Assessment of competencies using the 360 ​​degree method. Peculiarities of personnel assessment according to the “360 degrees” method. Necessary conditions and principles

In some situations, it is required to quickly and accurately assess the personal and business qualities of an employee.

For example, for the second year in a company, an approved employee competency model has been in place, and the HR department was puzzled by the question: how to determine the dynamics of competency development compared to the previous year?

Or maybe for a while maternity leave head of the department, one of the talented specialists was appointed acting in his duties. At the same time, the results of the work of the department remained at an acceptable level, the pace of work did not change. A specialist inspired by experience in new position, do not mind learning and moving to an adjacent department for a leadership position. How to determine the level of development of qualities for the transition? How to get information about how the acting manager showed managerial competencies - what worked well and what needs to be "pulled up"?

A long and successful sales manager wants to work with larger customers, expand the range of products sold. It is necessary to determine what qualities hinder moving forward, and what helps to fulfill the existing functionality. How to be?
Similar situations often arise in the workplace. To resolve them, there are many ways, methods of evaluation. In this article, we will consider one of them - the so-called 360-degree method.

The essence of the 360 ​​degree method

The ideal tool for obtaining versatile additional information about the work behavior of an employee, close to an objective assessment of his qualities - this is a 360-degree method. As is known from geometry, 360 degrees is a trajectory describing a circle, which implies a comprehensive assessment not by one person, but by several, in relation to the assessed being in different statuses and relationships. Above - the direct supervisor, on the side - colleagues, partners, clients, below - subordinates. In the center - self-estimated. The evaluation process is reduced to obtaining information about the manifestation in the behavior of business and personal qualities of a person. The competencies of employees are usually assessed for the following purposes:
- definition of employee development zones;
- comparison of competencies for a certain period (month, quarter, year, etc.);
- identification of different opinions about the strengths and weaknesses of the employee;
- identifying the compliance of the employee's competencies with the required level, standards.

Advantages and Disadvantages of 360 Degree Evaluation

As practice shows, relying only on a 360-degree assessment to make serious personnel decisions is not worth it. This method cannot be called 100% objective, it does not allow to evaluate quantitative indicators work, the potential of the employee, his motivation for development. You can get real-time data, only "here and now".

Advantages of the method:
1. The method is enough simple in development, application and interpretation, it does not require third-party experts. You determine the list of evaluators yourself. The assessor does not need to have special professional and psychological knowledge. (But you should make sure that the qualities being assessed are understood in the same way by all participants in the assessment.) Knowing what exactly needs to be assessed, you can present the qualities in the form of a description, a list of behavioral indicators and create a questionnaire. How to prepare staff for the assessment, develop a methodology, conduct a procedure, provide feedback and draw conclusions, it is easy to learn from the multitude open sources(hr-portals, mass media on personnel management, websites specialized companies etc.). If you are unsure, you can always practice by doing a small group assessment.

2. Diversity. You get a lot of additional information. For example, one can see a general trend in the development of the competencies of those being assessed, conduct a comprehensive comprehensive analysis of the results, and evaluate the attitude towards a person. The employee gets the opportunity to compare his opinion with the opinion of others - subordinates, colleagues, management, customers. This is very useful to identify low or high self-esteem.

3. visibility. The results can be presented not only in the form of a description, but also in the form of a table, graph, diagram, etc. Let's take an example.

Disadvantages (risks) of the method:

1. Subjectivity. It cannot be avoided, especially if people who communicate with each other are selected as evaluators, and the closer, the more subjective the assessment will be. Those who are disliked are underestimated, those who are sympathized with are overestimated (not necessarily consciously). Sometimes colleagues even fill out questionnaires together, confidentiality is not respected. It happens that people are afraid to put real marks, because the method does not imply anonymity. Clients and partners, as a rule, do not give low ratings, especially if they are chosen by the assessor himself.

