Tire service business plan. Tire service business plan: sample, example. How to open a tire service from scratch Equipment for tire service business plan

Dear visitors, below is a business plan for a tire workshop with economic calculations of the project’s performance indicators. The document was prepared by business planning specialists, calculations were made in Excel format. If necessary, this document can be adapted to your project, and the payback indicators can be recalculated taking into account your data.

If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments below, by email or in the Vontakte group.


Goal: Opening a tire workshop at one of the city's gas stations.

Objectives: Opening a profitable tire fitting business at a gas station in a large city with the subsequent possibility of expanding to other gas stations in the network.

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project is an individual entrepreneur who has experience both in the tire business (sales of tires and wheels) and in the tire fitting business.

Investment costs

To open a tire workshop, you will need about 451.8 thousand rubles, which will be spent on organizational expenses, the purchase of equipment, tools, a trailer for the premises and a sign.

  • Organizational expenses - 30.8 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment - 141 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of tools - 80 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of a container - 150 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of an illuminated sign - 50 thousand rubles.

Project financing

The project is planned to be fully financed by a private investor, who will provide funds at 20% per annum with an arbitrary repayment schedule.

Project payback indicators

Based on information about the invested funds, planned revenue and costs of the tire shop, a payback calculation was constructed (model construction period is 10 years), on the basis of which the following performance indicators were obtained:

  • NPV - 1,243 thousand rubles;
  • simple payback period - 3.92 years;
  • - 5 years (discount rate - 20%).

Suppliers and contractors

This project to open a tire workshop does not imply any large capital investments, so in this case there is no point in selecting a large supplier from Moscow. We chose local equipment suppliers who are ready to provide and install it within 1 week after payment.


The tire fitting services provided will be the same as at other similar points:

  • Tire repair (except side cuts);
  • Wheel refurbishment;
  • Editing disks;
  • Tire storage.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

The volume of investment and the direction of its payments are presented in the following table:

Name of expense Qty price sum
30 800,00 30 800,00
1 141 000,00 141 000,00
Tool 80 000,00 80 000,00
Purchase of a trailer 1 150 000,00 150 000,00
Making a sign 1 50 000,00 50 000,00
TOTAL 451 800,00 451 800,00

Investment payment and work plan

The work schedule for opening a tire workshop is presented in the diagram below:

Below is the payment plan for investment settlements:

Name of expense 1 month 2 months 3 months
Registration of individual entrepreneurs and obtaining permits 30 800,00
Tire fitting kit 141 000,00
Tool 80 000,00
Purchasing a container 150 000,00
Making a sign 50 000,00
TOTAL 180 800,00 221 000,00 50 000,00

Production plan


A block container will be used as a room for tire fitting. Dimensions, appearance and layout are shown below:

The placement of equipment in the room is also shown in the figure below:

Working hours

The operating hours of the enterprise are 24 hours a day, seven days a week, seven days a week. For better visibility and greater customer flow into the workshop at night, an LED sign will be turned on.

Service delivery process

The process of providing the service is no different from other tire shops and includes the following steps:

  1. The client comes to the tire shop and describes the problem;
  2. The technician inspects the car visually and tries to determine the problem without external influence. When identifying a problem, the technician voices it to the client and explains what needs to be done to repair the car.
  3. If the client agrees, the master repairs.
  4. Upon completion of the repair, the technician will announce the cost of the work.
  5. The client pays and leaves.

Average markup for services

The markup on all services and materials provided by tire fitting is 100%. If a service is provided, then the master receives 25% of the cost of the service provided, if materials are used (cargoes, etc.), then their cost in the price for the client is 10%.

Marketing plan

Competition and location

The workshop will be very advantageously located in the city center on an existing plot of land on which there is already a gas station. This will allow the tire shop not to have problems with customers, who, when stopping at a gas station, will always remember and see our workshop.

There are 4 types of tire shops on the market based on the level of service they offer to customers:

  • Workshops at tire stores - they are distinguished by a good level of service, the presence of a rest room for visitors, and sometimes they even offer drinks and snacks to visitors. In such workshops, prices are the highest compared to other types of tire shops.
  • Car service workshops also have a good level of service and have a rest room, but depending on the level of service, their prices may vary.
  • Workshops at gas stations are usually located in block containers, there is no rest room for customers, and the range of services is minimal. The price level is usually average.
  • Separate workshops - there is no additional service for clients, a minimum set of services. Prices are also low.

