Project activity in speech therapy in kindergarten. Project activities of students as a means of increasing the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental work of a teacher-speech therapist of a school in a speech center. Project "Journey through the City of Beautiful Speech"

Elena Tatarkina
Usage project activities in the work of a speech therapist teacher in a preschool educational organization

Our modern children live in the world of computers and the Internet, cell phones. Children learn to gain knowledge by separating it from the information flow, learn to communicate through trial and error. The child's ability to maintain interest in learning about the world around him, the desire to learn and discover new things becomes the foundation for the development of the child's personality and the key to successful schooling.

Today is a special place in early childhood education takes design. essence design in education consists in such an organization of the educational process in which children acquire knowledge and skills, experience of creative activities, emotional and value attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks.

I to improve the efficiency of speech therapy work in educational process , along with speech correction, widely use research work. Project activity is aimed at the formation and development of communication skills in children, skills of preparation for educational activities, proper time management, planning and self-control. speech therapy training preschoolers with a general underdevelopment of speech is carried out with the interaction of an adult and a child. This cooperation helps to teach children to independently find ways and means of solving their own problems. A child with a speech disorder ceases to be the object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in the creative process. activities, the purpose of which is to activate its own resources in the process of learning and development.

specificity using the project method in preschool practice is that adults need "point" child, to help discover the problem or even provoke its occurrence, to arouse interest in it and "pull in" children in joint project, while not overdoing it with guardianship.

At the beginning of the school year, I plan what projects(short-term, medium-term, long-term) I will be able to realize what topics may be of interest to children and what correctional tasks I can solve.

Considering age psychological features preschoolers with speech underdevelopment, I unobtrusively direct, coordinate children's work:

I help to choose the most relevant and feasible task for children for a certain period of time;

Suggest what materials use;

I plan training, games and other activities activities which can be included in project;

I determine which of the adults (parents, educator, music director, physical education instructor) can be involved in the implementation project;

Coordinating the entire creative process activities;

I help children in finding sources of information;

Support and encourage children to be active in working on a project.

Working in this direction, I, together with children with general underdevelopment of speech, with the participation of parents and teachers, preschool educational institutions created projects: "What is autumn?", "Spring is red!", How our garden is growing!, "We are writers".

Fulfilling work on projects"What is autumn?", "Spring is red!" children collected information about the time of year, reinforcing it with sketches and inscriptions, learned poems, selected certain signs, proverbs, noted the behavior of animals, birds, insects. Bottom line work was the album of the child with his inscriptions, drawings, pictures and performance in front of peers. A story based on a child's modeled scheme and order of storytelling becomes an experience of communication. "for business" with other people, with the society surrounding the child. According to our observations, children's self-modeled stories are very different, even if the children collected information about the same natural phenomenon.

Bottom line projectHow our garden is growing! self-grown onions, dill, seedlings of tomatoes and cucumbers. The children have a question "Where does the greenery come from in the middle of winter?". I sent the children to research work and we decided to grow a vegetable garden on the windowsill as a group. Everything we needed for the garden - land, peat, drainage, pots for seedlings - our parents helped us to buy. Children themselves laid out drainage, peat, planted seeds, watered, loosened the ground. The project helped children develop research skills activities, involved preschoolers in creative activity, and for me to achieve many goals and objectives for work over the correct speech of children.

At preschoolers in the process of working on projects expanded significantly lexicon, the grammatical structure of speech was formed, and the level of coherent speech increased. preschoolers called words with diminutive suffixes, fixed the names of plants growing in the garden, expanded the vocabulary with verbs (pour, pour, water, top up, loosen, plant, etc., learned to plan their activity solve problems, draw conclusions. For example, where to put pots with soil, why, how often to water, what materials to make a garden model, etc. Children learned to defend their opinion, listen to their peers, negotiate, address with interesting questions to adults.

The children defended their project at the regional Research Festival work of preschoolers"I know the world".

Bottom line project"We are writers" were children's writings. Children were given the opportunity to realize their fantasies and combine them with their knowledge and skills acquired in the process of solving problem situations. On the occasion of the anniversary date of the founding of our city, the administration announced a competition for children's essays "City of the future" in which our students took part. Two of them, Dasha and Veniamin, became winners and took third and second places, respectively.

