Standard working hours per month established by Russian legislation. Hourly rate How to calculate working hours

The time calculator is designed to perform various time calculations and has several functions:

  • indication of the user's current time,
  • calculation of the time interval between two given points,
  • converting time from one unit to another (seconds, minutes, hours, days, HH:MM:SS).

Time calculator will help you determine the remaining time at a given moment. For example, by setting the end time of the working day, you can find out exactly how long you still have to work today. Or, for example, how much time is left for sleep. To do this, simply enter the time for which you set your alarm and the current time.

But, besides comical ways to use the time calculator, it can also be used for real purposes. Officials responsible for calculating the time worked by employees of the organization to determine overtime can also resort to a time calculator. To do this, it is enough to enter the employee’s arrival and departure time from work according to the electronic pass system, and the calculator itself will calculate the number of hours worked.

In addition, a time calculator can be useful for determining the recording time on video media. If several recordings have been made on video media, then by setting the start and end times of the recording, you can determine its duration.

In addition to the indicated ways of using the time interval calculation function, many more examples can be given, but we can say with confidence that everyone can find a use for it both for personal, perhaps entertainment, purposes, and for serious work issues.

Time calculator

Hours: Minutes: Seconds

Time #1 : :
Time #2 : :


The time calculator's function for converting from one time unit to another allows you to easily convert days into hours, minutes and even seconds, into the hours-minutes-seconds format, and also in the opposite direction.

For example, you are going to the cinema to watch something from the latest releases, and when you go to a website with descriptions of films, you find out that the duration of the film is 164 minutes, which, you see, is not very clear. But, using a time calculator, you can easily determine that the duration of the film is 2 hours 44 minutes, which is much clearer for planning your time.

In this lesson:

  • Task 1. Calculate the number of main workers

Problem 1. Calculate the number of main workers

Calculate the number of main piece workers by profession and category, provided that the time budget for one worker is 1752 hours. Data for calculating labor intensity production program are presented below:
Indicators product
Average coefficient
compliance with standards
production output, pcs. 2000 5000
Labor intensity by type of work, standard hours
4th grade lathes 3 2 1,2
milling machines 4th category2 2 1,1
milling machines 6th category1 1 1,2
drilling machines 3rd category1 1 1,0
grinding machines 4th grade2 3 1,3
grinding machines 6th grade1 2 1,2
8th grade assembly4 2 1,0

A comment.
Unfortunately, those people who teach at our universities have “just passed by the plant,” so they often do not understand the meaning of certain indicators. If on average (!!!) the norm is exceeded by 30%, then you need to fire the standard setter and carry out a complete re-standardization technological process, and not calculate the number of personnel based on these norm curves.

Teachers do not understand the reasons why such situations arise and, accordingly, cannot tell students about them. And what quality of specialist will come to work at the enterprise if he has no idea about this? He can’t even imagine... There can be a lot of possible reasons. One of them is when the workshop manager needs to encourage the grinder Vasya. The management does not give a bonus, and Vasya is a “good guy”. Then the rate-setter (at the direction of his superiors, and maybe even personal sympathies) overestimates the time standard for him and Vasya becomes a “production leader”, doing exactly the same work. Other workers see this, and after some time the circle of “advanced workers” expands within the limits of the personal sympathies of the standard setter and the shop manager. And everything would be fine, but... our production cycle suddenly increases, labor productivity drops, and production costs rise. And for the shop manager - it’s good, his plan was reduced in accordance with the labor intensity, Vasya - it’s good, his salary is higher. It’s only bad for the enterprise as a whole, but no one cares, right?

And you need to be able to manage such processes, identify them, find reasons... But why? It is more important for a teacher to teach a student how to add and subtract numbers! And then the workers in the workshop will be happy to “hang noodles on the ears” of such a “specialist”, quietly laughing behind his back at the “burdock”.

