Summary sheet of calculation of norms of time and norms of service. Document processing regulations

Timing is widely used to establish time standards, which is simple, understandable and convenient, gives fairly accurate results. Time norms are the most common type of norms, therefore, it would seem that timing should be the most popular type of observation.

However, this is not the case: it is much more often mentioned and used in practice. photograph of working time (FW)- a type of monitoring the work process, designed to study the structure of costs and losses of working time, as well as determine their quantitative ratio. Like timing, it is convenient, simple and gives quite reliable results. At the same time, attention is paid to the entire working time, and not just to individual operations or techniques.

The results of the FVR can be used to:

  • increasing labor productivity by eliminating the identified losses and waste of working time;
  • establishing the reasons for non-fulfillment of labor standards and production tasks;
  • rationing the time of maintenance of the workplace, rest and personal needs, as well as preparatory and final time;
  • indirect determination of the norms of the number and service (through the assessment of workload during the shift).

When organizing observation, one should consider what the results will be used for:

  1. To study the cost structure, loss of working time and the development of measures to improve productivity. In this case, observations should be carried out in the conditions that actually prevailed at the given workplace. In this case, the object of observation is chosen arbitrarily, without additional conditions.
  2. To define standards. With this option, as with timing, additional requirements should be met: a) the most highly productive employee cannot be chosen as the object of observation (Article 85) and b) during the observation period, normal conditions labor (Article 88 of the Labor Code of Ukraine).

Depending on the object of observation, there are different kinds PDF: individual, group And brigade. At the same time, observations can cover both the entire work shift (photo of the working day), and part of it. Let us consider in more detail the features of each type of FRV.

Individual PDF

In this case, the object of observation is labor activity one worker. An individual PDF allows you to study with the maximum degree of detail work time (costs and losses). The results of the PDF are conveniently recorded in pre-prepared observation sheets or photomaps (tab. 1).

Tab. 1. Observation sheet for conducting an individual PDF (example)

Enterprise: LLC "Robinson and Co"


Shop/department: mechanical

shift: first

Date: 01.10.09

Position / profession: turner

Full name: Mandzyuk S. M.

Costs/Loss of Working Time

Current time (h:min)

Duration (min.)


Number of parts


Start of shift

Inspected the machine, trial run

Master's briefing

Received a task, drawing, tech. map

Got a tool

Received blanks

Set operating modes on the machine

Installed and exposed a new cutter

Processed parts (shaft 134-656798/24)

Talked to neighbor, didn't work

Gone for a break

Lunch break

Changed "bad" cutters in the pantry

Installed and exposed a new cutter

Processed parts (shaft 134-656798/24)

Went to the toilet

Replaced and put in a new cutter

Knocked out "automatic", waiting for an electrician

Processed parts (shaft 134-656798/24)

Handed over the details to the OTK controller

Cleaned up the chips, took them to the container

Cleaned the machine workplace

Left the workplace

End of shift

In the main part of the observation sheet, in the column “costs / losses of working time” (column 1), all actions of the employee that he performs during the observation period are recorded; while recording is carried out in an arbitrary form.

Observation during the set time is made continuously. The actions/ periods of inactivity of the employee follow one another, so there is no need to fix the start and end time of each.

In the column "current time" (column 2) is fixed end time each action / period of inactivity, start time is the end time of the previous one. As a rule, the recording is accurate to the minute, so it is enough for the observer to have an ordinary clock. In cases where a more accurate result is needed, more accurate instruments (stopwatch) should be used.

In the column "duration" (column 3) the duration of each of the periods is recorded, which is defined as the difference between the "current time" of this element and the "current time" of the previous one. In order not to distract the observer, this indicator is calculated after the observation is completed.

When carrying out the FRV of machine-manual and automated labor processes, operational time can "overlap" other types of working time costs (). In such cases, the corresponding entries are made in the “overlapped” column (column 4): the serial number of the operational time entry is indicated, which overlaps this species working time costs. (Naturally, if there is no overlap, the column is not filled.)

When an employee performs repetitive operations (processes the same parts, draws up the same documents, etc.), for a more detailed control of the output, workload of workers, comparison of their individual productivity in the column "number of parts" (column 5), the amount of work performed is recorded. (In the example shown, the number of parts produced is shown.)

Since observations (actions or inactions of an employee) are recorded in an arbitrary form, when describing the same or similar actions, observers (even if it is the same person) can use different wording. To facilitate the analysis of the results of the PDF, the wording should be reduced to a "common denominator" - as shown in the column "index" (column 6). It uses a special indexing system; there is no single standard for it, but abbreviations are usually used (OP - operational time, OM - workplace maintenance, etc.). For a more detailed analysis, additional digital indices are used ( tab. 2).

Tab. 2. Typical indexation of costs and losses of working time during the implementation of the machine-building enterprise

Type of costs and losses of working time


I. Normalized time

Preparatory and closing time

Acquaintance with work, drawing

Production briefing

Installation and removal of tools, fixtures to perform the scope of work (batch of parts)

Equipment setup

Delivery of finished products

operational time

Basic (technological) time


Workplace service time

Organizational service time

Lubrication and cleaning of equipment

Transfer, acceptance of shift

Maintenance time

Sharpening (editing) of the tool

Tool adjustment

Adjustment of equipment in the process of work

Odd work, off-task work

Personal needs

II. Irregular time

Loss of time for unproductive work

Walking for an outfit, drawing, materials

Walking for a master, contractor, controller

Chasing support workers

Crane Walking

Search for pads, wedges, etc.

Finding tools and fixtures

Search for materials, blanks, etc.

Repair of equipment

Loss of time due to organizational and technical reasons

Waiting for work

Waiting for a drawing, instructions, outfits

Waiting for material, blanks

Waiting for crane, transport

Waiting for tools, fixtures

Waiting for equipment setup

Waiting for energy

Waiting for repair

Waste of time due to the fault of the employee

Late start

Leave from work

Extraneous conversations

To process the results of observations, a "Statement of the same name for the costs of working time" is compiled. (The statement for the above example of the PDF is given in table 3.)

Tab. 3. Statement of the same costs and losses of working time (example)

Enterprise: LLC "Robinson and Co"

Shop/department: mechanical

shift: first

Date: 01.10.09

Position / profession: turner

FULL NAME. Mandzyuk S. M.

Machine: 16D25, screw-cutting



Total duration, min.

including overlapping, min.

Average duration, min.

