Statuses to lift your spirits. Positive good statuses with meaning. Short beautiful statuses about kindness

Something cheerful, positive mood, love, positivity, a cool attitude for a VKontakte girl - it’s all here!

Find something to believe in and get up in the morning with a smile.

Enjoy life. Laugh with happiness. Don't hide your smiles. in spite of all misfortunes. Live, love, madly and passionately. Don’t rush to be sad because life is so beautiful!!!

A completely uneducated person can rob a boxcar, while a university graduate can steal a railroad.

I won't guess what I will find in life. I don’t know what’s waiting and I don’t need it! I live as I want - I smile, I am sad. I have what I have - and I'm GLAD!

If you are on a diet, remember the golden rule: “If you want to eat, eat an apple. If you don’t want an apple, you don’t want to eat it.”

I hope everyone has a fun summer! With smiles, laughter, friends and loved ones!

I'm in a good mood... I won't take sick leave! Let people get infected.

Well, it’s just a sin to open the yogurt and not lick the foil

I now know where the Sun lives! In my heart

A real gentleman will always give a lady a seat on a minibus so that he can stare at her cleavage the whole way.

I loved only one man, the one who, when asked: “Do you love me?” replied: “Of course, daughter.” I still love and will continue to love.

The happiest woman is the one who has two names: the first is beloved! And the second is mom!

Well, why are you depressed? More optimism: someday the bad luck will end, you’re not immortal.

If the caterpillar held on to the past, it would never have become a butterfly.

I drink coffee tea, tea coffee, milk juice, milk tea, coffee juice, milk water, and all because the mug needs to be washed at least periodically

I love three people: myself, me and that handsome man in the mirror.

So what if the wind is in your head! But the thoughts are always fresh.

She slept curled up under a blanket, and sometimes did not sleep at all, but every day, in spite of the rains and troubles, she was naturally cheerful.

In order to test the new washing powder, we arrived at the kindergarten and asked the children to get really dirty. This was already the 21st kindergarten where we had fun with the children and left.

What a wonderful day, what a wonderful stump, how wonderful I am, and my song.

Don't say the world is sad. Don't say it's hard to live. Learn in the midst of life's ruins. Laugh, believe and love!

Try to do what you want at least once in your life. Despite the “buts” and “what ifs.” Without thinking about who will think and say what. This is your life.

Only after becoming a father of three children did I realize that the Soviet cartoon about monkeys was not funny at all!

And on the weekends, you can dream about how you will dream on vacation.

When a woman enters the house, it becomes light, when a man enters, it becomes warm, and when a child enters, it becomes joyful. So let there always be Light, Warmth and Joy in our homes

Taught the parrot to say “Thank you.” He was grateful.

I went for bright colors to paint myself a new life

Don't put yesterday's sad memories in your morning coffee. Add the sugar of today's joyful hopes!

Your efforts are not in vain. Wait a little - they will be acquitted

How I love waking up to your call!

Everything is always covered in chocolate. It's just that at the moment, HE'S BITTER.

I? Will I suffer? Oh, I beg you, I can only suffer from bullshit

She scolded her cockroaches, put them in little places in her head, and forbade them to change places. They quieted down - they didn’t bother me, they whispered and discussed what a bitch I was.

Let only chocolate be bitter!

Finally, I figured out coffee: if it’s good freshly roasted, ground and brewed coffee, then it’s IT, if it’s instant, then IT’s IT.

Vacation is only good when there is something to miss about work afterwards.

Always expect the best - because you always get exactly what you expect.

I love my grandmother - for her I am always thin!

Over the past year, Stas Mikhailov earned $20,000,000. Only Sergei Mavrodi took more from older women.

Tomorrow the one who reads this status will find his happiness.

Yesterday I went to bed at 21:30. I couldn’t fall asleep from such happiness until 3 o’clock.

I will do everything to do this!

I move forward in life boldly, I thank luck, and leaving a mark in my history, I say thank you.

I just forget everything that happened before, all those people who made me cry and say thank you to those who make me laugh.

“It’s time for you to go on vacation” is also a kind of diagnosis.

