Management as a social phenomenon. Management as a social phenomenon. General characteristics of public administration, executive power, their relationship. General concept of management

Social phenomenon or social phenomenon is one of the fundamental concepts of sociology and social philosophy, which means “an element of social reality that has the fullness of social properties and characteristics”; this is any manifestation of relationships or interactions between people, or even a single event or incident; everything that manifests itself exists, exists in social reality.

To consider management as a social phenomenon or social phenomenon, let us examine the concept of management, its types and stages.

Management is the activity of streamlining processes occurring in nature, technology and society. Accordingly, the types of management are divided:

  • 1. Natural control - control of the life processes of living organisms.
  • 2. Mechanical, technical management.
  • 3. Social management - management of social processes, people and organizations.

The stages of the management process include analysis of the management situation, development and adoption of decisions, organization and execution of the decision, monitoring the implementation of the decision and summing up, making adjustments.

If you turn to English language, then two words “management” and “control” that are close in meaning are translated into Russian in three words: “management”, “management” and “control”.

The term "management" is synonymous with the term "management". Management is management and the science of management. However, what is meant here is not just management, but the most rational management system at the highest professional level, using achievements modern sciences- engineering and social psychology, sociology, finance and banking, economics and law, engineering and technical sciences, computer literacy.

Management functions are relatively independent, homogeneous, specialized and separate types of management activities that are objectively necessary to achieve the goals of the management system. In order to be considered as such, the management function must have a clearly defined content, a developed mechanism for its implementation and a certain structure within which its organizational isolation is completed. Content refers to the actions that must be carried out within a specific function.

Despite the diversity of management functions in an organization, there are homogeneous activities. Thus, almost a hundred years ago, A. Fayol identified six main types of activities, or operations, in the organization of production and enterprise management that management personnel have to perform:

  • - technical;
  • - commercial;
  • - financial;
  • - protective (for security);
  • - accounting (accounting);
  • - administrative.

According to A. Fayol, administrative operations include the following five:

  • - foresight (forecast and drawing up a program of action);
  • - organization (creation of a double organism of the company - material and social);
  • - management (activating the company’s personnel and eliminating detected deviations from a given program of action);
  • - coordination (or coordination, i.e. the correct combination of all actions and efforts);
  • - execution control.

In modern works on management theory, instead of the outdated concept of “administrative operations,” they prefer to talk about management functions.

Modern researchers have developed a slightly different list of management functions: planning, organization, management (or command), motivation, leadership, coordination, control, communication, research, evaluation, decision making, forecasting, information, cooperation, education, responsibility, personnel management, "public relations", representation, negotiations or conclusion of transactions and others. Almost every management job contains its own list of management functions, different from others.

  • - are components any management process, regardless of the characteristics (size, purpose, form of ownership, etc.) of a particular organization;
  • - do not depend on the object, as they are applicable to any socio-economic systems and processes.

In this regard, these control functions are called general.

Scientists identify five general management functions:

  • * planning (selection of goals and action plan for achieving them);
  • * organization (distribution of tasks between departments or employees and establishment of interaction between them);
  • * motivation (stimulating performers to carry out planned actions and achieve their goals);
  • * control (correlation of actually achieved or achieved results with planned);
  • * coordination (ensures compliance and consistency between various parts controlled system by establishing rational connections).

It should be noted that the listed general functions management is very close to the administrative operations of A. Fayol.

These general management functions are united by the connecting processes of communication and decision-making. The relationship between these functions can be represented pie chart, showing the content of any management process (Fig. 2.1.). The arrows in the diagram show that movement from planning to control is possible only by performing work related to organizing the process and motivating workers. At the center of the diagram is the coordination function, which ensures the coordination and interaction of all others.

The functions listed above are the main functions of management, but, of course, the functions of management are not exhausted there. Other specialized groups of management functions can also be distinguished, for example, communications, management decisions, management information, etc.