Preparation of fixtures and tools for work at the beginning of the shift and cleaning at the end

Inspection and testing of equipment

Cleaning the workplace at the end of the shift

Change of worn tool (remove and install)

Removal of waste from the workplace

operational time

Receipt and delivery of an order, drawing

Receipt, inspection, verification and delivery of material, blanks

Receipt and delivery of tools and accessories

Production briefing

Equipment setup

Delivery of finished products

Break times for rest and personal needs

Going for tools and equipment

Repair of equipment

Premature end of work

Extraneous conversations

Check sum

Use accepted on this enterprise time indexing system avoids subjectivism, since formalized results do not require additional explanations of observers. Costs of the same name and loss of working time in the statement are grouped and summarized. The preparation of such documents makes it possible to combine, compare and contrast the data of the PDFs carried out by different observers at different times. The data obtained give a fairly clear idea of ​​the structure of the cost of working time and their quantitative characteristics.

Group PDF

For all its merits, conducting an individual RFF requires a significant investment of time.

To organize observations of the brigade (a group of workers associated with the implementation of a common production task), a methodology was developed for conducting "team photograph of working time". In fact, these are several individual PDFs (according to the number of team members) that are carried out simultaneously. This is a very complex and cumbersome process that requires intense attention from a highly qualified observer. Wide practical distribution this technique did not receive.

To monitor several workers at the same time, a methodology was developed for conducting "Group photography of working time" (GFRV). It can be used to monitor both teams and those workers who are not connected by a common production task.

The organization of observation in the course of group and individual RF differs significantly. During the GFRV:

  • not continuous, but selective observation is used - at predetermined points in time (at regular intervals);
  • not all actions / inactions of the employee are recorded, but what he does exactly at the moment of observation.

Prior to observation, you must:

  • determine the employees for whom the GFRF will be carried out;
  • prepare an observation sheet/photocard form ( tab. 4);
  • assign a conditional serial number to each employee, in accordance with which records will be kept;
  • set the time interval after which the results of observations will be recorded (usually - from 1 to 3 minutes).

Tab. 4. Observation sheet for GFRV (example)

Enterprise: PE "Kolyadka"


Shop/department: assembly department: cabinet furniture

shift: first

Date: 01.10.09

Full name: 1 - Petrina M. S. 2 - Melnichuk Z. V. 3 - Strashko B. Yu. 4 - Zadirko V. V. 5 - Krizhuk M. M. 6 - Yanychar D. D.


Employee serial number









The column "time" (schedule for making entries in the photo card form) is filled in advance (imprinted). As a rule, inexperienced observers are afraid that they will not have time to record the results of observations in a timely manner, so they start with an interval of 3 minutes. Experience shows that in this case the intensity of observations is distributed unevenly. At the same time, a trained observer can, without much effort, carry out GFRV for a group of six to ten workers with a recording interval of 1 min. I recommend that you first prepare several forms of observation sheets - at different intervals, so that in the process of work there is an opportunity to choose the best one.

Features of group observation. When the time comes to fill in the next line of the photo card, the actions / inaction of each of the employees should be recorded in the appropriate cells. For this, it is being developed simplified system of indexes of costs and losses of working time, where those elements of costs and losses of working time are used that are of the greatest interest in carrying out this observation. (Application in this case of an indexing system as detailed as in an individual RFF may be too complicated.)

To speed up the process of fixing the results of GFRV observations, the observer should learn the notation used in advance. In this example, only 13 indices were used:

MI - master's briefing;
PZA - receiving a task;
PZG - receiving blanks;
SGP - delivery of finished products;
OP - operational time;
OPU - packaging (part of operational time);
ORM - workplace maintenance;
OLN - rest and personal needs;
Poland - downtime through no fault of the worker;
PRA - simple due to extraneous conversations;
BPR - unreasonable termination of work;
OPO - being late;
BRU - unreasonable departure from the workplace.

During the GFRV, it is more convenient to use a watch with a digital display. Recording the actions of workers should be carried out in the same order (for example, starting from the first), and each subsequent cycle should start in the same way. The sequence of entries does not change even when people move around the site during work. Another important condition: the observer must simultaneously see all the workers throughout the entire period of observation. If this condition cannot be met, it is better to use the method of momentary observations (otherwise the observer will get very tired, since he will be forced to constantly move).

After the completion of the observations, a statement of the same costs and losses of working time is compiled ( tab. 5). In contrast to the statement compiled when conducting an individual PDF, here the time is not only summed up by category for each of the employees separately, but the average value for the entire group is also calculated. At the same time, for each of the types of fixed costs and time losses, its duration in minutes and the share of the total observation time are indicated.

Tab. 5. List of similar costs and losses of working time for a group PDF (example)

Enterprise: PE "Kolyadka"

Statement of the same costs and losses of working time

shift: first

Date: 01.10.09

Workshop/department: Assembly section of cabinet furniture

Full name: 1 - Petrina M.S.; 2 - Melnichuk Z.V.; 3 - Strashko B. Yu.; 4 - Zadirko V.V.; 5 - Krizhuk M. M.; 6 - Janissary D. D.


Employee serial number






















How is the duration determined, because the indicators of the current time are not fixed? To do this, the number of records with the same index is counted, which is then multiplied by the value of the observation interval. For example: in the process of observations, the receipt of workpieces by workers was recorded 12 times, and the observation interval was 2 minutes. Hence, the total time spent on this operation is 12 x 2 = 24 minutes. Obviously, the shorter the interval, the more accurate the results of the observations.

This is a long-known and very popular type of PDF, which attracts with its simplicity (prepared forms - handed out - explained how to fill out - collected), breadth of coverage and speed (in a few days you can "observe" the entire enterprise, even the management, if allowed).

What are the disadvantages of such "self-service"? Since the employee keeps records on his own, time costs increase; he is distracted from work - the pace of work is lost and the likelihood of errors increases. To minimize the negative effects, when taking self-photographs of working time, only loss of working time. Indeed, since the employee is idle anyway, it means that he has time to make an entry in the observation sheet ( tab. 6).

Tab. 6. Observation sheet for self-photography of working hours (example)

Enterprise: PJSC "Moda"

Self-photograph of working time

Shop/Department: AUP

Date: 01.03.10

Position/profession: economist

Full name: E. V. Pushkareva

Equipment: -

No. p / p

Reasons for loss of working time

Break times

Duration, min.

How common are lost time data?

start, h: min.

end, h:min

Computer freezes


Waiting for a manager's appointment

Nevertheless, there are cases when an employee during the observation period records all the costs and losses of his working time: in fact, an individual FRV is carried out, but the records are made by the “observed object” itself. Most often this is done when studying the work of employees.

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the editors of the magazine

Continuation of the table. 4.5

The employment of a worker on each of the machines included in the workplace is determined (Table 4.5, group 12):

T v.n - auxiliary non-overlapping time;

T vp - auxiliary overlapping time;

T a.n - the time of active monitoring of the operation of the machine;

T lane - the transition time from machine to machine.

The time of active monitoring of the operation of the machine included in the workplace, depending on the sum of the machine-automatic time of all operations at the workplace, is determined from Table. 4.6.