Interaction with parents and teachers

feature project activity in the preschool education system is that baby (especially a child with a general underdevelopment of speech) still cannot independently find contradictions in the environment, formulate a problem, determine a goal (intention). Therefore, in the correctional and developmental process of the preschool educational institution project activity is the nature of cooperation in which children and teachers take part, as well as parents and other family members.

Parents serve as sources of information real help and support to the child and teacher in the process project work become direct participants educational process, enrich their pedagogical experience, feel a sense of ownership and satisfaction from their successes and the successes of the child. When implementing projects"What is autumn?", "Spring is red!" parents selected poems, riddles, pictures, chose together with the children the material that they liked best, compiled a thematic album, and took notes from the words of the child. Were directly involved in the creation of presentations for the defense projectHow our garden is growing!.

So way, we can conclude when implementing projects parents become not just real helpers, but full-fledged participants project activities.

Close cooperation with the educator, music director, fine arts specialist helps to most rationally solve the tasks in the implementation process projects.

Project activity qualitatively affects the increase in professional and personal potential, the level of qualification and professionalism of pedagogical workers in preschool, realization of individual possibilities, creativity all participants educational process.

I implemented pedagogical project« Usage oral folk art in speech therapy working with preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech”, in which she systematized work on the development of speech using folklore material. By introducing children to oral folk art, corrective speech therapy tasks are solved, since folklore gives excellent speech samples, imitation of which allows the child to successfully master the native language.

Non-traditional forms work over Russian folk tale makes the assimilation of the material fascinating, unusual for the child. Children begin to be interested in incomprehensible words that they previously did not notice. They guess what they mean, learn to reason, to conduct a conversation. Children who are more often silent, accept someone else's opinion, are actively involved in activity. They take part in the dramatization of fairy tales, organized quizzes inventing riddles.

The project helped me to increase my personal potential, gave me the opportunity to participate in the regional Fair of Social and Pedagogical Innovations in 2010, 2014, the International Fair of Social and Pedagogical Innovations in 2009, in the All-Russian Scientific Conference "Problems and Development Strategies preschool education» in 2013

So way, can be done conclusions:

project activity solves not only the problems of speech development, the formation of communicative competence, but teaches children plan their activity to independently find a way out of problem situations;

In progress projects Parents adopt a collaborative attitude and become active participants educational process.

Methodical development. The use of project activities in speech therapy work with children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech

Relevance of the topic

On present stage in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), Federal state requirements to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education, it became necessary to update and improve the quality of preschool education, aimed at identifying and developing the creative and cognitive abilities of children, as well as equalizing the starting opportunities for graduates of preschool educational institutions.
To date, the Standard involves a change in the nature and content of pedagogical interaction with the child: if earlier the task of educating a standard member of the team with a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities came to the fore. Now, there is a need to form a competent, socially adapted personality, able to navigate the information space, defend their point of view, interact productively and constructively with peers and adults.
And one of such pedagogical technologies that allow developing children's cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, develop critical and creative thinking is the method of project activity. In addition, it allows you to unite teachers, children and their parents, teach how to work in a team, cooperate, and plan their work.
It is difficult to overestimate the opportunities for the development of the child, which gives the project activity. And for children with speech disorders, these opportunities are especially relevant and necessary. It is obvious that the Russian language is very complex in its paradigmatic relations. Our vocabulary includes historical, foreign words, and almost every word can have antonyms or several synonyms. It is difficult for a preschool child to immediately master all the relations of words, it is difficult to build his own phrase so that all words are correctly coordinated with each other. This is especially difficult for children with speech disorders. All the more difficult is the task for the teacher - to organize children's observation of linguistic reality, to make this process exciting and interesting. The method of project activity will help to make the process of mastering the lexical structure of speech interesting and as productive as possible for a child with speech disorders.
The technology of project activity opens up even greater prospects in the organization of interaction with parents on the education of the child, their direct involvement in educational activities, through the creation of educational projects together with the family. The work of a speech therapist with the child's parents has always been close, but not varied enough. The main forms of interaction between a speech therapist and parents are individual consultations, parent meetings, information stands. Not always, even with individual consultation, it is possible to properly motivate parents to actively work on the speech development of their child. But the data and feedback from educators of preschool educational institutions on the organization of parent-child projects shows positive results in terms of motivating parents, increasing their interest in actively participating in the educational process. I think the organization of project activities for children and parents by a speech therapist can give the same effect.
But so far, the action of the Federal State Educational Standard does not apply to the system of speech therapy assistance, especially to speech centers. And this is understandable. It is quite simple, and it is already widely practiced, to organize project activities on topics related to speech development in specialized kindergartens for children with speech disorders. The whole system of work there is organized for the correction and development of children's speech, therefore both the speech therapist and educators have every opportunity to organize this form of work. But the conditions and system of work of the speech center of general educational preschool institutions do not provide such wide opportunities for the implementation of project activities.
The question arises, how to be speech therapists of a speech center? How not to miss the huge opportunities for the speech development of children, which are given by the technology of project activities. So far, there is only one answer - to become innovators, to try to introduce and implement new technologies in your professional activity, develop and disseminate innovations. The modern educational process is unthinkable without the search for new, more effective technologies designed to promote effective development children, the formation of self-development and self-education skills. These requirements are fully met by project activities, based on the realities of today, the increased requirements for the universality of knowledge. It is likely that the transformation of the education system at the state level will also affect speech therapy. This also confirms the relevance of the issue.
Thus, the topic of my final work on the module of the invariant part of the IOC advanced training courses is the introduction of project activities in speech development at a preschool logopoint, with the development of ideas about antonyms in children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech.
The problem of the final work for me is the contradiction between the possibility of using the technology of project activities for the speech development of children at the logopoint and the lack of such experiments in my own practice and in the practice of other specialists.

