Safe wheel competition program. Competition "safe wheel" material on the topic. KVN on traffic rules

Municipal state-financed organization additional education Center for the development of creativity of children and youth of the urban settlement "Workers' Village Chegdomyn" Verkhnebureinsky municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory Scenario of a sports and educational event "Safe Wheel" Author of additional education teacher Pereverzeva T.G.

2019 Explanatory note Protecting the health and life of children involves organizing training in traffic rules and the basics of life safety in such a way that the student develops a vital need not only to study, but also to comply with the Road Traffic Rules (hereinafter referred to as traffic rules). The solution is this priority task, as protecting the life and health of children, involves the interaction of employees of an educational institution and parents to develop sustainable knowledge and skills in students safe behavior on the roads and streets by studying the Rules of the Road and practicing them in extracurricular activities. This event is aimed at creating a culture of safe behavior of children and adults on the roads, a conscious attitude to the rules of personal safety, mastering knowledge and skills that will help avoid injuries on the road, monitor the situation and anticipate danger. I purposefully involve parents in these events, since, firstly, in the matter of road safety, it is parents who must demonstrate by personal example an example of correct behavior on the road and in transport. Secondly, parental participation in a school event increases its value and significance. Cooperation of all participants educational process, as well as representatives of the public, in this case traffic police officers, provides a high educational potential for the event. The proposed scenario for the “Safe Wheel” event includes a theoretical part and practical competitions in the technique of owning a bicycle in compliance with traffic rules. Parents and children are active participants in this event. Joint participation in the "Safe Wheel" competition makes parents and children closer friend to a friend, which is important for a child at any age. the goal of the event is to form in children and parents a conscious and responsible attitude towards the issue of personal and public safety in road traffic conditions; Objectives:   consolidate knowledge of safe behavior on the roads and practical skills in traffic rules; create positive emotional contact between parents, children and teachers. Equipment:     fencing cones – 30 pieces; car first aid kit 1 piece; stopwatch 1 pc.; fencing strip - 2 m. 1 sh.;

 bicycles, scooters at least 2 pcs. for each family;  chalk 3 pcs.  computer, projector. Venue: assembly hall, central recreation park. Progress of the event Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends, participants and guests of our sports and educational event “Safe Wheel”. Summer has come and you spend most of your free time outside, playing various outdoor games, including on bicycles, scooters and roller skates. But just at summer period There is always an increase in child road traffic injuries on the streets of our village. In order to reduce the number of accidents and involve you, the children, in its prevention, today we are holding our sports and educational event “Safe Wheel”, which will help you understand the rules of the road, and your parents will consolidate the knowledge and skills of safe behavior on the roads. Part 1 of our event – ​​viewing of schoolchildren”, “Road Rules”. Questions for consolidation: films “Traffic rules for 1. What is the name of the main road for pedestrians? (sidewalk) 2. In what places can you cross the street? (at a traffic light, at a pedestrian crossing) 3. Is it possible to cross the road in front of nearby traffic? (No) 4. When can I get on and off the bus? (after it stops) 5. At what age can children ride a bicycle? (from 14 years old) And on a moped? (from 16 years old) 6. Is it possible to ride a bicycle on the roadway? (no) 7. Where on the roadway can you wait for moving traffic? (at the traffic island) 8. How is the pedestrian crossing marked? (zebra) 9. At what color of traffic light should you not cross the street? (red and yellow) 10. Why can’t this be done? (the vehicle cannot stop immediately) 11. Where to wait public transport? (at stops) 12. On which side can you go around the bus? (back) Part 2 of the event – ​​practical.

All participants go to the recreation park for the practical part - the competition. The presenter organizes the grand opening of the competition and conducts safety briefings. Station 1. “Knowledge of the rules for using a bicycle” The participants’ task is to correctly name the parts of the bicycle that the judge will point out at this stage (steering wheel, frame, chain, pedals, wheel, trunk, reflector, fender, brake, spokes, etc.) , and also answer three theoretical issues. For each correct answer, the team receives one point. Questions: What do you need to check before every bike ride? 1. Tire pressure 2. Serviceability of the brake 3. Presence of dirt and dust on the bicycle mechanism The movement of a cyclist is prohibited if there is a malfunction of: 1. Pedals 2. Wheels 3. Brake system Should a bicycle driver present any documents to the police? 1. Permit to drive 2. Documents on the purchase of the bicycle 3. Should not At what slack is the chain tensioned correctly? 1. Sag should be 59 mm 2. Sag should be no more than 12 mm 3. Sag should be 1520 mm 4. Sag should be 2025 mm With the correct saddle height: 1. The leg placed on the pedal remains straight, the heel rests on the pedal. 2. Legs are bent. 3. The leg placed on the pedal remains straight, the toe of the foot rests on the pedal. Station 2. “Figured bicycle driving.” Purpose: Testing the ability to control a bicycle under given conditions is carried out on a specially equipped track, which includes obstacles located from each other at a distance of 5 to 10 m. The track includes the following types of obstacles: “figure eight”; transporting objects from rack to rack with the left hand; slalom with unequally spaced pins; slalom between goals (washers); "snake"; braking at the finish line (do not hit the control bar with your wheel). The stage is completed separately by all family members for a while and is recorded by the judges. The winners are the participants (families) who accumulated the fewest penalty points in the least amount of time spent completing the course.      

