What are the duties of a dispatcher? Job Responsibilities of a Senior Road Transport Manager. What the dispatcher needs to know

Job description dispatcher road transport consists of many points defining areas of his responsibility, rights and powers. The work is not as easy as it seems at first glance, and can only be done with certain skills. Let's figure out what it consists of.

The dispatcher acts as a link in the work of the company between the transport department and other structures. If the company is transport by type of activity, its role increases accordingly. In general, the activity of this profession is associated with the distribution of transport in accordance with applications, solving situations that arise along the way Vehicle assigned to the company, receiving messages from customers and maintaining related documentation.

The main purpose of the dispatcher's work, in short, is telephone support for transportation. All issues that arise during the movement, the dispatcher solves by telephone.

Dispatcher Responsibilities

The job description of a road transport dispatcher is the main document regulating his activities and determines the fulfillment of the following duties:

1. Organizes and controls the work of drivers on the line.
2. Explains to drivers the features and conditions of transportation along the route, dwelling in detail on the condition of the roads, traffic features on certain sections of the road, paying attention to meteorological conditions at the time of the trip.
3. Establishes and subsequently maintains contact, and permanent, with clients.
4. Participates in the determination of measures to eliminate the downtime of vehicles of the transport department (garage).
5. Works with waybills: fills in, issues, accepts.
6. Engaged in the preparation of documentation, in particular reports for the work on the shift.
7. Controls the schedule of movement of vehicles, especially trucks, in case of non-compliance, takes action.
8. Examines the loading of vehicles, optimizes if necessary.
9. Makes sure that the transport is loaded in both directions, does not go empty.
10. Monitors access roads and their condition, to ensure that drivers observe transport discipline.
11. Calculates cargo delivery routes.
12. Conducts briefings, checks the readiness of drivers to leave.
13. If necessary, provides timely technical assistance to transport on the route.
14. Controls the loading and unloading of vehicles.
15. Dedicated to ensuring the maximum safety of every shipment.
16. Maintains a report card of drivers.

In many ways, the list of job responsibilities depends on the type of activity of the company, its staffing, the development of the structure and the budget allocated to the unit, in particular the salary budget for this position. A wide range of duties or a more responsible position will be paid a larger amount.

For large companies engaged in transportation and containing a large fleet of vehicles, sometimes only a logistician can approach the position of a dispatcher as a specialist who understands the seriousness of interaction between departments and is able to accurately and correctly coordinate processes.

Small companies or firms prefer to train an employee on the spot, which will allow them to train him in exactly the duties that are necessary for their enterprise and, in addition, save the budget.

Subordination of office

A specialist for this position is accepted and dismissed by the decision of the director of the company, enshrined in the form of a legal order. He is set official salary according to the staffing table, which is accepted and approved by the company. Subordination of the position - to the head of the garage, head of the transport department, chief engineer, depending on the same staffing and management position of the transport division. IN large companies the dispatcher may also report to the position of chief mechanic.

Road transport manager.

1. Road transport dispatcher position included in the list of jobs, professions, positions directly related to driving vehicles or traffic control, approved by a government decree Russian Federation dated January 19, 2008 N 16.

2. to the traffic controller, as well as urban ground electric transport, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2015 N 287 "On approval of Professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in transportation by road and urban ground electric transport" the following are presented professional and qualification requirements:

2.1. The traffic controller must know:

— fundamentals of transport and labor legislation;

- regulations on the organization of operational management of road transport;

- the procedure for issuing and processing a waybill, accounting for technical and operational indicators;

- the scheme of roads and their condition on the routes of movement of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

- the requirements of the manufacturer of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher, according to technical operation cars;

- work schedules of drivers on the routes of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

- tariffs and rules for their application on the routes of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

— fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and production;

- transportation distances and the nature of road conditions on the routes of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

- timetables and stopping points on the routes of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

- the route network and traffic conditions that ensure the safety of transportation;

- rules and instructions for labor protection, fire protection.

