New Year's theatrical scenarios for children based on fairy tales. New Year's theatrical performance for children of the preparatory group. He will throw a feast for the whole world

New Year's theatrical performance for older preschoolers 6-7 years old. Scenario "In Search of Cinderella".

Posted by: Antonova Tatyana Gennadievna.

Description of material: I present to your attention the script New Year's performance for older preschoolers. This material may be useful for preschool teachers and teachers primary school and additional education, organizers of leisure activities working with preschool and younger children school age.
In December 2016, the preparatory group of MADOU DS "Talent" worked on the project "New Year at the Gates". The final event of the project was this performance. Teachers of the group Antonova T.G. and Amirova G.R. developed the script in such a way that during the performance each child had the opportunity to realize their creative abilities. There were 39 preschoolers present at the performance in the preparatory group, each child had his own role, some children performed solo songs, others played the roles of fairy-tale characters, or were involved in dancing. When assigning roles, the personal qualities and abilities of the children were taken into account. The role of Malvina, for example, was given to a girl who easily does the splits; this skill was useful in doll dancing; the roles of soldiers were given to boys with good physical characteristics, because at the end of the holiday they had to carry a heavy bag of gifts, etc. Each preschooler who took part in the performance had the opportunity to show their individuality and received their own personal moment of fame.

Target: Formation of artistic abilities in children, desire to participate in collective creative process. Creating a festive mood in children and their parents.

1. To instill in children the desire to do good, to develop feelings of friendliness and mutual assistance.
2. To develop the creative abilities of preschoolers, the ability to sing, dance, expressively, loudly and clearly read poetry and pronounce texts, convey the character of the character with voice, facial expressions, and gestures.
3.Create conditions for the successful self-realization of each preschooler.
4. Contribute to the unity of the children's team, improve communication and communication skills.

Adults: presenter, Santa Claus, Baba Yaga.
Children: Snow Maiden, Cinderella, prince, stepmother, daughters (2 girls), magpie, snowflakes, soldiers, Snow White, gnomes, Thumbelina, elf, Pinocchio, Malvina, Pierrot, Princess and the Pea, Aladdin, Jasmine, oriental beauties

Dear kids!
Girls and boys!
You hurry together into the hall.
Near the New Year tree
There will be a carnival!

Children enter to the music carnival costumes They dance around the Christmas tree.

1 child.
So the Christmas tree is dressed up,
All lit up in lights,
And the toys sparkled
On its big branches.

2nd child.
We're good today
You can't find a better place!
Near the New Year tree
Don't pass, don't pass!

3 child.
It's going to be fun today
there will be no time to be bored.
Hello, New Year's holiday!
We have come to meet you!

4 child.
We have a holiday today,
Today there will be a carnival!
How many fairy-tale heroes
He gathered here today!

Well, it's time to open our ball,
Noisy, loud carnival!
Happy New Year, Happy New Year,
Dear child!
Happy holiday, cheerful
It's time to start!

New Year's round dance.

I brought good news!
Now, or maybe exactly at six,
A big guest will come to you,
A guest with a gray beard.
Red cheeks, red nose,
Who is this?

All. Father Frost!

I'll look behind the doors
Maybe he's coming, friends!
(Runs to the door and returns).
Here he comes, a welcome guest,
Full of beard,
And cheerful and rosy.
Our favorite

Father Frost!

Magic music sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall.

Father Frost.
I'm real Santa Claus
From the deep dense thicket,
Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts,
Where are the storms and blizzards,
Where the forests are dense
Yes, the snow is loose!
Hello, kids!
I wish you success, health and strength!
Guys, I was in a hurry to get here!
Even on the way I fell into a ravine,
But it seems that he came to visit on time!

Snow Maiden.
And I’m called Snegurochka,
I'm not afraid of the cold.
I'm not afraid of the winter blizzard,
I'm even friends with her
Hello my friends!
I'm glad to see you all,
Both big and small,
Nimble and remote.
Start games, dances,
Spin around in the dance of the mask.
It's time to celebrate the New Year,
Light up the Christmas tree in the hall!

Father Frost.
Well, then what are we talking about?
We need to light the Christmas tree!
Come closer
Together, say it all in unison:
“Christmas tree, wake up
And light up the lights!”

The children approach the tree and say magic words together, but the tree does not light up.

Father Frost.
Here's your time!
Well, come on, shake up the Christmas tree,
Light up the lights!

Snow Maiden.
Christmas tree, beauty, why don’t you want to shine with lights?

Guys, let's tell the Christmas tree how much we've been waiting for it, how much we like it.

A girl performs a solo song about a Christmas tree. all the children are dancing

5 child.
Hello, hello, our beauty,
It's been a year since we saw each other.
It seems you are even brighter and more beautiful
Been there since last winter.

6 child.
How elegant you are
With a silver star!
How huge you are
How fun it is to be with you!

7 child.
Tall, beautiful,
Green, slim,
With colorful lights
She's glowing!
Isn't she a beauty?

We all like the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden.
Light up with hot lights, green beauty,
Light up our faces with bright lanterns,
We really like your golden toys.
Elegant, fluffy, shine, shine, burn!

