Increase ctr. We increase CTR in Yandex.Direct. Divide the advertising campaign into search and YAN

CTR is the click-through rate, where the number of clicks on an ad is divided by the number of impressions and multiplied by 100. CTR is expressed as a percentage and is taken into account when assessing effectiveness contextual advertising. A carefully tuned and optimized advertising campaign will increase the CTR of your ads. The normal average CTR for advertising goods and services on search in Yandex.Direct is considered to be 5-10%, good – 15-20% and higher. For branded advertising campaigns that lead to the client’s official website, the CTR can approach 50-60%.

Why is it important to work on increasing CTR?

The more people who click on your ad, the more people will click through to your site and become your customers. A high CTR plays an important role in calculating your cost per click. All things being equal, a higher CTR of your ad will allow you to get a lower cost per click than your competitors.

  1. Create a placement structure

First of all, it is necessary to ungroup the maximum collected semantics into types, for example, brand queries, general queries by category, queries with models, competitors, etc. Each type of semantics should be separated into a separate one advertising campaign.

This principle is classic and does not lose its relevance to this day, but it is valid for high-frequency semantics. It is better to combine low-frequency queries into one group according to their semantics. Otherwise, you will receive the “few impressions” status and the ad will no longer be displayed for them. In one ad group, it is possible to combine two identical keywords with different match types: exact and broad. An exact match keyword will have a higher CTR in most cases. It matches the user's search query 100% and will increase the overall CTR for the ad group. A broad match keyword will allow you to get more coverage due to the ability to appear along with additional words to the “key”.

  • Follow the Relevance Principle

For each keyword you need to write your ad so that the “key” is included in the title and text. If there is a search query in the ad, it is highlighted and becomes more noticeable.

The same principle applies to a landing page. If the request, for example, contains the word “cakes,” then the advertisement should lead to the corresponding section on your website.

  • Tell us about the benefits

Write down your competitive advantages in the ad text. If you are advertising on the official website or brand store, be sure to indicate this advantage in the second heading of the ad. Practice shows that interest and trust in official sources higher for users. Words such as “discount” (you can specify a figure in %), “promotion”, “sale”, “gift” will definitely attract a certain audience, but in this case this information must also be indicated on the landing page. Also include a price if this information will set you apart from your competitors.

  • End your ad with a call to action

A call to action in the form of the words “order”, “call”, “buy now” at the end of the ad text will help to logically complete the text and motivate customers to go to your website.

  • Add extensions and contact information to your ads

Additional links and clarifications in the ad will help you tell more about the advertised goods and services and make the ad more attractive. They will also visually expand the ad, which will make it more visible in search results and is guaranteed to increase CTR. Include a phone number in your ad so that the client can call you without going to the website.

  • Conduct A/B testing of ads

Add several text variations to each ad group. After launching and collecting statistics, compare their CTR and leave the one with the most clicks.

  • Expand your list of negative keywords

At the semantics collection stage, a negative list of words for which an advertisement should not be displayed is preliminarily formed. For example, “free”, “for free”, “used”, “repair”, “broken”, “photo”, etc. Also, after launching an advertising campaign at the optimization stage, it is necessary to regularly upload statistics of search queries and based on It is necessary to replenish the list of minus words with inappropriate phrases.

  • Get rid of “garbage” in the semantic core

Some keywords may not work as well as you would like. For this reason, it is worth periodically downloading statistics on them and filtering them by the largest number of impressions with the fewest clicks. This way you will understand what queries are showing your ad. Perhaps there are keywords hidden here that do not meet the goals and spoil the CTR.

  1. Be aware of bots that attack search results

When studying the statistics of search queries, sometimes long and atypical queries for a person pop up. They are generated automatically by software and are the work of parsers or competitors. Although such impressions do not result in clicks, they can significantly spoil the statistics and reduce the CTR. Minus them is ineffective, because in addition to the “key” they can contain completely different additional words. You can combat this problem by changing your keyword's match type from broad to specific, but this will cut off some relevant traffic.

