Violation of writing and reading. Classification, symptoms, main directions of work with children of school age. Identification of specific writing disorders - dysgraphia. First year of education Impaired writing in visually impaired schoolchildren

Violations of the written language of the visually impaired junior schoolchildren.

The most common form of speech pathology among younger students is dysgraphia and dyslexia. Reading and writing disorders share the same etiology and similar mechanisms. In the anamnesis of children with dysgraphia, the presence of a number of pathological factors affecting the prenatal, natal and postnatal period is noted. A hereditary factor predisposing to the occurrence of a violation of the letter is not excluded.

A writing disorder may be due to an organic lesion of the cortical areas of the brain involved in the writing process, a delay in the maturation of these brain systems, and a disruption in their functioning. In addition, a violation of writing may be associated with long-term somatic diseases of children in the early period of their development, as well as adverse external factors(incorrect speech of others, insufficient attention to the speech of the child in the family, lack of speech contacts). In severe cases, dysgraphia can manifest itself in various categories of abnormal children in the structure of nervous and neuropsychiatric diseases: in mentally retarded children, in children with a delay mental development, in children with minimal brain dysfunction, with cerebral palsy, in children with visual impairment.

There are no healthy children in this year's enrollment. From this it is not difficult to conclude that even those children who have shown a good readiness for the first grade may be dysgraphic in the future.

The following groups of errors in dysgraphia are distinguished:

Skipping letters and syllables

Permutation of letters and syllables,

Insertions of vowels (with a confluence of consonants),

Substitutions a) paired voiced and voiceless consonants ( dt, ss),

b) posterior lingual g-k-x,

c) sonors r-l,

d) whistling and hissing ( s-sh, s-zh, s-sh, ch-ts, ch-th, ts-t, ts-s),

e) oh-ah(in shock position),

f) labialized vowels e-yu,

and) b-d, i-y, p-t, x-f, l-m, i-sh(kinetically similar),

Separate spelling of parts of a word (e.g., i-dut),

Consolidated spelling of service words or two independent ones, errors in the displacement of the word boundary (for example, under the bed),

Inconsistency of the members of the proposal.

Most visually impaired children are characterized by optical dysgraphia. This type of dysgraphia is due to the lack of formation of visual-spatial functions: these are visual gnosis and visual mnesis, visual analysis and synthesis, and spatial representations.

With optical dysgraphia, the following types of writing disorders are observed:

a) distorted reproduction of letters in a letter (incorrect reproduction of the spatial relationship of letter elements, mirror spelling of letters, missing elements, extra elements);

b) replacement and mixing of graphically similar letters. Most often, either letters are mixed that differ in one element ( p-t, l-m, i-sh), or letters consisting of the same or similar elements, but differently located in space (v-d, e-s).

Having written the first element, the child was not able to differentiate the subtle movements of the hand in accordance with the plan. It either incorrectly conveys the number of homogeneous elements ( p-t), or mistakenly selects the last element ( bd). The decisive role in these disorders is played by the identity of graphomotor movements at the "start" of each of the mixed letters. Control over the course of motor acts during writing is carried out due to visual perception and musculoskeletal sensations. When the kinetic and dynamic aspects of the motor act are not formed in visually impaired junior schoolchildren, kinesthesia cannot have a guiding value. Then there is a mixture of letters, the design of the first element of which requires the same movements.

To implement an effective correction of the spelling of kinetically mixed letters, an integrated approach is required, including the following areas:

Development of visual perception and visual memory,

Formation of spatial representations,

Development of motor function of the hand,

Direct study of specific letters,

Differentiation of kinetically mixed letters (isolated, in syllables, words, in sentences).

In the process of developing visual gnosis, the following tasks can be used:

Find a letter in a series of similar ones,

Find letters crossed out by lines

Construct printed and handwritten letters from the proposed elements,

Find correctly depicted letters among correct and mirror images,

Complete the missing elements of the letter,

Reconstruct letters by adding the necessary elements ( i-sh) or by changing the spatial arrangement of elements ( i-n-p),

Identify letters overlapping each other

Remember the named letters and choose them among others,

Arrange the letters in their original order.

In the course of work on the correction of kinetically mixed letters, it is necessary to pay attention to the work on the formation of spatial representations and their speech designation. It is necessary to include in the work exercises for orientation in one's own body and in the body of the person opposite, as well as exercises for clarifying the spatial arrangement of graphic signs.

Such tasks contribute to the training of the hand and gaze in sequential movement in a given direction. For these tasks, graphic dictations are used, the purpose of which is to form the ability to correctly reproduce a given direction of lines on a sheet of paper, to navigate on a plane. It is advisable to use tasks to clarify the spatial arrangement of letter elements, for example, to find letters whose elements are located above the line ( c, b), below the line ( u, h, d),

Find the letters in which the hand moves from the starting point to the right ( g, i, l), left ( A, s, d),

Find letters whose elements are located symmetrically about the center line ( w, f, o).

For the development of motor functions of the hand, the following exercises are practiced and brought to automatism:

Counting fingers on one hand and on both,

Alternating positions "fist-ring", "fist-rib-palm",

keyboard movements,

Hatching first with straight segments, then with circles and hooks, loops, tracing letter samples through tracing paper.

A large place in the work on the correction of kinetically mixed letters is given to the study and refinement of the optical image of a particular kinema. When studying a particular letter, all its constituent elements are analyzed in detail, it is explained where the informative places are in this letter: the place of the fold, the beginning and end of the line. Children are invited to find informative places in the letters or, conversely, to reproduce the letters by informative points. To fix the visual-motor image of the letter, you can use pictures with similar objects ( b-squirrel, d woodpecker) and accompany them with small poems.

It is important to teach children to highlight the "supporting signs" that distinguish these letters. Especially during the period of literacy.


1., Obukhov difficult consonants. How to help a child with writing and reading disorders. M., 5 for knowledge. 20s.

3. Beshkieva written speech among schoolchildren. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix. 2009.-318 p.

4., Rozhkova and binocular mechanisms of spatial perception in visually impaired children with diseases of the retina and optic nerve. Defectology. No. 6. 2010. p. 39-48.

5. Glagoleva difficulties in teaching younger students to read and write. Education and upbringing of children with developmental disorders. No. 4. 2003. p. 27.

6. Deniskin educational needs of children with visual impairments. Defectology. No. 6. 2012. p. 17-24.

7., Venediktov reading and writing by younger students. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix. 20s.

8. Lalaeva work in correctional classes. M., Vlados. 20s.

9. About violations of the letter at pupils of mass school. Education and upbringing of children with developmental disorders. No. 5. 2009. p. 64-69.

10. Ponomareva to help a first grader master writing skills. Primary School. Nos. 42-43.


Among the underachieving and underachieving visually impaired schoolchildren, there is a group of children who, with normal abilities, experience pronounced and persistent difficulties in mastering literacy. They either do not acquire literacy at all in the conditions of schooling, or they write and read with characteristic errors that noticeably distinguish their writing and reading from the writing and reading of classmates. Difficulties in acquiring literacy in a number of cases entail poor performance in other subjects. Such children often give the false impression of mentally retarded, although in reality they have a normal intellect.

The underachievement of visually impaired junior schoolchildren, characterized mainly by a sharp lag in reading and writing, is a fairly common phenomenon. Meanwhile, the practice of overcoming these disorders in the school of the visually impaired does not currently meet the proper requirements.

