data on the total labor intensity of products is entered in table 10.5.

3. The planned labor intensity of the commodity output is determined: the planned technological labor intensity of the production program (T tp) and the planned total labor intensity of the production program (T pp):

where T tp, T pp are, respectively, the planned technological and total labor intensity of manufacturing the i-th product (work, service), standard hours; OP, - the quantity of the i-th type of product planned for release in the appropriate units; P- number of planned types of products (works, services).

The calculated indicators are entered in tables 10.5. and 10.6.

The total labor intensity of the main products according to _by 20 _G.

(name of company)

Table 10.5

Indicator name

Indicator value

  • 1. Planned technological complexity:
  • 1.1. Commodity release
  • 1.2. Product units 1)

2. Actual labor intensity of maintenance in the base period (actual, expected completion) total for the company


  • 2.1. In the main production workshops
  • 2.2. In auxiliary workshops and services

3. Actual labor intensity of management in the base period

4. Actual labor intensity of maintenance in the base period, adjusted for the growth rate of production volume in the planning period for the entire company


  • 4.1. In the main production workshops
  • 4.2. In auxiliary workshops and services

5. Reducing the labor intensity of maintenance in the planning period due to innovations throughout the company


End of table. 10.5

  • 5.1. In the main production workshops
  • 5.2. In auxiliary workshops

6. Reducing the labor intensity of management in the planning period due to innovations

7. Planned labor intensity of servicing everything for the company


  • 7.1. In the main production workshops
  • 7.2. In auxiliary workshops and services
  • 7.3. By product type:

8. Planned labor intensity of management for the entire company

9. Total labor intensity of the planned product output

including by type of product:

Labor intensity of the production program for _

(name of company)

by 20


Table 10.6

Labor intensity of one product

Labor intensity of the commodity

Name of product


Current year, normal

Planned year

fact (expected execution)

percentage to the current year

release according to plan, normal

1. Production of the most important core products:

  • 1.1.Comparable products:

Total for comparable products

  • 1 ^.Incomparable products: 1)

10.4. Planning the labor intensity of a production program

End of table. 10.6

  • 2. Products from customer-supplied raw materials:

3. Industrial work and outsourced services

4. Products and semi-finished products of own production, the cost of which is included in marketable products

5. Other products

6. Total marketable products

7. Change in work in progress balances at the beginning and end of the plan year

8. Change in the balance of equipment and tools of own production at the beginning and end of the year

9. Total for the company

  • 416 Chapter 10. Planning for personnel requirements
  • 4. The final indicators of the labor intensity of products for the company as a whole are determined:

Relative magnitude of labor intensity reduction R t.) product as a percentage, calculated by technological, production, complete and labor intensity of maintenance:

where AT/, - reduction of the i-th type of labor intensity j- th products in the planning period, standard; T b - basic labor intensity of the i-th type of y-th product, standard hours.

Labor intensity change index(7 T) reflects a reduction in labor intensity per unit of comparable products:

where OP n is the planned volume of marketable products in physical terms; T p - planned total labor intensity of manufacturing unit /th product, standard hours; T b - basic total labor intensity, standard hours.

Labor Productivity Index(/pt) is the reciprocal of the labor intensity index:

Increase in labor productivity in the planning period by reducing the labor intensity of production (AP) in percent:

where Y is the share of the number of main production workers in the number of production workers, calculated for the planned volume for the base output, in fractions of a unit.

where E t is the reduction in the labor intensity of products compared to the base level, percentage.

Absolute savings(increase) labor costs due to changes in labor intensity in the planning period (E t):

Product output per worker(PPP employee) in labor terms:

where H ss is the planned average number of workers (PPP workers), people.

Profitability of labor costs is defined as the ratio of the planned balance sheet profit to the planned labor intensity of the production program.

Table 1 – Labor intensity of types of work by product.

