A step-by-step action plan for starting successful trading on the stock exchange. Stock market. Trading the stock market Tips for trading in financial markets

Stock trading, investing or intermediation as ways to generate income are becoming increasingly popular in the life of a modern person. This type of income is no longer the lot of only wealthy people; more and more ordinary citizens want to put into practice the concept of “money should bring money.” The secret of its attractiveness lies in the high profitability of this enterprise (sometimes tens of times higher than in a bank).

The stock market is where buyers and sellers meet. The goods, depending on the type of the exchange itself, can be currency, shares, options, raw materials, etc. The formula for making a profit is extremely simple: in order to always be “in the black,” you need to buy cheaper and then sell at a higher price.

But in order to know how to do this correctly, you need not just start playing, but study the “stock exchange science” in as much detail as possible, understand the principles of trading and analytical activities.

Only after serious preparation is it worthwhile to plunge headlong into the world of numbers and quotes, where you need to have strong nerves, carry out constant mental work, be moderately passionate, and be disciplined in everything. At the same time, beginners should not be afraid in advance, but relying only on luck will be unproductive.

The main task of an exchange player is to buy currency at the minimum price and then sell it at the most profitable price. The difference between the purchase price and the price of the goods for sale will be trader's profit. Thus, the entire exchange process is speculative in nature, and, therefore, unpredictable and fraught with risk.

Concept and types

An exchange is an organization that controls the market for financial instruments: securities (stocks and bonds), currencies, commodities (oil, metals, grain, etc.), contracts (futures and options) and a number of others.

An exchange on which securities (stocks and bonds) are traded stock. This is the simplest, most popular and profitable financial instrument. The stock exchange system is a securities market in which transactions with real assets are carried out on agreed terms.

With low commissions, the stock exchange is an ideal platform for the novice trader. By purchasing securities of a company, a person becomes its shareholder, that is, he can receive dividends and then sell these shares at a profit when their price rises. In Russia, such transactions are concluded on Stock exchange RTS or MICEX . Access to trading is provided through brokers who buy and sell shares and keep records of transactions and transactions at the request of traders.

Commodity exchange is a place for the purchase and sale of various types of goods: precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium), agricultural products (wheat, corn, legumes, coffee, cotton), natural minerals and their derivatives (gas, oil, gasoline) and etc. Transactions here are concluded with an expectation of future deliveries, for which a deposit of 10-20% is paid.

Then, even before the end of the delivery period, a reverse transaction is concluded - the sale of the purchased product, which in reality was never in the hands of the buyer. The price difference will be the profit. It is much easier to predict price movements for commodities than for currencies or stocks.

On futures exchange purchase and sale of futures contracts and options is carried out. The name of the exchange comes from the English word “future”, which means an obligation to purchase or sell a certain number of shares at a certain price in the future with payment of their collateral value.

This mechanism is similar to trading on a commodity exchange. The trader makes a security deposit of 10-20% of the real price for an obligation to buy or sell shares in the future for a certain price, which is then repaid by a counter contract. Since not the entire amount is deposited here, but only the collateral value, you can purchase more contracts than when trading on the stock exchange, and accordingly, earnings can be higher.

Through currency exchange Forex national currency is traded. The word “Forex” itself is an abbreviation of two words: Foreign Exchange, which translated from English means: “currency exchange”. With a minimum starting deposit of $10, you can already start trading. Market prices are taken as a basis, according to the exchange rate ratio established on the exchange.

The goal of such trading is to profitably buy a currency pair and then sell it at a higher price. Any type of Forex operations can be carried out using the Internet around the clock in real time from anywhere in the world.

If the trader’s goal is to make a quick profit, then the currency exchange will be the optimal choice; if he prefers a market with large volumes and lower risks, he should opt for the stock exchange.

The rules for making money on the Forex currency market are discussed in this video:

As a percentage (% per annum) profit margin between exchanges can be distributed like this (subject to successful trading):

  • Stock market – 20-50%, with margin lending – up to 100%;
  • Commodity exchange – 50-500%;
  • Futures exchange – 50-200%;
  • Currency exchange – 50-500%.

