Practical tasks for social workers. Solving problem situations in social work. Practical work of the Federal Law "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation"

1. Specify the match:

a) a boarding house for the elderly and the elderly;

b) a rehabilitation center for minors;

c) an educational institution;

d) children's home

2. What is the basis of any technological process, including in social work.

a) operation;

b) tools;

c) algorithm;

d) procedure.

3.Specify match:

a) main ideas, provisions;

b) expected result;

c) ways, methods of achieving the goal




4. According to the economic model of disability:

a) the problems of disabled people are the result of their reduced ability to work;

b) the problems of disabled people are due to their anatomical, physiological, psychological defects; c) the problems of the disabled are caused by the violation of their rights and freedoms.

5. Client Generic Resources include:

a) availability of a territorial service for social assistance to families and children;

b) high level of education;

c) good health;

d) religious beliefs.

6. Risk group is:

7. The type of maladaptation of the personality, expressed in the unwillingness or inability to follow the social norms that exist in society, is called:

a) psychological maladaptation;

b) cultural maladaptation;

c) professional maladjustment;

d) situational-role maladjustment.

8. The modern form of discrimination against women is manifested:

a) in recognizing their physical weakness compared to men;

b) in the absence of state wages for women involved in raising children in the family;

c) that when hiring, preference is given to male applicants;

d) the presence of female prostitution.

9. Age boundaries of the category of the population "youth":

10. In the answer form, indicate the missing word in the name of the specialized federal social service that provides assistance to unemployed citizens and citizens looking for work: ……...................................................................................................................

11. Asociality is:

a) an extreme form of social disadvantage;

b) one of the possible characteristics of citizens belonging to the risk group;

c) the presence of behavioral deviations contrary to social norms;

d) all answers are correct.

12. According to the political and legal model of disability -

a) the problems of disabled people are caused by the violation of their rights and freedoms in society;

b) the problems of disabled people are due to their anatomical, physiological, psychological defects;

c) the problems of disabled people are the result of their reduced ability to work;

d) the problems of disabled people differ significantly depending on the disability group.

13. Compared with other socio-demographic groups of the population, the risk of contracting HIV infection is higher in:

a) the unemployed;

b) youth;

c) forced migrants;

d) homeless persons.

14. Marginality is:

b) the state of groups of people or individuals, placed by social development on the verge of two cultures, positions, roles participating in their interaction, but not completely adjoining to any of them;

15. Unemployment mostly affects:

a) women;

b) men;

c) elderly and elderly citizens;

16. Migration is:

a) movement of people outside their historical homeland;

b) any movement of people with a change of residence;

c) movement of people with a change of residence for a period of at least 6 months;

d) movement of people with a change of residence for a period of at least 5 years.

17. Which of the following social problems, as a rule, is typical for elderly citizens:

a) lack of housing;

b) high risk of infection with tuberculosis;

c) loneliness;

d) restriction of the right to freedom of religion.

18. Poverty in qualitative terms is characterized by the fact that:

a) there is no housing;

b) the level of income allows to satisfy only the most urgent needs (life support needs);

c) the level of income does not allow satisfying even the most basic needs;

d) the citizen is a recipient of some type of state social security.

19. Indicate in the answer form the name of the specialized medical and social service dealing with the problems of citizens with disabilities: ……………………………………………….

20. What socio-demographic trends are typical for modern Russia:

a) an increase in the number of children in the total population;

b) "aging" of youth;

c) improving the health of women of reproductive age;

d) all noted tendencies are correct.

21. Indicate the name of a specialized service that can quickly help women who find themselves in a difficult life situation……………………………

22. What are the names of citizens in the corresponding age periods of their lives:

a) 60-75 - ……………………

b) 75-90 -…………………….

c) over 90 years ……………

23. Indicate a social institution focused on working with youth that appeared in Russia after 1991:

a) Territorial center for social assistance to families and children;

b) Tourist center;

c) Work and rest camp;

d) Military sports club.

24. One of the specific principles of organizing social work with disabled people is:

a) the principle of democracy;

b) the principle of preventive orientation;

c) the principle of the targeted approach;

d) the principle of independent living.

25. Behavioral deviations of a socially passive type include:

a) hooliganism;

b) drug addiction;

c) fraud;

d) all of the above.

26. In the rehabilitation of young people with disabilities, in contrast to people with disabilities of the elderly and elderly, more attention should be paid to:

a) household rehabilitation;

b) psychological rehabilitation;

c) legal rehabilitation;

d) professional rehabilitation.

27. According to the Law on Employment, a citizen may be recognized as unemployed if he reaches:

a) 14 years old; b) 16 years old;

At 18 years old; d) 21 years old.

28.The theory and practice of identifying the socio-pedagogical characteristics of a person or group of people is called social _______.

29.The process of active adaptation of an individual who is in a difficult life situation to the rules and norms accepted in society is called social __________________.

30. The result of the socialization process is:

a) personality formation;

b) the formation of temperament;

c) getting an education.

31. Socialization must begin:

a) at school

b) from birth;

c) with the beginning of labor activity.

32. Social status shows:

a) what behavior society expects from the individual;

b) what place the individual occupies in society or group;

c) in what social environment the personality is formed.

33. The expected behavior of an individual is called:

a) deviant behavior;

b) social status;

c) social role.

34.Which of the following acts are not included in the system of legislative normative acts in the field of social protection population?

a) the Federal Law "On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency";

b) the Federal Law “On social services for the elderly and the disabled”;

c) Federal Law “On State Social Assistance”.

35. Professional and ethical principles of activity of a social work specialist:

a) indifference, coldness, prudence;

b) intervention, imposing ways to solve the problem;

c) humanism, trust, personal approach, tolerance;

d) inattention, detachment from the present.

36. Who can restrict the parental rights of parents?

a) the prosecutor's office;

b) body of guardianship and guardianship;

d) Commissioner for Human Rights.

37. Who can deprive parents of parental rights?

a) the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;

b) the prosecutor's office;

c) body of guardianship and guardianship;

e) Commissioner for Children's Rights.

38. According to what law of the Russian Federation does our country introduce a special system of social services for children in difficult life situation for the purpose of rehabilitation and social support:

a) the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

b) the Family Code of the Russian Federation;

c) the Federal Law “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency”;

d) the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”.

39. Which of the following functions does not apply to the functions of the family:

a) worldview;

b) socialization;

c) educational;

d) reproductive.

40. In order to protect their rights and legitimate interests, a minor has the right to independently apply to the court:

a) from 10 years old;

b) from the age of 14;

c) from 16 years old;

d) from 18 years old.

41.What is a nuclear family?

a) a family consisting of a married couple with or without children;

b) spouses living with the wife's parents;

c) spouses living with the husband's parents;

d) a family consisting of two married couples.

42. An innovative form of social services for citizens of the elderly and the elderly are:

a) special residential buildings;

b) boarding houses of a general type;

c) psychoneurological boarding houses.

