The role of a leader in crisis situations essay. Leadership as a tool for effective management during the economic crisis. on the course "Effective Leadership"

# 10 (22) October 2004


Anti-crisis PR... within the company

Crises happen in the life of any enterprise, organization or firm. And how an organization withstands these blows of fate determines its viability and success. Few places say that in a crisis it is necessary to control the minds of the employees of the organization itself. How it's done?

In a difficult situation for the company, the manager especially needs the qualities of a strong and intelligent leader.

The anti-crisis PR of an organization is an already established professional module in the activities of PR agencies and departments. As a rule, it is about building or - sometimes - saving the company's reputation in the outside world.
And what is being done to save the staff of the enterprise itself from collapse? Unfortunately, here the set of measures is rather meager and monotonous. Most often, management focuses on debugging intra-corporate communications: publishes a corporate newspaper, opens a company website (Internet communications), arranges corporate events - in other words, joint gatherings or general entertainment. But in a crisis, the most urgent, in our opinion, is the problem of neutralizing the negative psychological states of employees.
An organization in crisis is like a small country that can fall into dangerous turmoil. Employees feel completely defenseless, driven by fate, they are haunted by the specter of poverty. As a result of such moral devastation, people cease to work with full dedication. There is a formation of an orientation towards leaving the company - employees begin to look for another job. There is a sharp drop in performance due to internal psychological imbalance. This must not be allowed.
In accordance with the work of psychological defense mechanisms, negative emotions can be transferred from one coordinate to another. If you do not control the minds of the company's employees, then economic problems threaten to move into the area of ​​political or ethnic coordinates. In the absence of mechanisms for the release of negative voltage, it can be channeled into destructive actions that violate the psychological state of the employee, the stability of the organization. Those who worked in the defense industry in the early 90s remember how this happens.
But how to avoid such intra-corporate turmoil?

In addition to the constant internal PR, aimed at the formation of a corporate spirit, in crisis or pre-crisis situations at the enterprise, it is advisable to conduct a special, preventive PR campaign. By preparing changes in mass behavior in advance, it makes crises manageable. Preventive psychological measures, in our opinion, involve the use of technologies for the formation of a positive emotional and semantic context in the organization. Let's highlight the most effective of them.
Technology of "new goals" is the first remedy for a corporate crisis.
People need to be shown the light at the end of the tunnel. It is necessary to periodically enter positive information of various scope - about potential investors and new markets, about new technologies that will save the business, and opportunities for employees to improve their skills. This technology is based on the well-known psychological mechanism: Positive well-being is achieved when people see a positive perspective to strive towards.
On the one hand, the leader of the organization himself should create the image of a bright future in his speeches. However, knowing about the persistent distrust of the authorities in today's Russia, it is worth using other channels of influence - indirect ones. Information about new target settings can be entered using the opinions of the most authoritative (reference) people in the company. An important role is also played by the spread of rumors about an imminent exit from the crisis and a breakthrough to new frontiers (rumorological channels). Situational updating of target settings should not contradict the themes strategic directions development, which are indicated in the mission of the company. However, in some cases (in an acute crisis situation), a radical renewal of goals is also possible.
The use of this technology will help maintain a balance of positive and negative emotions in the organization.

Firms, enterprises, companies use both hard economic and other, softer forms of influence on their team. The whole question is how they do it, how they combine different technologies for working with personnel, with what efficiency?
Information about updating goals, getting to know new possible prospects does not yet mean their real setting and use. The anti-crisis technology of "new goals" has short term actions. Therefore, one more means of controlling the consciousness of subordinates is needed.
"Technology of Participation" involves the gradual formation of motivation among employees to participate in the joint overcoming of the crisis. That is, people need to be convinced that we can get out of the crisis through joint efforts. For example, the young Soviet government did this by releasing the poster “Have you signed up as a volunteer?”. Everything must be done to convince people that they are - single team that the matter is common.
At the same time, negative crisis energy is translated into a positive context of joint support and work. Employees of the company are included in the situation of "participation" from the moment of active discussion of a number of innovative programs as a preventive measure to overcome the crisis. Let people speak out and put forward their proposals. The leader must listen to them, notice the most active and offer them the authority to implement their undertakings. Further semantic transformation of consciousness takes place within the framework of delegating responsibility and supporting new initiative projects.
And there are some little secrets. Best of all, the technology of participation works if the team is presented with the image of an “external enemy” with whom they must fight for their future. Who can be such an enemy? Almost everything is good here. On the one hand, it is possible to form in the minds of employees the image of insidious and ruthless competitors. On the other hand, there are images of incompetent, corrupt government officials who are ready to do everything to bankrupt our wonderful company, clearing the way for competitors. The factor of a common external threat consolidates employees, forms centripetal vectors of motivation, makes them put up with “temporary” hardships and difficulties.