Penalty points are awarded:    touching the ground with one foot - 1 penalty point, with two feet - 2 penalty points; missing, moving or touching an obstacle – 5 penalty points; incomplete passage through an obstacle 5 penalty points. Part: 4. Final part. Presenter 1: Dear participants! Our event has come to an end. All tests are over. The long-awaited moment comes for summing up and rewarding. Awarding the winners and prize-winners of the competition. We would like to wish you health and safety, so that you always, in any weather, at any time of the day, at all times of the year, follow the rules of the road, without endangering your life and the lives of those around you. Goodbye! See you again! References 1. Textbook for general educational institutions“Fundamentals of life safety” from 5th to 11th grades/ed. – S.N. Vangorodsky, M.I. Kuznetsov, V.N. Latchuk, V.V. Markov: Moscow, Bustard 2011 2. Safe roads of childhood. Tips for parents. M., 2010. 3. Pedestrian on the road: training minimum according to Road Safety Rules/automatic condition. M.L.Forshtat, A.P. Dobrovolskaya and others. St. Petersburg: “Elite - Prof”, 2006

Appendix Event participants

Development of an extracurricular activity

according to traffic rules

Competition game: “Safe Wheel”.

( for students primary classes And

middle management).

Siva village, Sivinsky district, Perm region




(for students primary school and middle management)

Goals: consolidation of students’ knowledge of traffic rules, formation of

them skills of safe behavior, studying the structure of a bicycle, improving skills in providing first aid.

Game equipment: bicycles (for teenagers), first aid kit, sports

skittles, images of road signs, task cards, route sheets.

The game is played by teams, each consisting of 5 people. Form

Participants' clothing is sportswear. The event takes place on the school grounds. Each team is given a route sheet indicating the stops at which certain tasks must be completed. All teams begin the game at the same time after constructing and explaining the rules of the competition. All tasks are graded on a five-point system.

Progress of the game

There are a lot of traffic rules in the world

It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all,

But the main thing from the traffic rules

You should know how to use a multiplication table.

Hello, dear friends! Today we are meeting at the intellectual and entertaining game “Safe Wheel”, and all the questions, as you guessed, will be on the topic “Road Rules”, which you all know. And immediately you have a task: choose a captain and come up with a team name that corresponds to this topic.

1. Building teams and explaining the rules of the game

2. Teams perform tasks (passing stops)

2.1. Quiz stop (Each team answers its own card)

Here, teams are asked to answer questions related to dangerous situations on the roads:

1 team answers:


Team 2 answers:

Students name the parts that make up a bicycle, demonstrate the ability to tighten the chain, spokes, remove and replace the wheel (for a while).

2.3 Stop "Meditsinskaya"

Participants demonstrate first aid skills: stopping arterial (venous) bleeding, immobilization for a fracture, performing artificial respiration.

The number of correct answers is taken into account. If they are equal, the time spent on completing tasks is taken into account.

2.4 Stop "Transport"

The name of the car brand is said. It is necessary to determine in which country it is produced.

"Opel" "Pontiac" "Lancia" "Peugeot"

"Mercedes" "Chevrolet" "Alfa Romeo" "Citroen"

Porsche, Cadillac, Fiat, Renault

"Ford" "Chrysler" "Ferrari"

Audi Plymouth

(Germany) (USA) (Italy) (France)

2.5 Competition "Road Sign Experts":

a) Road signs are proposed: “Other hazards”, “Slippery road”, “Driving without stopping is prohibited”, “Entry prohibited”, “Roundabout”, “Recommended speed”, “Bus or trolleybus stopping place”, etc. etc. It is necessary to give the exact name of the signs.

b) The team is given tests with situations on how to behave on the roadway. They have to solve the test for a while. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

2.6. Stop "Examination"

Participants are asked to “pass” a road safety exam, which includes answering age-appropriate questions on the test papers and demonstrating the ability to ride a bicycle correctly.

After passing the theory, each participant must drive between the pins placed on the track, drive onto the bridge, turn correctly, turn around and stop. The total time spent completing the task by all participants is taken into account. For each violation (hitting the ground with your foot, hitting the pin, not taking into account the sign, starting and ending the movement incorrectly), a penalty time of 5 seconds is added.

2.7 Bike relay “Track”.

A sports and technical type of competition in which each participant must complete three stages against time. The content of each stage is determined by the panel of judges and includes:

Stage 1 – push-ups (number of push-ups in 1 minute);

Stage 2 - 60 meter run;

Stage 3 - driving a straight section on a bicycle.

The winner is the team that spends the least amount of time completing the relay. Individual competition participants who take 1st place at each stop are awarded.

3. Summing up.

The results are summed up at each stage, route sheets are filled out, the winner

determined by the largest number of occupied prize places.

All winners are awarded diplomas.

The championship is determined in team and individual competition.

The team that takes 1st place at each stage of the competition and the three winning teams in the overall competition are awarded.