43. The term “Youth Social Services” has been introduced into our legal system since the adoption

a) Federal Law “On state support of youth and children's public associations” (May 1995);

b) Decree of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation "On the social protection of the population in the transition to market relations" dated 03.20.92.

c) the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” (December 1995);

d) Federal Law "On the general principles of the state youth policy of the USSR" (April 1991).

44. An innovative technology for helping children left without parental care is:

a) adoption of a child; b) keeping the child in an orphanage; c) placing the child in a foster family.

45 . Vocational rehabilitation of the client involves:

a) provision of official housing; b) adaptation of the workplace to the functionality of the client;

c) both answers are correct.

46. ​​A child whose parents do not exercise proper control over his upbringing, education, maintenance, is categorized as: a) disadvantaged children; b) homeless children; c) neglected children.

c) cohabitation.

48. “The property of ethnic self-consciousness to perceive and evaluate life phenomena through the prism of the traditions and values ​​of one's own ethnic group” - what concept fits this definition?

a) nationalism;

b) chauvinism;

c) ethnocentrism

49. What are the personal rights of citizens?

a) the right to life;

b) the right to liberty and security of person;

c) the right to protection of honor and dignity;

d) all of the above.

50. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia is a federal body ... ... of power:

a) parliamentary;

b) legislative;

c) executive;

d) judicial.

51. Highlight a behavioral phenomenon that is not typical for young people:

a) maximalism;

b) conformism;

c) confabulism;

d) hedonism.

52. Marriage is:

a) State act, with the help of which property relations are established between a man and a woman;

b) Union between a man and a woman by mutual agreement;

c) Fixing certain moral obligations between a man and a woman;

d) When people register their relationship for whatever reason.

53. Assistance in providing the necessary assistance to various categories of the population (disabled people, young families), in improving their living conditions, organizing a normal life, this function:

a) human rights;

b) organizational;

c) social - household

54. Social guardianship is established:

a) over citizens recognized by the court as incompetent due to mental disorders;

b) over citizens with limited legal capacity due to alcoholism;

c) over adolescents 12-16 years old;

d) over children who have reached the age of 14 years

55. The final decision on the establishment of disability is made by:

a) guardianship and guardianship authority;

b) territorial department for social protection of the population;

c) the head physician of the polyclinic;

d) bureau of medical and social expertise

56. The system and process of full or partial restoration of the abilities of disabled people for everyday, social and professional activities:

a) rehabilitation of the disabled;

b) habilitation of disabled people;

c) adaptation of disabled people;

d) resocialization of the disabled

57. Social prevention is:

a) a set of state, public, socio-medical and organizational measures aimed at preventing, eliminating or neutralizing the main causes and conditions that cause various kinds of social deviations of a negative nature;

b) restoration of the legal, social, professional status of a person;

c) the creation of new means to meet the social needs of people;

d) the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social and household, social and medical, psychological and pedagogical, social and legal services

58. The technology of social work with the elderly should be based on the requirement:

a) mandatory involvement in work with the elderly of the immediate environment;

b) mandatory provision of medical services;

c) identifying the individual needs of older citizens in social assistance and services;

d) medical examination of all elderly people;

59. Social adaptation is:

a) the process of active adaptation of a person to new living conditions for him;

b) activities to develop means and methods for achieving such states of social systems that correspond to the needs of society;

c) the process of learning and assimilation by an individual throughout his life of social norms and cultural values;

d) restoration of legal, social, professional status;

60. Social diagnostics is:

a) a procedure of social technology aimed at assessing the actual state of the object;

b) restoration of legal, social, professional status;

c) the process of learning and assimilation by the individual, throughout his life, of social norms; d) the creation of new means to meet the social needs of people

61. Who is the object of social work in the field of education:

a) pupils, students;

b) parents;

c) teachers ;

d) sponsors of educational institutions.

62. The goals of social work in the field of education:

a) harmonization of relations;

b) promoting more adequate and efficient implementation

functions of education;

c) introduction of new methods of providing educational services;

d) selection of teaching staff of educational institutions

63. Treatment of narcological patients is accompanied by the use of the following social work technologies:

a) disintegration;

b) rehabilitation;

c) readaptation;

d) resocialization

64. What tasks are solved by employment centers of all levels:

a) collection and dissemination of information about supply and demand

in the local labor market;

b) organization of retraining of the released labor force;

c) correction of the behavior of the unemployed;

d) payment of benefits for temporary unemployment

65. Functions of a social worker in a correctional facility:

a) therapeutic assistance to prisoners;

b) protection of the rights of convicts to social security and other

social benefits;

c) support and strengthening of socially useful ties with the family;

d) protection of civil interests of convicts

66. What are the main tasks a person solves at the stage of life

« youth»:

a) formation of leisure interests;

b) completion of education;

c) creating a family;

d) getting a job

Topic 1. Technologization of social work

(practical lesson - 4 hours)

Issues for discussion:

    Objective prerequisites for the technologization of social space and the reasons for the technologization of social activity.

    What is the specificity of social technologies? Essence and types of social technologies.

    The concept of "technology of social work": essence, content, principles. What are the features of social work technologies?

    The main purpose of social technologies.

    Principles and grounds for classifications of social technologies and technologies of social work.

    Characteristics of approaches to the classifications of social technologies and technologies of social work (Compare different approaches).

Practical tasks.

2. Make a table of different types of social technologies.


On the example of one of the countries to characterize the technology of social work. When describing, open the questions:

Factors influencing the development of social work practice;

Forms and methods of social work with various groups of the population. (Country - optional: Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, USA, Sweden, etc.).

Basic concepts of the topic: macrotechnologies of social work, mesotechnologies of social work, microtechnologies of social work, social technologies, technology, technology of social work, difficult life situation, human resources.


    Fundamentals of social work: textbook / otv. ed. P. D. Pavlenok. - M. : INFRA-M, 2006. - S. 185-198.

    Social work: theory and practice: Proc. allowance / Resp. ed. d.h.s. prof. E. I. Kholostova, Doctor of History, prof. A. I. Sorvina. - M. : INFRA-M, 2004. - Chapter VII.

    Technology of social work: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / Ed. I. G. Zainysheva. – M.: Humanit. ed. Center VLADOS, 2002. - Chapters I, III.

    Technology of social work in various fields life: tutorial/ ed. P. D. Pavlenka. - M. : Dashkov i K, 2007. - S. 11-16.

    Firsov, M. V. Technology of social work: Proc. manual for universities / M. V. Firsov - Ed. 2nd. - M. : Academic Project, 2009. - Topics 2, 3.

    Kholostova, E. I. Social work: study guide / E. I. Kholostova. – M.: Dashkov i K, 2008 – S. 459-474.

Topic 2. Technological process in social work

(practical lesson - 2 hours)

Issues for discussion:

    Technology of social work as a process. Problem solving principles in social work.

