Production system "GAZ. Lean thinking: GAZ Group Ideals of the gas production system

We thank the press service of the GAZ Group for providing this material.

In 2003, the Gorky Automobile Plant was the first Russian enterprises, began implementing a new production organization system. This system, developed by Toyota, allows you to increase production efficiency with maximum customer focus, eliminating all types of losses and involving each employee in production optimization. Subsequently, GAZ Group became a “personnel forge” for organizing lean manufacturing in Russia - leaders of various sectors of the economy, such as Sberbank of Russia, Rosatom and others, studied this experience at GAZ. Introduction of new production system made it possible to quadruple labor productivity at GAZ Group enterprises.

The first team of reformers was formed at GAZ from people who were ready not only to accept the ideology of change, but also to actively implement it and teach others. Led it Alexander Moiseev, now Head of the Directorate for Development of the Production System of GAZ Group. His report at the V Russian Lean Forum “Lean Manufacturing for Russia” (it took place in Moscow in early November) aroused great interest among the meeting participants, among whom were Oboronprom, AvtoVAZ, Russian Railways, Sberbank of the Russian Federation and others large companies. A.N. Moiseev spoke about the practical implementation and development modern form labor organization in the GAZ Group.

Alexander Nikolaevich, what prompted GAZ to take the path of introducing a new production system?

The decision on the need to study the experience of the Toyota company and adapt it to the conditions of our enterprise was made by the main shareholder of the company, Oleg Deripaska. In December 2002, Japanese consultants visited GAZ, and already in March 2003, the first steps were taken to introduce a production system at the plant, which was then in a difficult situation.

Deploy new system production began at the assembly area for onboard GAZelle cabins, which was destined to become a reference. Why here? Because at the end of the technological chain it is easiest to see how effective the organization of labor is.

At the first stage, we described the current state of the site, defined goals and, with the help of a consultant, began to standardize workplaces. The analysis showed that operators spend most of their time waiting for components, inter-operational transitions, and no one solves the problems that bother them (faulty tools, etc.). But the success of the business as a whole depends on how efficiently the operator’s work is organized. We started with optimizing component inventories. Large ones began to be served for 2 hours of work, small ones - for shifts. We replaced bulky metal containers with small cellular plastic ones, and hung up electrical cords that previously lay on the floor and got in the way of operators. Instead of boxes with tools for performing operations, belts with pockets appeared, which were sewn taking into account the wishes of the workers.

One of illustrative examples- changes to windshield installation operations. A podium was installed here so that the conveyor belt and the floor were at the same level, which made it possible to eliminate the need for operators to climb up to the conveyor. And before that, they had to get up more than 100 times per shift with 20 kilograms of glass in their hands...

The very first steps convinced the doubters - with virtually no investment, the situation began to quickly change for the better. What changes are coming and how they will be implemented were discussed daily at operational meetings, during meetings between management and workers. During five-minute meetings between shifts, the results of the work were summed up and tasks for the day were determined.

Almost all the main specialists of the plant were brought to the reference site to solve problems; most of the working time, managers were also there, headed by the general director of the plant, who delved deeply into all issues of implementing the production system. Thus, not only teamwork was formed, but also its style was determined: the boss should spend most of his time not in the office, but on the “front line”, in the center of transformations.

- What problems did you want to solve initially?

At first, we didn’t think about anything global. In general, they thought that this was a one-time project on the scale of one site. Let's describe its current state, define tasks in terms of quality, productivity, reserves, labor safety, solve them - and that's all. But everything turned out differently - the experience of organizing a “reference site” showed the effectiveness of the transformations, and for so many years the production system has been an integral element of all processes that determine the life of an enterprise, from procurement to sales finished products. This experience has been extended to all GAZ Group enterprises and we continue to share it with our suppliers and partners.

