The pdca deming cycle includes. Learning to use the deming cycle at work. Conducting Effective Deming Cycle Meetings

Decisive role in successful development startup plays strong and effective team. But how can you gather truly useful people around you? In the new lesson “Knowledge Base” we will tell you how to competently build a team management system using the PDCA methodology.

Why use a team management system?

The team leader is responsible for an effective workflow, and the team management system is what helps set it up.

Using a team management system helps:

1. Increase the speed of completing assigned tasks.

2. Avoid some conflicts with team members.

3. Simplify process control.

4. Make the result of the team’s work stronger

What is a team management system?

A team management system is an algorithm of actions that helps build effective team work and achieve its goals.

The simplest model and basis modern approaches in team management is based on the PDCA methodology.

What is the PDCA model?

The PDCA model or PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) consists of four stages: planning (Plan) - implementation (Do) - check (Check) - action (Act).

The PDCA model is also called the Deming-Shewhart model. William Shewhart came up with the model in 1931-1939, and Edward Deming later developed it and presented it as a circular diagram.

When and where should a team management system be implemented?

Any activity can be viewed as a process, and any process can be improved. The management system is useful even in a team consisting of one person: you also need to control yourself. It will help you clearly describe the situation and distribute forces effectively in any type of activity: from preparing for an exam to submitting a work project. In this Venture Accelerator lesson we will analyze the PDCA model as a basic methodology. But in the future, you can choose any control system you like - there is no one correct one, there is only one that is convenient for you.

How does the PDCA methodology work?

The PDCA model works in stages.

At the first stage we set a goal. For example, the goal is to pass the session with flying colors.

We plan processes that will help achieve it: do not skip lectures, successfully complete midterm tests in the semester, prepare notes, learn them. We distribute the resources of the project: how much time and effort will be required for preparation, if at the same time you do not want to refuse to participate in KVN. We divide each process into several small tasks and set strict time limits for them - at least 4 hours per task and no more than a week. Why not more? We talk about “Parkinson's First Law”. It says: “Work fills the time allotted for it.” It was formulated by historian Cyril Northcote Parkinson back in 1955! Mr. Parkinson had a lot to draw from: he worked for some time in the civil service in Britain and saw the bureaucracy from the inside. Set clear time limits for the task - most likely you will not do it faster and will work for the entire allotted time. Long, uncertain deadlines are a direct path to procrastination. If there were previously problems in the processes - for example, extracurricular activities prevented us from passing the exam successfully - we decide what to do about it and how to allocate resources more efficiently.

The second stage is the implementation of the plan. We read textbooks, don’t skip lectures, write and study notes. We take test questions for the exam and check what we have learned so far. Test the prepared work in a small area - test questions- which, if unsuccessful, will not lead to negative consequences. Check yourself every day - how is your work progressing, are deadlines missed, how much have you already learned?

The third is testing processes and hypotheses. We pass the session. We look at the result and analyze: did we achieve our goal, did we pass it as planned, perfectly? And if not, then why? Let's draw conclusions.

Fourth - action, adjustment. If we were satisfied with the result of the third stage, we passed the session with flying colors, and we apply the same principle of preparing for the next session. If the result is not satisfactory - some of the subjects were passed well or satisfactorily - we change the preparation plan and start work again.

How long does it take to master the work model?

Repetition is the mother of learning. At first you will be reluctant to plan your work, but by doing it consistently, over and over again the process will go faster, it will become easier for you and you will no longer notice how you have joined the process. It's like driving a car - first you think about which pedal to press, and then you perform the actions automatically.

To plan, you can use a notebook or spreadsheet, but there are also automated systems team management, which we will talk about in the following lectures.

and repeat!

I became familiar with the PDCA methodology, which is also known as the Deming Cycle, more than 8 years ago when I studied the ISO 9001:2008 standard for developing quality standards for the production of metal-plastic windows. Since then, this cycle has been tested in many areas and it has always given excellent results.

What is the Deming Cycle?

The PDCA methodology or the Deming Cycle is an excellent catalyst for increasing quality in your company.

The abbreviation PDCA itself consists of four English letters and means the following:

P - Plan (planning)

D - Do (action)

C - Check (check)

A - Akt (adjustment/impact)

A more complete cycle looks like this:

To make it easier to remember, the word adjustment can be replaced with the word influence, and then the formula will sound simpler: plan, act, check, influence.

How to use the Deming Cycle?

Now let's look at how we can put this cycle into practice. Let us set ourselves the following task:

Create and improve a launch checklist advertising campaign.

To solve this problem, let's take the Deming cycle as a basis and perform each action in order to develop and improve our fictitious checklist for launching an advertising campaign:

1. We plan

Setting a goal

Develop a checklist that will reduce the number of errors and failures after the launch of an advertising campaign.

This goal will serve us Starting point to develop a checklist

Determining indicators

To be able to assess how well a goal is being achieved, we will need to develop a metric for it.

Let's make a table to make it easier to see deviations.

Checklist test

Number of mistakes

Reasons for deviations from 0

1st launch of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the checklist

2nd launch of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the checklist

nth launch of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the checklist

Developing a plan for the checklist

To develop a checklist, we will have to do a number of works. To do this, let's write a plan:

  • collect information;
  • develop the content of the checklist;
  • try the checklist at work.

Distributing resources

To implement the task, it will take a specialist’s time. Let's say everything should take us 3 hours of pure working time.

We will allocate this time for a specialist, having previously assessed the amount of work.

Now you can proceed directly to the implementation of the task itself.

2. Let's take action

A plan to implement the task has been developed. Now we must begin to act, that is, to directly develop the checklist.

We carry out preparatory work

In order for our checklist to take into account as many necessary parameters as possible, we will work to collect information.

For this we need:

  • improve the results of past work;
  • remember errors that occurred earlier;
  • perhaps communicate with colleagues;
  • try asking Google for help;
  • and other options.

All these actions will allow you to collect a sufficiently complete picture to develop a checklist.

Executing the plan

After we have collected all necessary information, let's start developing the document... After some time spent grouping the information received, we would have an excellent checklist. Go ahead.

3. Check

In order for us to complete the cycle, we will need to try the checklist at work. To do this, we would have to run several advertising campaigns on it. Preferably 5-10, no less. This is necessary in order to collect error statistics.

We control the results based on indicators

Let's say we launched and tested the operation of our checklist. Now it's time to check the effectiveness of his work. To do this, we need to understand how many errors occurred after the launch of each advertising campaign and establish the reasons for their occurrence. Let's enter the obtained data into the table:

Checklist test

Number of mistakes

Reasons for deviations

Suggestions for making changes to the checklist

1st launch of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the checklist

Error …

2nd launch of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the checklist

nth launch of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the checklist

We identify and analyze deviations

After receiving enough data on errors and malfunctions in the checklist, we would have to draw a conclusion about what changes we need to make to the checklist to make it more effective.

Checklist test

Number of mistakes

Reasons for deviations

Suggestions for making changes to the checklist

1st launch of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the checklist

Suggestion No. 1

Proposal No. 2

Proposal No. 3

2nd launch of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the checklist

Suggestion No. 1

Proposal No. 2

nth launch of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the checklist

n. Offer n…

4. We influence

We take measures to eliminate the causes of deviations

We add the resulting list of edits to the checklist, thereby increasing its quality. In the end it's naturally will also affect the quality of advertising campaigns.

Interesting fact: in the GOST R ISO 9001:2015 standard, quality is defined as the degree of compliance with the totality of the inherent characteristics of an object requirements. That is, it follows that the more High Quality the product you want to achieve, the higher your requirements for it should be.

We make changes to planning and resource allocation

At this stage there may be several options:

    The Deming cycle can be completed if no further corrections are necessary.

    We continue to improve the checklist. To do this, you will have to repeat the cycle again.

If you still have questions about the Demin Cycle, ask them in the comments, and I will definitely answer them.

What methods do you use in your work?