2.2. The traffic controller must be able to:

- organize and control the work of drivers and their implementation of a shift plan and tasks for transportation;

- accept necessary measures to ensure road safety for vehicles (trams, trolleybuses);

- instruct drivers about the conditions and features of transportation on routes, while paying attention to Special attention condition of roads, peculiarities of traffic in certain sections in specific meteorological conditions;

— to ensure interaction with all participants in the transportation process in order to optimize it;

- take measures to eliminate excess downtime of vehicles;

- fill out, issue and accept waybills and other documents reflecting the work performed by drivers, check the correctness of their execution. written about waybills used in road transport;

- calculate the relevant technical and operational indicators in the waybills;

- issue planned tasks, register tasks and requests for transportation;

- draw up operational summaries and reports on work and incidents for the shift;

- coordinate the work of automobile and (or) urban ground electric transport with other modes of transport;

— take measures to include reserve vehicles in road traffic on the route instead of those who prematurely left the route for technical or other reasons, operational switching vehicles from route to route, to another route due to road repairs;

– check the correctness of the execution of documents for the performed transportations, coordinate the work of vehicles of third-party enterprises;

- to ensure control and accounting of the completed transportation of goods and take measures to promptly eliminate failures of transport processes, excessive downtime at the points of loading and unloading vehicles, as well as loading empty vehicles in a passing direction;

- to carry out operational accounting, control of the work of loading and unloading mechanisms of enterprises and organizations, control the condition of access roads, as well as compliance with transport discipline by drivers;

- organize, if necessary, the provision of timely technical assistance to the rolling stock on the line.

2.3. To the car dispatcher and urban ground electric transport, one of the following requirements is imposed:

a) the presence of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in the specialty included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport" (subgroup "Organization of transportation and transport management, profession code 23.02.01");

b) having a high school diploma vocational education in specialties not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of ground transport", and a diploma of additional professional education under the program of professional retraining with the qualification of a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport.

There are no work experience requirements.

3. Professional retraining with the qualification of a road transport dispatcher is carried out on the basis of a qualification training program for the organization of transportation by road within the Russian Federation in the amount of 82 hours in full-time education. Persons with higher, secondary specialized education of a non-automotive profile undergo qualification training.

3.1. Learning objectives: to provide trainees with the necessary level of knowledge to manage the transport of goods and passengers by road, which should contribute to the normal functioning of the market transport services and protection of consumer rights, ensuring traffic safety and compliance with environmental standards in the operation of road transport.

Training includes lectures and practical lessons. The training ends with an exam for professional qualification throughout the course material.

3.2. The course includes the following disciplines.

Fundamentals of transport and civil legislation.

Licensing of activities in motor transport.

Russian legislation on the fundamentals of the tax system.

Agreements and contracts.

Certification in road transport.

Rolling stock, requirements for it, maintenance of its technical condition.

Operating materials, their use, storage, disposal, ways to save.

Storage of rolling stock, spare parts, operating materials.

Environmental requirements for road transport.

Organization of work to ensure traffic safety.

Commercial operation of motor vehicles.

Organization of road freight transportation.

Loading and unloading works.

Organization of passenger road transport.

Basic concepts about the organization of forwarding services.

Organization of transportation of hazardous and special types cargo.

Finance and management.

Compulsory and voluntary insurance for motor vehicles.

Occupational safety, safety measures, fire prevention measures in road transport.

4. The road transport dispatcher must work on the basis of the job description of the same name, containing sections: qualification requirements, must know the functions, duties, rights and responsibilities. The job description is approved by the head legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The qualification characteristics contained in paragraph 2 of this article serve as the basis for the development of a job description.

Posted On May 14, 2018

The construction manager, taking on the entire burden of regulating and monitoring the implementation of weekly-daily schedules for the production of work and their logistics, does not replace the technical staff, but, on the contrary, by its prompt and timely intervention, further increases its impact on production and thereby contributes to the improvement the quality of work. It also does not replace the construction planning authorities in matters of general planning. economic indicators by months, quarters, for a year, but assumes operational management of the entire production process based on weekly-daily schedules, starting from the implementation certain types works of the main production and ending with work auxiliary shops and enterprises engaged in the manufacture of materials, structures and semi-finished products.

Thus, the main operational center of the organization of regulation and control over the entire production activities trust, complexes, workshops, enterprises and farms is the main control room of the trust. By the nature of the work performed, it is integral part production department trust.

The main task of the main control room of the trust is to ensure the smooth progress of work at all construction sites. The fulfillment of this task is carried out by round-the-clock operational management of the work of the main production links - construction departments and sites, subcontractors, manufacturing enterprises and other departments involved in the work at this construction site.

The chief dispatcher of the trust, by the nature of the work performed, is the first assistant to the chief engineer of the trust for the preparation and operational management of production. He and his apparatus perform the following functions.