    Aspects of technologization in social work.

    The structure of the technological process.

    Procedural stages of the technological process.

    Manufacturability and creativity in social work.

Practical task:

1. Make a dictionary of the main concepts of the topic.

2. Study the schemes of cognitive, structural, functional and resource models of social work technology. Analyze them, determine the general, special, single. [See: Firsov M.V. Technology of social work. Scheme 2 (p. 80), scheme 3 (p. 87), scheme 4 (p. 93), scheme 5 (p. 99)].

Basic concepts of the topic: algorithm, tools, methods of social work, methods of intervention, methods of social work, methods of expert evaluation, operation, social problem, social contradiction.


    Pavlenok, P. D. Theory, history and methods of social work: Textbook. - 7th ed., add. – M. : Dashkov i K°, 2007. – 476 p.

    Social work: theory and practice: Proc. allowance / Resp. ed. d.h.s., prof. E. I. Kholostova, Doctor of History, prof. A. S. Sorvina. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 427 p.

    Technology of social work: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / Ed. I. G. Zainysheva. – M.: VLADOS, 202. – 240 p.

    Firsov, M. V. Technology of social work: textbook. manual for universities / M. V. Firsov. - M .: Academic Project, 2009. - Topics 4.

    Kholostova, E. I. Social work: textbook. Allowance / E. I. Kholostova. - M. : Dashkov i K, 2008. - S. 466-474.

Issues for discussion

1. Define the Core Principles individual work with a client.

2. Illustrate the implementation of social individual work with an example.

3. Tell us about the basic principles of functional individual work.

Practical tasks


Issues for discussion

1. Define the stages of group dynamics. Group and collective in social work.

2. Using examples, describe the content of field theory, social exchange theory and social systems theory.

3. Determine situations where social work with the group is needed

Practical tasks

1. In the "nursing home" "determine" the main methods of conducting work in the group on a healthy lifestyle.

2. Based on the examples of the above theories, work on any topic with a group of women who are victims of domestic violence.


5. Platonova N. M., Nesterova G. F. Theory and methods of social work; Academy - Moscow, 2013. - 400 pages.


Issues for discussion

1. Define the concept and functions of the microenvironment. Give an example of a micro-society.

2. Illustrate the principles of working in a microenvironment.

3. Determine the main work strategies in the context of various models of social work in the micro-society.

Practical tasks

1. As a specialist, define the functions of social roles in models of local development, social planning and social actions.

2. "Create" a micro-society in the group and, as specialists, determine the methods of work.


1. Nesterova G.F. Technology and methods of social work. – M.: Academy, 2011.

2. Social work in modern Russia: interaction of science, education and practice / NRU BelGU; ed.: V.V. Bakhareva and others; reviewer: V.P. Babintsev, I.M. Nevlev. - Belgorod: IPK NRU BelGU, 2011.

3. Firsov M.V. Psychology of social work. – M.: Academy, 2010.

4. Pavlenok P.D. Technologies of social work with different population groups. - M.: Infra-M, 2011.

6. Platonova N. M., Nesterova G. F. Theory and methods of social work; Academy - Moscow, 2013. - 400 p.


Issues for discussion

1. Illustrate with examples the types of economic and organizational– managerial methods in social work.

2. Identify the main mistakes in formulating the goals of social design.

3. Determine the basic principles for the implementation of economic methods.

Practical tasks

1. Create a management project in the women's crisis center system. Define the main goals and objectives.

2. Determine ways to raise funds for the implementation of the developed project.


1. Nesterova G.F. Technology and methods of social work. – M.: Academy, 2011.

2. Social work in modern Russia: the interaction of science, education and practice / NRU BelSU; ed.: V.V. Bakhareva and others; reviewer: V.P. Babintsev, I.M. Nevlev. – Belgorod: IPK NRU BelSU, 2011..

3. Firsov M.V. Psychology of social work. – M.: Academy, 2010.

4. Pavlenok P.D. Technologies of social work with different population groups. - M.: Infra-M, 2011.

5. Tsitkilov P.Ya. Technology of social work. - M .: Dashkov and Co., 2011.

6. Zhirov M.S. and others. Professional training of a social work specialist: a competency-based approach / reviewed by V.V. Bakharv, I.M. Nevlev. - Belgorod: BelGU, 2010.

7. Safronova V.M. Forecasting, designing and modeling in social work. – M.: Academy, 2010.


Issues for discussion

1. Determine the specifics of the sociological approach to social work technologies.

2. Develop a sociological model of the client and social worker.

3. Determine the objective indicators of the social security of the population.

Practical tasks

1. Determine the priorities of the "current generation" and develop models of work with the involvement of sociologically oriented methods.

2. Determine the sociological parameters of the categories of families to create a data bank on dysfunctional families.


1. Nesterova G.F. Technology and methods of social work. – M.: Academy, 2011.

2. Social work in modern Russia: the interaction of science, education and practice / NRU BelSU; ed.: V.V. Bakhareva and others; reviewer: V.P. Babintsev, I.M. Nevlev. - Belgorod: IPK NRU BelGU, 2011.

3. Firsov M.V. Psychology of social work. – M.: Academy, 2010.

4. Pavlenok P.D. Technologies of social work with different population groups. - M.: Infra-M, 2011.

5. Tsitkilov P.Ya. Technology of social work. – M.: Dashkov i K, 2011.

6. Yuzefavichus T.A. Problems of social work with youth. – M.: Academy, 2010.

7. Kozyrev G.I. Sociology of the family: love and calculation in marriage and family relations and not only ...: a textbook for bachelors and masters - M .: Infa-M. Series: higher education, 2016.

8. Platonova N. M., Nesterova G. F. Theory and methods of social work; Academy - Moscow, 2013. - 400 p.

9. Bourdieu P. Sociology of social space. - St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2007.

10. Gorshkov M.K. Social factors modernization Russian society from the standpoint of sociological science // Sotsis. - 2010. - No. 12.