2.1. Quiz stop

1 team:

1. Why is it dangerous to play ball next to the roadway?(The ball may roll out onto the roadway, and a child, intending to catch up with it, may rush after it and end up under the wheels of a car).

2. Why can’t you cross the road when the traffic light is yellow?(When the traffic light is yellow, some cars continue to move through the intersection).

3. What is the danger for a pedestrian who is standing on the corner of the sidewalk, within the turning radius of a large vehicle (bus, truck with trailer, etc.)?(When turning, a vehicle can touch (hit, knock down) a standing pedestrian with its middle or rear part.)

4. What danger lurks for a schoolchild who sees his parents (friends) on the opposite side of the road?(Wanting to meet them quickly, the student begins to cross the street, often without noticing the moving Vehicle, thereby creating an emergency situation for other road users and not ensuring their own safety).

5. Why is the moment dangerous for a pedestrian when one car overtakes another?(A pedestrian may not notice an overtaking car, and its driver may not see the pedestrian until he has completed overtaking, i.e. there is a risk of hitting a person).

6.In rainy weather you travel by trolleybus. Suddenly a strong wind blew and the contact wire broke and fell onto the roof of the trolleybus. The driver opened the doors for passengers to exit. How should you leave the trolleybus?(You must leave the salon only through open doors, jumping over steps to avoid electric shock).

Team 2:

1. How to cross to the opposite side of the street after getting off the bus?

2. What does a yellow traffic light mean?

3. Tell us what rules must be followed when moving along the street in a group.

4. Why is a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light more dangerous than with a traffic light?

5. What are the responsibilities of eyewitnesses to an accident?

6. Where is the safest place for pedestrians to be if they are caught by moving cars on the roadway?

The number of correct answers and the total time spent answering questions are taken into account.

Number of correct answers


2.2 Stop “Design of bicycle equipment”

Students name the parts that make up a bicycle;

demonstrate the ability to tighten the chain and spokes;

remove and replace the wheel (temporarily).

2.4 Stop "Transport".

Car brands.




Alfa Romeo














Test Option – 1.

Option No. 1

What should a pedestrian do in this situation?

1. Walk in front of the car, making sure that it has stopped and is giving way to you.

2. Go first.

3. Yield to the car.

How to cross the road if there is no pedestrian crossing nearby?

1. Give way to traffic moving on the left and walk to the middle; then complete the transition if there is no transport on the right.

2. Crossing is prohibited, you need to go to the nearest pedestrian crossing;

3. You can cross only if there is no transport or if it is sufficiently distant from the crossing point.

What does this sign mean?

1. Bicycle path;

2. Cycling is prohibited;

3. Parking for bicycles.

What does this sign mean?

1. Overpass;

2. Underpass;

3. Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.

What does this sign mean?

1. Parking for vehicles;

3. Tram stop location;

Choose one of the signs that matches the picture.

How to behave when crossing the roadway in inclement weather?

How to get around the bus?

1. Cars, buses or trolleybuses must be walked around from behind;

2. Wait until the vehicle leaves the stop, then the road will be clearly visible in both directions, then cross the road.

What does this sign mean?

1. Bicycles are prohibited;

2. Bike path.

What does this sign mean?

1. Pedestrian crossing.

2. Pedestrian path;

3. Pedestrian traffic is prohibited

Test Option –2.

Option No. 2

Is it possible to cross the road?

1. You can cross the road.

2. You can make sure that the transport has stopped.

3. You can’t, you need to let the vehicle pass.

In what cases is it possible to cross the roadway without going down into the underground passage?

1. In the absence of transport.

2. If there is an underground passage, you only need to cross along it.

3. If you are late for school.

What does this sign mean?

1. Pedestrian crossing;

2. Be careful, children.

3. Treadmill.

What does this sign mean?

1. Pedestrian traffic is prohibited;

2. Traffic for pedestrians only;

3. Pedestrian path.

What does this sign mean?

1. Parking for vehicles;

2. Parking place for passenger taxis;

3. Tram stop location;

4. Bus and (or) trolleybus stop location.


Where should I wait for public transport?

1. Transport must be waited at the bus stop, and under no circumstances should you go out onto the roadway!

2. Anywhere;

3. On the roadway.


How to behave on the road in inclement weather?

1. Refrain from crossing until the rain or snow stops;

2. Wait for the green traffic light and, not paying attention to the weather, cross the roadway;

3. Be especially careful when turning to a green traffic light, if the street is wet or slippery, the car cannot stop abruptly, even if the driver immediately presses the brake.

What does this sign mean?

1. Be careful at the pedestrian crossing.

2. Be careful, children.

3. Crossing the road is prohibited.


What does this sign mean?

1. Movement is prohibited;

2. Entry is prohibited, traffic is for pedestrians only;

4. Bike path.

What does this sign mean?

1. Designates a place for children's games;

2. Allows pedestrians to walk along the roadway, residential area

3. Indicates parking space

Answers to tests.