Goal and tasks

Target: approbation of the method of project activity in the practice of speech therapy work with children at the logopoint of the preschool educational institution.
To implement the project, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
1. Analyze the literature on the topic.
2.Develop a plan for project activities on the topic.
3. Involve parents to actively participate in the work.
4. Implement the project.
5.Develop and implement monitoring, analysis of the work done.

II. Main part

Target: development of correct and conscious use by children preschool age antonym words in speech; involvement of parents in the search activities of children; creation together with children and parents of an illustrated dictionary of antonyms of different parts of speech; the formation of children's interest in their native language.
Educational and developmental tasks:
Introduce children to some antonyms.
Develop grammatical skills and contribute to the formation of school readiness. Develop expressive vocabulary, expand and enrich the vocabulary of antonyms for children.
To develop the prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative.
Develop the ability to identify possible methods for solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;
Expected results: correct and conscious use of antonyms by children in speech; creation of a piggy bank of dictionaries together with children and parents; involvement of parents in the search activities of children; the formation of children's interest in their native language and in search activities.
Project participants: children of middle preschool age, parents, teacher-speech therapist.
Project type: information-practice-oriented.
Project stages :
1. Conduct a parent meeting (Informing and motivating parents to work in the form of project activities. Creation of booklets that contain information about the goals and objectives of the project activity, about the planned results).
2.Prepare teaching materials necessary for the work on the project for children and parents (Annotated catalog of resources, memos).
3.Equip an information corner in the group (collect all necessary materials with answers (discs with children's educational programs on the topic, sets of pictures of antonym words, speech therapy aids: “Say the opposite”, “Unusual hours”) to a problematic question, provide children with free access to them)
Project implementation:
4. Statement of the problem (antonyms are presented to children in a playful way, there is a conversation about what children know about these words and what they do not know).
5. Setting goals for the study (description of selected unknown facts as research targets).
6. Development of an action plan to achieve the goal:
who to turn to for help (adult, teacher);
where, in what sources you can find information;
what items to use (accessories, equipment);
7. Discuss with the children what questions they managed to find answers to, how they did it.
8.Children's choice of a product (presentation or homemade dictionary).
9. Discussion of the product creation plan.
10. Creation by children together with their parents of an illustrated dictionary of antonyms.
11. Presentation of your work (dictionary) to the whole group.
12. Self-assessment by the child of the work performed on the self-assessment sheet.
13. Summing up, defining tasks for new projects.
Expected results of the project: correct and conscious use by children of words of various categories in speech; creation of a piggy bank of dictionaries together with children and parents; involvement of parents in the search activities of children; the formation of children's interest in their native language.
Control and evaluation unit
In view of the novelty of the application of the technology of project activities, the need for the development and implementation of monitoring procedures, a quality assessment system to track the effectiveness of the technology is particularly acute. To do this, it is necessary to develop expert maps to assess the conditions for the implementation of the project, its content and results, to take photos and videos for further analysis.
Resource block (conditions)
For the full implementation of project activities in the work of a speech therapist at a speech center, changes are needed in the conditions for organizing speech therapy assistance. It is necessary to develop a regulatory and legal framework, which would prescribe the possibility of using project activities in the speech center on an equal footing with the lesson, would be allocated separate time for this in the work schedule. It is also necessary to develop appropriate scientific and methodological materials where the main directions, the tasks of developing children with various speech disorders in project activities at the logopoint, and the algorithm for carrying out such projects would be spelled out. The necessary material and technical equipment must also be organized.
This project "Words on the contrary" does not require large material and technical costs. Everything you need is usually available in the arsenal of any preschool institution. Namely:
Technical equipment: computer, projector, camera (including parents).
Picture material: pictures depicting words of antonyms.
Materials for creative activities: albums, paints, brushes, pencils, scissors, glue, etc.