Range of services and prices

To determine the pricing strategy, the price level at existing tire shops in the city was investigated. The average cost of the service was analyzed without division by operation. The information is summarized in the table (RUB):

Services list Workshops at tire stores Workshops at car services Workshops at gas stations Separate auto repair shops
Wheel balancing 200 - 250 150 - 200 150 - 200 125 - 150
Replacing rims 150 125 125 110
Rubber blackening 1 500 1 300 1 300 1 100
Tire repair (harness insertion) 150 125 125 110
Replacing tires 150 125 125 110
Editing wheel rims From the degree of difficulty The service is not provided The service is not provided The service is not provided
Replacing wheel assemblies 100 80 80 70
Tire inflation 10 10 10 10

Due to the lack of free space, there will be no seasonal storage of tires, wheel alignment, and there will be no sale of tires and wheels, since this requires additional investment of one’s own funds in the assortment.

Prices, sales structure and cost are presented in the table below:

Services list Cost price Extra charge Price Share in revenue
Wheel balancing 87,50 100% 175,00 15%
Replacing rims 62,50 100% 125,00 16%
Rubber blackening 650,00 100% 1 300,00 17%
Tire repair 62,50 100% 125,00 21%
Replacing tires 62,50 100% 125,00 27%
Replacing wheel assemblies 40,00 100% 80,00 3%
Tire inflation 5,00 100% 10,00 0,4%
TOTAL 79,35 100% 158,70 100%

Below is a graph showing the workshop’s revenue structure:

Volume of sales

The average bill in such a workshop is about 500 rubles. At the same time, the number of clients per day (when calculated for the entire year and taking away seasonality factors) is about 75 people. It is worth noting that this business is very seasonal, so in spring and autumn (especially in the first days of snowfall) there is simply an awful lot of work, and the rest of the time (especially in summer) there are practically no clients. Seasonality coefficients of demand for tire fitting services are presented in the graph below:

In addition, reaching the average sales indicated earlier may not be achieved immediately, but gradually. The average annual sales schedule is presented below:

Advertising strategy

  • place an LED sign;
  • distributing discount business cards for a 5% discount right at the gas station where the business is located.

SWOT analysis

In order to determine the workshop strategy, the strengths and weaknesses were analyzed:

  • good location
  • adequate pricing strategy
  • minimum investment
  • minimum set of services


  • recruiting staff and developing a client base from scratch


  • increasing the number of points and placing workshops at all gas stations in the city;
  • increasing the range of services provided

Organizational plan

Form of doing business

To conduct business, an individual entrepreneur will be registered, as the project initiator.

Personnel and staffing structure

The number of personnel at the tire service will be minimal. The entire staff of the workshop will consist of 5 craftsmen who will work according to the following system:

  • 1 day - works during the day;
  • 2 days - works at night;
  • 3 days - rest;
  • Day 4 - rest.

A 5th person is needed to replace sick people and those on vacation.

All other work on supplies and various business affairs will be carried out by the project initiator himself.

Accounting will be carried out by an outsourced accountant.

The structure of the enterprise is presented in the diagram below:

Financial plan


In order to calculate the payback and efficiency of the project, we made the following assumptions regarding macroeconomic indicators and the tax environment:

3.92 years;

  • discounted payback period - 5 years (discount rate - 20%).
  • The period for constructing the model is 10 years.

    Break even

    Using the model, the break-even point was calculated, which for this project amounted to 100 thousand rubles/month.

    Project sustainability analysis

    In order to analyze our business for sustainability, an analysis was made of how the project’s profit and payback period would behave when prices for services, fixed costs or the volume of investments changed. A summary report on changes in NPV depending on changes in factors is presented in the table below:

    Factor name -20% -10% 0 +10% +20%
    Prices 601 943 1 243 1 564 1 823
    Fixed expenses 1 433 1 331 1 243 1 139 1 023
    Amount of investment 1 369 1 305 1 243 1 198 1 140

    Risk analysis

    Tire fitting services are always required. Even if there is a decrease in the income of the population, they cannot help but change the wheels if the first snow falls or they cannot drive on winter wheels in the summer. If a tire breaks, no one will sit at home and glue the tires themselves.

    The only serious risk for the enterprise would be the unexpected closure of the gas station on whose territory the workshop is planned to be located. This will either lead to the closure of the workshop itself or to a decrease in the flow of customers (depending on whether this land plot will be sold to someone or will continue to be owned by the gas station network). However, the probability of such an event occurring is quite low. Today, the network is profitable and is developing slightly.