11. Goryunov A.V. Modern model social change. Experience of explication // Socis. - 2011. - No. 2.

12. Prosvirnin A.A. Sociologically - oriented models in the classification of theoretical models of social work: the problem of scientific justification // Informational Mordovia (Saransk). - 2017. - No. 3 (6). - S. 24-29.


option 1




Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:



Applicable Documents

Induction training


Individual tasks

Solution of a practical problem


Do it in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on work



Using the lecture material and the reference legal system "Consultant Plus" or "Referent Delta", determine on the basis of what legal acts the state implements social policy in relation to groups and strata in need of social protection, social assistance and support. Write your answer in the form of the following table:

Groups and strata in need of social protection, social assistance and support

(main social facilities)

Normative legal acts that determine the social policy of the state in relation to specific groups and strata in need of social protection, social assistance and support

disabled people


participants of the Great Patriotic War and related persons

home front workers during the Great Patriotic War

single elderly people and families consisting of only pensioners (by age, disability and other reasons)

widows and mothers of military personnel who died in wars

former juvenile prisoners of fascism

persons subjected to political repression and subsequently rehabilitated

refugees and internally displaced persons

persons exposed to radiation as a result of an accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, nuclear emissions and nuclear testing

persons returning from places of detention, deprivation of liberty, special educational institutions

homeless persons

families with alcohol abusers, drug users

families with disabled children

families with orphans and children left without parental care

low income families

large families

families of underage parents

young families (including student families)

mothers on parental leave

pregnant women and nursing mothers

independently living graduates of orphanages and boarding schools (until they achieve financial independence and social maturity)

orphaned or left without parental care children

neglected children and teenagers

children and adolescents with deviant behavior

children who experience abuse and violence, who find themselves in conditions that threaten health and development

divorcing families

families with an unfavorable psychological microclimate, conflict relations, families where parents are psychologically untenable

persons with psychological difficulties, experiencing psychological stress, prone to suicidal acts


health status

old, retirement age

special situation of children

vagrancy, homelessness

Control questions

  1. Specify the main subjects of social work
  2. Describe the federal level of regulation of social work
  3. Specify the main features of social work as an academic discipline


on the implementation of practical work No. 1

option 2

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: The main directions of social work in the context of reforms in Russia

Target: Consolidation and systematization of the received theoretical knowledge about the elements social sphere and the main directions of the social policy of the state, the formation and development of practical skills and abilities of students in the process of working with the norms current legislation RF, development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for the implementation of practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, Information Center "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of social worker activity. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3. Platonova N.M. and other Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. / Textbook under the total. ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Job sequence

Applicable Documents

Induction training

Explanation of the sequence

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write the topic and purpose of the lesson in a notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Do it in writing in a notebook

Skill control

Solution of a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Perform the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in a notebook.

Completing security questions


Do it in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on work


Write a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the work done


Using the reference legal system "Consultant Plus" or "Referent Delta", determine the legal acts regulating the various levels of social work (at least 3 for each level) and fill in the following table:

Social work level


What issues are covered

Federal level


The main directions of the state youth policy in Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of 06/03/1993 No. 5090-1

They contain conceptual provisions on the basis of which the state youth policy in the Russian Federation is formed and implemented. The goals and principles of such a policy are common to all levels state power and management. The implementation of measures in the field of state youth policy in Russia is carried out by state authorities and management on the basis of the regulations and programs adopted for the development of these Guidelines in accordance with the competence of these bodies.

Regional level

Municipal level

Local level


Distribute the listed objects of social work in the rows of the table:

Persons returning from places of deprivation of liberty; neglected children; families with orphans in care; persons prone to suicidal acts; families with disabled children; forced migrants; children left without parental care; children experiencing abuse and violence; lonely elderly people; disabled citizens; rehabilitated persons; divorcing families; large families; children with psychological difficulties; nursing mothers; widows and mothers of servicemen who died during the Great Patriotic War and in peacetime; persons without a fixed place of residence; persons exposed to radiation as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant; home front workers during the Great Patriotic War; families with unfavorable psychological microclimate; children and adolescents with deviant behavior; orphaned children; families consisting of pensioners alone; young families; low-income families; incomplete families; pregnant women; refugees; family members of persons subjected to political repressions; participants of the Great Patriotic War; families of minor parents; families with alcohol abusers, drug users; underage prisoners of fascist camps.

Grounds for classifying objects of social work

Groups of the population that found themselves in a difficult life situation

health status

service and work in extreme social conditions

old, retirement age

deviant behavior in its various forms and types

difficult, unfavorable situation of various categories of families

special situation of children

vagrancy, homelessness

position of women in the prenatal and postnatal state

legal (and therefore social) status of persons subjected to political repression and subsequently rehabilitated

Control questions:

  1. Specify the main objects of social work
  2. Describe the municipal level of social work
  3. Specify the features of social work as a type of professional activity



on the implementation of practical work No. 2

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Technological process of social work

Target: Consolidation and systematization of the received theoretical knowledge about technological process social work, the formation and development of practical skills and abilities of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for the implementation of practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, Information Center "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of social worker activity. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3. Platonova N.M. and other Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. / Textbook under the total. ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Job sequence

Applicable Documents

Induction training

Explanation of the sequence

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write the topic and purpose of the lesson in a notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Do it in writing in a notebook

Skill control

Solution of a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Perform the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in a notebook.

Completing security questions


Do it in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on work


Write a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the work done


Natalia is 52 years old. Pre-retirement age. She became a widow three years ago. She has two student daughters and an elderly mother. The publishing house where she works has closed. It is difficult to find a job at her age, she has only one specialty, and even that one is not very popular - the editor. But Natalia is a determined woman. She set a goal for herself: to find a job. However, she understands that in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop a specific plan of action, divided into certain stages.

She offers the following detailed plan:

1. Criteria for choosing a job.

Natalia doesn't want to get any job. She needs a job that meets certain criteria.

2. Resume.

In order to offer herself on the labor market, she must prepare a resume that would meet all standards and would contain and emphasize those features of Natalia's preparation, her experience and personal qualities that would help her interest the employer.

3. Information.

Natalia should have information about where you can find out about various vacancies, study the market for demand for labor force and choose the most suitable destinations for sending your resume.

4. Selection of the best and most suitable firms and organizations.

Having considered various directions, Natalia proposes to sift through the offered vacancies and select the most attractive ones for herself.

5. Meetings with employers.

6. Selection of the most suitable offer. If more than one job is offered, she will have to make a choice. For selection, it is also necessary to develop certain criteria, such as: prestige,

growth opportunity, wage, working day, distance from home, team, bosses, etc.

7. Develop a new plan in case she can't find a job this way.

Evaluate the logic of the presented plan. Indicate how fully it reflects the desire to achieve the goal.


Irina is a 48-year-old divorced woman. She has an adult married daughter and an elderly mother. All have separate apartments. Each one lives its own life. Irina was married to an artist. It seemed to her that he would definitely be famous. But his talent was ruined by his addiction to alcohol, to which he also taught Irina. Young artists often gathered in the house, drank a lot and talked a lot. In the morning it was difficult to figure out where who was and who was with whom. For Irina, such a life was unusual. But her husband often told her: “If you want to be the wife of an artist, be patient and get used to it. We are a free people and do not like conventions.” In front of Irina, her husband began to arrange his personal life with another woman. In retaliation, Irina entered into a close relationship with a young avant-garde artist. Then she broke down and began to drink without ceasing. She could not forgive herself for her weakness. Parents first took her daughter to them. And then she was forcibly taken to the clinic for treatment. In the clinic, he realized that there would be no life if she stayed with her artist. They were divorced.