Children repeat.
“Shine, Shine, Burn” (the tree lights up)

Father Frost.
We lit the Christmas tree, friends,
All the needles sparkle.
Let the song begin now
For our cute Christmas tree.

The song is a round dance about a Christmas tree.

After the song, everyone takes their seats. Father Frost and Snow Maiden admire the Christmas tree and praise it. Two boys come up to them and turn to Santa Claus.

1st boy.
Grandfather Frost, you are a wizard - help us!

Father Frost.
I will help with all I can!

2nd boy.
We played in the garden all year long,
They sang songs, danced...

1st boy.
But we haven’t been in fairy tales,
They read them to us at least once.

Father Frost.
Well, so be it - I will help you. Only you guys will be the heroes in our unusual fairy tale. Do you agree? (Children agree.)

“Magic” music sounds. Father Frost and Snow Maiden go behind the Christmas tree.

A girl performs a solo song about miracles.

On New Year's holiday
Miracles happen,
And heroes of different fairy tales
On New Year's Eve we meet...

“Magic” music sounds. Cinderella comes out.

Once upon a time there was Cinderella. The evil stepmother forced her to work all the time. Cinderella did not lose heart: while working, she loved to dream and sing.

(looking around)
It’s as if everything has been removed
And put things in order...
New Year is coming very soon
Knock at the gate.
There will be a ball in the palace -
New Year's carnival!

Cinderella sings a song
Stepmother comes out

You keep singing, Cinderella, as if you have absolutely nothing to do!

Mother, but I fulfilled all your instructions. Can I go with you to the New Year's ball?

This is impossible, dear Cinderella, because you still need to do something: wash the dishes, polish the floors, sort out the beans, wash the clothes, dry them, iron them...


No "buts"!

Okay, mother, I will do everything.

Stepmother(calls daughters).
My little ones, are you ready? It's time to go to the ball!

Two daughters come out. Passing by Cinderella, they chuckle.

1st daughter.
Work, work, Cinderella...

2nd daughter.
And we're going to the ball!

The stepmother and daughters leave.

The lights are shining bright there

And gifts await all guests...
Who will finally say:
How can I get to the palace?
(starts to cry)

“Magic” music sounds - Santa Claus appears in front of Cinderella.

Father Frost.
Don't be sad, Cinderella, don't be sad, darling! I will help you make your dream come true. You will definitely get to the ball!

Grandfather Frost, is that you? But I don't even have a dress to go to the ball!

Father Frost.
Snow Maiden, granddaughter! Where are you? I need your help!

The Snow Maiden comes out to cheerful music.

Snow Maiden.
Grandfather, I was feeding squirrels in the forest - so I fell behind you. (Notices Cinderella.) Hello, dear Cinderella! I have long dreamed of meeting you! (Cinderella returns the greeting by bowing.)

Father Frost.
Granddaughter, help Cinderella dress for the ball!

Snow Maiden.
With pleasure!
I, Snow Maiden, will sing
Loudly sing your song,
And hearing my voice,
A swarm of snowflakes will arrive!
The wind will only blow on them,
They will spin and dance...
Well, hurry up and fly to me,
Bring a Cinderella outfit.

Song of the Snow Maiden
Snowflakes run out, spin around to the singing of the Snow Maiden, and bring an outfit for Cinderella (dress and shoes).

Father Frost.
Well, granddaughters, go,
Put on your dress quickly.
You shouldn't waste time,
So as not to be late for the ball.

Snow Maiden and Cinderella leave.

Grandfather, have you lost anything?

Father Frost.
What have I lost?

A mitten.

The game “Santa Claus's Mitten” is being played

Father Frost.
Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit
Yes, I’ll look at the snowflakes.
Snowflakes, fluffs,
Spin more fun.
At the New Year's tree,
Dance for the guests.

Dance of snowflakes.

Cinderella in an elegant dress and the Snow Maiden come out.

Thank you very much, friends,
For my outfit, for kindness,
My dream came true today -
I can go to the ball!

Snow Maiden.
Yes, the ball today is unusual -
It is given on New Year's Eve.

Perhaps a miracle will happen there,
Will it bring happiness with it?

Father Frost.
Hurry to the palace quickly,
Have fun there!
But no later than twelve
I need to get back from the ball.
When it strikes twelve times -
Everything will disappear at the same hour.

But how will I get to the ball?

Father Frost.
And I will help you with this. I know some soldiers, and they have seven-league boots - they will take us to the palace quickly!
Hey, brave soldiers,
Hurry up to see us,
Get your boots quickly
Brothers, bring it!

The soldiers come out, holding huge boots in their hands (they are made of cardboard).

Dance of soldiers with seven-league boots.

At the end of the dance, the soldiers take the hands of Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Cinderella and take them behind the Christmas tree. Magic music sounds and the prince comes into the center of the hall. Father Frost Snow Maiden and Cinderella appear from behind the Christmas tree.

Father Frost.

Well, here we are in the palace!

Our ball begins - the New Year's carnival!

Cinderella(approaches the Prince and curtsies.)
I am so glad that I got to your ball!
I was dazzled by this wonderful hall!

What I see, what a miracle!
Where did you come from?

I dreamed so much of coming to you,
That my dream has come true.

You came to my ball -
I didn't dream about this!
Let me invite you.
Rock out, music, now!