Explanatory note

The manual is based on the State educational standard for higher professional education and guides students towards mastering a standard knowledge program in this field. academic discipline, for execution state requirements to a minimum of content and level of training of a lawyer.

It gives general orientation in the study of this academic discipline.

Course topics

1. Subject, objectives and course system.

2. Public administration: essence and place in the system social management.

3. Administrative and administrative procedural law are branches of Russian law.

4. Science administrative law.

5. Subjects of administrative law.

6. Civil service as an institution of administrative law.

7. Forms of management activities.

8. Methods government controlled.

9. Ensuring the rule of law in public administration.

10. Administrative responsibility.

11. Administrative offenses encroaching on public order and public safety.

12. Administrative offenses encroaching on the institutions of state power: legislative, judicial, executive and other.

13. Administrative offenses in the field of business activities.

14. Administrative offenses in transport, in the region traffic, communications and information

15. Administrative offenses that infringe on the rights of citizens, health and public morality.

16. Administrative process and administrative proceedings. Proceedings in cases of administrative offenses.

17. Public administration and administrative-legal regulation of relations in the economic sphere.

18. Government regulation managerial relations in the socio-cultural sphere.

19. State regulation of managerial relations in the administrative and political sphere.

20. Fundamentals of intersectoral management.

basic concepts of administrative law

and explanations of the most difficult questions

Topic 2. Public administration: essence
and place in the social management system

QUESTION 1. General concept management. Management as a social phenomenon

1. Management is the organizing activity of people, which is carried out to achieve certain goals.

Management is determined by:

The presence of a subject of control (the one who controls) and an object of control (the one who is controlled);

The existence between the object and the subject is direct (giving commands, orders) and feedback(informing about the execution or non-execution of commands of the subject of management). Management comes down to the control influence of a subject on an object with the aim of:

Streamlining the system;

Preserving the structure of the system;

Ensuring the functioning of the system.

2. Social management in society is divided into two types:

State (administration of state affairs);

Non-state (management of affairs of private organizations, public formations, etc.).

3. Signs of social management:

Social management exists only where the joint activity of people is manifested;

The main purpose of social management is a streamlining effect on participants in joint activities;

The object of influence of social management is the behavior of participants in joint activities, the relationships between them;

Social management, by regulating the behavior of participants in joint activities, achieves this goal within the framework of public relations;

The basis of social management is the subordination of the will of participants in management relations;

The mechanism for implementing social management is personified by the subjects of management (government bodies).

4. In the process of implementing social management, the following functions are performed:

Collection and processing of information;

Forecasting (scientific, anticipation of changes in the development of any phenomena or processes based on objective data);

Planning (determining directions, goals of management activities, ways and means of achieving them);

Organization (formation of a management system, streamlining of management relations between the subject and the object of management);

Coordination and interaction carried out to achieve common management goals;

When starting to study the content and features of public administration, it is necessary, first of all, to determine what management is? This term has become a universal means of characterizing a certain type of activity, i.e. a set of actions performed to achieve relevant socially significant goals.

In its broadest sense, management means directing something (or someone). It is interpreted in a similar sense today. However, limiting ourselves to such a statement is not enough. There is a need to disclose the contents of this manual and its functional significance.

General theoretical positions, including cybernetic ones, provide sufficient grounds for the following conclusions:

  • 1. Management is a function of organized systems of various natures (biological, technical, social), ensuring their integrity, i.e. achieving the tasks facing them, maintaining their structure, maintaining the regime of their activities.
  • 2. Management serves the interests of the interaction of the elements that make up a particular system and represent a single whole with tasks common to all elements.
  • 3. Management is the internal quality of an integral system, the main elements of which are the subject (control element) and the object (managed element), constantly interacting on the basis of self-organization (self-government).
  • 4. Management involves not only the internal interaction of the elements that make up the system. There are many interacting integral systems of various hierarchical levels, which involves the implementation of management functions of both an intra-system and inter-system nature. In the latter case, a higher-order system acts as a subject of control in relation to a lower-order system, which is an object of control within the framework of interaction between them.
  • 5. Management in its essence comes down to the control influence of a subject on an object, the content of which is the ordering of the system, ensuring its functioning in full accordance with the laws of its existence and development. This is a purposeful ordering influence, implemented in the connections between the subject and the object and carried out directly by the subject of management.
  • 6. Control is real when there is a known subordination of the object to the subject of control, the controlled element of the system to its control element. Consequently, the control (ordering) influence is the prerogative of the subject of control.

