Scenario propaganda team safe movement of mopeds and scooters. The scenario of the performance of the propaganda team of young traffic inspectors. No traffic sign

Alexandra Magazeyshchikova
The script for the presentation of the UID school propaganda team

Presentation of the UID propaganda team

UVK « gymnasium school» №25

school number twenty five

I came to tell you about the traffic rules.

Mind, ingenuity and success -

That's the motto for us, for everyone.

We are not sad, we are not discouraged

Don't forget about friends

We are together, which means

We are lucky.

And we are always happy to help

And victory is our reward.

Team of young traffic inspectors schools number 25 welcomes you!

Our school located near the busiest streets of the city. Students on their way to school crossing dangerous sections of the road.

This creates a certain safety hazard not only for children, but also for drivers.

The detachment, as you can see, is large,

He is ready to face adversity.

Our main motto is to help out,

Save, protect, warn!

Little daughter came to her father

And the little one asked:

"How to walk down the street,

So as not to groan later?

I have no secrets

Listen, kids:

We will show you the answer

Here is from this book.

(shows "Rules traffic» )

Gotta learn, friends

We have no doubt

Rules from "A" before "I" -

ABC of movement! (in chorus)

In kindergarten baby

Mom drives slowly.

And excellent girlfriends,

Laughs and talkers,

Crossing the intersection

Accurately and seriously.

And some student

Rushing in school straight through!

(Whistle blows)

It's no good rushing!

Need to stop here!


It will save you from trouble!

Here's another tip:

Children on a bike

Drive on the road

Forbidden: "It is forbidden!"

Remember this, friends!

It's time for everyone to understand

Believe without a doubt

All kids should know

Driving rules! (in chorus)

If you are waiting for the green light, you are at the crossing,

So, there is no pedestrian more competent than you.

If you like to ride famously with the breeze,

You often like to cling to cars,

It means that you learned the alphabet of the road badly,

It's so easy to break arms and legs.

So that you never have misfortune,

Various signs hang along the roadway.

(Oh you canopy, my canopy)

Different signs are needed

Different signs are important -

The signs are blue, colored and lattice.

Along the roads they hang

We want to like -

The signs are round, square, trusting.

If you follow them home,

You will never get lost.

Signs are true, reliable, trusting.

These signs are our friends

We can't do without them.

Signs, blue, colored and lattice.

These signs must be remembered

In any situation.

And then go safely

We are down the street with you.

Know go ahead

And look carefully

What the signs say

Do it for sure.

The sign won't tell us a word

But anyone will understand.

He will show us the right path

On the fast road.

I will draw any sign:

Even a car, even a fence,

Only the main one on the road -

It's still a traffic light.


If you see a green light

Then go ahead.

This means that you will not meet

You are an obstacle on the way.

It means on the road

You are desirable and dear.

Just don't stand on the road for too long!

You, beloved and three-eyed traffic light,

Best friend to us since a very, very long time!

You, beloved, yes you are three-eyed,

You are our best friend for a long time!

If the eye lights up red,

So it's dangerous to move.

Let's wait for the green light.

On the road without traffic lights

We can't get by.

You will cross the road soon

Just look at the light!

And avenues and boulevards: Everywhere the streets are full.

Walk on the sidewalk only on the right side.

Here it is forbidden to play pranks, interfere with the people.

Being an exemplary pedestrian is allowed!

If you ride in a tram and there are people around you,

Without pushing, without yawning, go forward quickly.

If you just walk, still go ahead look:

Walk carefully through the noisy intersection.

Crossing at a red light is prohibited.

With green - even children are allowed.

Young citizens, Tanya and Petya, firmly remember these rules!

Clear to be healthy

To be ready for work

This alphabet, friends, you need to know from "A" before "I".

We declare firmly, we will say without doubts:

Very much in life we ​​need the RULES OF MOVEMENT!

(The Bremen Town Musicians)

There is no more important thing for us on the road,

That is why we walk around the world.

Only with us are not afraid of anxiety,

We are any on the shoulder of the road.

We will not forget our calling

We bring safety to people!

Only those who know these signs

Nothing is in danger along the way.

We are ready to help everyone in the world,

Let adults and children know us.

Let the roads stop being afraid

And cars will become their friends.