In the shortcomings of the practice of working with visually impaired children, the concept of the “optical” theory of writing impairment, which was widely used in science and in practice (W. Morgan, D. Ginshelwood, P. Ranshburg, etc.), finds its echo. According to this theory, mastering the shape of letters and their spatial arrangement was considered the most difficult in acquiring literacy, correctional work was aimed at memorizing the outlines of letters and was reduced to repeated exercises in copying, cutting, shading, underlining, etc. Despite the fact that in one form or another this concept is defended in the literature to this day (K. Hermann, J. Eiaenson), in the theory and practice of speech therapy, it showed its inconsistency and gave way to new theory, according to which writing disorders are considered as manifestations of unformed speech processes (R.M. Boskis, R.E. Levina, L.F. Spirova, N.A. Nikashina, G.V. Chirkina, G.A. Kashe, R. I. Shuifer, S. S. Lyapidevsky, A. R. Luria,R. Beckerand etc.). The foundations of this theory were laid down in the works of R. E. Levina, dating back to the 1930s, and received further development in her subsequent works, as well as in the studies of other scientists in the sector of speech therapy of the Research Institute of Diagnosis of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.

The identification of the nature of writing disorders, expressed in the replacement of letters (one of the main characteristics of the defect), was facilitated by the analysis of mastering the grapheme, carried out in two planes - in terms of optical and in terms of language. It is this approach that corresponds to the phonological theory, according to which the letter is an optical form of sound generalization, the phoneme is fixed in the letter. The close relationship found between the shortcomings of phonemic perception and letter substitutions, pokalivali the failure of the "optical" theory and revealed the linguistic nature of the studied phenomena. The revelation of the true origin of graphic substitutions of letters served as another important piece of evidence in favor of linguistic theory. The approach to understanding writing disorders as a manifestation of speech underdevelopment is also substantiated by rethinking other phenomena, at first glance, as if confirming the “optical” nature of the disorders. In his study, R.E. Levina showed that in the case of optical agnosia there is a violation of writing, but it is associated with a deviation of visual perception by complex developmental connections, and not only directly. In accordance with systematic approach to the speech pathology developed in the works of the speech therapy sector, writing disorders are explained by the underdevelopment of all components of the speech system.

Researchers addressing the issue of the nature of writing disorders in visually impaired schoolchildren (M.I. Zemtsova, O.L. Zhiltsova, N.S. Kostyuchek,X. Surveyor), express the opinion that, with a certain originality due to visual impairment, the patterns of writing disorders in visually impaired children are similar to these disorders in children with normal vision and their roots lie in the previous speech development. A significant contribution to the development of this issue was made by the studies of O. L. Zhiltsova and N. S. Kostyuchek.

However, to date, there has been no special study of writing disorders in visually impaired schoolchildren, which would trace the connection of these disorders with general underdevelopment of speech. The conditionality of speech errors in writing by optical impairments still remains unnoticed. This leads to the fact that teachers often find it difficult to interpret the reasons for a child’s sharp lag in acquiring literacy, often they are not able to distinguish between a writing defect associated with speech underdevelopment and defects caused by other factors. In this regard, in the correction of the writing of visually impaired children, methods are often used that do not correspond to the nature of the violation, and therefore are ineffective. unjustifiably big role At the same time, it is assigned to exercises designed to clarify the letter style and develop visual control in the process of writing.

The urgency of this problem determined the idea of ​​this study. Its purpose is to study writing disorders in visually impaired schoolchildren.

The implementation of the task was the study of the writing and speech of 239 visually impaired students and in the chains of comparison of 478 children with normal vision (all the children examined had normal intelligence and hearing). The number of visually impaired students examined was 71 in the first grade, 42 in the second grade, 47 in the third grade, 38 in the fourth grade, and 40 in the fifth grade. Children with normal vision were divided into classes as follows: the first class - 142, the second class - 84, the third class - 94, the fourth class - 76, the fifth class - 80 people.

Studying the writing disorders of visually impaired schoolchildren in different periods of education, starting from the first stage of literacy and up to the fifth grade, we analyzed the vast majority of home and classroom work done by first grade students from September to December, as well as dictations of 239 visually impaired students. students and 474 children with normal vision, held in the second half. The study included dictations provided by the school curriculum, as well as specially composed and saturated with frequently mixed sounds. 200 words were analyzed for each pupil of the first grade, and 500 words of text for pupils of grades 2-5, which amounted to 93,200 words of text for visually impaired children and 186,400 for children with normal vision.

We were also able to trace the changes taking place in the writing of 33 students over the course of several years of schooling. Of exceptional interest for analysis was the material of observations of children from 3-4 years of age to 2-3 years of schooling (3 people). A group of children (11 people) was covered by special training aimed at overcoming their deviations in writing.

The study was conducted on the basis of boarding schools for visually impaired children No. 2 and No. 5 in Moscow, Marx, Saratov region, a boarding school for blind children and a mass secondary school No. 6 in Saratov in 1967/68, 1968/69, 1969/70 , 1970/71, 1971/72 academic years.

Cubes - interesting view educational and game materials. They develop tactile perception, perception of three-dimensional forms, associative and figurative thinking. When using a variety of fillers, they draw attention to sounds and help develop the sound side of speech.

Download for free:

The manual is designed for speech therapists and teachers primary school correctional and mass schools, as well as for parents of elementary grades.

The beginning of schooling is a turning point in a child's life, characterized by a change in the main activity: teaching comes to replace the game. This is a new and unknown type of activity and, like everything new and unknown, it can be a factor in the child's increased anxiety, contributing to low self-esteem.

Neurologists believe that one of the factors hindering the formation of learning skills in first-graders is the lack of formation of voluntary attention in a child and its hyperactivity due to underdevelopment by the time learning begins, certain departments brain responsible for concentration.

For a visually impaired child, this is also a solution to a number of difficult problems associated with a visual defect and adaptation to new living conditions in a boarding school. In addition, visually impaired children have secondary impairments.

You are welcomed by the primary school speech therapist Napadovskaya Valentina Leonidovna.

    Information about education:

    1958 Odessa State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.
    Profession by education: teacher of French at a secondary school.

    1968 Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute.
    Specialty by education: defectology.
    Education Qualification: Special School Teacher and Speech Pathologist
    Job Title: Speech Therapist.

Total work experience - 49 years, teaching experience - 49 years.
Work experience in boarding school №2 - 42 years.
In 2005 she was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker general education Russian Federation".

    Article “Impaired writing in visually impaired schoolchildren. Forms and techniques corrective work» collection «Psychological and pedagogical aspects of education of children with developmental disabilities», 2001.

    Manual for speech therapists "Correction of speech disorders and the formation of creative abilities in children with visual impairment", 2003.

Prepared for publication and tested in speech therapy classes with students of the 1st grade who have a speech therapy conclusion of the ONR illustrated manual "Formation of cognitive activity and social competence about the world around in the process of subject-practical work on the development of creative abilities in children with visual impairments."

Speech at the teachers' council in 2012 "The importance of corrective work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in visually impaired schoolchildren in the context of improving the quality of education."

The value of corrective work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in visually impaired schoolchildren in the context of improving the quality of education.

Directions of corrective work.
In order to provide timely speech therapy assistance to students who need it and to prevent further failure of schoolchildren, as well as to improve the quality of education in general, at the beginning of each academic year, a speech therapy examination of first-graders and those students who have problems in mastering oral and written language is carried out at the boarding school. speech. Teachers' requests, parents' complaints about difficulties in mastering learning skills by their children (pronunciation defects, difficulties in mastering the process of reading, literate writing, difficulties in understanding and conveying the content of what has been read, violation of the pace and fluency of speech) are taken into account.