Return-risk ratio will be the highest on the currency exchange and the lowest on the stock exchange.

Where a beginner can start making money on the stock exchange is described in the following video:

Ways and methods of making money on exchanges

Exist various ways and methods earning income on stock exchanges. A trader can participate in trading operations on the stock exchange independently, or transfer his assets to professionals (investment funds) for trust management. The most advanced way to make money is stock trading through robots - special computer programs that, according to a given algorithm, carry out trading instead of the trader.

Trading on the stock exchange is carried out through mediation– a brokerage firm that provides access to the exchange for a commission. The trader, receiving information from the broker, analyzes price fluctuations for his assets, draws up a strategy and opens transactions. To conclude transactions, the trader gives orders to the broker online. Communication between them is carried out via a trading terminal - a special program from the brokerage company’s website.

To generate income on the exchange, it is permissible to use three main strategies:

  • Investment , that is, the purchase of shares for a certain period (usually from 1 year) and the expectation of an increase in their value. The main condition for success is the choice of a reliable company from the blue chip category, whose shares are characterized by high value. Before purchasing, an analysis of stock prices over the last 5 years is carried out. This is the least risky strategy: the shares provide for receiving dividends, even small ones, and if their value has fallen, you just need to wait for it to rise.
  • Trading – a popular and most profitable strategy. Assets are acquired for a short period of time in order to extract maximum profit. Often, using the broker's borrowed funds, a short transaction is carried out: a certain number of shares are borrowed and immediately sold, then after their price decreases, the same amount is bought again and returned to the broker with a profit.
  • Arbitration allows you to find the difference between related assets, enter into a contract and make money on this difference. The advantage here is the almost complete absence of risks, but this strategy also involves a huge amount of analytical work and speed of reaction, which not everyone can achieve.

The following are distinguished: types of trade by time of holding an open position:

There are constant price fluctuations on the stock exchange: if they want to buy more, the price rises accordingly. If there are more offers for sale, then the price falls. Under trend the direction of price movement is understood, it can be upward (when the price rises), downward (the price falls) and sideways (the price remains the same).

People trading on the stock exchange, are divided into: bears – those who sell, hoping to then buy cheaper, and thus push the market down, and bulls – those who buy in order to sell at a higher price, and thus orient the market towards an increase. Accordingly, a long position is distinguished - long , that is, a purchase with the goal of then selling at a higher price, and a short position - shorts , that is, selling in order to buy cheaper.

The exchange player determines for himself key principle of bidding: either making as many trades as possible, or increasing your earnings on fewer trades.

A trader’s earnings directly depend on the size of the invested amounts. It is most convenient to calculate it as a percentage of the starting capital. With good work and a low level of risks, this is an average of 5-10% per month of the amount in the account.

To successfully trade on the stock exchange, you should constantly analyze your workflow. In this case, use the following types of analysis, How:

  • fundamental – analysis of the asset from the position of balance sheets, for shares – the development trend of the company, for currency – the level of the economy in the country;
  • technical – analysis of an asset on a historical price movement chart, for which resistance and support lines and readings of various indicators are compared.

Profitable stock trading is always based on the formation of your own unique strategy. Each strategy is based on the study of the features and patterns of functioning of the exchange market.

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

First steps in earning money

Step-by-step instruction for a novice trader it might look like this:

  • Acquiring start-up capital, that is, money that can be invested in stock trading.
  • Training in trading, stock exchange terminology, sales strategies in dealing centers, in courses, seminars, webinars, on your own.
  • Selecting the type of exchange and financial instrument for trading. The best options for a beginner would be trading stocks and currencies.
  • Determining the strategy of playing on the stock exchange and the type of trading based on the time of holding an open position. Here, to begin with, you should give preference to investing and trading, as well as day trading and medium-term trading.
  • Choosing a broker - an intermediary for entering the stock exchange, who will provide software, help you understand financial instruments and trading platforms, and start trading competently. The main criteria for selecting a good broker are: the amount of commissions, the amount of analytical and forecasting information and services provided, the quality and cost of the software, and the reliability of the broker as a whole.
  • Implementation of the trading process on the stock exchange. After connecting the trading terminal, the process of making transactions begins. To begin with, it makes sense to practice opening demo accounts (simulators) and transactions with virtual money, which does not involve risks and obligations. What is important here is drawing up your own sales strategy and the ability to keep your emotions under control.