Option #1

Option No. 2






















1.Federal Laws Russian Federation"On road safety."
2. Babina R.P. Uncle Styopa's advice. Tutorial M. 1997

3. Babina R.P. Entertaining road alphabet. Educational visual aid. M. 1997

4. Bubnov V.G. Bubnova N.V. How to provide assistance in case of a traffic accident M. 1997.

5. “The Good Road of Childhood” All-Russian newspaper for children, teachers, parents All-Russian monthly M. “Young Guard”

6. Latchuk V.N. Markov V.V. Maslov A.G. "Fundamentals of Life Safety" Toolkit. M Bustard 2000

7. Life safety. Fundamentals of life safety Educational and methodological magazine

8. “Fundamentals of life safety” Program and methodological materials for grades 1-11

9. Romanova E.A. Malyushkina A.B. Cool watch according to traffic rules, grades 5-6 M. 2006.

10. Smirnov A.T. Mishin B.I. " Methodological materials and documents on the life safety course M 2001

11. Tupikin E.I. Thematic control for the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” Set test tasks for students of senior secondary schools M. 2000

12. Forshtat M.L. Learn to be a pedestrian. (Safety on the road and in transport) Textbook on traffic rules for students St. Petersburg. 1998

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

« Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren of the City of Kursk"

"SAFE WHEEL - 2017"

within the framework of the city educational program
"School of Traffic Light Sciences"

Developed by: teacher-organizer
Trofimova I.Yu.


"SAFE WHEEL - 2017"

1. General Provisions

The city competition “Safe Wheel” is a team championship and is held among students of educational institutions of the city of Kursk within the framework of the city targeted educational program “School of Traffic Light Sciences”.

Target: education of law-abiding road users;
- reduction of child road traffic injuries;
- involving schoolchildren in active participation in promoting safe behavior on the streets and roads;
- formation of a responsible attitude towards personal safety and security
those around you;
- improving the work of educational institutions and teams young inspectors movements to prevent road accidents involving schoolchildren;

Founders of the competition : Education Committee of the city of Kursk
Co-founders : branch of Rosgosstrakh LLC Kursk region

Organizers: MBU DO "Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren of the City of Kursk",
State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Kursk

Competition participants: 1 team from each MBOU of the city of Kursk
consisting of 4 people (2 girls and 2 boys), members of the YID detachment.
Age of participants: 10 - 12 full years (born in 2007, 2006, 2005).

Participants aged 13 years and older will take part in the city competition “Traffic Light” in May 2017.

Date and place: April 20, 2017 at 11.00 on the territory of the Children's Park

To participate, the head of the secondary school team must submit an APPLICATION to the competition organizer, certified by a doctor and the director of the MBOU.

Preliminarythe application can be sent to e-mail __________
no later than April 19, 2017 by the address:

Application form:

Application from MBOU "Secondary School No. ____"
to participate in the city competition “Safe Wheel 2017”
Team composition: 4 people

Last name, first name of participant

Participant age



Director of secondary school ____________________________ (signature, seal)
Team leader _________________________________ (full name)


10.30-10.55 - registration of teams, issuance of route sheets
11.00 - 11.15 - grand opening of the competition
11.20 -13.00 - completing tasks at stages
13.00 - 13.30 - work of the counting commission, summing up results
demonstration performances of young karting drivers at the Palace of Pioneers

13.30 - 14.00 - ceremonial closing of the competition, awarding the winners.

The competition program includes the following stages:

(4 people participate)
It is carried out in the form of testing, according to exam papers, published in the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood” (No. 4-6 2004)

taking into account changes and additions to traffic regulations currently in force. Each participant answers 20 questions. The time allotted for written answers is 5 minutes. For each correct answer - 1 point. The number of correct answers and the time spent by all team members are taken into account. The winner is the team that answers the question correctly. greatest number questions. In case of equality of points, primacy is given to the team that spent less time answering.

2. BASICS OF LIFE SAFETY (4 people participate)
It is carried out in the form of testing, according to tickets published in the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood” (No. 4-6 2004).
Participants answer 10 questions in writing, one of which is about the use of medications and drugs. For each correct answer -1 point. The time allotted for written answers is 5 minutes.
The winner is the team that gets the most correct answers in the least amount of time.

3. INSURANCE BASICS (4 people participate)
It is carried out in the form of testing, according to tickets published in the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood” (No. 4-6 2004). Participants answer 10 questions in writing. For each correct answer - 1 point. The time allotted for answers is 5 minutes. The winner is the team that gets the most correct answers in the least amount of time.

4. FIGURE BIKE DRIVING (1 person participates)

The participant in this stage must have protective equipment:
- helmet
- elbow pads, knee pads

Without protective equipment, the participant is not allowed to complete the stage.
Providing the team member with protective equipment is the responsibility of the team leader.

A participant rides a bicycle through a section with obstacles. The list of elements was published in the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood” (No. 4-6 2004). The task is performed on a site where obstacles are sequentially located at different distances from each other. The organizers have the right to change the order of obstacles.The participant starts with a bonus of 40 points , from which penalty points are deducted for the following violations:
- skipping obstacles, pins 10 points,
- touching the ground with both feet, falling from a bicycle - 10 points
- touching the ground with one foot - 5 points
- incomplete passage through an obstacle - 5 points
- moving or touching a chip (pins, cone) - 5 points for each item
- leaving the territory of the route 5 points
The winner is the participant who, after subtracting penalty points from the bonus 40 points, remains with the most points. In the event of a tie in the remaining points, the championship is awarded to the participant who spent the least time. In case of equality of points and time, preference is given to the youngest participant.