But all these measures are worthless if the third technology is not turned on - "Leader Behavior" . The leader factor, if you will.
In a situation of crisis in the perception of employees, as a rule, the image of the manager as a successful leader deteriorates. After all, it is he who automatically becomes responsible for all the troubles of the company. Here again, analogies with the country are appropriate. What does the head of an enterprise entering into a crisis need? To maintain the balance of positive and negative emotions in the organization, the behavior of the leader should increase power ambitions, emphasize the strength of his Self, responsibility and competence. He must become a stern but just father, protection and support, a strong hand, a light in the window, a genius and luminary of all sciences. And you can easily find analogues of such psycho-technologies in the history of your native country.
An effective leader in a crisis situation demonstrates the preservation and strengthening of his power through the thoughtful use of psychological mechanisms. For example, in crisis situations, image technology works quite successfully. "the power of information" . So, information about the possession of a certain important information, which can lead to a resolution of the crisis, enhances the feeling of reliability of the leader in the eyes of subordinates. For example, the psychological well-being of subordinates will improve if they receive information that the leader has strong connections “at the top”, or a reliable investor has appeared. In these cases, it is advisable for the head of the company to participate in the trip of the head of the city, region, prime minister, president.
In general, more knowledge enhances the image of power. Therefore, even if there is no secret information in principle, it is necessary to indirectly (through the “leakage” of information through reference groups) show: “I have some kind of secret knowledge, some kind of “super information”, and this will bring us success.”
The psychological mechanism of strengthening the manager's power potential through technology works similarly. "power of competence" . Building up the leader's own competence and its active demonstration, connected with overcoming crisis phenomena, is what is needed.
For example, holding a research and production city, regional, industry conference on the basis of an enterprise. The positive image of the leader will be significantly strengthened if new, most modern knowledge is used in his speeches. It is also effective to refer to the manager's past positive experience when he acted as a successful anti-crisis manager. The main thing is to emphasize your competence, compliance with the highest professional standards.
It works well for the manager to attract new competent advisers. This also has a beneficial effect on the image of a leader in the eyes of employees and brings a sense of reliability and security.
These technologies, alas, also only temporarily increase the potential of power. But if you use them systematically and at the same time really take the company out of the crisis, then you really get a high level of support. The image of a strong leader without real confirmation is nothing. Compare the algorithm for using the described psychological tricks F.D. Roosevelt, I.V. Stalin - and Saddam Hussein.

Controlling the minds of subordinates in a crisis situation, you must use directed behavior of members of the reference group and leaders of influence groups .
Any social group(including the company) has an organizational and socio-psychological structure: it has informal leaders, various microgroups that create special semantic and emotional spaces in the organization. Effective group dynamics are maintained through retention positive mood and neutralization negative impact minorities. In his actions, the leader always relies on trusted and reliable associates and assistants - his "influence teams" .
In a situation of crisis, the image of a manager can be significantly strengthened due to reference (authority, the ability to influence the formation of an opinion). Technology "reference" involves a more active, and in some cases - targeted use of the influence of these groups and authorities on other employees. As a rule, these are indirect methods of influence in the form of remarks, remarks, conversations in smoking rooms, etc. That is, in the course of informal communication between employees, where current problems of the day are discussed and moods and opinions are formed, the influence of reference persons is most effective.

