Basic forms of financial control. Types, forms and methods of financial control. Financial control bodies

Under financial control understand the duties of state, municipal, public and other business entities regulated by legal norms to verify the timeliness and accuracy of financial planning, the validity and completeness of the receipt of income in the relevant funds of funds, the correctness and efficiency of their use.

Financial control - the most important means of ensuring legality in financial and economic affairs. Financial control prevents mismanagement and wastefulness, identifies facts of abuse and theft of goods and materials and funds. The effectiveness of financial control carried out by various entities - state authorities, local governments, auditors, audit organizations - is decisively determined by their interaction, including with law enforcement agencies.

Financial control is carried out in various types and forms, using various methods of its implementation.

Depending on the legal nature of the entities carrying out control activities, financial control is divided into:

State financial control carried out by federal legislative bodies, federal executive bodies, incl. specially created. The legislation provides for complex audits and thematic checks of the receipt and expenditure of budget funds in federal executive bodies, as well as in enterprises and organizations using federal budget funds, to be carried out at least once a year by the relevant control and financial bodies. Objects of control: execution of the federal budget and the budget of federal extra-budgetary funds; organization of money circulation; use of credit resources; the state of state internal and external debt, state reserves; provision of financial and tax benefits and benefits.

In accordance with the division of functions and powers established by law subjects of state financial control are: Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation; Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBRF); Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Federal Treasury, Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision, Federal Tax Service); State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation; Federal Service of Russia for Currency and Expert Control; control and audit bodies of federal executive authorities; other bodies exercising control over the receipt and expenditure of funds from the federal budget and federal extra-budgetary funds.

On-farm control - this is control of financial and economic activities carried out by certain services of the enterprise or organization itself. Object control is exercised by both the enterprise as a whole and its individual structural divisions. The most important functions: formation of accounting policies; conducting accounting; compilation in deadlines credible financial statements; control over the movement of property and fulfillment of obligations; ensuring compliance of all business operations carried out by the enterprise (institution) with the legislation. On-farm control is carried out by the accounting department, financial department and some other electronic services. The key link in the system of internal control is the chief accountant. When performing his functions, the chief accountant reports directly to the head of the enterprise, by whose order he is appointed and dismissed.

Financial and credit authorities (banking control) . This is monetary control over financial and economic activities carried out by banks during lending, financing and settlement operations. There are several methods of banking control. Preliminary And current financial control is carried out during the monetary transactions by checking the submitted documents for the right to receive a loan, making payments from loan accounts. When applying for a loan, the bank checks whether the company has its own working capital and gets acquainted with the most important financial and economic indicators. When issuing a loan, the bank checks its collateral, i.e. the presence of goods and materials at the enterprise. The audit is carried out on the basis of accounting data, according to the reporting balances of business entities, as well as on-site checking the storage conditions of collateral objects. When executing a client’s order to transfer money to his counterparty, the bank checks the transaction’s compliance with the law: payment must be made for goods delivered, work performed - in accordance with the contract or on another basis specified in the regulatory act. Banks monitor the timeliness of presentation of payment documents by the supplier and payment by the buyer on time. The payer's refusal to pay bills must be motivated, otherwise the funds due are debited from the customer's account. The most important link in the banking system is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, endowed with broad supervisory powers. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation supervises compliance by banks and other credit organizations with current banking legislation.

Public ;

Independent (auditing) . This is a relatively new area of ​​financial control. Audit is a form of entrepreneurial activity of auditors (audit firms) to carry out independent non-departmental audits of financial statements, payment and settlement documentation, tax returns and others. financial obligations and requirements of business entities, as well as for the provision of other audit services to them. The main goal of auditors is to establish the reliability of the financial statements of business entities and the compliance of their financial and business transactions regulations RF. Auditors and audit firms have the right to practice after professional certification and state registration as a business entity. At the same time, they receive a license and register with state register auditors and audit firms. In the Russian Federation, auditing activities are specialized. Banking audit is licensed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, audit of insurance organizations, general audit, as well as audit of investment funds - by the relevant departments of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Depending on the time of control, financial control has the following forms (ways of concrete expression and organization of control actions):

Preliminary financial control is carried out before any financial event is carried out, for example, checking the correctness and legality of documents that serve as the basis for receiving or spending funds. This form of control is carried out by higher-level economic management bodies and institutions of the financial and credit system when considering financial (credit, cash) plans, estimates and transfers of budget funds.