Participation in the evaluation of a large number of appraisers does not always ensure its objectivity. Evaluation is influenced by personal relationships, the presence of conflicts or simply a competitive motive (when the evaluation is carried out in order to determine the best employees). These factors can be offset:
- together with the 360-degree method, use other methods that are not based on outside opinion;
- choose assessors with presumably different attitudes towards the assessed: loyal, disloyal and neutral;
- ask to justify the high and low marks, leaving space for comments at the end of the questionnaire.


2. Ambiguity of wording in the questionnaire. The evaluated qualities should have an unambiguous interpretation and be understood by all participants in the process in the same way.

Take, for example, the competence "the ability to plan work time"A colleague believes that since the assessee carefully maintains a to-do list in Outlook, then he is doing well with planning, and gives a high mark. is often in a state of time trouble.The leader knows that the assessee carefully writes down the list of tasks in the program every morning, but, as a rule, does not adhere to the plan, takes on everything at once, gets distracted, etc. It turns out a high assessment in relation to planning "on paper", but low in the implementation of planning, as a result - medium.

Now let's describe the competence "the ability to plan working time" as some kind of behavioral indicators, in particular:
- maintains a daily to-do list;
- knows how to prioritize, to separate important and urgent matters from "churn";
- adheres to the plan;
- analyzes the reasons for non-fulfillment of tasks.

If you work with this list, the assessment will be differentiated and accurate, weaknesses and areas for the development of the assessed will be visible.
Let's give a sheet for assessing the competence "loyalty to the company".

There is another trick - mix the qualities and competencies of the same order in the questionnaire. This makes processing more difficult, but increases reliability. Otherwise, when filling out a questionnaire, people read similar characteristics and automatically give the same marks. If different parameters are mixed, the rater will be less likely to try to remember what rating he gave to a similar description. Indeed, in practice, a hardworking, painstaking employee is perceived by us as productive, loyal, as customer-oriented, etc.

For example, the competency description "results orientation" may contain the following indicators:
- evaluates its work according to the achieved result;
- shows perseverance in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles, failures do not "unsettle";
- knows how to work in a time deficit, effectively distributes working time with a large volume and a quick change of tasks;
- Gets the job done on time and finishes the job.

One employee completes tasks on time, but does not focus on the achieved result - he does not think about it, but focuses on speed. Another, having made a time-consuming analytical report on time, but having encountered difficulties, expended a lot of personal resources, constantly complained about the lack of time, creating unnecessary panic, emphasized the frightening volume and complexity of the work, and attracted attention. The evaluation of the parameters of the same competence "result orientation" of these two employees will be different, although both of them cope with their work.

And no numbers needed! Form a scale in the form of descriptions or in the form of an assessment accompanied by a description. If you want to get an assessment in the form of points, decode them, for example:

5 - the level of skill that allows you to show given quality in super-difficult conditions, develop his standards and train others;
4 - the level of extended experience, which allows you to show quality not only in standard, but also in difficult conditions;
3 - the level of basic experience that allows you to show quality in most work situations;
2 - level of development, when business quality it does not always manifest itself, but the employee already understands the importance of its manifestation and tries to develop it;
1 - quality is not shown.

And be sure to leave the "no information" field. In this case, the evaluator will not have the feeling of being driven into a choice.
3. Labor intensity. If you need to evaluate a large number of employees (more than ten), manually it is quite a long time. To resolve this difficulty, try to automate the process as much as possible (for example, you can use Excel). This will also reduce the risk of errors due to inattention.

Conclusions based on 360-degree evaluation

So, research using the 360-degree method includes:
- profile analysis (obtaining a profile of competencies in the form of a graph);
- matrix analysis (dividing the results on the scales of self-esteem and assessment of others into four zones: strengths, weaknesses, striving for strengths tending to the weak side);
- analysis of the difference between evaluation and self-esteem (in what way a person overestimates or underestimates himself);
- analysis of the difference between the actual behavior of the employee and the required;
- analysis professional qualities individually and collectively.

In addition, we will learn how the person being assessed is perceived by the immediate supervisor, colleagues and subordinates, and, having created a single idea of ​​the "ideal", we will be able to rank the employee's competencies, including in terms of their relevance.