How to develop and grow in making a profit

Stable, long-term earnings on the stock exchange are impossible without serious development of the trader himself, his professional skills and personal qualities. A high level of sales is achieved with experience, which can take years.

The success of a stock exchange player largely depends on compliance with a number of conditions:

  • Acquiring the necessary knowledge and constant self-improvement, studying the psychology of stock trading;
  • Ability to manage your emotions. In trading, thoughtless haste and unreasonable excitement in order to make a quick profit are unacceptable, trading only out of a desire to win back, trading “at random”, like in a lottery;
  • Correctly defining a trading strategy. It is necessary to develop a system of your activities as quickly as possible and constantly follow it;
  • Development of such important qualities as self-discipline, self-control, analytical thinking, attention, organization, efficiency, determination;
  • Constantly analyzing your mistakes. There is no break-even trading; it is important to notice your mistakes in time and prevent them in the future;
  • Minimizing risks in each transaction, competent capital management. Open a deal only if the risk of losing on it is no more than 2% of the amount;
  • Holding profitable positions for as long as possible, and the ability to quickly close unprofitable ones.

Tips for those starting to make money on the MMMB exchange are given in this video:

Existing threats of such games

Trading on the stock exchange, unfortunately, obeys an immutable law: If someone wins, it means that somewhere someone lost. Therefore, losses and drawdowns are integral companions not only for beginners, but also for exchange professionals. According to statistics, only 10% of beginners successfully start their activities, while 90% always lose their first deposit.

When starting an exchange game, it is important to know that such an event is associated with risks, and the greater the profit expected, the higher the probability of loss. Most players simply do not know how to trade, make gross mistakes and miscalculations, and rely on intuition instead of competent analysis. Inexperience, immaturity, greed, and impatience are unacceptable in this type of activity.

Often cause of failure are the inflated ambitions of a beginner who does not want to spend time learning, mastering the basics of market analysis, forming his own strategy, keeping a trading diary, making forecasts and calculating risks.

Trading on the stock exchange is turning from being the preserve of a select few into a way of investing and earning money for everyone. The development of technology makes it possible for anyone from any corner of the world to engage in trading without leaving home. But any beginner immediately has a lot of questions - how to trade on the stock exchange from scratch, how to understand the terms of the stock exchange? Let's try to give some tips for novice traders.

First steps

A person who decides to trade on the stock exchange is like a traveler in front of a guide stone. Moreover, the stone is covered with completely incomprehensible writing. Therefore, the first step should be to master knowledge about the stock exchange. First, you should understand the theory of trading and master the terminology of stock traders.

There are many books that are written by professional traders for beginners. For example, A. Elder “How to play and win on the stock exchange”, E. Nayman “Small Encyclopedia of the Trader”, E. Lefevre “Memoirs of a stock speculator”, D. Schwager “Stock magicians”, M. Kovel “Turtle traders”, B Steenbarger “Trader's Self-Instruction Manual. Psychology, technique, tactics and strategy,” L. Connors and L. Raschki, “Secrets of stock trading.”

Another resource, completely free, is specialized Internet resources for traders. There you can read articles about trading, go through the basics of training as a trader, chat with colleagues and learn their stories of successes and failures.

If the first educational program did not discourage you from trading on the stock exchange, then you can start investing money in your education. The most effective way remains distance trading courses on the stock exchange. There are a lot of such courses, and the main thing here is not to make a mistake in choosing. After all, making money on knowledge attracts many, including non-professionals who do not have practical trading skills. Therefore, you should first find out who is teaching and whether you should trust him. Professional traders, such as A. Purnov, A. Gerchik, D. Krasnov, have many years of experience in trading on stock exchanges in different countries and with different instruments. They can teach trading and warn against mistakes that stock trading neophytes can make. Therefore, you can only trust experienced traders who have real results.