Current (operational) financial control carried out daily by financial services to prevent violations of financial discipline in the process of business development. This form of control is based on operational and accounting data, inventories and visual observation. It serves to prevent financial irregularities. The object of current control primarily becomes documentation directly related to the payment or receipt of funds

Subsequent control is an integral component of external (departmental and non-departmental) and intra-economic (accounting) control. This form of control comes down to checking financial and economic transactions for the past period for the legality and appropriateness of the expenses incurred, the completeness and timeliness of the receipt of funds provided for by the budget. It is carried out through the analysis of reports and balances, as well as checks and audits directly on site - at enterprises, institutions and organizations. Subsequent control is characterized by an in-depth study of all aspects of economic and financial activity, which makes it possible to reveal the shortcomings of two other forms of financial control - preliminary and current.

There are several methods for exercising financial control :

1) Observation – this is a general acquaintance with the state of the financial activities of the control object;

2) Examination addresses the main issues of financial affairs and is carried out on the spot using balance sheets, reporting and expense documents to identify violations of financial discipline and eliminate their consequences;

3) Survey is carried out in relation to individual aspects of financial reporting and is based on a wider range of indicators, which fundamentally distinguishes it from an audit. The survey uses techniques such as surveys and questionnaires. Survey results are usually used to evaluate financial situation object of control, the need to reorganize production, etc.;

4) Analysis , like previous methods, is aimed at identifying violations of financial discipline. Carried out on the basis of the current or annual reports and is distinguished by systematic and factor-by-factor research, as well as the use of traditional analytical tools: average and relative values, groupings, index method, etc. Financial control cannot be reduced to analytical functions only. Specific techniques of financial and economic analysis can only be used to a limited extent;

5) revision is carried out with the aim of establishing legality and financial discipline at a specific facility and is the main method of financial control. The legislation provides for mandatory and regular audits. It is carried out on site and is based on checking primary documents, accounting registers, accounting and statistical reporting, actual availability Money. There are a wide variety of revisions. Therefore, they are classified based on different principles.

Depending on the content, audits are divided into documentary and factual. Documentary revisions include verification of various financial documents. Based on their analysis, it is possible to determine the legality and appropriateness of spending funds. During actual audit availability of money is checked, valuable papers and material assets.

According to the time of implementation, audits are divided into planned and unscheduled. Basically, audits are carried out in accordance with a plan drawn up by higher authorities, ministries and departments. Scheduled audits in the production sector are carried out at least once a year, and in the non-production sector - at least 2 times a year.

According to the surveyed period, audits are divided into frontal and selective. At frontal (full) audit the entire financial data of the subject is checked for a certain period. Selective (partial) audit- This is a check of financial data only for a certain short period of time.

Depending on the volume of audited activities audits are divided into complex, during which the financial status of the entity is checked in various areas (auditors of several bodies take part in them simultaneously), and thematic, which come down to examining a certain area of ​​activity.

State control is also exercised by the representative (legislative) and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of state control - maximizing the flow of funds into the treasury and preventing their misuse.

Experts identify different grounds on which forms of financial control can be classified. For example, in time it can be preliminary, current or subsequent. Regarding the first: it most often represents a discussion of certain projects, laws and regulations, which can subsequently become the basis for the implementation of certain stages of the budget process. Regarding the second, this is a check of ongoing compliance with an already adopted strategy. The third type of financial control - subsequent - is used to analyze the results of the practical implementation of approved concepts.

Another basis on which state and municipal financial control can be classified is the specificity of its subject. So, for example, it could be an executive department, the President of the Russian Federation, a society in the form of certain associations, in some cases - private audit firms.

Also, the basis for the classification of state and municipal control may be the level of its subject. So, in particular, it can be intra-business, when documents and relevant aspects of the company’s activities are checked by internal structures of a government body or organization. But state and municipal control can be departmental, when the inspection is carried out by competent structures that are located above the organization being inspected in the vertical of power.

4.3. Forms and methods of financial control

Under shapefinancial control understand the ways of concrete expression and organization of control actions.

Depending on the time of control There are three main forms of financial control: preliminary, current and subsequent.

Preliminary control carried out before any financial transactions are carried out (for example, checking the correctness and legality of documents serving as the basis for receiving or spending funds). It is preventive in nature, helps prevent inappropriate, ineffective spending of financial resources, and identifies reserves for growth of income and profit.