    This example of a business plan for a tire shop with payback calculation shows good efficiency ratios, which suggests that it will be of interest not only to the project initiator himself, but also to investors - private and credit organizations.

    Business ideas related to cars attract high profits and quick payback. Tire fitting does not require significant investments and special qualifications of personnel, but has a pronounced seasonality of income. A sample tire service business plan will help you understand the many nuances of this type of activity.



    Basic tire fitting services:

    • tire inflation;
    • puncture repair;
    • seasonal tire fitting;
    • tubeless repair;
    • dismantling and installation of wheels;
    • wheel balancing.

    Additional services:

    • tire storage;
    • tire recycling;
    • checking and measuring tire pressure.

    Types and types of tire fitting

    There are two types of tire fitting:

    • stationary - the whole range of services is provided at a permanent location;
    • mobile - services are provided by a mobile workshop.

    Division of tire service by type of vehicle:

    • passenger - passenger cars;
    • cargo - trucks and trucks;
    • specialized - working with exclusive and sports cars.


    The relevance of the business is due to the following factors:

    • stable growth in the number of cars (8–10% annually);
    • does not require time for promotion;
    • one of the most popular auto services;
    • It’s easy to open a tire shop from scratch, the business does not require special permits;
    • when opening during a period of sharp increase in demand, the payback period will be about 4 months.

    Market description and analysis

    To organize your business, you should evaluate your business project according to the following criteria:

    • characterize the target audience;
    • determine the competitiveness of the planned business;
    • analyze the selected market segment;
    • assess risks and ways to minimize them.

    The market characteristics are as follows:

    • Currently, there are more than 20,000 tire shops in Russia, which is why there is high competition;
    • tire fitting will be a profitable business for million-plus cities with positive dynamics in the number of cars;
    • tire fitting is a highly profitable activity (about 40%);
    • Sales peak in the off-season, when it is necessary to change tires between winter and summer.

    When planning a tire fitting business, it is important to choose the right season to open a workshop. It is optimal to open before the start of the “re-shoe” season, when demand is highest. When starting work in September, demand grows in October and reaches its peak in November, which means it is profitable to open in the fall. During this period, about twenty clients visit the tire shop every day.

    The target audience

    The target audience depends on the type of tire service:

    • if the workshop specializes in passenger cars, then their owners are potential clients;
    • residents of this area will turn to a tire shop located in a residential area;
    • The clients of a tire shop located on a busy highway are the owners of passing cars;
    • More than half of the clients are men aged 20 to 55 years.

    Competitive advantages

    The main competitive advantages of tire fitting include:

    • decent quality of services at an affordable price;
    • high level of service;
    • positive customer reviews;
    • a large list of additional services provided;
    • good location;
    • professional marketing campaign.

    Distribution of clients by tire market share

    Advertising campaign

    Marketing tools to attract customers:

    • readable sign;
    • advertising on billboards located near tire shops;
    • business cards and flyers with directions;
    • promotions indicating the timing (we change the radius 16" at a price of 15");
    • contextual advertising, groups on social networks;
    • corporate offer to taxi services;
    • bonuses for purchases that can be used to pay next time.

    Step-by-step instructions for opening a tire shop

    Step-by-step instructions will help you understand where to start opening a tire shop. It will also explain whether it can be opened in the garage and what is needed to open it. An entrepreneur who wants to determine for himself whether it is profitable to open a tire repair shop must decide how much each type of service will cost.

    After identifying the target audience and analyzing the market, the following steps should be taken:

    1. Draw up a detailed business plan for tire fitting.
    2. Collect documents to open a case.
    3. Find a suitable premises.
    4. Purchase and install equipment and inventory.
    5. Select staff.
    6. Conduct an advertising campaign.
    7. Open a tire shop.


    Licensing for tire fitting is currently cancelled. It is only required, there will be no problems with this. When registering, you must indicate all types of activities of the organization.

    Types of activities according to OKVED:

    • 50.20.2 - “Maintenance and repair of other vehicles” (reflects the entire list of tire fitting services);
    • 50.20.3 - “Provision of other types of services for vehicle maintenance” (for a mobile tire service).

    The certificate will confirm the classification of the tire shop, the level of services provided and will have a positive impact on its reputation.

    Necessary documents for registering a business form (individual entrepreneurs and LLCs are suitable for tire fitting):

    • receipt of payment of state duty 800 rubles. for individual entrepreneurs (4000 rubles for LLC);
    • application in form No. Р21001 for individual entrepreneurs (No. Р11001 for LLC);
    • application for transition to the simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
    • a copy of all pages of the passport;
    • LLC charter;
    • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners).