III. Conclusion

Project activity is the kind pedagogical work, which is in demand in connection with the implementation of federal state educational standards in the practice of preschool educational institutions, since it supports children's cognitive initiative like no other, helps the child get an early social positive experience of implementing his own ideas, requires the search for non-standard actions in various circumstances, helps to formalize an idea in the form of a culturally significant product, and, of course, develops the cognitive and creative activity of a preschooler.
The method allows not only to memorize and reproduce the knowledge that students have, but to update them, generalize, structure and consciously apply in practice. Its application allows to achieve high results of correctional work, increases motivation for educational, cognitive and speech activities.
Its most important advantage is the independent "acquisition" of knowledge by children. Only by acting independently, by trial and error, the child acquires - "appropriates" knowledge and experience, which is especially important for children with speech disorders. Only after having independently worked out the topic, having studied new words, the child will use them in his own speech.
I think that the technologies of project activities will be in demand in the work of a speech therapist, as they contain great potential, contribute to qualitative changes in the development of speech and speech creative abilities of preschool children, and also interest parents in the educational process, stimulate them to actively participate in the development of the child.

State standards of general education of the new generation involve significant changes in the structure and content, goals and objectives of education, a shift in emphasis from one task - to equip the student with knowledge - to another - to form his general educational skills as the basis learning activities. A graduate of a modern school must have the practice-oriented knowledge necessary for successful integration into society and adaptation in it.

Creative teaching methods should play a leading role. Research creative activity occupies a special place in the arsenal of innovative pedagogical tools and methods.

The essence of the “project method” in education is the organization of the educational process, in which children acquire knowledge and skills, experience in creative activity, emotional and value attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks.

“Everything that I know, I know why I need it, and how I can apply this knowledge” - this is the main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method. It is also one of the methods of developmental education.

To improve the efficiency of speech therapy work in the educational process, along with speech correction, research. Research work is one of the most important ways in solving this problem. Such activity, which puts students in the position of a “researcher”, occupies a leading place in modern systems of developmental education. Research work in primary school is now especially relevant, since it is at this stage that learning activity is leading and determines the development of the main cognitive features of a developing personality. During this period, forms of thinking develop that ensure the further assimilation of the system of scientific knowledge, the development of scientific, theoretical thinking.

The project activity is aimed at the formation and development of communication skills in children, the skills of preparing for educational activities, the correct distribution of time, planning and self-control. Speech therapy training of schoolchildren is carried out with the interaction of an adult and a child. This cooperation helps to teach children to independently find ways and means of solving their own problems. The child ceases to be an object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in creative activity, the purpose of which is to activate his own resources in the process of learning and development.

The project method provides the child with a unique opportunity to realize their fantasies and connect them with the dream of adulthood. Children of different levels of readiness are able to work on the project. The main thing is to help the child to believe in himself. The most complete and perceived by children is what was interesting, what he himself found and proved.