Having mastered the theory and completed the preparatory courses, the beginner already has his own understanding of trading and is ready for the next step.

What should you do next?

Now a novice trader must answer several questions for himself that should help him decide on trading and choosing an exchange.

  1. « Where will I trade?“- the very first question is the choice of the exchange where the trader plans to work. Now you can trade not only on domestic exchanges, but also in any country in the world. Most often, the choice falls on Russian, American and European exchanges. Some people prefer exotics in the form of Australian, Asian or African exchanges, but this is very rare. You should choose an exchange based on the trader’s training - knowledge of languages, access to information, knowledge of the realities of the country in which you plan to work.
  2. « What will I trade?“You can trade anything on exchanges - from grain and cotton to complex derivatives. Bloomberg already broadcast data on 2.5 million products several years ago. Therefore, the choice of product is extremely important in order not to drown in this ocean. It is better to master the skill of trading on one product than to scatter your energy and attention on 10-20 objects.
  3. « Who will I work with?“- it is difficult to trade on the market independently on the stock exchange, and simply impossible for a beginner. To solve this problem, they use the services of brokers - intermediaries between the trader and the exchange. The broker fulfills the trader's orders on the exchange and represents the interests of the trader on the exchange. The choice of a broker is extremely important - the success of trading will depend on his professionalism and support. The issue of commissions is also important - brokers have several tariff options and they should be studied very carefully. The broker also resolves the issue of information support for trading.
  4. « What do I want to get from trading?“It seems like a simple question - everyone goes to the stock exchange for money. But in fact, the correct answer to this question will indicate the path of the trader - whether he wants to invest his funds effectively - this will be the path of the investor. Whether he wants to increase his capital quickly and with risk - this will be the way of the trader. The answer will also tell you what type of trading to choose - short-term, medium-term or long-term.

These are some of the few important questions for a trader. In the process of work, many more questions will arise, but it is the answer to these that will indicate the path that the trader will take.

What should you avoid?

The path of a stock trader is quite difficult and every mistake on it threatens financial losses. It is impossible to do without losses and mistakes. But you can protect yourself from some of them.

Here are a few steps that beginners don't need to do:

  1. Hurry up with real trading. There is no need to rush and invest your money in trading right away. If a broker provides a demo account, you need to work with it not for a day or two, but for a month or even more. No need to hurry.
  2. Enter Forex. The Internet is full of advertisements from Forex brokers and Forex traders that promise mountains of gold. Meanwhile, Forex is one of the most difficult markets and it will be very difficult for a beginner there. It's better to start with stocks and bonds. And leave Forex until better times.
  3. Start with positional trading. For beginners, it is better to start with short-term trading - scalping or day trading. This is not easy, but here you can limit yourself to technical analysis.
  4. Stop studying. You should never stop learning. You always need to learn. There are manuals and courses not only for beginners, but also for experienced traders.
  5. Give in to the excitement. Experienced traders advise creating trading and behavior rules for yourself. This is especially important when a trader begins to lose and is overcome by excitement - he needs to win back. No need. There must be a limit on drainage. Two or three trades were closed in the negative - that’s it, trading is over for today. And in general, there should be a limit on transactions, even successful ones. Trading is a nervous job and the likelihood of making a mistake after 10-15 trades is very high.
  6. Trust robots. You should only contact a trading robot when you have a good understanding of trading and the market. Until this moment, you should not believe in such programs.

A trader will still make a lot of mistakes. And you can’t do without financial losses. But all this can be solved, you need to be prepared for this, and analyze all mistakes and defeats and turn them into victories.

The path of a trader is not easy, but very exciting. Any beginner will soon become a master and will be able to give advice on how to trade on the stock exchange from scratch.

With the rising standard of living in our country, more and more people want to invest their money in some profitable financial instruments. Our editors receive a large number of letters asking us to explain where shares are bought, how they are stored, how they are sold, where dividends are paid and how to deal with the tax authorities if you do manage to earn something.

Indeed, the financial illiteracy of our compatriots is simply amazing. For example, in America, almost every cook monitors quotes, knows how to manage her stake and what percentage of her total income the shares she owns bring her. Having seen the obvious injustice in this state of affairs, we decided to give some practical advice to beginners who have decided to try their hand at the stock market.