The "decision" itself represents the most idiotic thing an economist can do. If the norm is “exceeded” by 1.3 times, then fewer workers are needed by 1.3 times. (which is what workers with standardization achieve, receiving wages 1.3 times higher than the calculated one). In fact, real management decision should look like this: “reconsider the entire wage system in the workshop and re-standardize technological operations, bringing them into line with the real technical process, and wages in line with real market conditions.” But you need to think about it, and adding up the numbers is much easier...

There should be 4th grade turners...
(2000 x 3 + 5000 x 2) / 1752 / 1.2 = 7.61 ≈ 8 people (rounding down, we would increase labor intensity by more than 10%)

Milling operators 4th category
(2000 x 2 + 5000 x 2) /1752 / 1.1 = 7.264 ≈ 7

Milling operators 6th category
(2000 x 1 + 5000 x 1) / 1752 / 1.2 = 3.33 ≈ 4

Drillers 3rd category
(2000 x 1 + 5000 x 1) / 1752 / 1 = 3.99 ≈ 4
It's funny, but the condition of the problem coincided with the situation in real life. Regular artificial increase in time standards always affects “old” workers high ranks. And such “hazing” leads to the fact that newcomers (1-3 categories) are not able to earn normal money, since they are directed to the most “unprofitable” operations (k = 1). As a result, after working like this for a couple of months, the newcomer leaves. And the shop manager then makes “Yaroslavna’s cry” about the lack of workers. For this, they then regularly punish... personnel officers. And our “specialist” after the institute receives only the best reviews. Otherwise, they might send a competent specialist to the workshop...

Grinders 4th category
(2000 x 3 + 5000 x 2) / 1752 / 1.3 = 7.02 ≈ 7 people

Grinders 6th category
(2000 x 1 + 5000 x 2) / 1752 / 1.2 = 5.71 ≈ 6 people

8th grade collectors
(2000 x 4 + 5000 x 2) / 1752 / 1.0 = 10.27 ≈ 10 people

Task 2. Determine the number of workers based on the labor intensity of the production program

Calculate the planned number of workers based on labor intensity data individual species works Annual efficient fund working time of one average worker - 1675 hours. Other source data is shown in the table below.

t– total labor intensity of the production program for the accounting year. Measured in standard hours.

F ef.– effective (real) fund of the working time of one worker. Measured in hours.

To v.n.– the expected average rate of fulfillment of production standards by employees in the accounting year.

n– number of types of manufactured products.

t i– planned (normative) labor intensity of a unit of the i-th type of product. Measured in standard hours.

m i– the number of products of the i-th type. Measured in pieces.

Let's substitute the values ​​into the formula.

Main slave. =(15+21+11+7+23)*70,000/1.08*1675=77*70,000/1809=

5,390,000/1809=2980 employees.

Answer: 2980 employees.

Task 3. Determine the number of cleaners and support workers

Determine the number of cleaners and auxiliary workers in the metal machining workshop based on basic data on service standards. The source data is shown in the table below. The workshop operating mode is one-shift.



Number of jobs in the workshop

Including places equipped with metal-cutting machines

Service standards for certain categories of personnel and workplaces:





Quality controllers



Standard of service for cleaners, m2

Average area of ​​one machine operator's workplace, m2

Average area of ​​other workplaces, m2


In order to find the number of cleaners, we need to find the area of ​​the workshop.

S workshop = (number of workplaces in the workshop - number of workplaces equipped with metal-cutting machines) * average area of ​​other workplaces + number of workplaces equipped with metal-cutting machines * average area of ​​one machine operator's workplace.

