Stages of strategic planning choice of strategy. Stages of strategic planning. Methods for analyzing the social environment


1. The concept and essence of strategic planning ……………………...5

1.1 The history of strategic planning, basic concepts……………………………………………………………………………...5

1.2 Concepts and principles of strategic planning……………..... 8

1.3 The essence and function of strategic planning……………....11

1.4 Strategic planning documents: types and purposes ... ..16

1.5 Advantages and disadvantages of strategic planning………19

2. The main stages of strategic planning…………………………..23

2.1. Assessment of the external and internal environment of the organization………………...23

2.2. Establishing the mission and purpose of the organization……………………….…28

2.3. Selection and development of a strategy……………………………………….31

2.4. Implementation of the strategy………………………………………………....34

2.5. Evaluation and control of the strategy………………………………………...36

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………..39

References ……………………………………………………………..42

Strategic planning is one of the functions of management, which is the process of choosing the goals of the organization and ways to achieve them. Strategic planning provides the basis for all management decisions, the functions of organization, motivation and control are focused on the development of strategic plans. A dynamic strategic planning process is the umbrella under which all managerial functions are sheltered, without taking advantage of strategic planning, organizations as a whole and individuals will be deprived of a clear way to assess the purpose and direction of a corporate enterprise. The strategic planning process provides the framework for managing the members of an organization. Projecting everything written above on the realities of the situation in our country, it can be noted that strategic planning is becoming more and more relevant for Russian enterprises, which enter into fierce competition both among themselves and with foreign corporations.

The problem of strategic planning is given much attention in Western literature, but, unfortunately, in our country for a long time due attention was not paid to this problem. The need for appearance teaching aids planning, was caused by the transformation of central planning into a system state regulation, which required a radical revision of all elements of the intra-company planning system. The purpose of these manuals is to study the means, methods and technologies for substantiating planned decisions at an enterprise, acquiring skills in developing strategic, tactical and operational calendar plans.

The main purpose of this work is to show that strategic planning is the most important integral part enterprise management, and without it it is hardly possible successful work enterprises in a market economy. In today's rapidly changing economic situation, it is impossible to achieve positive results without planning your actions and without predicting the consequences.

In the first chapter of the work, the definition of such a concept as strategic planning is given. The content, functions and principles of strategic planning, as well as strategic planning documents are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of strategic planning are reflected.

In the second chapter, the stages of the process of strategic planning of a firm (enterprise) are described in detail.


1.1 The history of the emergence of strategic planning, basic concepts

The concept of "strategy" entered the number of management terms in the 50s, when the problem of responding to unexpected changes in external environment has gained great importance. At first, the meaning of this concept was not clear. Dictionaries didn't help because, following military usage, they still defined strategy as "the science and art of deploying troops for battle."

At that time, many managers, as well as some scientists, doubted the usefulness of the new concept. In their eyes, for half a century, American industry got along admirably without any strategy, and they asked why it was suddenly needed and what use it was for the company.

At its core, a strategy is a set of decision-making rules that guide an organization in its activities. There are four different groups.

1. The rules used in evaluating the performance of the company in the present and in the future. The qualitative side of the evaluation criteria is usually called a benchmark, and the quantitative content is a task.

2. The rules according to which the company's relations with its external environment are formed, determining: what types of products and technologies it will develop, where and to whom to sell its products, how to achieve superiority over competitors. This set of rules is called product - market strategy or business strategy.

3. The rules by which relations and procedures are established within the organization. They are often referred to as the organizational concept. .

4. The rules by which the firm conducts its daily activities, called basic operating procedures.

The strategies have several distinctive features.

1. The strategizing process does not end with any immediate action. It usually ends with the establishment of general directions, the promotion of which will ensure the growth and strengthening of the company's position.

2. The formulated strategy should be used to develop strategic projects search method. The role of strategy in search is, first, to help focus attention on certain areas and opportunities; second, to discard all other possibilities as incompatible with the strategy.

3. The need for a strategy disappears as soon as the real course of development will bring the organization to the desired events.

4. In the course of formulating a strategy, it is not possible to foresee all the possibilities that will open up when drafting specific activities. Therefore, one has to use highly generalized, incomplete and inaccurate information about various alternatives.