According to the results of a speech therapy examination in the current academic year, it turned out that out of 16 first-graders, 14 students need speech therapy assistance. In 7 of them, a violation of sound pronunciation was revealed, phonemic immaturity was detected in 11 first-graders, phonemic underdevelopment - in 2 people. Most first-graders find it difficult to correctly construct a sentence, its grammatical design, they find it difficult to establish a connection between words in a sentence. In children lexicon does not correspond to their age norm, they experience difficulties in the simplest sound analysis. All 14 first-graders received a speech therapy conclusion “General underdevelopment of speech”.

Speech impairment in visually impaired children, as in children with other sensory anomalies, is a secondary deviation and is persistent. Speech disorders negatively affect the mental development of the child, the effectiveness of his learning and are often the result of gaps in the sensory perception of the world around him. Therefore, all speech therapy classes are conducted using visual material.
Speech therapy classes are designed to help a child with visual pathology not only cope with speech deficiencies, but also help him adapt in the future and improve the quality of his education.
9 first-graders were divided into three subgroups, and five students study individually according to the complexity of the speech therapy defect, the state of health of children, their individual characteristics and in order to obtain optimal results in the correction of speech disorders.

Corrective educational work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech is carried out according to a special program, which includes the sections: “Work on the word”, “Sentence”, “Formation of monologue speech”, “Work on the syllabic composition of the word”, “Formation of vowels of the second row, selection of the second vowel row of words.
It is corrective work on overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in the 1st grade in the future that will help the child learn to pronounce words correctly, avoid agrammatisms in speech, speak in extended phrases, understand the conditions of tasks and exercises, learn educational material, and, therefore, will make a visually impaired child successful in learning, i.e. will serve the quality of his education.
As a result of effectively organized speech therapy work, by the end of the first academic quarter, two first-graders with impaired sound pronunciation by the type of dysarthria were given the sound “R”. In the future, with these children, work will be carried out to automate the delivered sounds.
At the request of the mother of one of the students, who was concerned that her motivated child was having difficulty learning to read, the boy was offered special exercises to help develop reading skills. By the end of the first quarter, there was a positive trend in education. The child began to read words of a simple syllabic structure in syllables.

Starting from the second grade, speech therapy work is carried out to correct violations of written speech by type various kinds dysgraphia: an acoustic, optical, agrammatic form of dysgraphia and is closely related to the program in the Russian language and literary reading.
Given that the process of writing in visually impaired schoolchildren is also hampered by a violation of visual control, as well as the fact that they are characterized by a disorder of voluntary attention, correctional work is being carried out in the following areas:

1. improving the skills of sound analysis;
2. fixing the connection between the sound and optical image of the grapheme;
3. education of voluntary attention when performing written work.

As a result of systematic correctional work, many students with past and present speech problems showed positive dynamics in learning and became successful students:

    student - in the past OHP (phonetic-phonemic lack of formation, agrammatism in writing and speaking, significant difficulties in reading and retelling)

    student - a severe violation of sound pronunciation by the type of dysarthria. Completely got rid of the speech defect, manages to "4" and "5".

    students - a severe violation of sound pronunciation, a violation of writing by the type of FFN. I finished the second grade with one B in Russian.

    students - (FFN (rhinolalia), after undergoing rhinoplasty, the child suffered from dyslalia (rotacism, lambdacism) caused by the innervation of the articulatory apparatus. To date, dyslalia has been eliminated, work continues on correcting the nasal tone of the voice. Successful in learning.

    a student - a violation of the pace and fluency of speech by the type of neurosis-like stuttering as a result negative impact external environment associated with unfavorable conditions in the family. At present, as a result of the application of a special technique, the girl's self-esteem has increased, she is in time for "4" and "5", she is engaged in music school. There is a good dynamics in the complete overcoming of the speech therapy defect.

Only a number of examples of the importance of corrective speech therapy work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech are given.
There are many such examples.
Thus, speech therapy classes, solving specific problems, help students successfully cope with the educational process, motivate students to quality education and quality contribute to improving the quality of education in general.

Speech therapist Napadovskaya V. L.

Hello dear parents!
You are welcomed by the teacher-speech therapist of the middle classes - Nazarova Irina Petrovna.

    Information about education:

    Barnaul Pedagogical Institute in 1985 with a degree in Russian language and literature.

    In 2009 Graduated from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Moscow City Pedagogical University under the program "Correctional and logopedic work with children with speech disorders". Since 2008 I also work as a speech pathologist.

    I have been working as a teacher of Russian language and literature at boarding school No. 2 since 2001.

The total teaching experience is 25 years.

Awarded with diplomas of the Northern Administrative District.

I help children in grades 4-8 with speech and writing impairments to study, I provide corrective and advisory assistance.
With her theme of self-education "Correctional problems of secondary school students" she spoke at the teachers' council in 2011.

Group enrollment.
Enrollment in the group is based on the results of the survey, which is conducted from 1 to 15 September.
The main forms of classes are subgroup and individual. The duration of subgroup classes is 40 minutes, individual 20 minutes.
Subgroups are formed depending on the speech therapy conclusion, the nature of violations of oral and written speech.

The main diagnosis: a violation of writing and reading, due to the elements of OHP.
Some students have a writing disorder like dysorphography, when the child knows the rules, but is not able to apply them in the writing process.
Speech therapy classes are held after school hours, taking into account the working hours educational institution in the period from September 15 to May 15 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 13.45 to 19 hours.
First of all, children whose speech disorders hinder the successful assimilation of program material are enrolled in the speech therapy group. 16 students receive speech therapy assistance. Classes are held in a special room equipped with everything necessary for productive and interesting classes.

In the classroom, I take into account the time of visual load, I do exercises to reduce mental and eye fatigue.
I teach children to think logically correctly, compare and generalize, develop analysis and synthesis skills when a child cannot determine the sequence of sounds in a word, confuses some sounds, replaces or rearranges them in syllables and words.
I deal with shortcomings and violations of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, when the child's vocabulary is limited, he incorrectly coordinates words in speech, finds it difficult to express his thoughts, and cannot cope with retelling. In the classroom we find and correct mistakes, learn, by reading, to analyze the spelling of words, break them into syllables and, isolating erroneously dangerous places, letters, which further develops spelling vigilance when checking written work in the classroom and when doing homework and the ability to find own mistakes.
We learn to control our own and other people's speech, develop general and finger motor skills, visual and auditory memory and attention.
Good speech is a great blessing. Thanks to her, the child becomes a self-confident, balanced, purposeful person. He can appreciate himself and others, can do what he loves in life.

An analysis of special psychological, pedagogical, speech therapy literature showed that at present there is an increase in the number of children suffering from writing disorders. This is due to the fact that in most cases, children of primary school age do not fully develop the higher mental functions involved in the formation of the basic skills of the writing process.

The work of many Russian researchers (A. N. Kornev, L. V. Venediktova, I. N. Sadovnikova, R. I. Lalaeva, E. V. Mazanova, L. N. Efimenkov and etc.) Researchers note that normally the writing process is formed on the basis of the main speech and non-speech functions: auditory differentiation of sounds, their correct pronunciation, language analysis and synthesis, the formation of the lexico-grammatical side of speech, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations. Disorder of any of these functions can lead to a violation of the process of mastering the letter, that is, to dysgraphia.

