Presentation on the topic "Child's abilities." Presentation “Development of motor abilities through play exercises and games I am influenced by the environment

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Development of creative abilities of students in biology lessons “Knowledge is the children of wonder and curiosity.” Louis de Broglie

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What is creativity? Creativity is an activity that results in the creation of new material and spiritual values. Psychological aspect of creativity: personal and procedural. Creativity presupposes that an individual has abilities, motives, knowledge and skills that contribute to the creation of a product characterized by novelty, originality, and uniqueness.

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Criteria for creative activity of schoolchildren Psychological (hereditary) inclinations. Ability to concentrate. Intelligence. Memory, imagination. Motivation for your achievements. Habits. Claims. Talent. Aspiration. The student’s goals and values ​​(health, material wealth, communication).

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Forms of work that promote development creative personality class-lesson (work in pairs, in groups) multi-level assignments creative assignments counseling on problematic assignments NEU discussion games.

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Methods of work that promote the development of creative abilities of schoolchildren; research; partially – search; problem; projective.

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The goal and objectives of developing the creative abilities of schoolchildren Goal: education of a creatively free personality. Objectives: to promote in schoolchildren the ability to think independently, acquire and apply acquired knowledge in practice; develop cognitive, research and creative activities of children; to foster interest among schoolchildren in participating in creative activity; try to find non-standard solutions when solving problematic tasks.

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Conditions effective development the child’s creative abilities; development of the child’s interest in performing creative tasks; important components for the implementation of creative tasks are various forms of work: the child’s classroom and extracurricular activities; Schoolchildren, solving tasks of a creative nature, learn to think about the problems posed and translate these thoughts into practical activities.

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Ways to stimulate a child’s creative abilities by providing a favorable atmosphere; friendly attitude on the part of the teacher; ways to stimulate the development of a child’s curiosity: a) encouragement; b) using a personal example of a creative approach to solving problem tasks; b) providing children with the opportunity to actively ask questions without fear.

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To develop creative abilities, I use in my lessons: Experiments. Fairy tales, stories, crosswords. Literary fragments, proverbs. Clusters. Extracurricular activities. Tasks. Presentations-projects, flipcharts. Non-standard lessons.

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In the world of interesting things, nothing attracts attention and stimulates the mind like something amazing. Example 1. Topic: “Water on Earth.” Natural science. (5th grade) Teacher: Once, in an African school, the children were read a story about an amazing country in which people walk on water! And it was a true story! Is that possible? And here it is possible. Look out the window. Don't you and I walk on water? (This happens in winter, there is snow outside the window.) We are so accustomed to water that we do not notice, and often do not know, its amazing properties. .

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In the world interesting Example 2. Biology. (Grade 7) Topic: “Type Arthropods. Class Insects." How many flowers do bees visit? On average, a bee visits 12 flowers per minute, 720 flowers per hour, 7200 flowers in 10 hours of its working day. Even a relatively weak colony of bees can send up to 10 thousand worker bees into the field. If we accept the condition that they will all collect only nectar, then they will visit at least 72 million flowers per day.

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Biological tasks that can develop the cognitive interest of students: 1. Tasks on choosing information. Select the characteristics characteristic of amphibians. 2. Problems to correct errors. For example: You're right. With just an airy outline I am so sweet. All the velvet is mine with its living blinking. Only two wings. ...Don’t ask: where did it come from? Where am I hurrying? Here I lightly sank onto a flower And now I breathe... A. Fet.

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Biological tasks that can develop the cognitive interest of students: 3. Tasks to compare and contrast conclusions Compare the structure, functions, lifestyle of a frog and a lizard 4. Tasks to establish relationships. Establish the relationships between the processes: nutrition and photosynthesis; structure and way of life, etc. 5. Tasks to identify devices. What adaptations do plants, animals, or a particular species have to the conditions environment etc. 6. Tasks to determine the value of devices. What is the importance of the release of phytoncides in plants, for example, garlic. 7. Tasks to identify contradictions. Information about a living system that carries opposite requirements for it is selected from the biological literature. For example, the activity of two species of ants feeding on the same food at different times of the day. Task: Explain the activity of ants at different times of the day.