The best IT management practices recommended by the ITIL ® library are based (along with other, no less ingenious) ideas that were expressed by Dr. Edward Deming, a world-famous American scientist and consultant on quality management theory. In particular, ITIL uses the idea of ​​the Deming Cycle and the ideas found in Total Quality Management (TQM), fathered by Edward Deming.

A short biography of Dr. Edward Deming is given below (according to

  • William Edwards Deming (William Edwards Deming), better known as Edward Deming, years of life ‑
  • Edward Deming was an American statistician. It is associated with the rise of Japan as a manufacturing nation and with the invention of Total Quality Management (TQM). Deming traveled to Japan immediately after World War II to help conduct the Japanese census.
  • While he was there, he taught "statistical process control" to Japanese engineers, a set of techniques that allowed them to produce high-quality goods without expensive machinery.
  • In 1960 he was awarded a medal by the Japanese Emperor for his services to Japanese industry.
  • Deming returned to the United States and remained unknown for several years until the publication of his book Out of the Crisis in 1982. In this book, Deming outlined 14 points that, in his opinion, would save the United States from industrial doom.
  • Fourteen Points of Management by Dr. Edwards Deming represents the essence of TQM for many.

My short note does not pretend to be a global study of Dr. Deming’s legacy, I will just try to consider some of his ideas and their implementation in ITIL®. Consider the Deming Cycle and some of his famous Fourteen Points of Management formulated in TQM.

Deming cycle (PDCA cycle)

So, consider the Deming cycle or PDCA cycle. The ITIL® v3 Glossary gives the following definition:

    Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle (Continual Service Improvement ITIL® v3 book) – Four steps of the process control cycle developed by Edward Deming. Plan-Do-Check-Act is also called the Deming Cycle:

    PLAN: Planning or reviewing processes that support IT services

    DO: PLAN implementation and process management

    CHECK: Measuring processes and IT services, comparing with goals and receiving reports

    ACT: PLAN and implement changes to improve processes

The PDCA cycle is a simple and clear model for quality management. According to this model, to provide the appropriate level of quality, the following steps must be continuously repeated:

    planning: what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, who should do it, how it should be done and with what

    execution: execution of planned work

    verification: it is determined whether the work has given the expected result

    action: plans are adjusted taking into account the information obtained at the verification stage, and the necessary changes are made.

Quality assurance means that improvements resulting from quality management are maintained continuously. These provisions are illustrated by a simple diagram: the Deming cycle is shown in the form of a wheel that rolls uphill towards increasingly higher quality, the wheel is supported by a quality assurance system that does not allow the quality (wheel) to slide back.

Deming Cycle (PDCA) and ITIL®

ITIL® says that the use of the Deming cycle makes it possible to improve the quality of management processes and services provided, ensuring the achievement of stable operating results that comply with established standards and requirements, while using resources rationally.

The Deming Cycle underlies many of the frameworks for improving the quality of processes and services in ITIL v.3, in particular in The 7-Step Improvement Process in the book Continual Service Improvement.

Total Quality Management by Dr. Deming

Philosophy of total quality management. The main idea of ​​TQM is that a company should work not only on product quality, but also on the quality of work in general, including the work of its personnel. Constant parallel improvement of these three components: 1) product quality, 2) quality of process organization, 3) personnel qualification level allows us to achieve faster and effective development business. Quality is determined by such categories as: 1) degree of implementation of customer requirements, 2) growth financial indicators company 3) and increasing the satisfaction of company employees with their work.

The principle of TQM can be compared to holding a ball on an inclined plane. To prevent the ball from rolling, it must either be supported from below or pulled from above. TQM includes two mechanisms: Quality Assurance (QA) - quality control and Quality Improvements (QI) - quality improvement. The first - quality control - maintains the required level of quality and consists of the company providing certain guarantees that give the client confidence in the quality of a given product or service. The second - improving quality - implies that the level of quality must not only be maintained, but also increased, correspondingly raising the level of guarantees. Two mechanisms: quality control and quality improvement - allow you to “keep the ball in the game,” that is, to constantly improve and develop the business.

The ITIL v3 glossary defines TQM as follows:

    Total Quality Management (TQM, Integrated Quality Management, book Continual Service Improvement ITIL® v3) - A methodology for managing continuous improvements using the Quality Management System. TQM defines a culture of involving all people in an organization in the process of continuous measurement and improvement.

    Quality Management System (QMS, Continual Service Improvement ITIL® v3 book) - A set of processes responsible for ensuring an organization achieves quality that meets business objectives or service levels.

ITIL®, similar to TQM, says that service management is based on preparing and planning effective and rational use four Ps: People, Processes, Products (services, technology and tools) and Partners (suppliers, manufacturers and sellers), as illustrated by the following picture:

Ideas 14 points of TQM and ITIL® management

As we look at the ideas from the 14 Points of Management, we will not go through all the points, but rather only those that I think are of interest when considering the content/use/implementation of ITIL®. For those wishing to become fully familiar with all 14 points of TQM management, I refer you to Chapter 3 of Henry R. Neve’s book “Dr. Deming’s Space,” which outlines them in the most understandable and accessible form (and this is not just my point of view). detailed description and interpretation.

So let's get started:

Point 1: Constancy of Goal

    Set a goal and be steadfast and constant in achieving your goal of continuous improvement of products and services

    Allocate resources so that long-term goals and needs are met, not just short-term profitability

The entire ITIL® philosophy is consistent this provision. Do not snatch a momentary piece from the customer, but using a service approach, establish long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with him through strategy, the formation of a portfolio of services that is based on high-quality services that represent value for this customer.

Point 3: Stop depending on mass inspections

    Eliminate the need for mass audits and inspections as a way to achieve quality

    Quality must be designed and built into processes

    Prevent defects, do not try to detect and eliminate them after they have occurred

Point 5: Improve every process

  • Constantly improve, today and always, all processes of planning, production and service delivery
  • Constantly look for problems to improve all activities, increasing quality and productivity and thereby reducing costs
  • Strive to make an unstable process stable, a stable but ineffective process effective, an effective process even more effective
  • Remember - if you don't find the problem, the problem will find you.

ITIL® v3 has expanded the scope of management areas to include the quality of management processes. Using the process maturity model from COBIT, you can determine the current level of maturity of management processes, compare it with the target (if defined) and take action to improve the quality of processes and services. services. ITIL® addresses the concept of proactive activities aimed at preventing incidents and problems that could reduce the quality of services provided.

Point 6: Put into Practice Training and Retraining of Personnel

    Train all employees, including supervisors and managers, in order to better use the capabilities of each of them

    Training is as much a part of the work process as production

    Taking root and spreading improvements is the result of learning

    The costs of training are negligible compared to the benefits obtained as a result of this employee does his job correctly and for the best benefit for the company

Unfortunately, this situation is difficult to understand and accept in Russia. Based on the 4P principle considered in ITIL® v3, it must be said that working with personnel is one of the main components quality provision of services. When implementing ITIL® approaches in specific projects, it is absolutely necessary.

Point 9: Break Down Barriers

    Break down barriers between departments, services, departments

    People from different functional areas must work in teams to resolve problems that may arise with products or services

This is especially true for IT operating on the principles of a service organization in real time. It is the cross-functional approach, the organization of management processes described in ITIL®, that helps solve this problem. Establishing interaction between IT departments is one of the most important and difficult tasks facing IT managers.

Item 14: Senior Management Commitment

    Top managers must lead and energetically lead the entire company towards improving the quality of every activity in the company: provide the necessary support, training, allocation of funds

    The company's management must follow in its own practice the same principles that it preaches.

    Company management must agree that they also have a lot to learn and be willing to learn

A critically important point that goes beyond the scope of ITIL®, but often tragically influences the decision to implement/use/improve an IT management system based on ITIL® principles. Often this issue is closely linked to the issue of cost justification (see article How to justify the improvement of IT management?). ITIL® itself says that such a commitment must exist and considers the commitment of top management as one of the critical important factors success.