The time for automatic approach of the tool is set (column 14 of Table 4.5). It is taken from the technical-normalization cards for the operation. Machine-automatic time is taken into account when its duration does not exceed the time spent by the worker on the transition to the next machine.

Table 4.6

Time limits for active observation in conditions of multi-machine maintenance

The sum of machine-automatic time of all operations included in the workplace

Time of active monitoring of the work of machines, min.

10 or more

The reduced employment of a worker in the manufacture of one part per operation is calculated. In this case, there are several options (tab. 4.5 gr. 15):

1) when servicing one or more backup machineswith the same operating time:

2) when servicing several backup machines with differentoperational time:

3) when processing two or more parts at the workplacevany with different program:

The reduced time for the transition of the worker is calculated (Table 4.5, group 16) from one machine to another (within his workplace), which, depending on the actual distance of the transitions (L), is set at the rate of 0.015 min. per 1 m transition:

The total employment of a worker at a workplace is determined as the sum of the time of employment in all operations included in a given workplace, and the time for transitions from machine to machine (Table 4.5, column 17). The employment of a worker at the workplace as a percentage of the cycle time (Table 4.5, column 18) is calculated as the ratio of the time the worker is busy at the workplace in minutes to the given cycle time at the workplace, and the result is multiplied by 100.

The reduced cycle time is found at the workplace (T c.p.). It is established by choosing the largest of two values: the time the worker is busy at the workplace and the longest operational time of the operation of this workplace (Table 4.5, column 19).

The time is calculated for Maintenance. It is taken from the operational normalization maps. If several machines are involved in an operation, the maintenance time per operation is determined as the arithmetic mean of the maintenance time for all machines (Table 4.5, group 20).

The time of organizational maintenance of the workplace is found (as a percentage of the given cycle time) using the appropriate standards.

According to the standards, time for rest and personal needs is calculated (as a percentage of the given cycle time).

The piece time per workplace per one part is determined by the formula:

The rate of time per workplace, accepted for payment in minutes per item, is set equal to the flow takt time.

The total employment time of a worker at the workplace is determined by the following amount: gr. 17 + gr. 20 + gr. 22.

in the workplace production line(part 70-1601021)

Table 4.5

Shop MC-4 Detail 70-1601021
Plot Gears
workplace number The name of the operation Machine Operational time calculation
regular time Auxiliary time operational time
machine machine-manual and manual non-overlapping overlapped Operational time for the manufacture of one part on each machine The number of parts processed in the maximum operating time Reduced operational time for manufacturing a part in one operation
05 turning 08 turning 10 turning 15 turning 0,71 1,25 0,78 1,27 - - - - 0,223 0,223 0,208 0,223 0,208 0,245 0,133 0,108 0,933 1,437 0,988 1,493 0,933 1,473 0,988 1,493
Developed Signature date
Labor Regulation Engineer
Process Engineer
Annual program
Cycle time calculation
Employment of a worker in a cycle
Employment of a worker in the manufacture of one part on each machine Time spent actively monitoring machine tools Automatic tool approach and machine-automatic time (if its duration does not exceed the transition of the worker to the next machine), reduced to one part The given employment of a worker in the manufacture of a part in an operation The given time for the transition of the worker at the end of the work cycle to its original position Total worker employment in the cycle
Minutes per item Percentage of cycle time
0,431 0,408 0,341 0,331 - - - - - - - - 0,431 0,408 0,341 0,331
0,24 1,811
Agreed Signature date
Head of BTZ
Head of technical bureau
NOT Engineer
Shift work Tact, min. 2,19
Rhythm, min. 2,19
Work place number Given cycle time at the workplace Calculation of the norm of piece time The total employment of the worker at the workplace in
Workplace maintenance costs Leisure and personal expenses Time limit at work
Technical for one piece Organizational
In minutes per detal In percent to cycle time In mi-nu-tah on one-well de-tal
According to the calculation in mi-nu-tah for one de-tal Accepted for payment in minutes per item In mi-nu-tah In pro-cents by the time-me-no so-ta
1,811 0,116 3,2 0,058 0,109 2,094 2,19 2,009 94,5
Approved Signature date
Head of OOTiZ
Head of maintenance

The employment of a worker on each of the machines included in the workplace is determined (Table 4.5, group 12):

T v.n - auxiliary non-overlapping time;

T vp - auxiliary overlapping time;

T a.n - the time of active monitoring of the operation of the machine;

T lane - the transition time from machine to machine.

The time of active monitoring of the operation of the machine included in the workplace, depending on the sum of the machine-automatic time of all operations at the workplace, is determined from Table. 4.6.

The time for automatic approach of the tool is set (column 14 of Table 4.5). It is taken from the technical-normalization cards for the operation. Machine-automatic time is taken into account when its duration does not exceed the time spent by the worker on the transition to the next machine.





Time standards developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards of the Ministry of Labor Russian Federation and the All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archives of Roskomarchiv.

Time standards contribute to the improvement of the organization of work of workers in services

Document management support, serve as the basis job descriptions, staffing tables.

The collection contains standards for all types of work related to documentary support of management using computerization tools, and is recommended for use in government bodies, enterprises (associations) regardless of ownership, institutions and public organizations.

The enlarged time standards for work on documentary support of management were approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 25, 1994 No. 72.

1. General part

1.1. Aggregated time standards are designed to calculate time standards and organize work in management documentation support services (DOE), determine the labor intensity of work, the number of employees, and are recommended for use in federal executive authorities, at enterprises (associations), regardless of ownership, in institutions and public organizations.

1.2. The functions of the DOW service are defined by the Standard Instructions for Office Work in the Ministries and Departments of the Russian Federation, the Model Regulations on the Service documentation support management.

1.3. The basis for the development of time standards is based on the materials of studying the organization of labor and the best practices of employees of the services of the preschool educational institution, photographs of the working day, self-photos, data on operational accounting and reporting, the results of expert assessments of specialists from the services of the preschool educational institutions of ministries and departments.

1.4. When preparing time standards, the following regulatory and methodological documents were used: Regulations on the organization of labor rationing in national economy. Approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of June 19, 1986 No. 226 / P-6;

1.5. When rationing the work of employees of the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to use intersectoral standard and uniform time standards: Standard time standards for work on copying and prompt reproduction of documents. - M., 1990; Uniform norms of time (workout) for typewritten work. - M., 1988; since the "Enlarged standards ..." do not take into account the costs of typewriting, copying and reproduction.