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Example creative work students “What does my heart think of me?” The heart is an amazing organ that knows neither sleep nor rest. And the question of what my heart thinks about me is difficult to answer unequivocally. “Probably, sometimes my heart despises me because, despite my young age, I bring him terrible pain.” And it suffers every time. From every cigarette I smoked. “I tried to quit smoking several times, I constantly quarreled with my mother, and every time my heart beat faster. It was beating, trying to come out, as if it wanted to say what you are doing, because you are your own enemy! - I often upset my parents. My behavior leaves much to be desired. And every time I argue with them, my heart rages. It wants to tell me, stop, you’re wrong, because your parents only want the best for you, but I don’t hear it. - And it knocks and knocks. It hears and understands me. And in a moment of despair, placing my palm on my chest, I feel that it is my true friend.

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My heart feels so bad, so tired, And I have no strength to beat anymore. Probably there is little left... If only you could understand - I don’t have enough oxygen, Nicotine is so choking me, And this poison is invincible, My blood vessels are burning in the smoke day after day And if you don’t save us. We'll just disappear from smoking!

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Open creative tasks in biology. For example: a). Why does a horse start to snort when scared of something? (The horse has a very acute sense of smell. By snorting, it clears its nose and by smell it can quickly determine what is threatening it and from which side). b). Since time immemorial, people have noticed that if you put a frog in a vessel with milk, it will not sour longer. This is what the housewives did: in the summer heat, they dipped frogs into jars of milk. The explanation was simple: a cold frog cools the milk. But when they conducted an experiment and measured the temperature of milk with and without a frog, they found no differences. Why then does milk with frog stay fresh for a long time and not sour? (It turned out that frog skin secretions have unique bactericidal properties)

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Technique 1: “Delayed riddle.” For example: Topic: “Type Chordata. Cl. Mammals" (7th grade). I give a riddle (an amazing fact) at the end of the lesson to start the next lesson with. In the next lesson we will talk about a very dangerous animal. This animal is not a predator, but it has threatened the destruction of many animals of the entire continent. It plunged a large number of people into anxiety and confusion. What do you think: “What animal will we meet in the next lesson?” - This animal - …. However, let's not rush - to be continued... At the next lesson he will reveal a secret: this animal is a rabbit. Yes - yes, you heard right - a rabbit!

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Technique 2: “Practicality of theory.” When using this technique, an attitude is created towards the need to study the material in connection with its biological, economic value, and practical significance for students. For example: Topic: “Consequences economic activity people for the environment" (9th grade). Forests are called the “green lungs” of the planet. Scientists have calculated that at the current rate of deforestation, forests will be destroyed by 40% by 2001, and in 100 years they will be completely cut down. Deforestation entails the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of animals and plants, climate change and many other disasters. But it is impossible not to cut down the forest; it is needed for many purposes. What way out do you propose from this situation?

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Reception 3 “Fun” For example: Biology 10th grade. General lesson on the topic “Reproduction of Organisms.” One day, the students of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno turned to him with a question: “Teacher, you, who have knowledge many times greater than we do, always doubt the correctness of the answers to questions that seem obvious and clear to us. Why?" Having drawn two circles in the sand with a staff, a large and a small one, Zeno answered... What did the philosopher answer?

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Too often we give children answers to learn rather than present them with problems to solve.” R. Levin. Problem-based learning is the path from interest and curiosity among schoolchildren to cognitive independence and creative activity.