These are the main features that characterize the general concept of management. They are completely acceptable for understanding management in the social (public) sphere, where people and their various associations(for example, state, society, territorial entity, public associations, production and non-production facilities, family, etc.)

Of course, this takes into account the features social sphere, the most important of which is that management connections are realized through the relationships of people. Society is an integral organism with a complex structure, with various kinds of individual manifestations, as well as functions general. Hence the need to express the general connection and unity of social processes, which finds its manifestation in the implementation of social management. It is one of the leading conditions for the normal functioning and development of society.

Social management as an attribute of social life is expressed in characteristics predetermined by the general features inherent in management as a scientific category, as well as the peculiarities of the organization of social life. (1p.41) The most significant ones are the following:

  • 1. Social management exists only where the joint activities of people are manifested. In itself, this kind of activity (production and other) is not yet able to ensure the necessary interaction of its participants, the uninterrupted and effective implementation of the common tasks facing them, and the achievement of common goals. Management organizes people specifically for joint activities and certain teams and formalizes them organizationally.
  • 2. Social management, its main purpose, has an ordering effect on the participants in joint activities, giving organization to the interaction of people. At the same time, the consistency of the individual actions of the participants in joint activities is ensured, and the general functions necessary to regulate such activities and directly resulting from their nature are performed (for example, planning, coordination, control, etc.).
  • 3. Social management has as the main object of influence the behavior (actions) of participants in joint activities and their relationships. These are criteria of a conscious-volitional nature in which the management of people's behavior is mediated.
  • 4. Social management, acting as a regulator of people’s behavior, achieves this goal within the framework of social relations, which are essentially management relations. They arise, first of all, between the subject and the object in connection with the practical implementation of the functions of social management.
  • 5. Social management is based on a certain subordination of the wills of people - participants in management relations, because their relationship has a conscious-volitional mediation. The will of the managers takes precedence over the will of the governed. Hence the authority of social management, which means that the subject of management forms and implements the “dominant will”, and the object submits to it. This is how the power-volitional aspect of social management is expressed.

Consequently, power is a specific means of ensuring that the will of the governed will is followed. This is how volitional regulation of people’s behavior occurs, and in conditions government organization public life, the necessary “intervention” of state power in social relations is ensured.

7. Social management needs a special mechanism for its implementation, which personifies the subjects of management. This role is played by a certain group of people, organizationally formalized in the form of relevant governing bodies (public or state), or individual persons authorized to do so. Their activities, which have a specific purpose and special forms of expression, are managerial.

Management, understood in the social sense, is diverse. In the broadest sense, it can be understood as a mechanism for organizing social relations. In this sense, we can say that its tasks and functions are practically performed by all government bodies, regardless of their specific purpose, as well as public associations. Local self-government is also an element of the social management system. The object of management here is the whole society as a whole, all the variants of social relations developing in it.

Social management also has a special meaning. In this version, it is usually characterized as public administration, which means a specific type government activities, distinguishing it from its other manifestations (for example, legislative, judicial, prosecutorial activities), as well as from management activities public associations and other non-state groups ( labor collectives, commercial structures and so on.).

Topic 1. Basic concepts of management

The first lecture introduces students to the basic concepts that are used in management. We use the word “management” in a variety of different meanings. You can manage a car and an enterprise. We use the word “management” only in relation to socio-economic systems, namely an enterprise, an organization, a team of people. Management activities– a specific type of work, the result of which is a decision made and actions to implement it. Managerial work exists in a wide variety of forms: heuristic, administrative, operator work.