1.6. The normative part of the collection contains the following sections: the time spent on work on documentation support for management (drawing up and maintaining nomenclatures of cases, processing, registration, accounting for the number of documents, work on monitoring the execution of documents, creating and maintaining file cabinets, forming and processing cases in structural divisions, examination scientific and practical value of documents, compilation of annual sections of case inventories, transfer of cases to the departmental archive); time spent on the work of the archive of the organization (methodological and organizational support work, creation of a scientific reference apparatus for the documents of the archive of the organization, cataloging of documents, use of documents, information services for institutions and citizens, conducting a comprehensive (thematic) check of the state and operation of the archive of a subordinate institution, control over the organization of documents in the office work of the structural divisions of the department (organization) and in the institutions of the system, ensuring the safety of documents, accounting of documents, technical execution of works).

1.7. The collection contains time standards in hours per accepted unit of measurement of the amount of work.

1.8. The standards are calculated based on the results of measuring the cost of working time during a working day lasting 8 hours.

1.9. The standards provide for the performance of all work with documents in one language and apply to work with documents of general office work.

1.10. The standards are designed for the performance of each work by one performer.

1.11. In the tables of the normative part of the collection, the name and content of the work performed and the time standards established for them are given.

1.12. Within the table, the standards are arranged in a logical sequence of work performed, but at the same time, work performed using automated technologies is located after similar work performed using traditional technology.

1.13. The composition of documents, the rules for their development, execution are established in accordance with the requirements of the State Documentation Management System, the Basic Rules for the Operation of Departmental Archives, Model Instruction on office work in the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation (M., 1994).

1.14. The norm of time for the performance of a unit of normalized work is calculated according to the standard of operational time and is determined by the formula:

H vr \u003d H K,

H - the standard of operational time for the performance of this work, established according to the collection, h;

K is a coefficient that takes into account the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of the workplace, rest (including physical culture breaks) and personal needs, % of operational time. According to the results of the analysis of maps of photographs and self-photos of the working time of workers, K is taken equal to 1.1.

1.15. The mode of work and rest of operators of electronic computers and computers and other specialists directly working with personal computers, depends on the nature of the work performed (data entry, text entry, editing, reading information from the screen). The continuous duration of work should not exceed 4 hours, while after each hour of work a break of 5 - 10 minutes, and after 2 hours - 15 minutes.

1.16. The unit of measure "case" means a case in the amount of 150 sheets of 210? 297 mm (A4 format). Cases containing more or less than 150 sheets are recalculated for one conditional case with a volume of 150 sheets.

1.17. Work with typescripts in the clerical service is normalized according to table 3.1.2. (standards,

1.18. The unit of measurement of the volume of work - the author's sheet - is taken to be material containing 40 thousand printed characters, which is 16.7 typewritten pages printed at 1.5 intervals, each containing 2450 characters.

1.19. For the unit of measurement of the volume of work - a box, a box containing 10 cases is taken.

1.20. By certain types works as a unit of measurement is taken not 1, but 10, 100. This must be taken into account when calculating the amount of labor costs for the planned scope of work.

1.21. In case of significant deviations in the content of works compared to this normative collection and the inexpediency of changing existing organization labor can be calculated by local norms for a particular documentation service.

1.22. Local norms for work not provided for by this normative collection are established by the method of technical regulation.

1.23. On the basis of the Aggregated Time Standards, the number of employees of the documentation service is calculated.

1.23.1. For this purpose, the annual labor intensity of standardized work (Tn) is determined in hours, taking into account each type of work performed according to the formula:

Tn = H vr Vi,

where H vr - the time spent on the performance of a specific standardized type of work, h;

Vi is the volume of a specific type of work performed per year.

1.23.2. The annual labor intensity of non-standardized work Tn.n in hours is determined by the method of expert assessments, taking into account the volume of work performed according to the formula:

Тн.н = Тjнн Vj,

where Тjнн is the annual labor intensity of non-standardized work of a particular type;

Vj - annual volume of non-standard types of work.

1.23.3. The total annual labor intensity To of works is calculated by the formula:

That \u003d Tn + Tn.n,

1.23.4. The attendance number of workers Chyav is determined by the formula:

where Fp is the useful working time fund of one employee per year, h (assumed to be 2006 man-hours).

An example of calculating the number of employees of the documentation service is given in Appendix 2.

2. Organization of work

The documentary support service for the management of an institution, regardless of the form of ownership, can act as an independent structural unit or performed by one person.

The functions of employees of the preschool educational institution service are determined by job descriptions drawn up in accordance with the “Tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide positions of employees”: (Approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on November 10, 1992 No. 30 - M., 1992) and “Tariff and qualification characteristics for positions of employees budget institutions and organizations of the state archival service of the Russian Federation”, Appendix 5 to the order of Roskomarchiv dated 09.12.92. No. 226. The same documents determine the names of the positions of employees of the services of the preschool educational institution. The functions of the DOE service include:

organizational and methodological support of work with documents in the structural divisions of the organization and subordinate institutions;

introduction of standards for documentation support of management and other regulatory and methodological documents;

acceptance of documents;

document processing and accounting and reference work;

control over the execution of documents;

formation, storage of cases and their use;

preparation and transfer of cases to the archive of the organization and others.

The functions of the archive of the organization include:

completing documents of structural subdivisions of the organization;

accounting and ensuring the safety of documents received in the archive;

funding of documents accepted for archiving;

compiling a scientific reference apparatus for documents stored in the archive;

conducting an examination of the scientific and practical value of documents stored in the archive, providing methodological assistance in carrying out this work in the office work of the organization;

preparation and transfer of documents for state storage;

submission of statistical reporting forms to the state archive:

form No. 5 "Passport of the archive of an institution, organization and enterprise that stores management documentation to be transferred to state storage on December 1, 19 ...", form No. 6 "Passport of the archive of an institution, organization and enterprise that stores scientific and technical documentation subject to transfer to public storage on December 1, 19.., form No. 7 “Passport of the archive of an institution, organization and enterprise that stores film and photo documents to be transferred to public storage on December 1, 19.. of the year”;

the use of documents stored in the archive, checking the safety, correctness of the formation and execution of cases in the office work of the organization;

participation in the development of regulatory and methodological documents (instructions, recommendations, regulations, etc.) for archiving and organization of documents in office work.

The organizational and technical conditions adopted in the collection provide for:

rational organization of workplaces;

timely receipt by employees of the necessary information, consultations, instructions;

observance of a rational mode of work and rest;

ensuring established sanitary standards.

Workplaces of workers of the documentation service are equipped with a single-pedestal table (with an attachment), which provides convenient placement of office equipment and work items on it, and in the drawers of the table - storage of relevant documents and stationery.

Desk drawers should be equipped with devices for the convenient location of folders. It is desirable that a card with a list of folders contained in it be attached to each box. There should be a cabinet for storing special, reference literature and documents.

