Working with personnel reserve: methods, organization, assessment. Nine steps to creating a personnel reserve Goals and objectives of creating a reserve

Planning personnel reserve organically integrated into the organization’s overall personnel planning system.

Personnel planning is actually targeted planning, firstly, of personnel needs, and secondly, of activities that must be carried out to create, develop, and release personnel.

Personnel planning requires elaboration of the entire chain of professional and qualification promotion of the organization's personnel, including the dismissal of specific employees. It is important for every organization to have right time, in the right place, in the right quantity and with the appropriate qualifications, such personnel as are necessary to solve its problems.

Personnel planning includes, first of all, planning for personnel requirements, i.e. predicting situations that may arise in the future regarding personnel.

We are talking, first of all, about analyzing the situation in the organization, as well as determining the prospects for its development, on the basis of which personnel planning becomes possible. Personnel planning allows you to build a strategy in advance for the promotion, dismissal and replacement of employees in accordance with the goals and objectives of the organization. As part of personnel planning, personnel reserve planning is also carried out to fill management positions.

Personnel reserve planning aims to predict personal promotions, their sequence and accompanying activities. Work with the reserve is planned and carried out for short (1 - 2 years) and long (5-10 years) periods.

As a result of personnel reserve planning, or analysis of the need for a reserve, it becomes possible to systematically study and identify human resources companies, targeted promotion of the most promising employees, as well as timely application of additional measures to cover personnel needs (external recruitment).

First of all, when planning a personnel reserve, all key positions that have a special impact on the organization’s activities are identified. As a rule, these are not only senior managers, but also middle and lower management. It is important for an organization to know who occupies these positions because the contribution of these employees to the achievement of organizational goals is very high. The number and specific composition of key positions depend on the size and specifics of the organization.

When planning a personnel reserve, it is necessary to determine not only which positions are key for the organization today, but also what their list will look like in a year, two or five years. Management must envision how the organization will change over the coming years. In most cases, it is impossible to accurately determine the future workforce structure, but it is possible to predict the scale of business expansion and, therefore, determine which positions will be especially important to the organization's operations.

When planning a personnel reserve, it is necessary to determine:

the degree of actual availability of reserves for certain positions;

the degree of saturation of the reserve for each specific position or group of identical positions, in other words, how many candidates from the reserve there are for each position or their group.

The result of this work is the determination of the organization’s current and future reserve needs.

The optimal quantitative composition of the reserve is planned taking into account the forecast of personnel requirements for the short and long term. It is influenced by the emergence of additional management positions, the formation of vacancies associated with retirement, staff reductions, the presence of an already prepared reserve, and the intensity of the departure of workers for various reasons from its composition. The size of the reserve also depends on the readiness of people to fill vacant positions.

According to experts, there should be at least twice as many reservists as potential vacancies, since there is always a possibility that someone may quit, new vacancies and new directions in business may appear. In addition, candidates for the same position, as a rule, have different levels training: someone can get promoted in six months, while others still need to be trained for two to three years.

The optimal number of personnel reserves is calculated as follows:

the enterprise’s need for management personnel for the near or longer term (up to five years) is identified;

the actual number of currently trained reserves of each level is determined, regardless of where one or another employee enrolled in the reserve was trained;

the approximate percentage of departure from the personnel reserve of individual workers is determined, for example, due to failure to complete an individual training program, in connection with leaving for another region, etc.;

the number of management employees released as a result of changes in the management structure is determined, who can be used for management activities in other areas.

All these issues are resolved before the formation of the personnel reserve and are adjusted throughout the entire period of work with it.

Thus, HR staff conduct quantitative analysis personnel placement at a given time and determine potential changes in the reserve. Depending on the data obtained, the optimal quantitative composition of the personnel reserve is determined.

Personnel reserve planning includes not only determining the organization's potential personnel needs, but also analyzing the structure of the reserve that exists at a given time.

4. Principles and process of forming a personnel reserve.

Principles of formation and sources of personnel reserve:

1) The principle of the relevance of the reserve - the need to fill positions must be real.

2) The principle of compliance of the candidate with the position and type of reserve - requirements for the candidate’s qualifications when working in a certain position.

3) The principle of the candidate’s prospects - focus on professional growth, educational requirements, age limit, length of service in the position and career dynamism in general, health status.

When selecting candidates for the reserve for specific positions, it is necessary to take into account not only General requirements, but also professional requirements, which must be met by the head of a particular department, service, workshop, site, etc., as well as the specific requirements for the candidate’s personality, based on an analysis of the situation in the department, type organizational culture etc. .

Sources of personnel reserve for management positions can be:

senior staff of the apparatus, subsidiaries joint stock companies and enterprises;

chief and leading specialists;

specialists who have appropriate education and have proven themselves in production activities;

young specialists who have successfully completed an internship.

The first level of the personnel reserve is all specialists of the enterprise, the next level is deputy managers of various ranks. The main reserve consists of managers of various ranks.

To fully work with the personnel reserve, it is necessary to develop personnel reserve regulations, which set out the basic principles and procedure for forming the reserve, the terms of reference of the officials responsible for the formation of the personnel reserve. It is also advisable to reflect in this document the issues of organizing work with the personnel reserve, the procedure for replenishing the personnel reserve and making changes to the quantitative and qualitative composition of reservists. To obtain a complete picture of the current state of work with the personnel reserve, it is necessary to provide a reporting system for responsible officials (development and approval of reporting forms, establishing the frequency of submission of reports, determining the circle of persons responsible for their preparation and summarization).

The process of forming a personnel reserve.

The process of reserve formation and work includes several stages.

At the first stage, a forecast is made for the development of the main directions of the organization’s activities, changes in its organizational and management structure for the short and long term.

They set the qualitative, quantitative and structural aspects of the reserve:

changes to improve the structure of governing bodies;

the emergence of new divisions;

staff turnover in positions and opening vacancies;

approximate removal from the reserve.

At the second stage, a specific job structure reserve. It is advisable to create it for all management positions of the company and its divisions, especially key ones (if a company cannot form a team of future managers from among its employees, this is a sign of its weakness). The structure of the reserve is built along three levels of management - higher, middle and lower - in accordance with the approved nomenclature of positions.

At the third stage, the optimal number of reserves is established, taking into account:

the actual number of trained managers at each level;

forecasting the need for management personnel in the near and long term as a result of changes and improvements in the management apparatus, the emergence of additional administrative positions, and staff reductions;

the number of potential vacancies associated with retirement;

expected disposal for various reasons from the reserve.

