Requirements for the language and style of information and advertising documents. Purposes and general requirements for advertising Specialized types of advertising and propaganda

PR is the art and science of achieving harmony through mutual understanding based on truth and full awareness (Sam Black)

PR is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, advising the management of organizations, and implementing pre-planned programs of action that serve the interests of both the organization and the public (Assembly of Public Relations Associations, Mexico, 1978).

Propaganda (from lat. propaganda - subject to consideration) - the spread of political, philosophical, scientific, artistic and other ideas in society. In a narrower sense, political or ideological propaganda with the aim of forming a certain worldview among the masses.

Marketing is a process that consists in predicting the needs of potential buyers and satisfying these needs by offering appropriate goods - products, technologies, services.

PR General Advertising
1. Uses both paid and free media space 1. Uses methods based on perception stereotypes 1.Controlled method of paid information (paid material)
2. Not measurable. Focuses mainly on positions in society, in the social environment 2. The same principles: regularity, informativeness, a clear structure and tactics have been developed 2. Rigidly calculated and predictable
3. Communicates that the firm is not only trying to make a profit, but to be a correct member of society 3. Orientation to target audiences, definition of common goals 3. Sells
4. Information is not associated with a paid promotion 4. Must complement each other, as integrated strategies that increase efficiency 4. The bias of communications serves as a defense against the bias of his communications.
5.Managed image 5. Sales of goods and services
6. Typical environments: media, PR techniques and PR campaigns 6. Different kinds advertising
7. Task setter: head of the company, guarantor of the region 7. Division of the company
8. Object: image, style, reputation, fashion, brand and so on 8. Product or service
9.Working characteristics: continuous and systemic 9. Discrete

Tab. 2 PR and propaganda

Tab. 3 PR and marketing

General PR Marketing
1. Use one source (analytical forecasts, data processing, statistics and segmentation) 1. Theoretical basis: social psychology and sociology 1. Economics and psychology of consumer behavior
2. Attract the same things to create a positive image of goods and services 2. social focus: the public in the broadest sense 2. Only consumption
3. Some management processes (research, analysis, planning, implementation, evaluation of results) 3. Responsive to requirements social environment, establishes understanding and dialogue 3. Explores how people can be exposed to advertising and other media
4. Recognize important job with people 4. Has a persuasive effect 4. Strive to subordinate the needs of goods

Let's look at some of the major differences between these two forms of communication. They are based on the fact that PR is not a form of advertising and in fact it is a much broader type of activity. PR is concerned with all communications throughout the organization, while advertising, although it may cost more than PR, is generally limited. marketing function with minor exceptions, such as hiring employees or financial advertising. Until you understand this fact well, you will not get a complete picture of PR.

Public relations is neither " free advertising", nor "advertising for which they do not pay." There is nothing “free” in PR: this line of work requires a lot of time, and time is always money. This money is either wage personnel, or fees of external consultants. If an article appears in a news column or newsletter, its value cannot be calculated by advertising rates for newspaper space or airtime, since editorial column or radio or television program time is invaluable.

The organization may not use advertising, but any organization is somehow involved in public relations. For example, the fire brigade, of course, does not advertise fires or even advertise their services when they occur, but they have established relationships with a large public.

Public relations covers everyone and everything, while advertising is limited to specific sales and purchases, such as promoting the sale of goods and services, purchasing materials and components, hiring staff, or announcing results. PR has to deal with all the communications that take place in an organization, and therefore this activity is more extensive and comprehensive than advertising. From time to time, PR may use advertising, although, again, PR is neither a type of advertising nor part of it.

In the commercial world or the private sector of the economy, PR and advertising are closely related to marketing. While marketing is one of the functions of a business, PR interacts with both the financial and production functions. Therefore, PR can be used in relation to all components of the marketing mix, in which advertising is just one component. The marketing mix includes all the components (see Figure 2.1) that make up a marketing strategy (to name just a few: packaging, research, pricing, sales, distribution, and after-sales services). Each of these types has a certain relation to communications and reputation (goodwill). Market education can be the main contribution of PR, on which the success of the subsequent advertising campaign will largely depend.