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OBJ teacher
MOU "Lyceum №22"

The script for the performance of the propaganda team of the YID MOU "Lyceum No. 22".

(Children run onto the stage. Song, dance.)

Song about traffic lights.

There are no traffic lights in the city.

They give us amazing light.

Wait, whether to stand or move - they will tell us

We are very pleased with the multi-colored lights.

We have grown and are moving fast.

They are given to track events.

In the vastness of our wondrous Motherland.

They cannot be strangers.

Your light is green, we are in the soul

We keep everything carefully

To be among those who know everything

we all want for a long time.

(they sit down on the stage, the presenter comes out)

Vedas. Hello dear viewers,

Hello children and their parents.

Today you are all visiting the program,

Which could not be called otherwise.

Our transmission helps in life.

It is called

Chorus. Let them know.

Vedas. Today we will talk about them

The rules of the necessary, almost native,

The ones you can't do without

Have you guessed what, friends?


Vedas.(to the guys)

Today you will be the ones who know

And for those who do not know, it helps to understand.

And so that there are fewer empty speeches,

Let's welcome our guests.

But first I want to give you this...

He will help you all to speak.

How do you hear that someone does not know something,

Let the ringing inform him of this.

1 guest. Glucose.

The asphalt shone, I got wet all over.
And the cars are honking, but not a step back.
I go ahead right under the tram
I'm always in a hurry.
Between the wheels of cars, I again forward.

Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky.

Well, if suddenly someone knocks me down

I will then say:

Forgive me baby.
Doo, doo-doo-doo, doo-ru
This is what happens when you fly

Doo, doo-doo-doo, doo-ru

Vedas. And the bells are ringing.

They want to tell us something important.

1. You are being very careless.

Is it possible to treat the rules like that?

Let you hurry, but the red light

It always gives us a clear signal: No.

2 .And running under the tram - that's what nonsense.

There, only death awaits you. We know everything for certain.

And you, too, must know this.

And then feel free to walk the streets.


I hope you were able to convince the guest

What you don’t need is to rush under her wheels.

(referring to guest)

Well you sit down there, be with those who know.

2 guest (Hooligan).

1. For a birthday gift

I am grateful to my family.

Just turned thirteen

They gave me a scooter.

And now I drive it

I'm everywhere I want

I overtake all cars

And I shout with joy:

Pam Pam…

2. Fresh wind blows,

Moved my hair.

Let everyone everywhere know:

No one is happier than me.

I ride a scooter

And I scream with joy

And my friends, of course

I want to ride on it.

Vedas. Our bell is ringing, pouring,

Apparently, our guest is not considered knowledgeable.

3 .I am outraged - you drive on a scooter,

And you don't know the rules at all.

Gets on a scooter at thirteen

There is nothing more irresponsible than this!

4 .I want to add: it’s still impossible,

So that friends ride a scooter with you.

There is a ban on this too. Don't you know?

Guest 2. Imagine no.

5. Is it possible to fly towards cars?

This is, you know, careless.

And the rules forbid driving without a helmet.

Who doesn't know this?

choir. Let them know.


I'm sure our guest now understands everything.

Let him sit down with you, be with those who know.

3 guest(Little Red Riding Hood)

If it's long, long, long
On such a big road
Even near the road

Jump, run and jump
That, perhaps, that, perhaps,

That, perhaps, then. Certainly,
That's probably right, right

It will be fun, friends.

And here, of course, it is impossible to hit the glass.

A-wide, free and so fun, passion.

And here we are playing tag

A-we catch up with each other-

Yes, let's have fun.

(bell rings)

2 guest. Can I explain to our guest, I already know.

Leading. Certainly. And we will all help you.

(Guest 2 sings, everyone picks up.)

Final song.

If on a bike
Race fast across. road,

Or near the road

Jump, run and jump
Or not to see a traffic light,

Run ahead of the tram

That's probably right, right

You will get into trouble.

Ah the rules road kids need to know

A-a They must always be observed by everyone.
And you respect the laws

Oh, never break.

Oh, and everything will be fine!

Command exit.(phonogram "We are little children")

All: Our team "Road Academy".

We are energetic guys for special purposes.


We walk on the street and see every time

That the population of the city is illiterate with us.


They don't know where to drive without causing trouble.

And also where to go or ride a bike.