If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water

So, first, identify an intermediary who will represent your interests on the stock exchange, since only a licensed and accredited specialist can buy and sell shares independently. There are many options here. This could be an investment company that guarantees you a certain annual income, usually exceeding your bank deposit. She herself determines which stocks to form your investor portfolio from.

Another option, more risky, but at the same time more productive, is a bank or a brokerage office at a bank. When choosing this option, first determine the amount that you would not mind losing if something happens. At the same time, we must not forget that the state, in the event of a default or crisis, does not guarantee the return of funds invested in shares. And when playing on the stock market, you can not only double your amount within a few days, but also lose it. Therefore, without experience, you do not need to spend all your savings on buying shares, especially if you are going to make money on their market value.

After choosing the amount and concluding an agreement with the bank’s client department, you will receive your client account where your money will be credited. Next, they go to the brokerage personal account from which payments for shares are made. Only after this the purchased securities are transferred to the “depot” account. By the way, dividends from those companies of which you are a shareholder will subsequently be transferred to your personal client account.

Buying and selling shares is extremely simple. The times when you had to go to the bank and write applications for each operation, thank God, have sunk into oblivion. Now everything can be done by phone or email. Call the traders whose phone numbers are in your contract and give instructions to buy or sell shares of a particular company within the amount available in your “depository” account. Minor formalities await you, again over the phone, in the form of a password, as well as an identification mark confirming your authority and shares in your account. Which shares, when to buy, at what price and when to sell, you decide for yourself. Don’t count on a broker’s advice: they are prohibited from doing so.

True, there is another option: you can buy shares and simply forget about them for several years. The cost of securities in the absence of force majeure circumstances, such as a global crisis and default, will probably increase significantly, and you will receive tax breaks and annual dividend payments as gratitude for your “long-term investments.” As an example, we can take LUKOIL shares: in 2003. the cost of one paper was 596 rubles, in 2008. - 1832 rubles, and in August 2011 - 1739 rub. Shares of Rostelecom in October 2003 cost 54.4 rubles per share, in October 2008. -220 rubles, and in October 2011 - 143 rub.

Papier-mâché palace

Having become an advanced private broker, get used to the idea that everything in one way or another related to the purchase and sale of shares will now be done for you electronically. Having bought, for example, shares of Rosneft, do not wait at the mailbox for a letter with bright, beautiful pieces of paper and holograms. The shares will be credited in the form of an electronic record of them to your “depository” account, and the data will be stored in the depository. You will receive approximately the same form of reporting from the bank’s client department about your transactions with shares and the status of your account. The scheme for receiving reports - and this may not only be email - must be agreed upon with the client department in the service agreement. You can receive the report by mail, or by visiting the bank yourself.

By the way, red tape with reporting is not a very pleasant thing, but it is necessary. Place all broker reports in a separate folder, no matter whether electronic or paper. Subsequently, you will appreciate the wisdom of your actions. These reports about your “art” will then help you build charts and understand how and why you were wrong when making a decision to buy or sell a particular security. These pieces of paper will help you launch your “memory of feelings” and understand the nature of your actions, which will ultimately lead to the acquisition of invaluable experience gained from your own successes and mistakes.

A spoon of tar

In any country in the world, tax authorities are disliked, but here especially. And it’s not surprising, because the rules of the game change before they have time to take root. About ten tax schemes have been used in Russia since the 90s, when the first stock exchanges appeared. Let's not remember them, this is a thing of the past. But now there is, at first glance, a simple taxation scheme that provides for the payment of 13% tax on the amount of profit. However, it also has many pitfalls.

For example, during one year you, having sold shares of a company at a profit, bought shares of another. It would seem that you did not withdraw funds to the current account, the money was again invested in the development of a domestic company, but tax will be charged to you, and you are obliged to pay it. True, if your bank is a tax agent, it can transfer taxes for you if there is a sufficient amount in your “deposit” account for this.