  1. Use additional settings that increase CTR
  2. Strictly differentiate between search and network campaigns.
  3. Disable additional relevant phrases in Yandex.Direct.
  4. Change the list of regions where your advertising is shown, leaving the most effective ones in it.
  5. Set up time targeting.

Analyze statistics, optimize campaigns and use all available opportunities to increase CTR, increase traffic on the site and, accordingly, the number of potential buyers.

Today I will talk about a question that always arises for everyone who has just started doing contextual advertising: how to increase CTR in Yandex.Direct?

A little theory: what it is, why, what it is, how to look

CTR is the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions, expressed as a percentage. For example, a value of 10% means that every tenth impression results in a click.

  • It says nothing about the consequences of the click - whether there was a targeted action, whether the investment paid off.
  • High CTR of Yantex.Direct ads may be a consequence of clickbait and similar methods.
  • Different niches have their own normal indicators.
  • When showing only at the bottom, the CTR will likely be lower, regardless of quality.
  • For different types queries have their own click-through rate.

It is important to remember that for Yandex advertising networks this is a completely relative measure, which definitely has low values ​​and Not affects the cost. That is, when talking about CTR, we almost always mean search advertising, not YAN advertising.

The success of advertising cannot be judged by this indicator alone, but it needs to be controlled because:

  • The way the CTR forecast is calculated in Direct on search directly affects the cost of a click, and accumulated statistics are used for the forecast. That is, the higher the value, the lower the bid required for display and the cheaper the click;
  • you can find the techniques that most attract the audience and create more effective texts;
  • increasing CTR in Direct means getting more traffic.

Click-through rates can be measured for literally anything: a campaign as a whole, a group, an ad, a key phrase. Therein lies both strength and weakness. On the one hand, you can make spot changes where the need is visible, but on the other hand, it is difficult to assess how good or not the current results are.

What should the CTR be in Direct? Everything is very individual and depends on how you measure it. Typically, the campaign average is compared. For search purposes, 8% is considered normal, but this greatly depends on the topic. In YAN, 1% is enough.

In practice, the average value is not informative enough. For example, it is obviously very different for different placements. They usually focus on special placements and impressions on desktop devices.

The express evaluation method is as follows: the group/phrase indicator is compared with the average for the campaign. If it is much lower, it can probably be pulled up.

To prepare visual statistics for all phrases, it is convenient to use the Report Wizard. Select the display condition, position, device type, impressions, clicks, CTR.

We export the report to Excel, using filters to leave a special placement on the desktop.

Now you can see how things are going with each phrase and think about whether anything needs to be changed.

  • CTR can be adequately assessed if there were a sufficient number of impressions. If there are only two of them and one click, this does not mean anything.
  • When analyzing, you need to focus not only on the numbers in statistics, but remember about the margin: fight, first of all, where the benefit is greater.

Now let's discuss specific techniques.

How to increase click-through rate in Direct

To increase CTR in Direct you need to:

  • reduce the number of non-targeted impressions;
  • make the ad more visually noticeable;
  • convince him with the content.

We fight against untargeted impressions

Negative words

I wrote about negative keywords. The more complete the list, the less likely it is that the ad will not be shown for the right queries.

And fewer left impressions, more targeted ones – higher click-through rate.

Geographic targeting

Campaigns targeting a narrow region tend to have a higher CTR because they can respond better to a query, regionality can be an incentive to click, it's easier to work out negative keywords, etc.

Time targeting

To influence the number of clicks, you can:

Bid Adjustments

In Direct, you can set adjustments by region, gender, age, and device used. All this can affect click-through rates.

For example, if the offer may be of interest to representatives of different age groups, but there are some special conditions for one of them or different benefits are emphasized, this can be used.

If there is an audience that is unlikely to click, you can lower your bids to reduce impressions.

Ensuring visibility

Keywords in the ad

The classic way to increase CTR in contextual advertising is backlighting. If words from the query are found, they are highlighted in bold, which attracts attention. A special chic is to highlight everything: the title, a fragment of text, links.