Let's substitute the values ​​into the formula

S workshop =(600-370)*8+370*15=230*8+5550=1840+5550=7390 m 2


At 36 hours: 36: 5 (days) x 21 = 151.2 hours. Hence the conclusion is this: the maximum working time in October 2017 should not exceed 168 hours. Six-day week A six-day week also cannot exceed 40 hours in total. Let's take the same October with a six-day week. There will be 26 working days, the norm is 168 hours. 168 divided by 26 equals approximately 6 and a half hours a day. But in the Russian Federation, during a six-day working week, a 7-hour duration of work time is used, and before the weekend it is reduced to 5 hours. In anticipation holiday on a five-day week the working day is reduced by one hour, on a six-day week the working day cannot be more than five hours. Number of working days between dates (formula) Excel has a function called NETWORKDAYS. Its arguments are the start and end dates. These are required values ​​to enter. And also an optional argument - holidays.

How to correctly calculate employee working hours?

For night work, additional financial bonuses are provided, amounting to at least 20% of the average tariff hourly rate for each hour worked on the night shift. On holidays and weekends, pay for work also provides for an increased amount:

  • hourly workers – double rate per hour;
  • piece workers - double price;
  • “sitting” on a salary - single or double average daily or average hourly earnings (doubling depends on whether overtime took place along with going on a non-working day).

Compensation is allowed not in financial form, but in the form of additional time for rest (this is agreed with the worker himself). IMPORTANT! If an employee’s departure on a holiday or day off is provided for according to the RMS schedule, then this time is counted as working time and is included in the norm that is established for the accounting period.

Working time standards and their calculation

I respect those who fundamentally do not read the instructions, but, you must admit, the cost of an error in calculating the number of people may be too high. How to use the calculator to calculate headcount 1. First, enter into the calculator all types of operations/work performed by the employee or employees of the department.

In order not to lose anything, group them by work blocks/business processes. 2. For each type of work, determine the standard time and frequency of performing this work (quantity per shift/day/week/month/year). You determine the norm either expertly - as the arithmetic mean between the maximum and minimum time for performing an operation, or using timing.
3. Multiplying the standard time by the frequency of work/operations in the selected period (shift, day, week, month, year), you get the amount of work per month, calculated in hours. 4.


Lunch and technological breaks, preparing the work area and cleaning it, maintaining production equipment in normal condition technical condition- initially included in the planning of working time and are standardized time expenditures. Types of working time losses Whole-day Loss of a working day (shift). They arise due to non-supply of resources, accidents at the enterprise, vacations, sick leave, maternity leave.


Intraday (intra-shift) Time irrationally used within one workday: frequent smoke breaks, conversations not related to production issues, preoccupation with personal problems. Planned Planned consumption of working time, regulated by management. For example: assigning the responsibilities of an employee who did not show up for duty to the rest of the team members; an increase in the number of rest breaks due to changed working conditions.

Time calculator


This rate is calculated based on the total hourly rate for the month. Principles for calculating wages using a working time sheet Calculation of holidays when recording working time in summary is carried out on the basis of Article 53. This article contains information on payment during the holiday period.

There are such types of payment as:
  • double piecework payment (paid to persons who work piecework);
  • double tariff rate per day or hour (paid to employees who work based on these rates);
  • In the case of salary payments, the following payments are provided on holidays - a single rate in addition to the salary in the absence of overtime or a double rate in excess of the salary if the calendar norm is exceeded.

In addition, the establishment of a specific size on holidays and weekends is made when registering labor relations.

Procedure for calculating lost working time

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation clearly requires the drawing up of an RMS schedule only for an operating mode that includes shifts. For other operating modes, such a requirement is not legally binding. However, most often employers prefer to draw up such schedules, since it is practically impossible to ensure compliance of working hours with legal standards, especially in a long accounting period, in any other way. The schedule is based on regulatory documents enterprises:

  • collective agreement;
  • individual employment contracts or additional agreements thereto;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • other local acts.

ATTENTION! The RMS schedule can be drawn up both for the entire enterprise as a whole, and for individual groups of employees or individuals, and can be used for permanent basis or introduced temporarily.

Calculation of shift work schedule

If you use inspections only as a way to punish workers, you can get indignation and resistance from the work collective in response. Therefore, before observation, it is recommended to hold a meeting at which it will be explained in detail for what purposes the inspection is being carried out and how its results may affect further work.