One of the compelling arguments for introducing a production system for our operators was that problems that had not been solved for years, one after another, began to become a thing of the past. Another plus is growth wages while increasing labor productivity. The released people were transferred to other areas.

Standardization made it possible to stabilize production and process times. Now, based on consumer orders, bodies and vehicles are loaded according to modifications, and frames, axles, bases, engines, and platforms are supplied for them. Each link in the JIT process chain is connected and synchronized with the others.

Standardized work - the basis of the production system - contributes to solving problems, which in turn leads to stability and building continuous production flows. The entire team of the car plant has mastered a new concept, which is based on 4 key principles. “Think about the customer”, “People are our most valuable asset”, “Attention - on the production site (gemba)”, “Improvement - every day (kaizen)”. In fact, constant improvements, no matter how small or large, are an indicator of the health of the organization, an indicator that problems are not hidden, but solved.

- What difficulties arose during the implementation process?

You know, the fantastic results of the first year caused a kind of euphoria. In the first year alone, it was possible to increase productivity by 4 times at virtually no cost. From the first presentation in February 2004, 80% of the cabins began to be handed over, and not 5%, as was the case in March 2003. Of the 245 types of defects that occurred at the beginning of the project, 206 were completely eliminated. The reorganization of operator jobs made it possible to reduce the number from 258 up to 196 workers while simultaneously increasing the number of cabins assembled per shift from 98 to 146.

It seemed that everything was simple - we would train people, quickly disseminate the experience of the pilot site among departments and start living in a new way. But here we were wrong. Yes, once you know the TPS tools, it's easy enough to make improvements, but it's much harder to maintain them, and even harder to distribute them. For this to become a reality, continuous practical work, allowing you to restructure people's thinking.

There were also simply excesses, for example, when, contrary to the philosophy of the production system, they began to lay off people on the main conveyor. Excessive workload caused understandable dissatisfaction among the remaining operators. I must say that the production system is not designed to make people work harder. It is aimed at eliminating useless, empty work. We also went through this, learned lessons and overcame systemic mistakes.

- I would like to know what results have been achieved today?

Actually, this question is asked quite often. But, frankly speaking, it is not always possible to calculate the effect in material terms and confirm it with convincing figures. Yes, we are guided by lean thinking when developing technological processes, improving quality, and putting them on production lines. new products. But what percentage should determine its share in the final success?

An efficient production system played a decisive role in the fact that last year the company was able to withstand the crisis, and this year to cope with significantly increased production volumes. Only by introducing a technique for reducing inventories and compressing production, in 2009 the company was able to save 4.5 billion rubles. For example, at the Nizhny Novgorod site of the GAZ Group, the production of gearboxes has now been moved closer to the assembly and is located in one building instead of five, as before. Transportation costs and rent decreased by 1 million 224 thousand rubles, energy savings amounted to almost 11 million rubles.

- Agree, the ideal option is when the system works regardless of external circumstances...

And we should strive for this ideal. It is necessary for managers to directly immerse themselves in the process and create conditions for the development of subordinates. Naturally, to meet such a high level, a certain amount of knowledge is required. I repeat once again, the personal example of a manager is one of the most important incentives to implement a production system. By the way, our shareholder, together with the top managers of Basic Element, underwent practical training in the principles of the new production system in one of the GAZ divisions.

Continuity in following the course is also very important. When a new manager comes to a plant, as a rule, with his own “charter”, he needs some time to get used to it, sometimes he doesn’t fit into the situation at all. It happens that production managers think like this: “Do you want me to go into battle every day, to talk to people who have a lot of complaints? Why do I need this headache?! I’d rather buy new equipment and remove people.” To the question “Do you have any money?” They say, “I’ll take a loan.” How do you like this position? Today, managers with this way of thinking do not work in our company. Sure, high quality product, safe conditions labor in every workplace are possible only if everyone - from the manager to the operator - understands the need to implement lean system and are working hard on this.

- How do you see the development of the GAZ production system in the future?