The use of a stage participant's bicycle is allowed.

5. traffic rules experts (4 people participate)
At this stage, each team enters with a bonus of 40 points. .
The team is invited
20 tasks (questions) that are asked and solved in a certain program mode. All questions are displayed on the screen. The team gives answers on a special form.

1 block - 4 tasks on knowing the order of travel traffic intersection means the number of which is no more than 3, a bicycle must be used as one mandatory means in each task.

The 1st thematic block includes tasks that require knowledge of traffic rules 3 and 13.

Block 2 - 4 tasks on knowledge of traffic lights and traffic controllers.
The 2nd thematic block includes tasks that require knowledge of paragraph 6 of the traffic rules.

Block 3 - 4 tasks on knowledge of the responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers.

The 3rd thematic block includes tasks that require knowledge of paragraphs 4 and 5 of the traffic rules.

Block 4 - 4 tasks on knowledge of the responsibilities of cyclists.
The 4th thematic block includes tasks that require knowledge of clause 24 of the traffic rules.

Block 5 - 4 tasks on knowledge of road signs.
The 5th thematic block includes tasks that require knowledge of Appendix 1 of the Traffic Rules.
The team enters vehicle numbers in the answer form in the order in which they were driven. Each question is displayed on the screen for only 25 seconds.
For each incorrectly completed task, 3 points are deducted from the bonus 40.
When determining the winning team at this stage, the number of remaining points is taken into account. In case of equality of points, preference is given to the team with the youngest participants.
Team leaders are NOT PRESENT at this stage.

A performance on the topic “Safe Road for Children” is carried out by a team (4 people) using amateur artistic means in any small stage form (dramatized song, literary montage, medley, KVN, fragment of a lesson or propaganda team, etc.).
Participants in the competition perform in full UID uniform or in costumes prepared for this creative stage.

Not allowed use of uniforms of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as accessories: shoulder straps, chevrons, emblems and cockades.

The speech should reveal the activities of young traffic inspectors and have a propaganda focus. The use of additional visual propaganda, paraphernalia and technical equipment, and musical accompaniment is allowed.
Duration of speech - no more than 3 minutes . If the allotted time is exceeded, the performance is stopped.
During a performance, the use of a phonogram with a recorded voice (phonogram “plus”) is prohibited.

The competition is assessed according to the following criteria (maximum 20 points):
- content of the text of the speech - from 0 to 3 points
- artistry, mastery of performance - from 0 to 3 points,
- use of various genres - from 0 to 5 points,
- presence of a UID dress uniform or suits - from 0 to 3 points
level of visual design - from 0 to 3 points,
- presence and level of musical design - from 0 to 3 points

If the performance does not correspond to the specified topic, then only one of the criteria is evaluated.

7. PHOTO NEWSPAPER COMPETITION “Two-wheeled problems”
The team provides a pre-designed photo newspaper on the topic of the competition.Photo newspaper is made using any technique. Preference is given to works
without use computer technology (creative contribution of the team). Format - sheet of Whatman paper A1 or A2.

The newspaper assumes that there is materialabout the work of the YID detachment with school cyclists (propaganda rules for cyclists: photo practical classes, competitions, demonstrations, promotions and other events).

The competition is judged according to the following criteria : (maximum 15 points)
- compliance with the given topic - from 0 to 2 points,
- content of the text of the photo newspaper - from 0 to 3 points,
- subject of photographic material - from 0 to 3 points
- consistency of photo and text - from 0 to 2 points,
- originality of design - from 0 to 3 points,
- compliance with the rules of photo newspaper design - from 0 to 2 points

8. RELAY RACE “ERUDITE” (4 people participate)
Each team member in turn needs to run a distance of 60m, stopping at a certain place to answer 1 question on traffic rules.
For each incorrect answer or lack of answer, the team is given a penalty time (10 seconds). The time spent is converted into points (10 -time = points). The winner of the stage is the team with the most points.


At each stage, teams are determined that have shown top scores.
These teams are awarded certificates from the founders of the competition.

At the “Traffic Check” stage, the 3 best teams are awarded.
In the “Figured Bicycle Driving” stage, 3 participants are awarded.
At the stage " Creative competition» 3 teams are awarded.
At the remaining stages, 1 team is awarded.
Winners of city competitions The teams that showed the best results at all stages (the highest amount of points) are considered. These teams occupy 1st, 2nd and 3rd places respectively. If the total points are equal, preference is given to the team that showed the best results at the stages “Checking knowledge of the Rules of the Road” and “Traffic Rules Experts”. In case of equality of points at these two stages, preference is given to the team that showed the best result at the “Figured bicycle driving” stage.
Teams - winners (who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places)
may be awarded for the best results at only one stage of the competition.

The winning teams (who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places) are awarded certificates and prizes from the founders of the competition.

The teams that took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places at the city competitions “Safe Wheel 2017” take part in the regional competitions “Safe Wheel”, which will take place on April 25-27, 2017. on the territory of the Traffic Police Department in the Kursk region and on the basis of a children's sports and recreation camp.


city ​​competition

"Safe Wheel - 2015"


Presenter: Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you again within the walls of the House of Children's Creativity.