Propaganda is another form of communication that is often misunderstood as PR. However, hardly anything can be more different than these two activities. In order for PR to be successful, it must be believed, while propaganda in any case arouses suspicion or at least dissent. The problem is that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between propaganda and PR components in the information transmitted by government structures. Propaganda is aimed at keeping the government in power, and the goal of PR is to ensure that citizens understand the essence of the services that government provides, and teach them how to properly use these services.

1.Goals in sales, which should lead to a tangible
increase in sales or encourage consumers to purchase tourism services.

2. Goals in communications aimed at conveying certain ideas, shaping the image of the enterprise, changing consumer habits, which contributes to the growth of sales in the long term.

It is not always easy enough to determine the nature of the proposed goal; enterprises in the implementation promotional activities most often refer to their combination. Typical advertising goals:

Formation of the company's image;

Formation of the product image;

Providing product information;

Change of attitude towards the product;

Increasing sales volumes;

Anti-competition, etc.

How correctly will the goals of advertising be determined, the means of its distribution selected, advertising messages developed taking into account target audience depends on the final result of promotional activities, the return on investment and obtaining the effect that the tourist enterprise is counting on.

Concreteness - is expressed in a simple, intelligible and convincing language of the text, thoughtful arguments, a logically completed decision;

Targeting - consists in how advertising means are addressed to specific segments of the population, age or social groups;

By creating demand and stimulating sales, forcing consumers to buy goods and accelerating the process of buying and selling, and hence the turnover of capital, advertising performs in the market economic function.
Providing consumers with a directed flow of information about the manufacturer and its products, advertising performs informational function.

With the help of questionnaires, surveys, analysis of the process of selling goods, it is supported Feedback with the market and the consumer. This allows you to control the promotion of goods on the market, create and consolidate a stable system of consumer preferences for them, if necessary, adjust the sales process. This is how controlling And corrective advertising features.

By introducing new products to the market, advertising promotes the spread of educational advertising function. Performed at a high professional and artistic level, advertising contributes to the formation of a sense of beauty in the audience, brings up good taste in it. (aesthetic function). Directed impacts on certain categories of consumers perform the function demand management.

Agitation, oral or printed, among the general public, with the aim of spreading certain ideas, cultivating good taste through persuasion, allows you to implement the above functions of advertising and achieve success in achieving the main goals of marketing: generating demand and stimulating sales.

To popularize means to make advertising understandable, accessible, this is what is put forward in the requirements for advertising.

For the economic well-being of a tourist enterprise in a market environment, it is important not only to take into account external conditions, but also to have a well-defined orientation towards the formation of a favorable "external climate", to conduct targeted work with the public, with customers. The solution to this problem is provided by the implementation promotional activities, by which they most often understand the work of public relations - "public relations" (English, public relations). This work is aimed at studying the emerging public opinion and the formation of a benevolent attitude towards the tourist enterprise and its activities. Propaganda is carried out using all imaginable means of disseminating information that could convey to the audience the image of a product, service (except for the generally accepted ones, for example, expositions at points of sale, creative ideas). It should be noted that there is no “Chinese wall” between propaganda and direct advertising, although there are certain differences between them (Table 1).

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    social phenomenon, has a wide context. It can operate in the economic, political, ideological field, in the sphere of cultural and religious relations. It has a multifaceted impact on a person, on his behavior, values. Provides behavioral ideals, lifestyle. It also has an indirect effect - it forms a mass representation, stereotypes.

    informs about the product;

    Solving the problem of increasing profits.

    implements other strategic goals manufacturers and sellers;

    not only inspires the need to buy something, but also forms the necessary associations;

    · formation of mass consciousness, stimulation of consumption.


    (from lat. propagare.)

    In the 17th century - a congregation for the preaching of the faith, the fight against heretics, the propaganda of the faith.

    The basic principles were laid down in the 20th century, the century of the totalitarian regime.

    Propaganda- a set of methods of psychological impact on the population. The main function is the value regulation of consciousness.

    Based on psychological mechanisms comparisons and evaluations. Type of advertising activity

    There are the following types of propaganda:

    - political(propaganda ideas);

    - ideological(ideological concepts).