But even in this case, you should not relax, since you are still required to file an income tax return. If you didn’t know about this and move on with your life in peace, because you know that taxes have been paid, you will receive unpleasant news about a fine for failure to file a return. Let's say you made a profit from trading shares equal to 100 thousand rubles, the tax on it will be 13 thousand rubles, and the penalty for not filing a return on time is 30% of the tax. It turns out 3.9 thousand rubles. This is only per year, but if 10 years have passed, then do the math yourself.

If you are well prepared and know about the need to file a declaration, then this will not free you from problems with the tax inspectorate, since not every inspectorate has specialists in stock transactions, and where they are, they, as a rule, are not interested in you . It is impossible to fill out this document yourself due to the presence of unclear codes and words with vague meanings. True, companies located next to inspections helpfully offer assistance in filling out the declaration. You can, of course, use it for “only” 10 thousand rubles, but you are unlikely to be satisfied with such a prospect.

A short guide to action for those who decide

  1. Choose an intermediary broker.
  2. Conclude an agreement with a broker.
  3. Determine the scheme for communication and obtaining information from the broker.
  4. Create a folder for documentation.
  5. Monitor daily quotes of the stocks you bought. Enter the data into a folder.
  6. At the end of the year, negotiate with the broker a tax payment scheme in case of purchase and sale transactions.
  7. If there were transactions in the current year, submit the declaration by the end of April next year.

Advice from professionals

Finally, we decided to collect advice from professionals. For someone who has decided to try their hand at the stock exchange for the first time, these recommendations can turn out to be quite valuable.

The head of the Quote.ru financial project, Kirill Shishov, considers it very important for someone who has decided to try his hand at the stock market to choose an intermediary company, that is, a broker who will subsequently be the main link between you and the stock exchange. Finding them is quite easy. You just need to not be lazy and climb onto the pages of rating portals. We will, of course, advise you on the agency where you can find ratings of the largest investment companies.

Analysts at Rye, Man & Gor Securities, in turn, believe that the stock market, and the stock market in particular, is a very effective investment tool. Therefore, part of the portfolio must be invested in the stock market, in particular in its main instruments - stocks and bonds. As practice shows, long-term passive investing over a sufficiently long period of time is a more profitable strategy compared to daily trading, at least for people who do not trade the stock market professionally.

The head of analytical research at Uralsib Management Company, Alexander Golovtsov, offers beginners two schemes. The best way is to buy shares of an index fund in equal shares at regular intervals. A more advanced option is to buy a slightly larger amount when the market is falling and a slightly smaller amount after a strong growth (for example, by 25% per quarter). Such a pre-made plan helps to cope with emotions: novice investors often panic and sell shares close to the “bottom”, but in a growing market, on the contrary, they want to buy more than usual.

Of course, any strategy must be long-term to minimize the impact of market cycles on profitability. The ideal period is 10 years. Day trading leads to ruin sooner or later 99% of the time because you are essentially competing with insiders who have much better access to information as well as technical knowledge.

The head of the brokerage operations department of Master Bank, Pavel Lednev, recommends that if you start trading shares right now, you should adhere to a speculative strategy. Considering the fact how quickly and significantly the market situation changes, it is important to correctly cover the entire information background that enters the market.

Nikolai Podlevskikh, head of the analytical department of Zerich Capital Management Investment Company, also believes that long-term investing is in some sense simpler and is often more effective, especially if the market shows good growth. However, investing for short periods of time, setting stop losses (exchange orders placed by a trader to limit his losses when the price reaches a predetermined level), monitoring the current situation and making buy-sell decisions as the situation changes are more likely to help reduce overall investment risks.

In addition, experts loudly advise that before you start trading stocks and bonds, you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the tax scheme, otherwise the claims that the tax authorities may subsequently make will not seem lenient to you.

Ernst & Young expert Gelagio Dikko notes the decision adopted in December 2010 as a positive factor. changes in tax legislation, according to which income from the sale of shares acquired after January 1, 2011. and continuously owned for more than 5 years will be exempt from personal income tax. This exemption applies only to shares of Russian companies listed on an organized market, or to non-traded shares of companies in the high-tech (innovative) sector of the economy. Of course, taking into account the fact that the results of the above-mentioned innovation will be known no earlier than 2016, it is too early to draw any conclusions, the specialist clarifies.