Thus, we see that the ideas contained in ITIL® are based on the most advanced management principles and give us an integrated approach to solving one of the main tasks facing IT - improving the quality of services provided.

Control cycle

The PDCA methodology is the simplest algorithm for a manager’s actions to manage the process and achieve its goals. The management cycle begins with planning.

Planning - establishing goals and processes necessary to achieve goals, planning work to achieve process goals and customer satisfaction, planning the allocation and distribution of necessary resources. Execution of planned work. Verification, collection of information and control of results based on key indicators efficiency (KPI) obtained during the execution of the process, identification and analysis of deviations, establishing the causes of deviations. Impact (management, adjustment) taking measures to eliminate the causes of deviations from the planned result, changes in planning and resource allocation.


In practice, the PDCA cycle is used repeatedly with varying frequency. When performing core activities, the PDCA cycle is applied with the frequency of the reporting and planning cycles. When performing corrective actions, the duration of the PDCA may be less or greater than the duration of the reporting and planning cycles and is set depending on the nature, scope, duration and content of the measures to eliminate the causes of the deviation.

Finding a solution

Identifying the problem

  • Define the problem area
  • Define the standard
  • Determine the current situation
  • Identify nonconformity
  • Choose a Measurable Goal
  • State the problem to brainstorm a potential cause

Standardize and plan for continuous improvement

  • Evaluate the results
  • Standardize effective countermeasures to prevent recurrence.
  • Share your success with other affected areas
  • Plan for ongoing monitoring of the solution
  • Run the PDCA process again to refine your countermeasures OR if results are not achieved (????)
  • Continue with other possible improvements

Investigation of the cause

  • Brainstorm potential causes for the problem
  • Collect and analyze data related to the problem
  • Select the facts
  • Select the most likely ways for the group to interact
  • Establish the reason/effectiveness of the interaction
  • Determine the root/cause of movement

Explore the results

  • Monitor the progress/implementation of the plan
  • Collect/analyze additional data as needed
  • Modify the results-based implementation plan if necessary.
  • As a result of the inspection, identify countermeasures to solve the root causes

Select Countermeasures

  • Brainstorm countermeasures to identify root causes
  • Select the appropriate countermeasure based on the criteria
  • Coordinate management approval to implement countermeasure

Implementation of countermeasures

  • Develop a plan to implement selected countermeasures
  • Assign tasks
  • Communicate the plan
  • Perform time planning and establish control methods


  • Repin V.V., Eliferov V.G. Process approach to management. Business process modeling. - M.: RIA “Standards and Quality”, 2008. - 408 p. - ISBN 978-5-94938-063-5

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what the “Deming Cycle” is in other dictionaries:

    Deming cycle- See Planning Execution Check Adjustment. [ITIL Glossary version 1.0, July 29, 2011] EN Deming cycle See Plan Do Check Act. [ITIL Dictionary of Terms version 1.0, July 29, 2011] Topics information technology in general EN... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    This is the process of its construction and development. Life cycle information system a period of time that begins from the moment a decision is made on the need to create an information system and ends at the moment it is completely withdrawn from ... ... Wikipedia

    - (PO) period of time that begins from the moment a decision is made on the need to create software product and ends at the moment of its complete withdrawal from service. This cycle is the process of building and developing software. Contents 1 Standards ... ... Wikipedia

    The life cycle of an information system is the process of its construction and development. The life cycle of an information system is a period of time that begins from the moment a decision is made on the need to create an information system and ends at ... ... Wikipedia

    William Edwards Deming William Edwards Deming Date of birth ... Wikipedia

    Shewhart, Walter A Shewhart (March 18, 1891 March 11, 1967) world-renowned American scientist and consultant on quality management theory. Contents... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Shewhart. Shewhart, Walter 200px Date of birth: March 18, 1891 (1891 03 18) Place of birth: New Canton, Illinois Date ... Wikipedia

    Bank of Russia standard for ensuring information security of organizations banking system Russian Federation(STO BR IBBS) a set of documents from the Bank of Russia, describing a unified approach to building an information security system for organizations... ... Wikipedia


A.M. Zhemchugov


LLC "Corporate Management Systems"

M.K. Zhemchugov

Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Chief Specialist, LLC “Corporate Management Systems”


Annotation. Dr. Edwards Deming is deservedly considered one of the creators of the Japanese economic “miracle”, the founder of the process of revival of the Japanese economy in the post-war years. He called for an approach to problem solving that became known as the Deming Cycle, or PDCA Cycle. Deming's approach has been developed by many authors, but the issue is still far from complete, especially in terms of hierarchical systems. This article is devoted to generalizing the experience of using the Deming cycle and its further development.

Keywords: Deming cycle, PDCA cycle, SDCA cycle, organization, process, process approach, strategy, policies, goal, plan, result, innovation, gemba, development, kaizen, efficiency, system.

A.M. Zhemchugov, LLC "Corporate Management Systems"

M.K. Zhemchugov, LLC "Corporate Management Systems"


Abstract. Dr. W. Edwards Deming is deservedly considered as one of the founders of the Japanese economic "miracle", of the Japanese economy postwar years revival. It is not indicated to apply the problem-solving approach, which became known as the Deming Cycle, or the cycle of PDCA. This approach has been developed by many authors, but the issue is far from complete, especially in terms of hierarchical systems. This article is devoted to the summary of Deming cycle studies and its further development.

Keywords: Deming cycle, PDCA cycle, SDCA cycle, organization, process, process approach, strategy, tactics, policy, goal, plan, results, innovation, development, kaizen, gemba, efficiency, system.

Dr. Edwards Deming is deservedly considered one of the creators of the Japanese economic “miracle”, the founder of the process of revival of the Japanese economy in the post-war years. In 1946, he gave a series of lectures on statistical quality control methods to a group of senior executives from Japanese companies. Deming encouraged the Japanese to apply systems approach. This approach became known as the Deming Cycle, or PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action). Further, Deming’s approach was developed by many authors, these include kaizen, 7 steps of quality, and the PDCA-SDCA cycle system. However, this issue is quite complex and is still far from complete, especially in terms of hierarchical systems. This article is devoted to generalizing the experience of the development of the Deming cycle and its further development.

1. Shewhart-Deming cycle

All manufactured products, both tangible and intangible, can be described


sat - make a specification. We can also describe something that does not yet exist in reality, but what we want to create, what we foresee. We can describe all the required organizational principles and processes, both current and those that we see as more effective in the future. However, firstly, compliance with the specification, as Shewhart said, is very elusive: “Someone could define what he wants, someone else could take this specification as a guide and make that thing, and an inspector or judge of quality could inspect the product and determine whether it meets the specifications. Lovely simple picture!» .

This approach is depicted schematically by Shewhart in Figure 1a. Secondly, this way you can only recreate some semblance of a specified item; nothing better than something that is defined by the specification can be created this way! Deming simply noted: “From the specification I cannot understand what I need to know.” Only earlier, until the middle of the last century - during the dictatorship of the manufacturer, this was not required. However, since the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, the situation has changed - consumer dictates began to set in. The struggle for the consumer began, the struggle for the quality of products, for their compliance with consumer needs. Arose new approach emanating from Shewhart, which he depicted in Figure 1b.

Figure 1 - Old and new system quality management according to Shewhart

Shewhart transformed the line in Figure 1a into a closed circle (Figure 1b), which he identified with the “dynamic process of acquiring knowledge.” After the first cycle, you can learn a lot from the results, identify deviations and their causes, optimize and improve not only the given item itself (its compliance with the specification), but also the process of its production, improve the specification itself - create new technologies (specifications) and items , satisfying the growing needs of the consumer. And further improve on each subsequent cycle. As a result, we have constantly increasing product quality, its compliance with constantly increasing consumer requirements, and we have constantly improving operating results.