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Creation problematic situation. For example: Topic: “Blood elements” (8th grade). All cells of a living organism need nutrients and oxygen. Oxygen enters through the respiratory organs into the blood, and then to each cell. The body's need for oxygen is not always the same. When a person sits, he consumes 10-12 liters of oxygen in 1 hour, and during intense work - 60-100 liters. It is known that 0.1 liters of oxygen can dissolve in 5 liters of water. There are 5 bloods in our body. Blood plasma contains 90% water. Therefore, approximately 0.1 liters of oxygen can dissolve in such a volume of blood. There is an obvious contradiction: the minimum oxygen consumption is 100 times greater than that contained in the blood. How is the body provided with so much oxygen? Claw syndrome A strange tribe of ostrich people (Sapadi) in the Center. Africa is distinguished from other inhabitants of the Earth by an amazing property: they have only two toes on their feet, and both are big! This is called claw syndrome. It turned out that the first and fifth toes on the foot were highly developed, while the second, third and fourth were completely absent (as if they shouldn’t have existed at all!). This feature is fixed in the genes of the tribe and is inherited. Sapadi are excellent runners; they climb trees like monkeys, jumping from one tree to another. By the way, the gene that gives rise to this syndrome is dominant; it is enough for one of the parents to have it, and the child will be born with a deformity.

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I started to get old, life is already short. For many people, it is like a river - rushing somewhere into the alluring distance, bestowing now joy, now sorrow, now sadness. Mine is like a rock with a waterfall that falls from the sky like a hail of silver; That drop that was given a second, Only to break on the rocks at the bottom. But there is no envy for the mighty river, Which flows smoothly along the path on the sand. Their destiny is one - having finished their wanderings, they can find peace in the seas of compassion. Even if my life is not long, I am not afraid of fate, After all, having turned into steam, I will return to the sky again. September 29, 2000 Bychkov Alexander Ashanti 7 years old with his mother Thank you for your attention!

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Literature 1. Bondaruk M.M. Interesting materials and facts on general biology in questions and answers for grades 5-11 - Ed. Teacher: Volgograd, 2007 2. Bashmakov A.I., Vladimirov A.I., Grachev V.A. and others. New goals, objectives and technologies of education of the XXI century // New infocommunication technologies in social sciences and humanities and education: current state, problems, development prospects / Ed. ed. A.N. Kulika. - M.: Logos, 2003. 3. Vysotskaya M.V. Non-traditional biology lessons in grades 5-11 - Ed. Teacher: Volgograd, 2004 4. Kirilova G.I., Volik O.N. Design and implementation of a computer creativity competition. 5. Murtazin G.M. Active forms and methods of teaching biology. –M.: Education, 1989. 6. Selevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on information and communication tools. M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005.

GBOU "SCHOOL No. 2051"


IN last years The number of physically weakened children has increased noticeably. Muscle load decreases due to objective reasons: parents are overly interested in the intellectual development of their children (computer games, mugs). That is why the role of kindergarten in the physical development of children is increasing.


Provide additional physical activity for a specific muscle group.

Class structure

Fun training can be included in the main part of the classes, before and during outdoor games. (within 2 minutes). Each exercise is performed for two weeks, that is, 8 times, proceeding from easier to more difficult.

In order to better remember and avoid routine, all exercises have names that symbolize the imitation of fairy tale characters or objects during their execution.

Objectives of health work:


  • Promoting the child’s physical development and health improvement
  • Creating conditions for physical development and reducing morbidity in children
  • Formation of the value of a healthy lifestyle, awareness of the importance of proper nutrition, active lifestyle, personal hygiene, hardening


Bear cubs were playing in a forest clearing, swinging funny on their backs. Let's try and swing too! Lie on your back with your legs together. Bend your legs, bring your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around your knees. Rock back and forth on your back. When you get tired, rest. Repeat 3 times. (For back muscles, legs; flexibility).


When a heron sleeps at night, it stands on one leg.

Would you like to know: Is it difficult for a heron to stand like that?

And for this we need to do this pose together.

Standing on your right leg, bend your left leg at the knee,

arms slightly to the sides, and stand there for a while.

And then on the left leg.

For leg muscles; coordination.


A boat is floating along the river, and in it is a tin soldier. Suddenly a sharp wind blew and the rocking began. But nothing is scary for the brave soldier. Do you want to become as resilient and strong as the tin soldier? To do this, kneel down and press your hands tightly to your body. Strong wind blows. Bend back as low as possible, keep your back straight, and then straighten up. Repeat 3 times.