R. I. Lalaeva notes that dysgraphia is a partial violation of the writing process, manifested in specific repetitive errors of a persistent nature, due to the lack of formation of higher mental functions involved in the writing process.

In the optical form of dysgraphia in children, there is a violation of visual perception, analysis and synthesis, as well as motor coordination; inaccuracy of ideas about the shape, color and size of the object; underdevelopment of memory, spatial perception and representations, difficulties in optical-spatial analysis, unformed optical image of a letter. In writing, children often confuse letters that are similar in optical and kinetic features.

Writing disorders are quite common in students with visual impairments, in particular in visually impaired children. Our goal research work consisted in identifying and eliminating persistent specific errors of an optical nature in writing in visually impaired schoolchildren. Experimental work on the elimination of optical dysgraphia in visually impaired children was carried out by us on the basis of a boarding school for children with visual impairments in the city of Armavir Krasnodar Territory. The study involved five students of the 4th grade. The study included the following steps:

Stage I - ascertaining experiment. Purpose: to study speech functions (writing process) and non-speech functions (initial state of optical-spatial relations, graphomotor skills, visual analysis and synthesis, visual memory capacity) in visually impaired children.

Stage II - a formative experiment. Purpose: to conduct special correctional and speech therapy work aimed at the formation of optical-spatial relations, visual perception, analysis and synthesis, hand-eye coordination in visually impaired children.

Stage III - control experiment. Purpose: to check the effectiveness of the speech therapy work, to compare the results.

The ascertaining experiment was carried out in the following areas: diagnosis of the initial state of the writing process in visually impaired children, detection of the presence of optical dysgraphia, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results obtained.

To study the initial state of the writing process in visually impaired schoolchildren, we used the methodology of R. I. Lalayeva, L. I. Venediktova, which included the following tasks: auditory dictation and copying (from printed and handwritten text). During the auditory dictation, we observed the necessary conditions taking into account the specifics of children (large, bright lined notebooks; loudness, clarity of articulation when reading a dictation). Copying from printed and handwritten text was given on cards, the font corresponded to the visual defects of children. The execution time was limited. If the child did not cope with the work in the allotted time, this was recorded in the analysis of written work. In addition, we analyzed the workbooks of students in the Russian language.

When evaluating the results of written work, it can be noted that in addition to spelling errors, all schoolchildren had persistent specific errors: phonemic recognition, language analysis and synthesis, mixing of graphically similar letters according to kinetic and optical features. The most common were mixtures of graphically similar letters and the presence of agrammatisms. At the same time, omissions of letters (vowels, consonants) of syllables and words were recorded in written works; mixing letters according to acoustic and articulatory features (whistling and hissing consonants); permutations, insertions and perseverations of letters; continuous spelling of service words; lack of designations of sentence boundaries, violation of the connection of words in a sentence.

The conducted experiment showed that optical and agrammatic forms of dysgraphia predominate in all visually impaired schoolchildren studied by us. It should be noted that when copying, the children mostly made errors of an optical nature and errors of phonemic recognition.

To study non-speech functions, we used the methods of different authors:

Method 1. "House" (examination of subject gnosis and visual attention of the authors N. I. Gutkina, O. V. Eletskaya).

Method 2. "Graphic dictation" (examination of the graphomotor skills of the authors D. B. Elkonin, N. Yu. Gorbachevskaya).

Method 3. "Head's tests" (examination of visual-spatial functions).

Method 4 “Superimposed, noisy images. Construction (reconstruction) of letters” (examination of the state of visual gnosis, analysis and synthesis of the authors R. I. Lalayeva, A. R. Luria).

Each task according to the methods was evaluated by us separately on a five-point scale:

4 points - the task was completed independently, without errors;

3 points - the task was completed slowly, uncertainly, with 1 - 2 errors;

2 points - the task was completed slowly, uncertainly, with errors (3 - 5);

1 point - the task was not completed completely, there are gross errors, inaccuracies, even with the help of a speech therapist, the task is difficult to complete;

0 points - the task is not completed.

A qualitative analysis of the results of the study of non-verbal functions showed that none of the children we studied could independently and without errors complete the proposed tasks. At all stages of diagnosis in children, it was noted a large number of errors associated with a violation of optical-spatial representations and disorders of visual perception, analysis and synthesis. Thus, when evaluating the results of auditory dictation, all children noted the lack of formation of optical-spatial gnosis and praxis, which indicated difficulties in assimilation of optically similar letters. Children often replaced letters that differed in additional elements (l - m - and, and - w - u, p - t, x - g), extra and incorrectly located elements, omissions of elements were observed in the letter, especially when connecting letters that include the same element , as well as letters consisting of the same elements, but differently located in space (z - v - d, t - w, and - y). In addition, two visually impaired schoolchildren were found to have mirror writing of individual capital and lowercase letters (s - o, E - Z, e - e). All the schoolchildren studied by us showed underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech. Children changed inflections (“There are many colors there”), distortions of the sound-syllabic structure of the word were often observed. Conducting a reciprocal test showed the presence of a delayed switch, a violation of the order of the proposed positions. During the Head Test, one of the common mistakes was the mirror image of the posture, in all children there were difficulties in differentiating the left and right sides. When performing tests “for praxis of the pose”, the students used another finger when showing, or most often the smallest / largest number of fingers when reproducing the proposed poses. In addition, three students did not cope with the graphic dictation. The works noted the presence of "trembling" lines, with breaks, additional strokes, proportions were violated, the size and direction of movement were violated, which indicates a gross underdevelopment of graphomotor skills. The results of the last technique with the image of superimposed and noisy pictures confirmed the disorder of visual gnosis, analysis and synthesis in the children under study.

The formative experiment was carried out by us during the academic year. Speech therapy work was built in accordance with the methodology chosen by us E. V. Mazanova, which suggests working in the following areas: clarifying and expanding the volume of visual memory; formation and development of visual perception and representations; development of visual analysis and synthesis; development of visual-motor coordination; formation of speech means reflecting visual-spatial relations; learning to differentiate letters mixed by optical features.

In accordance with the chosen areas of correctional and speech therapy work, we selected a number of tasks: naming contour, shadow, crossed out, superimposed images of objects. At the frontal classes, work was carried out to clarify ideas about the form, color and size. Used to develop visual memory didactic games: “What is missing?”, “What has changed?” etc. At the same time, work was carried out to develop a visual analysis of images and letters into constituent elements. When eliminating the optical form of dysgraphia, in parallel with the development of spatial representations, we carried out work on the formation of understanding and the correct use of prepositional constructions and adverbs in oral speech. Much attention was paid to the work on the differentiation of optical samples of mixed letters (correlation with any similar objects).

Thus , the set of tasks we selected and the use of special techniques made it possible to create conditions for the development of optical-spatial relations, visual analysis and synthesis, letter mnesis and gnosis, expansion of the volume and refinement of visual memory, as well as the elimination of the optical form of dysgraphia in general in the children we studied. In the process of organizing and conducting a formative experiment, we used the methodology proposed by E. V. Mazanova. We took into account the individual characteristics of the children we studied, the structure of the defect in visual impairment, used different types activities in the process of conducting remedial classes in order to achieve the effectiveness of our work to consolidate the results obtained. In case of difficulties, the students were offered a sample of the task, as well as provided individual assistance. All material was presented in visual and speech forms.

graduate work

1.3 Causes of persistent violations of the letter and conditions for their compensation

E.A. Yastrubinskaya writes that persistent "absurd", often repeated mistakes are based not on the child's personal characteristics, but on serious objective reasons.

