I will export goods from China. Importing goods from China: step-by-step instructions. Duties on the import of goods from China. Purchasing consolidated cargo in China through third-party companies

Lately More and more interest among Russian small businesses is directed towards the Middle Kingdom. Let's look at the question of opportunity today discoveries profitable business or “how to transport goods from China.”

The trade turnover of our countries is constantly growing, but this growth is ensured mainly by large contracts and huge industrial supplies. Profitable transport goods from China Every year it becomes more accessible and simple. Today there are many companies engaged in the delivery of goods from the Middle Kingdom. It is becoming increasingly easier to establish business with China and start purchasing Chinese goods.

What are the advantages of working with Chinese manufacturers?

According to the long-rooted stereotypes of our society, Chinese products are distinguished by their affordability. At the same time, the established opinion about the low quality of products is fundamentally wrong. Such opinions are formed on the basis of images of cheap plastic toys and other things that fall apart in the hands that have long been ingrained in our heads. At the same time, few people notice that clothes and accessories purchased in expensive stores are also produced in China, emphasizing their high quality and reliability. How does this happen?

Actually the answer is simple. Most of the largest brands in almost any niche have long moved their production sites to China, where, under strict control with the help of the most modern technologies production facilities produce products of unique quality, preserving the opportunity to sell luxury goods at high prices under their own brand names. Production in Western countries becoming more and more expensive due to rising costs of raw materials, energy, high wages and taxes. Western brands are looking for an opportunity to solve the issue of tough price competition are forced to increasingly improve their production and minimize labor resources, increasingly optimizing production. But in practice, this has the opposite effect, as the rapid adoption of similar technologies in Asia further widens their competitiveness gap. It is much more profitable to place own production on the territory of the People's Republic of China, preserving the features and traditions of production, while receiving additional profit.

Items imported from China may vary significantly in price and quality. Wherein, price-quality ratio Chinese enterprises often impress with both positive and negative examples. The primary task when choosing a supplier is to find the most suitable products. The success of this choice will certainly influence the success of the new business.

What can be brought from China and risks when working with Chinese suppliers

Trying to answer the question posed, one can simply endlessly list any known consumer goods, since almost all of them are produced there. Different things, due to their size, price and customs duties, Can bring from China with more or less benefit. Some products can be brought to the business owner good income, while others are not very profitable to purchase.

First of all, for the owners already existing business much easier understand and evaluate the attractiveness delivery of goods from China, since he is already familiar with the prices of existing suppliers and can quickly figure out which offer will be really interesting to him. Young businessmen who have just started a business will spend more time understanding issues of price and quality. Finding a suitable supplier and the most economical delivery scheme takes a lot of time and is based primarily on experience and a sound assessment of possible risks when working with foreign partners. Main risks such cooperation may include:

  • loss of money, deception
  • poor quality of supplied products
  • risks of product rejection
  • problems with customs clearance
  • risks of cargo loss during delivery

It should be noted that the Chinese government is actively cooperating with Russian business and tries as best he can To provide information about their manufacturers to the administration regional centers. This is done in order to minimize risks when delivering goods from China and, naturally, to increase confidence in our own manufacturers.

So, the main problem for young businesses when building relationships There are high risks with Chinese companies. Due to the lack of awareness that transporting goods from China is actually very simple and quite safe, business designed to unite Russian buyers with manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom is increasingly flourishing. The main range of services of such companies is as follows:

  • assistance in choosing a supplier
  • analysis of suppliers and assessment of their reliability
  • placement of applications
  • shipment control
  • ensuring cargo safety
  • warehousing services for the purchase and collection of goods
  • customs clearance
  • cargo transportation

Against the backdrop of enormous interest, the possibility of large earnings and natural laziness and reluctance to understand the nuances of delivering goods from China, a whole niche of companies has grown that make money on the availability of supplies of Chinese products to enterprises. They understand customs clearance of goods at the border and can bring huge benefit to business, and such possibilities need to be considered. At least for now, we lack the necessary experience and ability to transport goods from China on our own.
Finally, it should be noted that the possibilities are significantly save on purchases, maintaining and even improving quality are limited for small businesses. Each such opportunity should be used to make the most of it. The knowledge needed to increase profits is in close proximity, and it makes sense to carefully evaluate it. Take a closer look at the possibility of transporting goods from China.


Currently, China is still the most attractive place to buy goods due to low prices. In addition, over the past decade, the quality of Chinese goods has increased significantly. In China you can buy not only consumer goods, but also quality goods, which will be noticeably cheaper than analogues produced in another country. Many Russian companies They sell Chinese goods, but it will be much more profitable for your business to purchase from Chinese suppliers, or even better directly from Chinese factories. The price will be 5 or even 10 times less than that of Russian suppliers.