A crisis is a situation full of stress factors. The most severe time limit, the multiply increased price of an erroneous decision equate a crisis situation with a combat one. And in war - as in war. We have to strictly neutralize the influence of the non-constructive minority - alarmists, whiners, capitulators - on the rest of the team, on the situation as a whole.
Neutralization of non-constructive tendencies (minorities) critical technology anti-crisis psychotechnologies within the company.
In a crisis, as a rule, the influence on the general mood of people with low resistance to stress increases. With their negative emotionality, they infect an increasing number of employees. Neutralizing alarmists is the most difficult task. To solve it, you can use a series effective technologies.
Image neutralization involves the formation of negative images: "eccentrics", "emotionally unbalanced", "people with oddities", etc. The launch of these images nullifies the wave of discontent emanating from these people. Here you can bring interesting example: in the Brezhnev years, in order to weaken the influence in Ukraine of the poet I. Drach, a well-known nationalist, his supporters (through the works of the competent authorities) were nicknamed "drachists", throwing this nickname into society through informal channels. It worked great.
Technology "role transformation" involves a temporary approach of these people to the leader or to his immediate environment. That is, you are transferring him from the role of a “negativist” and “critic” to the role of an “assistant” and “advisor” with the expansion of powers. In this case, there is a canalization of negative energy into the mainstream of positive action to fulfill assignments and tasks.
In conclusion, we note that the described technologies are effective as a means of relieving hotbeds of tension only when the crisis is overcome by really real and effective measures. If this is not the case, then psychology degenerates into empty "PR" games, eventually suffering complete bankruptcy. This should be remembered by the leaders of both companies and structures of a much higher level. But it is still important to remember that the crisis is within us. Outside - only the conditions for its emergence and growth.

An organization in crisis is like a small country that can fall into dangerous confusion. This can't be allowed

An effective leader in a crisis situation demonstrates the preservation and strengthening of his power through the thoughtful use of psychological mechanisms.

Lyudmila Stepnova
Doctor of Psychology

Within the framework of the organization as a target institutional group and in the process of communication and interaction of its members, as a rule, leadership positions are formed, which become the centers for managing functional interaction and socialization of new members of the group. The nomination of a leader is associated with the mechanism of externalization (legitimization of the right to influence collective behavior), which manifests itself in initiatives aimed at determining the situation and methods of action that are significant for the participants in joint activities. Accordingly, such characteristics of leadership as a focus on innovation and adjustment of the standards adopted in the team in order to increase the effectiveness of its actions are of particular importance. Leadership in this case can be seen as general process management of group innovative development and at the same time as a process of regulating relations in the team, taking into account the specific nature of the problem situation (that is, the discrepancy between the existing state of affairs and the necessary one), the main characteristics of which are discussed above.

In this case, it is not the psychological abilities of the individual that come to the fore, but his skills to make non-trivial decisions in extraordinary situations. It should be noted that the effectiveness of leadership is ensured by the rationality of actions based on conscious and reasonable decisions, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, by the optimal organization of the process of their implementation, taking into account the fact that this process includes both rational and non-rational (spontaneous) components.

Despite the fact that the terms "leader" and "manager" are often taken interchangeably, they have the following differences 2:

  • - leadership is the way of search;
  • - management is the way to follow;
  • - management determines how to "do things right";
  • Leadership defines how to "do the right thing".

Usually the leader has to use the unifying force,

arouse the pride of employees in relation to belonging to the organization; strengthen the identification of its members with common goals and values; contribute to the formation of organizational morality, encourage, give the necessary form, disseminate a new vision of the organization, new identities. At the same time, the leader often acts based not so much on the preferences and wishes of employees, but on the idea of ​​social necessity, while carrying out important organizational changes. It should be emphasized that some of these leaders are strong administrators and powerful leaders. They usually have such personality traits as commitment to a goal; brilliant communication skills; oratorical talent, charisma; commitment to the development and well-being of the organization, and not to personal or group interests.

As typical problems caused by internal organizational factors, one can name: financial difficulties, non-compliance of the organization's product with external requirements, discrepancy between the level of training and technical equipment of the organization and the quality of its functions. In such situations, involving structural changes in the organization, the uncertainty of the future and the likelihood of changes become the focus of attention of the members of the organization and are interpreted primarily negatively. All this generates a tense atmosphere in the organization and the stressful state of employees. Due to the fact that the leaders of the organization in a crisis situation make authoritarian decisions, often contrary to organizational cultural patterns, norms, values, conflict situations which, in turn, can lead to the destruction of existing organizational cultural stereotypes and prevent the emergence of new ones.