Today, the production system has become a common component in the activities of our enterprises. The entire staff, figuratively speaking, was imbued with its spirit, people’s way of thinking changed - some more, some less. Although even now I sometimes have to “fight” if I see that serious decisions being made are contrary to “lean thinking”. The implementation of TPS at the enterprises of any company is evidence of its viability. We conduct quarterly inspections at GAZ Group enterprises, use a special methodology to assess the level of system implementation, and provide recommendations for improving processes. That is, we keep our finger on the pulse.

IN Lately Our attention is mainly focused on solving the problems of suppliers and introducing the GAZ production system at their enterprises. We invite our partners to use GAZ’s experience to effectively build production processes, which allows you to reduce the cost and final cost of products, improve quality and organize deliveries just in time in the required volume.

Concerning long term- by and large, our service is needed only until personnel development reaches a certain level. The same as in Japanese enterprises - where every employee is a specialist in implementing the production system, a guarantor of quality. So these services should not exist in the future. Agree that no matter how paradoxical my assumption may seem, this is worth striving for.

From the editor:

To disseminate experience in implementing a production system at the Nizhny Novgorod site of the GAZ Group, a corporate university of the company was created, one of the tasks of which is to teach the principles of “lean production” to the personnel of all enterprises included in the holding, as well as partners and suppliers. Over the past six years, about 40,000 company employees, as well as more than 2,000 partners and suppliers, have been trained in the principles of the GAZ production system.


  • Year of creation - 2005, as a result of the restructuring of production assets of JSC RusPromAvto, which existed since 2001.
  • 18 automotive and mechanical engineering enterprises in 10 regions of Russia

The main enterprises of the GAZ Group

  • Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ, Nizhny Novgorod) is Russia's largest manufacturer of light commercial vehicles "GAZelle" and "Sobol" (including modernized vehicles "GAZelle-BUSINESS" and "Sobol-BUSINESS"), medium-duty vehicles "Valdai" and "Sadko" , and passenger cars Volga Siber;
  • Pavlovsk Bus Plant (PAZ, Nizhny Novgorod region, Pavlovo) is Russia's largest manufacturer of small and medium-sized buses for urban, suburban and intercity transport of the PAZ brand;
  • Likinsky Bus Plant (Moscow region, Likino-Dulevo) is the largest manufacturer of LiAZ city buses in Russia;
  • "Avtodizel" (Yaroslavl) is Russia's largest manufacturer of diesel engines and power plants various sizes of YaMZ brand;
  • "Automobile plant "Ural" (Chelyabinsk region, Miass) - manufacturer of heavy-duty off-road and on-road vehicles of the "Ural" brand;
  • Tver Excavator Plant (Tver) is Russia's largest manufacturer of TVEx brand tracked and wheeled excavators.

The main shareholder of OJSC GAZ is the machine-building holding Russian Machines.

Presentation for a training lecture on lean production on the topic: Philosophy of the GAZ production system.

The presentation discusses 4 principles of the GAZ Production System:

1. Think about the customer first, 2. People are the company’s most valuable asset, 3. Kaizen - a process of continuous improvement, 4. Gemba - make decisions on the production site

And 6 ideals of a production system:

1. Physical and psychological safety. 2. No defects. 3. At the first request of the customer. 4. One thing after another. 5. Instant response from the supplier. 6. Minimum costs.



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PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLES and IDEALS IDEAL internal conviction in something, a norm or rule of behavior the highest goal of activity, aspirations

PRINCIPLE No. 1 PRINCIPLES OF PS GAS First of all, think about the customer The customer (consumer) is the source of profit The consumer is ready to pay only for what adds value to the product Products are useful only if they are able to satisfy the NEEDS of the consumer The value of the product is determined by USEFULNESS for the consumer

PRINCIPLE No. 1 PRINCIPLES OF PS GAZ First of all, think about the customer Customer Supplier Supplier Customer Customer Supplier Customer Supplier Customer Supplier External customer - the consumer receiving the finished product! An internal customer is a workshop, section or individual worker who receives a specific product (part) that must be used at this stage of processing!