And the last thing: in order for the 360-degree assessment to be effective, provide feedback to the person being assessed in time: the results of the assessment can become the basis for developing an individual development plan for the employee, perhaps he can even cope with it on his own.

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The 360 ​​degree personnel assessment method is an event, the essence of which is to collect information about a specialist or a group of employees. Evaluation is given by individuals who interact with specialists in a work setting.

The method is based on the assessment of the employee by his management, colleagues and clients. Self-esteem is also taken into account.

The method can be used not only to assess the specialists working in the organization. Firstly, the team or the environment of the enterprise can thus evaluate the work of the company. Secondly, using this method, it is possible to assess the work of the division of the firm.

The method is very popular. Since the specialist is assessed by the environment, it is possible to obtain objective data, which can then be used to develop corporate competencies and develop staff retention programs. The information obtained in the course of the study makes it possible to carry out effective training of personnel for the reserve, to increase the efficiency of the employee.

In addition, the use of the method allows you to establish a dialogue between the boss and subordinates, makes it possible to identify the needs for staff training.

The tasks of the assessment include obtaining information about a specialist. This allows you to identify areas that require development. In addition, the task may be to develop new principles corporate culture or movement of specialists within the enterprise. Please note that the results of the assessment cannot be used to revise the salary. Of course, there are other ways to evaluate specialists, but the 360-degree method is the most commonly used.

Assessment steps

Personnel assessment consists of several stages:

  1. First you need to clearly define the goals of the procedure. It is important to identify tasks and give detailed description methods. At this stage, information is indicated on which of the personnel officers gets access to the data. Specify the categories of respondents. Management should determine how often the event will be held.
  2. Determine the person who will select the appraisers. This can be done by the employee himself or by the management of the enterprise. There is one more point worth paying attention to. It is important to determine how the selection of respondents will be made. This may be the responsibility of the staff, but a person can become an interviewee of their own free will.
  3. For each position, HR specialists develop their own competencies. Then, questionnaires are prepared, in which behavioral indicators are listed for each competency. You can use a standard questionnaire, but it is often developed for one task. It is better to prepare a completely new questionnaire.
  4. At this stage, it is important to determine the list of employees whose performance needs to be evaluated.
  5. A list of respondents is compiled. It is these people who will evaluate the specialist. To conduct the assessment, a group of 7-15 people is formed, it includes the managers of the employee. This may be a superior or immediate supervisor. In addition, the group includes clients, subordinates and colleagues from different departments, and the assessed employee is also included.
  6. At this stage, all participants are informed about the essence of the procedure. The person responsible for the evaluation is giving a presentation or workshop. Instructions can be delivered to respondents by mailing list.
  7. Respondents are sent questionnaires that they must fill out, evaluating the performance of the employee. The easiest way for respondents is to send links to the site from which they will answer questions.
  8. At this stage, the respondents complete the questionnaires in electronic format or on paper.
  9. Processing responses and preparing reports. It is best to use a resource of a third-party provider for the procedure. This guarantees the objectivity of information and confidentiality, because people can be more frank if they know that their answers are not available to colleagues and management.
  10. At this stage, leaders are trained to conduct a conversation with subordinates. It could be a course in business coaching that will touch upon the methods of personnel management.
  11. Informing employees whose activities were evaluated by the respondents about the results of the event. Usually the results are reported during a personal conversation.
  12. After that, a plan is formed further development professional skills of employees. Trainings are planned, employees are moved. If necessary, measures are developed to change the corporate culture.
  13. The assessment process is completed by the coordination of the budget for post-assessment activities.

The evaluation is usually repeated every year.

Advantages and risks of the method

The assessment compares favorably with other methods, because the staff, participating in the assessment, feels its importance. People not only get the opportunity to express their attitude, they realize that the opinion of each person is important for the company.

The assessment is flexible and can be adapted to the needs of the organization.