  • Carrying out inspections using PDF, timing or photo timing methods requires serious preparation associated with material and time costs. In some cases, their implementation is impractical. It is more cost-effective to carry out such checks for large companies with a large number of employees.
  • To standardize time costs, an integrated approach is required, combining different inspection methods, as well as an analysis of the condition of production equipment and labor safety conditions.

Calculating headcount using a calculator from an HR practitioner

Do not forget about the principles of calculating the number that you should have read about in the article about 8 basic principles calculation of numbers - all calculations are made in accordance with them. If the calculator’s algorithms suddenly fail, a cell highlighted in red with the amount of “lost” hours will appear to the right of the “Control” inscription. What difficulties may you encounter in preparing data for calculating the number of personnel? Often, when rationing operations, the maximum time for their completion is several times greater than the minimum.

This happens when the name of one operation hides several operations that differ in content and volume of work.

How is summarized working time recording used?

The very concept of working time implies the period during which the employee fulfills his labor obligations in accordance with the contract concluded with him and the principles of internal regulations. This definition also includes other time periods called working time in the Labor Code. Legislative norms According to Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the norm cannot exceed 40 hours per week.
In cases where the employer, following the law, must establish a reduced work time, approved 24, 35 or 36 hours per week. Labor Code RF Norm RV is necessary for setting wages, as well as for paying for hours worked overtime, on weekends and holidays. Time standards The following time standards are distinguished:

  • Work week.

How to calculate man hours

  • The amount of time worked during RMS during the accounting period should not exceed that provided for by law.
  • The RMS schedule is mandatory when organizing shift work and is desirable in all other modes.
  • The accounting period under the RMS regime is set arbitrarily, except for those types of activities where it is provided for by law, and it is unlawful to set it longer than 1 year.
  • The following items must be regulated in the RMS schedule:
  • the beginning and end of the labor process;
  • duration of the shift (working day) in hours;
  • frequency of work shifts and days off;
  • rest time between shifts.
  • It is forbidden to include significant rework in the schedule (this is fraught with administrative liability), and shortcomings are also undesirable.

The calculator for calculating the number allows

  • determine the amount of work for which the headcount will be calculated;
  • determine time standards for performing individual operations;
  • take into account when calculating the number of lost working hours and the absenteeism rate;
  • assess the actual workload of workers given the current workload and the existing number and staff;
  • calculate the number of workers required to complete a certain amount of work (target number);
  • compare the target number with the actual number to understand the need to change the number or staff.

For those who want to correctly calculate the number of personnel First, read the article about 8 basic principles for calculating headcount - this will allow you to avoid making gross mistakes when collecting data and setting up the calculator.
One personnel check may not be enough. If employees are told that new labor time standards will be applied based on the results of the check, they will deliberately work more slowly. Work on analyzing the distribution of time and the reasons for its loss should be carried out by competent employees and regularly submitted in the form of reports. For the head of an organization, it is necessary to understand that the correct use of time is the key to stable work and achieving maximum profit.

The more cases of lost working time are identified, the higher the likelihood of increasing labor productivity.

Question Please tell me how to correctly calculate the standard working time of an employee if he was on sick leave or on vacation during the accounting period when recording working time in aggregate and with a shift work schedule? Answer When calculating normal working hours, you must exclude sickness and vacation time. Then you need to calculate the standard working time for the remaining period and compare it with the number of hours actually worked by the employee. The basis is the standard working time according to the production calendar for a five-day working week. For example: in August, according to the production calendar, there are 176 working hours. If an employee was on vacation from August 1 to August 14, this time must be excluded. 31-14=17 calendar days left. Of these, 12 working days. 12*8=96 working hours will be the standard working time for this employee in August. Details in the System materials: 1.