Often a key phrase is placed in the title. This not only increases highlighting, but also makes it clear that the ad actually meets the request.

The inclusion in the text is secondary to the title. There is no point in repeating the same thing; it is better to describe the real advantages.

Substitution or second header

Let's compare these two examples:

In the first, the headline is short and inexpressive; the second attracts more attention, at least visually, not to mention the content.

It is necessary to use a second heading or substitution, because it allows you not only to catch the eye, but also to say more about yourself.


Another element of eye contact that is sometimes forgotten. It's not in the picture above, but this is additional opportunity attract attention.

Quick links

Quick links make the ad larger, help with highlighting and provide the potential client with additional stimulating information: assortment, prices, service, etc.


Refinements are shown in the search only in the first special placement, highlighting this already tempting position even more noticeably. It’s better to include it everywhere just in case, as it increases the chance of getting a click, being more different from the offer in second place.

Display URL

An additional opportunity to increase CTR in Direct is to register the displayed URL. Why is it useful:


How contact information affects click-through rates:

We convince you to click

Grammatically correct title

Above I wrote about header highlighting. This is an effective technique, but if the keyword phrase looks like a bunch of words, it needs to be modified to make the title human. Yandex understands declinations very well, so it will highlight it anyway. And a person is more likely to click where the message is clear.

Specifics in the text

What does almost any ad say? Big choice, low prices, high quality. Where to click if everything is the same?

If you add specifics to the text, the CTR of ads in Yandex.Direct can significantly increase.

The most popular technique is numbers. Not “low prices”, but the specific cost of the locomotive product, not high quality, but “7 year warranty”, not “huge selection”, but “supplies from 30 factories”, not “extensive experience”, but “we have been working for 17 years” etc.

Price indicators

The question of whether it is necessary to indicate the price is controversial and depends on the specific case. If price is an advantage, it is worth showing it. On the other hand, then the fight for CTR turns into a battle of prices.

Many people use prices for locomotive goods, but to show the difference in the assortment, different markers are needed. For example, consider an ad.

The locomotive price is very low, it may interest those who are looking for an economical option, but those who are looking for more reliable products may be scared off. For them, other prices are indicated in the quick links. This can encourage different audiences to click.


Limiting supply may increase response, but not always. “Hurry up” and “hurry up” are quite boring and are often perceived as an obvious gimmick, but there are target audiences for whom this works great.

"Magic" words

The more benefits the text promises the client, the greater the chance of conversion. But all promises must be confirmed on the landing page, otherwise there will be clicks but no leads.

Call to action

The idea is that he should push. In fact, this is not always necessary, but the appeal can be made in an interesting way that will attract attention.

Another option for testing: the current call may not match target audience. For example, if the offer is for older people or something expensive is advertised, you should not “poke” and write “click”.

Sometimes a call to action should be removed altogether to leave room for more useful information or if no immediate action is intended.

Testing options

To compare the effectiveness of options, you can create several ads in a group. This approach has the following advantages.

  • You can prepare texts for different target audiences.
  • / 5. Votes:

How to make sure that people click on your ads, even if they just came to look and don’t need any advice? I have collected 20 tips in one place that will help increase your contextual advertising and bring in new clients. It will be useful for beginners to learn how the cool guys do everything, and for experienced specialists to repeat everything like the first time.

How to increase the CTR of an advertising campaign in Yandex Direct and Google AdWords?

Use a lot of keys

It is difficult, long, but necessary. The more keywords used in a campaign, the wider the audience reach and the higher the chance that the user will click on the ad. Plus, if you dig deep and collect a large number of keys, you can find low-competition queries with a low cost per click. At the same time, they can be very converting.

Separate campaigns

Don't mix everything together. Make your own campaign for each city, site, and ad type - this will help increase CTR and track effectiveness different groups advertisements Running different campaigns is especially important if you use search and YAN advertising at the same time. Thematic sites have different display algorithms and different user behavior, so the indicators there will be different.