The method increases the confidence of employees, helps to establish feedback between management and personnel, because the employees themselves act as evaluators, and not experts invited from outside.

The methodology takes into account the opinion of the organization's clients. The assessment ensures high objectivity of the results, since a group of people, and not just one manager of the assessed employee, takes part in the event.

The procedure has a fairly low cost, it is cheaper than other types of assessment, of course, if you recalculate for one person.

Separately, it is worth considering the risks of the procedure. Personnel assessment and research, which are carried out at the enterprise, are labor-intensive processes that require highly qualified organizers. In addition, it is required to allocate a margin of time for the procedure itself, data processing and writing reports. If the enterprise employs hundreds and thousands of people, then data processing becomes more complicated, and the likelihood of errors increases.

Reliability can be reduced due to a number of factors. Many employees who fill out questionnaires are concerned about the issue of confidentiality. Finally, if there was no staff training before the start of the assessment, the staff did not receive detailed information about the purpose of the evaluation, people may resist the procedure. Questionnaires will be filled in a hurry, the information may be distorted.

All of the above risks can be controlled. To do this, the company widely uses automation of the 360-degree method. Staff can fill out questionnaires on the site, data processing is automatic. Reports are generated in the same mode, which reduces the chance of error.

The most common mistakes

The errors are as follows:

  1. The development of the procedure by a specialist who does not have the proper experience. The organization of such an event and the preparation of reports after the completion of the study require developments. It is very important that at first a third-party provider is engaged in the assessment of personnel. When the procedure is completed, company representatives can train the organization's personnel officers in the method.
  2. Assessment of all competencies. You do not need to do this, it is worth researching only those specializations that are important for the company.
  3. Forcing employees to participate, while there is no PR campaign before the start of the procedure. This very often leads to unrest among the staff. That is why it is worthwhile to conduct preparatory workshops even before the start of the assessment. Employees need to explain the purpose of the event. You can invite employees to the presentation. Let them know how the company's management intends to use the results.

Evaluation helps the employee to know the attitude of others towards him. professional activity. In addition, he gets the opportunity to know his strengths and weaknesses.

The 360-degree assessment method allows you to provide employees with confidential feedback from supervisors, colleagues, and subordinates. Usually 5-20 people fill out an anonymous questionnaire, which includes questions covering the necessary range of personal and professional competencies.

Typically, a 360 degree questionnaire includes questions that are measured on a rating scale, but may also contain open questions. The evaluation participant receiving feedback also completes a self-assessment questionnaire.

The advantage of the 360-degree method is that it avoids the problems associated with evaluations that are made exclusively by the authorities - the 360-degree evaluation takes into account the opinions of a wide range of colleagues (hence the name of the method). This avoids the problems of subjectivity in one person's opinion of an employee's performance.

Are you planning to conduct a staff assessment? Below is an example of a 360 degree questionnaire, and a brief guide to the application of the method.

Step 1. Determine the purpose of the assessment

Your goals determine how you use the 360 ​​method, how you present it within the organization, and how you use the survey results. For example, a few common goals for evaluation are:

  1. Make sure your employees have the right competencies for the job
  2. Development of employees, increasing work productivity by working on their weaknesses

Step 2: Get Management Support

The leaders of the organization should be interested in conducting a 360 assessment. When management does not show interest in conducting a study, your employees understand this, and do not pay due attention to participating in a 360 degree assessment.

In order to attract and interest management in the implementation of the 360-degree methodology, it is first necessary to explain the reasons for the study, and set clear goals. The direct financial argument is an important factor- as discussed in our previous articles, a properly conducted staff assessment can lead to significant results, namely up to 25% increase in sales and employee productivity.

Step 3: Explain the purpose of the evaluation to the participants

Keep in mind that the process of getting grades may not be comfortable for some people. You should keep this in mind and do your best to help the employee feel comfortable in the evaluation and feedback process.

It is essential to explain the purpose of the assessment. If participants do not understand and trust your intentions, they may sabotage the 360. For example, if you are conducting an employee development survey, tell them directly. Let people know that they will not be fired or demoted based on performance.