The most complete, in our opinion, is the definition of the concept of "management", proposed by the professor of the Ural State Technical University L.D. Gitelman in his book Transformative Management. the main task management - provide effective management organization in a changing environment environment.

After studying the material of the lecture, try to answer the questions posed.

Lecture outline:

1. Management as a type of activity.

2. Types of management.

3. Management is a science or an art?

4. Definition of the concept “Management”.

5. Management tasks.

6. Management functions.

7. Principles of management.

8. Questions and tasks.

Management is diverse, there is technical management - management of machines and mechanisms; public administration - the management of people's lives through various institutions; ideological management – ​​introduction into the consciousness of society different concepts; control social processes– movement in defense of peace; economic management – ​​management of production and economic activities.

Under management refers to the influence of a manager on his object, aimed at achieving the goal.

Control object has spatial and temporal boundaries. This is part of the environment, the company’s personnel, what (who) specific management actions (processes) are aimed at.

Subject of management– a leader, a group of people, an organization, a division that carries out management and develops management decisions.

Subject of management activitiesindividual, a living person, through whom management decisions are implemented.

The subjects of management activities are managers of various ranks and performers. The need to manage an organization is determined by the needs: to plan work; arrange personnel and coordinate their actions; make the best decisions; to intensify and stimulate the activities of personnel; monitor and record the work performed; analyze the results and apply it to improve activities. The listed needs for management influence are extremely complex. They should reflect the interests of the population, the organization’s personnel, the patterns of economic development, the intricacies of financing and lending, the mysteries of foresight and risk. Managing an organization in a modern market system becomes especially difficult. Managing an organization in conditions market economy got the name management.

Management activities– this is a specific type of labor process and is characterized by its inherent elements: the subject of labor (information, decisions); means of labor

(computers, pens... people); by labor itself (complex, mental work); its results (achievement of set goals). Managerial work exists in the following forms. Heuristic involves analyzing and studying problems, developing solution options, mainly of a strategic nature; typical for managers at various levels and specialists. Administrative work– the lot of managers, involves ongoing coordination and assessment of the activities of subordinates, carried out in the form of: orders (oral, written, for execution decisions made); control over the work of subordinates; exchange of information. Operator labor aimed at technical support production and management processes necessary information, covers such activities as: documentation (registration, reproduction, storage of documents); accounting (collection of statistical information); communication and technical (information processing).