An example of correct calculation of working hours

B, allowing overtime that does not exceed the established limits: for each member of the work team, more than 120 hours cannot be overworked during the year, and over 2 days in a row - more than 4 hours (Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If it is not possible to create a schedule without processing included in it, this means that the organization does not have enough staff and it should increase the number of personnel.
Overtime pay standards Labor legislation provides special regulations for calculating labor remuneration for overtime:

  • for the first two hours overtime, pay time and a half;
  • for subsequent hours - double the hourly rate (for hourly pricing);
  • additional payment in the amount of one more corresponding hourly rate (for piecework payment).

REMEMBER! It is impossible to compensate for overtime in one accounting period with a shortage of working hours in the next.


  • When using the monthly working time standard:
  • November 2015 - 40,000: 159 × 150 = RUB 37,735.85 December 2015 - 40,000: 183 × 192 = 41,967.21 rubles.
  1. When using the annual working time standard:

November 2015 - 40,000: (1,971 / 12) × 150 = RUB 36,529.68
December 2015 - 40,000: (1,971 / 12) × 192= 46,757.99 rub. The rules for calculating the hourly rate for the purposes of calculating wages are determined by the employer and must be recorded in the local regulatory legal acts.
This is mandatory because different calculation methods give different results for the amount of income an employee receives in a particular month. It seems appropriate to set an hourly rate calculated on the basis of the monthly norm for an accounting period other than 1 month, but less than 1 year, and for an annual accounting period - an hourly rate calculated on the basis of the annual working time norm.

How to calculate working hours

Download the Labor Code of the Russian Federation When working in such a schedule, the norm of 40 is not met, therefore, those hours that exceed the norm are considered overtime. The number of such hours is determined after the end of the accounting period, which must be one year.

In this case, the overworked time will be compensated for by the unworked time. Time sheet for recording and use of working time Actual hours worked by an employee of an organization are subject to accounting, which is determined by the Ministry of Finance.


The time sheet contains indicators of hours worked and registered deviations from the standard use of the Russian Federation, such as vacation pay or sick period. These variances are used to calculate payroll in the company.

The organization's accounting sheet must be updated every month by authorized persons who are assigned to perform these duties.

Working time standards and their calculation

At 36 hours: 36: 5 (days) x 21 = 151.2 hours. Hence the conclusion is this: the maximum working time in October 2017 should not exceed 168 hours. Six-day week A six-day week also cannot exceed 40 hours in total.


Let's take the same October with a six-day week. There will be 26 working days, the norm is 168 hours. 168 divided by 26 equals approximately 6 and a half hours a day. But in the Russian Federation, during a six-day working week, a 7-hour duration of work time is used, and before the weekend it is reduced to 5 hours.

On the eve of a holiday, during a five-day period the working day is reduced by one hour; during a six-day period, the working day cannot be more than five hours. Number of working days between dates (formula) Excel has a function called NETWORKDAYS. Its arguments are the start and end dates. These are required values ​​to enter. And also an optional argument - holidays.

How to calculate man hours

The most commonly used system of remuneration for actual time worked is:

  • hourly tariff rates: the monthly amount paid is calculated based on the hours worked during each specific month;
  • official salaries: a fixed amount is paid monthly if all shifts are worked in accordance with the planned schedule.

NOTE! With a salary system, the average salary for 1 hour of work will be different in one month or another, the total amount will “accumulate” only at the end of the accounting period. With hourly pricing, the cost per hour is always the same, since it is a fixed value, documented.

It is possible to use piecework wages, when remuneration is calculated depending on the number of units of products produced or operations performed.

How is summarized working time recording used?

  • The basis is a 5-day work week and two days off.
  • Its duration in hours must be divided by five and multiplied by working days in the month. You can calculate the number of working days yourself, based on the production calendar.
  • When making a calculation, it is necessary to subtract the time that the employee did not actually work.

    For example, he was on sick leave.

  • When the accounting period is set to another period rather than a month, you first need to calculate the rate for the month. Next, the obtained data is added up.

Articles No. 92, No. 94, No. 284, No. 299, No. 333 of the Labor Code establish specific rules for individual categories of persons.