You can always find something interesting and exciting in our lives, in our studies. You just need to find it and tell the children what will lead them to interesting and unusual finds and discoveries. Visiting the logopoint, children not only learn correct speech, but also independently try to obtain new knowledge, experiment, explore, draw conclusions.

Correctional work at our logopoint takes place in the course of active educational activity of schoolchildren, which ensures their development. And this determines the independent setting of tasks, the comparison of various methods of educational activities and the choice of the most adequate, the possession of all types of self-control and self-esteem. The main method of such development is educational research. Any research is collective in nature, it involves a comparison of positions, methods, results. The organization of classes is carried out in the form of an extended collective educational dialogue. To organize. To guide and support such a dialogue, the speech therapist teacher is obliged to master the technique of pedagogical communication “from the inside”, that is, to be included in the dialogue as one of its participants. The knowledge of students moves with a close constant interweaving of new knowledge with previously acquired knowledge. The lesson can begin with a new question, the connection of which with the previous experience the children realize on their own or gradually with an increase in the measure of assistance from the speech therapist teacher. Or the occupation unfolds in the form of a gradual deepening. The main thing is not the smoothness of the lesson, when children accurately answer questions, but the natural process of expanding knowledge - with its mistakes, difficulties, emotions of pleasure, joy, grief, overcoming inertia and laziness. At the same time, children are revealed in many ways, therefore, opportunities are created for their full-fledged education.

Working in this direction, together with the children, I created and implemented several long-term creative projects (“Meet the orange”, “We develop speech with the help of fingers”, “Oh, this fairy tale!”, “Patters ...?”)

Their creation was prompted by the fact that mastering new knowledge helps and contributes to compensation for the speech underdevelopment of the child, mental processes, and also contributes to the development of independence, perseverance, tolerance, and the formation of interest in speech therapy classes.

The project method helped in the formation of the social and personal qualities of the child - this is independence, activity, responsibility, patience, the ability to listen to each other, work together in a team. Children have developed the intellectual prerequisites for successful further education.

The pedagogical result of the project activity is, first of all, the activity itself. And from the point of view of children too. They did something, they had a lot of ideas and plans, they faced unusual problems, overcame them, learned a lot of new things, used their knowledge. It is very important to talk about this during the presentation. And the product is one of the incarnations of the idea.

The usefulness lies in the fact that we do not tell the child anything superfluous. He has the right to choose the first step, course and even the goal of the project. Going to this goal, he is faced with the fact that he has to "extract" knowledge, and then combine disparate information, "string" them on some of his goals. He draws only the necessary knowledge from different subject areas and uses them in the activities that interest him.

My task, as a speech therapist teacher, is not just to give tasks and evaluate their implementation, but to skillfully lead the children to the goal, to help them choose the necessary information from the general flow of information.

As a result of the work on the implementation of projects, the vocabulary of schoolchildren has significantly expanded, the grammatical structure of speech has been formed, and coherent speech has developed. This project helped the children acquire research skills, involved schoolchildren in creative activities, and helped me to achieve many goals and objectives for working on the correct speech of children.

Building the educational process on the basis of developmental education, according to L.S. Vygotsky “Education, which considers the development of the higher mental functions of the individual as a whole through the mastery of external means of cultural development, is developing and acquires a purposeful character. The result of such training is the level of personality development achieved by the child, his individuality.


  1. Research and design activities junior schoolchildren. Recommendations for the teacher. Projects. Author compiler V.F. Feoktistov. - Publishing house "Teacher" Volgograd, 2010.
  2. Savenkov A.I. Methods of research teaching of younger schoolchildren. A guide for the teacher. - Samara: Educational Literature Publishing House
  3. Project activity in elementary school / ed. M.K. Gospodnikova and others. Volgograd: Uchitel, 2008.
  4. Organization of project activities at school: work system / ed. S.G. Shcherbakova and others. Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.
  5. Modern speech therapy lesson: work experience / ed. Comp. E.A. Lapp, N.G. Frolova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.
  6. Vygotsky.L.S. Thinking and speech. Psyche, consciousness, unconscious / L.S. Vygotsky. - M., 2001.
  7. Corrective-developing education: organizational and pedagogical aspects / ed. S.G.Shevchenko.- M.: VLADOS, 2001.
  8. Internet resources

Project activity in the work of a speech therapist.