Many years have passed, but Irina has remained alone. She doesn't trust men. Alcohol uses once a year, but drunkenly. He drinks for two weeks without a break, because of this he cannot stay at a permanent place of work.

Point out the reasons that did not allow Irina to resist in life and maintain her integrity. What character traits of Irina led to a sad outcome?


Igor was diagnosed with a serious illness. Doctors recommended that he first of all quit smoking. Igor started smoking as a teenager, tried several times to quit this habit, but to no avail. This time, the very circumstances associated with the threat to his life force him to take this step. He developed for himself the following strategy aimed at putting an end to smoking: 1) gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day; 2) reduce the number of cigarettes by one every day.

Will Igor's plan lead to the achievement of his goal? Submit your plan.

Control questions:

  1. List the basic principles of social work technology
  2. Define the essence of social work technology
  3. Introduce the classification of V. I. Banerushev



option 1

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work



Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for the implementation of practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, Information Center "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of social worker activity. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3. Platonova N.M. and other Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. / Textbook under the total. ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Job sequence

Applicable Documents

Induction training

Explanation of the sequence

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write the topic and purpose of the lesson in a notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Do it in writing in a notebook

Skill control

Solution of a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Perform the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in a notebook.

Completing security questions


Do it in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on work


Write a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the work done



Concept definition

Social adaptation

Adaptation shock

Voluntary adaptation

Forced adaptation

adaptive behavior

Functional adaptation

Organizational adaptation

Situational adaptation


Vladimir, 40, worked as a forwarding driver in his own car. He has a rather large family - his wife is a teacher, his daughter is a student of a commercial university and his wife's elderly parents. As a result of fatal circumstances, Vladimir had an accident and lost his leg. Now he is in a depressed state and does not know how to continue to live, how to feed his family.

Determine what measures of social rehabilitation Vladimir needs in this situation and why.

Indicate how he can get out of the current difficult life situation.


Nikolai, 12 years old, constantly ran away from home and wandered, as his parents abused alcohol, and, when drunk, made scandals and pogroms at home. Often brought drinking companions of dubious appearance and occupation. Due to the lack of education, Nikolai grew up as a bully and fell under the influence of older "comrades", who began to involve him in the distribution of drugs.

Determine what measures of social rehabilitation Nikolay needs in this situation and why.

How can the current situation be transformed so that Nikolai grows up as a normal member of society?



on the implementation of practical work No. 3

option 2

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Technologies of social rehabilitation and adaptation

Target: Consolidation and systematization of the received theoretical knowledge in the field of application of social adaptation and rehabilitation technologies, formation and development professional competencies, practical skills and abilities of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for the implementation of practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, Information Center "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of social worker activity. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3. Platonova N.M. and other Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. / Textbook under the total. ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Job sequence

Applicable Documents

Induction training

Explanation of the sequence

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write the topic and purpose of the lesson in a notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Do it in writing in a notebook

Skill control

Solution of a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Perform the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in a notebook.

Completing security questions


Do it in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on work


Write a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the work done


Based on the studied educational material complete the following definition table:


Concept definition

Social rehabilitation

The need for social rehabilitation

Socio-medical rehabilitation

Socio-psychological rehabilitation

Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation

Vocational and labor rehabilitation

Socio-environmental rehabilitation


A young 35-year-old woman, recently married, was diagnosed with breast cancer. The surgeons informed her that her left breast had to be removed. A woman is not afraid of death. She does not know how to inform her husband that she will be disabled, inferior, from her point of view, a woman. And he will never be able to have children, which they both dreamed of. Life is over for her, she thinks.

What information will help her to get out of the impasse and see the possibilities of a normal life after the operation?

What mechanism of social adaptation will take place in this case?


Irina, a graduate of a social university, got a job in one of the maternity hospitals. She had a very hard time. The social worker is a rather new and unusual phenomenon in a medical institution. The doctors did not express their great affection for her and did not understand why she was needed here without medical education. Some of them, not only with distrust, but even with contempt, watched her communication with patients and their relatives. In addition, she drew attention to the fact that some male obstetricians are disrespectful not only to her, but to all women working there. One doctor often made fun of her very offensively, told obscene anecdotes, and sometimes just threw barbs that called into question her professionalism. One of the nurses advised Irina to talk frankly with this doctor and tell him everything she thought about him. But Irina considers the following: “I think this will not bring me anything good. I'd rather prove with my work that I can help unfortunate women, especially those who have nowhere to go with a child and they want to give it up. Then the doctors will understand that if they treat the body of a woman and her child, then I am their soul. It is better to ignore stupid jokes and just not notice them than to create a conflict situation that will lead to nothing good.

Answer the following questions:

Is it possible to agree with Irina in everything? She speaks from the position of the so-called common sense and does not want to conflict with anyone. But doesn't she hide her head in the sand like an ostrich?

Do you agree with the proposed vision of the prospects for the development of the situation?

What actions need to be taken to resolve this situation?

What would you suggest Irina do to solve her problem?

What type of social adaptation will take place in this case?


Tamara, a journalist, lost her prestigious job in one of the national newspapers. Although she was fired due to redundancy, but many said that because of her quarrelsomeness and desire to constantly question the orders of her superiors. Currently, Tamara, having registered at the labor exchange, receives unemployment benefits, prepares meals for her adult son and writes commissioned articles for various newspapers and magazines. Her goal is to get a job in one of the decent newspapers. To do this, she must start looking for work and going to interviews. But often she simply refuses to go to interviews already during a telephone invitation. She herself tried to analyze the reasons for this and found that she was dissatisfied with her appearance- gray and unkempt hair, lack of makeup, jeans that she wears for her son. Whenever she has to go to another interview, she finds herself unprepared for it for the above reasons. In addition, on the day of the interview, something is sure to happen to her - a friend gets sick, taps flow, new furniture is brought, etc.

Determine what measures of social rehabilitation Tamara needs in this situation and why.

How can Tamara get out of this difficult life situation?



on the implementation of practical work No. 4

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Technologies of social work in the field of healthcare

Target: Consolidation and systematization of the theoretical knowledge gained on the main aspects of the application of various social technologies in the field of healthcare, the formation and development of professional competencies, practical skills and abilities of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for the implementation of practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, Information Center "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of social worker activity. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3. Platonova N.M. and other Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. / Textbook under the total. ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Job sequence

Applicable Documents

Induction training

Explanation of the sequence

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write the topic and purpose of the lesson in a notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Do it in writing in a notebook

Skill control

Solution of a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Perform the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in a notebook.