Now you can sit back on your heels and relax. Well done!

For the muscles of the back, abdomen, legs.


Do you want to be slim and have beautiful posture?

Then stand up straight and, placing your hands behind your back, join your palms. Then, turning your folded hands with your fingers up,

position the hands so that the little fingers are along the entire length

touched the spine.

Elbows need to be raised, back straight, shoulders back. Hold the pose and say:

“Oh, palms, you palms! I'll hide you behind my back!

This is necessary for posture, that's for sure! Without embellishment!

Slowly lower your arms down, shake your hands and breathe calmly.

Exercise for posture.


Sit on the floor, raise your straight legs up.

With your hands on the floor, begin to turn around.

around yourself with your hands. The carousel is spinning!

For the muscles of the legs, arms, abdomen.



Sitting, legs together, hands on the floor.

Raise your legs up, spread your arms to the sides - “the planes have flown” . Hold the pose for 5-10 seconds,

then rest. Repeat 3 times.

For abdominal muscles, thighs, arms.


Lying on your stomach, raise your arms and legs to the sides.

You are a starfish! Rock on the waves.

For the muscles of the arms, legs, back; flexibility.


Sitting, bend your legs slightly at the knees, and place your hands at your elbows, pressing them to your body. Go!

We move forward along the floor, helping only with our feet.

We make circular movements with our hands, imitating the movement of wheels. We stopped and went back as well.

For the muscles of the back, legs, buttocks.


What kind of strange bun appeared on the window?

I lay there for a bit, then picked it up and fell apart.

Lie on your back and then sit up, hugging your legs with your arms,

and place your head in your knees. Press your knees toward your shoulders and look at your heels.

Here you are, all the koloboks!

One, two, three, four, five - you fell apart again,

Stretch your legs and lie on your back.

For the muscles of the shoulder girdle; flexibility of bones.

Relevance of the work

The leading place among the deviations detected in children during preventive examinations is occupied by disorders of the musculoskeletal system, mainly functional disorders of posture and the formation of the arch of the foot.

According to modern views, posture is an integral characteristic of the state of the body and reflects the result of the complex influence of hereditary and social factors.

The formation of posture and changes in the arch of the foot are negatively affected by the following factors:

imperfection of furniture (inconsistency with the height of the children), which affects the curvature of the spine;

the irrational shoes our children wear (without heels, without arch supports, airtight). Unfortunately, parents pay little attention to this fact;

low physical activity.

In all educational institutions conditions must be created to satisfy the biological need of children for movement, which can be realized through the daily physical activity of children.

This activity can be ensured by the following activities:

physical education classes;

morning exercises;

music lessons;

physical education minutes;

outdoor games while walking;

physical exercise while walking and after a nap;

independent motor activity;

individual work.

Novelty of the work

The novelty of the experience is:

  • in defining goals and results

In identifying the current problem facing the child.

in finding, using and creating conditions that are a means of achieving goals (methodology and content of work with children, teachers, parents, various materials and benefits);

in promoting a healthy lifestyle among children and parents.

Based on the diagnostic results, there was a need to find and select correction material that would be accessible to children of different ages and could be used teaching staff and parents. This material was changed, supplemented, and became more accessible for use, while maintaining its final purpose.

In the future, work to implement the goals of this experience is structured as follows:

  • Together with the teachers, we try to pay attention to each child, creating a cheerful, cheerful mood in him, creating a desire to engage in interesting, useful activities, providing the conditions for this

We take a differentiated approach to loading children with physical exercises and to choosing methods of health-improving work;

We develop the child’s interest in their physical development and healthy lifestyle;

At the same time, the developmental environment of the environment is being transformed, we are creating various non-standard equipment with the help of which the child will be able to study independently and solve his problems related to physical development.