“Minuet” by A. Boccherini sounds - the children dance. At the end of the dance, the clock strikes, and after the twelfth strike, Cinderella runs away. While running away, she loses her shoe and Santa Claus picks it up.

Prince(looks around).
Where did the guest go?
Have you guys ever met her?

Snow Maiden (To the Prince).
All around there are cheerful faces...
So why isn't the Prince having fun?

I lost a stranger -
Now I have a puzzle.
I don’t know her name...
How to search? I don't understand!

The Snow Maiden approaches Santa Claus and whispers something in his ear.

Father Frost.
Well, I guess I’ll help the Prince!

The Snow Maiden brings the Prince to Father Frost. At this time, Baba Yaga peeks out from behind the tree, she overhears the conversation between Santa Claus and the Prince.

Father Frost.
I heard from the Snow Maiden, dear Prince, that you want to find the stranger who so unexpectedly ran away from this wonderful ball.

Really want to! I didn’t even have time to find out her name...

Father Frost.
I'll tell you the stranger's name!

Snow Maiden.
Grandfather Frost, let the guys say her name! (Looks at the children). This sweet and kind girl, who liked our dear Prince, is called...

Children(in unison).

What an unusual and beautiful name!

Father Frost (To the Prince).
So, Prince, are you ready to overcome the difficult path to meet Cinderella again?


Father Frost.
Your path will be through the forest,
Full of fabulous wonders.
If you walk this path -
You will find Cinderella, my friend!

How will I recognize her? I didn’t even really get a good look at her face! I only remember how sweet she was, how well she danced, how loudly she laughed...

Father Frost.
And here is the shoe that she lost: whoever the shoe fits is Cinderella.

The prince takes the shoe and leaves. Mysterious music sounds.

Father Frost.
The tale is rich in wisdom,
Let's tell the fairy tale - come.
This is a saying guys
The fairy tale will be ahead.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving. Mysterious music sounds, the lights go out, the hall is illuminated with lights from the Christmas tree. The prince walks around the tree and stops in the center of the hall.

The snow here is deep and powdery,
Around me there is only a dense forest.
It's dark, you can't see the road,
How can I look for Cinderella here?

Suddenly Baba Yaga appears, dressed as Cinderella. The light turns on.

Baba Yaga.
Dear Prince, I found out that you were looking for me, and I decided to meet you halfway.

Cinderella, I'm so glad I found you!
(He comes closer to Baba Yaga and examines her.)

Cinderella, why have you become so big?

Baba Yaga.
And I kept watching, watching, when you would come - so I stretched out.

You don't look like Cinderella. Cinderella is beautiful, elegant, look at you.

Baba Yaga.
I `m ugly? Yes, I am the first beauty in the thirtieth kingdom. Look, he doesn't like my dress. Yes, just so you know, I have the most beautiful dress in the forest. I'm Cinderella! And that's it! Take me to the ball soon!

Prince (takes out a shoe from his belt).
Give me your foot and I’ll try on the shoe for you!

Baba Yaga offers the Prince her foot in a bast shoe, then takes away the shoe and comically tries to pull it on her foot.

Prince. Cinderella's shoe doesn't fit you, that means you're an impostor. Guys Who is this?

Children. Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga.
Ugh-you, oh-you! They figured me out! They deceived me again, they slipped me a worthless shoe! Well, it’s okay, I sent your Cinderella into a completely different fairy tale. And so that no one could help you, I turned all the fairy-tale characters into snowflakes, there is a lot of snow in the forest, so now look for your Cinderella. Try, prince, to disenchant them, and then you will be happy. HA! Ha!Ha!.
Well, never mind, Baba Yaga will show you all! Look, jokers!
(Spins around himself and runs away.)

Santa Claus comes out

Father Frost
Ah, the villain, she wants to ruin the fairy tale again. Don't be sad, prince. Snowflakes will help us.

The snowflake girls take turns coming out and asking riddles about fairy-tale characters. The princes and children will guess.

Snowflake 1
In a clearing near a river
Once upon a time there were little men.
Everyone is small in stature,
Well, they look old.
And they had a girlfriend
Very sweet girl...

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs come out.

Snow White
Behind the mountain in a dense forest, the gnomes have a glorious home.
Snow White is our sister, both beautiful and kind.

The dance of the dwarfs and Snow White is performed

Snow White, let me try on a shoe for you, maybe you are the Cinderella I’m looking for.

Snow Maiden and Father Frost
The miracle never ends
The tale continues.

Snowflake 2
Mom's daughter was born
From a beautiful flower.
Nice, little one!
The baby was an inch tall.
If you have read the fairy tale,
Do you know what my daughter's name was?


Thumbelina and Elf come out.

I am Thumbelina - a girl, a jack of all trades,
I saved the swallow, saved it from harm.

I love Thumbelina very much, I will save her from any trouble.

The dance of the Elf and Thumbelina is performed.

Dear girl, let me try on a shoe for you, maybe you are the Cinderella I am looking for.

He tries on the shoe, it doesn't fit.

Snow Maiden and Father Frost
Didn't the shoe fit? Sadly. It's nothing you can do.
The miracle never ends
The tale continues.