PRINCIPLE No. 2 PRINCIPLES OF PS GAZ People are the most valuable asset of the company Untrained people can render new equipment and technologies unusable The most profitable investment of money is in the development of people Only people develop other factors of production - equipment, methods, materials THINK LEARN TO IMPROVE YOURSELF AND THE ENVIRONMENT

PRINCIPLE No. 3 PRINCIPLES OF PS GAZ Kaizen - a culture of continuous improvement Time PS "GAZ" value Time A B Traditional approach value A sharp jump requires large financial investments Short-term effect Slow movement gives rise to culture, changes people's attitudes Has a long-term effect

PRINCIPLE No. 4 PRINCIPLES OF PS GAZ Gemba - all attention to the Production site It is impossible to know and solve problems while sitting at a table in an office You need to solve problems while being at the production site, seeing everything with your own eyes

IDEAL No. 1 IDEALS OF PS GAZ Safety Physical Compliance with safety regulations, reduction of injury rates Psychological Employee confidence in their future Awareness of their need in production Comfortable psychological climate in production

IDEAL No. 2 IDEALS PS GAS No defects Stop! Parts and assemblies should not be transferred to the next workplace when a defect is identified Jidoka - integrating quality into the production process Andon - tool visual control which shows the operation of the production line (signal light)

IDEAL No. 3 IDEALS PS GAS On demand Reducing the time from the moment of order to the moment of transfer of finished products to the consumer Just in time - a production system in which the quantity of necessary products required by the consumer is manufactured at the exact time

IDEAL No. 4 IDEALS OF PS GAS One after another You cannot produce products in large batches of the same type based on the convenience of production - the structure and size of the batch must be determined by the customer's requirements! Traditional approach Lean manufacturing approach Time-consuming equipment changeover Quick equipment changeover Personnel training The sequence is determined by limited production capabilities The sequence is determined by the customer’s desire

IDEAL No. 5 IDEALS OF PS GAZ Instant response from the supplier HOW IT WAS Organizing relationships with the supplier on the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation If problems arise with products, parts, components at the consumer, the supplier is obliged to immediately take countermeasures and monitor their effectiveness Implementation of a production system at suppliers' enterprises

IDEAL No. 6 IDEALS OF PS GAS Minimum costs Useful work - activity in which the product receives added value Work that does not bring any increase in value, but which is necessary under the given circumstances Work that does not bring any increase in value, and which can and should be abandoned immediately Cost is the total cost of production Price for the customer PROFIT PROFIT

10 years ago, the Gorky Automobile Plant of the GAZ Group was the first among Russian enterprises to introduce a system of progressive labor organization based on the best practices of world companies. Now GAZ is a recognized leader in lean manufacturing in Russia.

Today, the GAZ production system has become the most recognizable brand in the country in the field of organizing management processes. It is being studied and actively implemented not only by industrial enterprises, but also by companies from other sectors of the economy. The uniqueness of the GAZ production system is that it changes the person’s approach to organizing work, his workplace, encourages him to think about how to eliminate unnecessary work that does not add value to the product, and makes the improvement process constant. Using the tools of the production system and launching a cost reduction mechanism, enterprises achieve a dramatic increase in labor productivity, improved product quality and workplace comfort without additional costs. As a result of the introduction of lean production principles at GAZ Group enterprises, the daily rate of production increased, labor productivity increased 4 times, production sites were compressed by 100 thousand square meters. m while maintaining the required capacity. Annual economic effect from the cost reduction achieved thanks to the production system amounts to from 500 to 700 million rubles for GAZ Group.