Problems associated with external circumstances arise when it comes to the division of an organization or its merger with another. In such situations, the anxiety and anxiety of the members of the organization affect the quality of work and relationships, all organizational decisions and interactions, as a rule, are hasty and ineffective, since they are implemented in conditions of serious distortion of information due to strict time frames and negative reactions of people to the situation. The combination of these factors often leads to intra-organizational conflicts.

  • 1 Urmina I.A. Thesis for the degree of candidate of cultural studies "Leadership in problem situations: theoretical and cultural analysis". - M., 2003.
  • Bennis W. G., Nanus B. Leaders: the Strategies for Taking Charge // Harper & Row, 1985.

Two years ago, completing a course in Psychology of Management for 3rd year students of the Department of Psychology at Moscow State University, I found a surprising consonance with my thoughts with the approach and research described by Warren Bennis and Robert Thomas in their wonderful book How to Become Leaders: Next Generation Management. – M.: Publishing House"Williams", 2006. In connection with the topic under discussion, I will note what the authors and I agreed on. Further - not a quote, but my understanding of the point of view of the authors.

There are major cultural differences between leadership in the past and today. The old paradigm of leadership, expressed by the motto "command and control", is clearly outdated. Today, orders are being replaced by an understanding of management as joint creativity and cooperation. Chaos is the reality in which a modern leader has to live and create, and the ability to live in it - necessary condition leadership in our time. "If you're not confused, you won't understand what's going on." In a sense, the difference between the old and the new methods of leadership is the difference between golf and surfing. You need to catch a wave of constant changes and stay on it, even if you can not see either the shore or the sky.

The key to success is the ability to adapt (assessing the situation and seizing opportunities). Troubles as a test into joy. “Experience is not something that happens to a person. It's how he deals with what happens to him." Aldous Huxley.
In a period of constant change, when the threat of layoffs is “hanging” around, and employees continue to fight for jobs, trying to show their qualifications and prove their dedication, each manager has to quickly make difficult decisions, and the success of the organization largely depends on these decisions.

The immediacy of a person's reaction to external circumstances is often caused by an external stimulus and the "automatic readiness" of the subject to respond. The success of the answer in this case depends on the "experience" of the person who has proven his adequacy in past positive results. And what to do in a completely unfamiliar situation, for which there are no ready-made solutions, and, consequently, there is no “successful” experience? In this case, the concept of "situationalness" comes to the rescue, as a person's ability to study, analyze a new situation for him and act in accordance with new circumstances. Thanks to these actions, new knowledge and new experience appear.

The initial postulates of the situational approach to managing people under uncertainty are based on the belief that the circumstances faced by modern manager, are varied and indefinite. Without analyzing the changes and understanding the context of the situation, it is absolutely impossible to properly manage and rely on the effectiveness of their actions. The formulation of the organization's strategy usually includes forward-looking actions in a situation of change, which (actions) in themselves are nothing more than change factors. This is of little relevance to situations requiring adaptation or reorganization, since in these cases the organization changes in response to external influences. However, in cases where the source of change is within the organization, strategic actions towards integrative and developmental processes become key.

What is a leader to do?

Work on an incentive system where each employee, especially those directly influencing financial results, will understand what his assessment depends on and wage. The task is to create such a system of stimulation and motivation, thanks to which employees will develop and look for internal resources to increase their personal effectiveness.

To instill in our employees healthy ambitions and loyalty to the company, exactingness to their professionalism, responsibility for the result, and at the same time, respect and support for each other. On the part of the leader of the company, openness and dedication are required in order to achieve a common result.

The current situation is a unique opportunity to part with unsuccessful employees that every company has. At the same time, it is necessary to increase attention to the key employees of the organization, to create the most favorable conditions for them to work and develop, including giving them greater responsibility.