5. As the search process uncovers specific alternatives, more accurate information emerges. However, it may call into question the validity of the original strategic choice. Therefore, the successful use of the strategy is impossible without feedback.

6. Since both strategies and benchmarks are used for project selection, it may seem that they are one and the same. But these are different things. The benchmark is the goal that the firm is trying to achieve, and the strategy is a means to achieve the goal. Landmarks are a higher level of decision making. A strategy that is justified under one set of benchmarks will not be justified if the organization's benchmarks change.

7. Finally, strategy and guidelines are interchangeable both at individual moments and at different levels of the organization. Some performance parameters (for example, market share) will serve as benchmarks for the firm at one moment, and become its strategy at another. Further, since guidelines and strategies are developed within the organization, a typical hierarchy arises: what is at the top levels of management are elements of the strategy, at the lower turns into guidelines.

Simply put, strategy is an elusive and somewhat abstract concept. Its development usually does not bring any immediate benefit to the company. In addition, it is expensive both in terms of money and time of managers.

The term "strategic planning" was introduced into use at the turn of the 60-70s. in order to mark the difference between current management at the production level and management carried out at the highest level. The need to fix this difference was caused primarily by changes in business conditions. Idea development strategic management was reflected in the works of such authors as Frankenhofs and Granger (1971), Ansoff (1972), Schendel and Hatten (1972), Irwin (1974) and others. top management's focus on the environment, in order to respond appropriately and in a timely manner to changes taking place in it.

We can point to several constructive definitions that have been proposed by authoritative developers of the theory of strategic management. Schendel and Hatten viewed it as "the process of identifying and (establishing) a connection , organization with its environment, consisting in the implementation of the chosen goals and in attempts to achieve the desired state of relations with the environment through the allocation of resources that allows the organization and its units to operate effectively and efficiently. According to Higgens, "strategic planning is the process of managing with the aim of achieving the organization's mission by managing the interaction of the organization with its environment", Peirce and Robinson define strategic management "as a set of decisions and actions for formulating and executing strategies designed in order to achieve the organization's goal ". There are a number of definitions that focus on certain aspects and features of strategic management, or on its differences from “ordinary” management.

1.2 Concepts and principles of strategic planning

Planning is one of the main functions of management, which involves the selection and formulation of goals, determining the most effective ways their achievement and resource requirements. Strategic planning is an essential part of strategic management, the main purpose of which is the development and successful implementation of the strategy.

Strategic planning process


1. Strategic planning process

1.1 Essence and functions of strategic planning

1.2 Mission and vision of the organization

1.3 Top management values ​​and goals

1.4 Assessment and analysis of the external environment

1.5 Management survey of internal strengths and weaknesses organizations

1.6 Analysis of strategic alternatives

1.7 Choice of strategy

1.8 Implementation of the strategy

1.8.1 Implementation management strategic plan

1.9Evaluate the strategic plan




The planning process in an organization begins with a clear understanding of what needs to be done for its effective development and functioning.

The success of any plan depends on:

o the quality of goal-setting in the main key issues of the development of the organization based on a review of its past, present and future development and the success of its response to changes in the environment;

o the quality of the preliminary analysis of the activities of the organization itself and its pricing policy, market, competitors, product distribution, etc.

o correct assessment of the competitiveness of the organization;

o selection and implementation of the development strategy , which will increase the competitiveness of the organization.

Main content of internal planning as a function of managing an organization consists in reasonable definition main lines of business and its further development taking into account material sources and market demand.

Essence of planning manifests itself in the specification of the development goals of the entire organization and each of its divisions separately for a specified period of time, the determination of the financial resources necessary to solve the tasks set.

Thus, planning assignment consists in striving to take into account in advance, as far as possible, all internal and external factors providing favorable conditions for the normal functioning and development of the entire organization as a whole.

Organization planning provides for the development of a set of measures that determine the sequence of achieving specific goals, taking into account the possibilities of the most effective use resources of each department and the entire organization as a whole.