In turn, Galina Romanyuk, director of the retail services department at Deutsche UFG Capital Management, says that the current taxation scheme does not motivate the population. Deposits are not taxed, are partially guaranteed by the state, and do not need to be declared. In relation to transactions with securities, a completely different approach: income must be declared, despite the fact that the tax has already been paid by the tax agent.

Moreover, if income is received in different places, they will have to be combined into a single form by obtaining the appropriate documents from each tax agent. At the same time, the expert notes that among the advantages of the applied tax scheme is the possibility of taking losses into account in future income. However, unfortunately, tax agent reporting forms do not require submitting information about the occurrence of a loss, which will lead to great difficulties in obtaining this deduction.

G. Romanyuk believes that taxes should motivate long-term investments, and the optimal tax scheme is one in which there is no interaction between the common person and the tax authorities.

Elena Zabello, RBC

Trading shares involves certain rules. These are the trading rules you should follow because they turn a game that seems unpredictable and constantly changing into a job that is very predictable and can bring you profits every week.

There is so much misinformation and outright lies about stock trading on the internet these days that when I meet people taking their first steps into trading who follow this advice, I get nervous.

If this is you, congratulations! Congratulations on cutting through a lot of unnecessary information, and trusting yourself enough to follow generational wealth with a trading strategy that promises you real profit potential (not the 8-10% per year that many financial advisors tell you to aim for). ).

During my time working in the stock market, I learned several things, and I will share these lessons with you in this material.

Use them to reduce your trading learning curve and the loss of your potential.


Stock trading promoters are ready to quickly sell you stories about companies that are ready to disrupt and change the world with their products.

Is this the only problem? These stories are full of nonsense.

99% of companies that trade penny stocks ultimately fail, and the chances of you getting into the 1% that do well over the long term are very slim.

So stop believing everything you hear and face the realities of day trading stocks. Some company shares may be worth little, but that doesn't mean you can't use them to make a profit.


Another type of deception you'll hear from stock trading promoters has to do with how quickly your earnings can grow. Yes, it's possible that penny stocks will go from $1 to $10 a share, and it's possible that you'll double or even triple your money in one go.

But do you know how much I'm trying to make on a deal like this? Only $0.50-$0.75 per share.

Of course, I'm happy if I make a little more, but by keeping trade sizes small - opening and closing positions when I know the numbers are correct - I protect myself from the catastrophe of risk and major losses that many traders suffer.

If you're constantly chasing big wins, you'll force trades that aren't there. And these are the types of mistakes that will take you out of the game before you even have a chance.


Part of the reason I keep my gains and my losses low is because I respect risk.

Many students know that I quickly close a position by “taking profits” or “stopping losses,” but this is normal for me.

A stock market you think is going up can crash in a matter of minutes. A market in which you are confident that a short trade is correct can change course in the blink of an eye.

Make sure you never allocate too much of your investment portfolio to each individual trade (the % of the amount is different for everyone, depending on what you trust more) and make sure that the position you open is not so large to influence stock price behavior. Always look for good liquidity - ideally, at least several hundred thousand shares bought and sold daily - an acceptable trading volume. This way, you will be confident that you can enter and exit the market when you need to, when you want.


As a new trader, the best thing you can do for yourself is to keep a trading journal that covers everything you do in the market, the size of the positions you take, whether you make a profit or suffer a loss on a trade. A diary like this will tell you a lot about trading and about yourself, and it is an invaluable resource that you can use if you want to become a consistently profitable trader.

Better traders act methodically. They don't trade on a whim - they carefully study their past actions and use that experience to make their future trades better... Both of my first students who achieved the highest results in trading have a lot of spreadsheets!

Knowing about your past trades can be incredibly helpful when it comes to improving your stock day trading abilities. And if you want to benefit from this, you must track them from the very beginning.

Either way, make a commitment to maintaining and updating your trading journal every time you trade the stock market.


Many traders get so deep into trading on the stock exchange and learning how to trade that they forget about their health.

No need to do that!

You really have nothing in this world if you don't have health!