Key points to explain to employees:

  1. The company is conducting a new type of personnel assessment called the 360-degree method.
  2. What is the purpose of the evaluation - see step 1.
  3. How the assessment will be done.
  4. How the participants and the company will benefit.

Step 4. Determine which competencies need to be assessed

You can rate anything - including employees' hair and manicures - but the most common criteria include:

  1. Job competencies
  2. Styles of behavior
  3. Employee motivation

Try to limit yourself to the most important competencies so that the 360 ​​questionnaire contains no more than 50 questions. The example 360 ​​degree questionnaire provided in this article assesses 4 competencies with 14 questions - the shorter the questionnaire, the more likely the participants will be able to pay sufficient attention to the assessment and complete it on time.

How to choose the necessary competencies? Some organizations constantly update the list of basic competencies required of both all employees and competencies required for certain roles. If you are using online system TestProfi to conduct a 360 assessment, then you can choose from the list of competencies those that are relevant to your organization.

Step 5. Decide who will evaluate and who will receive feedback

You must determine who will receive feedback - those employees who will be evaluated. After that, you need to select the participants who will be grading - there are two ways to do this:

  1. Those employees who receive appraisals choose their own appraisers and then get their manager's approval.
  2. The manager himself appoints the appraisers

Most often, the first method shows the best results - because employees pay more attention to feedback from people they know and respect well.

Step 6: Ask Participants to Complete the 360 ​​Degree Questionnaire

Send the questionnaire to the participants of the assessment. Those participants who receive feedback must also complete a self-assessment questionnaire. Self-assessment results are an important component of the 360-degree method, which allows you to identify discrepancies between self-perception and how others perceive a person.

Gather together the scores for each employee receiving feedback. Check for missing marks and remind late participants to complete the questionnaire.

Step 7. Generate reports and analyze results

The report is generated for each employee receiving feedback. This helps to convey to them the assessments provided by all participants.

The scores given for each of the participants receiving feedback are aggregated by competency. This provides anonymity and ensures that individual responses cannot be identified. So, for example, instead of seeing individual responses from each assessor, assessed participants will see the average scores for a given competency from all peers in the report. The manager's ratings are usually not anonymous. That is, the assessed employee will be able to separately see the assessments that the manager has set.

If you are conducting a 360 degree assessment with more than 20 participants, consider using the TestProfi online testing system. Please note that for each assessed employee, it will be necessary to process a dozen or more questionnaires from assessing colleagues. If a large number of employees receive feedback, then it will be difficult for the HR department to process the results manually.

360 degree evaluation- the optimal solution, which aims to collect data about each employee and about the company as a whole in order to improve the performance of staff. During the application of the "360 degrees" method, each participant conducts a self-assessment, and is also assessed by colleagues, subordinates and manager), as well as clients with whom this employee is directly connected in work (optional). Who exactly will evaluate the employee depends on the purpose of the study.

The 360-degree personnel assessment allows you to compare the assessments that the employee indicated during the self-assessment with the results recorded by his environment, and draw the necessary conclusions about his strengths and areas of development, as well as get diverse opinions about his work.
The data available after this event can also be used by the head of the employee: based on the results of the survey, he sees summary information about his subordinate, on the basis of which he can offer him individual plan development (PDP).

The 360 ​​degree assessment method consists of several steps:

  1. Preparatory part. Formation or selection of a questionnaire, selection of the employee's environment that will participate in the survey.
  2. Introductory part: a conversation with the participants of the event to explain the goals and methodology of the survey.
  3. Survey of participants, summing up and preparation of reporting documentation.
  4. Feedback to employees who participated in the event.

Should be given Special attention feedback stage, involving an experienced expert in this process in order to prevent annoying oversights and conduct it as efficiently as possible.