Serova E.V.

teacher speech therapist

MDOU d / s No. 14 "Topolek"

Design today occupies a special place in preschool education. This is a complex activity, the participants of which automatically master new concepts and ideas in various fields life.

The essence of the "project method" is such an organization of the educational process in which children acquire knowledge and skills, experience in creative activity, emotional and value attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks.

“Everything that I know, I know why I need it, and how I can apply this knowledge” - this is the main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method. It is also one of the methods of developmental education.

To improve the efficiency of speech therapy work in the educational process, along with speech correction, research work is used. The project activity is aimed at the formation and development of communication skills in children, the skills of preparing for educational activities, the correct distribution of time, planning and self-control. Speech therapy training of preschoolers is carried out with the interaction of an adult and a child. This cooperation helps to teach children to independently find ways and means of solving their own problems. Children not only learn correct speech, but also try to acquire new knowledge and experiment on their own.

Given the age-related psychological characteristics of preschoolers with speech underdevelopment, the coordination of projects should be flexible, i.e. the teacher unobtrusively directs the work of children. Therefore, the role of a speech therapist teacher in project activities is important:

Helps to choose the most relevant and feasible task for children for a certain period of time;

Suggests what materials can be used;

Plans learning, games and other activities that can be included in the project;

Determines which adults can be involved in the implementation of the project;

Coordinate the entire process of creative activity;

Help children find sources of information;

Be a source of information yourself;

Support and encourage the activity of children in the work on the project.

Working in this direction, together with educators, children and with the participation of parents, I created and implemented the creative project “Fingers help to speak”.

The relevance of the project lies in the fact that the level of development of speech and thinking of the child is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers, since the centers of the brain responsible for speech and fine motor skills of the fingers are located very close. By stimulating the latter and thus activating the corresponding parts of the brain, we also activate neighboring areas responsible for speech.

The development of fine motor skills is also important because further education in school will require the child to use the precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to draw and write, as well as perform a wide variety of learning activities.

The purpose of the project: to create an educational space in the group for the development of fine motor skills of hands; develop a system of work aimed at the development of fine motor skills.


Draw up a long-term work plan for the development of fine motor skills of hands for an older speech group based on thematic planning.

To select and arrange didactic games and manuals for the development of fine motor skills of hands for the "Nimble fingers" corner.

Involve parents in making didactic games and aids that promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

To develop tactile sensitivity of children's hands.

To form elementary specific graphic skills.

Prepare your child's hand for writing.

The project "Fingers help to speak" is a long-term, creative, group project. The project implementation period is 2 years - the senior, preparatory group.

The main principles of the project implementation were: the principle of accessibility, humanism, activity, the principle of integration, consistency, continuity.

The system of work on the development of fine motor skills included introducing children to the structure of the hands, through finger gymnastics, massage, games, exercises, and the development of graph-motor skills. As the project progressed, the “Nimble Fingers” corner was designed together with parents and children.

Stages of project implementation:

I. Preparatory stage (collection of information on the topic).

1. Search and study of effective technologies and methods in the development of fine motor skills, creation of a "Bank of Ideas".

2. Substantiation of ways to implement the project.

3. Diagnostics.

II. Basic (practical).

1. Drawing up a long-term work plan for the development of fine motor skills of hands based on calendar - thematic planning with the selection of material:

complexes of finger gymnastics,

finger alphabet,

games and exercises with various objects,

exercises for the development of grapho-motor skills,

massage exercises,

exercises with elements of theatrical activity for playing small poems, skits.

2. Working with children:

Consolidation of familiar exercises in the "Nimble fingers" corner in free activity:

thematic classes,

games with objects (games with cereals, seeds, beads, etc.),

different types of lacing

finger theatre,

finger alphabet,

finger games,

development of graph-motor skills,

work in notebooks (cell),

coloring pages, stencils,

independent creative activity (drawing, modeling, designing, etc.),

competition games,

organization of exhibitions.