Deming began to introduce this cycle in Japan in 1950 and called it the Shewhart cycle. However, in Japan it quickly came into use under the name of the Deming cycle.

Deming himself showed the old and new production paths in this way (Fig. 2).

b) New way of production

Figure 2 - New and old way of quality management according to Deming

Manufacturers used to typically think of production as a three-step process, as shown in Figure 2a. Success depended on guessing on the coffee grounds - what goods or services would be bought, how much of them would be produced. In the old circuit, in Figure 2a, the three stages are not interconnected. Accordingly, the results are low.

With the new method, the administration introduces, usually after studying consumers, the fourth stage (Fig. 2b):

1. Design the product.

2. Make it; test on the production line and in the laboratory.

3. Put it on the market.

4. Test it in operation; find out what the consumer thinks about it, and why someone who didn't buy it didn't buy it.

Figure 3 - Shewhart-Deming cycle

This cycle is often called the "Deming Wheel". The cyclical continuation of these four steps leads to a spiral of constant customer satisfaction, at ever lower costs. “Repeat the cycle again and again, with continuous improvement quality and lower and lower costs."

At the same time, Deming presented the Shewhart cycle as follows (Fig. 3). This cycle is often called

They call it the Deming Quality Cycle. 2. Deming RBSL cycle

Perhaps the first mention of the RBSL cycle was made by Deming during his seminar in Japan.

Figure 4 - Version that Deming presented during a seminar in Japan

Here the cycle contains four stages (Fig. 4):

Plan changes or tests to improve.

Try it out (preferably on a small scale).

Study the results. What have we learned?

Take action.

It differs from Shepard’s cycle in fact only in that Shepard’s “check” stage is clearly divided into two stages: the check itself (3) and the action based on the results of the check (4). This cycle is often called the PDCA (Plan - Do - Control - Act) cycle. Deming preferred to call it the PDSA (Plan - Do - Study - Act) cycle, but this name did not stick.

Figure 5 - Management cycle of 4 stages highlighting 6 principles

Deming wrote: “The process of production, having begun at some stage, changes form and passes on to the next. Each stage has a consumer - the next stage. At the final stage, the product or service reaches the final consumer, that is, the one who buys the product or service. At each stage there will be: Production; Constant

"Optimization of methods and procedures." With this, Deming clearly showed that in his RBSL cycle the processes of production and optimization occur simultaneously.

The Deming cycle can be applied in any, and not just those noted, areas; it is a process of scientifically based improvements (innovations), and it does not matter in what area.

Ishikawa presented the RBSL cycle somewhat differently, breaking it down into 6 principles (Fig. 5).

He said that management should be based on these 6 principles, which have proven to be the basis for success. And these six steps of the RBSL cycle are as follows (Table 1):

Table 1 - Six steps of the RBSL cycle

1. Definition of goals and objectives P

2. Determining methods for achieving goals

3. Conducting education and training B

4. Implementation of activities

5. Checking the effect of doing work C

6. Taking appropriate measures

Let us dwell briefly only on Ishikawa’s Principle 1: “Defining goals and

Here Ishikawa noted that until policies were developed by top management, no goals could be set. And “Management cannot exist at all where there are no policies and goals.”

Once policies are defined, goals and plans become clear. However, every department head and every decision-maker must have policies and goals: a transition must be made from general policies and goals to regular and everyday policies and goals. In other words, policies and goals, management itself, is a hierarchical system.

It can be noted that Ishikawa’s First Principle, also known as stage P of the RBSL cycle, corresponds to the development of an organization’s strategy. James Quinn defined strategy as follows: “Strategy is a pattern or plan that integrates an organization's main goals, policies and actions into a coherent whole. ... The strategy must contain three most important components: (1) the main chains of activity; (2) the most significant policy elements that guide or limit the field of action; and (3) programs of basic actions aimed at achieving the set goals and not going beyond the scope of the chosen policy.” The subsequent stages of the RBSL cycle are the implementation of the strategy. Those. in this case, the development of a strategy, its implementation, and production in accordance with the new strategy are carried out in one single cycle. Deming's RBSL cycle both sets the strategy and implements it.

3. RBSL cycles: gradual and dramatic improvement

Deming noted that in one RBSL cycle, changes must be made in

“preferably on a small scale.” This is due to the fact that the development and implementation of changes, real activity and its analysis, are carried out here simultaneously in a single cycle, so it is quite difficult to understand: what determines the achieved results - the shortcomings of the new standards or the shortcomings of their implementation.

TQM eliminates this deficiency through the methods of gradual and dramatic improvements. Gradual ones are PDCAi, 7 steps and kaizen. Drastic (innovation) is the PDCA-SDCA system. Masaaki Isai described the need to separate enhancements into two types: “What is enhancement? It can be broken down into kaizen and innovation. Kaizen means making small improvements to ongoing work without changing the status quo. Innovation is a fundamental change that changes the status quo and is achieved through major investments in new technology and/or equipment."

Incremental change is Deming's PDCA cycle, in which emerging problems are resolved "on a small scale." There are even fewer problems in special cycles PDCA1, 7 steps and kaizen, oriented “very local solutions”, to eliminate the sources of problems one by one.

Abrupt changes are the achievement of a goal set by the organization by setting and achieving several interrelated goals, “with special goals subordinate to the overall whole” - this is a strategy, and gradual changes are the organization and alternate achievement of individual goals - this is tactics. At the same time, upon achieving individual tactical results, the strategy “links the actual partial results “into one independent whole” and uses what seems possible in accordance with the purpose of the organization.” Drastic changes are proposed to be carried out using a system of two PDCA-SDCA cycles. Here, the functions of developing standards (strategically, systematically) and their implementation are divided between the PDCA (standards development) and SDCA (standards implementation, production) cycles. At the same time, the PDCA cycle, apparently, is already different from Deming’s PDCA cycle (it no longer includes production and analysis of production results).

At the same time, it is impossible to limit oneself to only innovations, or only small improvements (just as one cannot limit oneself to only strategy or only tactics), Imai wrote: “If a company seeks to survive and develop, both innovation and kaizen are needed. The reason is that the system created as a result of the introduction of innovation gradually degrades if efforts are not made first to maintain it and then to improve it.”

3.1. Gradual improvement. Kaizen methodology

Kaizen means improvement. Masaaki Isai wrote that the starting point for improvement is identifying a need. This requires recognizing that there is a problem. If it is not identified, then there is no need for improvement.

research, there is no potential for improvement. Therefore, this concept emphasizes recognition of the problem and provides the key to identifying it. If the problem is known, it needs to be solved." Kaizen methodology maintains and improves existing standards through small, incremental improvements - a slow process that occurs in small steps.

A successful kaizen strategy clearly assumes that the responsibility for maintaining standards rests with the worker, and improving standards is the responsibility of management. At the same time, the worker is also responsible for putting forward proposals for improvement. In addition, the worker can independently improve his activities if it does not go beyond the specified standards. The Japanese understanding of management boils down to this: maintaining and raising standards.

If, during the RBSL cycle using the Kaizen methodology, the proposed solution to the problem has been implemented in practice, the next step is to check its effectiveness. When a solution is found to actually improve the situation, it is enshrined in the new standard (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Kaizen decision cycle

Note that the “Do” stage includes not only the implementation of developed countermeasures, but also the production itself with the implemented countermeasures, otherwise it will simply be impossible to ensure the “Check” stage - verification can only be carried out based on the results of real production.

“Kaizen is process-oriented because to get better results, you must first improve the process.” In Kaizen, it is believed that the process is no less important than the very specific intended result - sales volume! And this is understandable, sales volume does not say anything about how to improve the process. Sales volumes (profit) are the starting point for serious marketing research and innovation and setting new goals.

Let us make a remark here about the term “result”, which is used in two meanings: as “the result of the process” (the quality of the process, the volume and quality of products at the output of the process) and as “the result of the organization” (the result of the implementation

products obtained by the system in which the product production process is carried out). This issue is discussed more fully in Section 6.