Summer has come, and you are spending more and more time outside, playing various outdoor games. Get your bikes out and start a bike race.

And this means an increase in child road traffic injuries on the streets of our city. In order to reduce the number of accidents and involve you, children, in its prevention, today we are holding a city competition for cyclists “Safe Wheel - 2015”, which will help you understand the rules of the road, and at the same time test your knowledge.

This year, teams from summer camps with daytime stay for children from Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. are taking part in the competition:


Presenter: I ask the teams to introduce themselves and say their motto.

(A greeting is held.)

Presenter: Today, participants in our competition will demonstrate knowledge of traffic rules, first aid, knowledge of the structure of a bicycle and the rules for using it, as well as the skill of figure driving.

And your knowledge, skills and abilities will be assessed by a qualified jury:

    Dashkovskaya Inna Alexandrovna – Senior Inspector for Road Safety Promotion of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

    Chebotareva Elena Vasilievna – nurse at Children's Clinic No. 2

    Tkachenko Elena Gennadievna – methodologist of the mass organizational department of the House of Children's Creativity

    Vyatkin Vladimir Vladimirovich – senior methodologist of the tourism and local history department of DDT

    Khomchenko Svetlana Viktorovna - methodologist of the mass organizational department of the House of Children's Creativity

    Polyakova Irina Vladimirovna – teacher of additional education at the House of Children's Creativity.

Presenter: I ask the team captains to receive route sheets and go to the stages.

We wish everyone good luck!!!

(Teams receive route sheets and

depart by station.)

Station: “Figured bicycle driving”

At this stage, 3 team members (2 boys and 1 girl) must complete 6 figures (corridor passage, narrow corridor passage, figure eight, snake, double circle, finish line (stop line), spending a minimum of time completing the distance. touching the ground with your foot, hitting a marking or failing to complete a figure will result in a penalty time.

Station "Bicycle device"

“Knowledge of the rules for using a bicycle”

The participants’ task is to correctly name the parts of the bicycle that the judge will point out at this stage (steering wheel, frame, chain, pedals, wheel, trunk, reflector, fender, brake, spokes, etc.), and also answer three theoretical questions. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.


What do you need to check before every bike ride?

1. Tire pressure

2. Brake condition

3. Presence of dirt and dust on the bicycle mechanism

The cyclist's movement is prohibited if there is a malfunction:

1. Pedals

2. Wheels

3. Brake system

Does a bicycle driver have to show any documents to the police?

1. Permit to drive

2. Bicycle purchase documents

3. Should not

At what slack is the chain tensioned correctly?

1. Sagging should be 5-9 mm

2. The sag should be no more than 12 mm

3. The sagging should be 15-20 mm

4. Sagging should be 20-25 mm

With the correct saddle height:

1. The leg placed on the pedal remains straight, the heel rests on the pedal.

2. Legs are bent.

3. The leg placed on the pedal remains straight, the toe of the foot rests on the pedal.

Station: “Providing first aid”

Sometimes unexpected difficult circumstances occur in a person's life when he needs medical help. Knowledge of the rules for providing first aid helps to cope with the disaster and save the life of the victim before the arrival of a doctor or ambulance.

Participants must know how to treat wounds, types of dressings, techniques for stopping bleeding, actions for fractures, and rules for transporting a victim.

Station: “Different signs are needed, different signs are important”

At this stage, participants need to fill out a crossword puzzle on their knowledge of road signs.













Station: "Cyclist Exam"

The team needs to “pass the bicycle driver exam” - answer the test questions shown on the slides.


1 – 2

2 – 1

3 – 2

4 – 2

5 – 2

6 – 1

7 – 3

Station: “Road Rules”

At this stage, knowledge of traffic rules is assessed by the traffic police inspector, creating on a mock-up traffic situations that the participants need to solve.

(Teams overcome all stages and gather again in

room for summing up.)

(An award ceremony is held.)

Presenter: Our competition has come to an end. We would like to wish you health and safety, so that you always, in any weather, at different times of the day, at all times of the year, follow the rules of the road, without endangering your life and the lives of those around you.

Goodbye! See you again!

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.


  • Deepen students' knowledge of traffic rules.
  • Form representations junior schoolchildren about traffic safety when moving along streets and roads.
  • To develop skills in following the basic rules of behavior for students on the street and road, in order to prevent children from road traffic injuries.

Progress of the event

1. Presenter:- Hello, Tanya! Hello, Vanechka, Shuriki, Yurika, Tishka and Marishka!

Hello girls! Hello boys! Hello, dear guests! Today we are going on a journey through the streets and roads of our wonderful city of Volzhsky. Guys, name the streets of the city that you know.

(Background sketch: video about the city, song “Green City”)

2. Installation “ABC of the city”

The city in which you and I live,
It can rightly be compared to an ABC book.

Uch. 2.

ABC of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Here it is, the alphabet, above your head:
Signs are posted above the pavement.

Uch. 3.

Always remember the alphabet of the city,
So that no trouble happens to you.

Leading: Guys, are you ready for such a trip? Then, let's go!