Completing security questions


Do it in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on work


Write a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the work done


Based on the studied educational material, fill in the following table of definitions:


Concept definition

Medical and social work of preventive orientation

Medical and social work of pathogenetic orientation

High risk group for drug addiction

Family members of drug addicts and their immediate environment

Preventive programs

Treatment programs

Specialized programs


Using the help desk legal systems determine what legal acts regulate social work with people who abuse drugs, and fill in the following table:

No. p / p

Document's name

Types of social work with drug addicts provided for by this document


Nikolai (20 years old) left his beloved girlfriend. He was fired from his job because he once appeared there in a state of intoxication. Relations with parents were broken. All this was a blow to Nikolai, because of which he began to seek solace in alcoholic beverages, and then became addicted to drugs, began to communicate with dubious personalities. Nikolai's life went downhill, he did not work anywhere, he was interrupted by odd jobs, which immediately went to the purchase of drugs. He often spent the night in the basement with others leading the same way of life. When sobering up came, he thought that it was impossible to live like that, but continued to abuse drugs.

Do you think it is possible in any way to improve the life of Nikolai, to return it to normal?

With the help of what methods of social work is it possible to influence Nikolai, who finds himself in a hopeless situation?


Using the possibilities of reference legal systems, determine what legal acts regulate social work with cancer patients, and fill in the following table:

No. p / p

Document's name

Types of social work with cancer patients provided for by this document


Mikhail (35 years old) was diagnosed with cancer in an advanced stage. According to doctors' forecasts, he did not have long to live. Mikhail lost heart, began to refuse treatment, arguing that there was no point in being treated, since he would soon die anyway. He began to have a deep depression, he began to refuse to communicate with friends and relatives, who in every possible way wanted to support him in this situation and help him in any way they could.

What kind of social assistance does Mikhail need in this situation?

Give a fully motivated answer on the merits of the case.



on the implementation of practical work No. 5

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Technologies of social work with the elderly

Target: Consolidation and systematization of the theoretical knowledge gained in the field of applying social work technologies with the elderly, the formation and development of practical skills and abilities of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for the implementation of practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, Information Center "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of social worker activity. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3. Platonova N.M. and other Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. / Textbook under the total. ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Job sequence

Applicable Documents

Induction training

Explanation of the sequence

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write the topic and purpose of the lesson in a notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Do it in writing in a notebook

Skill control

Solution of a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Perform the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in a notebook.

Completing security questions


Do it in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on work


Write a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the work done


Ministry economic development The Russian Federation has developed a Forecast of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2017. Using the capabilities of the Referent Delta or Consultant Plus legal reference systems, determine what social measures in the field of social work with the elderly are set in this forecast.


Using the capabilities of the reference legal systems "Referent Delta" or "Consultant Plus" study the Federal Target Program " social development village" and complete the following table:

Program name

Basis for program development

State customer - program coordinator

Main developers of the program

Goals and objectives of the program

Terms and stages of the program implementation

Main activities of the program

Expected results of the program implementation


Using the Referent Delta Legal Reference System, determine which social program village development is valid in Primorsky Krai and fill in the following table:


on the implementation of practical work No. 6

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Technologies of social work with disabled people

Target: Consolidation and systematization of the received theoretical knowledge in the field of application of technologies of social work with disabled people, the formation and development of practical skills and abilities of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for the implementation of practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, Information Center "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of social worker activity. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3. Platonova N.M. and other Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. / Textbook under the total. ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Job sequence

Applicable Documents

Induction training

Explanation of the sequence

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write the topic and purpose of the lesson in a notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Do it in writing in a notebook

Skill control

Solution of a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Perform the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in a notebook.

Completing security questions


Do it in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on work


Write a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the work done


Using the capabilities of the Referent Delta or Consultant Plus Legal Reference Systems, determine what legal acts determine the social policy for people with disabilities in the Russian Federation. Briefly describe what relations govern these legal acts:


Using the Reference Legal System "Referent Delta", determine what legal acts adopted at the level of the Primorsky Territory determine the social policy regarding the disabled in the Primorsky Territory. Briefly describe what relations govern these legal acts:

Write your answer in the form of a table:


A disabled employee asked the employer to grant him 34 calendar days of annual paid leave, referring to the fact that, in accordance with the Federallawdated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”, disabled people should be provided annual leave lasting at least 30 calendar days. Since such a period is not specifically established and not limited, in the opinion of the employee, he has the right to ask the employer for a vacation of more than 30 days duration.

Determine whether such a vacation can really be longer?


Spouses N. plan to sell the apartment in order to pay for the treatment and rehabilitation of a disabled child abroad. The family is low-income, the spouse is a disabled disabled person of the second group, the spouse does not work, as she takes care of a disabled child.

Determine whether the exemption from personal income tax on income from the sale of an apartment applies in the above case?

Is there a social tax deduction for personal income tax for the treatment and rehabilitation of a disabled child abroad?



on the implementation of practical work No. 7

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Technologies of social work with persons without a fixed place of residence

Target: Consolidation and systematization of the theoretical knowledge gained in the field of application of social work technologies with persons without a fixed place of residence, the formation and development of practical skills and abilities of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for the implementation of practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, Information Center "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of social worker activity. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3. Platonova N.M. and other Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. / Textbook under the total. ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Job sequence

Applicable Documents

Induction training

Explanation of the sequence

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write the topic and purpose of the lesson in a notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Do it in writing in a notebook

Skill control

Solution of a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Perform the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in a notebook.

Completing security questions


Do it in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on work


Write a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the work done

Exercise 1.

Using the capabilities of Referent Delta or Consultant Plus Legal Reference Systems, determine what legal acts regulate social work with persons without a fixed place of residence. Briefly describe what relations govern these legal acts:

Write your answer in the form of a table:


Using the reference legal system "Referent Delta", determine what legal acts adopted at the level of the Primorsky Territory determine the social policy in relation to persons without a fixed place of residence in the Primorsky Territory. Briefly describe what relations govern these legal acts:

Write your answer in the form of a table:


Using the capabilities of Referent Delta or Consultant Plus Legal Reference Systems, determine what kind of social work with persons without a fixed place of residence is carried out by a social assistance institution for such persons.


Using the capabilities of Referent Delta or Consultant Plus Legal Reference Systems, determine the rights and obligations of persons staying in a social assistance institution for persons without a fixed place of residence.


Using the capabilities of Referent Delta or Consultant Plus Legal Reference Systems, determine what a night stay house is for overnight stays for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation and what tasks and functions such houses perform.

Department of Education of the City of Moscow

State budgetary professional educational institution

Moscow State College of Technology and Law



"Organization of ensuring the activities of institutions of social security bodies"

"Law and organization of social security"

Moscow 2014


Rodionova Yulia Viktorovna

Explanatory note

The main types of training sessions, along with others, include practical exercises aimed at confirming theoretical positions and developing educational and professional practical skills and abilities, which are an important part in vocational training future professionals.

The implementation by students of practical classes in the discipline "Organization of the provision of activities of institutions of social security bodies" is aimed at:

Generalization, systematization, deepening, consolidation of the received theoretical knowledge on specific topics of this discipline;

Formation of skills to apply the acquired knowledge of theory in practice, the implementation of the unity of intellectual and practical activities;

Development of intellectual skills of future specialists;

The development in solving the tasks set of such professionally significant qualities as independence, responsibility, accuracy, creative initiative.