We will help the little ones, we will help the big ones:

Learn the rules of the road that meet on the way.


I am glad to show you my program,

Our propaganda team is at the YID competition.


We are the Road Academy team and it is clear to all of us

The most important thing on the road is safety!

Vlad: Our motto -

“Always together! Always near! For the safety of the entire squad!

Scene No. 1. "Rollers" (Natasha and Vika) (phonogram "We are little children")

Vika: when mom bought rollers, she did not think about

That her little sun will roll upside down.


Ride guys in stadiums, parks and near the house.

You don't have to drive on the road.

There are so many dangers out there,

Scene number 2. "Scooter" ()

Daughter. My years are growing, today I'm 12

I dream about a scooter, so I want to ride.

I will ride with the wind

Along the main streets

My classmates

Let them admire me

Mother. (sings to the tune of "Oh, you, my poor troubadour")

Oh, my pretty daughter

Here are foreign toys for you

Choose any, I'll pay for everything

Daughter. Only scooter I want

Vlad. She is in a hysterical state.

Yes, desire is too fantastic

Maybe show it to a doctor.

(daughter crying loudly)

I'm silent, I'm silent, I'm silent.

Anything you want, I'll buy.


Dear Parents! It's time to know

We can not always indulge in everything

Remember to avoid future troubles

You can only drive a scooter at the age of 16.

Scene 3. "Transition" (phonogram "Green Light")

Mom drags her son

Mother. Hurry son, come on

Hurry, don't fall behind

Late for work

I can't do it again

Son. Mother. You can't go here

The transition must be found

Mother. Painfully smart you are with us

I'd better hurry to class

You have only dreams

Who taught you?

Son. You!!!

Vlad. It's no secret that moms and dads dream

Protect us from harm and injury

And so we are repeated every time

What are the rules of the road to learn

All: What about yourself?

Natasha: And under the machines growl

Vlad: Under the brakes screeching

Vika: Under drivers scolding

Danil: And even at a red light

Natasha: Run, hurry parents

Vlad: Caring parents

Vika: Attentive parents

Danil: Do you remember the rules?

All: No!!!

Natasha: Walking carefully, watch the street

And only where possible , Pass her. (picture "Transition")

Vika: Remind your child of the simple rule.

Remind and do everything with him later.

Danil: Take a look to the left together

Look to the right later.

Together. You teach your son by personal example!

Cross the street correctly!

Scene 4. "Bicycle" (phonogram "Song of the Cat Leopold")

Vika: Father and son walked together
And then the little one asked:
Danil:“Ride fast good

Or very bad?

Vlad: It's not a secret at all
Listen, kids:
Somehow on a bike
One boy sat down

(Daddy get on the bike)

I ran through a red light
Overtaking cars.
Never slowed down

I am without a tire squeal.

I remember once a bicycle, dropped it groaning,

Nearly got hit by a car...


This is very bad!

Vika: You need a bike,
Drive carefully
Only green light
Ride the tracks. (Bike Lane)

Danil: Remember this is an adult, know any child:
I want to become a hero to everyone from the cradle

Vlad: But the hero is not the one who drives famously along the road,
They love those who do not risk life and health.

(phonogram "I am you, he, she")

Vika: Being a Judaizer is a Big Responsibility

For myself, for friends, kids,

Being Jewish is interesting and flattering

In front of the whole school.

Danil: Operation Attention! Children!"

The kindest in the world.

And it goes on regularly

Operation Pedestrian.

Natasha: Everyone is happy to participate

In the competition for the best poster.

In the auto city we study together,

How to cross the road.

Vlad: We teach road signs together,
To better navigate the road.

We organize road games for children.

We are responsible for their safety.

Vika: Rules of the road quiz

Make children admire.

Danil: We make traffic safety corners,

Instilling respect for traffic rules.

Natasha: We are learning the rules of the road.

And we know how to drive a car according to the rules.

Vlad: And in the life of each of us, there is a cherished dream

I would like to have my own car in the future, but for now ...

We will be careful on the roads.

We will learn all the rules of the road.

We will go to the green light.

And we will teach other children this.

We are inviting everyone to UID to join.

To know how to cross the road.

We urge all traffic rules to learn.

To be safe on our way.

We believe that we are all in for a great success.