3.2. Gradual improvement. 7 step quality cycles and PDCA1

In TQM, the PDCA cycle “7 steps” is also known (7 steps of quality control, 7 QC steps, 7 QS). These steps are standard methodology for improving weak processes. Moreover, the number of steps, in specific cases, can be less than 7 or more than 7, some companies use six or eight steps in their standard reactive process for solving a problem, and there are discrepancies among the seven standard techniques themselves, this issue is not fundamental.

Similar to kaizen, the PDCA 7-step cycle is used to find and reduce the largest source of controllable probability - the single root cause. These steps are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - 7 steps of quality control

1. Select a topic (a specific improvement such as “reduce post-delivery defects seen in product X”).

2. Collect and analyze information (decide what types of defects are most common). P

3. Analyze the causes (identify the main cause of the most common defect).

4. Plan and implement a solution (prevent the root cause from reoccurring). D

5. Evaluate the effect (check new data to make sure the solution worked). C

6. Standardize the solution (constantly replace the old process with an improved one). A

6. Explore other problems to see if there are more important problems that require our solution.

Let us also note that step 4, as in the kaizen cycle, includes not only the implementation of solutions, but also, as Deming noted, the production activities themselves in accordance with the implemented solutions.

At the same time, since changes are carried out in real time, without interrupting production, then: “It is safer to plan very local solutions, clearly highlighting the elimination of the key cause, leaving most of the system untouched.” After eliminating this cause, in the next cycle the next key cause is identified and eliminated.

Shiba also presented a scheme for conducting the RBSA cycle, which aims to improve the process and its results individually, eliminating the main shortcomings, which are shown in Table 3.

Let us note in conclusion - subsections 3.1 and 3.2 that the alternate non-systemic elimination of individual identified causes (evolutionary changes) leads to the accumulation of contradictions in the system, which can give rise not just to causes, but to a crisis that can only be eliminated by a complex cycle of ROSA-BOSA (revolutionary

lutional change).

Table 3 - RBSA1 cycle

P Select main drawback which introduces deviations in the results, analyze the root causes of the deficiency, and plan a series of measures to eliminate it.

D Carry out the improvement.

C Check that the improvement was effective.

A Properly standardize the improvement and start the next one.

3.3. Dramatic improvement. Cycle system RBSA-8BSA

As Deming himself noted, his PDCA cycle operates "preferably on a small scale." Drastic improvements in this Deming cycle are very difficult to implement because the development of improvements, their implementation, production and analysis of the results are all done together. This leads to the fact that if the planned results are not achieved, it is almost impossible to understand what caused it: either the improvement itself or the shortcomings of its implementation are to blame.

On a large scale, with dramatic improvements, the PDCA-SDCA cycle system is already operating, based on the division of the planning and production functions of the classic Deming cycle into two autonomous cycles PDCA and SDCA (Fig. 7). The PDCA cycle here is already different from Deming's PDCA cycle: “PDCA is understood as a process during which new standards emerge.” It no longer involves production and analysis of production results. The SDCA cycle works by constantly focusing only on production. Having received new standards S from the PDCA cycle (Fig. 7), he implements these standards into production activities - makes the required changes, then carries out real activities (stage D), monitors production results (stage ^ and takes the required corrective actions in case of deviations in results (stage A ).

Figure 7 - Alternating SDCA and PDCA cycles

In the PDCA cycle of the PDCA-SDCA cycle system, which develops new standards transferred to the SDCA cycle, only the following stages remain:

1. P - development (correction) of a plan for creating a new standard.

2. D - the process of creating a new standard.

3. C - checking the results.

4. A - corrective actions, setting a new standard.

The BOSA cycle has the following stages, mainly excluded from the Deming ROSA cycle:

1. B - knowledge of the standard, implementation of a new standard.

2. B - real production activity in accordance with the standard.

4. A - a certain corrective action depending on the results:

Launching a sharp improvement RSOA cycle (significant deviations of the process and product from the standards are identified, or significant methods for improving the process and product are identified).

As can be seen, stage B of the BOSA cycle either confirms the standard or implements the new standard received. At stage B of the BOSA cycle, there are no processes for creating new standards, only their implementation and production activities in accordance with the standards are carried out. At stage B of the ROSA cycle, only activities are carried out to create new standards, but there is no production activity. And it is clear why these cycles can only act together: “BOSA is used to stabilize and standardize the situation, and ROSA is used to improve it.”

Let us note what caused the emergence of the ROSA-BOSA cycle system. Let us imagine, for example, that a company, working in the Deming ROSA cycle, released to the market “on a small scale” only a small batch of its new products. What will happen? Numerous clones will instantly appear that will flood and take over the market, leaving no room for the company itself. In reality, companies first carry out the entire development in full (and in strict secrecy) and only then implement the development immediately into mass production, and capture the maximum segment of the market. As the famous saying goes: “Measure seven times, then cut.” Work it out seven times, analyze it, model it, check it, and only then launch it with all your might. real life. At the same time, we simultaneously ensure the confidentiality of innovations, reduce resources and time for practical implementation, and ensure stability and efficiency of real activities.

The need for such a development of the Deming ROSA cycle into the ROSA-BOSA cycle system is explained by the fact that the first began to develop in the early 50s of the 20th century, when the dictates of the manufacturer were just beginning to be replaced by the dictates of the consumer and competition between companies was just beginning to intensify. And the ROSA-BOSA cycle system appeared later, when competition had already become so intense that innovations in products began to be cloned literally in months, which simply did not allow releasing limited quantities of new products to the market. And innovations in the organization of activities

The features have become so complicated that it has become impossible to implement them in Deming’s RBSL cycles, gradually and “on a small scale”, without damaging production.

If we show the inputs and outputs of processes in the RBSL-BVSL cycle system (Fig. 7), we will obtain a diagram of the process of dramatic improvement (Fig. 8).

V code Output

Figure 8 - Dramatic improvement process

4. A system that provides both sharp and gradual improvement

As noted, drastic improvements alone cannot be achieved. A system that provides both abrupt and gradual improvement is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 - A system that provides both sharp and gradual improvement

Figures 9a and 9b show three cycles. The main cycle is the BBSL cycle, which ensures current production activities, controls and corrects deviations in the quality of processes and products - deviations from current standards. If a problem arises that requires changing standards or developing new standards, one of the RBSL cycles is turned on: gradual (RBSL^ or sharp (RBSL2) improvement. A more complete system is shown in Figure 9b. It takes into account plans coming from above, analysis of the external environment, and interaction The cycles here are almost the same as in Figure 9a. It is noted that the RBSL2 cycle is a strategy - solving strategic problems coming from production (the BSSL cycle) and the external environment.

Only this diagram does not show the input and output of the system. As can be seen (Fig. 9a, 9b), real activity is carried out at stage B of both the BBSL cycle and the RBSL cycle^, respectively, production must constantly switch from the BBSL cycle to the RBSL1 cycle and back. Apparently for this reason, it was not possible to show the input and output of the process in this diagram, and we need to look for another solution.

Considering the 7-step cycle, Shiba noted that it has the properties of both the RBSL cycle and the BBSL cycle: “this is an RBSL cycle in which the last few steps are the BSSL cycle (standard, use, test, response).” It can be noted that all stages of the RBSL cycles of gradual improvement (except stage P) also have the properties of both the RBSL cycle and the BBSL cycle. You can even call them BSBL cycles, noting that its stage L of such a BSBL cycle also ensures the improvement of the standard. In what follows, we will call this BSBL cycle the “BSBL improvement cycle.”

In this case, the RVSL-BBSL system with the BBSL improvement cycle will function in accordance with Figure 10.

Figure 10 - RSVL-BSBL cycle system with BSBL improvement cycle

The BBSL improvement cycle has the following stages:

1. B - standards coming from above: quality of processes and products, production volumes (plans), introduction of new and improved standards.