I see my sister, five years old, typing something into Google. I come up and read: “How to quit a kindergarten?”

Today the sun set late, it was bright and energetic for a very long time. First day of vacation. How many days like this do I still have left, is it important now? After all, the sun has set, and the coolness of the night invites you to walk and have fun! After all, the most important thing in vacation is not to think about anything other than vacation!

“You still don’t believe me?!” Then I’m coming to you!” - my boss told me and hung up. Apparently my vacation really has already passed.

I don’t know about others?! And I completely trust my wife! We've been living together for six years, and I haven't lost anything yet!

Women are never as powerful as they are after defeat.

Stress is when you wake up and realize that you haven’t fallen asleep yet!

My children will have all the delights of life: a belt, a corner and cookies.

I have the most important task in the house - I make sure that the sweets do not spoil!

To avoid awkward pauses in conversation, just start dancing to imaginary music. Being crazy is better than being boring

It’s so nice when there are moments in your memory, remembering which brings a smile to your face.

The inscription on the fence: “Caution, the dog is not angry, but his nerves are not in order!”

The length of the minute depends on which side of the toilet door you are on.

Darling, did you marry me for love?
- No, just for fun.

If you watch Jackie Chan films in reverse, you get a movie about a man who, in a fight, assembles furniture with his feet.

“A good vacation means a good job” is a promise to employees that is fulfilled in the first two hours after a good rest.

The whole world is in your hands.

I have a photo of him on my phone. And when I “accidentally” open it, such a sweet smile appears on my face and the desire to kiss the display

Beauty is a woman's wealth. Wealth is the beauty of a man.

Well, what shortcomings could I have? I have enough of everything!

Dear VODKA! You promised that I would be beautiful, sexy and able to dance like a goddess. So, I watched the video. Need to talk.

Angelic Morning, Heavenly mood, Divine love, Heavenly successful day, Smiles brighter than the stars!!!

I was told yesterday that I live in fantasies. I almost fell off the dragon.

Looking for a victim for a serious relationship

Anything that doesn't kill us, we no longer buy.

A smile is my face. Laughter is my character. Joy is my life.

Play sports - it's a small problem processing plant.

Nothing shows off your chest like a one-shoulder bag.

Call me whatever you want, just be sure to add “my” at the end.

If they dig a hole for you, don’t interfere. When you finish, you'll make yourself a swimming pool.

“He who is born to crawl will not fly,” have you heard? Now remember that first the caterpillar is created, and only then the butterfly is created.

Only three things suddenly happen: pregnancy, morning and the end of vacation. For me, everything happened at once and time stopped.

If my boyfriend leaves for someone else, I don't regret him. Since childhood, my mother taught me to give away old toys to those less fortunate!

Look for the positive in life, learn to rejoice in happiness, then all bets will be covered by the cards of the desired suit!

How am I doing, you ask? I will answer you as usual. I live like in a fairy tale, gentlemen: It’s good, then everything is great!

Not long ago, the World Health Organization officially recognized love as a disease. So, I didn't think I'd say this, but I'm sick and I wish the same for you!

Former! I remember you. But with a smile!

Good things happen if you are a good person with good intentions.

If in the morning you hug something other than your pillow. And everyone can wish for pleasant dreams at night. And you brew two mugs of coffee in the morning - You have found everything in life, all you have to do is not lose it!

Calm, just calm! There is still alcohol, the girls haven’t gone anywhere, it’s only morning and there are five days left before the end of the vacation!

And you really want your beloved to walk through the puddles next to you. Just kiss her cheeks smeared with running mascara. Remove wet strands from her face. Hold her hand.

New funny laughing statuses, funny short quotes, beautiful aphorisms, the best jokes, phrases, poems and good touching sayings with meaning for VK and classmates.

A selection of the most positive statuses that carry not only deep meaning, but also evoke good positive emotions in people. By posting good statuses on your profile, you strive to highlight your best qualities to others and show yourself to social network users from the most positive side.

Enjoy life. Laugh with happiness. Don’t hide your smiles to spite all misfortunes. Live, love, madly and passionately. Don’t rush to be sad - life is so beautiful!!!