To learn about the employer's recording of working time and compliance with working time standards, see the following video. When calculating the total number of days for the year, the accountant takes into account the limit of overtime established by law.

How to correctly calculate an employee’s working hours?

If a day off and a holiday coincide, the day off is transferred to the next day after the holiday. If a holiday falls on a working week, the working day preceding it is shortened by one hour.

This calculation applies to all types of working week, including six-day ones. 3 As a result of the above, the standard working week for a particular month should be calculated in the following order: the length of the working week, expressed in hours, is divided by the number of days in the week, multiplied by the number of working days according to the calendar of the six-day or five-day system, and from this number the number of hours is subtracted for which in a given month working hours are reduced on the eve of holidays.

How to correctly calculate employee working hours?

And the quantity overtime hours calculate based on the results of the accounting period (Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An example of calculating the number of overtime hours when using summarized working time recording. During the accounting period, the employee was sick. The driver of Alpha CJSC, Yu.I. Kolesov has been provided with a summarized recording of working time.

The accounting period is quarter. According to the calendar of a 40-hour working week in the first quarter of 2013 – 454 working hours, including: – in January – 136 hours; – in February – 159 hours; – in March – 159 hours. In February, Kolesov was ill. Due to illness, he missed two days or 20 hours of work according to his work schedule.

In total, in the first quarter of 2013, the employee actually worked 436 hours. Taking into account the time of illness, during the accounting period the employee had to work: 454 hours – 20 hours = 434 hours.

The overtime was: 436 hours – 434 hours = 2 hours. He needs to pay the difference of 2 hours as overtime.

Total accounting of working time - calculation examples

This includes time:

  • preparation of the place of work;
  • receiving an order;
  • delivery of received products;
  • etc.

Legislative acts have approved certain labor time standards. Every company must adhere to them. Standard working hours What is the normal working time per week can be calculated based on Art. 91 TK. This legislative act defines the work standard of forty hours per week. Respectively:

  • (40 * 4) 160 standard working hours per month;
  • (40 / 5) 8 hours per day.

You should know You should distinguish between employee overtime, which are considered overtime work from irregular working hours. An irregular working day according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is a stipulated employment contract a special work schedule, which already includes occasional cases of overtime.

Standard working hours per month established by Russian legislation

Solution: the employer is, of course, obliged to familiarize the employee with the schedule, but the law does not say that consent must confirm the schedule for the entire accounting period, even if it is a whole year. It is advisable for the employer to draw up a preliminary annual schedule for accounting for RMS, and introduce it into work in small parts, most conveniently in monthly periods.

Thus, the employee will get acquainted with the new schedule and sign it monthly, and it will be possible to make the necessary adjustments to it in a timely manner. Payment and overtime (overtime with summarized accounting of working hours) Labor remuneration in compliance with the RMS schedule The method of calculating payment is chosen by the employer and agreed upon with hired by an employee, which is enshrined in an employment or collective agreement. It is possible to use different salary systems.

How to calculate your hours

No matter how they are distributed working hours over the course of a week, ten days, month, quarter, their total number for an accounting period that does not exceed a year must comply with the standards established by law. Let's consider the nuances regarding the schedule of such accounting, and also analyze how it will be implemented when shift mode labor. Let us touch upon the issues of calculating remuneration for labor using this accounting method, including in situations where there was overtime. Let us show how working hours are calculated when summing up using a specific example. Special view working time accounting - summarized Summarized accounting is, in fact, a special working mode based on compliance with certain schedules (as a rule, these are “sliding” or shift schedules).