    The minimum authorized capital of an LLC is 10,000 rubles.

    Documents to get started:

    • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC;
    • certificate confirming ownership (or lease agreement).

    The room and its location

    Premises requirements:

    • area of ​​at least 10 sq. meters;
    • availability of communications (water, electricity, heating);
    • separate room (not in residential buildings);
    • availability of ventilation;
    • safe lighting and electrical appliances;
    • the presence of a natural light source (window);
    • finishing of floors and walls with moisture-resistant and explosion-proof materials.

    To reduce rental costs, you can open a tire shop in your garage. The benefit is obvious - the savings will be about 15 thousand per month. Its subsequent profitability depends on the location of the workshop. In turn, the optimal location of the workshop depends on the type of installation.

    The best options for tire mounting location:

    • area near active highways;
    • entry and exit from the city;
    • central, busy streets for passenger tire fitting;
    • visibility of the sign and premises from a busy road;
    • proximity to gas stations and parking lots;
    • proximity to warehouses and intercity routes for truck tire fitting.

    Equipment and inventory

    To increase the profitability of an enterprise, it is necessary to offer clients a wide range of services of the highest quality. Many entrepreneurs purchase high-quality used equipment, which saves an impressive amount.

    Calculation of equipment needs:

    The video shows an overview of tire fitting equipment. Filmed by the channel Your Business - Your Business.

    Consumables used in the tire fitting process:

    • padded weights;
    • tourniquets;
    • valves;
    • caps;
    • chemicals to speed up work;
    • adhesive type weights.

    Balancing stand from 35 thousand rubles. Compressor from 30 thousand rubles. Lift from 55 thousand rubles. Tire changing stand from 30 thousand rubles. Machine for straightening discs from 200 thousand rubles. Bath for checking tires and tubes from 6 thousand rubles.


    To operate a tire workshop in one shift, two technicians will be required with a salary of 15 thousand rubles. The function of administrator and manager can be taken over by the business organizer, while the accountant will be a freelance employee. If necessary, it will be possible to increase the staff.

    Requirements for the master:

    • competence in issues related to installation;
    • good physical form;
    • diligence;
    • attentiveness;
    • politeness;
    • responsibility.

    Financial plan

    You can download ready-made examples of a tire shop business plan for free online. A profitable business can be opened by carefully planning the size of investments and forecasting income.

    Features of the financial plan:

    • a tire workshop is opened in its own garage on a busy street, which helps to increase the profitability of the business;
    • garage area - 30 sq. meters;
    • form of ownership - individual entrepreneur with simplified tax system (tax is 15% on net profit).

    How much does it cost to open a tire shop?

    In order to determine how much it costs to open a tire shop, you need to sum up the following cost items:

    • funds for the purchase of equipment;
    • pre-advertising costs;
    • business registration costs;
    • amount of money for repairs.

    Regular expenses

    Monthly expenses during operation.


    Projected earnings.

    Calendar plan

    Calendar plan for the implementation of a business idea for opening a tire workshop.

    Risks and payback

    Thanks to the right choice of opening season, reaching the break-even point is possible within 2 months. And the payback period of the project is from 4 months. Mobile tire shops pay for themselves faster than stationary ones, but bring less profit.

    Types of risks and measures to prevent them:

    1. High level of competition. In addition to specialized workshops, many car repair shops with a comprehensive range of services and large service centers provide tire fitting services. To prevent this type of risk, you need to choose the right location for your workshop and a loyal pricing policy. A competent marketing campaign aimed at creating a circle of regular customers is also necessary.
    2. Low quality of service. An employee's negligence directly affects the company's profit. To minimize risk, it is worth establishing a piece-rate wage system (percentage of revenue).
    3. Equipment failure. Any malfunction can lead to a stop in the workshop. Clients will not wait long and will turn to another workshop. To minimize the impact of this risk, it is necessary that at least one of the employees understands technology. It is advisable to use part of the net profit to form a reserve fund for replacing equipment.
    4. Periods of low demand. During the low season, revenue may be so low that the company’s activities will not be profitable. The formation of a reserve fund to cover losses and pay wages will also help here.


    Organization of seasonal tire fitting in 7 days, tips for implementing a business idea. Filmed by the channel Your Business - Your Business.

    At first glance, it may seem that opening your own tire shop is not the best option for a novice entrepreneur. Indeed, everywhere you look there are signs urging car owners to change tires or repair damage.

    However, opening a tire shop is one of the few business ideas that, despite this niche in the market being completely filled, will generate good income.