Types of jobs

Labor intensity (standard hour)




For all works

Explanation: Calculation of the labor intensity of the annual production program or the labor intensity of finished commercial products (FTP) by type of work (standard hour) in relation to each product (A, B and C) is made according to the formula:

TTP=q* T,

Where q– annual production program for each type of product, units;

T– labor intensity by type of work for the relevant product, standard hour.

1.Labor intensity of annual gross output.

Table 2 - Work in progress standards

Table 3 – Labor intensity of work in progress

Types of jobs



19,2*1,3 =24,96


Table 4 – Labor intensity of annual gross output by type of work

Types of jobs

Labor intensity (standard hour)








Explanation: The labor intensity of annual gross output (GAP) is determined based on the sum of the labor intensity of annual marketable products by type of work and the labor intensity of work in progress. To determine the labor intensity of work in progress, it is necessary to determine the rate of work in progress using the formula:


Where Nnp – work in progress standards;

Vc the planned daily volume of production, which is found as the ratio of the annual production program to the working period for the year;

TC – duration of the production cycle;

Knz – cost increase factor.

Calculation of requirements for fixed production assets.

    Active part of fixed assets.

Table 5 – Equipment by type of work.

Explanation: The required amount of equipment by type of work is determined based on the labor intensity of gross output and the annual working time fund. They are determined by the formulas:

Annual working hours:

GFDV=Dr*s*t cm * ,

Where dr– number of working days in a year,

With– shift work,

t cm– duration of the shift in hours,

R - percentage of regulated downtime.

The operating mode of the enterprise is 2 shifts, shift duration is 8 hours. At 5 days working week and adopted by law public holidays, the number of working days per year is 250. The percentage of regulated downtime is 5%.

GFRF = 250*2*8*(100-5)/100=3800

The required amount of equipment by type of work is determined by the formula:


To determine the accepted amount of equipment by type of work, the corresponding estimated amount of equipment rounded to the nearest whole number.

Table 6 – Load factor by type of work.

Types of jobs

Load factor





The load factor by type of work is determined based on a comparison of the calculated and accepted amount of equipment by type of work.

Table 7 – Equipment parameters

Equipment identification


Book value of a unit of equipment, thousand rubles.

Book value of all equipment, thousand rubles.

Depreciation rate, %

Amount of depreciation, thousand rubles.


injection molding machine

Editing table


The book value of all equipment (rubles) is determined based on the accepted quantity of equipment by type of work and the book value (price) of a unit of the corresponding equipment.

Passive part of fixed assets.

The production area of ​​the workshop is determined based on:

Accepted quantity of equipment by type of work (by equipment groups);

Overall dimensions of the unit of relevant equipment.

To ensure the normal functioning of production, the size of the area for driveways, passages, utility rooms, etc. is accepted. in the amount of 180% of the production area occupied by equipment.

Calculation of the production workshop required for the equipment: = 2*0.95*11=21m2

Sl.m. = 2.5*1*8=20m 2 = 0.7*0.5*8=2.8m2

Area occupied by all equipment S = 21m2 +20m2 +2.8m2 =43.8m2

Area of ​​passages of household premises, etc. S = 43.8m2 *1.8=78.84m2

Total workshop area S = 43.8m2 +78.84m2 =122.64m2

The area of ​​the office space (m2) is determined based on:

Number of company employees working in the office;

The norms of area per employee, taken equal to 6 sq.m. per person.

The number of employees working in the office is 4 (director, deputy director for production, chief accountant and engineer).

Sof = 4*6=24m 2

The book value of the workshop's production premises is determined based on:

The size of the production area of ​​the workshop;

The cost of 1 m 2 of area of ​​the production workshop building.

The book value of office space is determined based on:

Office area sizes;

The cost of 1 m 2 of building area in which production space is rented for an office.

Table 8 – Book value and depreciation of passive funds.

Passive funds

Book value, rub.

Depreciation rate, %

Amount of depreciation, rub.

Workshop production area

15000*122.64=1839600 rub.

Office space

30000*24m 2 =720000 rub.

The total amount of depreciation charges for all objects for the year:

∑Ar = 640000+432000+25000+73188=1170188 rub.