It is impossible to refuse personnel development programs. Of course, they must change their format: focus on internal trainers, practical training in areas of activity that are critical for business, and the use of distance learning.

It is necessary to maintain the level of dedication of the staff, for which it is necessary to develop the system internal communication. Employees must understand what is happening in the company and how the company's anti-crisis program is being implemented, and most importantly, they must accept the changes that are being made during the period of new opportunities.

The most important aspect of the situational approach to change is the involvement of people in this process. It's not about how to overcome resistance to change on the part of employees. The main question is how to create conditions for the people working in the organization to become the key factor in the ongoing changes - their initiators, co-authors and implementers. There is no doubt that only people can be the main source and resource of all organizational transformations.

Modern crisis management is in search of effective solutions and is constantly changing. Understanding the opportunities and limitations of today's implementation concepts organizational change allows you to approach change professionally.

Where to begin?

As for the position of top management personnel (according to our research), in conditions of uncertainty they tend to adhere to the following rules:

1. Do not violate the traditional logic of business (orient all your decisions and actions to efficiency, the measure of which is profit).

2. Not for a moment let the situation out of your control. Constantly "draw" the contours of a changing situation.

3. Instantly respond to the slightest changes in significant aspects of the situation.

4. Experiment "on the fly" by building a very short "feedback loop" (sometimes in the form of a "thought" experiment).

5. Do not delegate or entrust the solution of any issues related to your business (from operational current to strategic perspective) to anyone.

This implies:

Conduct an analysis (audit) of business processes, exclude actions and functions that do not lead to the required results, abandon excessive bureaucratization, change job descriptions.

Bring to life strategic plan companies.

Introduce a system of monthly, quarterly planning and evaluation of results against key goals and indicators for each employee.

Keep in mind that a crisis manager is not so much a leader who owns business technologies, but a leader who can inspire others. He needs to be able to daily create a positive environment around himself and an “atmosphere of victory and success” in the current situation. That is, at every moment of time this person differs from all others in that he turns uncertainty into opportunities!

Dismiss employees who demonstrate average results. Retrain talented employees due to the closure of some projects, the abolition of functions and the optimization of business processes.

The current situation is a good illustration of the fact that the key to success is the ability to adapt. This skill is based on a real assessment of the situation and the use of hidden opportunities.

In essence, the theme of the crisis is closely related to the problem of activity, behavior and states of a person in a situation of uncertainty. For psychology, as you know, this topic is not new, one can even say that this topic has “deep roots”. Can it be argued that today we (methodologically, conceptually, instrumentally) lack something from what psychology has already explored and proposed in relation to this area. It is clear that the contribution of psychology to understanding the characteristics of a person in a situation of uncertainty and change cannot be reviewed in a short commentary. However, let's try to take a small step, "leaning" on the mighty shoulder of V.P. Zinchenko. To do this, we will take as a basis a fragment of his article “Tolerance for uncertainty: news or psychological tradition?” from the collection: Man in a situation of uncertainty. - M., 2007. Let's start with a quote that deserves to be put in an epigraph: "The end of uncertainty, the attenuation, even if seemingly absurd interactions, is death, and the end of certainty, even if it seems superintelligent, is the beginning of a new life" ( p.20).

Have psychology explored ways to overcome uncertainty? If so, what deserved the status of "be described"? Let's start with option #1. “The easiest way to get rid of uncertainty is to postulate certainty, even predestination. These can be instincts, reflexes (even a reflex of purpose and a reflex of freedom), fate, sexual desires, the desire for death, etc. ” (p.21). From here I see two big pieces of advice. First. “If it is not clear what is around the corner, determine for yourself what is there. And act accordingly." Associatively I hear a consonance with a well-known: "A bad decision is better than no decision." Second. “If it is not clear what is around the corner, then surrender to instincts, the “call” of nature, something that is “deep in you”. Here I hear something else, but also well known: “If you don’t know what to do, surrender to the will of the Almighty!”.