  • 10.Administrative law as a science and academic discipline.
  • 11.Administrative legal norms: concept, characteristics, structure.
  • 12.Types of administrative and legal norms.
  • 13.Implementation of administrative and legal norms.
  • 14.Administrative and legal relations: concept and features.
  • 15.Type of administrative-legal relations.
  • 2. Administrative and legal relations according to legal content:
  • 3. Administrative and legal relations according to the method of protection:
  • 4. Administrative and legal relations according to the composition of participants:
  • 5. Administrative and legal relations by function:
  • 16.Legal facts in administrative law.
  • 17. Concept and characteristics of the subject an.
  • 18. Administrative legal personality: administrative legal capacity, legal capacity, tortious capacity.
  • 19. System and classification of subjects of administrative law.
  • 21. Rights and responsibilities of citizens in the field of public administration.
  • 22. Administrative and legal guarantees of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
  • 23. Features of the administrative and legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons.
  • 24. Features of the administrative and legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons.
  • 25. Separation of powers as a fundamental principle of public administration in the state.
  • 26. The role, significance and content of executive power in modern public administration.
  • 27. Basic state functions of executive authorities.
  • 28. Concept and types of executive authorities.
  • 29. Principles of organization and activities of executive authorities.
  • 10. The principle of democracy
  • 30. Powers of the President of the Russian Federation in the sphere of executive power.
  • 31. Government of the Russian Federation: formation procedure, composition and main powers.
  • Chapter 6 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • 32.Federal executive authorities: system and structure.
  • III. Federal services and federal agencies whose activities are managed by
  • 33. The procedure for the organization and functioning of territorial bodies of federal authorities.
  • 35. Executive authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (using the example of the Nizhny Novgorod region).
  • 36.The concept and significance of administrative and legal forms of implementation of executive power.
  • 38. Classification and types of forms of management actions.
  • 39. The concept and meaning of administrative acts of executive authorities.
  • 40. Principles for the adoption of administrative acts.
  • 41. Classification and types of administrative acts of executive authorities.
  • 1. Depending on the legal properties (or legal content), legal acts of management are divided into normative, individual and mixed.
  • 2. Depending on the functional role and significance of the management act (or depending on the function performed), management acts can be distinguished:
  • 5. Depending on the start date of the act, they can be divided into acts that come into force:
  • 6. Depending on the action in time (validity period), management acts can be:
  • 7. Depending on the form of expression, the following are distinguished:
  • 8. Depending on the nature of the competence of the bodies adopting legal acts of management, the following are distinguished:
  • 9. Depending on the level of bodies adopting management acts and their names, the following are distinguished:
  • 42.43 Missed from the list of questions.
  • 44. Competence of executive authorities to adopt administrative acts.
  • 45. Legitimacy of administrative acts of executive authorities.
  • 46. ​​Efficiency of administrative acts.
  • 47.The concept, meaning and essence of administrative rule-making.
  • 48. The main subjects of administrative rule-making.
  • 49. Forms of administrative rule-making.
  • 50. Administrative regulation as a type of administrative rule-making.
  • 51. Administrative procedures as a result of administrative rule-making.
  • 2. General concept of management. Management as a social phenomenon. Types and categories of management.

    The term management comes from the Latin word administracio and has many meanings. In its broadest sense, it means guiding something or someone.

    Control means guiding something or someone. It is carried out in organized systems of any nature in order to ensure the proper organization of the system and the necessary mode of its functioning, and ultimately, the achievement of the tasks facing the system. Management is carried out in technical, biological and social systems.

    Despite many fundamental differences in technical, biological and social systems, the mechanism for controlling these systems is the same and is associated with a certain impact managing subject (control subject) to a managed object (control object). Control will be real only when the object obeys the subject (either voluntarily or forcibly).

    Currently, the following types of managed systems are generally recognized:

    1) mechanical (control of machines, technological processes, etc.);

    2) biological (control of processes in living organisms);

    3) social (management of the behavior of people and their teams).

    The most difficult type of management is the management of social systems.

    Under social management(management of social systems) is understood as the impact on the community of people in order to streamline society, improve and develop it, and achieve the tasks facing people. The objective need for social management is due to the social nature of people's existence: their work, other relationships, communication, interaction.


    1. Social management is necessary whenever joint activities of people, to ensure its coordination and regulation, consistency of individual actions.

    2. Human actions are conscious. And an essential feature of social management is its influence on the will. Hence the object of social management is behavior participants in the collective activities of people, the relationships between them.

    3. Control is possible both vertically and horizontally.

    Social management is divided intopublic administrationAndnon-government.

    Non-state administration is carried out by local self-government bodies, the administration of non-governmental organizations and public associations of citizens.

    The administrative law course focuses on public administration.

    The object of control is various systems and their components (people, phenomena, events, etc.).

    Subjects of management are always people. There are two groups of management subjects:

    1) sole persons; 2) collegial (groups of people).

    The content of management is the legal relationship that arises in the course of management activities, including the impact on objects by coordinating, directing various actions, processes by the subject of management through the application of appropriate methods and mechanisms. 3. State administration, public administration and executive power as categories that determine the essence of administrative law.