    Seasonality of business and other nuances

    The largest percentage of profits occurs in spring and autumn, when it’s time to “change shoes”. Part of the money received is used to cover expenses associated with tire service activities in winter and summer.

    Some entrepreneurs even suspend operations in the summer, but this is not an entirely optimal solution. Troubles such as a punctured wheel, deformed rims, or complete tire wear, which requires you to buy and install new tires, can happen at any time. Of course, in the summer there are no such queues as in the spring and autumn, but competition at this time of year is significantly reduced, because some services are temporarily closed.

    If you decide to open your tire shop from scratch, pay attention to a number of other features:

    • the profitability of the business largely depends on the location (we will talk about this in more detail below);
    • opening a small tire shop does not require much initial investment;
    • The owner of a tire shop can work under one of several taxation systems (“simplified”, “imputed” or patent). Each of these reporting methods has its pros and cons. Thus, under the patent system, you cannot hire more than 15 workers. The difference between UTII is that the amount of tax does not depend on the profit received, while the number of employees is taken into account when calculating the amount payable to the budget. Those who work in simplified jobs pay taxes depending on the profit received;
    • You need to decide what kind of tire shop you want to open. The most common type is the stationary option. Such auto repair shops provide a full range of services related to the operation of tires and wheels. There are also mobile tire shops that provide on-site services to any specified location;
    • among other things, there are services that work with passenger vehicles, trucks or specialized ones (rare and sports cars).

    What do you need to get started?

    Before you go to the tax and other services, take care purchasing the necessary equipment and finding a suitable location. As practice shows, these are the activities that require the most time.

    Make a list of the tools and equipment you need, find good suppliers and place an order (if the equipment is not in stock). Make a rough estimate and decide how much more money you will need to invest.

    The situation is much more complicated with those who do not have initial capital. You can ask your friends or relatives for the required amount, but not everyone can boast of having wealthy acquaintances. Some sell vacant real estate and invest the proceeds in business. At the same time, you need to remember that any own business is associated with high risks, which means there is a possibility that you can be left without an apartment and without a business.

    The best option for those who decide to open a tire shop is to contact a credit institution.

    Some banks offer targeted loans on favorable terms intended for the development of your own business. Once the required amount is on hand, you can begin the immediate implementation of your project.

    Another important point is drawing up a business plan. Some novice entrepreneurs skip this stage and make do with only compiling a list of expected expenses and income. However, a person trying himself as a businessman for the first time is still recommended to draw up such a project. This will help you plan your business activities wisely and effectively distribute funds.

    Choosing a service location

    One of the most problematic stages of opening your own tire shop is finding a suitable location. The most “profitable” places, as a rule, are already occupied, so you have to look for additional “loopholes”. It is necessary to locate the tire service close to busy highways or in the area of ​​garage cooperatives. Such places are rarely empty, so you need to study demand and find out which workshops cannot cope with the influx of customers.

    If you see a long line of people at the tire shop wanting to “change their shoes” for the winter, and at the same time some impatient drivers turn around and leave, then the demand in the area is great, so you can look for a place nearby. Just don’t try to open a workshop across the street from a competitor – it’s not the best idea. Consider also places in the vicinity of car washes, gas stations and parking lots.

    Please note that your tire shop should be clearly visible from the road. The room itself can be a large garage with a pit and convenient access. Also make sure there is enough parking space.

    The size and furnishings of the room directly depend on what kind of clients you are going to serve. If the service is designed for VIP class clients, then the conditions must be provided accordingly. Designate a separate “waiting room” where car owners can drink tea or coffee while their car is being serviced.

    Required personnel and equipment

    The safest thing to do is to work with a trusted professional you know, but if there is no such person, you can advertise the vacancy in a newspaper or on the Internet. For a small workshop two or three people will be enough, one of which is yourself. If you have no experience in this field, learn tire fitting yourself. It’s not enough to be a manager; you also need to understand all the intricacies of business.

    Over time, you will be able to train workers yourself and create a staff of good specialists. Be sure to follow your masters, check the quality of work and the funds received.

    Some workers hide part of the proceeds or perform work at different rates. Do not spare money on installing video cameras - this will help you monitor the activities of the workshop, even if you are at a great distance from it.