Option number 2. “... in the organization of behavior, the importance of choice is great ... readiness for choice” (p. 22). Certainly, this way behavior in a situation of uncertainty (not deliverance, but, apparently, overcoming) is much more difficult. If only because to describe its implementation, the author uses a lot of psychological and not quite psychological phenomena. This is the “basic sense of trust” in the world and in the success of one’s activity (E. Erickson), and “post-editing of signs” (V.N. Toporov), and “post-scriptum thought” (I. Brodsky). Which of these tips? First, be prepared to choose under equally likely conditions. Those. be ready to compare and choose. The very act of choice is more important than subsequent reflection, since the result of this very reflection may be of interest either for the formation of readiness for subsequent elections, or for self-therapy (self-justification).

Option number 3. “Apparently, the main “tool” for overcoming uncertainty is meaning” (SS 26-27). This is where, apparently, reasoning about different paradigms becomes relevant: optimism - pessimism, or romanticism - pragmatism. What can psychology advise here? Is it really “know thyself” again? And, if so, in what edition this time? Or maybe try to understand what is the meaning of what is happening? Understand uncertainty? To endow it with meanings (your own) or comprehend its meaning (if it has one)?

Option number 4. “A more reliable means of minimizing uncertainty is making a meaningful decision and taking action! More precisely, the determination to act or the will to act, giving rise to free action, deed, "responsible unity" of thinking and deed" (p. 31). Okay, but what does "free action" mean? Before advising someone to be "free", you need to understand what this very freedom means in a situation of uncertainty? Or, at least, identify certain criteria or indicators by which your interlocutor could build his own “route of understanding”. From the point of view of a meaningful decision: start “from” what? Based on what? That is, if the meaningfulness of my decision is based on attributing the reality of my own understanding, then I will most likely form my own attitude on this basis. But it is precisely here that the reason that precedes my real actions and deeds is hidden. Isn't "determination" an irrational category, but not in the sense of madness, but in the sense of opposition to the rational? Or maybe it removes the notorious contradiction between affect and intellect? But then the advice of psychology will be of a very esoteric nature. Freedom - this is my inner certainty in understatement, a unique state that precedes a single and precise (in spatio-temporal terms) action. Why single? Because any act, like any event in a person's life, like his life itself, are single. They never were before and never will be. Why accurate? Because there will be no other opportunity for me to do this.

Thus, psychology advises a leader in a crisis or situation of uncertainty the following:

1. Return to normal self-regulation.

2. More romanticism.

3. Achieve the integration of the mind, intuition, emotions and imagination.

4. Help yourself to upgrade the existing one and build a new, more reliable bridge between the past and the future. Try to generate more

meaningful, more strategic, more purposeful, more flexible, more rational and relevant life plans (achievement and avoidance programs).

5. If it is not clear what to do, decide for yourself (take responsibility), and act in accordance with this.

6. If it is not clear what to do, surrender to instincts, intuition, the “call” of nature. As a last resort, stop panicking and surrender yourself to the will of the Almighty! .

7. Be ready to choose in equally probable conditions. Learn to compare and choose responsibly.

Financial crisis

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Annotation: The article is devoted to the disclosure of the specifics of the manifestation of leadership during the economic crisis. Leadership is considered as a management tool, a special type of managerial interaction based on the most effective combination of human qualities and various sources of power, aimed at encouraging people to

achieving common goals. In the article, the economic crisis is presented as a situation of special testing for the head and employees of the company; describes the features inherent in any leader, as well as the characteristics that are in demand from leaders during the economic crisis.

Key words: Leadership, effective leadership, achievement of the organization's goals, ability to influence others, crisis, openness and honesty of the leader, innovative solutions, emotionally mature leaders, search for opportunities and a way out of a difficult situation, the desire to strengthen the position of the company.

Leadership issues are key to achieving organizational effectiveness. On the one hand, leadership is seen as having a certain set of qualities attributed to those who successfully influence or influence others. On the other hand, leadership is a process of predominantly non-coercive influence in the direction of achieving a group or company of its goals. The leader is able to create a new vision for solving a problem and, using his charisma, convey its meaning to followers in a way that inspires and arouses their enthusiasm to take action to achieve the goals.