Employees of the documentation service are provided with the necessary reference materials (including: instructions for record keeping and other regulatory and methodological documents, reference books on current legislation, reference books on administrative-territorial division, spelling and terminological dictionaries, reference books on writing individual words, lists of employees of the organization and its structural divisions with telephone numbers and addresses, alphabetical books of addresses and telephone numbers of employees associated with the activities of this organization, index cards to collections of resolutions and orders of a higher body and others).

In connection with the introduction of automated technologies into the activities of DOW services, the workplaces of specialists should be equipped with professional personal computers (PCs) such as IBM PC XT / AT with the following main parameters: RAM of at least 640 KB and external memory capacity on the hard drive of at least 20 MB . The computer must be equipped with a large print printer.

The PC is equipped with a glass or plastic optical filter. The high resolution screen reduces eyestrain. The illumination of the screen should be equal to the illumination of the room. The computer screen is located at right angles to the windows of the workroom.

The mode of work and rest of employees involved in documentary support of management is established on the basis of the daily routine, taking into account the regulation of all compulsory works and performing the most difficult of them in the first half of the day, when workers have a high stable working capacity. Along with this, it is necessary to conduct physical culture pauses lasting 5-10 minutes. 1 - 1.5 hours before lunch and 1 - 1.5 hours before the end of work.

The mode of work and rest of specialists working on a PC is determined by the "Temporary Sanitary Norms and Rules for Employees of Computer Centers", approved by the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR, 2.03.1988, No. 4559-88.


3.1. Time spent on work on documentation management support

3.1.1. Compilation and maintenance of nomenclatures of cases

Performers - head of the office, senior inspector, inspector, clerk, operator of electronic computers and computers, document manager.

Job Title

Unit of measure for the scope of work

Time standard, h.

1. Drawing up and maintaining the nomenclature of affairs of the structural unit
The study of regulatory and methodological documents, the functions of this structural unit, the features of its office work, the composition and content of documents, determining the terms of their storage, compiling, systematizing the headings of cases, sighting by the head of the structural unit, monitoring the correctness of the formation of cases.

2. Drawing up and maintaining the nomenclature of affairs of the organization
The study of normative and methodological documents, reference manuals, nomenclature of cases of structural divisions, functions of the organization, features of office work, composition and content of documents, determination of their storage periods, development of a classification scheme for the nomenclature of cases, unification, general editing of the text of all sections of the nomenclature of cases, identification of documents that do not structural units included in the nomenclature of cases, drawing up a nomenclature of cases (with a table of contents, a preface, a list of abbreviations), coordination with the departmental archive, consideration at a meeting of the Central Expert Commission (CEC) (EC) of the organization, coordination with an archival institution (state archive), registration and approval of the nomenclature of cases; control over the correctness of the formation of cases in throughout the year, making adjustments to the nomenclature of cases, compiling a final entry to the nomenclature of cases, transferring the final information to the information retrieval system and the departmental archive by prescribed form
Number of positions in the nomenclature of cases:
3. Automated management of the nomenclature of the organization's affairs *
Turning on the computer, calling up the display of the format in accordance with the program, entering data on changes in the nomenclature of cases, turning off the computer
Number of positions in the nomenclature of cases:

* Work to control the formation of cases in office work is carried out throughout the year.

* The standard is also applicable to determine the time spent on compiling and maintaining the nomenclature of affairs of a large structural unit (main department, department, etc.)

3.1.2. Processing, registration, accounting of the number of documents

Performers - head of the office, head of the expedition, inspector, secretary-typist, forwarder, clerk, operator of electronic computers and computers, document manager.

Job Title

Time standard, h

1. Processing of incoming documents
Receiving correspondence, checking the integrity of packaging and attachments, correct addressing, opening the envelope, systematizing documents for registered and unregistered, compiling registration cards (RC), putting, filling in registration stamps, distributing documents to be transferred to the head of the organization for consideration and resolution and to those subject to transfer for execution to structural divisions, transfer of documents for execution *

10 documents

2. Processing documents received by fax
Signal reception. Receipt of the text, division into sheets of A4 format, preparation of registration cards (RC), affixing, filling in registration stamps, transfer of documents for execution
3. Telegram processing
Receiving a text from a teletypewriter, compiling an AC, putting and filling in registration stamps, sending telegrams to the management for a resolution, receiving a telegram, recording the text of a resolution in the AC, sending a telegram and AC to the contractor

1 telegram

4. Processing of incoming telephone messages
Receiving a telephone message, registering, writing a text in a journal, informing (by telephone) the performer about the content of the received telephone message, monitoring compliance with the deadline

1 telephone message

5. Processing of submitted documents
Receipt of executed documents, checking the correct execution of documents, the presence of attachments specified in the main document, registration of documents in the RKF (case number in which the executed document is placed), sorting the sent documents by addresses and types postal items, putting the address on the envelope, folding and inserting documents into envelopes, sealing envelopes, marking envelopes, compiling a register

10 documents

6. Processing documents sent by fax
Receipt of executed documents, checking the correctness of paperwork, the availability of applications specified in the main document; registration of documents; turn on the fax, establish communication with the destination, send text, turn off the machine
7. Processing of sent telephone messages
Text transmission, logging

1 telephone message

8. Registration of travel certificates
Registration of a certificate in the prescribed form, affixing and certification of a mark on the arrival (departure) of an employee.

1 travel certificate

9. Automated registration of incoming documents
Turning on the computer, calling up the format of the registration and control form (RKF) on the display, entering information about the type of document, its author, date and index assigned to the document by the author organization, about the content of the document (title), applications, control details, the number of sheets of the document, assigning the date of registration of the document according to the date of filling out the RKF, assigning registration number document shutting down the computer

10 documents

10. Automated registration of documents created for internal use
Turning on the computer, calling the format display (RKF), entering information about the type of document, its author, text into the RKF summary document (header) and annexes, the number of sheets of the document; assignment of the registration date to the document according to the date of filling out the RKF; assigning a registration number to a document; entering information about the authors and the content of resolutions into the RKF, turning off the computer

10 documents

11. Automated registration of sent internal documents
Turning on the computer, calling the display of the RKF format, selecting codes (names) of recipients, entering information about the number of copies sent to each address, summing up information about the number of copies sent to all addresses; shutting down the computer

10 documents

12. Automated registration of sent initiative documents
Turning on the computer, calling the RKF format to the display, entering information about the document into the RKF, a summary (title) of the document and applications, the type of document, the number of sheets; assigning the date of registration of the document according to the date of filling out the RKF; assigning a registration number to a document; selection of codes (names) of addressee organizations, input of information on the number of copies sent to each addressee, summing up the total number of copies, entry in the RKF, printout of the RK , shutting down the computer

10 documents

13. Automated accounting of the number of documents created for internal use
Turning on the computer, generating a request to search for the RKF according to the given details to obtain the desired modification of the output form; sorting RKF according to the given values ​​of details, counting the number of RKF, turning off the computer