2. B - actual production activities in accordance with standards.

3. C - analysis of compliance of processes and products with standards.

4. L - a certain corrective action, depending on the results, ensuring:

Maintaining the standard - no correction is required (the process and products comply with the standards, no improvement methods have been identified);

Bringing the process to the standard (process deviations from the standard are detected);

Improvement of the standard (product deviations from the standard or methods for improving the standard and products are identified (with limited changes in standards);

Transfer of data to the RSBL cycle of sharp improvement (significant deviations of the process and products from the standards have been identified, or significant methods

process and product improvement).

The BSBL improvement cycle shown in Figure 10 differs from the classic BSBL cycle only in the presence of the above-mentioned (in italics above in the text and in Figure 10) possibility of improving the standard at stage (L). All other functions are completely the same. The correspondence of the BSBL improvement cycle to the RBSL gradual improvement cycles is shown in Table 4 using the example of the RBSL cycle according to the Kaizen methodology.

Table 4 - Correspondence between the stages of the BSBL and Kaizen cycles

Stage of the RBSL Cycle according to the Kaizen methodology Stage of the BSBL Improvement Cycle

P Definition of the problem A Definition of the problem

P Problem analysis A Problem analysis

P Establishing causes A Establishing causes

P Planning countermeasures A Planning countermeasures: Depending on the results achieved and analysis: Standardization Bringing the process to a standard; Improving the standard; Transferring data to the RSBL cycle to launch a separate improvement cycle.

B Implementation of countermeasures 8 Implementation of new and improved standards.

Production B B - production according to standards

C Confirmation of the result C Analysis of compliance of processes and products with standards.

A Standardization See stage A above

Only a shift in the stages of the BSBL improvement cycle is visible in relation to the RSBL Kaizen cycle, which is completely insignificant: the correspondence of the cycles is complete. Similarly, it is possible to show the correspondence of the BSBL cycle of improvement and other RSBL cycles of gradual changes. However, it is completely impossible to compare the RBSL and BBSL cycles in a similar way to improve the RVSL-BBSL cycle system.

Another argument for presenting the well-known gradual improvement cycles as the BBSL improvement cycle is that the goal of both of these cycles is the quality of processes and products and their stage B is actual production. Cycle management comes from below, from production. The goal of the RBSL cycle is completely different - the creation of new standards. Its management mainly comes from above, from the goals and strategy of the organization, and only in case of serious problems with production, comes from below.

The complete process of the organization’s activities with the BSBL improvement cycle

is shown in Figure 11. Compare with Figure 9b, which does not even indicate the inputs and outputs of the system.

Input Output

Figure 11 - The process of an organization’s activities, including sudden and gradual changes with the BSSL improvement cycle

Note that here the RBSL cycle does not rotate constantly, but only when developing a new standard, the rest of the time, being in standby mode. At the same time, in the standby mode, stage P of the RBSL cycle operates and analyzes information coming from the external environment and the improvement cycle of BSSL (from stage L). As soon as the need to develop a new standard is identified at the P stage, the RBSL cycle is started (without affecting the BSSL cycle until the development of the standard is completed).

This expansion of the BBSL cycle does not change the essence of the ongoing processes, but facilitates their description and understanding (compare Fig. 9a and 9b, and 11). The contents of the RBSL and BBSL cycles and the RBSL-BBSL system are given in Table 5.

Table 5 - PDCA and SDCA improvement cycles, PDCA-SDCA system

PDCA cycle of the PDCA-SDCA system BSSL improvement cycle RBSL-BOSL system with BSSL improvement cycle

Purpose Planning. Developing breakthrough improvements Manufacturing. Stabilization or gradual improvement Planning. Production. Sharp improvement, stabilization or gradual improvement

Strategy/tactics Strategy development Tactics Strategy and tactics

Direction of information flows Top-down with possible iterations from bottom to top Bottom-up with possible iterations from top to bottom Planning - top-down, production - bottom-up (with possible counter iterations)

Approach Orientation to the result of the organization (foreseeable goal) Process approach (orientation to the process and the result of the process) Orientation to the result of the organization (foreseeable goal); Process approach

Monitoring the External Environment Processes and their results External and internal environment

5. System of cycles 8BSA-RBSA in a hierarchical organization 5.1. Hierarchical organization model

Shiba presented the hierarchical system of BVSL-RBSL cycles in the organization as a system of functional groups (divisions) at each level of the hierarchy (Fig. 12).

Figure 12 - Application of the qualitative improvement cycle within functional groups (here “new STD” is the new standard)

However, we note that:

This model is obvious for an organization with directive authoritarian management, but not for democratic governance, characteristic of Japan, where it was developed. From Figure 12 it is clear that the RVSL-BBSL cycles are closed within one unit, there is no coordination between units.

There is no real production at all the upper levels, and there cannot be Stage B of the BBSL cycle, which only works at the lowest level of specific production operations, and not at the management level.

Figure 12 shows only a limited model of functional groups, not the complete model shown by Shiba in Figures 9a and 9b.

Shiba eliminated the first drawback by introducing “cross-functional connections” (Fig. 13).

Actually, this figure 13 shows only the idea that a specific production work, analysis of performance results, support of standards (BBSL cycles) should be carried out according to a hierarchical system. And goal setting, development of strategy, programs and activity plans, the standards of activity themselves (RBSL cycles) - according to a democratic (parallel) system: “Parallel structures carrying out activities in the field of qualitative improvement create new work experience, standards for the hierarchical organization of daily work.” However, these ideas could not be depicted in the form of a complete unified model.

Real activities: management, control, especially policy development and goal setting cannot be carried out by one leader personally: “When developing policies, executive management must always keep the big picture in mind.” Such a general picture can only be formed by the joint activities of the Rus-

the leader and his subordinates (and possibly with the involvement of other specialists and experts), who always have a better handle on the situation in all their areas. In the same time effective work can only be carried out if the group size is limited, preferably no more than 7-9 people. This is exactly the size of the group of the manager and his direct subordinates. Involving other lower-level managers has no effect and can lead to worse results.

Figure 13 - Application of the quality improvement cycle within functional groups

At the highest levels, this is a group of a superior manager and subordinate managers of lower levels of the hierarchy, at the lowest level - a group of a manager and ordinary employees who manage the means of production. Only in cases of force majeure can sole authoritarian management(note that for this the leader must have authority).

4 Structural element 100

Third party organization C101

Structural subdivision 110

Structural unit 120

Structural unit 1p0

2 2 2 2 2 □ □ □ □ □

Structural element 100

Structural element1п0

Figure 14 - Structural (managerial) element. a) element diagram, b) symbol, c) recursive combination of structural elements

The article noted that the social model should focus not on one leader, but on a primary group of interacting individual leaders (superior and directly subordinate) with their existing relationships, their culture, their interests, agreed upon goals -

to the primary team. The elementary cell of an organization is indivisible in the social sense - a structural element, shown in Figure 14.

At the highest level, the structural element includes only the owner and head of the organization (with the possible involvement of specialists and experts), at the lowest level - the manager of the lower level of the hierarchy and his ordinary employees with the means of production (Fig. 15).

Structural element 100

Structural unit 100 Formal organization Informal organization (subculture)

Employee Employee Employee

Means of production

Means of production

Means of production

Formal organization -Informal organization (organization culture)

Production element

Figure 15 - Structural (production) element, a) element diagram, b) element symbol

All linear (vertical) connections are bidirectional. Coordination of subordinates structural divisions in Figures 14 and 15 are marked by a solid line that penetrates these units and extends beyond the boundaries of the unit, here this is both formal and informal coordination on the principle of “everyone with everyone”. Taking into account bidirectional vertical connections, the principle of “everyone with everyone” applies to both the leader and subordinates, the formed subculture and the community of interests and goals, the social structural unit is a single whole.