Problems and challenges

Flat feet and curvature of posture are a serious disease precisely because of a frivolous attitude towards it. And it was formed because long years We were instilled with a disdainful attitude towards our health.

I was faced with the task of making scientific information from specialized literature accessible to children and their parents.

Based on this, I developed an action plan, which became the basis of the “Taking Care of My Health” health program for preschoolers.

It included the following sections:

organization of motor activity;

therapeutic and preventive work;

hardening of children;

The implementation of this program is achieved through a variety of methods and techniques.

A visual demonstration of simple exercises for correcting flat feet

There are exercises that do not require special equipment, but their therapeutic effect is enormous.

It is not necessary to complete all the exercises; you can start training with three to four exercises, and after 10-15 days gradually add one exercise at a time. After 3-4 minutes, give the child the opportunity to rest. Doing the exercises twice a day will bring the desired effect. Within a month or a month and a half, the child will feel better.

Work efficiency

Introduction to the structure of exercises, systematized under the name "Fun training" , allows children to develop flexibility, coordination, strengthen muscles, and understand how they control their body in a playful way. The results of work on the development of movements make it possible to draw the following conclusion: diagnostics of children showed that 87% of children have an average level

performing exercises.


In my work I used the following literature:

Based on the "Program of education and training in kindergarten"edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova - magazine "Preschool Education", No. 8, 2005; No. 6, 2005; No. 11, 2005; No. 4, 2002; No. 2 , 2004;

"Flat feet in children 6-7 years old. Prevention and treatment", author I.N. Loseva;

“A system of comprehensive measures for the improvement of children’s health in preschool educational institutions”, author Kuznetsova;

"Entertaining physical education in kindergarten", author K.K. Womb;

Elements of Alyamovskaya’s “Health” program, - “Obruch” magazine.


How to develop and realize your abilities.

Classroom teacher

Durkina G.M.

Peter 1. (1672 – 1725)

Beginning of reign - 1689

He carried out government reforms that placed the Russian state among the great European powers; created a regular army and navy; improved the local government system - introduced elective principles in city management.

Ilya Efimovich Repin.

(1844 – 1930)

The historian of Russian art A. Efros wrote about Repin: “He is the embodiment of the national glory of Russian art... In the public consciousness, this is the Russian Artist, with two capital letters.”

“Barge Haulers on the Volga”, “Cossacks Write a Letter to the Turkish Sultan”, etc.

Lenin (Ulyanov) Vladimir Ilyich. (1870 – 1924)

State politician, leader of the radical wing of social democracy, founder of the Bolshevik Party and the Soviet state.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (born 10/07/1952)

- Russian statesman and politician, The president Russian Federation (2000-2008 and since May 7, 2012), Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (1999-2000; 2008-2012), Secretary of the Security Council (1999), Director of the Federal Security Service (1998-1999). On March 26, 2000, he was elected President of the Russian Federation and served for 8 years.

Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Zhores Ivanovich Alferov.

(born March 15, 1930)

Director of Physics and Technology

Go Institute named after. A.F.Ioffe RAS, Vice President of the RAS, Chairman of the Presidium of the St. Petersburg Scientific Center.

In 2000 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded Zh.I. Alferov for a set of works in the field of optoelectronics Nobel Prize in physics.

Pugacheva Alla Borisovna.

(born in 1949) - Russian pop singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1991)

You are still young and unknown to anyone.

Who, besides yourself, can stop you from becoming one of them?

You are needed, and even very much, and as soon as possible!

Born in 1822 In Northern Germany, in the family of a priest. Since childhood I loved to read. He was especially shocked by the Iliad and

"The Odyssey" is a poem in which the ancient Greek poet Homer is about 900 years old. BC. described the events of the Trojan War. Henry did not doubt the reality of what Homer was talking about.

Not long ago, Italian scientists in the cities of Syria excavated the large city of Ebla that existed 4,000 years ago, which was mentioned in manuscripts found in Ancient Babylon and in the Old Testament.

But this is not only the case in archaeology. In every field of knowledge, in every walk of life, there is a “Troy” and an “Ebla” to be discovered and explored.