    There are many negative assessments of competitors in political propaganda. Goods - opinion, ideas, images of politicians and states, parties.

    There are two types of propaganda influence:

    · belief;

    suggestive influence (suggestion, impact on the emotional-sensory side).

    · sale;

    Formation of the belief that this is his own opinion.

    G.S. Melnik.

    Propaganda differs in functions:

    1) propaganda as education;

    2) propaganda = informing;

    3) propaganda = communication;

    4) propaganda = suggestion;

    5) propaganda = socialization.

    Political propaganda is a one-way process, meeting the needs of the customer.

    Propaganda is the art of forcing people to do what they would not do if they had a full set of knowledge. (USA)

    Advertising convinces to buy a specific thing or service. Propaganda provides information that does not refer to specific things, but to other information. The basis is not real phenomena, but other information, opinions, worldview of other people, whose opinion is authoritative. Propaganda works more crudely, with cruder manipulations.


    S. Black rejects any possibility of PR intersecting with advertising and propaganda. In the case of PR, it is only about truthful information. (In fact, most often only segments of the truthful information are provided, which often generates a different result).

    PR works with symbolic information. Truth is one of the parameters of phenomena that need to be displayed. It is really necessary to display diverse phenomena with the help of a minimum of words, therefore, each element of a communicative solution must have the significance of symbols in order to reflect the big in a small one.

    Communicative truth is one of the tasks of PR.

    F. Jeffkins: "Advertising may not be used by an organization, but every organization uses PR" ... "PR concerns everyone and everything, advertising coordinates the sale and purchase relationship" ... "Sometimes PR can use advertising, but PR is not its form or part."

    PR goes to the general public, not to a narrow circle potential consumers(as an advertisement). PR may have more clearly defined goals and objects in relation to which the public needs to be informed (as opposed to propaganda).

    PR - consults, analyzes, monitors, plans.

    No. 7 Regulation of activities in the field of public relations

    v Organization - Process

    v An organization is a group of people whose work is coordinated to achieve common purpose(commercial, non-commercial, educational, public, financial) it is necessary to have a common goal, a clear structure, joint work, an open system of communication with the external environment.

    (External environment)<=>(products and resources)<=>(organization)

    The most important is information and communication support of the organization's activities

    PR is key

    PR functions

    2) Formation of a positive image

    Coordination and planning are needed, PR is needed at all stages

    Management Process





    Management is the process of implementing the interconnection of actions for the formation and use of resources to achieve the goal.

    All stages involve working with different groups public in the internal and external environment of the organization.

    Control system

    Ø Structural functional subsystem

    The totality of management bodies, divisions, performers using various methods management impact, the task of reducing communication noise.

    Ø Information behavioral subsystem

    Includes management ideology, values, orientation of the management system, behavioral standards of participants.

    Information Support communications in the management system (management ideology, the level of development of communications, relations between employees).

    Sometimes a self-development subsystem is distinguished (usually in very developed organizations)

    PR - should be in every subsystem

    PR is part of general management, top management

    PRspecific forms, methods and technologies of work with different groups of the public (should be reflected in the structure and functions of the organization)

    PR- principles of building relationships with the external and internal environment of the organization;

    Formation of management ideology, taking into account the interests of different social groups;

    Impact on public opinion.

    Management and its forms

    Operational- orientation to current activities organizations, short-term, medium-term planning.

    An object - internal environment(mostly)

    Contractor - representatives of departments

    The criterion of efficiency is profitability, rational use capacity

    The main tool is the mission of the organization, which reveals its purpose

    strategic- communication with long term and plans (PR works more efficiently here)

    Object - external environment (search for new opportunities)

    Performer - top management

    Performance criteria - adequacy and timeliness of response

    PR finds itself in a vision - a PR text that reflects the future of the organization, and the results of PR activities in the long term.

    The organization acts both as an object and as a subject of PR activities

    Object - as efforts are directed to it

    Subject - because it is also the customer, defining goals, objectives and content.

    As an object - with quasi-institutional subjects

    As a subject - interacts with PR organizations

    The main goal of PR activities is to create favorable conditions for the organization to achieve its goals.

    Objectives should be sufficiently developed, should focus on certain groups of the public, and aim at a certain result.