As a result, the amount of current and future reserve requirements is determined. For each position in the reserve, it is advisable to have at least two candidates (the second is always necessary to avoid accidents and stimulate the improvement of the first). But working with a large reserve is difficult, and the low probability of being appointed to a position reduces motivation.

At the fourth stage, a set of requirements for candidates is formed. These requirements are divided into basic, determined by the specifics of the organization (competence, personal qualities, skills), and additional. Additional requirements often include minimum overall experience, experience as a manager or specialist in relevant departments (research, headquarters, etc.), as well as in temporary project groups. Sometimes we are talking about the state of health, the presence of entrepreneurial practice. The employee must be notified of all requirements that will be presented.

At the fifth stage, candidates are searched by studying questionnaires, characteristics, certification results, conversations, ongoing observations, taking into account the candidates’ compliance with the requirements of the position (workplace), their personal wishes and objective inclinations to management activities. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that not everyone can be a leader, not to be afraid of “stains” in their biography, and to take into account family circumstances. A special program is needed to identify employees with high potential for growth and advancement, which is characterized not by the degree of preparedness at the moment, but by opportunities in long term taking into account age, education, personal qualities, level of interest. The number of promising personnel includes persons who are interested in career growth and with a probability of more than 0.5 can be appointed to leadership positions; then it is established which of them has a great chance of becoming a leader, and the employee’s data is carefully studied - first the questionnaire, then the rest.

At the sixth stage, the selection of persons enrolled in the reserve takes place (with the conclusion of appropriate agreements). The decision is usually made after an interview, which reveals the desire to work in a leadership position, the ability to plan one’s work, solve problems in a short time, preparedness, qualifications, etc. For dominant individuals, promotion to the reserve has great motivating significance.

In practice, the following selection principles are adhered to:

compliance of the candidate with the type of reserve and position, general and professional requirements;

“openness” of the list, enrollment of the maximum number of capable people into the reserve;

exclusion of privileges and patronage;

prospects (requires establishing an age limit for certain categories of positions or taking into account the time remaining until retirement age and health status, determining the required period of work in a position, and the presence of innovative potential).

The age of candidates for the reserve depends on the position. In accordance with domestic practice, the reserve includes men under 45 and women under 40 (usually for middle management positions - up to 30 years). In the USA for middle managers it is 25-30 years, maximum 35 years. Regulation of a manager's age is necessary where, without a competitive selection mechanism, it is difficult to determine clear criteria for effective performance and the results required from an employee.

When enrolling in the reserve, first of all, they take into account how a person copes with the current work (control of this is carried out by immediate supervisors and is based on an individual work plan). For managers, it is about the degree to which the goals of the organization or unit are achieved; for specialists - about diligence, creative approach, complexity and timeliness of tasks.

The seventh stage of forming a reserve consists of assessing the professional knowledge, skills and experience of applicants and their suitability for the position. It is unacceptable to include people unsuitable for leadership work in the reserve. The selection procedure for the reserve must be regulated and coordinated with the nomination and appointment procedures. Sometimes it is advisable to carry it out in the form of a competition.

The assessment is carried out in the form of an exam, interview or expert assessment based on the average degree of expression of the required qualities.

The eighth stage of forming a reserve is the decision by the first person to include an employee in its composition.

Exclusion from the reserve is carried out by him, taking into account age, health status, and unsatisfactory results shown during his stay in the reserve. Thus, the reserve is regularly reviewed and updated. This is usually done on the basis of an analysis of its composition and personnel placement in the fourth quarter.

When making the final decision, the following are taken into account:

professional characteristics of the subjects;

opinions of immediate supervisors and colleagues;

degree of interest in remaining in the reserve;

personal, professional and innovative potential;

the likelihood of vacancies;

nature of preparation;

compliance with the general and professional requirements of the future position;

prospects (time remaining until retirement);

performance indicators;

ability to learn;

presence of necessary business qualities.

If we summarize the results when forming a personnel reserve, then the advantages can be considered:

economic benefit (no need to spend money on finding and training a new employee);

saving time (filling vacancies as soon as possible);

highly qualified personnel (the employee is taken from their ranks and trained according to their own retraining program);

support and promotion of their employees - personnel value policy (also works as a motivational factor: employees do not want to leave a company where specific prospects for career growth are visible);

softer adaptation of the employee to the team (the employee does not change, only his status changes);

the employee is “tailored” to the company, knows the policies and peculiarities of relationships well, and adapts to a new position faster.

costs of time and money for personnel selection and training;

the workload on selected employees increases (they must work as usual and still study).

Another hidden nuance is that when forming a reserve, resistance may arise from department heads and other employees for whose positions new candidates are applying. They fear for their place and may sabotage the process.

Creating a personnel reserve is useful for any organization, however, it is most justified in companies where there is a high turnover of personnel. In particular, enterprises retail, Where sales staff changes quite quickly. Such companies are forced to have a serious recruiting department or constantly turn to recruitment agencies. Creating and organizing a personnel reserve allows you to save on personnel selection.

In enterprises with more stable personnel system positions are not vacated very often, and there is no great need for a personnel reserve.

For which companies is the personnel reserve relevant:

for companies with narrow industry activities, where specialists are worth their weight in gold, and there is a significant difference between working in companies

For retail companies, where there is a high turnover and rapid growth in position,

for companies at a stage of rapid growth, when they require short time many specialists.

Depending on the needs of the company, the specifics of creating a personnel reserve will differ:

working with specialized educational institutions or nurturing potential employees. Suitable for a company with a narrow specificity. Actions: company representatives select from among students and then monitor them during training (performance, specific or in-depth subjects are added), upon completion educational institution candidates are accepted immediately for a position in the company - training is not individual;

working with ordinary specialists. Suitable for retail and fast-growing companies. Actions: monitoring the employee’s work, identifying potential, assessing risks, conducting selection events with further professional training for promotion (maximum to operational manager or middle manager), or internship in a new position under the supervision of a mentor and, based on the results, transfer or refusal translation - training is not individual;

working with highly qualified specialists. Suitable for stable companies, both with a narrow specificity for the long term, and for fast-growing companies for middle managers. Actions: training in mentoring, development of management skills, support of initiatives, so that in the future, when a vacancy arises, transfer to a leadership position - individual training."

Work on training the personnel reserve is purposeful, systematic and planned. The organization of this work is aimed at ensuring high-quality and intensive training of each specialist for independent activity at a new, higher level.

Differences in the structure and composition of the reserve, as well as the initial preparedness of workers, determine the principle of an individual approach when choosing forms and methods of work, their sequence and duration.