And then everyone will have cars.

For now, here's our advice:

Take care of your life - you're young!


We want, we want, we want to wish you all.

Always, always, always know the rules of the road.

We hurry, we hurry, we hurry, we hurry there,

Where our help is needed.


Let, let the road run into the distance.

Sadness - let it not lie in the heart.

You all learn traffic rules

And with us, with family, with friends

You learn traffic rules.

– We dream of a time when all the highways of the world will turn into the Good Road of Childhood!

- Where each traveler on the road will be accompanied only by luck and success.

– And then every driver and every pedestrian will be mutually polite and attentive.

“Because kindness will save the world!”


A new day is coming - it's time!

You need to know the traffic rules like the alphabet, friends.

Let the traffic lights shine on the roads of the whole country,

To avoid accidents, these rules are needed.

Rules of the road! How many worries there are in the world.

Road rules, how many roads are waiting in the world.

We will teach them together, you and me.

The scooter is not a toy for children!

Boys on scooters have become the scourge of traffic inspectors. Traffic police officers cannot find justice for teenagers snooping along the roads. You cannot explain to each individual the danger that carelessness poses. But a scooter in non-protective clothing - slippers on bare feet, a light jacket, shorts, without a helmet - you will meet not only in countryside, but also in the capital!.. Who will explain? Obviously, the parents! After all, they buy scooters for their boys, without taking care to protect the boys from the dangerous consequences of riding. Parents themselves, like children, are criminally frivolous - they only take into account the fact that “fifty kopecks” do not register, they do not need to be presented for technical inspection, they do not need rights to manage them. And it seems that you don’t even need to know the Rules of the Road.

What are the typical motivations for buying scooters for kids? Dads and moms argue lightly: why not pamper your son and buy him almost a bike, only cooler! In the yard, the child will immediately receive respect - friends will envy. Moreover, the child is not a greedy person, he will ride with the breeze both his younger sister or brother, and his friends. Or another option: the son begged for a ride on his father's scooter. So what if the boy is not 16 years old, but he is developed beyond his years, looks older than his age ... Or he will “borrow” for an hour, take it without asking ... But the finale is in many cases the saddest. From July of this year, a helmet for scooters is mandatory! But did the parents buy it for their sons? No? So it turns out that adults have become accomplices in creating deadly circumstances for their own child, and it happens that not only him alone ... But what's easier: instead of computer shooters, give your child test questions that are used to prepare for passing driver's exams certificate. You can practice online at

A scooter is a small, extremely mobile and evasive vehicle, usually saddled by an equally small owner - a boy of 12 years and older, writes Kazanskiye Vedomosti. Scooters are extremely unpredictable on the road. They develop quite a decent speed - up to 60 km / h. - and have very small wheels. If at this speed the scooter gets into a hole, it will tip over and throw the owner out of the saddle under the wheels of other road users.

“Injuries sustained by scooters are often much more severe than those sustained by drivers of two cars in a collision. There may be some minor damage. In an accident with scooters, as a rule, these are severe injuries, sometimes incompatible with life.”

It is not so much the scooter itself that is dangerous, but a completely frivolous attitude towards this type of equipment. This high-speed vehicle is perceived by parents as a more advanced bicycle. Children, especially boys, really want to get it - because it's "cool". Adults underestimate the danger. As a result, more than 85% of injuries on scooters are caused by children under 16 years old.

Any scooter driver should know the iron rules of riding a scooter:

  • Driving a scooter is only allowed from the age of 16. In the presence of category M, orany other category
  • the scooter driver is allowed to move only on the extreme right lane in one row or on the lane for motorists. Driving on the side of the road is possible if your vehicle does not interfere with pedestrians.
  • It is forbidden to drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand.
  • It is forbidden to drive on sidewalks and paths for pedestrians.
  • transportation of passengers is prohibited, unless it is provided for by the design of the vehicle.
  • transport children under 7 years old on a specially equipped seat.
  • it is forbidden to transport cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions, or cargo that interferes with control.
  • it is prohibited to make left turns or a U-turn on a tramway road that has more than one lane in a given direction.
  • it is forbidden to tow mopeds (with the exception of towing a trailer that is designed to operate a moped)
  • It is forbidden to ride a scooter without a motorcycle helmet.
  • cross the road at pedestrian crossings.
  • when moving to vehicle the dipped beam or high beam headlight must be on.
  • at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, it is recommended to have objects with retroreflective elements on outer clothing and ensure the visibility of these objects by drivers of other vehicles.