1. Participate in the preparation and approval of monthly work plans based on general or integrated schedules, as well as in the development of weekly-daily operational schedules for the production of work and their logistics. After the approval of the schedules by the management of the trust, the contractors are issued (one day before the start of the coming week): notices of the allocated material and technical resources indicating the object and delivery time (by day, shift); approved weekly-daily schedules for the manufacture of structures, materials and semi-finished products, indicating the timing of manufacture and the exact specification of the required products and structures for each object; weekly-daily schedule of transportation of the railway workshop and the bureau of centralized transportation of materials and semi-finished products to the facilities, indicating the delivery time and places of unloading; extracts from weekly-daily schedules for providing shops, departments and sites with mechanisms, excavators, cranes, vehicles, indicating the timing of their arrival at the facilities.

2. Conduct continuous monitoring of the provision of construction departments, subcontractors, enterprises and workshops with raw materials, semi-finished products, structures, equipment, electricity, water, steam, mechanisms, vehicles, etc.

3. Resolve all inconsistencies and controversial issues of an operational nature that arise in the production process between the units involved in the construction.

4. Approve for each shift updated orders for concrete, mortar, arrangement of crane facilities and other mechanisms, taking into account the specific production environment.

5. They give a task (within the schedule) for the coming day to deliver raw materials to manufacturing enterprises and send them to construction sites of materials, products and semi-finished products.

6. For each coming day, they approve an updated order for vehicles for all organizations, workshops and departments of the trust, taking into account the priority provision of construction departments and manufacturing enterprises with them.

7. Control the implementation of the schedule for the transportation of goods by the railway workshop, as well as the issuance of scarce materials by the technical supply office to the facilities.

8. Prevent and organize the elimination of accidents, downtime and other problems that occur during the production process.

9. Take into account and analyze according to the received reporting operational data and reports from dispatchers of all departments of the trust and construction industry enterprises, the implementation of the schedule production plan, and also daily report to the management of the construction site (according to the established form of the daily report) on the progress of the work.

10. The chief dispatcher reports to the construction site management on the progress of the weekly-daily schedule and on measures to eliminate the problems that have arisen.

11. The chief dispatcher and his apparatus develop and prepare proposals for improving the dispatching office, management, introducing new forms of work, means of communication and control.

In the main control room of the trust, senior engineers-dispatchers work around the clock, who manage all the operational work in the shift. In addition to participating in the fulfillment of the duties noted above, they, using the means of communication, carry out the following:

keep a log of orders and instructions of the construction management of the chief dispatcher and control their execution;

supervise work in shifts, as well as the entire network of grass-roots dispatch service, control centralized deliveries material resources to workplaces;

keep a diary of the dispatcher, monitor the implementation of the daily schedule, the decisions of the dispatcher report, as well as the serviceability technical means connections.

During peak hours (on the first shift) in the main dispatching room of the trust, simultaneously with the senior dispatcher, a technician-operator works, who receives reports, reports, telephone messages on the implementation of the schedule, work plan and processes them according to established forms supervisory control. On the basis of reports and messages from construction departments, workshops and enterprises, the technician-operator takes into account the implementation of the daily operational plan of work according to the nomenclature of the dispatch report; together with the shift dispatcher controls the execution of the orders of the chief dispatcher; controls the timeliness of receipt of operational reporting from construction departments, workshops, enterprises, operational departments of the trust and grassroots dispatching; maintains an executive schedule for the receipt of materials, the progress of work, etc.

With the introduction of supervisory management of production in the main operational departments of the trust, operators are selected (in combination) from among their employees, who maintain contact with the main control room. Such departments are: the department of the chief mechanic and the chief power engineer, the technical supply office, the central warehouses of the technical supply office, the management of manufacturing enterprises and the personnel department.

The operators of these departments collect and transmit to the trust dispatcher data on the fulfillment of the daily schedule, and also control the progress in fulfilling the instructions of the heads of departments and the main control room.

If there are several complexes at the construction site, on which the main efforts of the team are concentrated, they do not create control rooms in construction departments and at sites. They are introduced at the complexes (under the head of the complex).

The senior dispatcher of the complex and his staff (within the complex) perform duties similar to those of the chief dispatcher of a trust or enterprises. In addition, their responsibilities include:

control over the operation of mechanisms, cars and railway transport on the complex;

control over the timely delivery of materials and their unloading in strictly specified places and work areas;

control over the operation of the concrete mixing plant (if it is available at the complex), the supply of electricity, steam, water, etc.;

control over the implementation of the daily and launch schedules; maintaining logs of the dispatcher and the implementation of the operational schedule;

collection of primary sources of operational accounting and information.