The 360 ​​degree assessment is carried out in order to:

  • Form a plan individual development employees participating in the study.
  • Analyze and identify the amount of investment in the development of the professional qualities of an employee.
  • Formulate an action plan to create a personnel reserve.
  • Identify methods to help successful work a specialist working to increase his desire to work, involvement in the work process.
  • Ensure better mutual understanding between the employee and the manager using the feedback mechanism.

360-degree feedback has its pros and cons.

Benefits of the 360 ​​Degree Appraisal Method:

  • The ability to objectively evaluate an employee, considering the opinions of several participants in the process.
  • Financial benefit: Possibility of conducting the survey through the efforts of internal employees.
  • Equality of participants: in the survey, not only the leader “draws” professional portrait subordinate, but the subordinate also expresses his position regarding the work of the leader.
  • Anonymity of participants: employees remain anonymous, which allows them to freely express their opinions.

Method limitations:

  • It cannot be used for such changes in the work of an employee as a transfer, increase in income, dismissal.
  • When applying the method, we are talking about the competencies of the employee, not including his successful results.
  • There is an assessment of only signs that are relevant at the moment, without foreseeing the further development of the situation.
  • The impact of the employee's self-assessment on the outcome of the survey (if self-assessment is overestimated or underestimated, survey data may not be 100% reliable).

To reduce the influence of the weaknesses of the method, it is recommended to combine "360 degrees" with such methods as conducting assessment centers, interviews, observation, passing ability tests (numerical test, verbal test, etc.).

360 degree staff assessment will be effective in cases where:

  • the company applies democratic style work;
  • management welcomes the work of the team, joint efforts;
  • most employees work long hours;
  • the company has a developed corporate culture;
  • favorable atmosphere in the team.

"360 Degrees": SHL's Appraisal Method

SHL specialists have developed a tool - questionnaire "360 degrees", through which effective evaluation both an individual employee and a team of specialists. Based on the results of the application of the questionnaire, best options further development of employees, taking into account areas of limitation and directions for the development of competencies.
You can involve the SHL team of experts in organizing and conducting the 360-degree survey, or you can complete the survey yourself, online,

A popular method for assessing professional competencies. We understand what tasks a comprehensive assessment solves, what are the pros, cons, and how to organize a survey.

The essence of the method

360 degree evaluation - good way give the employee feedback from everyone with whom he interacts at work. This is the leader, colleagues, subordinates, in some cases even clients. On condition of complete anonymity, they answer questions related to those qualities of the assessed that are important in his work. For example, initiative, ability to work in a team, responsibility.

The goal is to help the employee correlate his professional self-esteem with the assessment of others, to see his weaknesses and strengths, problems and opportunities. Having done this, a person will be able to confidently apply developed competencies and “pull up” weak ones. To do this, based on the results of the assessment, an individual development plan is drawn up.

Tasks that the assessment will help solve

Plan employee training

Having identified the level of development of a person’s competencies, it will be possible to determine which courses or seminars to send him to, whether he needs a mentor within the company, etc.

Increase the efficiency of an employee by increasing his self-awareness

By learning more about their strengths and weaknesses, the employee will be able to operate more effectively. Perhaps some of his qualities are valued by others much higher than he himself. Knowing this, he will be more confident in applying them.

Selection to the project team, new branch, personnel reserve

The 360-degree method is a good way to get an idea of ​​not only the specific qualities of the assessee, but also how they interact with people within the team. But keep in mind that for selection to the personnel reserve or work on a complex project, one 360 ​​Assessment will not be enough. In addition to competencies, it is important to evaluate hard skills, that is, professional skills and skills specific to the field and position.

Give the manager a realistic view of the employee

A cumulative view of the subordinate's competence will make the manager's opinion of him more objective. So, it will help to improve the quality of management and work efficiency. A particularly noticeable result will be in extreme cases: if an employee was undeservedly found fault or, on the contrary, he “walked in favorites”.


  1. Certification.
  2. Career decisions: layoffs, promotions.
  3. Payroll Solutions.

Certification requires objective evaluation methods, and not the subjective opinion of others. That is, exams are needed to test special professional skills (hard skills), and not just general competencies.