    When choosing equipment, be guided by your own budget. If you don’t have that much money, the solution would be to purchase used equipment. If possible, consult with a knowledgeable person to avoid purchasing damaged equipment. Below is an approximate list of necessary equipment for tire fitting:

    • A tire changing machine, such a device costs approximately 50,000 rubles;
    • A machine for balancing wheels, you can buy the device for 35,000 rubles;
    • Vulcanizer, prices start from 7,000 rubles;
    • Jacks, prices for them vary widely (the cheapest can be found for 1,500 rubles);
    • Compressor (from 150,000 rubles);
    • Additional tools and equipment: pneumatic impact wrench, tire inflation gun, wheel inspection bath, wrenches, workbench, etc.

    Nuances when working with trucks and mobile services

    It is most profitable to open a mobile tire service with an existing stationary workshop. At the same time, travel to your home or to any place in the city is possible provide as an additional service.

    In order to open a mobile service, you need to purchase a suitable car. It will contain all the equipment with tools: balancing and tire stands, rolling jack, vulcanizer, compressor, etc. Take care of purchasing a generator that will provide the equipment with electricity.

    The car must be such that it can freely accommodate all the listed equipment and not interfere with the craftsmen doing their work.

    Make sure your car is in good working order and reliable., otherwise the reputation of your mobile tire service will be seriously damaged. Imagine a situation in which a customer's call is canceled due to a vehicle breakdown. Most likely, a person will not want to use the services of your workshop a second time.

    Prices for mobile tire fitting services are slightly higher than the prices of stationary workshops. A significant percentage of the clientele is women, so employees must look neat and behave politely. Don't forget to advertise on your call vehicle.

    It is somewhat more difficult to open a truck tire shop. Firstly, this requires more funds, and secondly, you need to choose the location especially carefully. The advantage of such a business is the almost complete absence of competitors, which means you can count on constant demand and high income.

    How much does it cost to open and is it profitable?

    It's time to take stock. Since prices are different in all regions, the total cost will also vary. Average, opening a tire shop can cost from 200,000 to 500,000 rubles(depending on the size of the workshop):

    • Purchase of equipment – ​​from 80,000 to 160,000 rubles;
    • Purchase of tools and additional equipment – ​​up to 20,000 rubles;
    • Rent – ​​from 20,000 per month;
    • Salary for two employees – from 40,000 rubles per month;
    • Consumables – from 8,000 rubles;
    • Furniture – from 8,000 rubles.

    Things are much simpler if you have your own garage. You can open a small workshop in it, designed to service several machines per day. In this case, you can limit expenses to 35,000 rubles.

    Now let’s calculate the approximate profit. If you service 25 cars a day, then you can earn 100,000 rubles a month on repairs alone: ​​the cost of repairing a wheel ranges from 100 to 150 rubles, so the cost per day will be up to 3000-4000 rubles. And if we consider the activity of tire fitting in the autumn-spring period, then revenue increases several times, because the service of changing tires will be in greatest demand.

    Thus, opening your own tire shop is a profitable and inexpensive business, in which absolutely anyone can try themselves as a novice entrepreneur. With properly organized work, the business will pay off in the shortest possible time. Moreover, the number of car owners is increasing every day, and at the same time the demand for auto repair shop services is growing.

    Interview with the owner of a tire service chain

    The video shows an interesting story about this area of ​​business:

    Perhaps one of the most important acquisitions in the life of every person, especially a city dweller, is a car. Today it is impossible to imagine a successful entrepreneur or office worker traveling on foot. There is, of course, public transport, but not everyone will agree to use it if they have the opportunity to comfortably get to their destination in their own car. Even if it is financially more expensive and takes more time.

    For the same reason, many car owners have stopped repairing their cars themselves. It is much easier and faster to entrust this task to professionals, and in some cases even cheaper.

    After all, tools and consumables also need to be purchased and stored somewhere. This is precisely the reason for the continuing popularity of service stations and individual tire shops, which every entrepreneur looking for a new niche should definitely take advantage of.

    Business Features

    The tire fitting business can be classified as a seasonal type of business. This is due to the need to change tires on the car (from summer to winter and vice versa).

    It is necessary to build on this in business planning: to open an enterprise at the beginning or at the height of the season, to take into account different profitability in long-term financial planning.

    No licenses or permits are required to work in this market sector.

    The list of services is often quite narrow, due to which the financial costs of training new employees are low.

    Enterprises of this type are mostly self-sufficient and do not require separate gas, water and heat supplies. Therefore, the general organization of tire service work consists of preparing the premises and arranging the equipment with which employees will work.

    If any innovative technologies/approaches are used in the services provided, specialist assistance may be required. In all other cases, basic technical knowledge and correctly drawn up estimates and work instructions will be sufficient.