The level and quality of activity planning are determined by the following critical conditions:

o competence of the management of the organization at all levels

o management;

o qualifications of personnel working in functional

o subdivisions;

o availability of reliable information base and provision of the necessary equipment.

Depending on the content of the goals and objectives and the duration of the planning period, the following forms of planning can be distinguished:

o strategic, or long-term, planning (forecasting);

o medium-term planning;

o current (often called tactical, budgetary, operational) planning.

Strategic planning consists mainly in determining the main goals of the organization's activities in the market and is focused on determining the intended end results, taking into account the means and methods for achieving the goals and providing the necessary resources.

Strategic planning aims to give a comprehensive scientific justification for the problems that the organization may face in the coming period, and on this basis to develop indicators of the organization's development for the planning period.

1. Strategic planning process

1.1 Essence and functions of strategic planning

Strategic planning is one of the functions of management, which is the process of choosing the goals of the organization and ways to achieve them. Strategic planning provides the basis for all management decisions, the functions of organization, motivation and control are focused on the development of strategic plans.

Strategic planning is a set of actions and decisions taken by management that lead to the development of specific strategies. These strategies are designed to help organizations achieve their goals.

The strategic planning process is a tool to help provide a framework for managing an enterprise. Its task is to ensure sufficient innovation and change in the organization of the enterprise.

Thus, there are four main types management activities as part of the strategic planning process:

1. distribution of resources, mostly limited, such as funds, managerial talent, technological expertise;

2. adaptation to the external environment (all actions of a strategic nature that improve the company's relationship with its environment. Here it is necessary to identify possible options and ensure that the strategy is effectively adapted to the environment. Such activities can take place in the direction of improvement production systems, interaction with the government and society in general, etc.)

3. internal coordination (coordination of strategic activities to reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the firm in order to achieve effective integration of internal operations);

4. awareness of organizational strategies (the implementation of a systematic development of the thinking of managers by forming an organization that can learn from past strategic mistakes, i.e. the ability to learn from experience).

The strategic planning process includes 8 stages and is a closed cycle.

Formulation of the mission of the enterprise > Setting goals > Assessment and analysis of the external environment > Enterprise management survey> Analysis of strategic alternatives> Choosing a strategy> Implementation of the strategy> Strategy evaluation.

Strategy is the main direction of activity, it should be reflected in a plan designed to ensure the implementation missions - the main goal of the organization - and the achievement of its other goals. The strategy is translated into a detailed comprehensive plan.

The practice of effective planning has the following features:

o a small planning and economic department of the enterprise and related departments in strategic business units are responsible for the implementation of the strategic planning function;

o the main elements of the strategic plan are formed at senior management meetings held annually or more often if necessary, for example, quarterly;

o the annual strategic plan is combined with the annual financial plan, their totality forms an intra-company plan, which is a tool for coordinating the strategic and operational planning.

1.2 Mission and vision of the organization

Mission of the organization - this is the main overall goal of the organization, a clearly expressed Reason for its existence.

Mission Value , which is formally expressed and effectively presented to the employees of the organization is very large. The goals developed on its basis are the criteria for evaluating all management decisions. The mission details the organization's status and direction to define goals and strategies at various organizational levels. The mission statement should include: the organization's mission for products and services, major markets and core technologies; characteristics of the external environment, which determines the principles of the organization; characteristics of the culture of the organization that determines its working climate, the type of people who are attracted to such a climate.

Choosing the mission of a commercial organization should not be confused with the need to operate profitably. Profit is an internal problem of the enterprise. An organization is an open system; it can only survive by satisfying needs outside of itself. Management must find the overall purpose of the organization in the environment and find answers to two questions: who are our customers? What customer needs can be met?

Before starting to develop a strategy, the management of an enterprise must think over the future of this company, that is, formulate strategic vision - determines the future image of the company; this is the ideal representation of managers about the organization and business, this is a kind of route for the company to move into the future, which determines technologies, target audiences, geographic product markets, promising opportunities and the image of the company as it should become in the future.

1.3 Top management values ​​and goals

The classics of strategic planning distinguish 6 value orientations that leave their mark on the formulation of the mission and goals of the organization.

Theoretical- the leader prefers setting goals focused on long-term research and development, as a result of which new knowledge is formed, rational thinking is formed.