Causes of persistent writing and reading disorders:

1) Socio-economic character:

A) poor readiness of the child for school;

B) the irregularity of schooling;

C) insufficient attention to the development of the child in the family;

D) bilingualism in the family;

E) incorrect speech of others, agrammatisms;

E) weakened semantic health;

i) unfavorable family environment;

2) Psychophysical character:

A) violations are caused by organic damage to the cortical areas of the brain involved in the process of writing and reading;

B) unformed auditory attention and memory. Difficulties during switching from one type of activity to another, children hardly retain a series of 5-6 words in memory, difficulties in reproducing a sentence of 4-5 words, writing from memory is practically inaccessible. Pupils do not perceive the teacher's speech addressed to the whole class, complex instructions;

C) unformed visual attention, perception and memory. Children make a large number of mistakes when copying, find it difficult to find errors when checking their written work, do not know how to use tables, posters, samples given on a blackboard or in a textbook. Great harm to the development of the visual analyzer is computer games. For reading and writing, the development of lateral vision is detrimental, the eyes quickly get tired. The child loses a word, syllable, line;

D) insufficiency of motor development;

E) unformed spatial perception. Poor orientation on one's own body, indoors, on a sheet of paper. Mistakes in writing, mixing elements of some letters (b-d, t-n, i-u pulled the breeze - kicked the veperk);

E) unformed phonemic perception. Children find it difficult to master syllabic and sound-letter analysis (missing letters: city - city, underwriting letters and syllables, building up words with extra letters and syllables: deep - blue-sided, rearranging letters or syllables within a word: sometimes - igonda, deep distortion of a word, merged spelling of words : he climbed a tree - onleznader, arbitrary division of words: jumped on a branch - jumped up a branch);

G) unformed phonemic hearing. Difficulties in distinguishing the sounds of the native language, in writing and when reading, this manifests itself in the form of a mixture of letters in sonority and deafness (grandmother - dad), in acoustic and articulatory similarity (drying - sus), make mistakes in the selection of test words (pillar - pillar) ;

H) unformed auditory perception. Children cannot use a learned rule in writing;

I) with a lag in the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech. Difficulties in the structural construction of the sentence (Kolya drank from a jug of milk), the ability to use the grammatical connections of words in the sentence (coordination and control) is not formed. The lexical stock is very poor and is limited by everyday household frameworks (chairs - chairs). Inability to form new words correctly (a bucket is a small bucket). Difficulties in the formation of adjectives from nouns, even when relying on a sample (meat - meat, leather - skin).

None of the reasons is decisive, but each is important in the aggregate.

To compensate for the identified violations, favorable internal and external conditions are needed, notes E.A. Yastrubinskaya.

Internal conditions:

1. High overall mental development of the child.

2. High or normal level of development of psychophysical functions.

3. Good health and high overall performance.

4. Balance of nervous processes.

5. Normal development of the emotional and motivational sphere.

External conditions:

1. Good socio-economic conditions.

2. Normal emotional climate in the family.

3. High level of teaching at school.

4. Friendly attitude of the teacher and peers.

5. Early diagnosis and identification of school difficulties.

6. Timely corrective work.

Thus, both external and internal causes can lead to dysgraphia. But the essence of dysgraphia is always the same - persistent frequent violations of writing processes.

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KOROBKO Svetlana Lukinichna


Among the underachieving and underachieving visually impaired schoolchildren, there is a group of children who, with normal abilities, experience pronounced and persistent difficulties in mastering literacy. They either do not acquire literacy at all in the conditions of schooling, or they write and read with characteristic errors that noticeably distinguish their writing and reading from the writing and reading of classmates. Difficulties in acquiring literacy in a number of cases entail poor performance in other subjects. Such children often give the false impression of mentally retarded, although in reality they have a normal intellect.

The underachievement of visually impaired junior schoolchildren, characterized mainly by a sharp lag in reading and writing, is a fairly common phenomenon. Meanwhile, the practice of overcoming these disorders in the school of the visually impaired does not currently meet the proper requirements.

In the shortcomings of the practice of working with visually impaired children, the concept of the “optical” theory of writing impairment, which was widely used in science and in practice (W. Morgan, D. Ginshelwood, P. Ranshburg, etc.), finds its echo. According to this theory, mastering the shape of letters and their spatial arrangement was considered the most difficult in acquiring literacy, correctional work was aimed at memorizing the outlines of letters and was reduced to repeated exercises in copying, cutting, shading, underlining, etc. Despite the fact that in one form or another this concept is defended in the literature to this day (K. Hermann, J. Eiaenson), in the theory and practice of speech therapy it has shown its inconsistency and has given way to a new theory, according to which writing disorders are considered as manifestations of unformed speech processes (R.M. Boskis, R.E. Levina, L.F. Spirova, N.A. Nikashina, G.V. Chirkina, G.A. Kashe, R.I. Shuyfer, S. S. Lyapidevsky, A.R. Luria, R. Becker and others). The foundations of this theory were laid down in the works of R. E. Levina, dating back to the 30s, and were further developed in her subsequent works, as well as in the studies of other scientists in the speech therapy sector of the NIID APN of the USSR.

The identification of the nature of writing disorders, expressed in the replacement of letters (one of the main characteristics of the defect), was facilitated by the analysis of mastering the grapheme, carried out in two planes - in terms of optical and in terms of language. It is this approach that corresponds to the phonological theory, according to which the letter is an optical form of sound generalization, the phoneme is fixed in the letter. The close relationship found between the shortcomings of phonemic perception and letter substitutions, pokalivali the failure of the "optical" theory and revealed the linguistic nature of the studied phenomena. The revelation of the true origin of graphic substitutions of letters served as another important piece of evidence in favor of linguistic theory. The approach to understanding writing disorders as a manifestation of speech underdevelopment is also substantiated by rethinking other phenomena, at first glance, as if confirming the “optical” nature of the disorders. In his study, R.E. Levina showed that in the case of optical agnosia there is a violation of writing, but it is associated with a deviation of visual perception by complex developmental connections, and not only directly. In accordance with a systematic approach to speech pathology, developed in the works of the speech therapy sector, writing disorders are explained by the underdevelopment of all components of the speech system.

Researchers who touch upon the nature of writing disorders in visually impaired schoolchildren (M.I. Zemtsova, O.L. Zhiltsova, N.S. Kostyuchek, H. Surveyor) express the opinion that with a certain originality due to visual impairment, patterns of writing disorders in visually impaired children are similar to these disorders in children with normal vision and their roots lie in the previous speech development. A significant contribution to the development of this issue was made by the studies of O. L. Zhiltsova and N. S. Kostyuchek.

However, to date, there has been no special study of writing disorders in visually impaired schoolchildren, which would trace the connection of these disorders with general underdevelopment of speech. The conditionality of speech errors in writing by optical impairments still remains unnoticed. This leads to the fact that teachers often find it difficult to interpret the reasons for a child’s sharp lag in acquiring literacy, often they are not able to distinguish between a writing defect associated with speech underdevelopment and defects caused by other factors. In this regard, in the correction of the writing of visually impaired children, methods are often used that do not correspond to the nature of the violation, and therefore are ineffective. In this case, an unreasonably large role is assigned to exercises designed to clarify the lettering and develop visual control in the process of writing.