Snowflake 3
He is brave and cheerful,
Pierrot, Malvina are friends with him,
Only he doesn't like school
Your friend...


Buratino, Malvina and Pierrot run out to the music.

I'm beautiful Malvina
With blue hair.
We are with Pierrot and Pinocchio
We are speaking to you.

Of course I'm very strange
Wooden man.
On the ground and underground,
I'm looking for a golden key.

I don't need raspberries
I'm not afraid of a sore throat,
I'm not afraid of anything at all!
If only Malvina
If only Malvina
If only Malvina
She adored me alone.

A puppet dance is performed.

Dear girl, with blue hair, let me try on a shoe for you, maybe you are the Cinderella I am looking for.

He tries on the shoe, it doesn't fit.

Snow Maiden and Father Frost
Didn't the shoe fit? Sadly. It's nothing you can do.
The miracle never ends
The tale continues.

Snowflake 4
He had nothing, friends,
Besides your name,
But the mighty genie serves him,
Because he...


Aladdin and Princess Jasmie come out.

It's a delicate matter - the east,
This is how the prophet created it!
And we are drawn like a magnet
Everything the east is famous for

Fruits here, diamonds there.
And tales about Aladdin...
The light of the moon is pouring down from the heavens.
And the caskets are full of miracles.

Dance of oriental beauties.

Dear oriental beauties, let me try on a shoe for you, maybe there will be Cinderella among you.

He tries on the shoe, it doesn't fit.

Snow Maiden and Father Frost
Didn't the shoe fit? Sadly. It's nothing you can do.
The miracle never ends
The tale continues.

Snowflake 5
A riddle for you about the princess.
She needed a crib
With a hundred brand new mattresses.
I'm telling you I'm beautiful
kind, good,
Princess on…

Princess on the Pea.

Princess and the Pea, they don't call me for nothing.
The king and queen are close relatives to me.

The princess plays the game “Magic Pea” with the children.
While the game is being played under the Christmas tree, Cinderella sits on a stump.

Dear princess, let me try on a shoe for you, maybe you will turn out to be Cinderella.

He tries on the shoe, it doesn't fit.

Snow Maiden and Father Frost
Didn't the shoe fit? Sadly. It's nothing you can do.

Santa Claus.
What should I do?
I've gone through all the fairy tales,
I didn't find Cinderella.

Snow Maiden
Don't be sad, handsome prince,
Your grief is not a problem.
Your path is long and dangerous,
Just always remember.
A fairy tale brings us joy,
He who knows will understand
Good wins in her,
After all, it is stronger than evil.

Father Frost
Look under the tree stump,
He's neither short nor tall
All frozen as a tit
A girl is sitting on a tree stump.

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Prince approach the Christmas tree

Father Frost
Are you warm, girl?
Are you warm, honey?
But this is not Nastenka.

Do you guys recognize the fairy tale we found ourselves in?


This is Cinderella! Dear Cinderella, let me put on your shoe.

He puts a shoe on Cinderella's foot.

Cinderella, I'm so glad I found you!
Everyone's off to the ball
To the New Year's carnival!
Musicians, don't yawn,
Play louder for us.

Musical number

Snow Maiden
Grandfather, haven’t you forgotten anything?

Father Frost
Did Santa Claus play with the children?
Did you dance near the Christmas tree?
Sang songs, joked as best he could, even lit a Christmas tree
What have I forgotten?


Father Frost
You wait a little.
Well, soldiers, come out.
Keep my magic bag.
And I will fulfill my official duty.

The soldiers are holding a bag. Santa Claus passes by the children.

I will take a smile from nice and kind guys!

Santa Claus approaches the Christmas tree

I put the beauty from our Christmas tree in a bag.

Santa Claus stretches out his hands to parents

I will take a little love and care from adults!

And the rest is the work of Santa Claus!

Now I will say the magic words, and you all repeat them after me.
Soldiers, take the bag and run around the tree with it, just don’t stop, otherwise the magic won’t happen

One, two, three, four, five - I begin to conjure.
You help the bag,
Bring us gifts.
Children repeat the words. The soldiers run around the tree to the music, with each circle the bag becomes heavier and heavier. At the end they bring out a bag full of gifts.
Father Frostunties the bag
The Christmas tree was beautiful today and the guys were great, they had a lot of fun
I did some magic for you and collected gifts.
Distribution of gifts.

Father Frost
So friends at the New Year tree, we didn’t waste our time in vain
They played, sang, danced, and were able to visit a fairy tale.

Snow Maiden
It’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday!
I wish you to grow and not get bored!
Don't upset dads, moms and grandmothers too much.
And always ask for forgiveness for any grief.

Father Frost
It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye,
Congratulations to everyone!
Let New Year greeted friendly
Both adults and kids!
Happy New Year!

Thank you for attention! I look forward to your feedback and comments. It is very important for me to hear the opinions of my colleagues. Thank you in advance! Happy New Year! And Merry Christmas! Interesting scenario New Year's holiday for children of senior preschool age

Snow Maiden

Grandfather and grandmother are sitting on a bench, singing “Dear Th,” and suffering

Grandma: Dear, dear, he leaned on his shoulder...

Grandfather: I’m sweet, no matter what, I fell deeply in love

Grandfather: They’ve grown old, gray, and their whiskey has already thinned out.