Economic- preferred goals: profit growth, increase in production efficiency, that is, aimed at the practical usefulness of the results of activities.

Political– preferred goals: increase in total capital, total sales and number of employees, the result of which is power, recognition, respect, etc.

Social- Preferred Targets: Social responsibility regarding profit indicators, a favorable atmosphere in the organization, the result of which is the absence of conflicts in the organization, good human relations.

aesthetic- preferred goals: improving the quality, design and attractiveness of the product, even at the expense of profit, the achievement of which is the harmonious development of the individual, the formation of the right culture and ethics.

Strategic planning is the highest level of planning.

Strategy is the optimal set of rules and techniques that allow you to realize the mission, achieve the global and local goals of the company.

The main task of planning at this level is to determine how the organization will behave in its market niche.

Strategic planning is the definition of the main goals of activity in the market.

Strategic planning begins with the establishment of general strategic objectives by management. For the effectiveness of strategic planning, a clear idea of ​​the future state of the external and internal environment of the company is necessary. The choice of strategy is an important stage in strategic planning, since the future of the organization depends on its choice, and the strategy will determine everything without exception for a long time. management decisions. Strategy development is carried out at the highest levels of the organization and depends on a number of factors and solutions to a number of tasks:

1. on what resources the organization has;

2. on the state of the market;

3. from the internal capabilities of the organization;

4. from the state of the external environment;

5. from the correct analysis of alternative ways of development of the organization.

For convenience, you can rely on typical strategies. Each organization develops its own strategy, reflecting the possibilities, goals, specific conditions.

Five stages of planning:

1. Forecasting. The work done by a manager trying to see into the future. This includes a systematic analysis of a certain range of factors in order to anticipate the opportunities available. At this stage, a risk assessment is given. Three dimensions are traditionally used in forecasting: time, direction, magnitude.

2. Calculation and selection of development options. Work qualitative assessment alternatives, maintaining them in terms of profitability, as well as in terms of the required resources, and choosing the most suitable option.

3. Formulation of goals. Once a course of action has been decided, a clear goal and a deadline for achieving it must be set.

4. Development of an action program and drawing up a work schedule. The Action Program is a set and ordered series of forthcoming actions that are necessary to achieve the set goals. common purpose.

5. Formation of the budget (budgeting). Includes the cost estimate of the program and the allocation of all financial resources.

Questions for consolidation:

1. What is a strategy?

2. What is strategic planning?

3. On what factors does strategy development depend?

4. List the elements of planning.

Choose one correct answer:

1. Strategic planning is:

A) the highest level of planning

B) a high level of planning

C) the first level of planning

D) the primary level of planning 2. Strategic planning begins with:

A) setting by management of common strategic objectives

B) setting the mission manager

C) setting a single goal by the leader

D) establishment by the manager of the general goal and objectives of the enterprise

3. During the forecasting phase, the following is performed:

A) the product of a qualitative assessment of alternatives

B) work done by a manager trying to see into the future

C) setting a clear goal and a deadline for achieving it

D) development of an action program and scheduling of work

  • Essence and content of strategic activity planning.
  • Stages of strategic planning for the development of the company.
  • Structure and content of strategic plans.

Essence and content of strategic planning

The current pace of change in the economy is so fast that strategic planning seems to be the only way to formally predict future problems and opportunities.

Strategic planning provides top management with:

  • means of creating a plan for the long term,
  • o the basis for making decisions that help reduce risk when decision making,
  • o integration of goals and objectives structural divisions enterprises.

Strategic planning- this is the process of developing and implementing an enterprise development strategy in the future based on predicting changes in the parameters of the external environment, determining priority areas for development and methods for the effective use of strategic resources. It focuses on changes and innovations, their stimulation, is based on actions that are ahead of changing conditions. environment anticipating risks and catching opportunities to accelerate the development of the enterprise.

Differences between strategic planning and traditional forward planning:

The future is determined not by extrapolation of historical development trends, but by strategic analysis, i.e. identification of possible situations, dangers, chances of the enterprise that can change the current trends;

A much more complex process, but also leads to more significant and predictable results.