100 documents

14. Automated accounting of the number of sent internal documents
Turning on the computer, generating a request to search for the RKF according to the given details to obtain the desired modification of the output form; sorting the RKF according to the specified values ​​of details, counting the number of sent copies of documents; shutting down the computer

100 documents

15. Automated accounting of the number of incoming documents, response documents to incoming documents, sent initiative documents
Turning on the computer, generating a request to search for the RKF according to the given details to obtain the necessary modification of the output form; sorting RKF according to the given values ​​of details, counting the number of RKF, turning off the computer

100 documents

16. Automated accounting of the volume of document flow of the institution
Turning on the computer, generating a request for the given details, sorting the RKF according to the given values ​​of the details, counting the number of RKF and sent copies of documents, printing, turning off the computer

100 documents

In case of performing work on preparation for reproduction of the RK and documents for contractors, the standard increases by 0.45 hours for every 10 documents

3.1.3. Work on the control of the execution of documents

Job Title

Unit of measure for the amount of work

standard time, h

1. Document execution control
Drawing up the AC, if it is not transferred from the registration service, putting a mark “K” (control) on the document and on the AC, placing the first copy of the AC in the file cabinet, sending the second copy of the AC along with the document to the structural unit to the contractor, monitoring the execution of the document, a reminder of deadline, obtaining information about the results of execution, recording information in the Republic of Kazakhstan, informing managers about the status of execution, removing the document from control. Compilation of a summary of documents that were not executed on time, compilation of a summary of the execution of documents subject to control, generalization of the results of the execution of documents by structural divisions, analysis of the state of execution of documents in the organization

10 documents

2. Control over the execution of citizens' applications

10 documents

3. Automated control of the execution of incoming documents
Turning on the computer, viewing the document, calling the document to the RKF display, entering the control details of the task (resolution) into the database, printing the RKF, placing the RKF in the control and reference file, transferring the document to the RKF for execution, receiving a controlled document and RKF, control over correctness registration and deadline for the execution of the document, adjustment of the RKF; registration of the executed document; filling in the RKF based on the results of the execution of the document; printout of the RKF, the formation of a summary of the execution of controlled documents for individual specified details or their combinations; conducting reference and information work, obtaining output forms for accounting and control of documents, turning off the computer

10 documents

4. Automated control of the execution of citizens' appeals

10 documents

5. Automated control over the execution of documents created for internal use

10 documents

3.1.4. Creation and maintenance of file cabinets

Performers - head of the office, senior inspector, inspector, clerk, secretary-typist, operator of electronic computers and computers, document manager.

Job Title

Unit of measure for the amount of work

Time standard, h

1. Compilation and maintenance of a control and reference file
Systematization, arrangement of the RC in the file cabinet in accordance with the classifiers or the card file construction scheme; making changes to the cards (recording information about the performer, postponing the deadline, etc.); selection of cards for documents whose deadlines are expiring (to inform the executors), rearrangement of the AC for completed documents in the appropriate section of the file cabinet, selection of the AC for documents with expiring deadlines (to inform the management)

10 registers

2. Maintaining an automated database to control the execution of documents
Turning on the computer, calling the details of the document on the screen, calling the RKF format, filling out a card for a newly received document or making changes (additions) to the card, information about performers, deadlines (postponement of deadlines); selection of cards within the system (cards for executed and unexecuted documents, for documents with expired deadlines) and by sections; printout of cards for documents with expired deadlines to inform managers; card printing; shutting down the computer

10 cards

3. Compilation and maintenance of a card file on the proposals and complaints of citizens
Filling in the cards according to the established form, systematization, placement of the RC in accordance with the classifiers or the scheme for building a card file, making changes to the cards

10 registers

4. Drawing up and maintaining thematic cards for departmental standards, orders, decisions
Filling in cards according to the established form, systematization, arranging thematic cards in accordance with classifiers or a card index scheme, arranging new cards, making changes to cards

10 thematic cards

3.1.5. Formation and registration of cases in structural divisions, examination of the scientific and practical value of documents, compilation of annual sections of case inventories, transfer of cases to a departmental archive.

Performers - head of the office, senior inspector, clerk, secretary-typist, operator of electronic computers and computers, document manager.

Job Title

Unit of measure for the amount of work

Time standard, h

1. Formation of files of permanent storage, drawing up titles, registration of files (management documentation)
Grouping executed documents into cases, checking the compliance of the content of documents with the headings of cases according to the nomenclature of cases, the correctness of the design and completeness (completeness) of documents, numbering the sheets in the case, compiling an internal inventory of the case documents and an attestation, compiling and clarifying the headings of the cases, describing the cases on the covers
2. Formation of files on the personnel of the organization, drawing up headings, registration of files
3. Formation of cases of temporary (over 10 years) storage, compilation of headings, registration of cases
4. Formation of cases of temporary (up to 10 years) storage, compilation of headings, registration of cases (management documentation)
Grouping executed documents into cases, checking the compliance of the content of documents with the headings of cases according to the nomenclature of cases, the correctness of execution and completeness (completeness) of documents, compiling and clarifying the headings of cases, describing cases on the covers
5. Conducting an examination of the scientific and practical value of documents and drawing up an act on the allocation for destruction of documents and files that are not subject to storage
Study of the composition and content of documents, determination of their scientific, historical and practical significance, sheet-by-sheet review of cases, selection of documents for permanent, temporary storage for destruction, drawing up an act on the allocation for destruction of documents that are not subject to storage, consideration of the act at a meeting of the CEC (EC), approval of the act
6. Drawing up annual sections of inventories of cases of permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage to be transferred to the archive of the organization
Compilation of the annual section of the inventory of cases that have passed the examination of value, consideration of the prepared section at the meeting of the CEC (EC), revision according to the comments, execution, approval in in due course, checking the quality of the formation and execution of cases, the compliance of the number of cases entered in the inventory with the number of cases filed according to the nomenclature of cases; affixing temporary ciphers (in pencil) on the covers of cases

10 descriptive inventory entries

7. Automated compilation of annual sections of inventories of cases of permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage to be transferred to the archive of the organization
Turning on the computer, calling up the inventory format on the display, entering data on cases that have passed the examination of value; reading of the compiled inventory, editing; printout; consideration of the annual section of the inventory at a meeting of the CEC (EC); making changes to the inventory in accordance with the comments made; listing the inventory section after revision, turning off the computer

10 descriptive inventory entries

8. Transfer of cases to the archive of the organization from the structural unit
Transfer of cases individually according to the inventories and nomenclatures of cases, transfer of copies of inventories, nomenclature of cases, control and reference and thematic files according to the schedule, execution of the transfer in the prescribed form

3.2. Time spent on the work of the archive of the organization

3.2.1. Methodological and organizational support of work.

Job Title

Unit of measure for the amount of work

Time standard, h

1. Development of regulatory teaching aids(instructions, recommendations, regulations)
Drawing up a bibliography, studying scientific and methodological literature and documents on the topic, identifying and collecting materials, analyzing them, drawing up a plan and diagram of the manual, systematizing information, writing a text, editing, discussing, finalizing according to comments

3.2.2. Creation of a scientific reference apparatus for the documents of the archive of the organization

Performers - the head of the archive, the archivist of the 1st category, the archivist of the 2nd category, the archivist.