The urgency of this problem determined the idea of ​​this study. Its purpose is to study writing disorders in visually impaired schoolchildren.

The implementation of the task was the study of the writing and speech of 239 visually impaired students and in the chains of comparison of 478 children with normal vision (all the children examined had normal intelligence and hearing). The number of visually impaired students examined was 71 in the first grade, 42 in the second grade, 47 in the third grade, 38 in the fourth grade, and 40 in the fifth grade. Children with normal vision were divided into classes as follows: the first class - 142, the second class - 84, the third class - 94, the fourth class - 76, the fifth class - 80 people.

Studying the writing disorders of visually impaired schoolchildren in different periods of education, starting from the first stage of literacy and up to the fifth grade, we analyzed the vast majority of home and classroom work done by first grade students from September to December, as well as dictations of 239 visually impaired students. students and 474 children with normal vision, held in the second half. The study included dictations provided by the school curriculum, as well as specially composed and saturated with frequently mixed sounds. 200 words were analyzed for each pupil of the first grade, and 500 words of text for pupils of grades 2-5, which amounted to 93,200 words of text for visually impaired children and 186,400 for children with normal vision.

We were also able to trace the changes taking place in the writing of 33 students over the course of several years of schooling. Of exceptional interest for analysis was the material of observations of children from 3-4 years of age to 2-3 years of schooling (3 people). A group of children (11 people) was covered by special training aimed at overcoming their deviations in writing.

The study was conducted on the basis of boarding schools for visually impaired children No. 2 and No. 5 in Moscow, Marx, Saratov region, a boarding school for blind children and a mass secondary school No. 6 in Saratov in 1967/68, 1968/69, 1969/70 , 1970/71, 1971/72 academic years.


Analysis of the material obtained in the study shows a wide variety of errors and shortcomings in the writing of visually impaired students. Among this diversity, 2 groups of disorders are distinguished, some of which are a reflection of the direct impact of visual impairments of visually impaired children on writing, others are associated with speech underdevelopment.

Graphic violations

in a letter to visually impaired students

The most typical violations associated with the direct influence of visual perception deficiencies on writing include violations of the graphic norms of writing and incorrect arrangement of the material on the page. Among other violations of graphic norms, the most common ones are expressed in the incorrect arrangement of elements and letters in relation to each other and the line. The most characteristic flaws in the arrangement of material on the page relate to the incomplete filling of a part of the page, most often the right. Such deviations in writing are much more common among visually impaired students compared to children with normal vision, especially the writing of visually impaired schoolchildren with the most profound visual impairments within the limits of visual impairment suffers from them.

This is primarily due to the role of vision in the act of writing. At the stage of formation of graphic skills, visual representations are the main support. Since visual representations of graphic norms do not have certainty and stability, visually impaired children often do not see flaws in their writing and cannot always warn them. In addition, difficulties in visual perception often put a visually impaired child in front of the need to choose techniques and methods of writing that do not contribute to the development of correct graphic skills. In the process of learning with the formation of visual representations of graphic norms of writing and motor complexes, graphic flaws are smoothed out. Many children, under the guidance of a teacher, quickly become accustomed to the full perception of the page, acquire the skills of orienting on it and overcome the shortcomings associated with incomplete filling it out. However, the writing of a significant proportion of children suffers from these shortcomings in a later period. This finds its explanation in the discrepancy between the fixed skills and the requirements of graphic writing standards, and also in the fact that weakened visual control and often, moreover, techniques in the act of writing do not contribute to the implementation of these standards.

The analysis of the writing, carried out taking into account the state of vision and special training, found a connection between these writing disorders and certain visual functions. So, in children, who often did not finish writing lines, the fields of visual afferentation were limited.

The listed violations in the writing of the visually impaired are associated, primarily with the difficulties of visual perception, but also largely depend on the fact that teachers in the process of developing writing skills do not always take into account the individual characteristics of children. An important factor affecting the distortion of these norms is the difficulty of speech analysis, which weakens the child's attention to the graphic side of the letter and the arrangement of the material on the page, as well as the fact that visually impaired students do not always attach due importance to the external design of written work.

Of particular interest in terms of this study are quite common in the writing of visually impaired children, the replacement and distortion of letters based on the underestimation of any of the essential features of their graphic representation. The dissertation analyzes the qualitative characteristics of violations. As shown in a number of studies (Ananiev B. G., Baranova L. A., Gorfunkel P. L., Guryanov E. V. and others), the reflection of a letter as a complex stimulus is a complex analytical and synthetic process and causes certain difficulties even in children with normal vision. In visually impaired children, this process is complicated by visual impairments, which finds expression in the greater prevalence of graphic errors in their writing and the most gross distortions of letters, such as are almost never found in the writing of children with normal vision.

Optical mixing and distortion of letters occur in the writing of many visually impaired students, especially at the stage of acquaintance with the letter and short exercises. However, the degree of severity of difficulties in the formation of representations of letters in different children, even at the same level of education, is not the same. The most difficult picture of the manifestations of these deviations is typical for the writing of students with extremely low visual acuity within the limits of low vision and disorders of other eye functions. However, we had a number of cases when, with low objective ophthalmological data, children either did not experience any difficulties in mastering the outline of letters, or these difficulties were insignificant, while children with a better state of vision within low vision allowed a large number of confusions and distortions. letters. The determining factor was the formation of visual analysis at the time of training, and the methods used in teaching letters were also of significant importance (typical cases are described in the dissertation).

In the process of learning, the difficulties associated with the assimilation of the outline of letters are gradually overcome. By the end of the letter period, the number of letter distortions is significantly reduced. However, in some schoolchildren they turn out to be more persistent, meeting in the letter over the next six years of study (the older age was not subject to research). A strict relationship between the prevalence of letter distortions and the year of study, starting from the 2nd grade, is not observed (correlation coefficient - 0.47). The decisive factor in overcoming these disorders is the control of the teacher, since children rarely read handwritten texts due to the difficulty of their perception.

Overcoming letter substitutions is somewhat different. As a rule, by the end of the literal period, the overwhelming majority of children have formed differentiated representations of the graphic structures of letters. The differentiation of graphically similar letters is facilitated by the activation of the child's attention on the graphic side of the letter when different graphic images are correlated with the same sound. However, in a later period - in grades 2-5, replacements of letters similar in style were found in the writing of a significant number of students (64.7% of those surveyed). Moreover, the dependence of the prevalence of letter substitutions on the year of study, starting from the 2nd grade, is not observed (correlation coefficient - 0.3).

Observations of the writing process of visually impaired children, taking into account the state of their vision, show that during this period, in some cases, errors in writing letters are explained by poor visual control in the writing process and most often consist in a violation of the number of similar elements (m - n). In the writing of students in grades 2-5 (approximately 6.6%), substitutions are retained based on an insufficient distinction between the inversion of letters. The overwhelming majority of graphic substitutions among visually impaired students in grades 2-5 is associated with insufficient concentration of attention on the graphic side of writing.

Graphic replacements, as shown by previous studies by R.E. Levina, L.F. Spirova, A.V. Yastrebova, have the same conditionality in children with normal vision.