There will be a new dawn, there will be many victories! And never believe that there is no way out!

If you want life to smile at you, first smile at life yourself.

And out of problems I will knit a rug... And I will wipe my feet.

Positive statuses with deep meaning

There is sun in every person. Just let it shine.

Kindness cannot be given away forever; it always comes back.

Good intentions are nothing if they are not translated into good deeds.

The soul of every person rejoices when he does good to another.

Good is freedom. It is only for freedom or in freedom that the difference between good and evil lies.

It is impossible to do a good deed too early, because it is impossible to know when it will be too late.

Short beautiful statuses about kindness

Do good. It will be needed in the future.

Kindness is something that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Hurry to do good, my friend,
For both friends and girlfriends.

Be kind to unkind people - they need it most.

Kindness is born of kindness.

He who does good to a friend does good to himself.

How much kindness there is in a person, so much life there is in him.

Goodness multiplies when it is shared.

Good funny statuses

No matter how serious life is, you always need someone with whom you can fool around...

Whoever is afraid of something will happen to him.
Now I am very afraid of getting rich and losing weight.

- Why are good people often fat, and evil people skinny? - Because anger suffocates, but bursts with joy.

The rainbow is visible only to those who want to see it! For the rest - a zebra crossing at a pedestrian crossing!!!

There is no love without pain, said the little bunny and hugged the hedgehog tightly.

Don't wait for happiness to come... Step into it yourself!!!

To live and rejoice you need only two things: firstly, to live, and secondly, to rejoice...

Only with a great mood and fighting spirit can you conquer this life.

From the playlist on your phone you can accurately determine a person’s mood.

My mother is perfect at ruining my nervous system and mood, lowering my self-esteem and annoying my friends, but she is still the best.

Full communication is possible only in a good mood. Silence allows you to collect all your thoughts and put them on shelves.

Best status:
You need to enjoy every minute to try to improve your mood. Life is such a thing that there may not be “later”.

Every woman has something of a traffic cop in her: she will stop you when you are in a hurry, say nasty things, deprive you of your money and mood, and then you will also find yourself guilty.

I’m a jack of all trades: I can ruin your entire destiny, ruin your mood, drive you into hysterics, spend all your savings, change everything upside down and create a bunch of problems.

The mood is much more complex than charging your phone. When your fingers sit down, you won’t be able to put your fingers in the socket and you won’t be able to connect to your computer.

My mood doesn’t smell like violets, you know!

It's very difficult to keep your mouth shut when you're in a bad mood.

When God was giving out good vibes, I was probably sitting on the toilet

Mood is a strange and fickle thing... That is, it is there, then it is no longer there, and sometimes it is simply impossible to explain to yourself its appearance and its disappearance.

There is such a profession - mood monitor! And, apparently, most have the highest category and many years of work experience!

Chocolate no longer lifts the mood, all I need is you

No need to rush a girl when she's getting ready! She doesn’t “twirl in front of the mirror”, she creates the mood

Lately, everyone has had one inevitable problem of being in a bad mood: it’s called love.

My mood is like the weather in autumn - it seems good, but no one knows if it will rain in an hour!

A good mood is when you pee while dancing

I love people in a great mood, when kindness laughs in their eyes, and in their hearts there is that invisible glow, that blue space and height!

A good mood is joy over the deeds of a prudent person. – Unknown Platonist

I'm in the mood. Somewhat bad, but in the mood.

Mood is a complicated thing. Either it is there or it is not.

A good mood makes all things bearable. – G. Beecher

The mind does not save us from stupid things committed under the influence of mood. – L. Vauvenargues

A spiritualized and generous husband, although he will not live long, is counted among the long-livers, and the one who lives by everyday vanity and wretchedness, who is not able to bring benefit either to himself or to others, will be short-lived and unhappy, even if he lives to a ripe old age - Thomas Jefferson

If cats are scratching your soul, don’t hang your nose, the time will come and they will purr loudly with happiness!!!

A light knock was heard. The mood dropped.

The most important thing is to have a good mood, the rest is a matter of money.