3. Working with teachers

Workshops: "Fingers help to speak", "Development of finger and hand movements of a child as one of the methods for developing speech"

4. Working with parents:

Consultations: “Development of fine motor skills of hands”, “Teaching writing to preschool children”, “Directions for the development of manual skills in preschool children”, “Preparing the hand for writing”, “What you need to know about writing skills”, “Left-handedness in children”, “Development of movements of the fingers and hands of a child as one of the methods for the development of speech”, “Techniques for the formation of fine motor skills”, “Games and game exercises for the formation of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age "

Seminar-workshop "Fingers help to speak"

Master class "Play with your child at home"


parent meetings

Individual consultations and conversations

Competition for the best game

Involving parents in the production of manuals for the development of fine motor skills

Involvement in the production of manuals, simulators and board games.

Thematic sessions on the project were held once a week in the afternoon. Duration -15-20 minutes.

The main areas of work with children in the classroom:

Breathing exercises.

Thematic conversation.

Articulation gymnastics.

Exercises to coordinate speech with movement.

Finger gymnastics (learning 1 new gymnastics in each lesson).

Working with paper (folding, cutting, cutting, laying out patterns).

Work with a pencil (stroke, hatching, coloring, performing graphic tasks, graphic dictation).

Work with various seeds (sorting, shifting, laying out patterns)

Working with plasticine, plastic, salt dough.

III. The final stage

1. Summing up and analysis:

Diagnosis of the level of development of fine motor skills of hands in children with speech impairment.

Questioning of parents (to determine the effectiveness of work).

2. Setting goals for the future.

IV. Summing up

Project presentation.

Exhibition of games and manuals.

Corner "Dim fingers".

Family creativity competition "The best didactic game for the development of fine motor skills."

As a result of working on the project:

A long-term plan for the development of fine motor skills of hands based on thematic planning has been developed.

The corner “Nimble fingers” was created.

Parents made didactic games and manuals that promote the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Developed advisory material for parents.

Parents became like-minded with preschool teachers on the use of speech finger games and kinesiology exercises in preparing children for successful schooling.

Project Implementation Plan

Activities Goals and objectives

1. Studying the subject, formulating the problem Stimulate speech development, mental processes through finger games and exercises.

2. Diagnosis of the formation of fine motor skills of children's hands at the beginning of the project. To identify deviations in the development of fine movements of the fingers of children's hands and build a system of work.

4. Drawing up a long-term plan for conducting speech finger games for teachers and parents. To systematize the use of speech finger games in working with children, aimed at finding creative ways to improve the quality of correctional work at the level of modern preschool requirements.

5. Inclusion by teachers of speech finger games in abstracts different types classes, physical minutes in the free activities of children. To help relieve tension in the hands and lips, relieve mental fatigue, and also let children feel the joy of bodily contact.

6. Consultations on the topic:

"Finger games", "Speech and fingers". Corner "Dim fingers". Tell your parents about the system of work, answer all their questions.

7. Workshop for educators "Fingers help to speak" Introduce educators to various types speech finger games.

8. Consultation for educators "Development of movements of the fingers and hands of a child as one of the methods for developing speech" To expand the knowledge of teachers about the role of fine motor skills in the speech development of children.

9. Competition for the best manual for the development of fine motor skills

To interest parents in the relevance of this topic, making them like-minded in the implementation this project

10. Exhibition for parents of didactic games and manuals for the development of fine motor skills of children's hands. Emphasize the importance of parents' help. To note the successes of active parents engaged in speech finger games with children.

11. Re-diagnosis at the end of the school year. To determine the effectiveness of the work carried out in the development of fine movements of the fingers, in the formation of the psycho-speech development of children.

12. Analysis of the work done on the project. To analyze with the teachers of the preschool educational institution the effectiveness of conducting speech finger games, to exchange experience in project activities.

14. Staging new problem Complete the work plan with a new section.


Alyabyeva, Development of imagination and speech of children 4-7 years old: Game technologies. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005.

Bezzubtseva G.V., Andrievskaya T.N. We develop the child's hand, prepare it for drawing and writing. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2003.

Borisenko M.G., Lukina N.A. Our fingers play (Development of fine motor skills). - St. Petersburg: "Parity", 2002.

Vorobieva T.A., Krupenchuk O.I. Ball and speech: Ball games for the development of speech, fine motor skills and general motor skills. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.

Gromova O.N., Prokopenko T.A. Fun games for the development of fine motor skills in children. 50 exercises with musical accompaniment. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2002.