The conclusion regarding the nature of these substitutions in visually impaired students was obtained as a result of long-term observation of their writing and specially designed experiments. Thus, a comparative analysis of the writing of visually impaired students and children with normal vision revealed small differences in the number of graphic substitutions. The dissertation provides numerical material for comparisons in terms of the number of children who allow substitutions and the prevalence of these errors in their writing. He also revealed the common patterns of overcoming mistakes. The correlation coefficient indicating the distribution of errors by class did not exceed 0.4 in both cases. The nature of graphic substitutions in the writing of visually impaired students of grades 2-5 was revealed in the process of special training aimed at educating attention to the graphic side of writing in children and creating conditions that allow freeing up attention in the process of writing to focus it on the graphic side of writing, and found its confirmation in the results of this training.

Writing disorders associated with speech underdevelopment

Among the violations of writing associated with deviations in speech development, we attributed primarily phonemic substitutions of letters. Phonemic substitutions are described in detail in speech therapy literature (Levina R.E., Lyapidevsky S.S., Nikashin N.A., Spirova L.F., etc.). The sound nature of these errors was confirmed in the studies of typhlopedagogues (O. L. Zhiltsova, N. S. Kostyuchek). However, in the practice of working with the visually impaired, such an understanding of the nature of these errors was not adequately reflected.

An analysis of phonemic substitutions carried out in this study found that 54.3% of visually impaired students in the 1st grade, 44.1% of the 2nd grade students, 34.7% of the 3rd grade students and 26.6 % of 4th grade students. In public school similar violations less common. Studies conducted in the sector of speech therapy of the NIID APN of the USSR, they were found in 23.4% of students in the 1st grade, in 24.9% of students in the 2nd grade, in 28.8% of students in the 3rd grade, in 21.3% 4th grade students. The high prevalence of phonemic substitutions in the writing of children with visual impairments, at first glance, is perceived as a product of optical insufficiency in the assimilation of the letter. However, as the study showed, these substitutions are due to insufficiently clear phonemic representations, and if there is a connection with visual perception, they are mediated by speech development.

Children who allow substitutions of this type have clear and stable representations of the graphic image of mixed letters. Tracking the ratio of substitutions and the state of perception in a number of students showed that the moments of the greatest severity of visual impairment and the substitutions under consideration do not coincide. These substitutions are not directly related to or visual acuity. Thus, among those who allowed phonemic substitutions, 25% of students had vision from 0.05 to 0.08, 44.6% - from 0.09 to 0.2, and 38.4% had visual acuity exceeding 0.2. The students who made this kind of mistakes had phonemic representations that were not sufficiently clear and stable. The mixing of sounds was due to their acoustic-articulatory similarity. The dissertation provides a qualitative description of the phonemic substitutions found in the writing of visually impaired schoolchildren. Insufficient difference in sounds is already detected when performing oral tasks for their differentiation. The lack of formation of phonemic ideas in a significant number of students is reflected in defects in the pronunciation of sounds. The study provides a description of pronunciation disorders in children that allow phonemic substitutions, and also traces the relationship between pronunciation and writing disorders through the analysis of specific cases.

The prevalence of phonemic substitutions among different students, even at the same level of education, is not the same. The error value fluctuates over a wide range (from 0.002 to 0.04 and above).

In a significant part of schoolchildren, 26 of the examined, letter substitutions act as a sign of partial phonemic underdevelopment, which is easily overcome and very soon ceases to be reflected in writing. 29 students who allowed phonemic substitutions in writing had a large number of errors associated with general underdevelopment of speech.

Along with phonemic substitutions, agrammatism is a vivid expression of speech underdevelopment. It manifests itself in the improper management and coordination of words, in the inability to blame sentences for words, to select sentences from the text and build them correctly. Characteristic for such a letter is the merger of two or more words (“onotdalbag” - he gave the bag), separate spelling of the elements of one word (“u fled” - fled), distortion of audible endings (“branched” - on the branches), omission of prepositions, incorrect their use, etc. In the writing of children with normal speech development, such errors are rare, mainly at the initial stage of learning, and are very quickly overcome. The dissertation provides a wide range of materials for a comparative analysis of the prevalence of these disorders in both groups of children.

Phonemic substitutions of letters and agrammatism are specific disorders in the writing of children suffering from speech underdevelopment. These students have a significant number of other errors, coinciding with the errors of visually impaired children with normal speech, but they occur in children with speech underdevelopment much more often. The most numerous are omissions and permutations of letters and syllables associated with the lack of formation of sound analysis, as well as errors in spelling rules. Omissions and rearrangements of letters and syllables were noted in the writing of all children with speech underdevelopment and in 45.4% of children with normal speech. In 20.7% of children with speech underdevelopment, the error value reaches 0.0-4, and sometimes exceeds this limit, while in children with correct speech it ranges from 0.002 to 0.015.

Significant differences were found in the prevalence of the most typical spelling errors in both groups of children, which is reflected in the following table.

The writing of both groups of children differs sharply in the frequency of errors encountered in the work. The prevalence rates of all types of errors in most children with normal speech are in the range from 0 to 0.015, in students with speech underdevelopment - in the range from 0.011 to 0.035.

In children with speech underdevelopment, gaps in the lexical and grammatical structure were found to be expressed to varying degrees. Their vocabulary was limited and lacking specificity. Errors in the verbal designation of objects and phenomena were often generated by ignorance of the semantic content of words and the inability to distinguish them by sound signs. The assimilation of the rules, each of which formalizes the child's practical knowledge acquired in speech experience, is based on a certain level of sound and morphological generalizations. Difficulties that arise in the process of mastering the rules in children with speech underdevelopment are explained by the lack of formation of these generalizations.

In the letter of all visually impaired students of grades 1-5 with speech underdevelopment, substitutions of graphically similar letters were found. At the same time, for most students, the magnitude of the error is significant and exceeds 0.016. It is significant that, in general, the prevalence of graphic substitutions in these children is significantly higher than in children with normal speech. The materials presented in the dissertation show that the smallest error value (0.002) was noted in 17.2% of children with speech underdevelopment and 42.5% of children with normal speech, the largest (up to 0.04 and above), respectively, in 54.9 % and 9.1%. The prevalence of graphic substitutions in visually impaired children with speech underdevelopment, as well as in sighted children (according to the research materials of the NIID speech therapy sector), is associated with the distribution of attention in the process of writing: difficulties in speech analysis divert the attention of a visually impaired child from the graphic side of writing, resulting in mistakes,

The identified difficulties in writing, as well as the deviations in the development of speech that cause them, have varying degrees of severity. Speech underdevelopment is mobile. The ratio of different types of errors at different stages of learning is largely determined by which link of the speech system is most disturbed.

An individual study of visually impaired students with writing disorders showed that their speech defects are not the same in their structure. In some cases, the factors that disrupted the normal course of mastering speech activity in visually impaired children were similar to the causes of speech disorders in children with normal vision. At the same time, speech disorders were based on either a defect in phonemic perception or shortcomings in the speech-motor apparatus. In others, speech disorders were associated with a visual defect. Among children with normal visual acuity, only in isolated cases there are children with underdevelopment of speech and writing, in which deviations in visual perception are the main primary defect. This phenomenon is observed in optical agnosia.

Our study describes the peculiarity of the manifestation of speech and writing disorders in visually impaired schoolchildren associated with visual impairment.

The limited possibilities of visual perception, manifested in the pre-speech period, make it difficult to accumulate subject generalizations. In cases where the conditions for raising a visually impaired child turn out to be unfavorable for compensating for a defect, an obstacle is created for normal speech development. The shortcomings of subject generalizations, being included in the chain of speech development, due to the systemic interaction of speech components, affect the formation of its subsequent links through the transition from one formation to another and often covering all components of speech.