Today, the production workshops of the Gorky Automobile Plant resemble high-tech laboratories. Modern equipment, sites for auditing the quality of finished products, similar to those that can be seen at enterprises of the international automobile industry, operations on the conveyor and the movements of workers are measured second by second. More than ten years ago, everything was different here: rows of large metal racks stretched along the conveyors - containers for storing components, and newly assembled cars were sent not for sale, but to defect mechanics: they put the cars in order after assembly line assembly. However, at other Russian enterprises the situation was no better, so general position things were perceived as completely normal.

In 2003, the chairman of the supervisory board of the Basic Element group, Oleg Deripaska, decided to introduce advanced international experience in the production system at GAZ Toyota company. The GAZ team studied the principles of lean labor organization, reformers actively began to implement them at GAZ, while creating their own concept of lean production.

Thus, the GAZ production system has become an integral element of all processes at GAZ Group enterprises - from the purchase of materials to the sale of finished products. Basic approaches and tools of the production system are used in the process of development and release of new products: commercial vehicles "GAZelle BUSINESS" and "GAZelle NEXT", buses "LiAZ", "PAZ" of the environmental class "Euro-4" and "Euro-5", buses "GolAZ" to serve participants and guests of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, a line of modern diesel engines YaMZ-530 and YaMZ-650.

The secret of the success of the GAZ production system was discussed at a round table organized by " Russian newspaper", representatives of large Russian companies "Basic Element", "Rosatom", KAMAZ, Sberbank of Russia, VTB Bank, etc., whose employees received practical training in the principles of the production system at the sites of the Gorky Automobile Plant and today actively use this experience in their companies.

Igor Medvedev, Chairman of the KAMAZ PS Committee, says: “Having seen how the production system works at GAZ, CEO KAMAZ sent all the top managers of its enterprise to the Gorky Automobile Plant to study."

“If GAZ’s production system had not existed, it is unlikely that Rosatom’s production system would have appeared in the form in which it exists now,” says Vladimir Kolesnikov, head of the RPS project at Rosatom Corporation.

Valentin Morozov, head of the production system department of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, is confident that it was possible to save customers from queues at bank branches “thanks to the fact that since 2009, work at Sberbank has been organized in accordance with the principles of the production system, the most important of which are “Think about the customer” and "People are our most valuable asset."

In total, GAZ Group trainers have trained more than two thousand employees in lean production over the years. third party companies and more than 40 thousand specialists of the holding. And it yielded results. For example, in the workshop of automatic machines for the production of fittings, wheels and steering controls of GAZ OJSC (part of the Automotive Components Division of the GAZ Group), a cell was created unit flow mechanical processing of three types of parts (air booster housing, disk, air booster cover) having the same takt time. Previously, the operation was divided into separate streams, large inter-operational inventories were created, an energy-intensive large-sized washing machine was used, and operators worked with a low load. Now the cell has nine machines and a single sink, which is serviced by one person. The implemented improvements made it possible to reduce the process time by 8 times, increase productivity by 3 times, improve product quality, and improve working conditions.

The production system is already built into the educational process of specialized educational institutions for training engineers and specialists in accordance with the needs of GAZ: at the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University (NSTU) named after. R.E. Alekseeva GAZ opened the first department in Russia “Production system in mechanical engineering”. The educational program is maximally aimed at training in a production environment - the main emphasis is on practical lessons in the divisions of the Gorky Automobile Plant, which allows for targeted training of students under specific needs mechanical engineering enterprises.

“My acquaintance with the GAZ production system began quite recently, at the Lean Manufacturing Department of a technical university. I completed my pre-diploma and diploma internship at GAZ. My training was developed in such a way that, in addition to theoretical knowledge, I also received invaluable practical experience. Together with the production system staff, managers and workers, I took part in solving specific production tasks. I had a unique opportunity to see with my own eyes how lean manufacturing tools are applied in action and to contribute to the common good. It is not for nothing that they say that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Now I understand that it’s even better to see and take part. I am sure: the competencies and knowledge that I received at GAZ are invaluable to me as a future engineer,” explained NSTU student Olga Martynova, who took part in the round table.