Practical work in this discipline for the specialty "Law and organization of social security" is compiled taking into account the requirements of the State Educational Standard for the level of training of college students in this specialty. By discipline, students should have an idea about the legal phenomena presented in the following legal institutions: social work with people in difficult life situations, work of social service institutions with elderly citizens and the disabled, organization of work on the placement of orphans in temporary shelters, organization of social work on placement of the homeless in temporary shelters, organizing the work of bodies providing medical care to citizens, organizing the work of bodies providing citizens with unemployment benefits, organizing the work of territorial and local bodies of the FIU, scientific organization of labor, interaction of social protection authorities with public organizations and others. A modern specialist must be aware of his role and place in modern society, be capable of systemic activity in a professional situation. The branch “Organization of support for the activities of institutions of social security bodies” contributes to the formation of the status of future specialists.

The content of practical work contributes to the formation of professionally significant qualities. Practical work is aimed at the unity of intellectual and practical activities and includes tasks aimed at analyzing, comparing, identifying, systematizing material, etc. In the process of performing practical work, theoretical knowledge is generalized and deepened, the ability and willingness to use theoretical knowledge in practice are developed.

Duration practical session- 2 academic hours.

Practical work"Difficult life situation"

Target: generalize the essence of the categories of persons in a difficult life situation.


Reflection of the specifics of the situation of categories of persons in a difficult life situation.


  1. Make a table of six columns dedicated to the categories of persons in a difficult life situation;
  2. The following categories of persons in difficult life situations are selected for consideration in the table: orphans, homeless people, homeless people, survivors of abuse in the family, single people.

Table example:

Regulatory source protecting the interests of categories of persons

Body protecting the interests of categories of persons

Measures taken by the state and competent authorities

Proposals for the introduction of other measures to protect the interests of categories of persons

  1. Submit a report to the teacher on the work done in the form of a completed table.

Used Books: regulations, Information system Internet.

Practical work of the Federal Law "On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation."



Analyze the basic concepts and principles of federal law;

Evaluate the essence of the chapters of the Federal Law.


  1. Answer the questions, analyzing the Federal Law "On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation":

1) Outgoing data of the document (adopted by the State Duma, signed by the President, No. FZ);

2) List of amending documents indicating last change(dates and numbers of Federal Law);

3) Specify the concepts used in the Federal Law. Analyze these concepts (do not write a description);

4) List and characterize the principles of social services;

5) Indicate the number of chapters, articles in the Federal Law (a name is written for each chapter, the number of articles is indicated within each chapter);

6) Assess the significance of each chapter of the Federal Law (analyze the need for the existence of each of the chapters of the Federal Law in the Federal Law, the essence of each of the presented chapters. What role does it play in the Federal Law).

Used Books: Consultant Plus, Guarantor.

Practical work of the Federal Law "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation."

Target: assess the cost of living.


- analyze the Federal Law “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation of 24.10. 97 No. 134-FZ;

Consider the cost of living in the Russian Federation, the regional cost of living, the cost of living in the Moscow Region.


  1. Draw a table:

Living wage per capita

For the working population

For pensioners

For children

I quarter

II quarter

III quarter

IV quarter

  1. Find through the Consultant Plus regulations that establish the cost of living in the Russian Federation in the I quarter, II III IV quarters of 2013. Specify the size of the living wage by filling out the table.
  2. Draw a table:

Living wage in the Russian Federation for the II quarter of 2014

  1. Find through the Consultant Plus the normative act establishing the living wage in the Russian Federation in the II quarter of 2014. Indicate the name of this normative act, the body issuing the act, the date of the normative act. Specify the size of the living wage by filling out the table.
  2. Calculate the amount between the subsistence level II quarter 2013. and the second quarter of 2014

Used Books: Consultant Plus, Guarantor.

Practical work "On the minimum wage."

Target: analyze the structure of the federal law.


- evaluate the significance of articles of the federal law;

Assess the essence of the minimum wage.


  1. Answer the questions, analyzing the Federal Law "On the minimum wage":

1) Outgoing data of the document (adopted by the State Duma, approved by the Federation Council, signed by the President, No. FZ);

2) When does the President sign and promulgate the Federal Law? Has the deadline been met?

3) How is the Federal Law approved by the Federation Council?

4) List of amending documents indicating the last change (date and number of the Federal Law, date and number of the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation)4

5) Indicate the number of articles in the Federal Law;

6) Indicate the size of the minimum wage (federal, regional, Moscow). Is the minimum wage established from January 1, 2014 sufficient? Approximately distribute the minimum wage to the most necessary needs of a person. Draw a conclusion about the size of the minimum wage.

Used Books: Consultant Plus, Guarantor.

Practical work "Juveniles in need of social rehabilitation."

Target: analyze the work of social shelters.


Illuminate the structure of social shelters;

To identify the main goals and objectives of the structural units of social shelters;

Analyze the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2002 No. No. 25 "On approval of the Recommendations on the organization of the activities of specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation";

Assess the significance of the charter of the social shelter.


  1. Analyze the structure of the social shelter discussed in the lecture material;
  2. Add structural units in the presented model of a social shelter. Prescribe the goals and objectives of the presented structural units;
  3. Analyze the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 29. 2002 No. 25. Answer questions on this Decree:

1) What Decree was in force before the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 29. 2002 No. 25 (indicate initial data)?

2) Indicate the name and year of adoption of the oldest legal act on the basis of which the Recommendations were adopted?

3) What types of assistance do institutions provide to minors?

4) For how many children can an institution be created in a city (district)?

5) What needs to be done after minors are enrolled in the institution by order of the director as pupils?

6) What applies to institutions?

7) How many minors are established in the rehabilitation group?

8) What structural divisions can include a social rehabilitation center for minors?

9) For children of what age is the social shelter intended for temporary residence and social rehabilitation?

10) Is the list of departments existing in the institution exhaustive?

  1. Try to prescribe key provisions charter of his social shelter for minors.
  2. Submit a report to the teacher on the work done.

Used Books: Consultant Plus, Guarantor.

Practical work "Faces of the Homeless".

Target: analyze the status of homeless people.


Characterize the HOME;

Identify and evaluate the level of social assistance provided to homeless people;

Make proposals for providing social assistance to homeless people.


  1. Give a definition of the person of the HOME, using the lecture material, the information source of the Internet, own ideas about the persons of this category;
  2. Imagine that you have organized a shelter for homeless people. How to make your business successful? Analyze and answer a series of questions:

1) At the expense of what funds should your shelter be held back (we will take insufficient funding from the state as a basis)?

2) How many homeless people are in the shelter (justify your figure)?

3) What kind of activities should be carried out in the shelter in order to socially adapt the homeless people (indicate the activities and explain each activity)?