I am convinced that the soul of every person rejoices when he does good to another - Baltasar Gracian y Morales

When you're nearly twenty, pleasant idiocy always lifts your spirits.

The human mind has three keys that open everything: a number, a letter, a note. Know, think, dream. Everything in this - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

The mood changes like the weather. Sometimes the sun is shining, sometimes it’s raining!

We are moving to live on the rainbow... tired of living on the zebra :)

If you want life to smile at you, first give it a good mood. – B. Spinoza

We evaluate everything that fate sends us based on our mood. – F. de La Rochefoucauld

Control your mood, for if it does not obey, it commands. – Horace

Life is too short to waste it on diets, greedy men and bad moods...

Mood 0. I want to say a big thank you to all those who took part in this!

As the body grows, the soul shrinks more and more. I feel it myself... Ah, I was a great man when I was a little boy! - Dale Carnegie

The tragedy of old age is not that a person grows old, but that he remains young at heart - Fyodor Dostoevsky

A bad mood is one of the varieties of laziness. – I.V. Goethe

The less a person cares about his state of mind, the more he is worth - John of Damascus

Science is beneficial only when we accept it not only with our minds, but also with our hearts

Don’t take life so seriously, in the end you won’t come out of it alive anyway.

The dreams that are most easily realized are those that are not doubted.

Nothing spoils a good mood more than its absence.

The best decoration of life is a good mood. – Alexey Batievsky

It's a shame when your dreams come true for others!

Arrows pierce the flesh, but evil words pierce the soul - Karl Börne

The key to success is a good mood with which you walk through life. A big step towards failure is being a hostage to your mood.

Sometimes a simple smile can lift your mood for the whole day; and sometimes one glance ruins everything...

I got sick in a good mood... I won’t take sick leave! Let people get infected.

The best decoration of life is a good mood.

I can reassure and convince others that everything will work out, that everything will work out, that everything will be fine. But there is one person with whom this number does not work... It’s me myself

A good mood is kindness and wisdom together. – O. Meredith

Since you cannot be externally what you want to be, become internally what you should become - Victor Hugo

My mood is like a mirror. Be kind and friendly to me - I will definitely respond in kind!

Maybe the one who does the most dreams the most

It's amazing what one ray of sunshine can do to a person's soul! – Francesco Petrarca

Damn, what a beauty! Get up in the morning and wash your face! And, hoping for the best, it’s easy to step into a new day! To drink coffee! Dress up! Apply a little makeup! And don't whine! And don't get angry! Bloom only for joy! Without playing hide and seek with someone, without being deceitful, without hiding... Tell everyone that EVERYTHING IS OKAY!!! EVERYTHING IS EXCELLENT WITH ME!!!

Moods come unexpectedly and go without warning.

A small lonely man is very easy to break, but when his soul draws strength from God, he becomes invincible - Oscar Wilde

As usual - everything is strawberry!!!

The best decoration in life is a great mood.

Carefully! Radiating positive vibes!

When you wake up in the morning, don't be lazy! Give yourself a beautiful compliment and you will blossom in an instant!

Let sorrows be forgotten in autumn, let's leave the past behind in winter, let spring bloom in the soul, and let summer be in the mood!

Happiness is the ability not to spoil your mood and not let others do it.

I wish you positivity, meetings, communication, creativity! In general, they understood me. Have a wonderful day!

I have a unique talent - no matter how good everything is, I manage to make it even better!

If life doesn’t make you happy, then make it happy. Do you want changes in your destiny? So, start from the inside.

We look for magic and beauty in things, while magic and beauty are in ourselves!

It is impossible to get away from the sun if it is inside.

Our destinies depend on ourselves; by changes in ourselves we change others.

Always listen to yourself - a good person will not wish for bad things!

Look into your hearts! What beautiful flowers of Love, Light and Harmony bloom in them!

In every winter heart lurks a trembling spring, and behind the veil of every night is a smiling dawn.

Believe me, all troubles will go away! Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

Nothing happens in vain in this world! There is room for the best!

Seeing the goal, and not the obstacles, we will get where we need to go!