Of course, the parents who carelessly bought them such gifts are to blame for the injuries and deaths of children on scooters. And, of course, legislators who did not provide for a more sane age of the driver and the availability of rights in the rules for such a dangerous vehicle.

Dear parents!!!

Buying a scooter minor child You are putting his life and health in danger. Of course, not consciously. But think about it. You won't regret it later. After all, your "good gift" may be the last for the child ...

The purpose of the lesson: the prevention of road traffic injuries.


  1. Members of the UID squad (4 girls).
  2. Squad leader.
  3. Vovka Bublikov.
  4. Red traffic light
  5. Yellow traffic light.
  6. Green traffic light
  7. Signs (6 girls).
  8. The traffic police inspector is the ruler of the traffic lights.

Action 1.

4 girls run out in costumes of the Jews, line up in a column. Sing:

  1. Boys and girls!
  2. And also their parents!
  3. You are an interesting story.
  4. Wouldn't you like to see?

About the rules of the road
Will tell you now.
Lyceum team.
Meet us together!
Meet us together!

1. Allow me to introduce myself. propaganda team
Together: “Fara”.
2. To all the boys and girls
3. According to traffic rules, we will convey knowledge!
4. We are for safe movement
1. And your city.
Together: We won't let you down!

Action 2.

The girls remain on the stage, and the commander of the UID detachment and Vovka come out to them.

Detachment commander: Guys, today I am announcing a general meeting of the Yidovites. On the agenda is the behavior of Vovka Bublikov from the 4th grade. What can you say about this?

  1. Vovka, where I wanted to walk
  2. Didn't follow the rules of the road.
  3. Played ball on the roadway.
  4. Ran a red light.

Oh well, what's wrong with that
Still alive and well!
1. It's very good
From the misfortune that has passed.
2. And it could be otherwise!

Oh, don't worry, I'll cry!
Oh, what are you up to?
It's all right, really!

Squad leader:

Everything is fine? I wouldn't say.
No basic knowledge
The most important without a doubt
Rules of the road.
What are we to do with you?

  1. I propose to send him to the fairyland "Traffic Light".
  2. There is no such country on the map
  3. But the rules are important.

Vovka: How will I get to this country?

  1. And our friend, a bicycle, will help you get to the Traffic Lights, but only you must remember a few rules. Agree?

Vovka: I agree!

One of the YIDovtsev takes out a bicycle.

Squad leader:

So remember guys
You are a few simple truths,
Before traveling somewhere
Always “re-enable” them:

1. And first of all, we need
bicycle brake
Check so that somewhere nearby
Don't look trouble in the eye.

2. And so that the participants in the movement
You let everyone know about yourself
Check it out, no doubt
We are a beep.

3. Lantern preferably front
Set, even if only in the afternoon
The route is cycling.

4. Mark yourself with fire
Needed on a dark night...

Squad leader:

Prohibited without a lantern
Ride everyone, and extremely, very
Dangerous to be honest...

1. And in conclusion, we will tell
About that, dear friends,
For beginners and everyone with experience

2. ... which is impossible
We are on bike tours on the road
(we must know this for sure).

3. To the source of the alarm
The bicycle could not become.

4. So, driving one at least
We always hold hands.

Squad leader:

Not that the consequences are not weak
And trouble will come to you.

1. And we will leave all the passengers
We are on the taxi road.

2. And we will leave cargo for cars
Big ones are not needed...

3. About safety on the road
We must remember all the time.

4. And another very important rule: when driving on the roads, people are allowed to drive a bicycle no younger than 14 years old, and a moped - no younger than 16 years old.

Squad Leader: Do you understand?

Vovka: Got it!

The detachment commander hands Vovka a bicycle.

Together, the commander of the detachment and the YIDovtsy: Have a good trip!

Action 3.

Music is playing. Everyone runs away. Vovka leaves on a bicycle.

Vovka: Well, finally got there. I see it is written: "TRAFFIC LIGHT COUNTRY". It remains only to cross the road! But who will help me with this?

Traffic lights go out.