Grandma: Do you remember, grandfather?

About 50 years ago, when we rocked with you,

The stars were just eclipsed! (dancing)

Grandfather: Yes, there was a time

Grandma: We lived happily, you can’t say anything. One problem - you and I have neither a daughter nor a son... (roars)

Grandfather: Don’t cry, honey, now we’ll make a daughter out of snow! Snow Maiden! And the New Year is just around the corner. There will be joy...

Grandma (joyfully): Let's try.

They sculpt the Snow Maiden to the song “If you suffer for a long time, something will work out.”

Together: Oh, it seems like it worked!

Fairytale phonogram (Cinderella's Song)

The Snow Maiden sings: The body is made of snow,

Heart and soul made of ice.

But by the will of the power of heaven

I came down from heaven here.

I want to know earthly life,

How people live and what they do,

I want to know a different life

I wanted change.

Snow Maiden: Or a light fluff,

Silver snowflake,

appeared before you

And she was reborn from the snow.

Grandfather: Hello, Snow Maiden!

Grandma: Hello, daughter!

Snow Maiden (bows). Hello! Bow to you!

Grandma: Well, come into the house, daughter, Be the mistress!

Koschey's lair, rock sounds, Koschey sits with headphones on, shaking his head to the beat of the music. Baba Yaga appears.

B.Ya.: Hey, Koschey, bag of bones!

Haven't you heard the news?

Everyone says magpies are chattering!

At my grandfather and grandmother's place at the edge of the forest

The girl - the bride - cannot be said in a fairy tale, nor described with a pen!

Koschey (calmly, continues to listen to his rock): So what?

B.Ya.: Oh, have I gone completely crazy?

You've almost completely decayed!

But New Year is coming soon!

Your power will leave if you, you old fool,

You won't get married any minute now!

Koschey, jumping up and throwing off his headphones: Number! What date is today? Tomorrow is New Year!? Everything is gone! Plan, plan, plan... Do you have a plan?

B.Ya: Do I have a plan!? I have everything! Get your act together!

If you want, dress up!

Gold, silver - in the chest,

Pearls and gems.

Grandma will fall for this!!!

Don't drink water off a girl's face,

She loves to live with you!

They rejoice, dance,

B.Ya.: You, darling, just be silent.

Let's find diamond keys for that heart!

They run away to rock music.

Old people's house. Music "Women's Happiness". The Snow Maiden cleans, sweeps, puts everything in its place.

The Snow Maiden sings along: a woman’s happiness, if only a sweetheart were nearby...

Well, nothing else is needed! Woman's happiness.

Strange song...

Do not need anything else,

If the darling is nearby...

Every day it becomes more interesting...

Music "Everything I have in life." Lel appears and sings the chorus of the song, addressing the Snow Maiden.

Lel, admiring the Snow Maiden: What a wonderful miracle? What a marvelous thing? Where were you before, beloved beauty? Why didn’t I sing my songs to you before?

Snow Maiden: I lived far, far away with Grandfather Frost and Mother Spring...

Lel continues the song “Everything I have in life”

The grandmother overhears, then runs out and shouts: Look, what have you thought of! No way, you want to get married! (covering the Snow Maiden with her breasts) Well, noooo. I won’t give such a beauty away for free!

Lel sadly: But what can I give besides songs and warmth of my heart?

Grandma: So, go away as quickly as possible, if the wind is whistling in your pocket! We don't need poor suitors! (shoos Lelya away)

Rock music sounds, Koschey and B.Ya appear. with a chest of wealth.

B.Ya.: Hello, owners! We were passing by and decided to take a look!

Grandma: Heavenly powers! Why are you scaring people?

B.Ya.: You have goods (pointing to the Snow Maiden), we have a merchant (pointing to Koshchei)! Don't look that he's not great!

But his wealth is enough for three whole kingdoms! (opens the chest and shows everyone)

He will shower the bride with gold,

And it won’t offend you either.

The grandmother rushes to the chest, hangs jewelry on herself, puts rings on her fingers, and admires:Oh, what a beauty! Oh, what a wealth! This is where we need to start!

Grandfather: Grandma, what are you doing?

Where are you looking, old man?

After all, the groom is really bad,

As if I didn’t die at the wedding!

And it’s all the same for him!

I have never seen anything nastier in my 70 years!

I firmly say: “NO” (stomps his foot)!

Money can not buy happiness!

Grandma: Yeah, and in their quantity! We can’t drink water from her face, but we will live in wealth!!! Come in, dear, long-awaited guests. And you, Snow Maiden, go dress up, dress up...


Snow Maiden: Even the icy heart shuddered,

What should I do, how can I survive this?

Should I really marry Koshchei?

An old and decrepit villain?

Lel, cheerful Lel was to my liking...

What to do? Mother Spring! Spring!

Please help me!

Music “Like life without spring”, Spring is coming out

Vesna: What happened, daughter?

Snow Maiden: They want to marry me to Koshchei!

Spring: This won't happen! That’s not why I cherished you, I protected your beauty. That’s not why Santa Claus decorated the forest and built snow mansions!

Snow Maiden: But I still want to love and be loved, as happens with people on earth.