But here the question immediately arises: how to bring goods from China and clear it through customs. In this article we will try to briefly familiarize ourselves with the question of how to bring goods from China and clear it through customs, and also give some advice.

First, you will need to find a supplier in China. There are several options, with their pros and cons. The simplest and most accessible option is to search for a supplier on online trading platforms. You can also fly to China on your own, for example to the Canton Exhibition, which is held twice a year. comes to see her great amount various suppliers demonstrating their products. If you do not have enough experience in working with China or you do not have the opportunity to organize a train there yourself, then it makes sense to contact a company that, for a fee, will help you find a supplier. Read more about how to find a supplier in our.

After a supplier has been found and the product has been purchased, it must be correctly delivered from China to Russia. There are no problems with delivering a small batch of goods for personal use, but with commercial ones it will be more difficult. You need to be an individual entrepreneur or LLC, since individuals cannot receive commercial cargo. In addition, you must be registered as a participant foreign economic activity to carry out trade with China. You can read more about how to become a participant in foreign trade activities on our website.

How to bring cargo from China to Russia

In China, you will need to find a transport company and draw up a contract for the transportation of a commercial shipment. You will also need to decide on the delivery method; the most optimal is the delivery of groupage cargo by road, combining short terms and low cost. If you require delivery in the shortest possible time, then your choice is air transport, but this is noticeably more expensive than other methods of transportation. When you are not pressed for time, you should use railway transport and save a lot on delivery. If you are purchasing goods by container, then it would be more advisable to use sea container transportation; this is the cheapest and most reliable method, but also the slowest; in addition, you will need to organize the removal of cargo from the port.

As a rule, cargo from China is delivered by multimodal transport, and here it is important to carefully work out your route in order to find a middle ground between delivery time and cost.

So you will need to do customs clearance your consignment of goods with payment of all duties and payments, read more about this in our. In addition, some products may require mandatory certificates, which you will learn about in our website. Once your item has cleared customs and all duties have been paid, you will need to arrange for it to be delivered to your warehouse.

And that's just short description what lies ahead of you. Delivery from China does not forgive unprofessionalism and mistakes; you can not only lose your time and money, but also not deliver the goods you need at all. Therefore, if you are new to the specifics of working with China, it is better to contact a transport company that specializes in this route.

Our transport company"Dobroezzhev" provides services for the delivery and customs clearance of goods from China. We know how to bring cargo from China to Russia at the most short term at minimal cost to you. We deliver under your contract and offer you a full range of turnkey services. We control the entire customs clearance process and provide you with first-hand service, saving you from working with several companies. We have warehouses in Russia and China.

We also provide supplier search services; our specialists in the Chinese city of Yiwu will select the product you need at an attractive price. You can fill out your request for cargo removal directly on our website at a time convenient for you using a special number. A toll-free number is also available for you 8-800-7777-188 , our managers will answer your questions and help you fill out your application.

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You can deliver cargo from China to Russia by sea (this is how you can bring a batch of goods in large wholesale), by road or rail, or by air. How to deliver goods from China to Russia at the lowest cost? The most profitable delivery method is by sea, via Novorossiysk or St. Petersburg: the price of sea freight is 1600 - 1800 USD for a 20-foot container and 2600 - 2800 for a 40-foot container with a minimum land shoulder (compared to Vladivostok).

How to bring a batch of goods from China in bulk?

A consignment of goods from China to Russia can be brought wholesale in four ways:

  • by air (up to several hundred kilograms) - up to 2.5 dollars per 1 kg when sending from Beijing/Shanghai to Moscow for shipments of 500 kg, and from 3.4 dollars to Pulkovo (St. Petersburg);
  • by car via Kazakhstan or Zabaikalsk - from 180 - 230 US dollars per ton or up to $5,700 for the entire car (only to the border!) and another approximately 320 thousand rubles for transportation from Zabaikalsk to Moscow time;
  • By railway- up to 2300 dollars to Zabaikalsk/Vladivostok for a 20-foot container and 5200 for a 40-foot container, and 135 thousand and 290 thousand rubles, respectively, to Moscow and Moscow Region;
  • by sea - from 1025 USD for 20' and 1290 USD for 40' via Vladivostok and from 1600 and 2600 via Novorossiysk or St. Petersburg, with subsequent transportation throughout the Russian Federation (to Moscow from St. Petersburg - from 32,000 rubles, from Novorossiysk - from 38,000 by road for 20', from Vladivostok - 93,000 and 154,000 for 20' and 40').

