Construction of a children's playground. Presentation. Social project. Topic: "Children's playground and sports ground" Presentation of a sports ground at school

Relevance of the project: Today, one of priority areas development of the Kharkiv region is to take care of the health of the population and improve the physical education of the younger generation. However, in some areas of the city there is still no necessary number of sports and playgrounds and complexes, and the existing ones are not provided with the proper material and technical base. One of these places is a specialized boarding school for 8 cerebral palsy, where there is not a single sports ground and children are forced to play anywhere, which often leads to high trauma. In addition, movement is the main medicine for patients with cerebral palsy, and its absence negatively affects the health of children. The construction of the site would not only make it possible to create an appropriate material and technical base for outdoor activities and sports, but also ensured the proper level of use of the therapeutic potential of physical culture for people who are unable to move independently due to their physiological characteristics. 2

Purpose and objectives of the project: Purpose of the project: construction of a sports ground for a specialized boarding school with 8 cerebral palsy, located in the Frunzensky district of Kharkov. Tasks: - attracting public attention to the problems of people suffering from cerebral palsy, and to options their decisions; - conducting an information campaign aimed at supporting and popularizing the idea of ​​the project; - creating a place for centralized and independent sports and physical education for persons with cerebral palsy; - creation in Kharkiv of a platform for the rehabilitation of people with cerebral palsy; - support and popularization of the ideas of children's and youth sports and a healthy lifestyle; - development of civil society through the introduction of local social initiatives. 3

Location of the project: Location of the project: the territory located behind the children's boarding school 8 cerebral palsy in Kharkov. The current state of the territory Perspective vision of the site 4 Localization: It is assumed that the site will be visited not only by patients from Kharkiv region, but also from Poltava and Sumy regions bordering the region.

Coating for a treadmill Coating type: "Viktorisport" (from crumb rubber); Coating characteristics: seamless, water-permeable, colored coating of rubber crumb and polyurethane binder, designed for mass sports in sports shoes without spikes. It is also suitable as a training surface for professionals. The coating has good adhesion to sports shoes and protects the joints of athletes from injury. The covering keeps within on firm surfaces, concrete, asphalt, threw. The basic requirement for the foundation is a level surface and a slope (5°) for water to run off. 6

Covering for the football field: Covering type: artificial grass "PIETRO RADICI"; Technical requirements to prepare the area for laying the football field: (1) - artificial turf; (2) - crushed stone, fine-grained and "granotsev"; (3) - crushed stone, large fraction; (4) - soil; (5) - sand. к For laying the pavement, it is necessary that a foundation pit be dug or raised, 40 cm deep / high. 7

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Municipal Preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 4 "Kalinka" Volzhsk RME "Magic Stadium" Completed by: physical education instructor Petukhova E.V.

Relevance: A playground in a kindergarten is not just a place for games and sports, but a real children's town with its own rules. The child needs to communicate with other children. The sports ground on the territory of the kindergarten should be an area where the object-spatial environment that is most attractive for children is designed.

Purpose: Creation of the safest and most effective conditions for organizing recreational work and developing the cognitive interest of pupils.

Tasks: - Development of motor skills and health promotion; - Drawing up a site project; - Enrichment of the subject-developing environment of the site with equipment and inventory for effective implementation walks; - Encourage parents to help kindergarten.

Ways of implementation: 1. Study of literature on the topic of the project. 2. Detailed survey of the territory and selection of the most interesting objects. 3. Drawing up a map - a diagram of the site. 4. Involvement of parents and teachers in the improvement of the site. 5. Reconstruction of existing equipment and design of the site in accordance with the objectives of the project. 6. Creation and opening of a playground.

Expected results: -creation of conditions for the protection and promotion of children's health; -increase in motor activity of the level of physical development of preschoolers; - the formation of healthy lifestyle skills and the manifestation of care for one's health and environment; - inculcation and formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children; - increasing group coherence and collectivism among children; - strengthening the relationship "kindergarten - parent", "child - parent".

Silence on the sports ground, Soon our guys will be here! The sun, air and water always help us.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Organization of physical education classes held on the sports ground of the kindergarten."

Consultation for educators of a preschool institution on conducting physical education classes on the sports ground of a kindergarten....


The purpose of this project is to create a children's sports ground on the territory of MBOU Bogdanovskaya secondary school for school students. Its construction is very important for our school. On the territory of our settlement there are such enterprises as: CJSC KNPZ, an asphalt plant, Repnyanskoye KU LLC, farming LLC Dokhoyan L.A., which could act as sponsors for the implementation of this goal. When we asked them for help, we did not receive an answer, now we are looking for other ways to get financial support for the project. We want to see our school and school yard well-groomed and comfortable, and children joyful and happy.

Project Description


On the territory of the MBOU Bogdanovskaya secondary school we are considering, there is a large plot that was previously a school garden. Now the territory is partly planted with coniferous trees. The main area is not used in any way. This place is ideal for placing a children's playground on it. Our school does not have its own stadium and, accordingly, a sports ground. Physical education lessons in the warm season are held at the village stadium. The school administration has long dreamed of adapting this area for a sports ground. It is necessary for the school so that children can play in a place intended for games, and senior classes can relax in their free time from lessons. Also, during extracurricular activities and at the end of the lessons, children go for a walk for outdoor activities after the school day. Therefore, we decided to take this topic for the project. Thus, we will be able to improve the territory of our school and enable physical education teachers to conduct their lessons without leaving the school grounds.