Spring: Oh, my baby. Do you know what earthly love is? Just as the sun melts the snow, so love will melt your heart, and then you.

Snow Maiden: But I will learn the secret of love...

Vesna: Well, your choice is your destiny, to have it your way!

Spring takes off the wreath and puts it on the Snow Maiden’s head. The song “Like life without spring” sounds. Lel appears. The Snow Maiden and Lel are spinning, holding hands. (dancing?)

There is a noise, B.Ya. and Koschey, arguing with each other, go on stage.

Koschey: Oh, you scoundrel! You only care about your commissions!

Where is the promised bride who is supposed to rejuvenate me? Ah, here she is... Look how it glows! What's wrong with her?

B.Ya.: Of course, it shines from your diamonds!

Koschey sadly: Eh, Yaga, it is she who glows from LOVE, and not from diamonds...

B.Ya.: Yes. She will melt from love, and we will scratch and scratch that water into a bucket and into your lair. And there with the witchcraft saying...

It sounds like a blizzard. DM appears.

D.M.: Well, no! I won't let trouble happen! I won't let my granddaughter melt. I have an unused cherished desire in stock (says a spell) So be you, Snow Maiden, happy, live with your Lel amicably and peacefully all your life! And may you have many children.

B.Ya. and Koschey: No! No!

DM: Oh, a competitor with a matchmaker? We're late. It is done. Now you will have to pay attention to each other.

BYA looks at Koshchei in surprise: Well, I don’t know?!... Well, mmm...

Koshey: Come on... I have a good dowry, and the New Year is just around the corner. And I, Yagushechka, always liked you. (opens his arms) So, marry me, honey, okay? And we wish the Snow Maiden all the best.

The music is fabulous. Baba Yaga begins to transform from such words, takes off her nose, takes off her rags. Koschey takes off his helmet and looks cheerful and good-natured.

Spring: All's well that ends well!

DM Happy New Year, friends!

In chorus: With new happiness!


I would like to live richly, so that with a hut and near a hut,

But I am my daughter’s mother and I wish her happiness.

But you can’t order your heart,

You can't punish yourself

You cannot deny yourself love power, love power.

Chorus: And in old legends and in songs they sing,

Seek not a dowry, but your share,

If you want, anyone will give you gifts,

But even at the fair you can’t buy love!

All my life I wasted away over gold, and old age came and gasped,

There is plenty of wealth, but no warmth, love and affection.

Deceit brought me closer to you, but did not bring me happiness,

Now we will live with you, Koscheyushka, like in a fairy tale.

Fairy tale “How Baba Yaga wanted to become the Snow Maiden” ( New Year's scenario fairy tales for elementary school: for children 5-8 years old)…

Children enter the hall to cheerful music, start a round dance around the decorated “Little Christmas Tree” tree, then read poems about New Year's holiday take turns and sit down. Presenter:

So again we have gathered with you in an elegant hall to cheerfully celebrate the New Year. Miracles and adventures await us. Are you ready for them guys?

Children answer:


Do you hear the music playing? Someone is in a hurry to join us for the holiday.

The music of “Wild Guitars” from the film “New Year’s Adventures of Masha and Viti” is playing. Baba Yaga, old Leshy and the terrible Kikimora (adults in costumes) appear. Leshy and Kikimora sit under the tree, Baba Yaga walks in front of them. The goblin yawns and slowly falls asleep, Kikimora pulls out frogs from one or another pocket.

Baba Yaga:

So, let's begin our villainous meeting. Everything is in place? Kikimora?


Here I am! Baba Yaga (to Leshem): Is Leshy here?

The goblin snores.

Baba Yaga:

Kikimora pushes Leshy in the side, he wakes up.


Ass? Who called me?

Baba Yaga:

Well, the old stump has finally woken up! No time to sleep, Leshy! Kikimora, don't get distracted! Soon, very soon, the New Year will come, but we have nothing prepared for the holiday: not a single dirty trick, not a single nasty thing. Your suggestions?


Well, you can invite Kashchey to visit and have fun in your hut on chicken legs... I’ll cook a rich frog soup using swamp water.


And I’ll bring a rotten stump from the forest - we’ll have a delicious cake. Let's gnaw and rejoice!

Baba Yaga:

What are you doing? I don’t agree to celebrate the New Year this way! We need to come up with something more interesting! Let's go to the children for a holiday: they have games, dances, songs, and most importantly, they give out gifts to everyone. Let's eat some sweets and chocolates!


Who will let us in there? We are so... scary...


Yes, and I don’t have a decent outfit... Just rags made of seaweed...

Baba Yaga:

Oh you! You have no imagination! I've already thought of everything: we'll change clothes and sneak into children's party no problem.


Well, you are cunning, Granny Yagusya!


Cunning, but not very! And Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will recognize us and drive us away from the holiday.

Baba Yaga:

And we will deceive the Snow Maiden into the forest, and lock her in my hut. And Santa Claus is already so old that he won’t even notice anything.

The evil spirits stand in a tight circle and joke among themselves. Then, everyone hides behind the Christmas tree and calls the Snow Maiden. She comes to the call, Baba Yaga, Kikimora and Leshy pounce on her, put a bag on her head and take her out of the hall.