Responsibilities of the plant manager, in addition to common functions supervisors for operational control of production, include:

verification of the fulfillment of shift tasks for each order; control over the supply of raw materials and other materials to the enterprise;

control over the timely complete shipment of products to consumers in strict accordance with the specifications approved by the daily schedule, and over the implementation of instructions from the main dispatching office of the trust;

checking the placement work force by shifts. At some enterprises, shift supervisors are assigned the duties of a dispatcher. Therefore, along with technical management in a shift at the enterprise, he performs the functions of a shift dispatcher.

The duties of the dispatcher of the railway shop include: managing the movement of trains;

control over the implementation of the schedule of movement and delivery of goods to the addresses indicated by the main dispatching office, as well as maintaining executive documentation on these issues;

supervising the work of shift supervisors of loading and unloading bureaus;

management of the operational work of subordinate railway stations;

control over the approach of goods railway and management of the work on the arrangement and timely unloading of wagons of the MPS fleet;

control over the work of the traction service for the timely supply of steam locomotives and the use of rolling stock on the line;

control over the timely loading of trains at enterprises, as well as their unloading at on-site warehouses.

Simultaneously with the dispatcher of the railway shop, an operator is working in the shift, who is entrusted with maintaining accounting documentation on the work of the railway workshop and the transfer of operational information to the main dispatching office of the trust.

The dispatcher of the motor transport office is responsible for issuing waybills and the timely exit of vehicles to the facilities in strict accordance with the schedule.

Dispatcher concrete plant controls and regulates the issuance of concrete to construction departments according to the order of the main dispatching office of the trust, draws up documentation for the prepared concrete in accordance with construction orders, and is also responsible for sending it to the facilities.


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Dispatcher.

1.2. The dispatcher is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the established current labor law by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. The dispatcher reports directly to _____________________.

1.4. A person who has:

1.4.1. Secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the operational regulation of the management (production) process for at least 3 years, including this enterprise- at least 1 year.

1.5. The controller must know:

Regulatory legal acts, teaching materials for questions production planning and operational management of production;

Organization of production planning and dispatching at the enterprise;

Production capacities of the enterprise and its divisions;

Specialization of enterprise divisions and production relations between them;

The range of manufactured products, types of work (services) performed;

Organization of the work of industrial warehouses, transport and loading and unloading operations at the enterprise;

Fundamentals of production technology of the enterprise;

Technical requirements for the company's products;

Organization of operational accounting of the progress of production and delivery finished products;

Means of computer technology, communications and communications;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Dispatcher, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.


2.1. Functional responsibilities Managers are defined based on and in scope qualification characteristic according to the position of the Dispatcher and can be supplemented, clarified when preparing the job description based on specific circumstances.


2.2.1. Carries out, using means of computer technology, communications and communications, the operational regulation of the course of production and other types of core activities of the enterprise or its divisions in accordance with production programs, calendar plans and daily shift assignments.

2.2.2. Controls the security of the departments of the enterprise necessary materials, structures, components, equipment, as well as transport and handling facilities.

2.2.3. Provides operational control over the course of production, ensuring maximum use production capacity, rhythmic and uninterrupted movement of work in progress, delivery of finished products, performance of works (services), storage and handling operations according to established schedules.

Ensures compliance with the established norms of backlogs at sites and in workshops, the size of batches of launches and the timing of their submissions.

2.2.5. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate violations of the production process, involving, if necessary, the relevant services of the enterprise.

2.2.6. Identifies production reserves to establish the most rational modes of operation technological equipment, more complete and uniform loading of equipment and production areas, reducing the duration of the production cycle.

2.2.7. Implements and ensures the rational use of technical means of operational management of production.

2.2.8. Keeps a dispatch log, prepares reporting reports and other technical documentation about the progress of production.

Participates in the work on the analysis and evaluation of the activities of the enterprise's divisions, the identification of intra-production reserves.

2.2.10. Supervises the work of operators of the dispatch service.


3.1. The dispatcher has the right:

3.1.1. Make decisions and give instructions for solving operational issues of organizing production.

3.1.2. Supervise the organization and progress of production.


4.1. The dispatcher is responsible for:

4.1.1. Failure to fulfill their functional duties.

Inaccurate information about the status of the received tasks and instructions, violation of the deadlines for their execution.