    Types of tire shops

    There are not many of them, but the differences are significant. They mainly consist in the type of transport that the workshop serves.

    They provide tire fitting services for cars, trucks and other vehicles.

    The first group includes all light and heavy vehicles. A tire workshop specializing in cargo transport services vans, trailers, trucks, which requires large production areas.

    Specialized types of tire fitting include organizations that service sports cars, luxury cars, motorcycles, ATVs, etc.

    All of the listed enterprises are most often stationary. They have one or more rooms and additional space for parking and street servicing of vehicles.

    But in off-road conditions or on a long journey between cities/countries, on-site tire fitting may be required. In this regard, a separate type of mobile workshop has emerged that provides services directly at the puncture/breakage site.

    Such a business has many features related to finding clients, organizing work, pricing, etc. Therefore, novice entrepreneurs are recommended to start with a stationary tire service, after which they can organize an on-site service (as one of the additional services).

    Types of services provided

    Tire installation/removal- This is the main service of any tire workshop. Used when replacing seasonal or damaged sets of tires.

    Wheel balancing– a very important and responsible process, on which both the service life of tires and the safety of their use depend. Requires a vertical lift and appropriate balancing equipment.

    “Symptoms” of imbalance are the appearance of various types of noise, deterioration in controllability, vibration of the body and steering rack. In this regard, wheel imbalance can cause damage to the steering system, the repair of which will cost many times more. It is important to be able to explain this to the client.

    Remove and install– an elementary service that is still in demand.

    Wheel washing- rather an additional element that owners of dirty cars pay for. After all, technology does not allow maintenance, repair, and especially balancing of dirty wheels.

    Yes, and this damages the equipment. Therefore, the client is often given a choice: either clean it themselves or pay for washing.

    Sometimes this service can be provided free of charge as part of another, more expensive one.

    Services for repair, installation and balancing of motorcycle wheels– a separate point, since the specifics of working with motorcycles have a number of features. Such services are always highlighted as a separate item in the price list.

    Tubeless tire repair- a very complex and responsible process that will require specialized equipment for removal and installation, as well as for the repair itself. It is entrusted to highly qualified, careful craftsmen, and therefore costs more.

    Repairing side cuts– a special vulcanizer is used with the ability to heat the tires from the inside and outside. Such equipment requires appropriate knowledge and a responsible approach.

    Therefore, it is important to find a knowledgeable specialist when including this item in the list of services.

    Installing a patch on the camera– the simplest (“cold”) type of puncture repair. Does not require special equipment.

    High temperature chamber repair– differs from the point above by the use of liquid rubber and at high heating temperatures. This repair is more expensive, but the guarantee of durability is much greater.

    Disposal of used tires– can be included in additional types of services of elite tire shops.

    Storing seasonal tires– any motorist knows that rubber can deteriorate greatly and become deformed if handled incorrectly, but not everyone has the space and knowledge of how to safely store winter tires in the summer and vice versa. A service from the “other” range.

    Cutting/updating the tread pattern– will require additional equipment. But it can become very popular in small cities, where vehicle owners prefer to save on buying new tires.

    Checking and tightening bolts– can be either a free or a paid service. There is no need to explain the importance of tightly tightened fasteners.

    Disc restoration and cosmetic repairs– failed or only externally worn out discs can and should be put in order, after which the unnecessary set can be sold. It is beneficial for both the service and the motorist.

    Blackening of tires for sale– an additional, not highly profitable, but still popular service.

    Checking the pressure in the chambers– most often it is a free, pleasant addition to any other service.

    Pumping with air and nitrogen, pumping up wheel chambers– a simple and popular service. Nitrogen is beneficial (for motorists) in that it differs from oxygen in being less fluid, and therefore the pressure in the tires does not drop longer, and when punctured, the tire does not deflate so quickly.

    In addition, a tire workshop can be combined with a car wash and other additional and independent vehicle maintenance services. But at the initial stage it is worth choosing 8-10 services and achieving the highest quality from employees.

    Afterwards, it will be possible to announce the emergence of new services, which will attract additional client attention to the organization.

    You can learn how to open a tire workshop from the video.

    Registration of a legal entity is the first step to opening

    To legitimize the activities of such an organization, it is necessary to go through the standard registration procedure of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The choice of legal form of organization depends on profitability and the number of employees involved.

    Therefore, it is recommended to immediately open an LLC or CJSC for those entrepreneurs who have plans for expansion. In addition, individual entrepreneurs do not pay VAT, which makes cooperation with them unprofitable for large enterprises - suppliers.