Work with employees included in the reserve is carried out according to a plan that provides for specific measures to acquire the necessary theoretical, economic and managerial knowledge, deeply understand the nature of the work, and develop the employee’s leadership skills and abilities at the level of modern requirements.

The system of this work includes:

  • study in the system of advanced training for executives with and without interruption from production;
  • internship in a position for which you are enrolled in the reserve;
  • temporary replacement of absent managers for the period of their business trips and vacations;
  • trips to other organizations in order to study positive experience;
  • participation in teaching work in the advanced training system;
  • participation in inspections of production activities of organizations and their divisions;
  • participation in the preparation and holding of conferences, seminars and meetings.

Personnel reserve planning aims to predict personal promotions, their sequence and accompanying activities. It requires elaboration of the entire chain of promotions, transfers, and dismissals of specific employees. The basis for planning a personnel reserve for promotion to management positions in an organization is a detailed accounting of management positions, including those that will become vacant in the near future, and compiling a list of candidates for replacement for each position. Personnel reserve plans can be drawn up in the form of job replacement schemes, which have various forms depending on the characteristics and traditions of various organizations.

In domestic organizations, a special expert list has been developed, with the help of which candidates are selected for the formation of a personnel reserve plan for management personnel.

For example, consider the expert sheet of manager I.I. Ivanova.


This survey is conducted to form a reserve of management personnel. The most reliable assessment of a candidate can be made by people who work directly with him. We ask you to express your opinion about the candidate in the reserve for a leadership position.

Rate the person whose last name is indicated in the column of the table according to the parameters indicated in the rows of the table. To do this, in the intersection cell of the column [Full name. candidate] and the line of the corresponding parameter, put a rating (from 1 to 7], which, in your opinion, reflects the degree of expression this parameter this candidate.



I.I. Ivanov

Level vocational training.

Does the candidate have sufficient professional knowledge and skills in areas specific to the activities of the unit in which he works?

Level of knowledge of regulations governing the activities of departments.

Does the candidate have sufficient knowledge of regulations, does he use the experience of domestic and foreign organizations in his work?

Knowledge of ways to solve professional problems.

How well does the candidate understand who should be contacted and on what issues, where to get necessary information Whose competence is it to resolve emerging problems?

Ability to work with documents.

How well does the candidate know the rules for drawing up and executing business papers, does he know what documents should be prepared by the manager, and what documents should be entrusted to subordinates?

Ability to work with people.

Can the candidate clearly and intelligibly present the task, monitor its completion in a timely manner, and is he aware of the business opportunities of his subordinates or colleagues?

Ability for business communication.

Does the candidate know how to listen and understand the interlocutor, achieve mutual understanding and convincingly express his thoughts in a conversation or speech?

Ability to organize effective group work.

How well does the candidate know how to set work goals, distribute tasks, and plan group activities?


1 point - this quality practically absent, 7 points - the quality is maximally expressed.

In table 7.7 shows the requirements for the position of head of a department of the organization, which are used to select candidates to be included in the reserve. An example of a plan for working with a reserve of management personnel of an organization is given in Table. 7.8.

Table 7.7

Requirements for the position of department head

Requirements for a candidate

Requirement characteristics




Health. Able to work long hours under intense conditions


Ability to use time rationally. Average knowledge of production processes




DESIRED Above average

Special knowledge


Comprehensive knowledge of activity planning. Knowledge of team building and development. Ability to negotiate effectively


Knowledge of patterns of interaction with people



Practical interest in completing the work started.

Commitment to Application various methods control depending on the situation

Features of behavior


Doesn't wait for instructions. Accepts responsibility readily. Able to withstand pressure



Ready to travel if necessary

Structure of the work plan with the reserve of management personnel


Table 7.8

Determining the need for management personnel

Selection and study of management personnel

Acquisition, review, coordination and approval of the reserve

Working with a reserve of management personnel

Control over the preparation of the reserve of management personnel

Determining the readiness of the reserve of management personnel for appointment to positions

Study of organizational normative documents; standards for the formation of standard management structures, organization development plans

Development of a new list of management positions Conducting an analysis of the composition and placement of personnel Determining the number of management positions Determining the relevant business and personal qualities of candidates to the requirements of the position

Studying job descriptions and regulations Determining the basic requirements for management employees for each position Selection of candidates for inclusion in the reserve of management personnel for each position Assessing the business and personal qualities of candidates for management positions

Consideration of proposals to the reserve of management personnel Justification of proposals for the proposed reserve Submission of proposals to the director Review and approval of the composition of the reserve by the director Annual review of the reserve

Determination of areas of training for persons enrolled in the reserve, taking into account the degree of training of each

Development and approval of individual training plans Organizing work to implement individual plans Providing temporary replacement for the position for which a candidate from the reserve is being trained, assessing his work during the period of replacement and internship

Training of candidates from the reserve in the advanced training system outside the workplace and in the organization

Control in departments Control by the director

Periodic review of the progress of training the personnel reserve by the director

Determining the degree of readiness of the personnel reserve for each position and submitting proposals to the director Analysis by the director of the submitted proposals

Taking an appropriate decision on them

Personnel reserve plans can be drawn up in the form of replacement schemes, which have various forms depending on the characteristics and traditions of various organizations. Replacement schemes are variants of organizational structure development schemes aimed at specific individuals with different priorities. Individually oriented substitution schemes are based on standard substitution schemes. They are developed by personnel management services under organizational structure and represent a variant of the conceptual model of job rotation.

We have a wealth of experience working with personnel reserves in domestic organizations. Let's look at how it is carried out in Russia.

The main criteria when selecting candidates for the reserve are:

  • appropriate level of education and training;
  • experience of practical work with people;
  • organizational skills;
  • personal qualities;
  • health status, age.

The sources of formation of the personnel reserve are: qualified specialists; deputy heads of departments; grassroots leaders; certified specialists employed in production as workers.

Organizations in the Russian Federation have developed a certain procedure for selecting and enrolling in the personnel reserve group:

  • selection of candidates should be carried out on a competitive basis among employees under the age of 35 who have proven themselves to be practical work and having higher education;
  • the decision to include employees in the reserve group is made by a special commission and approved by order of the organization;
  • For each employee (trainee), an internship supervisor is approved, who draws up individual plan internships together with an intern;
  • supervisors of trainees included in the personnel reserve group receive financial compensation for the trainee’s successful completion of the stages of the career and professional promotion system;
  • the trainee is assigned official salary corresponding to the new position he occupies, but higher than the previous salary, and all types of material incentives provided for this position apply to him.

The responsibilities of the intern and internship supervisor are given below:

in table 7.9.