Current (operational) control carried out directly in the process of operations for the expenditure and receipt of funds. Current financial control is based on primary documents of operational accounting and reporting, involves a systematic factor analysis of the activities of enterprises and organizations in order to identify reserves of profitability and profit, reduce the cost of products (works, services), overdue accounts receivable and payable, completeness and timeliness of settlements with the budget and extra-budgetary funds.

Subsequent control carried out after making monetary transactions in order to additionally verify their legality and validity. During it, the quantitative and qualitative implementation of the planned indicators is checked for each type of income and expenses, for tax and non-tax revenues to budgets different levels and expenditure of budget funds, execution of extra-budgetary funds and financial plans enterprises, organizations, estimates budgetary institutions. At the same time, by analyzing the reporting accounting documents, the reasons for the deviation of actual data from the planned ones, reserves for increasing the revenue base of budgets, and the profitability of enterprises and organizations are identified.

Depending on the will of the subjects of financial legal relations and legal requirements distinguish between mandatory and proactive financial control.

Required control is carried out in accordance with legal requirements within the established time limits. This includes, in particular, the mandatory audit of annual financial statements individual organizations, society

Initiative control is independently determined by the relevant bodies of business entities and acts as an integral component of its financial management.

Depending on the area of ​​financial activity financial control is divided into budgetary, tax, foreign exchange, insurance, banking, control over monetary circulation.

Under methodscontrol techniques and methods for its implementation are understood. Financial control is carried out, as a rule, by two main methods: audit and inspection.

revision– this is a method of control that provides for the most in-depth and complete study of the financial and economic activities of the subject entrepreneurial activity, during which the legality and reliability of economic and financial transactions are established, as well as accounting in several or all areas of activity of business entities.

Examination– a method of control, in the process of which the legality and reliability of economic and financial transactions performed in one or more interrelated areas of financial and economic activity of a business entity are established.

By venuecontrol actions inspection (audit) is divided into desk and field.

Cameral an inspection (audit) is carried out by the regulatory authority at its location on the basis of data from various documents submitted by business entities or their representatives, as well as on the basis of documents and information available to the regulatory authority.

Visiting the inspection (audit) is carried out directly at the location of the business entity.

According to frequency inspections (audits) are divided into scheduled and unscheduled.

Planned the inspection (audit) is carried out on the basis of monthly or quarterly inspection schedules approved by order or order of the head (deputy head) of the regulatory body. Scheduled checks(audits) of the same business entity can be carried out no more than once a year. Unscheduled an inspection (audit) of the same business entity is carried out only on behalf of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, the State Control Committee, the Council for Coordination of Control Activities in the Republic of Belarus, tax, law enforcement and judicial authorities. Other regulatory authorities have the right to contact the specified government bodies and the Council for Coordination of Control Activities in the Republic of Belarus with proposals on the need to conduct unscheduled inspections.

Unscheduled thematic operational inspection carried out with the aim of promptly identifying and suppressing violations of the law at the time of their commission in a limited territory or in relation to retail facilities, Vehicle, other places of activity. The duration of its implementation in relation to one inspected subject or its separate division should not exceed three working days. Such inspections are not included in work plans (i.e., they are unscheduled) and are appointed by the head of the regulatory body or his authorized deputy immediately before the start of the inspection. The basis for appointing such inspections may be the need for control (for example, compliance with the procedure for conducting foreign exchange transactions, currency exchange transactions involving individuals, carrying out activities in the field of gambling business, accepting cash when selling goods (work, services) for cash, using cash registers, special computer systems, ticket printing machines and taximeters).

Also distinguished oncoming inspection, which means the establishment of the factual reflection by a business entity in the accounting of financial and economic transactions carried out with other business entities in respect of which scheduled or unscheduled inspections are carried out.

By content checks (audits) are divided into documentary and factual. Documentary includes verification of various financial documents. Based on their analysis, it is possible to determine the legality and appropriateness of spending funds. During actual checks (audits) check the availability of money, securities and material assets.

By coveragefinancial and business transactions in the process of verification(revisions) distinguish solid checks (audits) consisting of examination of all operations, all primary documentation in a certain area of ​​activity for the entire audited period, and selective(audits), the essence of which is to check part of the primary documents for a certain period of time.