It depends only on you whether you find your goal and achieve it. Don't think that you alone can do little because you have no power. If your passion, enthusiasm and irresistible desire to achieve your goal are great and strong enough, you will be able to “infect” the people around you with them and then you will find helpers and patrons.

But you must learn to correctly assess your capabilities. Careful observation of yourself and others, serious reflection will help you learn this.

  • You don’t have to agree with everyone and everything all the time! There is no need to deny everything and everyone!
  • Don't become a fellow traveler! Be yourself!
  • This is the only way to achieve success!
  • Don't hide your talents!

  • This test is designed to analyze your behavior in various situations.
  • Its purpose is to help you realize how you really feel under different circumstances and avoid making possible excuses.
  • Answer questions sincerely, the way you think at the moment.


1. I like myself

I completely agree

I don't quite agree

2. I often test my abilities.

I disagree a little

3. I think it would be easier to learn if teachers were less demanding

I completely disagree

4. I think more often about what might be wrong.


5. I often talk about my weaknesses.

I completely agree

I don't quite agree

6. I am often bullied by others.

I disagree a little

I completely disagree

7. I am influenced by my environment

8. I am disciplined and perform certain activities daily.


I completely agree

9. I am distrustful of others.

I don't quite agree

10. Failure makes you want to work harder.

I disagree a little

I completely disagree

  • 40 – 36

Think you're in great shape. Keep doing the Mind Power exercises and you will live according to your deepest desires.

  • 35 – 29

Your self-esteem needs a little attention. It is close to being your powerful asset.

  • 28 – 22

Average score.

Go ahead, you can achieve better things with a little work.

  • 21 -15

It wouldn't hurt to strengthen your self-esteem.

  • 14 – 10

Meet with your friend and develop a plan to improve your self-esteem, now!

Slide 1: A child’s abilities - how to recognize and develop them?

Parent meeting
2 a class

Class teacher: Bilyavskaya Natalya Vitalievna,
primary school teacher
highest qualification category
Municipal educational institution "Lakhdenpokh secondary school"

“Ability - natural giftedness, talent”

“Capable - having the ability to do something, gifted. Can do anything; having some property. Able to work"

“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegova
Slide 3: Ability is interpreted as individual psychological characteristics of a person, which are conditions for the successful performance of a certain activity. They include both individual knowledge and skills, as well as readiness to learn new ways and techniques of activity.
They include both individual knowledge and skills, as well as readiness to learn new ways and techniques of activity. (“Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary”)

Psychologist V.A. Krutetsky believes that ability is formed, and therefore revealed, only in the process of relevant activity.

Without observing a person in activity, one cannot judge whether he has or does not have abilities. You cannot talk about musical abilities if the child has not yet engaged in at least elementary forms of musical activity, if he has not yet been taught music. Only in the process of this training (and proper training) will it become clear what his abilities are, whether his sense of rhythm and musical memory will be formed quickly and easily or slowly and with difficulty.

Slide 5: A person is not born capable of this or that activity, his abilities are formed, formed, developed in properly organized appropriate activities, during his life, under the influence of training and education.

Slide 6: It should be emphasized the close and inextricable connection of abilities with knowledge, abilities, and skills. On the one hand, abilities depend on knowledge, abilities, and skills; on the other hand, abilities develop in the process of acquiring knowledge, abilities, and skills. Knowledge, abilities and skills also depend on abilities - abilities allow you to master the relevant knowledge, abilities and skills faster, easier, stronger and deeper.

Slide 7: In the psychological and pedagogical literature there are differences special and general abilities.

General - include (a person’s success in the most various types activities) mental, subtlety and accuracy of manual movements, developed memory, perfect speech.

Slide 8: Special abilities are abilities that are necessary for the successful performance of any one specific activity - musical, artistic, visual, mathematical, literary, constructive and technical, etc. These abilities also represent the unity of individual private abilities.