    But the final choice, of course, is yours. After all, individual entrepreneurs also have a plus - a simplified form of taxation.

    A complete list of documents required for registration can be obtained from the registration chamber of your region.

    Tire service business plan: resources required when opening

    If we do not touch upon the financial resources from which the rest are acquired, the general list of tangible and intangible assets may look like this:

    1. Room.
      The area in general is 40 - 50 square meters. meters.

      But it is worth proceeding from the number of services offered and equipment purchased.
      Perhaps you decide to open a small tire shop.

      And then only a small room will be required to store consumables and equipment, and all services will be provided directly on the site in front of the workshop.
      This option is relevant for small cities.

      But if you are expanding on a larger scale, then take into account the number of potential customers and their seasonal influx.
      After all, the number of jobs for cars and lifts serviced simultaneously will depend on this.

    2. Equipment.
      The standard set includes a jack, a hydraulic lift, an appropriate type of vulcanizer, a tire changer, and a balancing stand.
    3. Tools.
    4. Consumables, spare parts and goods (tires, wheels).
      It is worth purchasing with a reserve of at least 3 months of work (season).
    5. Additional personal and industrial hygiene products.
    6. Staff: Don't forget to include an accountant (or the cost of one) in your plan.
    7. Marketing plan, which will indicate your target audience, the main methods of advertising and attracting customers, planning promotions and discount programs, market research, and actions for pre-launch advertising.
    8. Financial plan: your forecasts for income and expenses for the first year of operation of the enterprise.

    The funds required to open a tire shop will be discussed further.

    Production plan

    To write this item of the business plan, it is necessary to conduct market research, which will indicate specific data on the volume of the market, its activity, the size of competition, and the coverage of the market by competitors. You need to know how many motorists in your city use tire fitting services and how often.

    What part of the market does each competitor cover and what part will you cover by setting up a workshop in one place or another?

    It is important to say that choosing a location for an enterprise is one of the most important tasks that determines the success of a business. You need to choose a place with busy traffic.

    The place where there is demand... And this is where studying the activities of competitors comes in handy: if one of them cannot cope with the flow of cars, “help him”!

    Of course, it is not worth building in the immediate vicinity. But even a workshop located at a distance with high quality service can intercept an excessive flow and even part of a competitor’s existing customer base.

    And to achieve quality, you need to correctly draw up a production plan.

    Knowing the number of potential clients, you can once again check your list of services and cross out unprofitable items from it. Then, using simple mathematical calculations, determine the average workload of the enterprise in season and off-season, and make sure of the profitability of the project.

    Then describe in detail to whom and how the services will be provided, break the entire production cycle into its component parts and set a time frame. Upon completion of this work, it is worth writing production instructions for craftsmen.

    Financial plan

    This is one of the most important documents in business planning.

    Let's divide it into subparagraphs:

    1. Expenses.
    2. Income.
    3. Balance (net profit).

    To costs can be attributed:

    • purchase of equipment – ​​from 100 thousand rubles;
    • registration, acquisition of current assets – from 30 thousand rubles;
    • rent for premises – from 20 thousand rubles. monthly;
    • wage fund - from 60 thousand rubles. monthly;
    • consumables – from 10 thousand rubles. monthly;
    • taxes – depend on income;
    • other expenses – 5 thousand rubles. monthly;
    • Total: from 215 thousand rubles. for 1 month of work; from 415 thousand rubles. for the first 3 months of work.

    Income can only be determined based on the actual market situation. Statistics show that at the peak of the season, tire service revenue can exceed 300 thousand rubles, and in the off-season - 200 thousand rubles.

    That is, it is quite possible to pay for a workshop in 1 month after opening at the beginning of the season, or in a few months during a lull.

    Net profit: in addition to the salary, a tire repair shop can bring you from 30 thousand rubles of net income (after paying all taxes). Depending on existing costs and the cost of services, you can vary profits, improve conditions for clients and thereby expand your base.

    Increasing the speed of service can also influence the car owner's choice in your favor. So the above figure can be increased several times, depending on the region.

    Risks When opening this type of organization, the organizations are small. Compliance with safety rules and technologies for working with cars minimizes the costs of repairing failed machines and correcting damage caused to the client’s car.

    Proper training of employees and control of the production process will also reduce overexpenditure of working capital.

    You need to make it clear to employees that the quality of their work determines the size of their wages and the safety (and therefore satisfaction) of clients.

    Find out the business plan for opening a tire shop from scratch in the video.

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