In Fig. Figure 7.8 shows a diagram of the organization of work with the personnel reserve in one of the domestic organizations.

Table 7.9

Responsibilities of the intern and internship supervisor

Trainee Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the internship supervisor

Complete individual internship plans positively and on time.

Learn and apply job descriptions the manager he replaces and bear full responsibility for his area of ​​work. Take into account the comments of the internship supervisors, be guided by their comments and suggestions.

Work to identify and use production reserves, implement rationalization proposals, saving material resources.

Complete the planned theoretical training in a timely and high-quality manner. Draw up a report on the work done after completing each stage of preparation and submit proposals for improving the organization of production and management. Personally observe and ensure that subordinates comply with internal rules labor regulations, safety precautions, labor and production discipline

Introduce the intern to new job responsibilities, regulations on the division. Together with the intern, develop an individual plan-task for the entire stage of the internship and facilitate its implementation. Provide the trainee with specific production tasks to solve problematic issues with a specific deadline for their completion and the expected end result.

Help the trainee develop the necessary style and method of successful leadership.

Study the professional and personal qualities of the trainee, his ability to maintain business relationships with the team and managers at various levels. Prepare a report on the trainee’s work with proposals for its further use and submit it to the appropriate HR department

An individual development plan is a document drawn up voluntarily by a reservist under the guidance of personnel service with the participation of relevant managers in order to develop the competencies necessary to perform the responsibilities of a higher position. Preparing an individual development plan based on competencies seems to be a very promising direction for moving away from formalism in working with reserves.

An individual plan is based on a competency-based approach. Competencies are the knowledge, abilities, skills, personal characteristics and patterns of labor behavior of an employee necessary to perform the duties of a specific position in a given organization. Analysis of competencies and assessment of their availability in a reservist is the basis for drawing up an individual development plan (self-education).

As is known, Competencies can be functional or organizational.

  • 1. Functional (professional) competencies - This is the specific knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform a specific job. For example, the competence “ business assessment employee" must be possessed by a personnel specialist, and the competence "possession labor legislation" - HR lawyer.
  • 2. Organization-wide or corporate-wide (behavioral) competencies - These are competencies that are common to all employees of a particular organization. The requirements for employee behavior are based on this organizational corporate culture.

For example, having the “negotiation skills” competency. This is knowledge of the stages of the negotiation process, the ability to determine the interests of the participants, and choose the best strategy for conducting them; ability to effectively lead a discussion; ability to discuss, propose, conduct positional bargaining; mastery of manipulation techniques and the ability to resist them. Let's define conditional levels of competence, for each of which we will determine the standard of proficiency and competence indicators (Table 8.2).

Competency levels

Table 8.2

Competency Standard

Competency indicators

1st level (high)

  • - The manager has achieved a high level of competence and is able to apply it in situations of increased complexity.
  • - Knowledge of the stages of the negotiation process, the ability to determine the interests of the participants; choose the best strategy for their implementation; ability to effectively lead a discussion; ability to discuss, propose, conduct positional bargaining.
  • - Knowledge of manipulation techniques and the ability to resist them

2nd level (intermediate)

  • - The manager has mastered the competence and knows how to apply it in work situations.
  • - Knowledge of the stages of the negotiation process.
  • - Ability to effectively lead a discussion

Based on a level approach, using various methods of assessing competencies, the results are analyzed and weak areas of the competencies required by the reservist are determined. Next, the directions of their development are determined. It should be emphasized that the most important competencies should be cultivated gradually, step by step. At each stage, the individual development plan plans to develop 1-2 competencies. For the development of each competency, 3-5 events or developmental actions are planned. To develop the “negotiation skills” competence, for example, you can plan: attending a thematic training, studying the experience of other managers in this area, participating in negotiations as an assistant, self-study using specialized literature.



Goal: to increase the level of competencies by " "_20xx

up to the position of deputy head of department

Competencies: planning and organization, information analysis, development of others.




Creation and implementation of a unified information system. Development of competencies. Information analysis. Planning and organization

Preparation of a work plan for the subproject group “Creation of a unified database”

Subproject team work plan

Preparation of working documentation and preparation of a report on the subproject.

1. Completed working documentation and technical report within the specified period

3. Evaluation by the project committee of the results of the work of the subproject group


Training “Planning and control”

Report on the topic studied. Proposals to management to optimize the division’s activities


Development of competence. Planning and organization

Working as a deputy manager during the manager's vacation

Manager's assessment. 360 degree feedback.

Report on the results of rotation



Generalization of experience and acquired knowledge. Development of competence. Information analysis

Writing and submitting articles for publication

Publication of 3 articles

When making decisions about the implementation of the reserve, it is necessary to observe the dependence of promotion on overcoming shortcomings and the success of training.

The personnel service, together with the top officials of the enterprise, must periodically evaluate the results achieved by candidates enrolled in the personnel reserve. At the same frequency, the feasibility of measures to work with the reserve in the context of the company’s business development should be assessed and changes should be made to the corresponding plans.

To analyze the effectiveness of working with the personnel reserve, it is necessary to use a number of quantitative indicators (efficiency of training of management personnel within the enterprise, turnover of the reserve, average length of stay in the reserve, readiness of the reserve), taking into account which allows timely adjustment of the training of reservists and their reshuffle. It is important to understand that while in the reserve, employees undergo thorough training for leadership work and significantly increase their professional and personal potential. And the inability to realize the potential within the enterprise may prompt a specialist to change jobs, as a result of which the efforts (organizational, financial, time, etc.) spent on training the employee will be in vain.

Personnel reserve planning is complex task, requiring constant attention and significant resources from HR specialists and company management. The experience of leading organizations shows that they spare no time and money in assessing the capabilities of their employees. This gives them the opportunity to train their company's staff to effectively achieve their business goals. Such enterprises are usually prepared for the unexpected loss of key employees. Companies that use best practices view talent development as constant process, and not as an event.

The personnel reserve system is a complex tool. Its implementation requires a set of measures. It is extremely important that the TFR is not nominal, and for this the company must have:

  • - clear profiles of all positions;
  • - personnel assessment/certification system (regulations on personnel certification);
  • - a system of individual employee development plans;
  • - managers must be trained to work with individual plans, certification systems and other HR tools operating in the company;
  • - system of internal and/or external training;
  • - a well-functioning system of induction training in the company (a comment is necessary here that the introduction of the TFR noticeably shifts the emphasis in the company’s personnel policy; since this tool is aimed at the development and promotion of its own employees, external candidates are accepted mainly for linear positions - with the exception of cases when high professional level positions require knowledge/skills that are not available in the company);
  • - optional: system professional levels, social package cafeteria (“profiterium”);
  • - the company must have a provision on personnel reserve - it will ensure transparency of the system, and this is one of the basic conditions for its effectiveness.