3. Performance of the song “Merry Travelers”

4. Baba Yaga appears angry: Disgrace! Always the same story!

IN. What's wrong with you Yaga?

B.Ya. Fined! I'm not crossing the street there, you see? She flew on a broom, they were whistling again! “They say you’re not supposed to travel in the city using this type of transport.” I explain to them: I am Baba Yaga! I'm only supposed to be on a broom.

IN. And they?

B. ME: Go, they say, to the forest. There, please, fly as much as you want and on anything.

IN. Well, then you would have flown over the street in another place, on another section.

B. ME: On another? You know how many of these...what's their name...that's a tricky word.

IN. Inspectors or what?

B.Ya. Exactly. If these are not there, then they put up signs on the roads, traffic lights, pointers. Self-respecting Baba Yaga has nowhere to fly!

Finding yourself in a big and noisy city
I'm lost, I'm lost!
There are cars and trams all around,
Then suddenly a bus is on the way.
To be honest, I don’t know
Where should I cross the road?
Guys! Help me!
And if possible, tell me...
How to cross the road
So as not to get run over by a tram!

4th student. Don't worry. Stay with us.

5th student. We will help you!

IN. Now we will go to where you can get acquainted with signs, traffic lights and traffic rules.

(The stage is decorated with road signs, there is a model of a traffic light)

IN. Guys, what do you see?

Children: Road signs and traffic lights.

B.Ya. Just think... signs. Why do I need them? This is such nonsense!

Man drawn
A man digs the earth.
Maybe they are looking for treasure here?
And old coins
Are they in a big chest?

6th student.

Well, Baba Yaga. What are you, what are you?
There are road works here.

Why would this suddenly
The arrows stood together in a circle,
And the cars one after another
Are they running around in circles?
What would that mean in practice?
Oh, I know: carousels!

7th student.

We are on the square with you.
There is no straight road here!
Here the movement is not straight -
The traffic is circular here!

That's a sign! I can't believe my eyes!
What is the battery for?
Does it help with movement?
Steam heating?
It may be blizzardy in winter
Do drivers need to warm up here?
Why in the summer heat
Has the sign been removed from the pavement?

8th student.

No, Yagusya, this sign
He tells the drivers this:
There's a barrier here, a crossing
Wait, the express will pass.

IN. Well, Baba Yaga, you don’t know anything! There are many more signs to help you navigate around the city. Important road signs - Compass for adults and children.

Children! Be careful!
Know what is not allowed and what is possible!
Do everything without fail
what the signs say!

5. Propaganda team “Road signs”

6. Game with the hall “Mysterious sign”(show and name the sign; divide the signs into groups)

1 character

Hey driver, be careful!
It's impossible to go fast
People know everything in the world:
in this place they go......(children)

2 sign

Everyone knows stripes
Children know, adults know,
Leads to the other side - (pedestrian crossing)

3 sign

"No entry"
And the bunny and Marishka,
and the neighbor's boy
The sign clearly states:
Cars are prohibited from entering!

4 sign

“Cycling is prohibited.”
There are only cars driving here,
The tires flash by heavily.
Do you have a bicycle?
So stop! There is no road!

5 sign

In cars here, friends,
No one can go
You can go, you know -
Children, only on...... (bicycle)

6 sign.“Bus and/or trolleybus stop location”

At the landing sites
Passengers are waiting for transport.
Established order
You can't break it here either...

7 sign.“First aid station”

Tanya with the doll is worried:
They need a doctor on the road.
Don't look sad.
Help is coming! The doctor is nearby!

8 sign.“Food station”

Here's a fork, here's a spoon,
refueled a little,
They also fed the dog.
We say thank you to the sign.

9 sign

What should I do?
What do i do?
Need to call urgently
Both you and he should know
In this place...(phone)

Leading: divide all the signs into 4 groups and name each group

(1,2 – warning

5, 6 - informational indicators

7, 8.9 - service marks)

7. Conversation about traffic lights.

IN. Guys, where is our Yaga?

B.Ya. Yes, here I am!

IN. I want to ask you one question. Who do you think is called a “guard wizard”?

B.Ya. Policeman.

IN. No, I didn't guess. Guys, help Baba Yaga.

He blinks his eyes
Relentlessly day and night.
He helps cars
He can help you too.

Children (D). This is a traffic light!

Traffic light (S.)

- Yes, it’s me, traffic light -
The wizard is a guard.
I'm both polite and old,
I'm famous on the whole world,
I'm on a wide street
The most important commander.

How can you help?
With using what?

To help you
The path is dangerous
Stand guard day and night -
Green, yellow, red.

3 students depict the colors of a traffic light and each holds a circle of their own color:

Our house is a traffic light
We are three siblings
We've been shining for a long time
On the road to all the guys.
We are three wonderful colors
You see us often
But sometimes you don’t listen to our advice.


The strictest is red light,
If it's on fire, stop!
There is no further road!
The path is closed to everyone


So that you can calmly cross
Listen to our advice
- Wait!
You'll see yellow soon
There is light in the middle.


And behind it is a green light
It will flash ahead.
He will say:
“There are no obstacles,
Go boldly!”