Therefore, hours exceeding the norm will be considered overtime, and their number will be determined at the end of the accounting period. Here it is more convenient to choose a period for accounting equal to one year. Then the processing will be compensated by the shortfall. Calculation for part-time pay In a normal working week (40 hours), the calculation is made as follows:

  • If 0.75 of the rate is taken into account, then 40 * 0.75 = 30 hours per week. For a five-day period, divide 30 by 5, and it turns out that the daily norm is 6 hours. To calculate the number of hours per month, you need 30: 5 * (number of working days in calendar month). For example, in February 2017 there are 20 working days. So 30: 5 * 20 = 120 hours.
  • 0.25 rate: 40 * 0.25 = 10 hours. It must be taken into account that working time can be distributed either 5 days for 2 hours, or 2 days for 5 hours. Next, we also take February: divide 10 by 5 and multiply by 20.

How to correctly calculate employee working hours?

B, allowing overtime that does not exceed the established limits: for each member of the work team, more than 120 hours cannot be overworked during the year, and over 2 days in a row - more than 4 hours (Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If it is not possible to create a schedule without processing included in it, this means that the organization does not have enough staff and it should increase the number of personnel.
Overtime payment standards Labor legislation provides for special regulations for calculating labor remuneration for overtime:

  • for the first two hours overtime, pay time and a half;
  • for subsequent hours - double the hourly rate (for hourly pricing);
  • additional payment in the amount of one more corresponding hourly rate (for piecework payment).

REMEMBER! It is impossible to compensate for overtime in one accounting period with a shortage of working hours in the next.

Working time standards and their calculation

You should monitor the working conditions in the organization and strive to improve them, for example, provide staff with special clothing in winter, monitor the condition of equipment, and take measures to ensure fire safety.

  • It is more cost-effective for an organization to split an employee’s vacation period into parts throughout the year (for example, vacation twice a year for 14 days). In this way, massive shortages of labor resources in certain months and loss of profits can be avoided.
  • For companies related to the service sector or sales, it is effective to implement a verification system using secret visitors or secret shoppers.

    This form of verification allows you to see all the shortcomings in customer service, and also allows you to control the employee’s time spent.

  • Conducting open checks (using PDF methods, timing, photo timing) must be as correct as possible.



Download the Labor Code of the Russian Federation When working in such a schedule, the norm of 40 is not met, therefore, those hours that exceed the norm are considered overtime. The number of such hours is determined after the end of the accounting period, which must be one year.


In this case, the overworked time will be compensated for by the unworked time. Time sheet for recording and use of working time Actual hours worked by an employee of an organization are subject to accounting, which is determined by the Ministry of Finance.

The time sheet contains indicators of hours worked and registered deviations from the standard use of the Russian Federation, such as vacation or sick leave. These variances are used to calculate payroll in the company.
The organization's accounting sheet must be updated every month by authorized persons who are assigned to perform these duties.

Time calculator

Non-standardized costs r.v. Deciphering the PP + Preparatory and final actions - preparing the equipment and the employee himself to perform production actions. OP + Operational work OBS + Maintenance of the place of work OTL + Rest POT + Lost time due to the fault of the organization NTD + Lost time due to the fault of the employee

  1. Timing is a method of selective observation.


    The report indicates the time spent on a specific operation. The difference between the timing method and working time photography is that the actions on the observation sheet are not indicated in direct sequence, but more attention is paid to the time spent on cyclic actions.

    For example, let’s take a sheet of timekeeping for the working hours of a promoter conducting a promotion in mall. Date Action Index Duration, min. % of working time 08/21/2017 1).
    Replenishment of stocks at the promotional counter 2).

    Procedure for calculating lost working time

    The main difficulties in drawing up a schedule Organizing a summary accounting schedule is a rather painstaking procedure. Compilers are faced with many difficulties during the planning process, which must be resolved based on specific situations.
    Let's consider the main difficulties that stand in the way of the RMS scheduler and outline possible ways to overcome them.

    1. Setting up alternating shifts and days off. Depending on the length of the shift, such a number of hours of work may accumulate during the accounting year that will not meet the established annual norm.
      This can happen if, for example, the norm for the year turns out to be odd, but the shift is designed for an even number. The solution may be to draw up a schedule with minimal shortcomings or adjust the work with additional days off.