4.1.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders of the director of the enterprise, instructions and tasks of the head of the department.

4.1.4. Violation of the Rules of the internal work schedule, fire safety rules and safety regulations established at the enterprise.


5.1. The Dispatcher's mode of operation is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. In connection with the operational need, the Dispatcher may be sent on business trips (including local ones).

Other instructions in the section:
- Job description of a quality engineer;
- Job description of a geologist;
- Job description of the hall administrator (head waiter).

Books on microeconomics
Additional Information Materials
Job instructions.

Production of production - dispatching department (PDO)

I approve

Regulations General Director on the production and dispatching department

T.N. Popova

"_____" ____________________ 2006

1. General Provisions

1. Production - dispatching department (PDO) is an independent structural subdivision of LLC and reports directly to the Production Director.

2. PDO is headed by the head of the department, who is appointed and dismissed by the General Director of the LLC on the proposal of the Production Director.

3 PDO is guided in its activities current legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulations, as well as orders and instructions for LLC and these Regulations.

2. Tasks

1. Organization of the rhythmic work of production, workshops and the plant as a whole.

2. Ensuring the implementation of the production plan in strict accordance with the specified nomenclature, specifications and terms of production.

3. Organization of uninterrupted transport service for LLC divisions to ensure rhythmic work on the implementation of the delivery plan at the lowest cost.

4. Improvement of work transport economy, improving the use of vehicles, increasing their efficiency.

3. Structure pdo


1. At the request of the sales department of the commercial service, develop production tasks for industries, workshops and monitor their implementation.

The duties of a dispatcher

To exercise control over the correctness of conducting monthly inventories of work in progress in production and workshops, to take measures to ensure that the remains of work in progress comply with established standards.

3. Promptly manage the work of production and workshops to ensure the implementation of the established program.

4. Give operational orders to all production facilities and workshops of LLC, related to the implementation of the shift-daily plan and production program.

5. Take measures to eliminate disruptions during production (downtime, malfunctions, accidents, etc.)

6. Exercise control over the execution of orders, instructions, instructions on production issues.

7. Identify possible violations in the organization of production and take prompt measures to eliminate them immediately.

8. Consider the requirements for over-limit supply of materials and workpieces received from industries and workshops and make appropriate decisions.

9. Together with the divisions of the LLC, make decisions on opening the preparation for the production of new products and timely introduce newly mastered products into the plan.

10. Development of quarterly, monthly and operational schedules for transport transportation based on the plan for the shipment of finished products, barter operations, external and internal transportation of goods, providing LLC with basic and auxiliary materials.

11. Determining the need and drawing up applications for the necessary vehicles (locomotives, wagons, cars, tractors, trailers), auto-garage and machine tools, as well as the necessary spare parts for all types of vehicles and handling equipment on the balance sheet, materials for their repair, submission of these applications to in due course and control over their implementation.

12. Development of organizational and technical measures to improve and more rational use of vehicles, increase labor productivity and reduce transport costs.

13. Organization rational use attracted public transport and control of the amount of work actually performed by it.

209 | Job descriptions. | Job descriptions of the lead design engineer - team leader | 211 | Job descriptions. | Production of the production and dispatching department (PDO) |

The following professional and qualification requirements are imposed on the dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport:

1 The dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport must know:

fundamentals of transport and labor legislation;
normative acts on the organization of operational management of road transport;
the procedure for issuing and processing a waybill, accounting for technical and operational indicators;
the scheme of roads and their condition on the routes of movement of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;
the requirements of the manufacturer of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher, for the technical operation of vehicles;
work schedules of drivers on the routes of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;
tariffs and rules for their application on the routes of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;
fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and production;
transportation distances and the nature of road conditions on the routes of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;
timetables and stopping points on the routes of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;
route network and traffic conditions that ensure the safety of transportation;
rules and instructions for labor protection, fire protection.