The following modules are most often used in personnel reserve development programs.

Development of basic management skills:

  • - functions of a manager: planning, organization, control, delegation;
  • - management decision-making skills;
  • - motivation of subordinates.

Development of managerial thinking:

Manager's personal effectiveness:

  • - effective communication skills;
  • - teamwork skills;
  • - team leadership.

An example of the implementation of the stages of building a personnel reserve system.

Stage 1: Obtaining management support.

Justification of the need for changes for the company's top officials.

Stage 2. Audit of the personnel management system.

Conducting an assessment of the company’s HR processes:

  • 1. employee surveys (analysis from within);
  • 2. comparison with general industry practice (external analysis).

Checking the effectiveness of the company's training system.

Assessing all existing HR processes that should be

included in the personnel reserve system.

Stage 3. Creation and implementation of the missing parts of the personnel reserve system.

  • - A job profile that should answer several questions: “What results do we expect from a specialist?”, “Who is our ideal candidate and where to look for him?”, “What place will he take in the structure of our company and how will he progress further?”
  • - Development and implementation of a personnel assessment and certification system. This is the type of change that may be viewed with caution by employees.
  • - System of individual employee development plans, its regularity.
  • - Training of managers.
  • - Development of an attraction system external candidates to linear positions.
  • - Logical relationship of HR processes involved in the personnel reserve system.
  • - The need to monitor contradictions and eliminate them.

Stage 4. Measuring indicators.

Measurements of some indicators “at the input”.

Analysis of processes in the company:

  • - staff turnover (separately at each level, in each large department and throughout the company as a whole). We separately analyze the reasons for employees leaving (classic tools - a questionnaire for the resigning employee and an exit interview);
  • - cost of filling one vacancy (separately for line personnel, middle and senior management, and the average or weighted average for the company);
  • - percentage of filling open vacancies with internal candidates;
  • - staff satisfaction with opportunities for professional and career growth;
  • - time frame for filling vacancies in days (separately for line personnel, middle and senior management, and the average or weighted average for the company);
  • - percentage of filling the staffing table (quarterly or monthly, we draw conclusions adjusted for seasonality);
  • - the percentage of employees who are willing to recommend the company to their friends as a good employer;
  • - growth rate of the wage fund over the past two to three years (adjusted for inflation).

Stage 5. Implementation of a personnel reserve system.

Conducting meetings, the purpose of which is to convey the essence of the IFR to each employee, explain how the system will work and what it will give to each specialist.

Providing information support.

Collection feedback from employees and their managers.

The personnel reserve can be used not only as a factor in ensuring the stable functioning of the organization, but also as a resource for its innovative development. Defining such a goal as a key one completely changes the idea of ​​the approach to organizing all work with the personnel reserve. This goal involves the development and use of the managerial and intellectual potential of reservists not only and not so much to plug personnel gaps, but to solve development problems facing the organization. Reservists, with proper organization of their training and use, are quite capable of both developing projects for solving such problems and, with the support of senior management, organizing their solution.

In addition, the problem of goal setting in the creation and management of work with the reserve concerns not only the subject of organizing work with the personnel reserve, but also the candidates themselves for inclusion in the personnel reserve. As a rule, everyone is more or less aware that the formation of a personnel reserve is necessary for an organization (or another entity). However, when it comes to the interests of promising professionals, their goals (subjective benefits) are forgotten. At the same time, it is important that potentially the strongest managers, who may have already reached certain heights, participate in the personnel reserve; we need a system of clear and distinct benefits that they can receive by participating in the “personnel reserve” project. This especially applies not to intra-organizational reserves, but to reserves formed within the framework of regional management or federal programs.

On the other hand, the problem of motivating internal reservists is also quite acute. It is not uncommon for situations when an employee who is in the personnel reserve has a negative attitude towards the very fact of his enrollment in the reserve. Enrollment in the personnel reserve generates enthusiasm, as it is a form of employee encouragement. However, if this employee (or an external applicant) is in the personnel reserve for a long time, and the only way to use the reserve is the vague possibility of being appointed to a higher position in the future, the enthusiasm for being included in the reserve gradually fades, giving way to irritation and disbelief in the prospects for one’s career advancement. Instead of gratitude for being included in the personnel reserve, a person may experience negative feelings.

A form of support and activation of personnel reserve participants, which also has an educational effect, is participation in project work. Participation in solving development problems can be a powerful tool for the development of reservists themselves, since in this case they have incentives. As a result of completing project tasks, there is a real opportunity to assess the availability of important management competencies of the reservist, not only the skills of project development, but also their implementation.

Thus, the following effects are achieved:

  • 1) solving current problems of enterprise development;
  • 2) increasing the work motivation of reservists involved in the training program, improving their morale;
  • 3) a significant increase in the competence of reservists necessary to solve real practical management problems;
  • 4) the possibility of an objective assessment of the reservist’s managerial competencies in the course of performing real management activities;
  • 5) retaining the most promising personnel, who begin to feel that the organization remembers them and uses their resources;
  • 6) developing a culture of results orientation in the organization, as well as an understanding of the value of expert qualities, such as high competence, analytical and creative abilities, etc.;
  • 7) increasing the efficiency of working with the personnel reserve as a whole (the effect does not end with selection, training and appointment to a higher position).

Let's give an example of forming a reserve for vertical (managerial) promotion (Table 8.3).

Table 8.3

Psychogram reflecting the professionally significant socio-psychological, intellectual and business qualities of the nominee


The presence of personal qualities of a leader; ability to lead a group to solve specific problems; independence in decision-making and willingness to bear responsibility for their consequences; ambition and desire for status growth; authority and demandingness; stress resistance; perseverance and perseverance in defending one’s position and interests


The ability to strategically set goals and achieve them regardless of circumstances; energy; strong-willed inclinations; resistance to external influences


The ability to rationally organize and plan the activities of oneself and subordinates; self-discipline; consistency, logic and practicality in the approach to solving current problems; compliance with accepted standards and regulations as a guarantee of reliability for business partners

Social intelligence

Intuitive-experiential knowledge of human psychology; knowledge and correct application of social norms and standards; ability to adapt to different social groups; flexibility of communication tactics through a “sense of the situation”; delicacy, tolerance and patience in communication