This structural production element (Fig. 15) occupies a special place in the management of Japan, where the level of production is called “gemba”, literally meaning “the place where work is done” or “the place where value is added”. Imai says: To solve problems, go to the gemba - the place where the process is happening - whenever something unusual happens, or if you want to know the current state of affairs. Whether it's a shop floor process or a customer service window, the gemba is the source of all information. Note that information from production processes is mainly tactical information coming from the internal environment, and information from customer service and market research processes is mainly strategic information coming from the external environment. “Serving the gemba is the main purpose of management, which will not be easy for Russian managers to accept and get used to.”

Taking such a structural element as an elementary cell of the system ensures the integrity of the entire system (Fig. 16).

It can be shown that the model shown in Figure 16 is fully consistent with Shiba’s idea shown in Figure 12. We only note that the BBSL cycles of improvement in the model (Figure 16) (unlike the Shiba model shown in Figure

12) are present only at the lowest level, at the gemba level. We will look at this in detail in subsequent subsections. However, in this case (unlike the one shown in Figure 12), the model is a single and inseparable whole - all elements of this system intersect (if the cycles are depicted as circles, then they will all also intersect). And all this one system follows the achievement of the goal set for it, and does not act chaotically, but in accordance with the developed unified strategy: “Strategy in management is an interconnected, resourced program of action to achieve the set distant goal for different levels hierarchies with different time horizons, with constant promotion of short-term plans of the lower levels and correction of long-term plans of the upper levels depending on the conditions and progress in achieving actual results at the lower levels." Here we can clearly highlight the development of this program of activities (RBSL cycle) - the organization of activities, the practical activities with analysis (BBSL improvement cycle) of “the conditions and progress in achieving actual results at lower levels.”

Figure 16 - Complete system model

5.2. RBSL cycle in a hierarchical organization

RBSL cycle by hierarchical structure organization is carried out recursively, it is described in the article. In each cycle, not one leader takes part, but a group that includes the leader and all his direct subordinates. The cycles unfold from top to bottom, encompassing the entire organization. Each cycle unfolds as shown in Table 6.

As can be seen from Table 6, each cycle works with all members of each elementary structural cell (Fig. 14 and 15). In each cycle, at first only the manager works, then, when he already has a vision of the issue, the manager considers the issue in more detail with his subordinates, then the manager makes a decision. The main flow of directives comes from top to bottom, but it is also met by a flow of possible corrections, from bottom to top.

As can be seen from Figure 14, this development can involve not only the manager and his direct subordinates, but also specialists and experts from other departments and third-party organizations, including external consultants, the need for which in case of significant changes in the goals and serious changes required is quite great. All this ensures the required cross-functionality during the RBSL cycle.

This complex recursive cycle is carried out recursively at all levels of the organization's hierarchy, starting at the top. It ends with the fact that at every level

hierarchy, for each division and final performer, goals, plans, programs, standards are set, and the necessary resources are allocated.

Table 6 - RBSL cycle in an elementary structural cell of a hierarchical organization

R Formation of goals and policies by the manager based on the goals and policies received from above and analysis of the internal and external environment. The leader’s construction of a vision that ensures the achievement of the goal. Setting private strategic goals for subordinates to achieve the vision, programs and projects for the practical implementation of the vision (production, internal and external environment).

B Coordination with subordinate managers of their strategic goals, programs and projects of the enterprise. Coordination of actions between them. Determining the structure of subordinate departments and requirements for their managers. Development of necessary changes. Clarification of goals and required resources for subordinate units.

C Checking the compliance of a set of subordinate goals with a given goal.

L Coordination with subordinate managers of their strategic goals, programs and projects. Preliminary approval of the goals and programs for achieving them of the unit. Possible clarification of the goals of the entire unit (repetition of the cycle).

Figure 16 shows the RBSL cycle system (they are depicted by rectangles). Each cycle works with the head unit and all subordinate units. It is clear that they intersect. Each subordinate cycle, depicted by a small black rectangle, is revealed as a subordinate cycle by subdivisions with subdivisions already subordinate to it (small unfilled rectangles are conventionally not disclosed for simplicity). The lowest level are the jobs of the final performers (they do not have subordinates, only means of production), through which intermediate products are promoted from the organization’s input (raw materials) to its output (final products). In the organization, the top left filled rectangle is the connection with the owner. As a result, we have a monolithic single organizational cycle.

When setting goals and activity programs, information in RBSL cycles goes from top to bottom with possible iterations from bottom to top.

5.3. 8BSL cycle in a hierarchical organization. Hierarchical system of cycles RVSL^BSL

The BBSL cycle, as noted above, is present only at the lowest level of the organization's hierarchy. It introduces the standards developed in the RBSL cycle into production (and then improves them). The basis of the cycle is quality control and analysis production processes and product quality. This data immediately comes from workstations to the masters who manage the BBSL cycle. In this cycle, the main interaction is between, for example, the foreman and the workers operating the production equipment. If deviations are detected, which

These can be eliminated by small process changes or improved standards, this is carried out in the BSSL improvement cycle. If these deviations are more significant and require elaboration, the RBSL cycle (ROSL-BOSL system) is launched, in which the same foreman and workers participate. If the deviations are very significant, and they do not have enough competencies and resources to eliminate them, then they must transfer the corresponding report to a higher level of the hierarchy (Fig. 17). And this, as Shiba noted, already requires a strategic decision: it requires adjustment of goals or allocated resources. If at a higher level there are not enough competencies and resources, the decision is transferred to an even higher level of the hierarchy.

Figure 17 - System of cycles RBSL-BVSL hierarchical organization

In general, reports on the achievement of individual (tactical) results (or deviations) during the BSSL cycle rise up the hierarchy (with virtually no cross-functional coordination), at each level checking the specified indicators and, if necessary, immediately taking corrective measures (or launching a new one). RBSL cycle) from top to bottom. At the same time, it is not necessary from the highest level of the hierarchy: both corrective actions and the RBSL cycle can be carried out starting only from the level of individual departments. As a result of this construction of the cycle, the system is “doomed to produce high-quality activities in a short time.” Note that this is already a strategy (analysis of a system of results “with special goals subordinated to the general whole”), which, as noted above, “links actual partial results “into one independent whole” and uses as much as what seems possible in accordance for the purpose of organization. At the same time, stage P of the RBSL cycle is here

carries out the composition of plans up the hierarchy and checks the control of plans and results at each level of the hierarchy.

Thus, the BBSL cycle operates only at the level of real production - the gemba level. At higher levels, both downward (decomposition and planning) and upward (composition, reports, analysis of complex results), the RBSL cycle operates. This is clearly seen from Figure 17; the upper levels of the hierarchy are constructed similarly. At the same time, when composing reports, the RBSL cycle does not rotate; only one of its stages R works. The RBSL cycle is launched only when significant deviations of reports (forecasts) from plans are detected (or when there are deviations in the internal environment).

Note that the RBSL cycles actually overlap, since the same managers are included in both the upper cycle and the lower cycle (Fig. 16), and the lower RBSL-BBSL cycles are mainly carried out by the same teams. At the lowest level, each BBSL cycle involves, for example, a master and workers who manage the means of production. At the second level from the bottom, the same foremen and the production manager participate. At the third level from the bottom, the director and his subordinates are the same production manager and heads of other departments. Thus, despite the apparent disconnection of the system, all its elements intersect (Fig. 16). You can compare the circuit shown in Figure 17 with the circuit shown in Figure 12.

Let us note the lowest level of RBSL cycles. This cycle can set a strategy - the organization of a production site to achieve several interrelated goals, “with special goals subordinate to the overall whole”, or tactics - the organization and achievement of individual operational goals. For production with a high degree of formalization, this lower level is more tactical; for production with a low degree of formalization, this level is more strategic.

Thus, at the upper levels, from top to bottom, the RBSL cycles develop a strategy (at the lower levels, the RBSL cycles can also develop tactical issues). Then, when all the standards are set for all workplaces, production activities are determined by BBSL cycles (with the introduction of new standards and the improvement of processes and standards) - tactics. Next comes bottom-up reporting, a strategy that “links actual individual results “into one self-contained whole” and uses as much as is possible in accordance with the purpose of the organization.