Job Title

Unit of measure for the amount of work

Time standard, h

1. Compilation of annual sections of summary inventories of cases of permanent storage
Writing, drawing up an inventory (annual section of the summary inventory) in the prescribed form, consideration at a meeting of the CEC (EC), submission of an inventory for approval by the EPC of the state archive, discussion, revision based on comments, approval by the head of the organization

10 descriptive inventory entries

2. Compilation of summary inventories of cases by personnel
Writing, drawing up an inventory (annual section of the summary inventory) in the prescribed form, consideration at a meeting of the CEC (EC), submission of an inventory for approval by the state archive EPC, discussion, revision based on comments, approval by the head of the organization

10 descriptive inventory entries

3. Compilation of prefaces to inventories of archival funds
The study of legislative and scientific reference literature, the history of the fund and its documents in order to determine the dates of formation, reorganization, renaming, liquidation of the fund creator. clarification of its jurisdiction, functions, structure, study of the office work system, nature and condition of documents, collection and analysis of information about the presence and composition of the scientific reference apparatus (RSA) to the fund, about the features of processing and systematizing documents, writing the text of the preface, discussion, revision according to comments
4. Compilation of historical references to archival organization funds, institutions and enterprises
Collection of data on the history of the founder on the basis of information identified in the preparation of prefaces to the descriptions of cases for this period, writing the text of the certificate, discussion, revision according to the comments
5. Compilation of subject, geographical, name indexes to completed case inventories
Reviewing the inventory, identifying data, writing cards (with one concept per card), compiling an index

10 index cards

3.2.3. Document cataloging

The performers are the head of the archive, the archivist of the 1st category, the archivist of the 2nd category, the archivist, the operator of electronic computers and computers.

Job Title

Unit of measure for the amount of work

Time standard, h

1. Drawing up cards and maintaining a subject (subject-thematic) file cabinet
Studying the inventory in order to select cases for cataloging documents, browsing through the sheets, identifying documents subject to cataloging, annotating the contents of the identified documents, writing cards in the prescribed form, putting a cataloging stamp on the covers of cases; grouping cards alphabetically by subject concepts, then according to the scheme adopted for this file cabinet; arrangement of cards in the card index in accordance with the accepted systematization scheme

10 cards

2. Creation of an automated database of archive documents
Study of the inventory, selection of cases, sheet-by-sheet review of cases, identification of documents, turning on the computer, calling the card format to the display, filling it out, systematizing the cards in accordance with the established indexes according to the accepted scheme; turning off the computer; affixing a cataloging stamp on the cover of a case
- with printed cards

10 cards

- no card printing

10 cards

- on state, public, creative figures

10 cards

- by personnel

10 cards

3. Compilation of cards and maintaining a personal card index (for state, public, creative figures)
Study of the inventory, selection of cases for cataloging documents, sheet-by-sheet review of cases, identification of documents subject to cataloging, study of the content of identified documents, writing cards in the prescribed form, grouping cards by last names, first names and patronymics in alphabetical order, then according to the scheme adopted for this file cabinet ; arrangement of cards in the card index in accordance with the accepted systematization scheme

10 cards

4. Drawing up cards and maintaining a file cabinet for the personnel of the organization

10 cards

3.2.4. Use of documents. Information service of institutions and citizens

Performers - head of the archive, archivist of the 1st category, archivist of the 2nd category, archivist, archivist.

Job Title

Unit of measure for the amount of work

Time standard, h

1. Execution of topic requests
Familiarization with the request, studying the scientific reference apparatus of archive documents, identifying information on the topic of the request, writing the response text
2. Thematic identification and preparation white paper
Viewing cases, identifying information on the topic, compiling the text of an information document (thematic list, information letter)

1 printed sheet

3. Issuance of cases for temporary use
Familiarization with the request, determination of the location of cases by topographic indicators, seizure of cases, placement of substitute maps, checking the compliance of the cipher and title on the cover of the case and in the inventory (nomenclature of cases), checking the numbering of sheets and the physical condition of the cases, drawing up an act on the issuance of cases in temporary use, issue
4. Reception of visitors for the purpose of consultation
Advising on the composition and content of documents on the subject of the request, informing about the availability of documents in the archive to obtain a certificate of work, service, study

1 visitor

5. Execution of requests of a social and legal nature
Familiarization with the request (application), studying the scientific reference apparatus and archive documents, identifying biographical information, writing the text of the archive reference *
6. Acceptance and issuance of unclaimed work books
Acceptance of work books for storage, registration of admission, placement of work books in a file cabinet in alphabetical order, issuance of work books to owners

1 employment history

* Information is revealed for a period of not more than 5 years

3.2.5. Conducting a comprehensive (thematic) check of the state and operation of the archive of a subordinate institution

Performers - head of the archive, archivist of the 1st category.

Job Title

Unit of measure for the amount of work


time, h

1. Conducting a comprehensive (thematic) audit of the state and operation of the archive of a subordinate institution (participation in the audit together with employees of the state archive)
Studying the conditions for storing files, the state of accounting and the scientific reference apparatus, the efficiency of using documents, checking the readiness of documents for transfer to state departmental storage, the correctness of the examination of the value, processing files, informing the management of the organization about the results of the audit, discussing the results of the audit in the archive of a subordinate institution, drawing up a certificate on the results of the check

1 complex

3.2.6. Control over the organization of documents in the office work of the structural divisions of the department (organization) and in the institutions of the system.

Performers - head of the office, head of the expedition, senior inspector, inspector, head of the archive, archivist of the 1st category, archivist of the 2nd category.