What is the best way to bring cargo from China? If the consignment is relatively small - from 45 to 300 kg (45 kg is the minimum weight of a commercial consignment by air, and 300 kg is the minimum weight for which freight forwarding companies undertake), then by air, in all other cases (if they do not press terms) - by sea. What is the fastest way to deliver goods? By air.

How to quickly deliver goods from China

You can quickly deliver cargo from China to Russia by air - within a day. The cost of express delivery of goods by air will be up to $7.7 from Guangzhou and up to $7.8 from Beijing to Moscow and St. Petersburg. The price is fair for small consignments of goods - from 45 to 100 kg; as the weight of the shipment increases, the cost per 1 kg decreases, reaching $2.5 - 3.4 per kg when sending consignments weighing from 500 kg.

How else can you deliver cargo from China quickly and not so expensively? Multimodal delivery scheme using sea and railway transport via Vladivostok by sea in 7 - 11 days and by Trans-Siberian Railway in 14 - 20 days (750 - 1290 dollars for sea transportation and 90 - 154,000 rubles for freight transportation by rail). Another option is road transportation to Blagoveshchensk by road (approximately 30 rubles per kg) - up to 5 days, from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow by air - 126 rubles/kg (with a batch weight of up to 50 kg) and 118 rubles/kg (from 50 kg).

Which delivery is faster from China?

The fastest way is express delivery from China to Moscow or St. Petersburg by air - up to 2 days (regular air transportation takes up to 7 days, taking into account the wait for a cargo or cargo-passenger flight and the preparation of cargo for shipment). In second place is multimodal cargo transportation by road and air through Blagoveshchensk - up to 7 days, followed by road transportation through the Republic of Kazakhstan - up to 21 - 25 days, then by rail - up to 30 - 35 days, and finally by sea - through Novorossiysk (32 - 42 days) or St. Petersburg (45 - 60 days).

Which delivery from China is better?

When sending trial shipments of goods, samples, as well as urgent shipments (for example, collections of clothing, shoes for the season), it is best to deliver from China by air; when shipping large shipments (for 1 or more containers) - by rail or sea. The railway is more expensive than the sea and works best when sending an even number of 20-foot containers (two TEU can be placed on one railway platform).

How to make turnkey delivery from China to Russia

From China to Novorossiysk or St. Petersburg, cargo can only be delivered by sea - directly or with transshipment in Constanta/Istanbul. The term direct delivery from China means transportation without transshipment at intermediate ports, but often also implies door-to-door, turnkey work.

Often, a carrier company provides additional services: delivering a container to the supplier’s (manufacturer’s) warehouse, to the port of departure from a line drain from another port (practised when sending cargo in specialized containers), preparing bookings, returning an empty container to the port of arrival by completion of delivery to the recipient's warehouse already in Russia, etc., can accept the goods (after checking its quality), send through any point, i.e. build an optimal logistics scheme.

Sometimes direct delivery involves purchasing goods in China, importing them under a broker’s contract with deferred payment for the client (including at an agreed percentage, the practice of commercial lending to consignees). The second type of delivery to a broker contract is when the cargo owner does not plan to register as a participant in foreign trade activities, but he has the money to pay for the entire or a significant part of the shipment (he can pay the rest upon delivery).

In this case, delivery occurs with payment of 50 - 70% of the cost of the goods and logistics in advance. And the carrier is quite capable of using the funds received to finance its extraneous operating costs. The problem arises when after this he no longer has any money left to pay for the delivery itself, and he cannot bring the goods to the customer’s enterprise: usually there is a delay of 2 - 4 weeks.

Delivering cargo from China on a turnkey basis, in general, means full freight forwarding: preparation of transport, accompanying, customs documentation, assistance in issuing certificates and declarations of conformity, customs clearance (customs clearance), trucking in the country of departure, transit and arrival, temporary and safekeeping, consolidation of consolidated shipments (LCL) before shipment and other work.

This also includes insurance and taking measures to prevent spoilage and damage to cargo during delivery (on average, about 2% of goods from China are damaged during transportation and distribution), monitoring compliance with transportation requirements, taking into account the transport characteristics and characteristics of the goods being shipped. The transportation route is usually not laid, but only selected from the services offered by the lines (in particular, by the number and name of optional ports of call for the vessel).