2 The dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport must be able to:

organize and control the work of drivers and their implementation of a shift plan and tasks for transportation;
take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of road traffic for vehicles (trams, trolleybuses);
instruct drivers about the conditions and features of transportation on routes, paying special attention to the condition of roads, traffic features in certain sections in specific meteorological conditions;
ensure interaction with all participants in the transportation process in order to optimize it;
take measures to eliminate excess downtime of vehicles;
fill out, issue and accept waybills and other documents reflecting the work performed by drivers, check the correctness of their execution;
calculate the relevant technical and operational indicators in the waybills;
issue planned tasks, register tasks and requests for transportation;
draw up operational summaries and reports on work and incidents per shift;
coordinate the work of automobile and (or) urban ground electric transport with other modes of transport;
take measures to include reserve vehicles in traffic on the route to replace those that left the route prematurely for technical or other reasons, promptly switch vehicles from route to route, to another route due to road repairs;
check the correctness of the execution of documents for the performed transportations, coordinate the work of vehicles of third-party enterprises;
ensure control and accounting of the completed transportation of goods and take measures to promptly eliminate failures of transport processes, excessive downtime at the points of loading and unloading vehicles, as well as loading empty vehicles in a passing direction;
carry out operational accounting, control of the work of loading and unloading mechanisms of enterprises and organizations, control the condition of access roads, as well as compliance with transport discipline by drivers;
organize, if necessary, the provision of timely technical assistance to the rolling stock on the line.

3 One of the following requirements is imposed on the dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport:

the presence of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in a profession or specialty included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport";
the presence of a diploma of secondary vocational education in professions or specialties that are not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", and a diploma of additional professional education in the program of professional retraining with the qualification of a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport.

4 There are no requirements for length of service (experience).

Dispatcher job description

I. General provisions

1. The dispatcher belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and at least 5 years of experience in the position of a dispatcher or other engineering and technical and managerial positions in the operational management of production is accepted for the position of a dispatcher, including at this enterprise for at least 1 year old.

3. The dispatcher is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

3. The dispatcher must know:

Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on the operational management of production;

Profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development;

Fundamentals of production technology of the enterprise;

Organization of production in the industry and at the enterprise;

The range of products manufactured by the enterprise, types of work and services performed;

Production capacity, specifications, design features and modes of operation of the enterprise equipment, rules for its operation;

The order and methods of production planning, specialization and territorial location of the enterprise's divisions, production relations between them;

Systems and methods for recording the progress of production;

Regulations, instructions and other guidance materials for the development and execution of technical documentation;

Organization of the work of industrial warehouses, transport and loading and unloading operations at the enterprise;

Standards and specifications for the supply of products manufactured by the enterprise;

Advanced domestic and Foreign experience in the field of operational management of production;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management;

Fundamentals of labor law

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4. In its activities, the dispatcher is guided by:

RF legislation,

the charter of the organization,

Orders and orders of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction,

By this job description,

The internal labor regulations of the organization,

5. The dispatcher reports directly to the chief dispatcher.

6. During the absence of the dispatcher (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities.


1. Ensures the smooth operation of the enterprise and uniform release products, performance of work in accordance with production programs, contractual obligations, calendar schedules and shift-daily tasks.

2. Takes measures to maximize the use of the production capacity of the enterprise, contributing to the rational loading of equipment, increasing the shift ratio, creating conditions for effective work personnel.

3. Organize operational and production planning and dispatching.

4. Carries out regular operational control over the course of production and other types of core activities of the enterprise, takes measures to prevent and eliminate violations of the course production process, involves auxiliary and other services of the enterprise in the elimination of these violations.

5. Coordinates the work of departments of the enterprise, production transport and warehouses, conducts dispatching meetings.

6. Controls the availability of workshops and sites with the necessary raw materials, materials, structures, components, equipment, as well as transport and handling facilities.

7. Supervises the carrying out of standard and planned calculations to determine the size of launch parties, the timing of submissions and stock rates.

8. Carries out systematic control over the availability of backlogs at the level of established standards in workshops and areas, the uninterrupted promotion of products along the production flow, the implementation of schedules for the delivery of finished products or completed works (services).

9. Provides timely receipt of the necessary planning documentation for the implementation of operational control over the course of production.

10. Provides methodological guidance to the dispatching services of the production units of the enterprise.

11. Studying advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of operational production management, takes part in the development and implementation of measures to improve production planning, dispatching and operational accounting and control over the progress of production, the introduction of technical means of operational production management.

12. Manages the summing up of the results of work and the evaluation of the activities of the enterprise's divisions for the implementation production programs product release. Participates in the work to improve the specialization and cooperation of production, increase its efficiency.

An example of a job description for a dispatcher and his duties in the company

Provides timely accounting of output and work performed, preparation of established reporting.

14. Organizes work to improve the skills of employees of the dispatch service.

15. Supervises the work of dispatchers, controls their maintenance of dispatch logs and other technical documentation.

16. Complies with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

17. Complies with internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

18. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace.