As part of the round table "GAZ Production System - Evolution of Thinking", organized by Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the President of the GAZ Group, Bo Andersson, and the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Valery Shantsev, signed an agreement to disseminate the principles of the GAZ production system among enterprises in the region. President of the GAZ Group Bo Andersson emphasized that the signed agreement with the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region is an opportunity for enterprises in the region to learn the experience of the GAZ Group in introducing a production system: “We are glad that we can thus help improve the efficiency of industry. At the same time, the borrowing process mutual experience: as a company that operates in the global market, we always try to learn from the companies with which we cooperate."

“We need to create new productive forces, but without competent organization of labor it is difficult to achieve high results,” noted Valery Shantsev. “The example of GAZ is obvious: it clearly demonstrates how to effectively get rid of unnecessary costs. Russian President Vladimir Putin has set the goal of increasing labor productivity is one and a half times. Thanks to the experience of GAZ, we set the goal of doubling this figure by the same deadline in order to show everyone that these ten years we have not worked in vain."

It is safe to say that the task of increasing business efficiency is becoming especially relevant now, in the context of Russia’s accession to the WTO. The presence of a lean production system at domestic enterprises will significantly reduce production costs, optimize inventories, reduce the turnover period of operating capital and will become an undoubted economic advantage in conditions of fierce competition.

Help "RBG"

GAZ Group is the largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in Russia.

GAZ Group produces light and medium-duty commercial vehicles, buses, heavy trucks, passenger cars, power units and automotive components. The company unites 13 enterprises in eight regions of Russia.

GAZ Group is the leader in the Russian commercial transport market, occupying about 50% of the light commercial vehicle segment and about 65% of the bus segment. The company's flagship product is the new generation light commercial vehicle GAZelle NEXT.

GAZ Group is a leader among Russian automakers in creating environmentally friendly modes of transport, including the development of equipment using alternative fuels.

The main shareholder of the company is the Russian Machines machine-building holding, part of the Basic Element business group. The headquarters of the GAZ Group is located in Nizhny Novgorod.

GAZ Group is the largest automobile manufacturing holding in Russia. The company unites 18 enterprises in 10 regions of Russia. GAZ Group produces light and medium-duty commercial vehicles, heavy trucks, buses, passenger cars, road construction equipment, power units and automotive components.

GAZ Group is a leader in the commercial vehicle market in Russia, occupying about 50% in the light commercial vehicle segment, about 45% in the all-wheel drive heavy truck segment, and about 70% in the bus segment.

Before the application of the BP concept began in 2003. A number of very serious problems were observed at GAZ production sites:

  1. Low quality of manufactured products with a high (in theory) level of control;

  2. Use of workers under a temporary employment contract;

  3. High level of accounts payable;

  4. Low equipment availability;

  5. High level of finished goods inventories.

Rice. 14. Problems of GAZ before the application of the BP concept.

To solve all the above problems, as well as to bring the company to a higher level (including access to international markets), the GAZ production system was created, which is based on 4 principles:

  1. “First of all, think about the customer”:
Any customer (both external and internal) is a source of profit for the company. Therefore, the company’s priority is to ensure maximum satisfaction of its needs;

  1. “People are the most valuable asset”:
Investments in the development of the company's personnel are the most profitable, since, according to the concept of lean manufacturing, people - unlike equipment - are the only asset that does not lose its value in the case of constant development;

  1. Culture of continuous improvement (Kaizen):
Kaizen is the creation of a culture that encourages continuous improvement, requiring minimal or no investment to implement, every day, in every workplace, leading to improvement of the entire value stream as a whole and increased efficiency of the entire company;

  1. “All eyes on the Production Site”:
Research and problem solving, performance evaluation management decisions must take place directly at the workplace, since “the correct approach to work cannot be invented; sitting at a desk, it must be repeatedly tested and revised directly at the factory.”