Use search operators

This is a development of the idea from the previous tip. If you, say, sell plastic windows, then you need to separate different keys with search operators. Example: “installation!of!plastic!windows” and “!plastic!windows with installation.” This makes it easier to track the effectiveness of statistics for similar but different phrases.

Required: write keywords in the headings and text of the ad

This is fairly obvious advice, but still. The situation with headlines is clear - you let the user know that the ad is as relevant as possible to his request. A different mechanism works with text. Search engines highlight matches with a user query in bold (we'll return to this feature later), so the ad becomes more noticeable. And the more noticeable the ad, the higher the chance of increasing its CTR.

One ad - one key

This approach will help increase the relevance of the ad. At the same time, it is not necessary to pervert and come up with different ads for each keyword, the main thing is that the title and text contain the correct and relevant query. To make your life easier, you can use dynamic keyword insertion (for AdWords) or autofocus (for Direct).

Don't forget about negative keywords

If you choose the right negative keywords that will not cause ad impressions, you will save a lot on your campaign. These may be requests that do not correspond to the theme of the site or those that have already been processed and do not bring clients.

Answer, don't ask

Ads like “are you looking for where to buy a refrigerator?” are still dating. Do not do it this way. Answer the user's question rather than parroting it.

Use images

If you set up an ad to be shown in YAN, then take the trouble to add some bomb image. Visual content attracts attention, and it would be a shame not to take advantage of it.

Add quick links

But this is a very important point and you shouldn’t neglect it if you want to increase the CTR of your ad. Firstly, it is convenient - the user can immediately go to the desired section of the site, bypassing home page. Secondly, their descriptions also take up space (60 characters each), which means the ad will be more noticeable. And thirdly, this is a chance to once again enter the keys that the search engine will highlight in bold.

Indicate contacts and fill out clarifications

In addition to quick links, you can fill in all extensions and clarifications: contact information, work schedule, benefits and characteristics of the product and service. How will this help increase the CTR of an advertising campaign and an individual ad? A) will visually enhance the ad B) will increase the user's trust, because the more information you give, the more conclusions he can draw. For example, you can indicate that you have been working for 10 years or use cool German equipment.

Expand your work schedule

Here, too, you can cheat: indicate that on weekends you work, say, half an hour less. This will visually enlarge the line with the work schedule.

Provide specific numbers

Prices, delivery times, number of products in the catalog, whatever. People love numbers and facts, and this solution can increase CTR.

Don't forget about the favicon

A favicon is a 16x16 pixel image that is displayed next to an ad. An example is the green circles on the browser tab with this article. It is automatically loaded from the site, so take the trouble to place it there.

Set up time targeting

See in advance when your target audience most often surfs the Internet. If you realize that after six in the evening, the users you need are searching like crazy, then show them your ad - you will save money, and you will certainly increase the CTR of your ads.

Cut off unnecessary platforms with display advertising

Call to action

Everything is not so obvious here. The effectiveness of call-to-action depends on the topic and target audience - it will work great for some, but for others, it will scare them away. Experiment and see.

Experiment with ad URLs

Another way to insert a key is through the URL displayed in your ad. The scenario here is the same as with the ad text: if the link contains a key, the search engine will highlight it in bold. Just don’t write a call to action there, otherwise they’ll ban you.

Be original

If you blindly repeat after your competitors, you will not be noticed. Stand out, but don't go overboard.

Pay attention to the ad quality score

It is calculated and Google AdWords, And . If it is close to ten, then everything is good, if not, see what can be improved. You can also estimate the CTR of your ad there.

Analyze statistics

It's the most important. If you don’t evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns, don’t weed out unnecessary ad groups, don’t adjust the strategy and don’t change anything, then you won’t be able to increase the CTR and conversion of your advertising campaign, and your budget will quickly go somewhere else. Even if you have done everything according to the instructions of the context guru, you need to monitor how everything works specifically in your case.