4) Think about and justify what age categories of homeless people need priority social assistance?

  1. Submit a report to the teacher on the work done.

Used Books: lecture material, information source Internet.

Practical work "Activity of pension funds".

Target: analyze the essence of regulatory legal acts on pension funds RF.


Analyze the structure of legal acts;


  1. Describe the Regulations on the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Russia):

1) highlight the list of amending documents (name of the act, date, number, edition);

2) the number of the resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

3) the number of paragraphs of the Regulations on the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Russia);

  1. Analyze the Regulations on the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Russia) and answer the questions:

1) How many FIU branch managers are on the FIU board?

2) Where is the FIU located?

3) Is the FIU and its funds owned?

4) How do farmers and lawyers relate to FIU funds?

5) Authorized FIUs in districts and cities may not be insured?

6) What institution is the FIU?

7) PFR funds are directed to the payment of benefits for caring for a child at what age?

8) What information enterprises, organizations, institutions, banks may not provide to the authorized PFR in regions and cities, the Audit Commission of the PFR?

9) Is the Bank of Russia related to the work of the PFR board?

  1. Analyze the Federal Law "On Non-State Pension Funds" dated May 7, 1998. No. 75-FZ and complete the following tasks:

1) A version of the Federal Law has been prepared with amendments that have not entered into force. When will these changes take effect?

2) Specify which is the last legal act included in the list of amending documents (date, number, title)?

3) Compile a crossword puzzle based on the basic concepts of the Federal Law (horizontal, vertical, fill in the crossword puzzle, compose questions for the crossword puzzle using the basic concepts of the Federal Law).

Used Books: Consultant Plus, Guarantor.

Practical work "Work experience and retirement."

Target: to analyze the essence of normative-legal acts on pensions.


Analyze the structure of legal acts;

Identify the basic concepts of legal acts.


  1. analyze the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" dated 12/17/2001. No. 173-FZ. You complete the following tasks (answer the questions):

1) When will this Federal Law not apply? On the basis of which regulatory legal act the Federal Law will not be applied (indicate the name, date, number)?

2) Indicate the legal status of the regulatory legal acts that make up the list of amending documents.

3) Indicate the number and title of chapters of the Federal Law.

4) Make a crossword puzzle on the basic concepts of federal law (horizontal, vertical, crossword puzzle is filled in, questions are made for the crossword puzzle).

  1. Analyze the basic concepts of the Federal Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation" dated 12/15/2001. No. 167-FZ and fill in the table, correlating the concepts of the Federal Law and their characteristics (part of the characteristics of the definition):


1. compulsory pension insurance

…are under the control of the insurer for compulsory pension insurance.

2. compulsory insurance coverage

insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance.

3. means of compulsory pension insurance

... which are paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and whose personal target indicator ...

4. budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

…sum Money, which is defined as the product of the minimum wage ...

5. obligatory payments

part of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance intended for…

6. insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance

... a system of legal, economic and organizational measures created by the state ...

7. insurance year cost

…to form the funds of the insured person and accounted for…

8. solidary part of the tariff, insurance premiums

form of education and expenditure of funds for the purpose of ...

9. individual part of the insurance premium rate

… upon the occurrence of an insured event through the payment of a labor pension, social benefits for burial…

Table to fill:


Definition characteristic (part of definition characteristic)

Used Books: Consultant Plus, Guarantor.

Practical work "Maternity capital".

Target: analyze the Federal Law “On additional measures state support families with children” dated December 29, 2006. No. 256-FZ.


Assess the importance of maternity capital for persons with legal basis to receive maternity capital, to dispose of maternity (family) capital;

Estimate the size of maternity (family) capital.


  1. Specify the list of amending documents in relation to the Federal Law "On additional measures of state support for families with children" dated 12/29/2006. No. 256-FZ. When compiling a list of amending documents, the name of the Federal Law, date, number, edition are indicated.
  2. Specify the period of validity of the Federal Law.
  3. Indicate the grounds when a man acquires the right to receive maternity (family) capital on the basis of the Federal Law.
  4. Make a table of the size of maternity (family) capital by years from 2007. to 2014

of the year

amount of maternity capital, rub.

Calculate the difference between the size of maternity (family) capital in 2007. and 2014 State this difference. Has the amount of maternity (family) capital increased adequately since 2007? for 2014? Justify your point of view.

  1. Which of the directions for disposing of maternity (family) capital is the most optimal? Analyze the relevant articles of the Federal Law and argue your position.

Used Books: Information system Internet, Consultant Plus, Guarantor.

Practical work "Social work".

Target: analyze the essence of social work.


Reveal positive side social work;

Assess the place, the role of a social worker in social work.


  1. Analyze lecture material: “The concept of NOT. The role and place of NOT in the field of social protection of the population. Goals and objectives of the NOT in the field of social protection of the population”, “Training of workers”;
  2. Answer the questions:

1) The importance of the social work of social services in modern society;

2) Make a personal portrait of the ideal social worker;

3) Describe the positive and negative components of social work;

4) How to get interested young specialist graduated educational institution, devote professional life to social work?

5) Are you ready to devote your professional life to social work? Argument your position.

Used Books: lecture material: “the concept of NOT. The role and place of NOT in the field of social protection of the population. Goals and objectives of the NOT in the field of social protection of the population”, “Training of workers”.



  1. Federal Law "On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation" dated December 10, 1995 No. 195-FZ.
  2. Federal Law “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation of 24.10. 97 No. 134-FZ.
  3. Federal Law "On the minimum wage" dated June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ.
  4. Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated August 2, 1995, “On Social Services for Elderly Citizens and the Disabled.”
  5. Federal Law "On the basics of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency" dated 24.06.99 No. 120-FZ.
  6. Federal Law "On non-state pension funds" dated May 7, 1998 No. 75-FZ.
  7. Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ.
  8. Federal Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation" dated December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ.
  9. Federal Law "On additional measures of state support for families with children" dated December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ.

10. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Recommendations on the organization of the activities of specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation” dated March 29, 2002 No. 25.

11. Decree of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 No. 2122-1.

Educational literature:


  1. V.P. Galaganov Organization of work of social security bodies in the Russian Federation, M.: KNORUS, 2012. -152 p. - (Secondary vocational education).
  2. V.P. Galaganov Social security law: textbook, M.: KNORUS, 2010. -512 p. - (Secondary vocational education).
  3. I.V. Grigoriev Law of social security: a short course of lectures, M.: Yurayt, 2013.-203 p.


  1. E.G. Tuchkova Social Security Law of Russia. Practicum: textbook, M.: Prospekt, 2011. -192 p.
  2. E.G. Tuchkova Social security in Russia at the turn of the third millennium and theoretical problems social security law // State and law at the turn of the century, M .: 2001.

Internet resources:

  1. Official website of the Consultant Plus company, access form - /
  2. Information and legal portal "Garant", access form -