Management is the activity of coordinating the actions of people to achieve the goals of the organization, including planning, organizing, motivating and controlling the actions of people. The style of managerial activity directly depends on the situation. In some of them, the manager achieves efficiency by structuring tasks, showing concern and support, in others he allows subordinates to participate in solving production problems, in others he painlessly changes style under pressure from superiors or circumstances. In any case, the leader must be able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances, as well as flexibly vary his behavior. In other words, a flexible management style is a tool in the hands of the head of the organization. Such a person must possess certain qualities, which in different situations are different, thanks to which he can gain authority, and employees recognize him as a leader.

Henry Mintzberg named eight basic qualities that a leader should have:

1. The art of being equal (to establish and maintain a system of relationships with equal people).

2. The art of being a leader (the ability to lead subordinates, to cope with all the difficulties and problems that come to a person along with power and responsibility).

3. The art of resolving conflicts (the ability to act as an intermediary between the two parties in the conflict, to resolve the troubles generated by psychological stress).

4. The art of processing information (the ability to build a communication system in the company, receive reliable information and evaluate it effectively).

5. The art of accepting non-standard management decisions(the ability to find problems and solutions in conditions where alternative courses of action, information and goals are unclear or questionable).

6. The art of allocating resources in an organization (the ability to choose the right alternative, find best option under conditions of limited time and lack of other types of resources).

7. The gift of the entrepreneur (the ability to take justified risks and to introduce innovations in the organization).

8. The art of introspection (the ability to understand the position of the leader and his role in the organization, the ability to see what impact the leader has on the organization).

The strength of a leader lies in the ability to create a bright and positively motivating image of the future for a wide circle of people, to inspire confidence in the predominance of benefits over the risks and difficulties associated with a joint movement towards this future. To do this, the leader needs the gift of foresight, intuition, analytical and communication skills, a reserve of energy that will fall on others. All these qualities are especially pronounced in the most famous entrepreneurs such as Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who created the world standard software, Louis Gerstner, ex-president of IBM, who restructured the company and made the provision of services its main activity.

Given the above, we propose to consider leadership as a management tool or a specific type of management interaction based on the most effective combination of various human qualities and sources of power, aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals.

It's no secret that the true essence of things and people is known in a crisis situation. A crisis is an event that can negatively affect both the company's activities and the entire industry. Economic crises constitute a special group of crisis situations that can be classified as developing crises (such as the 1998 default in Russia). In the economy, there is a "revaluation of values", a change in the proportions between sectors, industries, enterprises, workers. Such crises can brew for a long time but occur unexpectedly, leaving organizations little time to prepare, research, and plan. Economic crises are systemic in nature: they undermine the economic sustainability of companies as creators of values ​​and benefits for society, which, in turn, threatens the well-being of numerous counterparties of companies and society as a whole. Simultaneously with the economic crisis, a crisis of confidence is developing between counterparties, the fear of non-payments is growing, and the number of bankruptcies is growing.

The economic crisis is a kind of test for managers and employees. In difficult times, the company demonstrates how it corresponds to the values ​​that it declares, whether it is what it claims to be. In a crisis, it becomes clear who works in the company and who creates the appearance of vigorous activity. Among the companies on the market, it also becomes clear which companies really understand what they bring to their consumer and the whole world in their person, and which do not. Those companies that have nothing to rely on inside themselves, no real, and not hastily fabricated for show mission and values, leave the market. That is why the work of a company manager during a crisis is a long-term activity that ensures not only the survival of the company, but also its serious modernization. In a crisis, what is required is the same as in a period of recovery - effective leadership that combines the strategic nature of decisions with the effectiveness of execution.

In addition, the crisis complicates the situation due to the psychological state of people - both subordinates and leaders. Under crisis-induced stress, employees have a greater need for leadership than when the company is stable or growing. Employees are ready to sacrifice a significant part of their freedom and independence in exchange for what the leader gives - faith in the future, direction of movement, tools to achieve the goal. Many leaders are unable not only to “add” leadership, but also to maintain leadership at the same level. Managers run away from leadership in a crisis because, as employees, they get into a state of stress. The crisis drastically changes the world in which they lived, habitual mental models and managerial techniques stop working, the level of uncertainty skyrockets - all this causes stress even for mature self-confident managers.