Let's summarize. You need to use everything you can and do it right. A clickable ad should be informative, beautiful and useful to the user. If you have added quick links, filled out descriptions for them, indicated contacts and work schedules, and correctly composed the ad text, then you can increase the CTR of your advertising campaign without any problems. Plus, don’t forget about proper campaign setup, collecting key phrases and analyzing statistics. The latter is simply super important, because you need to adjust the strategy if everything goes wrong quickly and in the right direction.

Click Through Rate 3d render concept with blue arrows on a bluegrey background.

Hi all!

In the last lesson I talked about, I also talked about the new VCG - an auction where the main emphasis in pricing is not on the bid, but on the CTR. It follows: in order to pay less, you need to raise the CTR.

So, today’s lesson will focus on how to increase the CTR of ads in Yandex.Direct. I will list different ways to increase click-through rates and we will start from the head, that is, from the title.

1. Heading.

Bright? Now we need to translate this into Yandex.Direct advertisements. How to do it? Simply and easily! Include in the title the keyword for which the ad is shown and that’s it. The title of your ad will be bold in this case, and will become more noticeable.

Moreover, the key phrase must be included completely in the title so that there is no such thing:

In the example with the iPhone 5s, a query was entered into the search bar - buy an iPhone 5s. In the second example, the request is: repair of gas boilers. As you can see, the headline from the iPhone 5s looks much more attractive than a headline diluted with other words, and even the words from the query are scattered in different corners.

Conclusion: include the entire key phrase in the title, while making the title readable.

I wrote about how to create many unique ads with keywords in the title, read it if you don’t know how to work in Excel.

2. Text.

It is also possible, even necessary, to include a key phrase in the ad text; it will also stand out in bold and will attract attention. Also use capital letters, but use them in moderation, for example, indicate an abbreviation or, as in the example below, the name of a smartphone:

Numbers are great at attracting the views of Yandex users. The numbers in the ad are larger than regular text. It’s especially good if the number means something nice for your potential client, for example, a 90% discount:

Well, or indicate the price, a five-digit or four-digit number:

You now know how to increase CTR using headlines and texts. Decides the keyword in the ad that appears in bold. Keep it up: Always use the key phrase in the title and text of the ad!!!

3. Display link.

Let's continue the conversation about key phrases in the ad. Next up is the displayed link:

There is nothing extra here, just indicate in the displayed link the most important part of the key phrase, which will also be highlighted in bold. By the way, no spaces, this is a link. Instead of spaces, insert a dash “-“.

4. Quick links.

You can also increase CTR using quick links. Quick links are an extension of the ad, and in the literal sense. When using them, the ad looks like this:

And it’s true that the volume of advertisements has increased. What happens if you don’t put quick links?

Horror! I don’t want to click on the ad at all! So use sitelinks as a tool to increase CTR. In addition, you have extra bed in order to provide potential clients with additional information.

Unfortunately, the quick links from the first example are not very successful, because potential client will see these ads by entering the phrase - buy an iPhone 5s, and they mention the sixth iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. If I were the advertiser, I would indicate the delivery time, guarantee, and give some kind of discount. In my opinion, this would give a positive result.

5. Yandex business card.

Using a Yandex business card also makes it possible to visually increase the volume of an advertisement. Here's a comparison of an ad with and without a business card.

With Yandex business card:


You see the picture for yourself. A business card will also help increase the CTR of your ad. Be sure to fill out the Yandex business card!

6. Clarifications.

Clarifications are Yandex innovations, which also make it possible to enlarge the ad and talk about certain advantages of your offer.

According to Yandex, clarifications increase the click-through rate of an ad by 3%, which is not very bad. They look like this:

In order for clarifications to be shown in your ad, it (the ad) must occupy the first position in the special placement block. Without this clarification it cannot be used!

As you can see, there are many ways to increase the CTR of your ads, and therefore your campaigns. Which will then lead to a reduction in the cost per click, which means savings. advertising budget. Use these tips to improve your ad performance!

I hope everything is clear to you. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.