Slide 9: Special - determine a person’s success in specific activities that require inclinations and their development
/ musical, mathematical, linguistic, technical, literary, artistic and creative, sports /.

The presence of general abilities in a person does not exclude the development of special ones and vice versa.

And often they complement and enrich each other.

Slide 11: Academic and creative abilities

They are different from each other. Educational factors determine the success of training and education, a person’s acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills, and the formation of personality traits.
Creative - the creation of objects of material and spiritual culture, the production of new ideas, discoveries and inventions, individual creativity, in various fields of human activity.

Slide 12: Communication skills

These include speech as a means of communication (its communicative functions) Interpersonal perception and evaluation of people, coming into contact with various people, winning them over, influencing them.

The absence of such abilities in a person would be an insurmountable obstacle to his transformation from a biological being into a social one.

Slide 13: General mental abilities

These include, for example, such qualities of the mind as mental activity, criticality, systematicity, speed of mental orientation, a high level of analytical and synthetic activity, focused attention

Slide 14: A high level of development of abilities is called TALENT.

Talent is the most favorable combination of abilities that make it possible to especially successfully and creatively perform a certain activity, on the one hand, a propensity for this activity, a unique need for it, on the other, great hard work and perseverance, on the third.
Talent can manifest itself in any human activity, not just in the field of science or art. Therefore, a talented doctor, a teacher, a pilot, or a skilled worker can be talented.

Slide 15: There is a great formula by K.E. Tsiolkovsky, which lifts the curtain on the secret of the birth of a creative mind:

“First I discovered truths known to many, then I began to discover truths known to some, and finally I began to discover truths unknown to anyone.”
Apparently, this is the path to the development of the creative side of the intellect, the path to the development of inventive and research talent.
Our responsibility is to help the child take this path.

Abilities can be neither innate nor genetic formations - they are a product of development. The innate factors underlying abilities are inclinations.

Makings are defined as anatomical and physiological characteristics of the brain, nervous and muscular systems, analyzers or sensory organs

Slide 17: From inclinations to abilities - this is the path of personality development.

This happens only when the conditions and circumstances of the child’s life are favorable to the manifestation of natural inclinations. The task of parents is to create these conditions. Even if you allocate a corner in the apartment for painting or spare no expense on purchasing construction sets, you are contributing to the development of your son or daughter. And if a child goes to a music, art, sports school, in CDT, RDK circles, chances for future success will be much higher.

Slide 18: If your child does not show any special talent, this is not at all a reason to call him incapable of anything. Most often, adults pay attention to the child’s aptitudes and abilities for mathematics or mastering foreign language, to literary and visual creativity.

Slide 19: Much less frequently noted is the child’s tendency to experiment, his organizational and leadership abilities... Often, children’s creativity in these areas is not at all encouraged by their parents.

Slide 20: For most schoolchildren, individual preferences in academic subjects or extracurricular activities manifest themselves by the time they graduate primary school. If this does not happen, you should seek advice from a specialist. Or try to determine the child’s abilities and inclinations yourself using a special questionnaire.

Slide 21: You will definitely find more strengths that need to be supported and developed. This way you can increase his self-confidence, correct his self-esteem, overcome his apparent indifference to academic subjects, and organize his leisure time.

Slide 22 - 39: Photos of students in grade 2 “a”, showing their hobbies and abilities.

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Slide captions:

MADOOU DS No. 14 “Umka” How to develop a child’s abilities Teacher-psychologist Gorbacheva O.E.

Each person has general abilities that help a person adapt to the world, receive, process and store new information, use social and practical experience in practical activities. Many abilities are formed in childhood, so the development of a child’s abilities is of particular importance. First, let's define what abilities are: These are individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another. These are features that are relevant to the success of an activity. Abilities are not reducible to knowledge, skills and abilities that have already been developed in a person.