The process of strategic planning in enterprises includes the following interrelated functions:

1) determination of a long-term strategy, basic ideals, goals and objectives of the enterprise development;

2) creation of strategic business units at the enterprise;

3) substantiation and clarification of the main objectives of the marketing research market;

4) implementation of situational analysis and choice of direction economic growth firms;

5) development of the main marketing strategy and integrated production planning;

6) choice of tactics and refined planning of ways and means to achieve the goals;

7) control and evaluation of the main results, adjustment of the chosen strategy and methods of its implementation.

Strategic planning, along with general ones, has special principles:

Strategic focus of environmental analysis to identify key issues that significantly affect the functioning of the enterprise, analyze development alternatives, identify opportunities for changing existing and emerging trends, etc.;

Orientation to a system of management that easily adapts to changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise;

Optimization of the time horizon for solving strategic problems;

Focus on strategic points of growth and priority areas for the development of the enterprise and its divisions;

Ensuring optimal decentralization in organizing planning;

Relationship between strategic and tactical planning.

The main advantage of strategic planning lies in the greater degree of validity of planned indicators, the greater likelihood of the implementation of the planned scenarios for the development of events. Along with the obvious advantages, strategic planning has a number of disadvantages that limit its scope:

1. Strategic planning, by virtue of its nature, does not provide a detailed description of the future. Its result is a qualitative description of the state to which the company should strive in the future, what position it can and should occupy in the market in order to answer the main question of whether the company will survive or not in the competition in the future.

2. Strategic planning does not have a clear algorithm for drawing up and implementing the plan. Strategic planning goals are achieved through following factors:

high professionalism and creativity of planners;

 close connection of the company with the external environment;

active innovation policy;

inclusion of all employees of the enterprise in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the strategic plan.

3. The process of strategic planning requires significant resources and time for its implementation compared to traditional advanced technical and economic planning.

4. Negative consequences strategic planning is usually much more serious than traditional long-term planning.

5. By itself, strategic planning cannot bring results. It should be complemented by mechanisms for the implementation of the strategic plan.

Strategic plans of enterprises are needed not only by him. They should serve as a basis for developing and refining forecasts of the economic and social development countries. At the same time, the exchange of reliable information between enterprises and higher authorities and market infrastructure should be voluntary and mutually beneficial.

Stages of strategic planning for the development of a company

Strategic planning has its own technology. The strategic planning process includes the following steps:

Defining the mission of the enterprise (firm);

Formulation of goals and objectives of the functioning of the enterprise;

Analysis and assessment of the external environment;

Analysis and evaluation of the internal structure of the enterprise;

Development and analysis of strategic alternatives;

Choice of strategy.

Strategic planning is the most important function of strategic management. The process of strategic management, in addition to strategic planning, also includes the implementation of the strategy, evaluation and control of the implementation of the strategy.

Consider main components of strategic planning.

1. Definition of the mission of the enterprise

This process consists in establishing the meaning of the existence of the enterprise, its purpose, role and place in market economy.

The strategic mission of the enterprise is important for both internal and external areas of the enterprise. Within the enterprise, its clearly articulated strategic mission provides employees with an understanding of the enterprise's goals and helps to develop a unified position that contributes to the strengthening of the enterprise's business culture. Outside the enterprise, its well-defined strategic mission contributes to the strengthening of the integral image of the enterprise and the creation of its unique image, explains what economic and social role it seeks to play and what perception from the buyers it achieves.

Definition strategic mission enterprise is based on four mandatory elements:

history of the enterprise;

 areas of activity;

priority goals and restrictions;

 basic strategic aspirations.

2. Formulation of goals and objectives of the functioning of the enterprise

Goals and objectives should reflect the level to which customer service activities need to be brought. They should create motivation for people working in the firm.