Project results


The playground is designed for mental, physical development, as well as to instill the ability for active games to improve coordination of movements. The main advantage that distinguishes children's street playgrounds is the playful form of sports activities, which turns pleasure into a kind of sports training. Now playgrounds are so diverse that they give the child the right to choose from huge amount game elements. On the territory of the school there will be a playground and sports, physical education in your spare time, which we will look after. Even if we do not build it, then the information wave, public opinion, formed during the implementation of the project, will push the administration or deputies to create a school playground, without waiting for the overhaul of the school, which is not even planned for the next five years. We hope that this project will receive a positive assessment and be fully implemented. We would like to say special thanks to the school administration and technology teacher Sleptsova G.N. for the idea and help in the development of the project.

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According to the results of the school referendum, 96% of students voted for the organization of a playground near the school. Needed for construction cash and project. And so I decided to develop my own version of a children's sports ground, which you can build on your own, investing minimal costs. Problem

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Develop a project for a children's sports ground for the secondary school with. Arkhangelsk. Target

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1) Study the literature on this topic; 2) Explore the territory of the school for the location of the playground; 3) Develop sports equipment and facilities necessary for the overall development of children; 4) Design a playground model; 5) Drawing up a plan for the playground; 6) Make an estimate of the site. Tasks

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1) Literature analysis; 2) Modeling; 3) Interviewing; 4) Mathematical analysis. Methods

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Territory of MOU SOSH with. Arkhangelsk Research Base

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1) Choice of location; 2) Dimensions of the site; 3) The choice of coverage for the site; 4) Selection of sports facilities; 5) Selection of colors for sports facilities. playground planning

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1) Must be adequately lit; 2) The site must be protected from prevailing winds; 3) It is desirable to choose a site that is flat, without large slopes; 4) You can not place it in a lowland, where after the rain it will be damp for a long time; 5) It is important to exclude the contact of children with electricity. Development individual project children's playground

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The area of ​​the plot for the construction of a playground is 15x20=300 sq.m.

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The coating must be dry, because when playing, children often sit on the ground and can easily catch a cold; safe, able to cushion a fall from a hill or a bike, durable, and most importantly, meet safety requirements. Optimal choice to cover the playground - cover in the form of a lawn. The coverage of the site I have chosen for the construction of the playground meets these requirements. Location selection

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The bright colors on the playground are safety features. Bright colors are necessary to set the child up for the game, attract his attention, maintain tone and make it easier to navigate the playground. Choice of colors

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Choice of sports facilities

Pit for long jump Necessary to fulfill sports standards for curriculum"Physical culture"

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obstacle course

Develops dexterity and coordination of movements. Easy to make.

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Board swing

Designed for relaxation or play. Well suited for changing mental activity after school to play.

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Sports mini-complex

Occupies a small area. Serves to strengthen the main muscle groups of the body.

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Present in the selected territory of the site. Promotes the development of coordination of movements.

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climbing frames

They help strengthen the muscles of the shoulder and forearm, abdominals, etc.

Page 2 Goal of the project: 1. To create conditions for the organization of recreation and health improvement of children at school through the reconstruction of the sports ground. 2. Development and popularization of physical culture and sports among schoolchildren, increasing its role in the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual, strengthening a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: 1. Maintaining and strengthening the health of students, instilling a healthy lifestyle and preventing musculoskeletal, colds and other diseases; 2. Formation of a common culture, organization of meaningful leisure, value attitude to one's health and a healthy lifestyle. 3. Create conditions for the involvement of underage adolescents in socially significant labor activities.

Page 3 Why this project relevant? -School - is the center of the microdistrict -The territory of the school is adjacent to the kindergarten and is surrounded by a residential area. - On the basis of the school there are sports sections: football, volleyball, basketball. - There are no sports grounds for children in the microdistrict, except for the school one. - The organization of the sports ground will give the territory an aesthetic appearance. - Pupils of the school are participants and winners of city competitions in basketball, athletics, rugby, volleyball. -By decision The Council of Senior Students conducted a sociological survey of students and their parents, which showed the need to create a sports and leisure center on the territory of the school.

Page 5 Expected results, their social significance. -Organization of socially significant social activities schoolchildren; - An integrated approach to the education of citizenship, patriotism, environmental culture, labor education; - Creation of conditions for the possible organization of the process of spending time together, contributing to the spiritual rapprochement of children and adults, the birth of common interests and hobbies; - Introduction to a healthy lifestyle as an important component of ecological culture; - Creation of a humanistic developing environment for the life of students, presentation to them additional features for self-development, self-affirmation, self-expression; -Creation of favorable conditions for physical culture, sports, recreation. -The emergence of new outdoor equipment increases the number of sports that can be practiced on the site, which means it will make it possible to increase the number of sports sections at the school and attract a large number students to classes.

Page 7 Project risk Absence financial resources for the purchase Supplies, adverse weather conditions, lack of materials may lead to the fact that the planned project will not be fully implemented. To localize these risks, it is possible to apply for help to private entrepreneurs, the city administration, the Head of the city of Nazarovo.