The main ideals of the GAZ production system follow from these principles:

  1. safety (not only physical, which implies eliminating the possibility of injury, but also psychological, based on the employee’s awareness of the fact that the company needs him and cannot be fired for any circumstances beyond his control);

  2. absence of defects (guaranteed by preventing the occurrence of defects at each workplace);

  3. “At the first request of the customer”: maximum satisfaction of the client’s needs at any time;

  4. “One after another”: it is impossible to produce products in large batches of the same type, based on the convenience of production - the structure and size of the batch should be determined only by the customer’s requirements;

  5. instant response from the supplier (in case of problems with products, parts, components at the consumer);

  6. minimum costs (defining profit as the difference between the price of a product dictated by the market and production costs leaves the manufacturing company with the only option for increasing it - reducing costs).
Over ten years of implementing GAZ Production System tools at the company’s enterprises, the following was achieved:

  • increasing labor productivity fourfold.

  • increasing average monthly revenue per employee (for example, from 74 thousand rubles in 2009 to 197 thousand rubles in 2012).
The constant work of the entire GAZ Group team to optimize production and auxiliary processes and reduce unproductive labor costs allows us to seriously reduce the cost of production and obtain an annual economic effect of 500 million rubles. up to 700 million rubles
    1. Production system of OJSC "ZMZ"

JSC "Zavolzhsky Motor Plant" plays an important role in the Russian automotive industry and in particular in the automotive engine industry. OJSC "ZMZ" is engaged in the development and production of engines internal combustion for cars, trucks and others Vehicle, as well as their maintenance.

The product range reaches more than 80 modifications of various engines and specializes in the manufacture of eight-cylinder engines for GAZ trucks, PAZ buses, special vehicles for civil and military purposes, buses from the Pavlovsk and Kurgan plants, as well as four-cylinder engines for passenger cars and 1.5-ton GAZelle cars "

The engines produced by ZMZ are supplied mainly to Russian car factories, however, it should be noted that a fairly large volume of produced engines and spare parts is exported. The geography of supplies of ZMZ OJSC products is Russia, Germany, Iran, China, Israel, Turkey, India, Cuba.

The production system of OJSC "ZMZ" is based on the following principles:

1) People are the main value of the company;

2) The next process is a consumer. The consumer should receive only high-quality products and services;

3) The production site is a consumer of the services of other services of the enterprise. The entire organization must be supportive

main production areas;

4) Quality management system and effective quality control at

every workplace;

5) The work process is visible, problems are visible, the rules are clear, work

safe, violations are visible, nothing superfluous;

6) Produce only what is needed, and only when needed;

7) Continuous improvements through the elimination of any activity that does not create value, increases costs, and interferes with satisfying consumer needs and expectations;

8) Look for new opportunities for continuous improvements where no one is looking, to abandon the familiar and established for the sake of more effective solutions;

9) Data collection and analysis - a starting point for improvements;

10) Full use of intellectual resources.

A graphical representation of the elements included in the production system of OJSC ZMZ is shown in Fig. 14

During the implementation of the BP concept, fairly quick and tangible results were obtained. During the Red Tag Campaign in 2004, the following improvements were made to all production areas:

  • more than 13,000 redundant items were identified;

  • exported and sold for scrap metal in the amount of more than 2.3 million rubles;

  • more than 1000 tons were sold as scrap metal;

  • more than 700 storage areas for tools, auxiliary materials, and personal belongings were equipped in accordance with 2S requirements.
To reduce the cost of manufactured products, workplace standardization was carried out:

  • in 2006, during the first standardization of workplaces, 23 technological processes, after which 26 plans were developed, including 334 activities. The costs of implementing action plans amounted to 12.5 million rubles, the economic effect from their implementation amounted to 20.2 million rubles;