Block of intellectual qualities

Verbal intelligence

Vocabulary; the ability to identify analogies and establish logical connections between various types verbal information; the ability to combine knowledge from various fields of knowledge, flexibility and speed of switching verbal thinking; ability to find the most accurate solution from a number of approximate ones



The ability to establish logical patterns in relation to non-verbal (mathematical) types of information; ability to analyze and forecast (extrapolate events); ability to develop and decipher complex algorithms; general potential for intellectual development

Learning ability

Flexibility and activity of the intellect in general; speed of assimilation of new information and the ability to abandon unproductive stereotypes; ability to effective use, adequate transfer and combination of information from various fields of knowledge; elements of creativity

Positive thinking

Realism and practicality in setting goals and determining the means to achieve them; pragmatic orientation of creative approaches, their connection to solving current and future management problems; reliance on business efficiency criteria in assessing social resources

Analysis of the degree of expression and mutual dynamics of the manifestation of both individual qualities and blocks of qualities allows us to predict:

  • - the success of the applicant in filling managerial (managerial) positions, depending on their level, the number of subordinates and the degree of responsibility of the decisions made;
  • - potential for career growth and boundaries of manager competence;
  • - effective performance of management functions related to solving current administrative and economic tasks and organizational support for the operation of the enterprise;
  • - effective solution of problems related to strategic planning of the development of an enterprise (organization), as well as management of projects (directions) based on the development of new technologies, requiring the conquest of new markets, non-traditional approaches in the field of marketing and management.

The following documents for working with reserves are required in the organization:“Regulations on working with the reserve of management personnel”, “Regulations on the competition commission for the formation of a reserve of management personnel” and its protocols. Other regulatory documents: “Program and action plan for working with the reserve for the next year”; list of management personnel reserve; personal files of reservists.

To ensure legitimacy and controllability of the processes of supporting work with the personnel reserve, methods for assessing the professional, business, and personal qualities (competencies) of reservists are created and approved. If necessary, the company creates Regulations on internship.

In the process of supporting the technology of working with the personnel reserve, typical shortcomings in working with the reserve are discovered, knowing about which you can optimize and improve the work.

In addition to the indicated possible formalism in organizing individual development reservists, there may be no system in the training of various categories of reservists. The lack of analysis of changes occurring in labor activity reservists based on the implementation of individual development plans. The development of the personnel reserve is hampered by the rigidity of the reserve composition and the lack of scenarios for maintaining a high level of motivation of reservists to develop leadership abilities. In some cases, reservists are not trained for specific positions.

There may be a violation in the training methodology - the lack of special training for heads of personnel services in this area of ​​​​work with managers. The next danger is the loss of the leadership role by the heads of personnel services in the entirety of work with the reserve and the behind-the-scenes, closed nature when discussing candidates for the reserve. A lack of understanding of the essence of personnel development leads to a lack of work with candidates for the reserve, with young employees who have development potential.

Violations in organizational matters are manifested in the absence of a personnel register of the organization, for the replacement of which a reserve is created, schemes for filling management positions and plans for career advancement in the organization. The incompetence of the organizers of the personnel reserve violates the motivation of its participants when the organization's management believes that inclusion in the reserve is an opportunity for additional pressure on employees in order to force them to work even more intensely.

Nowadays, there is also a corruption component when included in the personnel reserve, creating conditions for penetration into special places in the organizational hierarchy, when the “needed” candidates, or so-called paratroopers, are enrolled in the reserve.

In finding ways to overcome shortcomings in working with reserves, an important role is assigned to specialists in the field of personnel management. It depends on their scientific approach and art whether they will be able to realize the potential of talented and promising managers to the benefit of the organization.

Supporting work with the personnel reserve involves a legal component, since hiring, dismissal, and any movement within the organization is based on Labor Code RF and creation normative document on regulating the creation and functioning of the personnel reserve (Table 8.4). To achieve success in this activity, the following key conditions are also important:

  • - support for work with the personnel reserve from the company’s top management;
  • - motivating reservists to learn and achieve high results;
  • - taking into account the characteristics of corporate culture and established management practices when choosing forms and methods of training candidates for managerial positions.

Table 8.4

Regulatory document regulating the creation and functioning of the personnel reserve

General provisions

The goals of forming a personnel reserve, for example:

  • - improving the quality of management training;
  • - prompt replacement of key positions using the company’s internal resources;
  • - maintaining the principle of continuity in enterprise management.

Principles of working with personnel reserve, such as:

  • - selection of candidates based on business and personal qualities;
  • - transparency in the organization of work with reserves

The procedure for selecting candidates for the personnel reserve

Procedure for creating a reserve; the procedure for recording the results of assessment and certification; criteria for enrolling applicants into the reserve. When selecting, it is recommended to take into account not only general, but also professional requirements that must be met by the head of a particular department, workshop, etc., as well as requirements for personal qualities

Organization of work with reserve

Procedure for training reservists (types of programs and training periods, budget, assessment of training results). For example, three types of programs can be approved: general theoretical training, special program, individual program(practice, internship). As a rule, the training period is 1 year, after which measures are taken to evaluate reservists based on indicators such as the implementation of the annual individual plan, the implementation of the internship plan, performance indicators, etc.

Responsibility when working with personnel reserve*

Work on the formation and preparation of a personnel reserve is carried out with the interaction of a personnel service manager, a psychologist, a personnel training specialist, and department heads. Each of them is responsible for a certain stage of work within their competence. General control and responsibility for compliance with the procedures provided for in the Regulations rests with the HR Director


  • 1. General Provisions
  • 1.1. This Regulation determines the structure of the personnel reserve for replacement vacant positions(hereinafter referred to as the personnel reserve), the procedure for its formation and maintenance, general principles selection of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve, forms of work with the personnel reserve.
  • 1.2. The personnel reserve is formed to fill vacant positions in the company.
  • 1.3. The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out for the purposes of:
    • - timely filling of vacant positions by persons meeting the qualification requirements for the position being filled;
    • - stimulating increased professionalism and activity;
    • - period reduction professional adaptation upon appointment to a vacant position;
    • - improving the selection and placement of personnel;
    • - improving the quality of work of specialists.
  • 1.4. The formation of a personnel reserve is based on the principles:
    • - competence and professionalism of persons included in the reserve;
    • - voluntary inclusion in the reserve;
    • - unity of the basic requirements for candidates for nomination.
  • 2. The procedure for forming and maintaining a personnel reserve
  • 2.1. The personnel reserve is formed and maintained in the personnel service (personnel management service) and its structural divisions.
  • 2.2. The personnel reserve is maintained by specialists responsible for personnel work.
  • 2.3. The personnel reserve is formed and approved until the year 20xx.