    3 levels of implementation of PR tasks:

    1) Cognitive - awareness, public attention is attracted, it is necessary to understand and remember these appeals

    2) Emotional - recognition of efforts, interest, a certain attitude

    3) The level of conscious aspiration - the intended action in relation to the PR agent

    Mission of the organization- the purpose of the organization, can answer the question: "Why was the organization created?"

    Vision of the organization- these are dreams, a description of the desired state of the company in the future, in a few years (2-3, 5-10)

    Strategy– a way to achieve a strategic vision

    Mission– a pragmatic definition of what the company is called upon to do; direction of activity.

    Vision- an emotionally sensual definition of a dream, an ideal state of the company in a few years; target state of the company.

    №8 The main directions of modern PR activities and services in the PR market

    The external functions of PR are the creation of a positive image among external groups, the reaction to negative news. Organization of Marketing (products, contracts, transactions, loans, guarantees, prices and services)

    General (management elections, conferences, exhibitions, awards)

    Current messages (organizational achievements, statistics, introduction of new technologies, analysis economic conditions, financial statements)

    Internal functions - creation and maintenance corporate responsibility among employees (maintaining reputation, favorable climate within the team, maintaining interest in administration affairs)

    (S. Black. "PR Functions")

    1) General opinion, relationships, life

    2) Industrial communications, financial and international relationships

    3) Consumer relations

    4) Information, statistics, research

    6) Government Relations

    Functions of the PR department in the organization

    1. Control over information in the media (about goods and services, representation of the organization)

    2. Organization of briefings (press conference on 1 issue)

    3. Publication of press releases (press release)

    4. Making various activities

    5. Organization of public and charitable activities

    6. Participation in exhibitions, fairs, etc.

    7. Working with the audience (consumers, shareholders, communities, competitors, etc.)

    8. Management consulting

    Required Knowledge

    The art of communication, psychology in several areas), sociology, political science, economics, basics of management, law, knowledge and options for studying public opinion, analysis of social problems, experience in relations with the media, experience in publishing material, preparing reports and presentations, developing various programs, social policy.

    Management and regulation

    Definition of goals, plans and tasks, budget planning, recruitment (requirements for employees), search for funds, establishing a favorable climate with investors.

    Typical professions

    Public Relations Manager;

    press secretary(conveys information to the public, communicates the opinion of the organization);

    spin doctor adjusts media coverage of events;

    Specialist in crisis situations (crisis, stressful situations for the organization) to bring the public out of stress, to return the ability to manage the situation;

    speechwriter- writing a speech for a speech, announcement, press release.

    No. 9 Pr in various fields public life.

    The PR institute is included in almost all spheres of life: spiritual and ideological, political, cultural, etc.

    · socio-economic sphere pr: Marketing and production.


    Formation and promotion of the image;

    Contacts with different audiences;

    Implementation Support marketing strategies;

    Prompt reaction of the company to changes in the market;

    decline marketing activities from competitors.


    Overcoming perceptions of potential threats;

    Work with employees;

    Interaction with suppliers of raw materials, etc.;

    Interaction with state control bodies.

    pr in the political sphere

    The emergence or disappearance of certain political entities

    Rise or fall in the popularity of a political leader

    Changing political course and tactics

    Formation and dissolution of political institutions

    Changing the principles of state construction (change of political regime)

    political functions pr

    The exercise of political power

    Ensuring the Democratic Process

    Support for the political institutions of democracy (electoral pr, one who works in elections)

    Personal pr (formation of the political elite)

    An individual can become a full-fledged member of the political elite only by becoming a political leader.

    Pr performs the role of spokesman for public opinion

    Pr helps resolve political conflicts

    pr in the spiritual and ideological sphere

    Influences the process of perception of spiritual values. Pr-means of communication between ideologists and the public.

    · pr in the cultural environment

    The cultural-creative role of PR is focused on the formation of ethical and aesthetic ideas. PR becomes a conductor of business activity.

    The result of this activity may be a change in the cultural policy of the state.

    Changing media activities

    Formation or change of cultural traditions

    Formation of the cultural elite

    Transformation of stereotypes and behavioral practices in the sphere of culture.