8. Watch the video “Traffic Light”

Leading: But the traffic light was not always the same as it is now. The traffic light tells brief information about the origin of the traffic light, its types and their purpose.

Traffic lights appeared on the streets not so long ago, only 60 years ago.

Student. They looked like this. On all 4 sides there were three colored glasses (zhk), and a large black arrow slowly crawled along them. Such traffic lights were inconvenient. Modern automatic traffic lights are much more convenient.

Student. The word traffic light consists of two parts: “light” and “for.” Light is clear to everyone. What about Vor? For comes from the Greek word “foros”, which means “carrier” or “carrier”, and all together “traffic light” means “carrier of light”. It truly carries light of 3 colors: Red, yellow and green.

9. Game with the hall “Red, Yellow, Green”

10. Scenes.

Dunno appears, he walks along the road, hitting the ball on the floor.

My cheerful, ringing ball,
Where did you run off to?
Red, yellow, blue
Can't keep up with you!

Traffic light(takes the ball from N.):

On the roadway, children,
Don't play these games.
You can run without looking back
In the yard and on the playground!

N.: Why can't you play on the road?

Children: Because cars are driving along it, if you don’t notice the car, you’ll get run over!

IN.: Imagine that you are playing ball in your yard. Suddenly the ball rolled out onto the road. What need to do?

Children: You need to ask an adult for help.

Well, now everything is clear to me,
I'd better go back
And I'll read a little...
He takes out a book, goes and reads.


Hey! Dunno! Wait a minute!
It will end sadly
There can be a lot of trouble.
After all, the road is not a reading room
And no place for conversation!

(Leads Dunno away)


The city is full of traffic:
Cars are running in a row,
Colored traffic lights
Both day and night burn.
Walking carefully
Watch the street
And only where possible
Cross it!


And where there are trams during the day
They hurry from all sides,
You can't walk around yawning!
You can't count crows!
Walking carefully
Watch the street
And only where possible
Cross it!

The cat runs in.

Presenter: Who are you?

Cat. I am a traffic light science student - Cat!

IN.- Cat, do you know the traffic rules?

Cat. Why should I know them? I can get by just fine without them!

IN. Well, let's check it now. please tell me how to cross the road at an intersection?

Cat. How? Yes Easy! On four legs!

IN. Guys, did he answer correctly?

Children. No!

IN. How can we cross safely and end up on the other side of the street?

D. On transition.

IN. What transitions do you know?

D. Crosswalk.

  • Underground pedestrian crossing.
  • Overhead Ped Crossing.

IN. Find the signs indicating them and show (children show).

By stripes black and white
The man walks boldly.
He knows: where he goes -
Pedestrian, pedestrian,
Remember about the transition!

IN. That's right, and the second question for you Cat: How should you behave if you got off the bus and you need to cross to the other side of the street?

Cat. You have to get between the wheels.

Children. We have to wait until the bus leaves. Look carefully on both sides of the road, and then cross.

IN. Now, Cat, answer the last question: is it possible to play on the roadway?

Cat. It depends on what! You can't play chess, cars can knock down the pieces, but you can play hockey! And how!

Children. No!


There are a lot of road rules in the world,
It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all,
But the basic rules of the movement
Know how to do multiplication tables
Someone who breaks traffic rules
He often gets into bad adventures.

Thanks guys! YOU taught me a lot, can I stay with you?

Children: Certainly!

11. Conversation about the history of traffic rules

12. Game “It’s me, it’s me...”

13. Competitions

A). Careful driver

B). Auto Mechanic.

14. Interactive quiz “Traffic experts”

15. Installation about traffic rules

16. Speech by a traffic police inspector.

17. Pedestrian Oath.

1. I swear to conscientiously observe traffic rules!

2. I swear to cross the street only when the traffic light is green!

3. If there is no traffic light, use only the pedestrian crossing!

4. I swear not to play on the roadway or train tracks!

5. Walk around the tram only in front, and only behind the bus!

6. Wait for public transport only in designated places!

7. Demand strict observance of traffic rules from family and friends!

8. If you are involved in an accident, contact only employees of the Russian Transport Inspectorate!

IN. Well done boys! You turned out to be not only strong and agile, but also smart pedestrians, and in the future, drivers. Thank you to everyone who helped Baba Yaga understand the signs and traffic lights. Now do you understand everything, Yaga?

B.Ya. Yes. Thanks a lot guys!

18. The final song is performed to the tune of the song “If you went on a journey with a friend.”

Interactive quiz.(Appendix1)

And now I want to check how much you know the rules of the road. You will be asked questions and several answer options, from which you must choose the correct one. Show the number of the correct answer as a number - but only at my signal.

Quiz questions

1. Under what number are traffic light signals correctly located? 1

2. What number indicates the “Pedestrian crossing” sign? 2

3. Which of these signs prohibits cycling? 2

4. At what age can you ride a bicycle on the road? 3

5. On which side should you go around the bus? 2

6. Which position is the safest in the event of a car accident? 1

7. In which picture do children violate the rules of behavior on the road? 2

8. What gesture of the traffic controller corresponds to a green traffic light? 3

9. Who walks correctly: grandmother or grandson? 2

10. When crossing the road, where should you look first, where then? 1