If you try to conduct a 360-degree method for the last two goals - career and salary decisions, you risk getting insincere answers, which means inaccurate data. Some employees will understate estimates, settling personal scores, while others will overestimate so as not to "spoil relations."

Necessary conditions and principles

Respondents must clearly understand the purpose of the survey

It is important to explain to respondents that the 360 ​​is a way to give feedback to a colleague about their strengths and weaknesses. The outcome of the evaluation will ONLY affect the employee's development program.

So it doesn't make sense:

  • Lower grades to settle scores. After all, the assessment will not affect salary or career advancement.
  • Overestimate to please. After all, then a person will not see and work through the problem.

Full anonymity must be ensured

Even the HR manager conducting the survey doesn't have to know exactly who gave which answers. In addition, it is important to convince respondents that it will be impossible to find out who gave what marks. Otherwise, the likelihood of insincere answers and conflicts in the team increases dramatically.

The assessment involves only people who are in direct contact with the person being assessed.

For example, it is worth connecting clients only if the person works directly with them. For example, he is a sales manager.

The 360 ​​degree assessment report should only be available to the assessed employee and the HR manager who conducted the study

Also, the results can be shown to the manager, if this is agreed in advance with the employee.

Advantages of the method

Opportunity to receive a comprehensive assessment of employee competencies

We recognize the vision from different perspectives. The result is a complex, fairly realistic picture. Based on it, one can build individual program development for the individual.

Increasing employee loyalty to the organization

Respondents see that their opinion is significant for management, they feel their involvement in the internal processes of the organization.

Increasing customer loyalty

Clients are pleased that they are involved in the internal affairs of the company, their opinion is listened to. In addition, they see that the organization is working on the development of personnel, improving its work.

Disadvantages of the method

Limited application

The purpose of the 360-degree personnel assessment is, first of all, the development of employees. For personnel decisions - promotion, dismissal, salary changes - the method cannot be applied.


A person feels “under the gun”: he knows that now everyone who works with him will give him grades. Therefore, it is important that HR clearly communicate the goals of what is happening with the employee in advance and make it clear that the results will not affect the salary or promotion decision in any way, but will only help to outline a further development vector.

The need to ensure complete anonymity

Without special software this is difficult to do. The optimal solution is to involve an automated service.

Labor intensity in processing the results

This problem is also solved by automated services that collect, process data, and then generate a ready-made report. It is possible to analyze the 360 ​​assessment data on your own, but this will take a lot of time from the HR specialist.

How to conduct an assessment: steps

  1. We determine what competencies we will study. We select only those qualities of an employee, the level of development of which directly affects the efficiency of his work. To do this, you can use the job profiles existing in the company, corporate competency models or a list of duties and key requirements for the assessed employee.
  2. We are developing a questionnaire. Each competency should be assessed through several questions, this will increase the realism of the results.
  3. Consider anonymity.
  4. We select assessors. It should be only those who are in direct contact with the person being assessed.
  5. We talk with all survey participants about the goals of the 360-degree assessment.
  6. We analyze the results.
  7. We give feedback to the assessed and help to draw up a development program. It is important to show maximum tact, to try to convey that low marks for any competencies are a designation of development zones, and not a sentence.

Include duplicate questions

To exclude insincere, thoughtless, random answers, duplicate some questions: formulate in other words. The main thing is that duplicate questions are spaced throughout the test: consecutive ones will be noticeable.

Don't ask more than 50 questions

If the questionnaire is too long, the respondents will get tired and in the end they can start answering without thinking.

Precise, unambiguous wording

Use the most simple, well-known words, concretize the definitions. If everyone understands the questions in their own way, you will not get an up-to-date picture. For example, instead of "Do you consider A. mandatory?" ask "Is it true that A. always keeps the agreements?".

"I don't know" option

Be sure to include in the answer options “I don’t know” or “I have no information” - it is quite possible that the respondent could not observe the manifestation of some qualities of an employee.