In order to be effective in times of crisis, the leader must have calmness, have emotional and intellectual balance, and “gain sight” in the situation that has arisen. If this does not happen, then he begins to imitate the actions of others, to portray violent activity or inaction, thinking that there really is no crisis, but there are some temporary difficulties. Companies announce downsizing, shutting down investment projects, close vacancies, cancel development programs. Executives work seven days a week, spend all the time in meetings, but at the same time do not change anything in their business model or in the services they offer to the market.

In times of crisis, those leaders who can combine attention to business with attention to the people involved in it are effective. At this time, the openness and honesty of the leader acquire special significance. These qualities will ensure him the trust of employees. For example, during a crisis, employees face an acute issue with dismissal. If the management keeps silent about information, then the employees, seized by fear for their future, will not work productively, but will catch the “spawn of information”. Therefore, it is important for a leader to build top-down goals: set specific tasks; to get acquainted with the practice of work; explain the meaning of the work; evaluate the quality of work of subordinates; provide ideological information to facilitate the perception of goals. After all, if employees understand why the content of the work has changed and how it relates to the company's plans, they do their job better. If such information is not received, then it is produced locally and rumors and tensions are generated.

A crisis is a time for new ideas. It is during a crisis that the ability of leaders to think outside the box and look for new ways to solve a problem is important. Conceptual people see what others can't. They see patterns in data that look disjointed at first glance, or notice things that people with analytical warehouse mind. Such employees are needed in times of crisis, as they are able to find new, unexpected business opportunities. Dave Novak, who believed that Pizza Hut could be more than just a red-roofed restaurant chain, is a prime example of a highly conceptual thinker. He understood that the company was actually selling pizza, and deployed all the options for selling this product in addition to the existing one. The new business model included home delivery pizza, conveniently located pizza kiosks and, of course, famous restaurants.

Thus, to manage a company in a crisis period, emotionally mature leaders are needed - self-confident individuals who are not afraid of difficult situations and tasks, they don't panic or jump to conclusions. Such people will look for opportunities and a way out of a difficult situation, as well as strive to strengthen the position of the company. A leader in a crisis is not an enthusiast who knows how to cut costs, and not an analyst who operates with numbers, but a person who knows how to find solutions to problems and new opportunities in an economic crisis.

Considering the above, let us designate the main characteristics that are inherent in a leader during an economic crisis. First, he exudes optimism, that is, a sincere belief in the company's ability to not only overcome the crisis by own forces, and get out of it more successfully than others. This belief is based on a rethinking of the environment, the goals of the company, its business model, which the leader has already carried out or is actively conducting, involving others and talking about the results of the entire organization.

Secondly, the leader demonstrates the ability to put himself in the place of another person, to feel the way he feels. He boldly talks about the problems of subordinates, empathizes and shares his anxieties and experiences.

Thirdly, the leader demonstrates a combination of flexibility, adaptability and strategy. Effective leaders are very attentive to external environment, interpret the signals coming from it, actively seek feedback, based on the analysis new information make decisions and correct the actions of the company.

Fourthly, the leader not only creates psychological comfort for followers, but also provides them with tools and mechanisms to work in new conditions. He does not forget about his main role - the creation of a more perfect company. With limited resources and opportunities, the leader develops people, improves processes and organizational competencies in order to make another leap to the top.

The crisis will not be able to prevent the achievement of the goal, if this goal exists, it is clear, understandable, achievable, and you know for sure that the company needs it. The crisis can change the original plans. But the strategic plan and goals have not changed. The crisis only changes tactics, the strategy remains unchanged. In order to survive, you need to change tactics, look for innovative solutions, the decisions made must be implemented faster than in normal times, you need to react and act quickly.

During the economic crisis, the company's management is required to have effective management that combines the strategic nature of decisions with the effectiveness of execution. But you also need to be able to trust those with whom you work together, otherwise it will not be possible to implement it, it is important to create a team of like-minded people who would share the idea of ​​business. That is why the management of a company in a crisis period requires emotionally mature leaders who are not afraid of difficult situations and tasks, they do not panic and do not make hasty conclusions. Such leaders will look for opportunities and ways out of difficult situations, as well as strive to strengthen the position of the company.


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