According to the completeness of coverage of the materials being checked checks (audits) are divided into complex, at which it is checked financial activities business entity in various areas (controlling employees of several bodies simultaneously participate in them), and thematic, which boil down to a survey of any one area of ​​financial activity.

It is also possible to carry out counter check which is carried out in order to establish the actual reflection by the taxpayer in the accounting records of financial and economic transactions carried out with other business entities in respect of which scheduled or unscheduled audits are carried out. A counter on-site tax audit is carried out as necessary and on the basis of instructions from the Tax Inspectorate of the Republic of Belarus. In any case, it is always of an auxiliary nature and is impossible without the main audit of the taxpayer, so it can hardly be considered an independent type of tax audit.

For more effective financial control, use the following type: joint inspection. This inspection is carried out by several control (supervisory) bodies, with the exception of inspections carried out by a higher control (supervisory) body with the participation of officials of lower control (supervisory) bodies, as well as inspections carried out by the bodies of the State Control Committee, the prosecutor's office with the involvement of representatives in the inspection other regulatory (supervisory) authorities.

Control check is carried out to establish the facts that business entities have eliminated violations identified during the previous inspection. Its duration should not exceed five working days. At the same time, if during the control check there is a need to test products or inspect production, then by decision of the manager government agency the control check period may be extended, but not more than by 15 working days.
additional verification appointed to confirm the validity of the arguments set out in objections to the inspection report (certificate) or in a complaint against a decision of a regulatory body (official) or a requirement (order) to eliminate violations. Its reasons are the need to study additional issues in cases (materials) received by criminal prosecution authorities and courts; facts of non-compliance by the inspector (head of the inspection) established order appointment and conduct of inspections. The period for conducting additional verification cannot exceed 10 working days. This rule does not apply to additional checks initiated by criminal prosecution authorities in connection with an initiated criminal case or carried out on instructions from the heads of criminal prosecution authorities and courts in relation to cases (materials) in their proceedings.

There are also other methods of financial control.

Analysis represents a detailed study of documentation for the purpose of an overall assessment of effectiveness and efficiency. It is carried out on the basis of current and annual reporting and is distinguished by a systematic and factor-by-factor approach, as well as the use of such analytical techniques as average and relative values, groupings, index method, etc.

Survey, which consists of personal acquaintance of the controlling person on site with individual aspects of the financial and economic activities of enterprises, institutions and organizations. In this case, the primary accounting documents are not necessarily checked, but control measurements of work, fuel and electricity consumption are carried out, verification of hidden financing and taxation objects is carried out through questioning, questioning, observation, etc.

Depending on the entities exercising financial control, there are:

1) state financial control;

2) intra-economic financial control;

3) public financial control;

4) independent (audit) financial control. State financial control is implemented through national and departmental control. National financial control is carried out by bodies state power and management. It is aimed at objects regardless of their departmental subordination. Departmental financial control is carried out by control and audit departments of ministries, concerns, and local governments. The object of departmental control is the production and financial activities of departmental enterprises and institutions.

On-farm financial control is carried out by the financial services of enterprises, institutions and organizations. The object of control is the production and financial activities of the enterprise itself as a whole, as well as its structural divisions separately.

Public financial control was widely used during Soviet times. Currently, public control has acquired new forms (control by commercial banks for financial condition client enterprises).

Independent (audit) financial control is carried out by specialized audit firms or services. An independent audit provides users of financial statements with additional confirmation of the reliability of the company's activities. A condition for conducting audits is the independence of the auditor from the management of the audited enterprise and from the results of its financial and economic activities.

The forms of financial control depend on the time (terms) of its implementation: preliminary, current, subsequent.

Preliminary financial control is carried out at the stage of drawing up, reviewing and approving draft budgets; income estimates, financial plans of institutions, organizations; draft laws.

Current (operational) financial control is carried out at the time of financial transactions in order to prevent abuse in the receipt and expenditure of funds.

Subsequent financial control is carried out by analyzing accounting and financial statements. Its purpose is to assess the results of the financial and economic activities of economic entities.

According to the methods of financial control, they are distinguished: inspections, surveys, analysis, audits.

Checks are carried out on the basis of reporting documentation, balance sheets and expense documents. During the inspection process, individual issues of financial activity are considered and measures are outlined to eliminate negative consequences.