    Calculation of shift work schedule

    How to calculate man-hours for statistics? Heads of organizations are required to indicate data on man-hours worked in the static observation form No. P-4 “Information on the number and wages workers”, approved by Rosstat order No. 498 dated October 26, 2015. It also approved the rules for filling it out. Formula for P-4, man-hours, calculation: CHH = CH1 + CH2 + ... + CHN, where: CHH is the number of man-hours worked; CHN is the number of hours worked by each specific employee.

    They add up all the time worked by the employee on working days in the organization, as well as outside it. Extracurricular hours, work on business trips, and work in a combined position (at the same enterprise) are taken into account. Therefore, if an enterprise has employees who work full-time and part-time, separate calculations are carried out for them using a working time sheet.

    Calculating headcount using a calculator from an HR practitioner

    The basis for establishing such schedules is the reason “by contradiction” - when it is not possible to plan the regime in such a way that the working week is the fixed number of hours provided for by the norms of Art. 91-92 Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

    • 24 – for youth under 16 years of age;
    • 35 – for those with a disability group;
    • 36 – for teachers and workers in hazardous industries;
    • 39 – for doctors
    • 40 hours is the standard duration.

    A working week cannot include more than 40 hours. With RMS, shortcomings during one period can be compensated by processing in other time intervals, which in total reaches the result required by the standard. Summarized working time schedule (SWS) When introducing a SWS system at an enterprise, a work schedule is a mandatory document. FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Art.

    How is summarized working time recording used?

    No matter how labor hours are distributed over the course of a week, ten days, month, quarter, their total number for an accounting period that does not exceed a year must comply with the standards established by law. Let's consider the nuances regarding the schedule of such accounting, and also analyze how it will be implemented during a shift work schedule.

    Let us touch upon the issues of calculating remuneration for labor using this accounting method, including in situations where there was overtime. Let us show how working hours are calculated when summing up using a specific example.

    A special type of working time tracking is summarized. Summarized accounting is, in fact, a special working mode based on compliance with certain schedules (as a rule, these are “sliding” or shift schedules).

    How to calculate man hours

    How to calculate man-hours for a year? To obtain this indicator, it is necessary to add up all the hours worked by the employee in working days inside and outside the company. That is, the calculation includes labor time on work trips, overtime work, as well as work in a combined position in the same company. B is not taken into account when calculating:

    • the period of illness of the employee specified in the sick leave certificate;
    • vacation time for nursing mothers;
    • the time when the employee did not work for reasons that did not depend on him;
    • time annual leave worker;
    • reduced working hours;
    • the time when the employee improved his qualifications without being involved in the work process;
    • time of employees' participation in strikes;
    • other reasons for the employee’s absence from work.

    The total amount consists of all man-hours for each employee.

    • insufficient production of goods and services;
    • the potential profit of the enterprise can be received in a smaller volume;
    • loss of important clients;
    • lack of motivation and motivation of staff

    Elimination of lost working time It is advisable to carry out comprehensive measures, including:

    • Monitoring compliance with labor discipline, introducing a system of fines for its violation (being late, being away from the workplace, conversations or phone calls not related to production issues, leaving work early, etc.) Implementation software for office employees, allowing to monitor the time spent by an employee viewing third-party sites and social networks
    • Providing measures for the uninterrupted operation of production equipment - regular checking of the serviceability of mechanisms and the service life of components.

    The most commonly used system of remuneration for actual time worked is:

    • hourly tariff rates: the monthly amount paid is calculated based on the hours worked during each specific month;
    • official salaries: a fixed amount is paid monthly if all shifts are worked in accordance with the planned schedule.

    NOTE! With a salary system, the average salary for 1 hour of work will be different in one month or another, the total amount will “accumulate” only at the end of the accounting period. With hourly pricing, the cost per hour is always the same, since it is a fixed value, documented. It is possible to use piecework wages, when remuneration is calculated depending on the number of units of products produced or operations performed.