Kartushina M.Yu. logorhythmic exercises in kindergarten: Toolkit. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004.

Novikovskaya O.A. Logorhythm for preschoolers in games and exercises. - St. Petersburg: KORONA print, 2005.

Povalyaeva M.A. Didactic material on speech therapy: Tales of the cheerful Tongue. - Rostov n / D .: Publishing house "Phoenix", 2002.

In the context of the modernization of education priority becomes the development of the child's personality, ready for proper interaction with the outside world, for self-education and self-development. Standard methods of corrective work with children with speech disorders do not always give the expected result.

Analyzing various forms of corrective work with children with speech disorders, we are constantly looking for those that would speed up the process of automating the set sounds, and in general contributed to the formation of all components of speech, developed communication skills in preschoolers. Due to the fact that most speech therapists currently work in the conditions of a speech center, the problem of interaction between preschool educational institutions specialists constantly arises. In this regard, the attention of speech therapists deserves close attention. project technology, as one of the most optimal forms of interaction between a speech therapist teacher, specialists, educators, parents and pupils.

This type of activity helps not only preschoolers to express themselves, reveal their abilities, realize cognitive needs, but also provides ample opportunities for cooperation for all participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions. The method of projects in working with preschoolers is an optimal, innovative and promising method in the system of preschool education, which contributes to the comprehensive development of the child's personality and the correction of children's speech disorders in particular. The child ceases to be an object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in creative activity, the purpose of which is to activate his own resources in the process of learning and development.

The main goal of the design method in the preschool educational institution - the development of a free creative personality of the child, which implies:

ensuring psychological well-being and health;

development of cognitive abilities;

creative imagination and thinking;

communication skills.

The prerequisites for using project activities in kindergarten are the following points:

Modification and improvement of the developing environment;

The need for teachers in innovative activities;

Active involvement of families in the educational process;

Implementation of multifunctional interaction with society.

By type of activity projects can be:

research and creative;



role playing.

Types of projects by implementation period:

short-term (one or more classes);

average duration;

long-term (for the academic year).

Stages of project activity:

  • target selection;

    plan development;

    practical part (implementation of the project);

    summary (presentation).

The project method provides the child with a unique opportunity to realize their fantasies and connect them with the dream of adulthood. The main thing is to help the child to believe in himself. Children most fully perceive what was interesting, what he himself found and proved.

Everyone knows that a child develops best in play activities, namely, the process of project implementation implies the active inclusion of children in various activities in a single thematic space (project).

Many projects evoke delight and long memories in children. Participants in joint projects are more often children of older preschool age, since it is at this age that preschoolers actively develop interest in project work. They accept the problem, clarify the goal, are able to choose necessary funds to achieve the result of the activity.

Children are able to work (participate) on the project different levels readiness. It is expedient to start using this activity with role-playing projects. Such a project can be started in the second half of the year V junior group for children with ONR. This is, in fact, a creative game with a certain plot. Children can prepare and act out a small fairy tale. Or will it be role-playing game"Shop", at-ributika for which children will make with their parents.

IN middle group kids already master phrasal speech and can be involved in creative and information-practice-oriented projects. The educator and teacher-speech therapist begin to form the first prerequisites for search activity in children of four years of age.

In senior and preparatory in groups, projects serve to develop the intellectual initiative of preschoolers, the ability to determine possible methods for solving a problem with the help of an adult (and then, if possible, independently). Solving various cognitive and practical tasks during the design process together with adults and peers, children with speech development problems enrich and activate their vocabulary, learn to speak in public (recite poems, talk about new facts), adequately communicate with others.

Work on a project in a group for children with OHP should be carried out with the participation of an educator and a speech therapist, and the involvement of other specialists (psychologist, music director, physical education instructor) is also welcome.

The project always ends presentation(design of an album, wall newspaper, posters, photo exhibition; children's creative report, performance, cartoon, clip, open lesson, leisure, making bird feeders, models, etc.).

Thus, project activity at the present time is a promising form of work, contains great potential and contributes to qualitative changes in the development of the speech abilities of preschool children. The use of this technology leads to a positive dynamics of speech-cogitative activity in preschoolers, provides conditions for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, and allows the joint work of a speech therapist and educators to solve important problems of speech, social and intellectual development of preschoolers.