Oh, did you guys see what happened? What should we do now? How to celebrate New Year without the Snow Maiden? We'll have to help her out! Let's call Santa Claus for help!

Children call the long-awaited Santa Claus, who comes out to them accompanied by music.

Santa Claus (addressing the audience):

Hello my dear friends!

A year has passed unnoticed

I came to your holiday.

Get up in the circle quickly,

Sing a song together!

Children perform any familiar New Year's song. At the end of the round dance, Baba Yaga appears in the hall, dressed as the Snow Maiden, and Leshy with Kikimora in the Snowflake costume.

Father Frost:

So my beloved granddaughter came and brought her girlfriends with her. Hello, Snow Maiden!

Hello, Grandfather! I am your granddaughter - Snow Maiden! I came to you for a gift!

Father Frost:

What's it like to get a gift? You help me with everything, you dance and play with the children! Have some fun guys, tell me a New Year's rhyme!

Baba Yaga:

A rhyme? Ah... Hmmm... Now, I remember... Wow! The New Year is coming - it will bring us joy: Toadstools, frogs, And old toys!

Father Frost:

Hmm, some strange poems! And you don’t look like my Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga:

What are you, Grandfather, talking nonsense? I am the most real Snow Maiden! Look how smart, intelligent and beautiful she is!

Father Frost:

Smart girl, you say? So, granddaughter, guess my riddles!

Santa Claus begins to ask New Year's riddles (about the Christmas tree, winter, holiday), Baba Yaga cannot guess a single one, asks for help from Leshy and Kikimora, but they also do not know the answers. Children guess riddles correctly.

Father Frost:

Something unusual is happening to the Snow Maiden! She has changed a lot!


Father Frost! This is not the Snow Maiden, this is Baba Yaga in disguise, and her friends - Leshy and Kikimora. Check them out again!

Baba Yaga, Leshy, Kikimora (vying with each other):

She's lying all the time! This is a real Snow Maiden, and we are Snowflakes-girlfriends!

Father Frost:

It's easy to check! My granddaughter can dance beautifully. Now the magic music will play, and you dance - let’s see how you do it.

Music begins to play (any waltz), the evil spirits dance at random, during the dance the outfits of the evil spirits fall off, and it becomes clear who they really are.

Father Frost:

The truth has been revealed! Baba Yaga, Leshy and Kikimora are old friends! What are you up to again? Where is my granddaughter?

The children tell Santa Claus what happened to the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus (angry):

Oh you, devilry! Quickly return the Snow Maiden, otherwise you will be in trouble!

Baba Yaga:

Here's another! We want a holiday too!


Yes, the Snow Maiden’s dress is beautiful and fashionable. She will teach me to be a fashionista!


And he will sing me funny songs and tell me fairy tales. We won't give you the girl!

Father Frost:

And if our children cheer you up, will you return your granddaughter?

Evil spirits:

Well, we'll think about it... It's unlikely that this baby will be able to cheer us up!


Our guys can do a lot. For example, they can sing a funny song.

Children sing the song “What is New Year?” During the song, Baba Yaga, Leshy and Kikimora sing along and smile, but after the song they again make gloomy faces.


Well, it’s a so-so song... Leshy: Yeah, it’s a bit boring...

Baba Yaga:

Maybe they can dance better?

Father Frost:

Guys, come out and start the fun dance! Children dance New Year's polka in pairs. During the dance, the evil spirits dance, but at the end they frown again.


Again they didn’t like anything: look how they frowned. We need to cheer them up in a different way - with fun games!

The games “Sack Run”, “Decorate the Christmas Tree with Your Eyes Closed”, and “Snowballs” are played. Baba Yaga with Leshiy and Kikimora are having fun and laughing.

Father Frost:

So you have fun! And poor Snow Maiden sits alone in the hut. Return her immediately!

Baba Yaga:

Okay, okay, don't grumble, Grandfather! Hey, Kikimora and Leshy, take our captive!

Kikimora and Leshy leave the hall and bring the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost:

Here she is, my beauty! How are you, granddaughter?

Snow Maiden:

Hello, dear Grandfather Frost! Hello, dear guys! I felt bad and bored in the dark hut. But now I’m with you, and I’m not afraid of anything! It's time to celebrate the New Year! Let's have fun!

Father Frost:

What should we do with your offenders - Baba Yaga, Kikimora and Leshi? Should I punish them or forgive them?

Snow Maiden:

New Year is a good holiday. It's good that all the misadventures are over. Let's forgive them and leave them to the party!

Father Frost:

Okay, granddaughter! So be it: stay with us, but don’t do any more mischief!

The evil spirits promise not to do anything bad again. Children dance in a round dance, read poems to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, sing and play. During the general fun, Baba Yaga persuades Leshy and Kikimora to slowly take away the bag of gifts. They take him and begin to pull him towards the door. The Snow Maiden notices this.

Snow Maiden:

Where did you take the bag of gifts?

The evil spirits are embarrassed and return the bag to the tree.

Father Frost:

That's how harmful you are! They wanted to leave the children without gifts! Nothing worked out for you!

Baba Yaga and others:

Yes, we wanted to joke... Well, they returned every single gift!