The requirements for goals are:

 functionality - goals must be functional so that managers at various levels can transform the goals that are set at a higher level of management into tasks for lower levels;

 selectivity - goals should provide the necessary concentration of resources and efforts. In resource-constrained settings, key production tasks on which it is necessary to concentrate human, financial and material resources. Therefore, goals should be selective, not all-encompassing;

 plurality - it is necessary to set goals in all areas on which the viability of the enterprise depends;

achievability, reality - an unrealistic goal leads to demotivation of employees, to the loss of their orientation, which negatively affects the activities of the enterprise. Therefore, goals should be tense enough so as not to discourage employees. At the same time, they must be achievable, that is, not go beyond the capabilities of the performers;

flexibility - the ability to adjust goals in accordance with changes in the external and internal environment of the company in the process of their implementation;

 measurability - the possibility of quantitative and qualitative assessment of goals both in the process of setting them and in the process of implementation;

Compatibility - all targets in the system must be compatible. Long-term goals should correspond to the mission of the enterprise, and short-term - long-term;

 acceptability - this quality means the compatibility of the company's goals with the own interests of its owners and employees, as well as taking into account the interests of partners, customers, suppliers and society as a whole;

 specificity - this characteristic of the goals helps to unambiguously determine in which direction the company should operate, what needs to be obtained as a result of achieving the goal, in what time frame it should be implemented, who should implement it.

There are two approaches to the process of structuring goals in planning: centralized and decentralized;

1. The centralized approach assumes that the system of goals at all levels of the firm's hierarchy is determined by top management.

2. With a decentralized method, all lower levels participate in the process of structuring along with top management.

From the point of view of goal justification technology, the algorithm for their structuring includes four successive stages:

Identification and analysis of trends in the external environment;

 Establishing the final goals of the company;

 building a hierarchy of goals;

 setting individual (local) goals.

3. Analysis and assessment of the external environment

The analysis of the external environment involves the study of its two components: macroenvironment and microenvironment (environment of the immediate environment).

Analysis of the macro environment includes the study of the impact on the firm of such components of the environment as:

The state of the economy

Legal regulation,

Political processes, natural environment and resources,

The social and cultural components of society,

Scientific and technological level,

Infrastructure, etc.

The environment of the immediate environment of the enterprise, i.e. The microenvironment of an enterprise consists of those market participants with which the enterprise has direct relations:

Suppliers of resources and consumers of its products,

Intermediaries - financial, trade, marketing, government economic structures(tax, insurance, etc.);

competing companies,

Facilities mass media, consumer societies, etc., which have a certain influence on the formation of the image of the enterprise.

4. Analysis and evaluation of the internal structure of the enterprise

An analysis of the internal environment allows you to determine the internal capabilities and potential that a company can count on in the competition in the process of achieving its goals.

The internal environment is investigated in the following areas:

Research and development,




Product promotion.

The analysis carried out in strategic planning is aimed at identifying the threats and opportunities that may arise in the external environment in relation to the company, the strengths and weaknesses that the company has. To analyze the external and internal environment in strategic planning, methods such as:

SWOT analysis method,

Thompson and Stickland matrix,

Matrix of the Boston Advisory Group, etc.

The most common method for studying the internal environment of an enterprise is the SWOT analysis method. It can be carried out from 1-2 hours to several days. In the first case, conclusions are drawn on the basis of an express survey, in the second case, on the basis of studying documents, developing a model of the situation, and discussing problems in detail with stakeholders. Wherein quantification strengths and weaknesses allows you to prioritize and, based on them, allocate resources between various directions economic growth. Next, they formulate the problems that can arise with each combination of strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. So get the problem field of the enterprise.

Along with the methods of studying the threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of the company, the method of compiling its profile can be applied. With its help, it is possible to assess the relative importance for the company of individual environmental factors.

5. Development and analysis of strategic alternatives

At this stage of strategic planning, decisions are made about how the firm will achieve its goals and realize the corporate mission. The content of the strategy depends on the situation in which the company is located. When developing a strategy, a firm usually faces three questions:

1. what activities to stop,

2.what to continue,

3.Which business to go to?

In a market economy, there are three directions for the formation of a strategy:

Achieving leadership in minimizing production costs;

Specialization in the production of a certain type of product (service);

Fixing a certain market segment and concentrating the firm's efforts on this segment.

6. Choosing a strategy

To make effective strategic choices, top-level executives must have a clear, shared vision for the firm. Therefore, the strategic choice must be definite and unambiguous. At this stage, from all the strategies considered, one should be chosen that best meets the needs of the company.