19. Performs within employment contract orders of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction.

Continued on pages: 2

Personnel categories

On the basis of participation in the production or management process, those. the nature labor functions, and, consequently, the position held, the staff is divided into the following categories:

  • managers performing functions general management. They are conditionally divided into three levels: the highest (of the organization as a whole - the director, CEO, manager and their deputies), middle (heads of the main structural units - departments, departments, workshops, as well as chief specialists), grassroots (working with performers - heads of bureaus, sectors; masters). Managers include persons holding positions of managers, including the personnel manager;
  • specialists - persons performing economic, engineering, legal and other functions. These include economists, lawyers, process engineers, mechanical engineers, accountants, dispatchers, auditors, training engineers, personnel inspectors, etc.;
  • other employees (technical performers) involved in the preparation and execution of documents, accounting, control, housekeeping services: purchasing agent, cashier, secretary-stenographer, timekeeper, etc.;
  • workers who directly create material values ​​or provide services of an industrial nature.

Distinguish between main and auxiliary workers.

Often use the division into production and management personnel:

Production personnel or workers directly create material values ​​or provide production services, carry out labor activity in material production with a predominant share manual labor. They provide production, its exchange, marketing and service.

The production staff is divided into two groups:

  • core staff– workers predominantly employed in are employed in technological processes that change the shape, structure, properties, spatial position of the object of labor, as a result of which material products or services are created;
  • support staff- workers, mainly associated with the maintenance of equipment and jobs in auxiliary units - repair, tool, transport, storage.

Workers are Jr service staff , engaged mainly in the provision of services not related to the main activity - janitors, couriers, cleaners of non-industrial premises, drivers of personal management cars, etc.

management staff or Employees carry out labor activity in the process of production management with a predominant share of mental labor.


They are engaged in the processing of information using technical management tools, organize the activities of people, manage production, administrative, economic, financial, accounting, procurement, legal, research and other functions. They are divided into two groups: managers and specialists.

Leaders unlike specialists, they have the legal right to make decisions and have other employees in their subordination.

Specialists are divided into three main groups depending on the results of their work:

  • functional management specialists, the result of which is management information (referents, economists, accountants, financiers, marketers, etc.);
  • specialists-engineers, the result of which is design and technological or design information in the field of engineering and production technology (technologists, engineers, designers, etc.);
  • employees - technical specialists (typists, operators, couriers, storekeepers, etc.) who perform auxiliary work in the management process.

In industry, managers, specialists, other employees (technical performers), workers form industrial and production personnel, and social infrastructure workers form non-industrial personnel.

A separate category includes social infrastructure workers, i.e. persons engaged in non-core activities (cultural and community, housing and communal services for the organization's personnel). These include employees of housing and communal services; persons serving kindergartens, recreation centers, etc., which are on the balance sheet of the organization.

The division of the organization's personnel into categories is carried out in accordance with the regulatory document - the Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, developed by the Institute of Labor and approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 21.08.98 No. 37.

The Qualification Handbook, taking into account the requirements of a new stage in the development of our society, for the first time introduced the position of a manager among the positions of managers. In countries with highly developed market economy managers are called professional managers who have a special education, often received in addition to engineering, economics, and law. Managers manage the activities of the organization (top level), its structural divisions (middle level) or ensure the implementation of certain activities in the business sector (low level).

Managers of the highest and middle levels in relation to the current job structure can be considered all the heads - directors of organizations and other line managers: heads of workshops and other structural divisions, as well as functional departments.

Low-level managers in the context of the development of commercial activities, small and medium-sized businesses are the organizers of this activity, ensuring its compliance with the conditions external environment(economic, legal, technological and other requirements).

I want to introduce you to the work of the dispatcher in transport organization, tell about all the intricacies of this position, about the difficulties that you may encounter in the process, as well as about the degree of responsibility.

I myself got acquainted with the transport sector a year ago, and I came into the world of “large” cars and cargoes with absolutely no skills and knowledge in this area. But having rolled up her sleeves, she began to delve into, and after a month she could independently solve the problems that arose in the course of work. In my view, the dispatcher's job was to issue and then process waybills, but in reality this is only a thousandth part of my duties.

IN transport company In addition to issuing vouchers, the dispatcher works with applications: collects them from organizations, conducts each trip, solving any issues that arise along the way, and then processes vouchers, draws up reporting documentation and, if necessary, proves every kilometer to the customer company.