Job Title

Unit of measure for the amount of work

Time standard, h

1. Conducting an audit of the organization of work with documents in the structural divisions of the department and in the institutions of its system
The study of the main tasks and functions of the institution as a whole and its structural divisions, drawing up an inspection plan, studying the work with documents at the object being inspected (together with employees of the clerical service), informing the management of the institution (structural unit) about the results of the inspection, discussing the results of the inspection at the facility, compiling testimonial certificates
1 check of one structural unit (institution), the nomenclature of cases of which includes up to 100 items
2. Control over the organization of work with documents in the office work of the structural divisions of the institution
Checking (together with employees of the clerical service) the correctness of the formation and description of cases, ensuring the safety of documents in the clerical work of compiling inventories, preparing cases for transfer to the departmental archive; preparation of proposals for improving the work with documents
1 verification of work with documents of one structural unit, the nomenclature of cases of which includes up to 100 items
3. Oral consultation of employees of the organization
Advising on the formation of cases, drawing up nomenclatures of cases, inventories, conducting an examination of value, selecting documents for state storage, practical application teaching aids

1 consultation

4. Making consultations in writing
Registration of a response to employees of the organization on the formation of cases, the compilation of nomenclatures of inventory cases, the examination of value, the selection of documents for state storage, the practical application of teaching aids
1 office letter in 1 typewritten sheet

3. 2.7. Ensuring the safety of documents

Performers - head of the archive, archivist of the 1st category, archivist of the 2nd category, archivist, senior custodian of funds, keeper of funds, archivist

Job Title


work volume measurement

Time standard, h

1. Reception of cases in the archive from the structural unit
Familiarization with the state of affairs, checking the correctness of the execution of cases, accepting cases according to the inventory (single), receiving a control and reference file for the documents of this annual section of the inventory, recording (in two copies of the inventory) information on the number of actually accepted cases, numbers of missing cases; placement of cases at the place of storage, a mark in topographical indexes about the placement of cases, an entry in the book of receipt and disposal of documents
2. Selection, preparation and transfer of documents for disinfection, disinfestation, restoration and binding
Selection of cases according to the acts of checking the presence, a card file (journal) of accounting for the physical condition of documents, registration in the book for issuing cases from the archive, placing an order in the prescribed form, transferring cases to the laboratory
3. Issuance (reception) of cases
Issue of cases: familiarization with the order, determination of the location of cases by topographic indicators, seizure of cases, placement of substitute cards, determination of the correspondence between the cipher and title on the cover of the case and in the inventory (nomenclature of cases), checking the numbering of sheets and the physical condition of cases, a mark in the issuance book files from the archives. Receipt of cases: visual inspection of cases, checking the numbering of sheets and the physical condition of cases, a note on the return of cases in the issuance book, withdrawal of deputies' cards, stacking cases in storage places

10 cases issued or accepted for archiving

4. Case cartoning
Placing cases in the box in numerical order, writing a label, sticking it on the box
5. Formation of bundles of cases to be stored
Grouping cases in numerical order, writing a label, attaching a label to twine, bandaging cases
6. Compilation of topographic indexes
Filling in the columns of the index card according to the established form, grouping cards in the sequence of racks, fund numbers

10 cards

7. Automated maintenance of topographic markers
Turn on the computer, call to the format display; filling in the columns (clarification of data in the columns) of the index card, grouping the cards in the established sequence of arrangement; printout; shutting down the computer

10 cards

8. Checking the availability and status of documents
Reconciliation of the actual availability of cases at the storage sites and according to the inventory (nomenclature of cases), the descriptive article of the inventory (nomenclature of cases) with the description on the cover of the case, checking the physical condition and technical execution of cases, filling out the availability check sheet indicating the physical state of cases in it, drawing up an act checking the availability and status of affairs in the fund

The rationing of the work of workers is carried out using the following types of labor standards: time standards, output standards, number norms, service standards, as well as standardized tasks.

Norm of time- this is a given value of the required time for the manufacture of a unit of product (unit of work) by one employee or a group of workers of a certain qualification in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions.

Production rate- this is a given number of units of products (volume of work) that an employee or a group of workers of a certain qualification must produce per unit of working time in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions.

population rate- this is a given number of employees of the corresponding profession and qualification, which is established necessary to perform the necessary work tasks (functions or scope of work) in certain organizational and technical conditions.

Service rate- this is a given number of units of means of production (equipment, devices, jobs, etc.) that an employee or group of workers of a certain profession and qualification must serve during a unit of working time in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions.

Normalized task- this is a given amount of work that an employee or group of employees must perform during a work shift or for another unit of working time.

There are also standard labor standards. These include intersectoral, sectoral and professional standards labor. Intersectoral labor standards are of a unified nature and are developed taking into account homogeneous organizational and technical conditions at enterprises in various industries. Industry labor standards are labor standards established for jobs specific to a particular industry. Their development is carried out through research at enterprises in a particular industry. Professional labor standards are developed for specific types of work in standard organizational and technical conditions. Local labor standards are labor standards developed directly at the enterprise itself for work that is specific to the organization and there are no typical intersectoral, sectoral, professional labor standards. With experience Russian enterprises examples and figures can be found in section Labor rationing portal libraries.

The setting of standardized worker assignments has become widespread in the past few decades to stimulate the productivity of hourly paid workers in the transition from mass and large-scale production to the production of a wide range of products in small batches. As a rule, normalized tasks are set by workers with time wages. For example, in the main production - workers employed on conveyor lines, operators automatic lines, electric and gas welders, in production service units - machine operators of repair, transport sections, machine operators of experimental and tool sections. Normalized tasks are developed on the basis of time norms (production) and are set in labor (standard hour) or physical indicators (tons, meters, units of repair complexity, etc.) within the framework of regulation of labor in production.

The norm of time (Nvr) and the norm of production (Nvyr) are inversely related, which is determined by the equations:

N vr =1/N vyr; H vyr \u003d 1 / H vr

Based on the norm of time per unit of output (work) and the estimated number of working hours in the time period, the standard output of the worker is determined.

Example . A worker makes an M-1 part in the 5-day mode working week duration 40h. The estimated average monthly norm of working time is 168 hours. The norm of time for the manufacture of a part is 0.33 standard hours. The production rates for time periods are characterized by the data of scheme 1.

Application of the norm of time for the calculation of standard output

Time period name

Estimated working time, hour

Norm of time per unit of production, standard hour

Normative production for the time period, pieces

511 (168,6/0,33)

6130 (2023/0,33)

Norms of time and norms of production are used in determining prices under the piecework principle of remuneration. The piece rate is determined by dividing the hourly rate (C) corresponding to the category of work performed by the hourly rate of output (H vyr) or by multiplying the hourly rate by the established time rate (H vr) in hours.

P \u003d C / H vyr or

P \u003d C x H vr

Example. Based on the data of the example, the norm of time for the manufacture of a part is 0.33 standard hours, the hourly production rate is -3.03 units. Work is charged 5 categories. Hourly tariff rate 5th category 16,000 rubles. Determine the piece rate in scheme 2.

Piece rate calculation

An example of piece rate calculation wages product assembler performing various work tasks is as follows (see diagram 3).

Sheet for calculating the piecework wages of the product assembler for the month

Process number

Tariff rate, rub

production rate,

Rate per unit of work, rub

Number of manufactured units

The amount of piecework payment, rub.

Total piecework wages for manufactured products

You can find practical examples of rationing at Russian and global enterprises in Almanac "Production Management"