Surveys cover a wider range of financial and economic indicators of the subject in order to determine its financial condition and development prospects.

Analysis of financial activity involves a detailed study of periodic or annual financial and accounting statements for the purpose of an overall assessment of the results of financial activity.

An audit is a review of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise for the reporting period.

Condition monitoring economics, the development of socio-economic processes in society is an important area of ​​management activity. One of the links in the control system is financial control. Its significance lies in facilitating the successful implementation of the state’s financial policy, ensuring the processes of formation and effective use of financial resources in all areas and levels National economy. The role of financial control during the transition to a market increases many times over.

Financial control is a form of implementation of the control function of finance. It determines the purpose and content of financial control. At the same time, the content of control and its focus change depending on the level of development of the productive forces and production relations of society. Thus, the expansion of the economic rights of an enterprise, their independence in carrying out financial activities, the emergence of various organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship significantly enriches the content of financial control.

Financial control is a set of actions and operations to verify financial and related issues of the activities of business entities and management using specific forms and methods of its organization.

Financial control faces the following tasks:

– promoting a balance between the need for financial resources and the size of monetary income and national economic funds;

– ensuring timely and complete fulfillment of financial obligations to the state budget;

– identification of internal production reserves for the growth of financial resources, including reducing costs and increasing profitability;

– promoting the rational use of material assets and monetary resources in enterprises, organizations and budgetary institutions, as well as the correct maintenance of accounting and reporting;

– ensuring compliance with current legislation and regulations and others.


Depending on the subjects exercising financial control, they distinguish: control of representative authorities and local self-government, control of executive authorities, control of financial and credit authorities, departmental, intra-economic, audit.

By type, financial control is divided into state, on-farm, public and independent (audit) financial control.

State financial control is implemented through national and departmental control. National financial control is carried out by state authorities and management bodies. It is aimed at objects subject to control regardless of their departmental subordination. Departmental financial control is carried out by the control and audit departments of ministries, concerns, management of executive committees of local authorities, etc. Its object is the production and financial activities of subordinate enterprises and institutions.

On-farm financial control is carried out by economic services of enterprises, organizations and institutions (accounting, financial departments, etc.). The object here is the production and financial activities of the enterprise itself, as well as its structural divisions (shops, sections, departments, branches).

Public financial control is carried out by groups, individual individuals(specialists) on the basis of voluntariness and free of charge. The object of control depends on the specific task assigned to the inspectors.

Independent financial control is carried out by specialized audit firms and services.


According to the forms of financial control, depending on the time of its implementation, it is divided into:

– preliminary;

– current;

– subsequent.

Preliminary financial control carried out at the stage of drawing up, reviewing and approving financial plans of enterprises, estimates of income and expenses of institutions and organizations, draft budgets, texts of contractual agreements, constituent documents, etc.

Current financial control carried out in the process of executing financial plans, during the implementation of economic and financial transactions, when compliance with the norms and standards for the expenditure of inventory and cash is checked.

Subsequent financial control carried out by analyzing and auditing financial statements at the end of the reporting period.


According to the methods of financial control, i.e. methods and methods of its implementation, distinguished: inspections, surveys, supervision, analysis of financial activities, audits, observations (monitoring).

The audit is carried out on certain issues of financial and economic activity on the basis of reporting, balance sheet and expense documents. Violations of financial discipline are identified and measures are planned to eliminate their negative consequences.

The survey covers individual aspects of the activities of enterprises, organizations, institutions, but unlike inspections - on a wider range of indicators, and determines the financial position of economic entities, prospects for their development, the need for reorganization or reorientation of production.

Analysis as a method of financial control must be systematic and factor-based. It is carried out according to periodic or annual reporting. The level of plan implementation, compliance with spending standards, financial discipline, etc. are revealed.

The audit is one of the the most important methods financial control and is an audit of the financial and economic activities of enterprises and organizations for the reporting period. Depending on the object, audits are divided into complete, partial, thematic and comprehensive. Moreover, they can be planned and unplanned.

Supervision is carried out by regulatory authorities over economic entities that have received a license for one or another type of financial activity, and presupposes their compliance with established rules and regulations.

Monitoring – constant monitoring by credit institutions over the use of the issued loan and the financial condition of the client enterprise; ineffective use of the loan received and a decrease in solvency can lead to tightening of lending conditions and a requirement for early repayment of the loan.