The considered stages of developing a strategic plan and the form of its presentation are general character and can be modified in accordance with the specifics of a particular enterprise.

Lecture, abstract. The essence and content of strategic planning - the concept and types. Classification, essence and features. 2018-2019.

Structure and content of strategic plans

The concept and content of the strategic plan of the organization

The main document of strategic planning in the enterprise - strategic plan. His structure could be the following:

Foreword (summary);

1.Goals of the enterprise

2.Current activity and long-term goals

3.Marketing strategy

4. Usage strategy competitive advantage enterprises

5. Production strategy

6.Social strategy

7.Strategy of resource support for production

8.Strategic financial plan enterprises

9.R&D strategy

10.Strategy of foreign economic relations of the enterprise

11. Management strategy


The preface characterizes the general state of the enterprise:

 types of manufactured products, their significance in terms of competitiveness, quality and safety of use,

main technical and economic performance indicators for the last 5 years and for the planned period,

a brief description of resource potential,

Key indicators of technology, organization, management.

The preface should be short, businesslike, specific. It is developed last, after substantiation of all sections of the strategic plan.

1. In the section "Goals and objectives of the enterprise" they formulate the goals of the enterprise, determine its organizational and legal form, charter and features.

The most significant in market conditions are financial goals:

Volume of sales;

The amount of profit;

Sales and profit growth rate;

The rate of return on all capital (or all assets);

The ratio of profit to sales volume.

2. In the section "Current activities and long-term tasks":

disclose the organizational enterprise structure,

 characterize the manufactured goods, their competitiveness in specific markets,

 show the company's connections with the external environment, verified partners,

consider technical and economic indicators entrepreneurial activity over the past 5 years and into the future.

3. Section "Marketing strategy" includes the development of the following components.

 Product strategy - develop standard solutions(approaches) on modification, creation of a new product and withdrawal of products from the market.

targeted programs - in the practice of Russian enterprises, such targeted programs as "Health", "Housing", etc. are developed;

social protection of employees - it is advisable to establish at the enterprise at the expense of profit additional compensation workers, pensioners, mothers, to provide workers with products and goods of prime necessity and high demand.

7. In the section "Strategy of resource support for production" highlight:

resource provision of production and bottlenecks in the organization of the use of production potential;

development of a new strategy for providing production with all types of resources;

feasibility study and coordination of measures to implement a new strategy for ensuring production.

8. In the section "Strategic financial plan of the enterprise" form and determine the use of financial resources to implement the strategy of the enterprise. This allows you to create and modify financial resources, define them rational use to achieve the goals of the enterprise in a changing environment. Development financial strategy must be preceded by deep economic analysis activities of the enterprise, including analysis economic activity and determining its financial capabilities.

9. In the section "R & D strategy" consider the activities of the enterprise aimed at creating new technologies and types of products. This section highlights the following components:

1. Technological forecasting and planning.

2. R&D structure.

3. R&D management.

The specifics of the work requires an adequate management system, flexible, able to make the best use of the qualification potential, with an informal organizational structure, readiness for rapid restructuring, strict control over the timing and efficiency of work.

When developing a strategy, capturing changes in the internal and external environment in a timely manner allows you to reduce losses or gain benefits based on response actions. A special role in the trapping mechanism is occupied by Information system, which should be the same for the entire control system.

Reformulation is the process of revising the goals and developing an adjusted strategy for the development of the enterprise. However, reformulation is not a strategy-making process, because it does not affect all elements of the strategy, but only corrects it.

One of the most complex processes in management strategy, putting the strategy into action. New goals are not always correctly perceived by the employees of the enterprise, since they do not affect their interests. In addition, people get used to working in conditions of stability, so the introduction of a new strategy meets resistance on their part. There is a need to control resistance.

Applications usually contain the following materials:

Characteristics of competitors;

Instructions, methods, standards, descriptions of technologies, programs and other supporting materials;

Initial data for calculations;

Explanatory notes, etc.

The given composition and content of sections strategic plan exemplary. At a particular enterprise, managers, taking into account the recommendations of the planning guidelines, independently build a strategic plan.