It should be noted, however, that such an impact of visual impairment on the formation of speech and writing in visually impaired students is only when certain conditions. Based on the material of individual cases that we had, it was possible to trace the variety of circumstances leading to the successful formation of speech and writing, even in the presence of a deeper visual defect and, conversely, with a relatively mild visual impairment, speech and writing turned out to be impaired. The formation of speech in the studied children depended not only on the degree of the visual defect and the time of its occurrence, but also on the correlation of the visual defect with other abilities, with the state of the analyzers acting as compensatory ones, and the personality characteristics of the child, while the conditions of education were of paramount importance. In children with speech underdevelopment due to a visual defect, preschool education was not correct enough.

The dissertation presents materials of observations of two children with this form of speech impairment in the process of special education.

The peculiarity of writing disorders in this form of speech underdevelopment lies in the fact that the difficulties of sound analysis are less pronounced and persistent. This is due to the primary preservation of auditory and speech-motor analysis. The most pronounced and persistent are violations of the lexical and grammatical structure, which characterize the picture of the violation of writing as a whole. The assimilation of the graphic outline of the letters, even with this form of impairment, is not, as might be supposed, the main obstacle to the mastery of writing.


The essence of corrective work on writing with visually impaired schoolchildren lies in the fact that, according to the nature of violations, overcoming them is associated with the elimination of speech underdevelopment and optical-graphic difficulties in mastering writing. The basic principles and methods used in the work on overcoming optical disorders are described in the dissertation in the analysis of specific cases. In this chapter of the dissertation, we dealt in more detail with the correction of those violations of writing that are associated with underdevelopment of speech.

Based on the system of speech therapy work developed by the speech therapy sector of the Institute of Defectology of the APS of the USSR, we combined the overcoming of writing disorders in visually impaired students with the correction of pronunciation, with the development of auditory perception, the development of sound and morphological analysis skills, with the development of coherent speech.

In accordance with the individual characteristics of underdevelopment of speech and writing, due to various factors underlying speech disorders, correctional training was aimed primarily at overcoming the central defect. The principles and methodological guidelines that form the basis of corrective education for children with normal vision, suffering from speech underdevelopment, turned out to be quite acceptable in working with visually impaired schoolchildren who experience significant difficulties in mastering writing. However, there is also some peculiarity here. It is determined by the peculiarities of speech disorders caused by a visual defect, as well as by the difficulties of visual perception in the learning process.

The peculiarity of speech disorders in visually impaired schoolchildren primarily concerns the lexical and grammatical structure, the formation of which in children with speech impairment caused by a visual defect is the main direction in correction and is very productive in correcting speech in other forms of speech underdevelopment. At the heart of the work on the lexical and grammatical structure is the compensation of gaps in the sensory perception of the outside world, which arise from defective vision. Education begins with the restoration of the base, which ensures the formation of speech in ontogenesis and its further development.

Teaching visually impaired students required a particularly careful selection of visual material. In the learning process, all children used vision as the main way of perception (the exception was some students, who at the beginning of training were mainly guided by hearing and touch). However, many of the children did not use the functional capabilities of vision, and to mobilize them, special work was needed to organize visual perception. Under the conditions of training, the mental processes that ensure the visual perception of reality (highlighting the main informational features) also normalized.

In compensating for the lack of visual perception, the word played a fundamental role in its cognitive and organizing function. At the same time, preserved analyzers were widely used as a support.

As a result of speech therapy work, the level of speech development in students has noticeably increased, sound analysis skills have been developed, and writing disorders associated with speech underdevelopment have been overcome. With the overcoming of speech underdevelopment, it became possible to distribute attention in the process of writing in such a way that it provides the necessary control over the graphic side of the letter, which helped to overcome the substitutions of graphically similar letters in students in grades 2-5.

The study showed that writing disorders in visually impaired schoolchildren with normal hearing and intelligence are mainly determined by two factors. In some cases, they are due to the direct influence of visual impairment on writing. In others, they are associated with speech underdevelopment. Each of the types of violations can manifest itself independently and in combination with others.

The direct impact of visual perception disorders is expressed in the substitutions and distortions of letters associated with an insufficiently clear and stable optical representation of their structure; arrangement of elements and letters in relation to each other and the line.

Numerous replacements of graphically similar letters in the writing of visually impaired students in grades 2-5, when the difficulties of mastering the structure of letters have been largely overcome, are overwhelmingly due to insufficient concentration of attention on the graphic side of the letter. These errors are typical for children with unstable activities. In children with speech underdevelopment, insufficient concentration of attention on the graphic side of writing is created by difficulties in speech analysis.

Characteristics of writing disorders associated with speech underdevelopment are phonemic substitutions and agrammatism in combination with numerous other errors that students with normal speech development make. The conditionality of these writing disorders by insufficient readiness of sound and morphological generalizations is confirmed by phonemic and lexico-grammatical defects in their oral speech.

Underdevelopment of speech in different children has a different degree of severity even at the same level of education and basically corresponds to the depth of the impairment of writing.

Under the influence of school education, the process of phoneme formation is improved, a dictionary is accumulated, a more differentiated use of grammatical forms is formed, however, the gap between the language level and educational material, as a rule, is not eliminated without special corrective work. The ratio of different types of errors at different stages of learning largely depends on the structure of the speech defect.

Underdevelopment of speech in visually impaired schoolchildren with writing disorders has a different origin and, accordingly, a different structure of the defect. In some cases, the factors that disrupted the normal course of mastering speech activity in visually impaired children and children with normal vision were similar, while speech disorders were based on either a defect in auditory perception or shortcomings in the motor speech analyzer. In others, speech disorders were associated with a visual defect. Visual disturbances that manifest themselves in the pre-speech period make it difficult to accumulate subject generalizations. In conditions of insufficient compensation, this creates an obstacle to normal speech development. Being included in the chain of speech development, the shortcomings of subject generalizations affect the formation of subsequent links, as a result, covering all its components.

Both types of disorders, optical and speech, create far from equal obstacles in mastering writing. Optical deficiencies affect literacy only at the initial stage of learning, and they mainly relate to the outer side of the letter. Speech - affect the basics of mastering writing and are the cause of academic failure and poor performance of a significant part of visually impaired students.

The essence of corrective work on writing with visually impaired students is that, according to the nature of violations, overcoming them is associated with the elimination of speech underdevelopment and optical difficulties of writing. In working with visually impaired schoolchildren with speech underdevelopment, the principles and methodological techniques that form the basis of corrective education for children with full vision and speech underdevelopment are acceptable. The peculiarity of working with the visually impaired is determined by the peculiarities of speech disorders caused by a visual defect, as well as by the difficulties of visual perception in the learning process.

The study showed that the impact of visual impairments on writing in visually impaired schoolchildren is not only direct. A significant number of violations, and precisely those that create the main difficulty in mastering writing, are associated with deficiencies in visual perception through speech development. To determine the appropriate methodology for overcoming writing disorders in each case, a thorough examination is necessary, which helps to reveal the nature and structure of the defect.

1. Features of pronunciation, reading and writing in blind and visually impaired students. The fourth scientific conference of graduate students and young specialists on issues of defectology. Abstracts of reports. Moscow, 1970.

2. Substitution of letters in the letter of visually impaired students. "Defectology", No. 5, 1971.

3. Graphic errors in the writing of visually impaired students. Third All-Union Pedagogical Readings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR NIID. Abstracts of reports. Moscow, 1973.