I don't allow myself too much. Maybe you are simply denying yourself too much?..

Becoming happy is the most important decision I have made in my life!

Yes, I have many shortcomings. Forgive me, perfect people!

Hurry up, accept a ray of sunny happiness as a gift!

You noticed that you can change the world: you are sad and the world is gloomy; you smile and the world shines.

Since the mood is always different, let it alternate - good with beautiful!

The mood is great, even off the charts!

The mood is excellent - usual for spring!

I love spring for its excellent mood, charge of emotions, new love, tenderness, flowers, bright colors.

Spring always means new life, rebirth, youth and a great mood.

In spring there is a lot of energy, you want something big and bright, so why not start today?..

Everyone is doing well today! And everything works for everyone: it works, it’s found, it fits, it sticks!

This is for a good Man! For you! I know, you read, you understand that it’s about you and you smile!

The events of your life directly depend on your mood.

The colors of life are in your hands - choose positive tones!

Live, love, openly and passionately. Don’t rush to be sad - life is so beautiful!

Let words of love, attention, kindness fly from your lips like flowers!
Let your gaze, like the distant shine of the planets, carry an unquenchable light!
Let your hands be like two wings, open for affection and warmth!

Statuses about great mood, optimism and life is wonderful! Positive, beautiful, sunny, happy sayings.

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Perhaps the funniest statuses on the website! When you want to amuse your friends, look at Statuses-Here and you will find funny statuses for classmates, in contact or for other social networks. The main thing is not to lose heart, because you can always find positive statuses, thanks to which you will cheer up those around you, and gray everyday life will suddenly sparkle with new colors. Our most funny statuses will help make any princess Nesmeyana laugh, and now she is already laughing with you, and together you read laughing statuses for classmates on! This is not surprising, because laughter, jokes, a positive and cheerful attitude prolong life, help maintain good relationships and make it easier to look at the world. Our funniest statuses about everything and everyone will give you the opportunity to stand out from the crowd of gloomy and dissatisfied Internet users. Funny quotes and sayings will definitely cheer up everyone who is lucky enough to see them. The funniest statuses are here! Let's choose a status together!

Selected funny statuses!

For us, funny statuses do not imply a frivolous approach, since we monitor the quality of our content extremely carefully. Funny statuses will surely please your friends and cheer you up. Positive quotes as a status will reflect your positive attitude in life and will delight everyone who sees them. In any situation, the main thing is to always think positively, and even if your day is not going well in the morning, come to us and read our crazy statuses and you yourself will not notice how the situation will change in your favor. Everyone knows that life is like a zebra - today the stripe is white, and tomorrow it is black. Let the pessimists think so, but you and I are optimists, because on our Odnoklassniki and VKontakte pages we have our very funny statuses!

The funniest statuses!

Does your significant other dream of celebrating the New Year on the seashore, and the heat being +30? Our humorous statuses will help you take your companion's thoughts in a different direction. Are your parents tormented by conversations about a summer cottage and are already purchasing seeds in December? Our funny statuses about spring will help you, make them laugh. You can judge a person by his sense of humor. You don't want your friends to think you're a fan of Petrosyan or the Ponomarenko brothers? Then our statuses with humor will help you. And let them just say that Ivan Urgan is simply handsome, now he has serious competition in you.

Funny statuses here!

Therefore, it’s a small matter: go to the appropriate section of the site, find carbon dioxide statuses and post them on your site. Just a few minutes of pleasant work, and a witty quote will appear on your page. And the fact that the work of finding funny statuses is really pleasant cannot even be disputed. After all, along the way, you will definitely look through more than a dozen cool quotes that will certainly delight you with excellent humor and charge you with an excellent mood. Positive people really love funny statuses. Because funny statuses are a very simple, but incredibly effective way to lift the mood of everyone around you. It’s so easy to pick up a funny quote and post it as a status on your page. Everyone who visits your page will certainly pay attention to your status and, at a minimum, smile. But this is already a lot! That's why funny statuses are so popular. It would seem that just one or two lines of text, and the mood is already in the positive. This is the whole essence and meaning of funny sayings and sayings.