The personnel reserve for filling vacant senior and main positions is approved by order of the General Director.

The personnel reserve for filling vacant leading, senior and junior positions is approved by the head of the department

(gave or service) until " "_20xx, submitted to the department

personnel for the formation of a consolidated list of persons included in the personnel reserve for filling vacant positions.

  • 2.4. The list of personnel reserve is formed in the form of a table.
  • 2.5. The personnel reserve may include specialists who meet the qualification requirements and have the necessary professional, business and personal qualities.

Inclusion in the personnel reserve is carried out with written consent.

  • 2.6. The grounds for inclusion in the personnel reserve are:
    • - recommendation of the certification commission;
    • - recommendation of the head, deputy.
  • 2.7. Every year, department heads conduct an analysis of the personnel reserve and evaluate the activities of each person enrolled in the personnel reserve.
  • 3. Forms of work with persons included in the personnel reserve
  • 3.1. Forms of work with persons included in the personnel reserve are:
    • - professional retraining, advanced training in educational institutions vocational education;
    • - internship;
    • - temporary filling of a position (during the absence of an employee filling this position on a permanent basis);
    • - preparation of projects, reports;
    • - other forms.
  • 3.2. Responsible for organizing work with persons in the personnel reserve are HR specialists and heads of relevant structural divisions.

What does personnel reserve mean?

The personnel reserve (CR) is divided into two types - external and internal. Usually this is a group of people who have been pre-selected for any position in the organization, most often at middle or senior management positions. Specialists are assessed especially carefully and the personal, professional and business qualities needed to perform their job duties are identified.

External personnel reserve consists of resumes of candidates who meet the requirements and can therefore be invited at any time to fill a vacant vacancy. The main disadvantage of the database is that it becomes outdated, because people grow, develop, find work and no longer need your proposals.

Reference: sometimes the external personnel reserve consists of specialists who from time to time participate in projects and perform certain tasks.

Internal personnel reserve- already employed employees who have high potential for career growth and have management skills. As a rule, these are long-time specialists who have managed to establish themselves and show their reliability.

Table. Comparative characteristics internal and external sources of personnel selection

Internal reserve includes:

  • highly professional employees with unique knowledge, capable of leadership, as well as professional growth in the horizontal direction (stock of key specialists);
  • subordinates who can demonstrate vertical growth (administrative staff);
  • trained managers who can immediately begin their duties (operational staff);
  • potential managers (strategic talent pool).

The process of forming an internal personnel reserve takes at least 2 years, so it must be started from the day the organization is founded. Carefully observe all employees, make notes for yourself so that if necessary, move a specialist.

In small companies, a personnel reserve system is rarely created. Typically, employees are moved from position to position, or relatives, friends or acquaintances are accepted into the company, while avoiding formalities - evaluation, testing, etc. It should be noted that sometimes this can lead to serious problems, including the closure of the company.


Since the company was founded« Omega» its owner Stanislav also acted as HR director. First of all, he accepted all his relatives into the staff, they invited friends and acquaintances. So it happened that they did not accept outsiders, but looked for candidates for the position among« their» . As a result, leadership positions were occupied by those who did not fully understand the intricacies of the work and responsibilities. This had a negative impact on profitability, competitiveness and many business processes. When the company approached collapse, Stanislav analyzed the situation and assessed the employees. He decided to fire some workers and hire professionals in their place. A scandal broke out. Most of the subordinates left, but other applicants quickly arrived to replace them. Gradually, the situation returned to normal, and the company moved from unprofitable to profitable.

Goals and objectives of reserve formation

The main task of the Kyrgyz Republic is to improve and stabilize financial position organizations. By having “spare” employees, the company is protected from unforeseen situations due to the absence of key specialists. Business processes go on as usual, clients are satisfied with the cooperation, and business profitability does not decrease.

The formation of an organization's personnel reserve is also required to achieve other goals that management faces. Usually, using the “spare” database, they try to:

  • reduce the number of errors in the selection and placement of personnel;
  • evaluate staff adequately and slowly;
  • predict the need for employees;
  • provide the company with a reserve of effective specialists who know how to develop the business in accordance with the approved strategy;
  • retain and motivate talented managers;
  • reduce costs for recruitment and adaptation of personnel;
  • maintain a positive reputation.

Goals, objectives, desired results, mechanisms for the development of reservists, etc. include in the Regulations on the creation of a personnel reserve. Record the sequence of each stage to reduce and facilitate the work of managers who will be involved in the formation of a personnel reserve.

Example of a Regulation

The formation of a personnel reserve (HRR) of an organization occurs with the participation of senior management. We recommend adhering to the principle of openness and transparency. That is, do not hide from other employees that they have begun selecting specialists in the Kyrgyz Republic. It is possible that some will prove themselves in order to achieve a promotion.

If there are not enough resources to form a CD, involve third-party specialists from recruitment agencies who will take on some of the tasks themselves or complete the work on a turnkey basis. Adhere to the given algorithm, make sure that not a single promising employee is overlooked.

Stage No. 1. Determine your reserve needs

The first stage is the most important, so you need to approach it as responsibly as possible. If you do not pay attention to the nuances, the FCR process will be longer and more expensive.

Before starting work on creating a reserve, identify:

  • strategic and tactical personnel requests;
  • the actual state of the Kyrgyz Republic, the degree of preparedness of employees;
  • percentage decrease in the number of “reserve” employees over the past few years;
  • the number of released administrative units that can realize themselves in other departments;
  • positions from which specialists can be transferred;
  • persons responsible for working with the Kyrgyz Republic, personnel placement.

Determine how much money can be spent on creating a personnel reserve, coordinate it with financial director. If the budget is limited, it is rational to engage in the development of already employed employees, and not to select external specialists for the Kyrgyz Republic.

Stage No. 2. Select employees for the reserve

Recruiting employees takes a lot of time, since at this stage complex work is carried out, consisting of complementary procedures. If several managers are working on the CI, delineate responsibilities and define selection criteria.

In general, when selecting a pool of “spare” you need to:

  • get acquainted with information from employees’ personal files, resumes, autobiographies;
  • conduct a conversation with reservists;
  • simulate situations close to real working conditions, observe a person;
  • evaluate the results of work over a certain period of time;
  • analyze whether the employee’s qualities meet the requirements for the position.

The main goal that needs to be achieved is to collect the largest possible amount of information about each employee, his personal, professional and business qualities, skills. Make a card with requirements and criteria so that you don’t miss important details when working with candidates for the Kyrgyz Republic.