Delivery from China to your door includes acceptance of cargo from the sender, control of shipment (timing, quality), unloading to the recipient's warehouse in Russia, organization of arrival in the Russian Federation (on the basis of full outsourcing). A feature of door-to-door logistics from China to Russia is the geographical location of consumers of Chinese goods - usually in the European part of Russia, and manufacturers in China - in the south and southeast of the country (however, currently production is increasingly moving to the north -western regions).

Finding a manufacturer or its dealer in China is not as difficult as it seems. The entrepreneur has access to the AliExpress and AliBaba websites, where you can compare prices and choose Best offer and contact the supplier directly. It is also possible through companies cooperating with Chinese manufacturers. Including those based in China. Finally, you can personally come to one of the industrial exhibitions and establish contacts. The latter, however, will be too expensive. It’s easier and cheaper to contact the manufacturer remotely.

How profitable is it to cooperate with Chinese manufacturers?

In general, it is profitable to cooperate with manufacturers, but much depends on the type of product, the distance over which the goods will have to be transported, and the conditions of the supplier.

Not everything is so simple.

If you compare a Chinese manufacturer with a wholesale company from which you can purchase the same product, direct cooperation will allow you to save at least 10%. The wholesaler always makes his markup, including the cost and delivery. On the other hand, a lot depends on the size of your order.

Let's look at an example:

You plan to order 5,000 items. From a wholesaler (intermediary), one product costs $2. From the manufacturer - $1.5. If you order from the manufacturer, you will save $2,500. For delivery you will spend from $500 (by sea) to $5000 (by rail). Having chosen, you will have to pay for delivery to your warehouse. Its cost depends on the distance separating you from the port, as well as the nature of the cargo. It can be either 100 or 1000 $. If you use the services of customs brokers, you will have to invest another $100-200.

If you are willing to wait and work in a port city where the cargo needs to arrive, you will spend up to $800-900 on delivery. Add to this duties, delivery around the city to your warehouse, and the services of customs brokers. Of the $2500 you save, $1000-$1500 will remain. Quite profitable.

If you don't live in a port city, the overall costs will be higher. Delivery can cost from $100 to $1000-2000 (depending on distance, type, volume, weight of cargo, policy, etc.). The cost may be higher. Obviously, it makes sense to save only for large quantities.

What's better? From the point of view of the final cost of the goods, there is not much difference: even if the supplier himself delivers, he includes all costs in the price. In terms of risks, the first option is optimal: this way you can completely control the process, but in this case you take upon yourself all issues of transportation within China and registration in Chinese customs point.

How to protect yourself from risks and defects?

When collaborating with a Chinese manufacturer, you take a risk. There are only two risks:

  • the supplier will receive an advance payment, but will not ship the goods;
  • the product will be of insufficient quality and will not meet the stated requirements.

Fraudulent suppliers deceive you by not sending the goods. Protecting yourself from them is not as difficult as it seems. Before sending an advance payment, check the reputation of the seller. This can be done directly on the online platform where you found the supplier. If you are working through specialized company, there shouldn't be any problems.

You can protect yourself from fraud by paying for the product only after receiving it. If you undertake the delivery yourself, agree with the carrier so that he pays for it on the spot.

Almost every buyer encounters a low-quality product. Nothing can be done about this: manufacturers operating in the budget price segment (which is what wholesalers from Russia are most often interested in) will try their best to save money. If you want the product to have the declared quality, check it. Ideally, come to China, look at the product in person, go (if allowed) into the workshop, and look at the production process. Particular attention should be paid to colors: in China, colors can easily be confused.

If you don’t have the opportunity to come in person, use the services of a company that works with Russian wholesalers and is located in China. Its representatives will check the goods. Such services are inexpensive - about $100. You can also order a small trial batch.

Customs clearance

In addition to shipping, you will have to pay duties and taxes if you use a broker. The amount of the duty depends on the number of goods, the total cost of the shipment, and the HS code. The cost of registration also depends on the size of the lot and the type of product.

Customs clearance is carried out upon arrival in Russia:

  • on Russian border if you are transporting cargo by land;
  • at the airport at ;
  • seaport (Novorossiysk, St. Petersburg), if you are transporting cargo by sea.

You need to prepare the following documents:

  • agreement with the supplier;
  • invoices;
  • certificates (if required);
  • contract with the carrier;
  • receipts for payment for goods;
  • transaction passport;
  • packing list.

Customs inspectors will need to provide documents from the buyer and the carrier. After registering at the customs point, your documents will be checked. If everything is in order, you will need to calculate the amount of duties and other fees, pay them, and provide documents confirming payment to the inspectors. Then the cargo will be passed through.

At the customs point they are often opened, and the documents for the cargo itself are checked with special attention. Make sure that the information provided in the documents is accurate.