6. Process approach and result orientation

One of the main features of the system is connections with environment on resource exchange. It is the exchange of resources that allows for the development of the system: “At the input of the system is the receipt of materials, work force, capital. Technological process organized to process raw materials into the final product. The final product, in turn, is sold to the customer” and the organization “uses the profits to support development.”

The output product of an organization as a system is what it produces during processes and offers to the consumer. The result of an organization is what it receives from its activities, from the sale of its products to consumers. This is a product of the organization-consumer system - these are the resources received by the organization from the consumer: tangible, intangible and, mainly, economic. Receiving the product of the organization-consumer system is the goal of the organization (foreseeable result), the goal, the achievement of which ensures the self-preservation and development of the organization. The products of an organization in themselves cannot be the purpose of the organization.

Let us note that the economic result of an organization is not the revenue from the sale of products to consumers, it is the output of the net product - an indicator of the enterprise's production volume in monetary terms, characterizing the cost of the newly created product. Defined either as gross output less material costs and depreciation, or as the sum wages, spent on the creation of products, and the profit of the enterprise from the sale of manufactured goods. It is an analogue of national income at the enterprise level.

The process approach is the maintenance and continuous improvement of processes and products - it covers feedback on the result of the process: the quality of processes and products (current and predicted) at the outputs of the processes. It is provided by the BOSA cycles of maintenance and gradual improvement and the ROSA-BOSA cycle system at the gemba level.

Result orientation is an analysis of the external environment and setting new higher goals for the organization (a goal is a foreseeable result) and a focus on dramatic improvements to achieve these goals. Including new and changed processes ( new products, modernized products, new technologies, etc.). Covers feedback on the organization's results (current and predicted). The result that sales of a product to a consumer gives to an organization. It is provided by the RBSL (innovation) cycle.

The process approach (orientation to the result of the process) is mainly confined within the organization at the gemba level. The organization's focus on results includes both the consumer of the product, the processes of selling products to the consumer, and monitoring the external environment. It is produced in the consumer organization system (Fig. 18).


Figure 18 - Process result and organizational result

The difference in the time characteristics of these two feedback links is obvious: if feedback on the quality of processes and products can be carried out in real time (for fast-flowing processes, even minutely), then with feedback

I think the result is a completely different situation. So, for example, the profit received can only be determined after the end of a quarter, or even a year.

Accordingly, it is also obvious that both feedbacks are necessary. Moreover, for commercial companies, the quality of processes and products is not a goal, but a means of obtaining results: if the highest quality (from the point of view of accepted standards) processes and products do not bring profit to the company, they must be completely revised with a focus on results. In general, any organization existing in the external environment is focused on the result of the organization (survival and development), on what it receives from the external environment. High-quality processes and products at the output of processes are a means of obtaining the result of the organization.

A process approach, when the system is configured to support processes and products to specified standards and improve them in real time (in a time gap from the results of implementation) is operational management. And, only when a change in demand is detected (or a sharp drop in process results), feedback on the organization’s results is turned on (strategic management). As Shiba noted, it is necessary to find a compromise between the organization's result orientation and process orientation (the outcome of the process), not only long-term results-oriented goals (of the organization) are needed, but also “process-oriented intermediate goals” .

Japan has traditionally been process-oriented, the United States - result-oriented. The main disadvantages of the Japanese system are the equalization and slow promotion of young employees, as well as the underpayment of their labor. However, a system of remuneration and promotion based solely on age and experience is becoming outdated in terms of efficiency. Or is already outdated. But only in last years The Japanese began to modernize it, gradually introducing contracts, internal competition, accounting for personal contribution, a performance-based remuneration system, and other elements of Western management.

Process approach - BBSL and RBSL-BVSL cycles - the lowest level of the hierarchy (gemba). Where the upper RBSL cycles work, the question is about goals and resources, and this is already result-oriented. For example, issues of production planning in terms of volumes and nomenclature come not from processes, but from the goals of the organization; if necessary, they change processes. As soon as we rise higher in the RBSL cycles (Fig. 17), analysis of the external environment becomes increasingly important; orientation towards results in a dynamic external environment increasingly dominates process management, setting and replacing and changing the processes themselves. The main orientation at the upper levels is towards goals and resources (foreseeable results), and this is already a result orientation.

7. Focus on results of organizational units

From Figure 18 it can be seen that only the entire organization as a whole works on the result of the organization, while divisions work only on the process. Therefore, the result achieved by each division (what it receives for its activities) determines

divided administratively and subjectively (distribution from above from the “common pot”).

At the same time, each division of the organization (each stage of the process) has its own consumer - the next division (next stage). At the final stage, the product or service reaches the final consumer. Here, each of the divisions is “a place where value is added.” And the result achieved by each department should not just be assigned from above, it should be determined by the value added by this department. There are various methods for this, for example, internal cost accounting, budgeting, transfer prices, etc. To introduce these methods, departments must have sufficient independence.

Figure 19 shows an organization with three independent divisions (with processes occurring within them) and with feedback according to the results of the divisions.


environment Result of 1 division

Environment monitoring

Division¡Result (process)


2 divisions

Environment monitoring

Organization! Organizational result

Division [Result (process)

Division (process) Result ■ ^ Consumer

process ^ (products) 1

Figure 19 - Organization with three independent divisions

In this case (Fig. 19), there is no administrative distribution (Fig. 19, the central leadership is not even conventionally depicted). Revenue from the sale of products goes to the final division of the organization, however, this is not the result of this division, but of the entire organization. The final unit transmits the results of other units along the chain from output to input. And the very first division pays for both input materials and components (not shown in Fig. 19). Here, the real result of each division is determined by the added value created by it (after selling the final product to the consumer), and each division is focused on obtaining its maximum added value. The process approach here is implemented within departments.

Such a results-oriented organization is most consistent with the mentality of the West and Russia, but Japan, as noted above, has in recent years taken the path of increasing the role of performance-based payment. At the same time, both in the West and in Russia the process approach is increasingly used.

It can be noted that, in the limit, a focus on results can be brought to every employee of the organization; it is only necessary to maintain the optimum between payment for individual results, for collective results, and for the quality of processes and products.

1. A well-known development of the Deming RBSL cycle is: the RBSL-BBSL cycle system of dramatic improvement, in which the functions of developing changes (RBSL cycle) and the functions of implementing changes (BBSL cycle) are divided between these two cycles, and the RBSL cycles of gradual improvement: kaizen, 7 steps , RBSL1. The first allows for sudden changes, the second allows for gradual changes.

2. The “SDCA improvement” cycle proposed in the article for the PDCA-SDCA system allows you to solve all the issues of sudden and gradual improvement without additional cycles, in one system of cycles.

3. The proposed PDCA-SDCA cycle system ensures all activities of the organization. Moreover, the PDCA cycle is basically a system strategic management, the SDCA cycle is all tactics and all actual production.

4. The process approach (orientation to the result of the process) is determined by the SDCA cycle and the lower level of the PDCA-SDCA system, and the orientation to the result of the organization ( strategic approach) is determined by higher PDCA cycles.

5. For a hierarchical organization, a system of PDCA-SDCA cycles has been built, forming an inextricable intersecting hierarchy, in which the subject of each elementary cycle is a group, including at least a manager and his directly subordinates.

6. In a hierarchical organization, the SDCA cycle operates only at the lowest production level of the hierarchy (gemba), but the results of the processes are transferred to PDCA cycles (P stages) up to the topmost level of the hierarchy, with the required PDCA cycles running when deviations occur.

7. The process approach works at the lowest level of the hierarchy (gemba). At the upper levels, where PDCA cycles operate, the orientation is towards goals and resources (foreseeable results), and this is already a result orientation.


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