Requirements for candidates for inclusion in the Kyrgyz Republic:

Download sample

When selecting a talent pool, determine the motives of potential employees, their goals and values. Do not immerse yourself in the study of unnecessary facts and personal life, because this information does not carry much meaning, but it takes up your time to analyze it.

Stage No. 3. Create a personnel reserve list

After assessing the candidates and comparing them with each other, make a preliminary list of “reserves”. Divide it into 2 parts. The first includes workers who are assigned to the operational unit, i.e. to fill key positions right now or in the near future. The second group includes those who will make up the strategic reserve. Typically these are young employees with leadership abilities who will gradually gain experience.

When compiling a list of reservists, adhere to the following rules:

  • determine positions to be replaced according to the nomenclature of positions and staffing table taking into account the hierarchy;
  • indicate personal information about each staff unit;
  • record the time of enrollment in the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • note the results of the quality assessment, write down suggestions and recommendations for self-improvement and employee development.

Create a personnel reserve for several years in advance. Submit the list to a senior manager for consideration - he has the right to cross out some people if, in his opinion, they do not meet the necessary criteria. As the list becomes outdated, it needs to be updated. Remove dropouts and add new arrivals.

Important! When enrolling qualified reservists, prepare a petition for nomination to a position if it becomes vacant. Submit the document to the director for approval.

Candidate application form for the personnel reserve

Download the form

Training and retraining of applicants

After weeding out clearly unsuitable employees and adding promising specialists to the talent pool, begin working with those who are generally suitable for the position, but need additional training. Choose the best program for them, taking into account their budget.

The following methods are usually used:

The training program depends on the current experience and knowledge of the reservist. When choosing it, think about what the employee needs to develop, whether the program will help achieve the desired result. If you are creating a personnel reserve to fill management positions, and there is no possibility of providing study leave, pay attention to distance programs. You can view the approximate content of some courses and find out the features of this form of training.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. Who should be appointed responsible for working with the personnel reserve?

Typically, managing an organization's personnel reserve is the responsibility of the head or ordinary specialist of the service. Large organizations create a special department. To achieve results in working with the Kyrgyz Republic, involve immediate managers and reservists in this issue.

There should be about 2-3 people for each position. Make a list, count the number of potential jobs.

3. How to inform staff about the development and implementation of the program?

Inform employees of plans to create a CI in writing or in person. Explain the goals and objectives of the program, convey its importance to employees and the organization as a whole. Please note that insufficient information to staff about the innovation may give rise to negative rumors and fears.

4. What are the different ways to nominate candidates for the personnel reserve?

There are three main methods of nomination: by the immediate supervisor, by a superior manager, and by self-nomination of the employee.

5. What are the possible problems when working with a personnel reserve?

The following errors are identified when working with CD:

  • work proceeds without proper management support under pressure from the personnel service and the training department;
  • financial restrictions do not allow the use of a number of areas of training for reservists;
  • the reserve for filling management positions is made formally;
  • vague selection criteria;
  • there are no clear criteria for evaluating reservists.

6. Is it possible to prepare a reserve for tops?

Yes, many companies train reservists specifically to fill top positions in the organization. The procedure for working with them differs in that higher demands are placed on specialists.

7. How to plan further work with the personnel reserve?

After a positive assessment of the reservists' readiness, decide what to do next, for example:

  • if there are open target vacancies, consider candidates for replacement from among the successful reservists;
  • plan and organize adaptation measures ;
  • If there are no open vacancies at the end of the reservist training program, plan measures to retain promising employees.

As a result of the previously completed work on creating and developing a reserve, realize the goals for which the CD was created, develop additional measures to retain valuable employees. Do not forget that personnel reserve management is not just a formal procedure, but real work, to which you need to systematically devote time.

Work on training the personnel reserve is purposeful, systematic and planned. The organization of this work is aimed at ensuring high-quality and intensive training of each specialist for independent activity at a new, higher level.

Differences in the structure and composition of the reserve, as well as the initial preparedness of workers, determine the principle of an individual approach when choosing forms and methods of work, their sequence and duration.

Work with specialists included in the reserve is carried out according to a plan that provides for specific measures to acquire the necessary theoretical, economic and managerial knowledge, to deeply master the nature of the work, and to develop the specialist’s leadership skills at the level of modern requirements.

The system of this work includes: studies in the system of advanced training for executives with and without interruption from production; internship in a position for which you are enrolled in the reserve; temporary replacement of absent managers for the period of their business trips and vacations; trips to other organizations to study positive experience; participation in teaching work in the advanced training system; participation in inspections production activities organizations and their divisions; participation in the preparation and holding of conferences, seminars and meetings.

Personnel reserve planning aims to predict personal promotions, their sequence and accompanying activities. It requires elaboration of the entire chain of promotions, transfers, and dismissals of specific employees.

Domestic organizations have developed a special expert list, with the help of which candidates are selected when forming a personnel reserve plan for management personnel.

The plan for working with the organization's management personnel reserve includes the following sections: determining the need for management personnel; selection and study of management personnel; acquisition of the reserve, review, coordination and approval of the reserve; work with the reserve of management personnel; control over the preparation of a reserve of management personnel; determining the readiness of the reserve of management personnel for appointment to positions.

Personnel reserve plans can be drawn up in the form of replacement schemes, which have various forms depending on the characteristics and traditions of various organizations. We can say that replacement schemes are a variant of the development scheme of an organizational structure, focused on specific individuals with different priorities. Individually oriented replacement schemes are based on standard replacement schemes. They are developed by human resources management services for the organizational structure and represent a variant of the conceptual model of job rotation.

We have a wealth of experience working with personnel reserves in domestic organizations.

The main criteria when selecting candidates for the reserve are: appropriate level of education and professional training; experience of practical work with people; organizational skills; personal qualities; health status, age.

The sources of formation of the personnel reserve are: qualified specialists; deputy heads of departments; grassroots leaders; graduated! specialists employed in production as workers. Organizations have developed a certain procedure for selection and enrollment in the personnel reserve group:

The selection of candidates should be carried out on a competitive basis among specialists under the age of 35, who have proven themselves in practical work and have a higher education;

The decision to include employees in reserve groups is made by a special commission and approved by order of the organization;

For each employee (trainee), an internship supervisor (main) and a supervisor for each stage of the internship are approved, who draw up an individual internship plan at each stage;

The managers of trainees included in the personnel reserve group receive financial compensation for the trainee’s successful completion of the stages of the career and professional promotion system;

The intern is given an official salary corresponding to the new position he occupies, but higher than the previous Report, and he is subject to all types of material incentives provided for this position.