    Public administration - in a broad sense - the activities of all state bodies for the implementation of the assigned powers, in the narrow sense - the by-law, legally powerful activities of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation and its subjects for the implementation of the assigned powers.

    Signs government controlled:

    This is a type of government management activity;

    The activity is legally authoritative, executive-administrative in nature;

    Activities are carried out constantly, continuously and according to plan;

    Activities are carried out on the basis of and in pursuance of laws (legislative activities);

    It is characterized by the presence of vertical (hierarchical) and horizontal links;

    Carried out in various forms (legal and non-legal);

    Ensured through a guarantee system;

    Violation of managerial activity entails the onset of negative consequences (legal restrictions).

    Target public administration - the expected results that the subject seeks in the implementation of managerial activities. The following management goals are distinguished:

    1) socio-economic - streamlining public life and satisfying the public interest; achieving economic well-being, building and maintaining a certain system of economic relations;

    2) political - participation in the management of all political forces in the country, the development of positive proposals and processes in society and the state that contribute to the improvement of state and public structures, human development;

    3) security – ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, the rule of law in society, public order and public safety, the required level of well-being;

    4) organizational and legal – the formation of a legal system that facilitates the implementation of all the main functions of the state.

    Principles public administration – fundamental ideas, guiding principles.

    General (socio-legal) principles:

    Democracy - the people are the only source of power; he exercises power both directly and through executive authorities; control over the activities of executive authorities is carried out by legislative and judicial authorities, the prosecutor's office, as well as the population (public control);

    Legality - the activities of executive authorities must be based on precise and strict compliance and execution of the Constitution and laws, compliance of the attached regulatory legal acts with acts of higher legal force;

    Objectivity – when carrying out management activities, it is necessary to adequately perceive ongoing processes, establish existing patterns and take them into account when making management decisions and their implementation;

    Specificity - the implementation of management must be built taking into account specific life circumstances, i.e. in accordance with the real state of the control object and the resource of the subject of control;

    Separation of powers – division of state power into legislative, executive and judicial, assigning specific functions to them in the prescribed manner;

    Federalism - the activities of executive authorities are based on the normative consolidation of the delimitation of competence and subjects of jurisdiction between the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    Efficiency – achieving the goals of management activities should be carried out with minimum costs effort, money and time.

    Organizational principles:

    Sectoral - the implementation of management activities, the organization of the management system is built taking into account the commonality of the management object, which forms a certain industry (management of industry, transport, communications, agriculture, education, healthcare, etc.);

    Territorial – the formation of a management system is based on a territorial basis (administrative-territorial division);

    Functional - executive authorities and apparatuses carry out general subordinate management functions (finance, statistics, employment, etc.);

    Double subordination - a combination of the principles of centralized leadership, taking into account territorial conditions;

    The combination of unity of command and collegiality - the most important issues relating to the fundamental aspects of management activities are taken collectively, and operational, current, not requiring collegial consideration, are resolved individually.

    Public administration- the impact of the subject of management on society (social processes of relations) in accordance with the socially significant functions and powers assigned to it. The word "public" means public, open, public, not private.

    The executive power is a relatively independent branch of the unified state power, closely interacting with its legislative and judicial branches. Executive power (i.e., the ability and ability to exert a decisive influence on behavior, the right and ability to subjugate others) is realized not by itself, but in relations with various individual and collective elements of a state-organizational society on a national scale and as a specific state functions of a law enforcement nature.

    State administration, public administration and executive power determine the essence of administrative law, because:

    1.AP, its norms are designed to regulate social relations arising in the process of exercising executive power and exercising public administration. Therefore, administrative law is called the right of management, or management law, because the content of the activities of executive authorities and executive bodies of local self-government is precisely state, or “public” management.

    2. The AP is intended to regulate social relations arising between the individual and the state, between the citizen and the executive authorities, ensuring the implementation and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the sphere of public administration, their protection from possible arbitrariness, infringement or limitation of these rights and freedoms by that or other government official.