The more developed a child’s abilities are, the easier it is for him to cope with various tasks. Let's call these general abilities as follows: Intelligence - a certain vital ability to adapt, revealing itself in specific situations of a person’s cognitive contact with the world and as the ability to solve problems based on the application of existing knowledge; Creativity - the ability to transform knowledge with the participation of imagination and fantasy; Learning ability is the ability to acquire new knowledge. Each of you probably asked yourself the questions: “Does my child have high enough abilities for him to study well and be successful in life?” “Maybe my child is talented, because he draws so well and comes up with fairy tales?” “Is there anything I can do to develop my child’s abilities?” Let's look for answers together and think about what you and no one else can and should do for your child.

Interesting facts about intelligence Intelligence develops most intensively from 2 to 12 years. Moms and dads can help a child develop his mind in different ways, but there is one thing in common - emotional support for the child. A child living in a favorable emotional environment, when he is loved, has joy in the family, everyone good mood, the level of intelligence is constantly increasing. In children for whom parents do not show sufficient care, a process of decline in intelligence was observed. Intelligence increases if parents provide the child with the opportunity to develop his abilities, abilities and skills, and do not try to correct what the child has done.

Believe in your child’s capabilities, be calm and patient! Moms! It is in your power to increase and develop your child’s mental abilities if you present your child with a system of requirements and ensure that he fulfills them. The requirements are necessary means education. This is what is expected from the child. Through the demand, the adult tells the child how to behave, what to do in order to be successful. And also - maintain your child's high self-esteem. Dads! It turns out that your contribution to the development of the child’s intelligence is approximately 2 times greater.

The child’s intelligence will grow “right before our eyes” if you: Play a variety of games with your child or do things together; It is you who will involve your preschooler in discussing family matters (for example, what to give mom, what to buy, where to move the table, etc.); Present a system of prohibitions. Prohibitions are also one of the most important means of development and education. What should a mother do if dad is constantly at work and does not have time to communicate with the child? During the week, mom can remind the child of the rules that dad told him on the day off. Don't try to satisfy all your child's needs at once. This adversely affects the development of mental abilities of children 5-6 years old.

About creativity Creativity is the ability to think outside the box, creatively. Switch from one idea to another, do the same thing in different ways. A creative child, as a rule, gives parents a lot of trouble. He always comes up with something, switches from one thing to another, changes his hobbies. But how rich his imagination is, how varied his drawings are! And such a child also writes poetry and fairy tales. His game has a lot of plots and characters. A truly creative child is the well-known Pinocchio. Remember how he sold ABC to go to the theater? Not very smart, but very interesting. Have you thought about it? But keep in mind that creativity helps a person in difficult situation when you need to act outside the box. While other fairy-tale dolls were crying and afraid, it was Pinocchio who was figuring out how to save his friends, how to help dad Carlo. This means that creativity is also very necessary for a person to live a successful life.

So, what needs to be done to develop a child’s creativity? You need to know that there are two sensitive periods in the development of creativity, when abilities develop very quickly. The first - 3-5 years (develops in story game), the second - approximately 10-12 years (the period of development of so-called cultural creativity). Both mothers and fathers increase the level of creativity if they play games together and pay attention to the child, and fathers involve the child in family matters and discuss plans.

About learning ability The prerequisite for learning ability is intelligence. Its high level is associated with personality development. This means that a child’s learning ability develops in close communication with an adult. To develop learning ability: Ask your child questions more often; When talking about nature and people, events or TV shows watched, looking at pictures, tell your child: “Think”, “Look more carefully”, “Remember”; In the process of studying objects of living nature, a child realizes one of the main abilities - sensory knowledge of the world. He gets a living direct experience. All sensory systems are activated: hand-eye coordination, visual-spatial perception are developed, voluntary behavior is formed, etc. While walking, ask tasks (count the cars, find two similar trees) and, without rushing to answer, tell the child about that you are waiting for him; Don’t give up what you start, bring it to the end; Discuss with your child whether you and his work result are satisfactory, think about how to correct what you don’t like.

Let's summarize - the development of a child's abilities is a multifaceted and gradual process, in which both mother and father should be actively involved. Stay close and your child’s abilities will never cease to amaze you!