Cross the road
We can help you.
We are traffic lights
We burn day and night.

The traffic lights present themselves in turn:

Green: Green!

Yellow: Yellow!

Red: Red!

Pedestrians to start
You only need to know two signals.

Red: Red - stop! calmly wait.

Green: And green - come on in!

For machines, the law is
Three signals - the way is ready.

And the driver should know
You can go or stand.

Red: Red light - no traffic.

Yellow: Yellow light for cooking.

And the green light is on
Move on, the path is open.

We are siblings
We've been shining for a long time.

And we live in a house
With a title.


Vovka: Well, thank you signals. Helped. I will always remember you.

Action 4.

Vovka is knocking at the gate. He is greeted by road signs.

Sign 1. Welcome, Vova! To country


Road signs sing a song.

On the roads of the whole country
A million cars!
That's why we must
help with you
To everyone who rides and goes
On business in a hurry
Save your health and
Save everyone's life
Save everyone's life!

Chorus: We are roadside signs,
And we will help all people!
We have one responsibility
What needs to be banned!
Hey, young pedestrians,
You need to remember the signs
To keep you safe
Walk the streets!

Sign 2. In the traffic lights, signs of honor and respect,

Sign 3. Learn, Vova, us without delay!

Signs sing ditties.

Sign 1 .

Everyone knows stripes
Children know, adults know
On the other side leads - PEDESTRIAN CROSSING.

This one is also blue.
On blue - white silhouette
Going down the stairs….

When the sign hangs like this
Not a step here! Stop right now!
And if you remove the strip,
It is allowed to walk.

You did not wash your hands on the road,
Have you eaten fruits and vegetables?
It's good that the point is nearby

There is a sign on the road
He says in a stern tone:
Prohibited in this place -
Ride a BIKE!

Hey driver, be careful!
It's impossible to go fast
People know everything in the world:
can run out here... CHILDREN!

Here and there they hang
These are all your friends.
Don't forget their meaning.
When I went out with a friend.

Ay, now I understand
Signs know a lot!
Their mission is, no doubt,
It's…well, how is it….
Control traffic!

Sign 1. Well, the decisive moment has come when you are ready to meet with the Ruler of our country.

Action 5.

The music “Our service is both dangerous and difficult” sounds. The ruler of the traffic lights comes out - the inspector of the traffic police.

Traffic Inspector: Hello! The traffic police inspector is the ruler of the traffic lights.

I'll tell you, Volodya, in secret
That I serve as an inspector
Because this service
I find it very important!
In snow and rain
In thunder and storm
I'm on the street.
Thousands of cars are racing
ZISy, ZILy, M-one,
Pyatigonki and trams.
I let them pass.
If I raise my hand
There is no way for anyone.

I heard, Vova, about your exploits. What are we to do with you?

Uncle Inspector, yes, I have already corrected myself.
I won't be doing this on the street anymore.
And I will follow the rules of the road.

Inspector: Well, Vladimir, you will have to pass an exam on the Rules of the Road. Ready?

Vovka: Ready! Check.


My helpers, get out soon.
You will take the exam according to the rules from Vova.

Action 6.

YIDovtsy come out. Surround Vovka.

1. Both avenues and boulevards -
Everywhere the streets are noisy

2. Walk on the sidewalk

Vovka: on the right side!

3. Here to play pranks, interfere with the people.


4. Be an exemplary pedestrian.



If you are on the tram
And the people around you

No pushing, no yawning
Move forward quickly.

1. To ride a “hare”, as you know,


2. Give way to the old woman,


3. If you are just walking,
Look ahead anyway
4. Through a noisy intersection

Vovka: Pass carefully.

Commander: Crossing at red light


1. With green, even for children


Guys, my friends, I understand.
If you know the rules
And always fulfill them
We will live up to 200 years
No traffic accidents.

Everyone is lining up.

2. Know the rules and follow them.
3. With you

Together: UID

Inspector: And traffic police

4. Most importantly, don't forget

Together: No safety without traffic rules!

Everyone performs the “March of the YuIDovites”.


  1. Rules of the road 1-4 classes: entertaining activities. / Author - compiler S.O. Zhatin. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 108 p.
  2. Traffic rules for elementary school/ L.M. Goncharova. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2008. – 251 p.