And when you're watching stock charts all day and researching all night, it's pretty hard to remember to wake up, cook a healthy meal, and do some exercise.

But guys, this is very important. You will be a better trader if you are healthy. You can stay in this field longer if you take care of yourself.

Break bad habits now. Don't wait to make your health a priority - focus on it now when you're just starting out as a trader so that it will support you throughout your career.


Many traders are cocky when they first start trading on the stock exchange. They act as if they know everything there is to know about stock trading.

Of course, many successful traders have gone a long way, learning a lot about trading, before achieving success on the stock exchange.

That's why I make education a big priority, and I encourage you to do the same. Find people who have achieved everything you want to achieve in your life and learn everything you can from them to become an even stronger and better informed trader.

However, only 5-10% of traders have stable profits. Ignore what “dubious” traders say in chat rooms, online forums and “trading social networks”.

Of course, 99% of traders will tell you that they make money - especially if they are trying to sell you something.

Your time is valuable enough and the amount of money you can spend on information products is quite limited to work with someone who won't be 100% honest with you.

Vladimir Zhibrov, NYSE Academy

What should a novice trader know?

The choice of Russian exchanges for stock trading is quite modest - only two platforms: MICEX and FORTS.

Trading in shares mainly takes place on the MICEX, and it’s worth settling there to begin with.

The principle of operation of exchanges is quite simple: sellers and buyers fill out orders for purchase and sale electronically and send them to the exchange computer system.

The system automatically compares and analyzes applications, and then closes transactions with similar conditions. After the transaction, the shares become the property of the buyer.

Why do we need brokers, and how to choose them?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a private person cannot independently trade securities on the stock exchange.

Purchase and sale can only be carried out by a legally registered person with a special license.

Such legal entities are brokers - intermediaries between the client and the stock exchange. Brokerage firms charge a certain percentage for their services.

When choosing an intermediary, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • Give preference to well-known companies with a positive reputation and good reviews from clients (reviews of their work can be found on thematic forums).
  • Check for a license to work with stock exchanges.
  • Choose a broker that provides the opportunity to work via the Internet. Study the program for accessing the exchange, its ease of use and cost.
  • Check the amount of commissions for each transaction, the amount for servicing and maintaining accounts, as well as guarantees for the reliability of the system.
  • Find out how you can replenish your account and withdraw money from it.

Responsible brokers provide the client with a training program for working on the stock exchange and the opportunity to practice on a virtual account.

Exchange strategies

Trading on the stock market without a strategy is a direct path to losses and disappointments, however, there are no 100% winning strategies.

Market analysis, intuition and experience will eventually allow you to develop your own trading system, and at the beginning of your journey you can use one of the classic methods:

  1. Follow the trend– buy shares during growth periods and sell them at the peak of activity at a higher price.
  2. Invest– conduct an economic analysis of the market and buy shares of companies that will grow steadily in the future in order to receive dividends from them.
  3. Use a pattern system– focus on the patterns of exchange trading and price changes, making transactions based on their analysis.
  4. Control-trend system– consists of buying shares when their prices are declining, with the expectation of further growth. This system is one of the riskiest, so it should be used with extreme caution.
  5. News based trading– when purchasing, the main economic changes in the country and within companies are taken into account, and the reaction to these changes in the securities market is calculated.

How to start trading?

To start trading stocks, you need to choose a reliable dealing center and register there. Through the center's program, open an account on the exchange and deposit money.

Download the trading terminal provided by the dealing center and the training program onto your computer. After completing the training, you can immediately start trading or continue training with a virtual account.

Secrets of stock trading - are there any?

There are no magic recipes that guarantee the success of a trader on the stock exchange.

However there are several important rules, the implementation of which will significantly increase the chances of stable successful trading:

  • Take your time and avoid spontaneous actions - it is better to miss one or two successful transactions than to waste everything.
  • Try not to use the broker's borrowed funds (leverage) in a ratio greater than 1:50.
  • Choose a simple strategy and explore its capabilities in different situations.

We have described only the main points of how to start trading stocks. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to study a lot, because ignorance of some nuances can seriously hinder you in this field.