The difficulty lies in the tight deadlines of each action: as a rule, I have the busiest time in the morning, because in a short time period (usually less than an hour) I need to distribute all the transport according to requests. But first things first.

Transport company manager. Working day

Despite the fact that officially my working day starts at 8 am, I have to release the entire transport range on the line until 8 (which is more than 30 pieces of equipment), so I start working at 7.30.

In my subordination, in addition to vehicles, there is also special equipment that works daily within our base. For them, I usually prepare travel sheets in advance so that in the morning I don’t waste precious time. But for all vehicles, vouchers are issued only in the morning. Since we have a large number of companies with which we work constantly, and approximately the same number of one-time shipments. Therefore, in the morning, from all applications, you need to select priority ones, consider options for the delivery of passing cargo and build a route for the driver.

Now let's take a closer look at how priorities are identified and double or even triple flights are lined up. If we work with the company all year (this is the maximum term of the contract, after which a new contract is concluded, but this is the work of higher authorities), then applications come directly to the dispatcher from the customer's company. These applications can be with different points of delivery, or cargo, therefore, with the responsible person of the customer, I discuss the priority of this or that application.

Before the scheduled day of delivery or trip, you need to call the destination, warn that transport will arrive on such and such a date, and if they give the go-ahead at the other end of the wire, then a flight is planned. In the case when the company uses our services for the first time, then the application comes to me from the commercial department, and along with the application come clear deadlines and routes. If several applications need to be completed per day, then for one driver options are considered where the delivery points are in the same direction and not very far from each other, and the cargo is suitable for a specific transport.

After the driver has received his task, you need to lead the entire trip, for this you can use the GLONASS program, to which all vehicles are connected, and also make control calls to the driver. If the driver has any problems, he first of all calls me, and then I have to bring the information to the authorities, or resolve the issue on my own, if this is within my competence.

What problems can arise during the trip?

First, stopping the car by traffic police inspectors. Here it is necessary that the papers are in order: rights, insurance, tachograph card, there were permits for the transportation of oversized cargo, as well as, if necessary, paid route sheets for toll roads. All of the above documents are prepared chief mechanical engineer, but I am obliged to ensure that they do not pass the deadlines, since all responsibility for the delay will fall on my shoulders.

Secondly, difficulties may arise with a pass to the field, I prepare these documents by sending the data to the car and driver to the customer's company.

And, thirdly, the customer may delay loading and unloading, so you need to rush him, reminding him that you will have to pay for a simple transport.


In general, the work is paper-telephone, but very interesting, you can learn a lot for yourself new information, for example, I began to understand trucks and trailers, I can easily distinguish between trailers and distribute them for a certain load. But there is also a lot of responsibility to both customers and drivers. If you process the ticket incorrectly, then you can make mistakes in reporting on road transport services, and this is already a loss for the organization. Therefore, the work must be done without haste, approaching one's duties with all seriousness and responsibility.

Of my personal achievements, I can boast of the following - in a year I have grown to a senior dispatcher, and this is not only a bonus to my salary, but also respect among colleagues and management.


1. General Provisions

1.1. The dispatcher of road transport belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. Appointment to the position of a road transport dispatcher and dismissal from office is carried out by order (instruction) of the head of the organization.

1.3. A person who has a higher technical or engineering and economic education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary specialized education and work experience in the operational management of road transport for at least 3 years, including at this enterprise for at least 1 year, is appointed to the position of a road transport dispatcher .

1.4. The traffic controller must know:

Charter of road transport;

Fundamentals of transport legislation;

Basics of labor legislation;

Decrees, orders, orders of higher organizations, regulations on the organization of operational management of road transport;

The procedure for issuing and processing a waybill, accounting for technical and operational indicators;

The scheme of roads and their condition;

Addresses of enterprises and their mode of operation in the service area;

Rules for the operation of vehicles;

Fundamentals of traffic rules;

Transportation rules;

3.12. Checks the correctness of paperwork for completed transportation, coordinates the work of vehicles of third-party enterprises.

3.13. Provides control and accounting of completed transportation of goods and takes measures to promptly eliminate failures of transport processes, excessive downtime at the points of loading and unloading cars, as well as loading empty cars in a passing direction,

For offenses committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the organization - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in pursuance of Order No. ___ on the basis of ____________________________.

I am familiar with the job description, I received one copy in my hands and I undertake to keep it at the workplace.