Father Frost:

Well, that's great! It's time to give gifts to my beloved children and say goodbye.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts to children, then everyone says goodbye and leaves...

The most beloved and long-awaited holiday of all children - New Year - is just around the corner. and already now, and somewhere since the beginning of summer, educators are beginning to prepare for the holiday. New scenario New Year's theatrical fairy tale in kindergarten will help you put on a small performance for the children and make them happy. In our scenario, all the fairy tales are mixed, and the children must help them find their fairy tale. So, look at the script.

New Year is just around the corner. If you listen closely, you can hear Santa Claus walking through the snowdrifts. He is in a hurry to join us for the holiday. Do you hear? (the presenter shows the children not to make noise and listen)

The sound of footsteps turns on and Puss in Boots enters the hall.

Puss in Boots:
Meow! Who you are?

Who are you? Although of course we found out to you. Did you find out, children? Yes, it's Puss in Boots! But what are you doing at our New Year's party?

Puss in Boots:
I got lost and ended up here. I just followed the sounds and here I am.

How did you get lost? Shouldn't you be in your own fairy tale?

Puss in Boots:
It should, but now all the fairy tales are mixed up. An evil witch came and invited the fairy-tale characters to take a walk, show themselves and watch other fairy tales. We agreed, and as soon as we came out of our fairy tales, she closed all the books and bewitched them!

How will children live without fairy tales now? And for the New Year too! Children, can we help bring back all the fairy tales?
Come on, cat, tell me how to fix everything.

Puss in Boots:
Each fairy tale is enchanted with two spells. First and second. And they open in different ways.
To cast the first spell in my tale, you must win the following competition.

Competition from Puss in Boots.
Paper trails are laid out on the floor. In advance, using shoes, marks are made on pieces of paper and cut out. The footprints are laid out as if someone had passed, so that children can walk on them. Boots for children are also brought out. Boots should preferably be of medium size so that they fit all children, but do not dangle on their feet.
The children's task is to put on their boots and follow all the tracks one by one. This way they can help Puss in Boots cast his spell on the way to his fairy tale.

Well, did it work?

Puss in Boots:
Yes, the road is disenchanted, and I see traces that I can follow into a fairy tale. But the fairy tale itself is still closed.

What to do?

Puss in Boots:
Everything is simple here - the children must sing a song loudly so that the witch's spell stops working.

We can do this. Children, shall we sing a New Year's song?

Children dance in a circle and sing a New Year's song.

Puss in Boots:
Thank you, now I can return to my fairy tale! Let's meet on the pages of the book!

What a great fellow you are! Helped Puss in Boots return to the fairy tale!

Then Pinocchio rolls into the hall amid the roar and noise.

Wow?! Did you recognize him? It's Pinocchio!

Hi all! Don’t you know the way to my fairy tale? I went out here for a walk, and I can’t go back.

We know that the evil witch mixed up all the fairy tales. The cat in boots told us everything.

And how can I return? I miss my fairy tale so much! I really want to see Malvina!

Puss in Boots said that every fairy tale is enchanted with two spells. How can we help you?

I'm actually having trouble here. Here, look (shows locks and keys).
The witch made it seem to me that all the keys and locks are the same. And I can't find the right key for my lock. And if I open all the locks, then my fairy tale will open! Help me please!

Shall we help Pinocchio?

Competition - help Pinocchio.
There are locks and keys on the table. Children take turns running up to the table and picking up the keys to the lock. Each child must open one lock. To do this, they need to go through all the keys and try to open the lock.
Once all the locks are open, the competition ends.

That's how great you are! All the locks were opened. But you probably know that I still can’t get into my fairy tale.

Yes, we know that too. And we will help you. Now we can sing together!

The children sing another New Year's song.

All. Now my fairy tale is open! Farewell! Read me, I won’t forget you!

Well, where is Santa Claus? So much time has passed and he’s still not there.

There is another noise, a roar, and a snowman appears on the stage.

What fairy tale are you from?

I am from many fairy tales. I am everywhere. But I hasten to tell you that the evil witch kicked out Santa Claus from all fairy tales. And now he has no time to come here, he needs to return to fairy tales!

Oh, what should we do? We must help Santa Claus!

Necessary! But the sorceress cast such spells that it will be difficult for you!

No problem, our children are so great that they will do everything!

Yes?! Then here's the first task.

The first task from the snowman.
Paper snowballs are scattered on the floor. Snowballs different color: white, blue, red and green. The children's task is to collect only white snowballs.
While the children are collecting white snowballs in their buckets, the witch's servants fly out and slip colored snowballs into the children's buckets. Children should stop them from doing this, or throw a colored snowball out of their bucket.
When all the white snowballs have been collected, the children run to the snowman.

Well done! We completed the task! Now the snow will turn white again, and not the colors of the rainbow! And through the white snow, Santa Claus will find his way into his fairy tales!
But there is another task. Now you need to sing loudly so that the books open!
Can you sing?

The children sing the following New Year's song.


I don’t understand what’s going on – after all, fairy tales should open up?

Wait, snowman. With songs we opened one book at a time, but there were many books at once! Maybe we should shout louder? children, let's call Santa Claus together and loudly!

The children shout loudly: FATHER FROST! FATHER FROST! FATHER FROST!